def addPhasePerAntenna(self,phase,antennaId,dataType="DATA"): "Add a phase (degree) per antennaId. Careful with the order !",nomodify=False) ant1 = tb.getcol("ANTENNA1") ant2 = tb.getcol("ANTENNA2") data = tb.getcol(dataType) phase = DEGREE2RAD*phase print "Phase rotation: %f"%(phase) nDim = data.shape for i in range(nDim[0]): for j in range(nDim[1]): for k in range(nDim[2]): antenna1 = ant1[k] antenna2 = ant2[k] if antenna1 == antennaId: value = data[i][j][k] real = value.real image = value.imag cosRot = math.cos(phase) sinRot = math.sin(phase) xRot = cosRot*real-sinRot*image yRot = sinRot*real+sinRot*image data[i][j][k] = complex(xRot,yRot) # print "Amplitude:%f"%(math.sqrt(xRot*xRot+yRot*yRot)) if antenna2 == antennaId: value = data[i][j][k] real = value.real image = value.imag cosRot = math.cos(-phase) sinRot = math.sin(-phase) xRot = cosRot*real-sinRot*image yRot = sinRot*real+sinRot*image data[i][j][k] = complex(xRot,yRot) # print "Amplitude:%f"%(math.sqrt(xRot*xRot+yRot*yRot)) tb.putcol(dataType,data) tb.close()
def goodenough_field_solutions(tablename, minsnr=5, maxphasenoise=np.pi / 4., pols=[0]): """ After an initial self-calibration run, determine which fields have good enough solutions. This only inspects the *phase* component of the solutions. Parameters ---------- tablename : str The name of the calibration table (e.g., minsnr : float The minimum *average* signal to noise ratio for a given field maxphasenoise : float The maximum average phase noise permissible for a given field in radians pols : list The list of polarizations to include in the heuristics Returns ------- An array of field IDs. This will need to be converted to a list of strings for use in CASA tasks """ solns = tb.getcol('CPARAM') fields = tb.getcol('FIELD_ID') snr = tb.getcol('SNR') tb.close() all_angles = [] all_snrs = [] ufields = np.unique(fields) for field in ufields: sel = fields == field angles = np.angle(solns[:, :, sel]) all_angles.append(angles) all_snrs.append(snr[:, :, sel]) all_angles = np.array(all_angles) all_snrs = np.array(all_snrs) # not sure what 2nd column of these is... # first is mean across pols, then mean across all data points good_enough = ( (all_snrs[:, pols, 0, :].mean(axis=1).mean(axis=1) > minsnr) & (all_angles[:, pols, 0, :].std(axis=2).mean(axis=1) < maxphasenoise)) return ufields[good_enough]
def pixelmask2cleanmask(imagename='', maskname='mask0', maskimage='', usemasked=False): """ convert pixel(T/F) mask (in a CASA image) to a mask image (1/0) used for clean imagename - input imagename that contain a mask to be used maskname - mask name in the image (default: mask0) maskimage - output mask image name usemasked - if True use masked region as a valid region """ masks = ia.maskhandler('get') ia.close() inmaskname = '' if type(masks) != list: masks = [masks] for msk in masks: if maskname == msk: inmaskname = msk break if inmaskname == '': raise Exception, "mask %s does not exist. Available masks are: %s" % ( maskname, masks) + '/' + maskname) dat0 = tb.getcol('PagedArray') tb.close() #os.system('cp -r %s %s' % (imagename, maskimage)) shutil.copytree(imagename, maskimage) # to unset mask ia.maskhandler('set', ['']) # make all valid if (usemasked): ia.set(1) else: ia.set(0) ia.close() #, nomodify=False) imd = tb.getcol('map') # maybe shape check here #by default use True part of bool mask masked = 1 if (usemasked): masked = 0 imd[dat0] = masked tb.putcol('map', imd) tb.close()
def goodenough_field_solutions(tablename, minsnr=5, maxphasenoise=np.pi/4., pols=[0]): """ After an initial self-calibration run, determine which fields have good enough solutions. This only inspects the *phase* component of the solutions. Parameters ---------- tablename : str The name of the calibration table (e.g., minsnr : float The minimum *average* signal to noise ratio for a given field maxphasenoise : float The maximum average phase noise permissible for a given field in radians pols : list The list of polarizations to include in the heuristics Returns ------- An array of field IDs. This will need to be converted to a list of strings for use in CASA tasks """ solns = tb.getcol('CPARAM') fields = tb.getcol('FIELD_ID') snr = tb.getcol('SNR') tb.close() all_angles = [] all_snrs = [] ufields = np.unique(fields) for field in ufields: sel = fields==field angles = np.angle(solns[:,:,sel]) all_angles.append(angles) all_snrs.append(snr[:,:,sel]) all_angles = np.array(all_angles) all_snrs = np.array(all_snrs) # not sure what 2nd column of these is... # first is mean across pols, then mean across all data points good_enough = ((all_snrs[:,pols,0,:].mean(axis=1).mean(axis=1) > minsnr) & (all_angles[:,pols,0,:].std(axis=2).mean(axis=1) < maxphasenoise)) return ufields[good_enough]
def pixelmask2cleanmask(imagename='',maskname='mask0',maskimage='',usemasked=False): """ convert pixel(T/F) mask (in a CASA image) to a mask image (1/0) used for clean imagename - input imagename that contain a mask to be used maskname - mask name in the image (default: mask0) maskimage - output mask image name usemasked - if True use masked region as a valid region """ masks=ia.maskhandler('get') ia.close() inmaskname='' if type(masks)!=list: masks=[masks] for msk in masks: if maskname == msk: inmaskname=msk break if inmaskname=='': raise Exception, "mask %s does not exist. Available masks are: %s" % (maskname,masks)'/'+maskname) dat0=tb.getcol('PagedArray') tb.close() #os.system('cp -r %s %s' % (imagename, maskimage)) shutil.copytree(imagename,maskimage) # to unset mask ia.maskhandler('set',['']) # make all valid if (usemasked): ia.set(1) else: ia.set(0) ia.close() #,nomodify=False) imd=tb.getcol('map') # maybe shape check here #by default use True part of bool mask masked=1 if (usemasked): masked=0 imd[dat0]=masked tb.putcol('map',imd) tb.close()
def goodenough_field_solutions(tablename, minsnr=5, maxphasenoise=np.pi / 4., pols=[0]): """ After an initial self-calibration run, determine which fields have good enough solutions. This only inspects the *phase* component of the solutions. Parameters ---------- tablename : str The name of the calibration table (e.g., minsnr : float The minimum *average* signal to noise ratio for a given field maxphasenoise : float The maximum average phase noise permissible for a given field in radians pols : list The list of polarizations to include in the heuristics Returns ------- An array of field IDs. This will need to be converted to a list of strings for use in CASA tasks """ solns = tb.getcol('CPARAM') fields = tb.getcol('FIELD_ID') snr = tb.getcol('SNR') tb.close() okfields = [] not_ok_fields = [] ufields = np.unique(fields) for field in ufields: sel = fields == field angles = np.angle(solns[:, :, sel]) field_ok = (angles.std() < maxphasenoise) & (snr[:, :, sel].mean() > minsnr) if field_ok: okfields.append(field) else: not_ok_fields.append(field) return okfields, not_ok_fields
def goodenough_field_solutions(tablename, minsnr=5, maxphasenoise=np.pi/4., pols=[0]): """ After an initial self-calibration run, determine which fields have good enough solutions. This only inspects the *phase* component of the solutions. Parameters ---------- tablename : str The name of the calibration table (e.g., minsnr : float The minimum *average* signal to noise ratio for a given field maxphasenoise : float The maximum average phase noise permissible for a given field in radians pols : list The list of polarizations to include in the heuristics Returns ------- An array of field IDs. This will need to be converted to a list of strings for use in CASA tasks """ solns = tb.getcol('CPARAM') fields = tb.getcol('FIELD_ID') snr = tb.getcol('SNR') tb.close() okfields=[] not_ok_fields = [] ufields = np.unique(fields) for field in ufields: sel = fields==field angles = np.angle(solns[:,:,sel]) field_ok = (angles.std() < maxphasenoise) & (snr[:,:,sel].mean() > minsnr) if field_ok: okfields.append(field) else: not_ok_fields.append(field) return okfields, not_ok_fields
def parseflux(self, gainfile): """Takes CASA cal table and scales self.gain to it per spw,pol """ mjd = tb.getcol('TIME')/(24*3600) # mjd days, as for telcal spw = tb.getcol('SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID') antnum = tb.getcol('ANTENNA1') gain = tb.getcol('CPARAM') # dimensions of (npol, 1?, ntimes*nants) flagged = tb.getcol('FLAG') tb.close() nants = len(n.unique(antnum)) nspw = len(n.unique(spw)) spwlist = n.unique(spw) npol = len(gain) # merge times less than 2s nsol = 0 newmjd = [n.unique(mjd)[0]] for i in range(1, len(n.unique(mjd))): if 24*3600*(n.unique(mjd)[i] - n.unique(mjd)[i-1]) < 2.: print 'Flux solution at %.5f closer than 1s to previous. Skipping.' % (n.unique(mjd)[i]) continue else: newmjd.append(n.unique(mjd)[i]) uniquemjd = n.array(newmjd) nsol = len(uniquemjd) print 'Parsed flux table solutions for %d solutions, %d ants, %d spw, and %d pols' % (nsol, nants, nspw, npol) flux = n.zeros( (nsol, nants, nspw, npol), dtype='complex' ) flags = n.zeros( (nsol, nants, nspw, npol), dtype='complex' ) for sol in range(nsol): for ant in range(nants): for spw in range(nspw): for pol in range(npol): flux[sol, ant, spw, pol] = gain[pol,0,spw*nsol*nants+sol*nants+ant] flags[sol, ant, spw, pol] = flagged[pol,0,spw*nsol*nants+sol*nants+ant] flux =, flags) ampref = n.abs(flux).mean(axis=1) scale = ampref/n.abs(self.gain).mean(axis=1) self.gain = self.gain * scale[:,None,:,:]
def bandpass_normalize(bandpass_table, bandpass_table_inv): shutil.copytree(bandpass_table, bandpass_table_inv), nomodify=False) gain = tb.getcol('CPARAM') gain_norm = gain #for each antenna and for each channel of the bandpass I divide out by the modulo of the complex number for i in range(0, gain.shape[2]): for j in range(0, gain.shape[1]): a = gain[0, j, i] #if the real part of the antenna gain is set to 1 it means that that antenna a/o channel is flag, so don't bother looking at it if a.real != 1: gain_norm[0, j, i] = gain_norm[0, j, i] / abs(gain_norm[0, j, i]) gain_norm[1, j, i] = gain_norm[1, j, i] / abs(gain_norm[1, j, i]) # print abs(gain_norm[i,j,0]),abs(gain[i,j,0]),i,j # put back the normalized bandpass tb.putcol('CPARAM', gain_norm) tb.close() tb.done()
def flag_extreme_amplitudes(tablename, maxpctchange=50, pols=[0], channels=[0]): """ Flag out all gain amplitudes with >``maxpctchange``% change (e.g., for the default 50%, flag everything outside the range 0.5 < G < 1.5). This is a *very simple* cut, but it cannot be easily applied with existing tools since it is cutting on the value of the amplitude correction, not on any particular normal data selection type. It is still highly advisable to plot the amp vs snr or similar diagnostics after running this to make sure you understand what's going on. For example, after I ran this on a data set, I discovered that one antenna had high gain corrections even in the high SNR regime, which probably indicates a problem with that antenna. Parameters ---------- maxpctchange : float The maximum percent change permitted in an amplitude pols : list The list of polarizations to include in the heuristics channels : list The list of channels to include in the heuristics Returns ------- None """ solns = tb.getcol('CPARAM') snr = tb.getcol('SNR') # true flag = flagged out, bad data flags = tb.getcol('FLAG') tb.close() amp = np.abs(solns) maxfrac = maxpctchange / 100. bad = ((amp[pols, channels] > (1+maxfrac)) | (amp[pols, channels] < (1-maxfrac))) bad_snr = snr[pols, channels, :][bad] print("Found {0} bad amplitudes with mean snr={1}".format(bad.sum(), bad_snr.mean())) print("Total flags in tb.flag: {0}".format(flags.sum())) flags[pols, channels, :] = bad | flags[pols, channels, :] assert all(flags[pols, channels, :][bad]), "Failed to modify array", nomodify=False) tb.putcol(columnname='FLAG', value=flags) tb.flush() tb.close(), nomodify=True) flags = tb.getcol('FLAG') print("Total flags in tb.flag after: {0}".format(flags.sum())) assert all(flags[pols, channels, :][bad]), "Failed to modify table" tb.close()
def LSRKvel_to_chan(msfile, field, spw, restfreq, LSRKvelocity): """ Identifies the channel(s) corresponding to input LSRK velocities. Useful for choosing which channels to split out or flag if a line is expected to be present Parameters: msfile: Name of measurement set (string) spw: Spectral window number (int) restfreq: Rest frequency in Hz (float) LSRKvelocity: input velocity in LSRK frame in km/s (float or array of floats) Returns: Channel number most closely corresponding to input LSRK velocity """ + "/SPECTRAL_WINDOW") chanfreqs = tb.getcol("CHAN_FREQ", startrow=0, nrow=1) tb.close() + "/FIELD") fieldnames = tb.getcol("NAME") tb.close() nchan = len(chanfreqs) lsrkfreqs = ms.cvelfreqs(spwids=[spw], fieldids=np.where(fieldnames == field)[0][0], mode='channel', nchan=nchan, start=0, outframe='LSRK') chanvelocities = ( restfreq - lsrkfreqs ) / restfreq * cc / 1.e3 #converted to LSRK velocities in km/s if type(LSRKvelocity) == np.ndarray: outchans = np.zeros_like(LSRKvelocity) for i in range(len(LSRKvelocity)): outchans[i] = np.argmin(np.abs(chanvelocities - LSRKvelocity[i])) return outchans else: return np.argmin(np.abs(chanvelocities - LSRKvelocity))
def parsegain(self, gainfile): """Takes .g1 CASA cal table and places values in numpy arrays. """ mjd = tb.getcol('TIME')/(24*3600) # mjd days, as for telcal spw = tb.getcol('SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID') antnum = tb.getcol('ANTENNA1') gain = tb.getcol('CPARAM') # dimensions of (npol, 1?, ntimes*nants) snr = tb.getcol('SNR') flagged = tb.getcol('FLAG') tb.close() # # need to find parent data MS to get some metadata # mslist = glob.glob(gainfile[:-3] + '*.ms') # try: # msfile = mslist[0] # print 'Found parent data MS %s' % msfile # except IndexError: # print 'Could not find parent data MS for metadata...' # + '/ANTENNA') # antname = tb.getcol('NAME') # one name per ant # tb.close() # + '/SPECTRAL_WINDOW') # reffreq = 1e-6*(tb.getcol('REF_FREQUENCY')+tb.getcol('TOTAL_BANDWIDTH')/2) # similar to telcal "skyfreq" # specname = tb.getcol('NAME') # tb.close() # + '/SOURCE') # source = [name for name in tb.getcol('NAME') if 'J' in name][0] # should return single cal name **hack** # tb.close() # nsol = len(gain[0,0]) # ifid0R = specname[0][7] + '-' + specname[0][8] # one value # ifid0L = specname[0][9] + '-' + specname[0][10] # one value # ifid1R = specname[1][7] + '-' + specname[1][8] # one value # ifid1L = specname[1][9] + '-' + specname[1][10] # one value # # paste R,L end to end, so first loop over time, then spw, then pol # mjd = n.concatenate( (time, time), axis=0) # ifid = [ifid0R]*(nsol/2) + [ifid1R]*(nsol/2) + [ifid0L]*(nsol/2) + [ifid1L]*(nsol/2) # first quarter is spw0,pol0, then spw1,pol0, ... # skyfreq = n.concatenate( (reffreq[0]*n.ones(nsol/2), reffreq[1]*n.ones(nsol/2), reffreq[0]*n.ones(nsol/2), reffreq[1]*n.ones(nsol/2)), axis=0) # gain = n.concatenate( (gain[0,0],gain[1,0]), axis=0) # amp = n.abs(gain) # phase = n.degrees(n.angle(gain)) # source = [source]*nsol*2 # flagged = n.concatenate( (flag[0,0],flag[1,0]), axis=0) nants = len(n.unique(antnum)) nspw = len(n.unique(spw)) self.spwlist = n.unique(spw) npol = len(gain) # merge times less than 2s nsol = 0 newmjd = [n.unique(mjd)[0]] for i in range(1, len(n.unique(mjd))): if 24*3600*(n.unique(mjd)[i] - n.unique(mjd)[i-1]) < 2.: print 'Gain solution at %.5f closer than 2s to previous. Skipping.' % (n.unique(mjd)[i]) continue else: newmjd.append(n.unique(mjd)[i]) self.uniquemjd = n.array(newmjd) nsol = len(self.uniquemjd) print 'Parsed gain table solutions for %d solutions, %d ants, %d spw, and %d pols' % (nsol, nants, nspw, npol) print 'Unique solution times', self.uniquemjd self.gain = n.zeros( (nsol, nants, nspw, npol), dtype='complex' ) flags = n.zeros( (nsol, nants, nspw, npol), dtype='complex' ) for sol in range(nsol): for ant in range(nants): for spw in range(nspw): for pol in range(npol): self.gain[sol, ant, spw, pol] = gain[pol,0,spw*nsol*nants+sol*nants+ant] flags[sol, ant, spw, pol] = flagged[pol,0,spw*nsol*nants+sol*nants+ant] self.gain =, flags) # gain = n.concatenate( (n.concatenate( (gain[0,0,:nants*nsol].reshape(nsol,nants,1,1), gain[1,0,:nants*nsol].reshape(nsol,nants,1,1)), axis=3), n.concatenate( (gain[0,0,nants*nsol:].reshape(nsol,nants,1,1), gain[1,0,nants*nsol:].reshape(nsol,nants,1,1)), axis=3)), axis=2) # flagged = n.concatenate( (n.concatenate( (flagged[0,0,:nants*nsol].reshape(nsol,nants,1,1), flagged[1,0,:nants*nsol].reshape(nsol,nants,1,1)), axis=3), n.concatenate( (flagged[0,0,nants*nsol:].reshape(nsol,nants,1,1), flagged[1,0,nants*nsol:].reshape(nsol,nants,1,1)), axis=3)), axis=2) # self.gain =, flagged == True) self.mjd = n.array(mjd); self.antnum = antnum
# specific PAPER options # #cmd = 'rm -rf '+filename #os.system(cmd) #cmd = 'python /home/gianni/Python_code/ /home/gianni/PAPER/psa32/data/Original/'+filename+' '+filename #os.system(cmd) #ft(vis=filename,model='First_model/2455819.50285.model',usescratch=True) # cmd = 'rm -rf ' + filename os.system(cmd) cmd = 'cp -r /home/gianni/PAPER/psa32/data/Original/'+ filename + ' ' + filename os.system(cmd),nomodify=False) data = tb.getcol('DATA') tb.putcol('CORRECTED_DATA',data) # the CORRECTED_DATA column is initialized to DATA tb.close() tb.done() # tflagdata(vis=filename,mode='manual',spw='0:167~202',action='apply',datacolumn='DATA') flagdata(vis=filename,mode='clip',clipminmax=[0,300],correlation='ABS_XY,YX',action='apply',datacolumn='DATA') flagdata(vis=filename,mode='clip',clipminmax=[0,1000],correlation='ABS_XX,YY',action='apply',datacolumn='DATA') # out_fits = lst+'.fits' out_fits_res = lst+'_residual.fits' out_fits_model = lst+'_model.fits' # cmd = 'rm -rf '+ lst + '.image ' + lst + '.model ' + lst + '.residual ' + lst + '.flux' + lst + '.psf' os.system(cmd) # # make an image #
def make_primary_beams(image_name,lst,stokes_choice,beam_filename): # # define the frequencies of the simulated beams # freq_beams = np.zeros(11) freq_beams[0] = 100e6 for j in range(1,11): freq_beams[j] = freq_beams[j - 1] + 10e6 # # read the input cube # q_cube = tb.getcol('map') tb.close() # ra = np.ndarray(shape=(image.shape[0],image.shape[1]),dtype=float) # dec = np.ndarray(shape=(image.shape[0],image.shape[1]),dtype=float) summary = ia.summary() # read the image summary cube_shape = summary['shape'] # read the image shape: RA, DEC, Stokes, Freq ra = np.ndarray(shape=(cube_shape[0],cube_shape[1]),dtype=float) dec = np.ndarray(shape=(cube_shape[0],cube_shape[1]),dtype=float) nchan = cube_shape[3] # number of channels in the cube start_freq = summary['refval'][3] # start frequencies in Hz df = summary['incr'][3] # frequency increment in Hz # # ra and dec will contain the RA and DEC corresponding to the pixel values in the image # # for j in range(0,cube_shape[0]): for k in range(0,cube_shape[1]): a=ia.toworld([j,k,0,0]) # a dictionary is returned with the world coordinates of that pixel b=a['numeric'] # the array is extracted from the dictionary a ra[j,k] = b[0] # save the RA for pixel j,k dec[j,k] = b[1] # save the DEC for pixel j,k # print ra[j,k] * 12/np.pi,dec[j,k] * 180/np.pi,j,k # print 'RA and DEC calculated' ia.close() # # # # read the beams # fekoX=fmt.FEKO('/home/gianni/PAPER/beams/fitBeam/data/PAPER_FF_X.ffe') fekoY=fmt.FEKO('/home/gianni/PAPER/beams/fitBeam/data/PAPER_FF_Y.ffe') feko_xpol=fekoX.fields[0] feko_ypol=fekoY.fields[0] phi=feko_xpol.phi*np.pi/180. # phi is the azimuth theta=feko_xpol.theta*np.pi/180. # theta is the zenith angle theta = np.pi/2 - theta # pyephem wants the elevation rather than the zenith angle ra_beams = np.ndarray(shape=(phi.shape[0]),dtype=float) # array of RA corresponding to (phi,theta) dec_beams = np.ndarray(shape=(phi.shape[0]),dtype=float) # array of DEC corresponding to (phi,theta) # # compute complex beams # gxx=feko_xpol.etheta*np.conj(feko_xpol.etheta)+feko_xpol.ephi*np.conj(feko_xpol.ephi) # # define an array that will contain all the simulated beams # beams = np.ndarray(shape=(gxx.shape[0],4,freq_beams.shape[0]),dtype=float) # # read all the beam models and save them in the beams array # for j in range(0,freq_beams.shape[0]): feko_xpol = fekoX.fields[j] # these two lines give an error, I need to check with Griffin how to fix it feko_ypol = fekoY.fields[j] # gxx = feko_xpol.etheta*np.conj(feko_xpol.etheta)+feko_xpol.ephi*np.conj(feko_xpol.ephi) gyy = feko_ypol.etheta*np.conj(feko_ypol.etheta)+feko_ypol.ephi*np.conj(feko_ypol.ephi) gxy = feko_xpol.etheta*np.conj(feko_ypol.etheta)+feko_xpol.ephi*np.conj(feko_ypol.ephi) gyx = feko_ypol.etheta*np.conj(feko_xpol.etheta)+feko_ypol.ephi*np.conj(feko_xpol.ephi) # # make the stokes beams # beams[:,0,j] = (gxx+gyy).real # beams[:,0,j] = beams[:,0,j] / np.max(beams[:,0,j]) # normalize the beams to be 1 at zenith beams[:,1,j] = (gxx-gyy).real beams[:,2,j] = (gxy+gyx).real beams[:,3,j] = (gxy-gyx).imag # norm_beam = np.max(beams[:,0,5]) # beam peak at 150 MHz beams[:,0,:] = beams[:,0,:] / norm_beam # normalize the beams to be 1 at zenith at 150 MHz # print norm_beam,np.max(beams[:,0,:]) print 'Beams read' # # bring the beam to RA,DEC coordinates # # Create an observer # paper = Observer() # # Set the observer at the Karoo #, paper.long, paper.elevation = '-30:43:17', '21:25:40.08', 0.0 # j0 = ephem.julian_date(0) # invoked this way if import ephem j0 = julian_date(0) # invoked this way if from ephem import * # = float(lst) = float(lst) - j0 + 5./60/24 # I think I need this. At # they seem to suggest that this is needed in order to get the right date and I seem to get the right # RA if I include this. The factor 5./60/24 needs to be added as the lst reported in the filename refers to # the beginning of the integration which is ~10 min long for j in range(0,ra_beams.shape[0]): a = paper.radec_of(phi[j],theta[j]) ra_beams[j] = a[0] # RA is in radians dec_beams[j] = a[1] # DEC is in radians # # # now interpolate the beams in frequency # interp_beam = np.ndarray(shape=(beams.shape[0],beams.shape[1],nchan),dtype=float) cube_freq = start_freq for chan in range(0,nchan): a = np.max(q_cube[:,:,0,chan,0]) b = np.min(q_cube[:,:,0,chan,0]) if (a != 0 and b != 0): # if the image is not empty, then proceed freq_dist = np.abs(cube_freq - freq_beams) freq_dist_s = np.sort(freq_dist) w = np.where(freq_dist == freq_dist_s[0]) if freq_dist_s[0] == 0: # # if the beam is simulated at the exact frequency channel, then do not interpolate # for j in range(0,4): interp_beam[:,j,chan] = beams[:,j,w[0][0]] # # if they are not, perform a weighted average of the two closest beams in frequency. The weights are the inverse of the frequency distance squared # else: w1 = np.where(freq_dist == freq_dist_s[1]) for j in range(0,4): interp_beam[:,j,chan] = (beams[:,j,w[0][0]] * freq_dist_s[0]**(-2) + beams[:,j,w1[0][0]] * freq_dist_s[1]**(-2)) / (freq_dist_s[0]**(-2) + freq_dist_s[1]**(-2)) # cube_freq = cube_freq + df # print 'Beams interpolated in frequency' # # now interpolate the beam at the observed RA,DEC # interp_beam_maps_q = np.ndarray(shape=(ra.shape[0],ra.shape[1],1,nchan,1),dtype=float) # for j in range(0,ra.shape[0]): for k in range(0,ra.shape[1]): # # interpolating amongst the three closest points # # x = np.cos(ra[j,k])*np.cos(ra_beams)*np.cos(dec[j,k])*np.cos(dec_beams) # y = np.sin(ra[j,k])*np.sin(ra_beams)*np.cos(dec[j,k])*np.cos(dec_beams) # z = np.sin(dec[j,k])*np.sin(dec_beams) # dist = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) # dist = np.sqrt((ra[j,k] - ra_beams)**2 + (dec[j,k] - dec_beams)**2) dist_s = np.sort(dist) w0 = np.where(dist == dist_s[0]) w1 = np.where(dist == dist_s[1]) w2 = np.where(dist == dist_s[2]) # interp_beam_maps_q[j,k,0,:,0] = interp_beam[w0[0][0],stokes_choice,:] / dist_s[0] + interp_beam[w1[0][0],stokes_choice,:] / dist_s[1] + interp_beam[w2[0][0],stokes_choice,:] / dist_s[2] interp_beam_maps_q[j,k,0,:,0] = interp_beam_maps_q[j,k,0,:,0] / (dist_s[0]**(-1) + dist_s[1]**(-1) + dist_s[2]**(-1)) # # nearest neighbour interpolation # # dist = np.sqrt((ra[j,k] - ra_beams)**2 + (dec[j,k] - dec_beams)**2) # dist_s = np.sort(dist) # w0 = np.where(dist == dist_s[0]) # interp_beam_maps_q[j,k,0,:,0] = interp_beam[w0[0][0],stokes_choice,:] # print 'Beams interpolated in angle' # # store the beams into an image # # beam_filename = image_name.strip('.image') cmd = 'rm -rf ' + beam_filename + '.beams' os.system(cmd) cmd = 'cp -r ' + image_name + ' ' + beam_filename + '.beams' os.system(cmd) # + '.beams',nomodify=False) tb.putcol('map',interp_beam_maps_q) tb.close() tb.done() + '.beams') ia.tofits(beam_filename + '_beams.fits',overwrite=true) ia.close()
def flag_extreme_amplitudes(tablename, maxpctchange=50, pols=[0], channels=[0]): """ Flag out all gain amplitudes with >``maxpctchange``% change (e.g., for the default 50%, flag everything outside the range 0.5 < G < 1.5). This is a *very simple* cut, but it cannot be easily applied with existing tools since it is cutting on the value of the amplitude correction, not on any particular normal data selection type. It is still highly advisable to plot the amp vs snr or similar diagnostics after running this to make sure you understand what's going on. For example, after I ran this on a data set, I discovered that one antenna had high gain corrections even in the high SNR regime, which probably indicates a problem with that antenna. Parameters ---------- maxpctchange : float The maximum percent change permitted in an amplitude pols : list The list of polarizations to include in the heuristics channels : list The list of channels to include in the heuristics Returns ------- None """ solns = tb.getcol('CPARAM') snr = tb.getcol('SNR') # true flag = flagged out, bad data flags = tb.getcol('FLAG') tb.close() amp = np.abs(solns) maxfrac = maxpctchange / 100. bad = ((amp[pols, channels] > (1 + maxfrac)) | (amp[pols, channels] < (1 - maxfrac))) bad_snr = snr[pols, channels, :][bad] print("Found {0} bad amplitudes with mean snr={1}".format( bad.sum(), bad_snr.mean())) print("Total flags in tb.flag: {0}".format(flags.sum())) flags[pols, channels, :] = bad | flags[pols, channels, :] assert all(flags[pols, channels, :][bad]), "Failed to modify array", nomodify=False) tb.putcol(columnname='FLAG', value=flags) tb.flush() tb.close(), nomodify=True) flags = tb.getcol('FLAG') print("Total flags in tb.flag after: {0}".format(flags.sum())) assert all(flags[pols, channels, :][bad]), "Failed to modify table" tb.close()
def ms2ripples(vis, savepath, timebinsec, Nsam=None, timebin=False, overwrite=True, verbose=True, debug=False): import astropy.constants as c if timebin: print("Performing time binning, by {:}s:".format(timebinsec)) prefix = vis.replace('.ms', '_timebin' + '{:}'.format(timebinsec)) prefix = os.path.basename(prefix) timebinVis = os.path.join(savepath, prefix) if overwrite: rmtables(timebinVis) default(split2) split2(vis=vis, timebin=str(timebinsec) + 's', outputvis=timebinVis, datacolumn='data', keepflags=False) if overwrite: plotms(vis=timebinVis, xaxis='uvdist', yaxis='amp', coloraxis='spw') if debug and not os.path.exists( timebinVis[:timebinVis.find('.ms')] + '.image'): clean(vis=timebinVis, imagename=timebinVis[:timebinVis.find('.ms')], spw='', mode='mfs', nchan=-1, imsize=800, cell='0.0300arcsec', niter=0, interactive=False, stokes='I') oldvis = vis vis = timebinVis else: raw_input( "No time binning...proceed with caution. Press Enter to continue.") # check that the MS has only 1 science target + '/FIELD') src = tb.getcell('NAME') print("Source in {}: {}\n").format(timebinVis, src) tb.close() spwInfo = ms.getspectralwindowinfo() nchan = spwInfo["0"]["NumChan"] npol = spwInfo["0"]["NumCorr"] ms.close() _dataShape = tb.getcol('DATA').shape tb.close() # tb.colnames data = tb.getcol('DATA') uvw = tb.getcol('UVW') uvwShape = uvw.shape nvis = len(uvw[1, :]) # before dropping flagged data flagRow = tb.getcol('FLAG_ROW') assert (flagRow == True).any() == False data_desc_id = tb.getcol("DATA_DESC_ID") sigma = tb.getcol('SIGMA') # weight = tb.getcol('WEIGHT') weight = 1. / sigma**2 # del sigma if Nsam is not None: from ripples_utils import pick_highSNR idx = pick_highSNR(weight, Nsam, plothist=verbose) uvw = uvw[:, idx] with open(os.path.join(savepath, 'u.bin'), 'wb') as f: f.write(uvw[0, :]) with open(os.path.join(savepath, 'v.bin'), 'wb') as f: f.write(uvw[1, :]) if debug: print uvw[0, :].max() print uvw[0, :].min() print uvw[1, :].max() print uvw[1, :].min() print uvw.dtype # float64 # del uvw ant1 = tb.getcol('ANTENNA1') ant2 = tb.getcol('ANTENNA2') assert len(ant1) == nvis assert len(ant2) == nvis tb.done() if Nsam is not None: ant1 = ant1[idx] ant2 = ant2[idx] assert len(ant1) == len(uvw[0, :]) with open(os.path.join(savepath, 'ant1.bin'), 'wb') as f: ant1 = np.asarray(ant1, dtype=np.float_) # print ant1.dtype f.write(ant1) with open(os.path.join(savepath, 'ant2.bin'), 'wb') as f: ant2 = np.asarray(ant2, dtype=np.float_) f.write(ant2) # ant1.tofile(os.path.join(savepath, 'ant1.bin')) if debug: print ant1.max() print ant1.min() print ant2.max() print ant2.min() xx = np.fromfile(os.path.join(savepath, 'ant1.bin')) if Nsam is None: assert len(xx) == nvis else: assert len(xx) == len(idx) assert (xx == ant1).all() xx = np.fromfile(os.path.join(savepath, 'ant2.bin')) if Nsam is None: assert len(xx) == nvis else: assert len(xx) == len(idx) assert (xx == ant2).all() # del ant1, ant2 if verbose: print("Number of coorelation: ", npol) print("data shape", data.shape) print("data shape before time binning", _dataShape) print("uvw shape", uvwShape) print("weight shpae", weight.shape) # (npol, nvis) + '/SPECTRAL_WINDOW') SPWFreqs = np.squeeze(tb.getcol("CHAN_FREQ")) tb.done() freq_per_vis = np.array([SPWFreqs[fff] for fff in data_desc_id]) # freqs = np.mean(SPWFreqs) assert len(freq_per_vis) == nvis if Nsam is not None: freq_per_vis = freq_per_vis[idx] with open(os.path.join(savepath, 'frequencies.bin'), 'wb') as f: f.write(freq_per_vis) del data_desc_id, SPWFreqs if Nsam is not None: data = data[:, :, idx] weight = weight[:, idx] if debug: # randomly sample 1000 to image from ripples_utils import calc_img_from_vis _idx = np.random.choice(len(weight[0, :]), size=3000) if npol == 2: if data.shape[1] == 1: # expand the channel axis for weight __weight = weight[:, np.newaxis, :] _data = np.average(data, weights=__weight, axis=0) _weight = np.average(weight, axis=0) # npol, nvis print _weight.shape print _data.shape _real = _data[0, _idx].real # nchan, nvis _imag = _data[0, _idx].imag visOut = np.array(zip(_real, _imag)).flatten() _weight = _weight[_idx] __weight_factor = len(_idx) / np.sum(_weight * _real**2 + _weight * _imag**2) print __weight_factor _weight *= __weight_factor test_img = calc_img_from_vis(uvw[0, _idx], uvw[1, _idx], _weight, visOut, freq_per_vis[_idx], 800, pixsize=0.01) import pdb pdb.set_trace() if npol == 1: real = data.real imag = data.imag elif npol == 2: print "Real and Imag shape before averaging two hands (npol, nchan, nvis): ", data.real.shape if data.shape[1] == 1: # expand the channel axis for weight weight = weight[:, np.newaxis, :] else: print weight.shape print("We shouldn't have to enter this condition.") import pdb pdb.set_trace() # average the two hands data = np.average(data, weights=weight, axis=0) # print data.shape (nchan, nvis) weight = np.average(weight, axis=0) print weight.shape # should be (nchan, nvis) real = data.real imag = data.imag del data print "Shape after averaging two hands: ", real.shape elif npol > 2: raise NotImplementedError("more than 2 hands..") # rescale weight # uvmcmcfit way if Nsam is None: _factor = nvis / np.sum(weight * real**2 + weight * imag**2) else: _factor = len(idx) / np.sum(weight * real**2 + weight * imag**2) _sigmas = (weight**-0.5) * _factor if verbose: print "simple rescale, factor of: ", _factor print _sigmas.min(), _sigmas.max(), _sigmas.std() print "New sigma in [mjy/beam]", (_sigmas**-2).sum()**-0.5 * 1.e3 del _sigmas # Yashar way # first grouping the visibilities into bins that probe the same signal # take differences btw visibilities that null the sky # then, we simply assume that the variance in the subtracted visibilities is equal to twice the noise variance plotms(timebinVis, xaxis='V', yaxis='U', coloraxis='baseline') scaling = [] for a1 in np.unique(ant1): for a2 in np.unique(ant2): if a1 < a2: baselineX = (ant1 == a1) & (ant2 == a2) if debug: print a1, a2 print ant1, ant2 print "" print a1 in ant1 print a2 in ant2 print "" print np.where(a1 == ant1) print np.where(a2 == ant2) print np.where((ant1 == a1) & (ant2 == a2) == True) if baselineX.any( ) == True: # important line! if we are picking a subset of points with nsam since we may miss some baselines. if nchan == 1: print real.shape reals = real[0, baselineX] imags = imag[0, baselineX] sigs = weight[0, baselineX]**-0.5 else: raise NotImplementedError( "Not implemented for MS files with more than 1 channel per spw..." ) # randomly split points into "two sets" # subtract from "two set" # subtract from neighboring diffrs = reals - np.roll(reals, -1) diffis = imags - np.roll(imags, -1) std = np.mean([diffrs.std(), diffis.std()]) if debug: print diffrs.min(), diffis.min() print diffrs.max(), diffis.max() print diffrs.std(), diffis.std() print std / sigs.mean() / np.sqrt(2) scaling.append(std / sigs.mean() / np.sqrt(2)) del ant1, ant2 sigma = weight**-0.5 scaling = np.asarray(scaling).mean() sigma *= scaling print 'Scaling factor: ', scaling print 'Sigma after scaling [mJy/beam]: ', ((sigma**-2).sum())**-0.5 * 1E+3 # real_1, imag_1, real_2, imag_2, etc visOut = np.array(zip(real, imag)).flatten() if Nsam is None: assert len(visOut) == int(nvis * 2) weight = sigma**-2 weight = np.array(zip( weight, weight)).flatten() # TODO: want to make sure this works for nchan > 1 assert len(weight) == len(visOut) if Nsam is not None: assert len(visOut) == Nsam * 2 if Nsam is not None: assert len(weight) == Nsam * 2 with open(os.path.join(savepath, 'vis_chan_0.bin'), 'wb') as f: f.write(visOut) with open(os.path.join(savepath, 'sigma_squared_inv.bin'), 'wb') as f: f.write(weight) if Nsam is None: blah = np.zeros((nvis)) else: blah = np.zeros((len(idx))) with open(os.path.join(savepath, 'chan.bin'), 'wb') as f: f.write(blah) if debug: # image the SAVED visibilities uu = np.fromfile(os.path.join(savepath, 'u.bin'), 'wb') vv = np.fromfile(os.path.join(savepath, 'v.bin'), 'wb') weight = np.fromfile(os.path.join(savepath, 'sigma_squared_inv.bin'), 'wb') visout = np.fromfile(os.path.join(savepath, 'vis_chan_0.bin'), 'wb') calc_img_from_vis(uu, vv, weight, visOut, 1000, pixsize=0.05) return None
def openBpolyFile(caltable, debug=False): # mytb = au.createCasaTool(tbtool) # from analysisutilities by corder desc = tb.getdesc() if ('POLY_MODE' in desc): polyMode = tb.getcol('POLY_MODE') polyType = tb.getcol('POLY_TYPE') scaleFactor = tb.getcol('SCALE_FACTOR') antenna1 = tb.getcol('ANTENNA1') times = tb.getcol('TIME') cal_desc_id = tb.getcol('CAL_DESC_ID') nRows = len(polyType) for pType in polyType: if (pType != 'CHEBYSHEV'): print "I do not recognized polynomial type = %s" % (pType) return # Here we assume that all spws have been solved with the same mode uniqueTimesBP = n.unique(tb.getcol('TIME')) nUniqueTimesBP = len(uniqueTimesBP) if (nUniqueTimesBP == 2): print "Two BP sols found with times differing by %g seconds. Using first." % (uniqueTimesBP[1]-uniqueTimesBP[0]) nUniqueTimesBP = 1 uniqueTimesBP = uniqueTimesBP[0] mystring = '' nPolyAmp = tb.getcol('N_POLY_AMP') nPolyPhase = tb.getcol('N_POLY_PHASE') frequencyLimits = tb.getcol('VALID_DOMAIN') increments = 0.001*(frequencyLimits[1,:]-frequencyLimits[0,:]) frequenciesGHz = [] for i in range(len(frequencyLimits[0])): freqs = (1e-9)*n.arange(frequencyLimits[0,i],frequencyLimits[1,i],increments[i]) # **for some reason this is nch-1 long?** frequenciesGHz.append(freqs) polynomialAmplitude = [] polynomialPhase = [] for i in range(len(polyMode)): polynomialAmplitude.append([1]) polynomialPhase.append([0]) if (polyMode[i] == 'A&P' or polyMode[i] == 'A'): polynomialAmplitude[i] = tb.getcell('POLY_COEFF_AMP',i)[0][0][0] if (polyMode[i] == 'A&P' or polyMode[i] == 'P'): polynomialPhase[i] = tb.getcell('POLY_COEFF_PHASE',i)[0][0][0] tb.close()'/CAL_DESC') nSpws = len(tb.getcol('NUM_SPW')) spws = tb.getcol('SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID') spwBP = [] for c in cal_desc_id: spwBP.append(spws[0][c]) tb.close() nPolarizations = len(polynomialAmplitude[0]) / nPolyAmp[0] if (debug): mystring += '%.3f, ' % (uniqueTimesBP/(24*3600)) print 'BP solution has unique time(s) %s and %d pols' % (mystring, nPolarizations) # This value is overridden by the new function doPolarizations in ValueMapping. # print "Inferring %d polarizations from size of polynomial array" % (nPolarizations) return([polyMode, polyType, nPolyAmp, nPolyPhase, scaleFactor, nRows, nSpws, nUniqueTimesBP, uniqueTimesBP, nPolarizations, frequencyLimits, increments, frequenciesGHz, polynomialPhase, polynomialAmplitude, times, antenna1, cal_desc_id, spwBP]) else: tb.close() return([])