コード例 #1
def inv_T_matrix(T):

    T_inv = cs.horzcat(
        cs.horzcat(T[0:3, 0:3].T, cs.mtimes(-T[0:3, 0:3].T, T[0:3, 3])).T,
        [0, 0, 0, 1]).T

    return T_inv
コード例 #2
def stack(arrays: Tuple, axis: int = 0):
    Join a sequence of arrays along a new axis. Returns a NumPy array if possible; if not, returns a CasADi array.

    See syntax here: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.stack.html
    if not is_casadi_type(arrays, recursive=True):
        return _onp.stack(arrays, axis=axis)

        ### Validate stackability
        for array in arrays:
            if is_casadi_type(array, recursive=False):
                if not array.shape[1] == 1:
                    raise ValueError("Can only stack Nx1 CasADi arrays!")
                if not len(array.shape) == 1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Can only stack 1D NumPy ndarrays alongside CasADi arrays!"

        if axis == 0 or axis == -2:
            return _cas.transpose(_cas.horzcat(*arrays))
        elif axis == 1 or axis == -1:
            return _cas.horzcat(*arrays)
            raise ValueError(
                "CasADi-backend arrays can only be 1D or 2D, so `axis` must be 0 or 1."
コード例 #3
    def linearized_quad_dynamics(self):
        Jacobian J matrix of the linearized dynamics specified in the function quad_dynamics. J[i, j] corresponds to
        the partial derivative of f_i(x) wrt x(j).

        :return: a CasADi symbolic function that calculates the 13 x 13 Jacobian matrix of the linearized simplified
        quadrotor dynamics

        jac = cs.MX(self.state_dim, self.state_dim)

        # Position derivatives
        jac[0:3, 7:10] = cs.diag(cs.MX.ones(3))

        # Angle derivatives
        jac[3:7, 3:7] = skew_symmetric(self.r) / 2
        jac[3, 10:] = 1 / 2 * cs.horzcat(-self.q[1], -self.q[2], -self.q[3])
        jac[4, 10:] = 1 / 2 * cs.horzcat(self.q[0], -self.q[3], self.q[2])
        jac[5, 10:] = 1 / 2 * cs.horzcat(self.q[3], self.q[0], -self.q[1])
        jac[6, 10:] = 1 / 2 * cs.horzcat(-self.q[2], self.q[1], self.q[0])

        # Velocity derivatives
        a_u = (self.u[0] + self.u[1] + self.u[2] + self.u[3]) * self.quad.max_thrust / self.quad.mass
        jac[7, 3:7] = 2 * cs.horzcat(a_u * self.q[2], a_u * self.q[3], a_u * self.q[0], a_u * self.q[1])
        jac[8, 3:7] = 2 * cs.horzcat(-a_u * self.q[1], -a_u * self.q[0], a_u * self.q[3], a_u * self.q[2])
        jac[9, 3:7] = 2 * cs.horzcat(0, -2 * a_u * self.q[1], -2 * a_u * self.q[1], 0)

        # Rate derivatives
        jac[10, 10:] = (self.quad.J[1] - self.quad.J[2]) / self.quad.J[0] * cs.horzcat(0, self.r[2], self.r[1])
        jac[11, 10:] = (self.quad.J[2] - self.quad.J[0]) / self.quad.J[1] * cs.horzcat(self.r[2], 0, self.r[0])
        jac[12, 10:] = (self.quad.J[0] - self.quad.J[1]) / self.quad.J[2] * cs.horzcat(self.r[1], self.r[0], 0)

        return cs.Function('J', [self.x, self.u], [jac])
コード例 #4
 def getFourierDcm(vars):
     return C.vertcat(
             C.horzcat([vars["e11"], vars["e12"], vars["e13"]]),
             C.horzcat([vars["e21"], vars["e22"], vars["e23"]]),
             C.horzcat([vars["e31"], vars["e32"], vars["e33"]]),
コード例 #5
    def to_dataset(self):
            Return a dataset with the data of x, y, and u

        :rtype: DataSet
        dataset = DataSet(name=self.problem_name + '_dataset')

        dataset.max_delta_t = (self.t_f - self.t_0) / self.finite_elements
        dataset.plot_style = 'plot'

        dataset.create_entry('x', size=len(self.x_names), names=self.x_names)
        dataset.create_entry('y', size=len(self.y_names), names=self.y_names)
        dataset.create_entry('u', size=len(self.u_names), names=self.u_names)

        for entry in self.other_data:
            size = self.other_data[entry]['values'][0][0].shape[0]
                names=[entry + '_' + str(i) for i in range(size)])

        if self.degree_control > 1:
            dataset.data['u']['plot_style'] = 'plot'
            dataset.data['u']['plot_style'] = 'step'

        x_times = self.x_data['time'] + [[self.t_f]]
        for el in range(self.finite_elements + 1):
            time = horzcat(*x_times[el])
            values = horzcat(*self.x_data['values'][el])
            dataset.insert_data('x', time, values)

        for el in range(self.finite_elements):
            time_y = horzcat(*self.y_data['time'][el])
            values_y = horzcat(*self.y_data['values'][el])
            dataset.insert_data('y', time_y, values_y)

            time_u = horzcat(*self.u_data['time'][el])
            values_u = horzcat(*self.u_data['values'][el])
            dataset.insert_data('u', time_u, values_u)


        for entry in self.other_data:
            for el in range(self.finite_elements):

        return dataset
コード例 #6
    def get_constraints_expr(self):
        """Returns a casadi expression describing all the constraints, and
        expressions for their upper and lower bounds.

            tuple: (A, Blb,Bub) for Blb<=A*x<Bub, where A*x, Blb and Bub are
            casadi expressions.
        cnstr_expr_list = []
        lb_cnstr_expr_list = []  # lower bound
        ub_cnstr_expr_list = []  # upper bound
        time_var = self.skill_spec.time_var
        robot_var = self.skill_spec.robot_var
        virtual_var = self.skill_spec.virtual_var
        n_slack = self.skill_spec.n_slack_var
        slack_ind = 0
        for cnstr in self.skill_spec.constraints:
            expr_size = cnstr.expression.size()
            # What's A*opt_var?
            cnstr_expr = cnstr.jacobian(robot_var)
            if virtual_var is not None:
                cnstr_expr = cs.horzcat(cnstr_expr,
            # Everyone wants a feedforward
            lb_cnstr_expr = -cnstr.jacobian(time_var)
            ub_cnstr_expr = -cnstr.jacobian(time_var)
            # Setup bounds
            if isinstance(cnstr, EqualityConstraint):
                lb_cnstr_expr += -cs.mtimes(cnstr.gain, cnstr.expression)
                ub_cnstr_expr += -cs.mtimes(cnstr.gain, cnstr.expression)
            elif isinstance(cnstr, SetConstraint):
                lb_cnstr_expr += cs.mtimes(cnstr.gain,
                                           cnstr.set_min - cnstr.expression)
                ub_cnstr_expr += cs.mtimes(cnstr.gain,
                                           cnstr.set_max - cnstr.expression)
            elif isinstance(cnstr, VelocityEqualityConstraint):
                lb_cnstr_expr += cnstr.target
                ub_cnstr_expr += cnstr.target
            elif isinstance(cnstr, VelocitySetConstraint):
                lb_cnstr_expr += cnstr.set_min
                ub_cnstr_expr += cnstr.set_max
            # Soft constraints have slack
            if n_slack > 0:
                slack_mat = cs.DM.zeros((expr_size[0], n_slack))
                if cnstr.constraint_type == "soft":
                    slack_mat[:, slack_ind:slack_ind +
                              expr_size[0]] = -cs.DM.eye(expr_size[0])
                    slack_ind += expr_size[0]
                cnstr_expr = cs.horzcat(cnstr_expr, slack_mat)
            # Add to lists
            cnstr_expr_list += [cnstr_expr]
            lb_cnstr_expr_list += [lb_cnstr_expr]
            ub_cnstr_expr_list += [ub_cnstr_expr]
        cnstr_expr_full = cs.vertcat(*cnstr_expr_list)
        lb_cnstr_expr_full = cs.vertcat(*lb_cnstr_expr_list)
        ub_cnstr_expr_full = cs.vertcat(*ub_cnstr_expr_list)
        return cnstr_expr_full, lb_cnstr_expr_full, ub_cnstr_expr_full
コード例 #7
def rotation_quaternion(quat):
    """Returns a rotation matrix from a quaternion."""
    #Rotation Matrix
    rowX_vb = casadi.horzcat(1-2*(quat[2]**2+quat[3]**2),2*(quat[1]*quat[2]-quat[3]*quat[0]),2*(quat[1]*quat[3]+quat[2]*quat[0]))
    rowY_vb = casadi.horzcat(2*(quat[1]*quat[2]+quat[3]*quat[0]),1-2*(quat[1]**2+quat[3]**2),2*(quat[2]*quat[3]-quat[1]*quat[0]))
    rowZ_vb = casadi.horzcat(2*(quat[1]*quat[3]-quat[2]*quat[0]),2*(quat[2]*quat[3]+quat[1]*quat[0]),1-2*(quat[1]**2+quat[2]**2))
    return casadi.vertcat(rowX_vb, \
                       rowY_vb, \
コード例 #8
    def torque_derivative_driven(states: MX.sym, controls: MX.sym,
                                 parameters: MX.sym, nlp,
                                 implicit_dynamics: bool,
                                 with_contact: bool) -> MX:
        Forward dynamics driven by joint torques, optional external forces can be declared.

        states: MX.sym
            The state of the system
        controls: MX.sym
            The controls of the system
        parameters: MX.sym
            The parameters of the system
        nlp: NonLinearProgram
            The definition of the system
        implicit_dynamics: bool
            If the implicit dynamics should be used
        with_contact: bool
            If the dynamic with contact should be used

            The derivative of the states

        DynamicsFunctions.apply_parameters(parameters, nlp)
        q = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.states["q"], states)
        qdot = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.states["qdot"], states)
        tau = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.states["tau"], states)

        dq = DynamicsFunctions.compute_qdot(nlp, q, qdot)
        dtau = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.controls["taudot"], controls)

        if implicit_dynamics:
            ddq = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.states["qddot"], states)
            dddq = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.controls["qdddot"], controls)

            dxdt = MX(nlp.states.shape, 1)
            dxdt[nlp.states["q"].index, :] = dq
            dxdt[nlp.states["qdot"].index, :] = ddq
            dxdt[nlp.states["qddot"].index, :] = dddq
            dxdt[nlp.states["tau"].index, :] = dtau
            ddq = DynamicsFunctions.forward_dynamics(nlp, q, qdot, tau,
            dxdt = MX(nlp.states.shape, ddq.shape[1])
            dxdt[nlp.states["q"].index, :] = horzcat(
                *[dq for _ in range(ddq.shape[1])])
            dxdt[nlp.states["qdot"].index, :] = ddq
            dxdt[nlp.states["tau"].index, :] = horzcat(
                *[dtau for _ in range(ddq.shape[1])])

        return dxdt
コード例 #9
ファイル: crosswind_drag.py プロジェクト: ghorn/rawesome
def skew_mat(xyz):
    return the skew symmetrix matrix of a 3-vector
    x = xyz[0]
    y = xyz[1]
    z = xyz[2]
    return C.vertcat([C.horzcat([ 0, -z,  y]),
                      C.horzcat([ z,  0, -x]),
                      C.horzcat([-y,  x,  0])])
コード例 #10
def skew_mat(xyz):
    return the skew symmetrix matrix of a 3-vector
    x = xyz[0]
    y = xyz[1]
    z = xyz[2]
    return C.vertcat(
        [C.horzcat([0, -z, y]),
         C.horzcat([z, 0, -x]),
         C.horzcat([-y, x, 0])])
コード例 #11
def Model_2 (param,x,*args):

    # This model is used when the independent term is calculated
    p = [] ; var = []
    for i in range(param.rows()):
        p = vertcat(p, param[i])
    #for i in range(len(x)):
    rows = args[0] # This argument corresponds to the amount of input data
    var = horzcat(var,x)
    var = horzcat(var, MX.ones(rows, 1))

    return mtimes(var, p)
コード例 #12
        def minimize_markers_displacement(penalty, ocp, nlp, t, x, u, p, coordinates_system_idx=-1):
            Adds the objective that the specific markers displacement (difference between the position of the
            markers at each neighbour frame)should be minimized.
            :coordinates_system_idx: Index of the segment in which to project to displacement

            nq = nlp.mapping["q"].reduce.len
            nb_rts = nlp.model.nbSegment()

            markers_idx = PenaltyFunctionAbstract._check_and_fill_index(
                penalty.index, nlp.model.nbMarkers(), "markers_idx"

            PenaltyFunctionAbstract._add_to_casadi_func(nlp, "biorbd_markers", nlp.model.markers, nlp.q)
            if coordinates_system_idx >= 0:
                if coordinates_system_idx >= nb_rts:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"coordinates_system_idx ({coordinates_system_idx}) cannot be higher than {nb_rts - 1}"
                    nlp, f"globalJCS_{coordinates_system_idx}", nlp.model.globalJCS, nlp.q, coordinates_system_idx

            for i in range(len(x) - 1):
                q_0 = nlp.mapping["q"].expand.map(x[i][:nq])
                q_1 = nlp.mapping["q"].expand.map(x[i + 1][:nq])

                if coordinates_system_idx < 0:
                    jcs_0_T = nlp.CX.eye(4)
                    jcs_1_T = nlp.CX.eye(4)

                elif coordinates_system_idx < nb_rts:
                    jcs_0 = nlp.casadi_func[f"globalJCS_{coordinates_system_idx}"](q_0)
                    jcs_0_T = vertcat(horzcat(jcs_0[:3, :3], -jcs_0[:3, :3] @ jcs_0[:3, 3]), horzcat(0, 0, 0, 1))

                    jcs_1 = nlp.casadi_func[f"globalJCS_{coordinates_system_idx}"](q_1)
                    jcs_1_T = vertcat(horzcat(jcs_1[:3, :3], -jcs_1[:3, :3] @ jcs_1[:3, 3]), horzcat(0, 0, 0, 1))

                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"Wrong choice of coordinates_system_idx. (Negative values refer to global coordinates system, "
                        f"positive values must be between 0 and {nb_rts})"

                val = jcs_1_T @ vertcat(
                    nlp.casadi_func["biorbd_markers"](q_1)[:, markers_idx], nlp.CX.ones(1, markers_idx.shape[0])
                ) - jcs_0_T @ vertcat(
                    nlp.casadi_func["biorbd_markers"](q_0)[:, markers_idx], nlp.CX.ones(1, markers_idx.shape[0])
                penalty.type.get_type().add_to_penalty(ocp, nlp, val[:3, :], penalty)
コード例 #13
ファイル: admm.py プロジェクト: zhengzh/omg-tools
 def _check_for_lineq(self):
     g = []
     for con in self.global_constraints:
         lb, ub = con[1], con[2]
         g = vertcat(g, con[0] - lb)
         if not isinstance(lb, np.ndarray):
             lb, ub = [lb], [ub]
         for k, _ in enumerate(lb):
             if lb[k] != ub[k]:
                 return False, None, None
     sym, jac = [], []
     for child, q_i in self.q_i.items():
         for name, ind in q_i.items():
             var = self.distr_problem.father.get_variables(child,
             jj = jacobian(g, var)
             jac = horzcat(jac, jj[:, ind])
     for nghb in self.q_ij.keys():
         for child, q_ij in self.q_ij[nghb].items():
             for name, ind in q_ij.items():
                 var = self.distr_problem.father.get_variables(
                 jj = jacobian(g, var)
                 jac = horzcat(jac, jj[:, ind])
     for sym in symvar(jac):
         if sym not in self.par_global.values():
             return False, None, None
     par = struct_symMX(self.par_global_struct)
     A, b = jac, -g
     for s in sym:
         A = substitute(A, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
         b = substitute(b, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
     dep_b = [s.name() for s in symvar(b)]
     dep_A = [s.name() for s in symvar(b)]
     for name, sym in self.par_global.items():
         if sym.name() in dep_b:
             b = substitute(b, sym, par[name])
         if sym.name() in dep_A:
             A = substitute(A, sym, par[name])
     A = Function('A', [par], [A]).expand()
     b = Function('b', [par], [b]).expand()
     return True, A, b
コード例 #14
def fwd(x_all, u_all, k_all, K_all, alpha, F, dt, state, control):
    n_sim = len(u_all[:])
    xk = x_all[0]
    x_new = [xk]
    u_new = []
    for k in range(n_sim):
        uk = u_all[k] + alpha * k_all[k] + ca.mul(K_all[k], xk - x_all[k])
        [xk_next] = F([xk, uk, dt])
        xk = xk_next
    x_new = state.repeated(ca.horzcat(x_new))
    u_new = control.repeated(ca.horzcat(u_new))
    return [x_new, u_new]
コード例 #15
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: jmarecek/homotopy-example
def solve(theta_value):
    global x0
    solution = solver(lbx=lbX, ubx=ubX, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, p=theta_value, x0=x0)
    if solver.stats()["return_status"] != "Solve_Succeeded":
        raise Exception("Solve failed with status {}".format(
    x0 = solution["x"]
    Q_res = ca.reshape(x0[:Q.size1() * Q.size2()], Q.size1(), Q.size2())
    H_res = ca.reshape(x0[Q.size1() * Q.size2():], H.size1(), H.size2())
    d = {}
    d["Q_0"] = np.array(Q_left).flatten()
    for i in range(n_level_nodes):
        d[f"Q_{i + 1}"] = np.array(ca.horzcat(Q0[i], Q_res[i, :])).flatten()
        d[f"H_{i + 1}"] = np.array(ca.horzcat(H0[i], H_res[i, :])).flatten()
    results[theta_value] = d
コード例 #16
ファイル: admm.py プロジェクト: jgillis/omg-tools
 def construct_upd_z(self):
     # check if we have linear equality constraints
     self._lineq_updz, A, b = self._check_for_lineq()
     if not self._lineq_updz:
     x_i = struct_symSX(self.q_i_struct)
     x_j = struct_symSX(self.q_ij_struct)
     l_i = struct_symSX(self.q_i_struct)
     l_ij = struct_symSX(self.q_ij_struct)
     t = SX.sym('t')
     T = SX.sym('T')
     rho = SX.sym('rho')
     par = struct_symSX(self.par_struct)
     inp = [x_i.cat, l_i.cat, l_ij.cat, x_j.cat, t, T, rho, par.cat]
     t0 = t/T
     # put symbols in SX structs (necessary for transformation)
     x_i = self.q_i_struct(x_i)
     x_j = self.q_ij_struct(x_j)
     l_i = self.q_i_struct(l_i)
     l_ij = self.q_ij_struct(l_ij)
     # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline([x_i, l_i], tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline([x_j, l_ij], tf, self.q_ij)
     # fill in parameters
     A = A([par])[0]
     b = b([par])[0]
     # build KKT system
     E = rho*SX.eye(A.shape[1])
     l, x = vertcat([l_i.cat, l_ij.cat]), vertcat([x_i.cat, x_j.cat])
     f = -(l + rho*x)
     G = vertcat([horzcat([E, A.T]),
                  horzcat([A, SX.zeros(A.shape[0], A.shape[0])])])
     h = vertcat([-f, b])
     z = solve(G, h)
     l_qi = self.q_i_struct.shape[0]
     l_qij = self.q_ij_struct.shape[0]
     z_i_new = self.q_i_struct(z[:l_qi])
     z_ij_new = self.q_ij_struct(z[l_qi:l_qi+l_qij])
     # transform back
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_bwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline(z_i_new, tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline(z_ij_new, tf, self.q_ij)
     out = [z_i_new.cat, z_ij_new.cat]
     # create problem
     prob, compile_time = self.father.create_function(
         'upd_z', inp, out, self.options)
     self.problem_upd_z = prob
コード例 #17
ファイル: ipopt_interface.py プロジェクト: pyomeca/bioptim
        def get_x_and_u_at_idx(_penalty, _idx):
            if _penalty.transition:
                ocp = self.ocp
                _x = vertcat(ocp.nlp[_penalty.phase_pre_idx].X[-1],
                             ocp.nlp[_penalty.phase_post_idx].X[0][:, 0])
                _u = vertcat(ocp.nlp[_penalty.phase_pre_idx].U[-1],
            elif _penalty.multinode_constraint:
                ocp = self.ocp
                _x = vertcat(
                    [:, 0],
                # Make an exception to the fact that U is not available for the last node
                mod_u0 = 1 if _penalty.first_node == Node.END else 0
                mod_u1 = 1 if _penalty.second_node == Node.END else 0
                _u = vertcat(
                    ocp.nlp[_penalty.phase_first_idx].U[_penalty.node_idx[0] -
                    ocp.nlp[_penalty.phase_second_idx].U[_penalty.node_idx[1] -
            elif _penalty.integrate:
                _x = nlp.X[_idx]
                _u = nlp.U[_idx][:, 0] if _idx < len(nlp.U) else []
                _x = nlp.X[_idx][:, 0]
                _u = nlp.U[_idx][:, 0] if _idx < len(nlp.U) else []

            if _penalty.derivative or _penalty.explicit_derivative:
                _x = horzcat(_x, nlp.X[_idx + 1][:, 0])
                _u = horzcat(
                    _u, nlp.U[_idx + 1][:, 0] if _idx + 1 < len(nlp.U) else [])

            if _penalty.integration_rule == IntegralApproximation.TRAPEZOIDAL:
                _x = horzcat(_x, nlp.X[_idx + 1][:, 0])
                if nlp.control_type == ControlType.LINEAR_CONTINUOUS:
                    _u = horzcat(
                        nlp.U[_idx + 1][:, 0] if _idx + 1 < len(nlp.U) else [])

            if _penalty.integration_rule == IntegralApproximation.TRUE_TRAPEZOIDAL:
                if nlp.control_type == ControlType.LINEAR_CONTINUOUS:
                    _u = horzcat(
                        nlp.U[_idx + 1][:, 0] if _idx + 1 < len(nlp.U) else [])
            return _x, _u
コード例 #18
def compute_remainder_overapproximations(q, k_fb, l_mu, l_sigma):
    """ Compute symbolically the (hyper-)rectangle over-approximating the lagrangians of mu and sigma

    q: n_s x n_s ndarray[casadi.SX.sym]
        The shape matrix of the current state ellipsoid
    k_fb: n_u x n_s ndarray[casadi.SX.sym]
        The linear feedback term
    l_mu: n x 0 numpy 1darray[float]
        The lipschitz constants for the gradients of the predictive mean
    l_sigma n x 0 numpy 1darray[float]
        The lipschitz constans on the predictive variance

    u_mu: n_s x 0 numpy 1darray[casadi.SX.sym]
        The upper bound of the over-approximation of the mean lagrangian remainder
    u_sigma: n_s x 0 numpy 1darray[casadi.SX.sym]
        The upper bound of the over-approximation of the variance lagrangian remainder
    n_u, n_s = np.shape(k_fb)
    s = horzcat(np.eye(n_s), k_fb.T)
    b = mtimes(s, s.T)

    qb = mtimes(q, b)
    evals = matrix_norm_2_generalized(b, q)
    r_sqr = vec_max(evals)

    u_mu = l_mu * r_sqr
    u_sigma = l_sigma * sqrt(r_sqr)

    return u_mu, u_sigma
コード例 #19
ファイル: kiteutils.py プロジェクト: jaeandersson/rawesome
def getDcm(ocp,k):
    m11 = ocp.lookup('e11',timestep=k)
    m12 = ocp.lookup('e12',timestep=k)
    m13 = ocp.lookup('e13',timestep=k)

    m21 = ocp.lookup('e21',timestep=k)
    m22 = ocp.lookup('e22',timestep=k)
    m23 = ocp.lookup('e23',timestep=k)

    m31 = ocp.lookup('e31',timestep=k)
    m32 = ocp.lookup('e32',timestep=k)
    m33 = ocp.lookup('e33',timestep=k)

    return C.vertcat([C.horzcat([m11,m12,m13]),
コード例 #20
    def add_variables(self, stage, opti):
        self.add_time_variables(stage, opti)
        # We are creating variables in a special order such that the resulting constraint Jacobian
        # is block-sparse
        x = opti.variable(stage.nx)
        self.add_variables_V(stage, opti)

        for k in range(self.N):
            xr = []
            zr = []
            Xc = []
            Zc = []
            for i in range(self.M):
                xc = opti.variable(stage.nx, self.degree)
                zc = opti.variable(stage.nz, self.degree)

                x0 = x if i == 0 else opti.variable(stage.nx)
                Xc.append(horzcat(x0, xc))

            x = opti.variable(stage.nx)
            self.add_variables_V_control(stage, opti, k)
コード例 #21
ファイル: pathfollowing.py プロジェクト: wannesvl/topaf
 def __init__(self, ny, order):
     self.order = order
     self.ny = ny
     self.y = cas.ssym("y", ny, self.order + 1)
     self.x = dict()
     self._nx = 0
     self._dy = cas.horzcat([self.y[:, 1:], cas.SXMatrix.zeros(ny, 1)])
コード例 #22
def create_system_set(A, B, v, Hv, hv, full=True):
    nx = A.shape[0]
    delta_bounds = {}
    delta = []
    AB = horzcat(A, B)
    if full:
        AB_delta = SX(np.zeros(AB.shape))
        for row in range(AB.shape[0]):
            for col in range(AB.shape[1]):
                if AB[row, col].is_constant():
                    AB_delta[row, col] = AB[row, col]
                    delta_str = 'd_' + str(row) + str(col)
                    # print("Solving for: " + delta_str)
                    AB_delta[row, col] = delta[-1]
                    delta_bounds[delta_str] = delta_range(AB[row, col], v, Hv, hv)

        eval_func = Function("eval_func", delta, [AB_delta])
        for i in range(v.shape[0]):
            delta_str = 'd_' + str(i)
            delta_bounds[delta_str] = delta_range(v[i], v, Hv, hv)
        eval_func = Function("eval_func", delta, [AB])
    A_set = []
    B_set = []

    for product in itertools.product(*delta_bounds.values()):  # creating maximum difference
        AB_extreme = np.asarray(eval_func(*product))

        A_set.append(AB_extreme[:, :nx])
        B_set.append(AB_extreme[:, nx:])

    return np.stack(A_set), np.stack(B_set)
コード例 #23
    def set_augmented_discrete_system(self):
        Pendulum dynamics with integral action.

        :param x: state
        :type x: casadi.DM
        :param u: control input
        :type u: casadi.DM

        # Grab equilibrium dynamics
        Ad_eq = self.Ad(self.x_eq, self.u_eq, self.w)
        Bd_eq = self.Bd(self.x_eq, self.u_eq, self.w)
        Bw_eq = self.Bw(self.x_eq, self.u_eq, self.w)

        # Instantiate augmented system
        self.Ad_i = ca.DM.zeros(5,5)
        self.Bd_i = ca.DM.zeros(5,1)
        self.Bw_i = ca.DM.zeros(5,1)
        self.Cd_i = ca.DM.zeros(1,5)
        self.R_i = ca.DM.zeros(5,1)

        # Populate matrices
        self.Ad_i = ca.diagcat(Ad_eq, ca.DM(1))
        self.Ad_i[4,0:4] = -self.dt * self.Cd_eq
        self.Bd_i = ca.vertcat(Bd_eq, ca.DM(0))
        self.Bw_i = ca.vertcat(Bw_eq, ca.DM(0))
        self.Cd_i = ca.horzcat(self.Cd_eq, ca.DM(1))
        self.R_i[4,0] = self.dt
コード例 #24
ファイル: simulator.py プロジェクト: b4be1/easy_catch
 def simulate_observed_trajectory(model, x_all):
     z_all = []
     for xk in x_all[:]:
         [zk] = model.hn([xk])
     z_all = model.z.repeated(ca.horzcat(z_all))
     return z_all
コード例 #25
    def torque_driven(states: MX.sym, controls: MX.sym, parameters: MX.sym, nlp, with_contact: bool) -> MX:
        Forward dynamics driven by joint torques, optional external forces can be declared.

        states: MX.sym
            The state of the system
        controls: MX.sym
            The controls of the system
        parameters: MX.sym
            The parameters of the system
        nlp: NonLinearProgram
            The definition of the system
        with_contact: bool
            If the dynamic with contact should be used

            The derivative of the states

        DynamicsFunctions.apply_parameters(parameters, nlp)
        q = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.states["q"], states)
        qdot = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.states["qdot"], states)
        tau = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.controls["tau"], controls)

        dq = DynamicsFunctions.compute_qdot(nlp, q, qdot)
        ddq = DynamicsFunctions.forward_dynamics(nlp, q, qdot, tau, with_contact)

        dq = horzcat(*[dq for _ in range(ddq.shape[1])])
        return vertcat(dq, ddq)
コード例 #26
def shift_movement(T, t0, x0, u, f):
    f_value = f(x0, u[:, 0])
    st = x0 + T * f_value
    t = t0 + T
    u_end = ca.horzcat(u[:, 1:], u[:, -1])

    return t, st, u_end.T
コード例 #27
ファイル: kiteutils.py プロジェクト: ghorn/rawesome
def getDcm(ocp,k,prefix='e'):
    m11 = ocp.lookup(prefix+'11',timestep=k)
    m12 = ocp.lookup(prefix+'12',timestep=k)
    m13 = ocp.lookup(prefix+'13',timestep=k)

    m21 = ocp.lookup(prefix+'21',timestep=k)
    m22 = ocp.lookup(prefix+'22',timestep=k)
    m23 = ocp.lookup(prefix+'23',timestep=k)

    m31 = ocp.lookup(prefix+'31',timestep=k)
    m32 = ocp.lookup(prefix+'32',timestep=k)
    m33 = ocp.lookup(prefix+'33',timestep=k)

    return C.vertcat([C.horzcat([m11,m12,m13]),
コード例 #28
    def get_forward_model_casadi(self, linearize_mu=False):
        """ Return a symbolic casadi function representing predictive mean/variance


        return lambda x_new, u_new: self.predict_casadi_symbolic(
            horzcat(x_new, u_new), linearize_mu)
コード例 #29
    def contact_forces(nlp: NonLinearProgram, q, qdot, tau):
        Easy accessor for the contact forces in contact dynamics

        nlp: NonLinearProgram
            The phase of the program
        q: Union[MX, SX]
            The value of q from "get"
        qdot: Union[MX, SX]
            The value of qdot from "get"
        tau: Union[MX, SX]
            The value of tau from "get"

        The contact forces

        cs = nlp.model.getConstraints()
        if nlp.external_forces:
            all_cs = MX()
            for i, f_ext in enumerate(nlp.external_forces):
                    q, qdot, tau, cs, f_ext).to_mx()
                all_cs = horzcat(all_cs, cs.getForce().to_mx())
            return all_cs
            nlp.model.ForwardDynamicsConstraintsDirect(q, qdot, tau,
            return cs.getForce().to_mx()
コード例 #30
def roll(a, shift, axis: int = None):
    Roll array elements along a given axis.

    Elements that roll beyond the last position are re-introduced at the first.

    See syntax here: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.roll.html

    a : array_like
        Input array.
    shift : int
        The number of places by which elements are shifted.

    res : ndarray
        Output array, with the same shape as a.

    if not is_casadi_type(a):
        return _onp.roll(a, shift, axis=axis)
    else:  # TODO add some checking to make sure shift < len(a), or shift is modulo'd down by len(a).
        # assert shift < a.shape[axis]
        if 1 in a.shape and axis == 0:
            return _cas.vertcat(a[-shift, :], a[:-shift, :])
        elif axis == 0:
            return _cas.vertcat(a.T[:, -shift], a.T[:, :-shift]).T
        elif axis == 1:
            return _cas.horzcat(a[:, -shift], a[:, :-shift])
        elif axis is None:
            return roll(a, shift=shift, axis=0)
            raise Exception("CasADi types can only be up to 2D, so `axis` must be None, 0, or 1.")
コード例 #31
    def torque_driven(
        states: MX.sym,
        controls: MX.sym,
        parameters: MX.sym,
        with_contact: bool,
        implicit_dynamics: bool,
        fatigue: FatigueList,
    ) -> MX:
        Forward dynamics driven by joint torques, optional external forces can be declared.

        states: MX.sym
            The state of the system
        controls: MX.sym
            The controls of the system
        parameters: MX.sym
            The parameters of the system
        nlp: NonLinearProgram
            The definition of the system
        with_contact: bool
            If the dynamic with contact should be used
        implicit_dynamics: bool
            If the implicit dynamic should be used
        fatigue : FatigueList
            A list of fatigue elements

            The derivative of the states

        DynamicsFunctions.apply_parameters(parameters, nlp)
        q = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.states["q"], states)
        qdot = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.states["qdot"], states)

        dq = DynamicsFunctions.compute_qdot(nlp, q, qdot)

        if implicit_dynamics:
            dxdt = MX(nlp.states.shape, 1)
            dxdt[nlp.states["q"].index, :] = dq
            dxdt[nlp.states["qdot"].index, :] = DynamicsFunctions.get(
                nlp.controls["qddot"], controls)
            tau = DynamicsFunctions.__get_fatigable_tau(
                nlp, states, controls, fatigue)
            ddq = DynamicsFunctions.forward_dynamics(nlp, q, qdot, tau,
            dxdt = MX(nlp.states.shape, ddq.shape[1])
            dxdt[nlp.states["q"].index, :] = horzcat(
                *[dq for _ in range(ddq.shape[1])])
            dxdt[nlp.states["qdot"].index, :] = ddq

        if fatigue is not None and "tau" in fatigue:
            dxdt = fatigue["tau"].dynamics(dxdt, nlp, states, controls)

        return dxdt
コード例 #32
ファイル: pathfollowing.py プロジェクト: wannesvl/topaf
 def __init__(self, ny, order):
     self.order = order
     self.ny = ny
     self.y = cas.ssym("y", ny, self.order + 1)
     self.x = dict()
     self._nx = 0
     self._dy = cas.horzcat([self.y[:, 1:], cas.SXMatrix.zeros(ny, 1)])
コード例 #33
def skew_symmetric(v):
    Computes the skew-symmetric matrix of a 3D vector (PAMPC version)

    :param v: 3D numpy vector or CasADi MX
    :return: the corresponding skew-symmetric matrix of v with the same data type as v

    if isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
        return np.array([[0, -v[0], -v[1], -v[2]], [v[0], 0, v[2], -v[1]],
                         [v[1], -v[2], 0, v[0]], [v[2], v[1], -v[0], 0]])

    return cs.vertcat(cs.horzcat(0, -v[0], -v[1], -v[2]),
                      cs.horzcat(v[0], 0, v[2], -v[1]),
                      cs.horzcat(v[1], -v[2], 0, v[0]),
                      cs.horzcat(v[2], v[1], -v[0], 0))
コード例 #34
ファイル: collocation.py プロジェクト: mkatliar/casadi_extras
    def expandInput(self, u):
        '''Return input at collocation points given the input u on collocation intervals.

        n = self.numIntervals
        assert u.shape[1] == n
        return cs.horzcat(*[cs.repmat(u[:, k], 1, len(self._collocationGroups[k]) - 1) for k in range(n)])
コード例 #35
        def compute_penalty_values(t, x, u, p, penalty, dt):
            if len(x.shape) < 2:
                x = x.reshape((-1, 1))

            if isinstance(dt, Function):
                # The division is to account for the steps in the integration. The else is for Mayer term
                dt = dt(p)
            dt = dt / (x.shape[1] - 1) if x.shape[1] > 1 else dt
            if not isinstance(penalty.dt, (float, int)):
                if dt.shape[0] > 1:
                    dt = dt[penalty.phase]

            _target = (penalty.target[..., penalty.node_idx.index(t)]
                       if penalty.target is not None and isinstance(t, int)
                       else [])

            out = []
            if penalty.transition:
                        x.reshape((-1, 1)), u.reshape((-1, 1)), p,
                        penalty.weight, _target, dt))
            elif penalty.derivative or penalty.explicit_derivative:
                        x[:, [0, -1]], u, p, penalty.weight, _target, dt))
                        x, u, p, penalty.weight, _target, dt))
            return sum1(horzcat(*out))
コード例 #36
    def inner_phase_continuity(ocp):
        Add continuity constraints between each nodes of a phase.

        ocp: OptimalControlProgram
            A reference to the ocp
        # Dynamics must be sound within phases
        for i, nlp in enumerate(ocp.nlp):
            penalty = Constraint([])
            penalty.name = f"CONTINUITY {i}"
            penalty.list_index = -1
            ConstraintFunction.clear_penalty(ocp, None, penalty)
            # Loop over shooting nodes or use parallelization
            if ocp.n_threads > 1:
                end_nodes = nlp.par_dynamics(horzcat(*nlp.X[:-1]),
                val = horzcat(*nlp.X[1:]) - end_nodes
                    ocp, None, val.reshape((nlp.states.shape * nlp.ns, 1)),
                for k in range(nlp.ns):
                    # Create an evaluation node
                    if (isinstance(nlp.ode_solver, OdeSolver.RK4)
                            or isinstance(nlp.ode_solver, OdeSolver.RK8)
                            or isinstance(nlp.ode_solver, OdeSolver.IRK)):
                        if nlp.control_type == ControlType.CONSTANT:
                            u = nlp.U[k]
                        elif nlp.control_type == ControlType.LINEAR_CONTINUOUS:
                            u = horzcat(nlp.U[k], nlp.U[k + 1])
                            raise NotImplementedError(
                                f"Dynamics with {nlp.control_type} is not implemented yet"
                        end_node = nlp.dynamics[k](
                            x0=nlp.X[k], p=u, params=nlp.parameters.cx)["xf"]
                        end_node = nlp.dynamics[k](x0=nlp.X[k],

                    # Save continuity constraints
                    val = end_node - nlp.X[k + 1]
                    ConstraintFunction.add_to_penalty(ocp, None, val, penalty)
コード例 #37
    def muscles_driven(states: MX.sym, controls: MX.sym, parameters: MX.sym, nlp, with_contact: bool) -> MX:
        Forward dynamics driven by muscle.

        states: MX.sym
            The state of the system
        controls: MX.sym
            The controls of the system
        parameters: MX.sym
            The parameters of the system
        nlp: NonLinearProgram
            The definition of the system
        with_contact: bool
            If the dynamic with contact should be used

            The derivative of the states

        DynamicsFunctions.apply_parameters(parameters, nlp)
        q = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.states["q"], states)
        qdot = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.states["qdot"], states)
        residual_tau = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.controls["tau"], controls) if "tau" in nlp.controls else None

        mus_act_nlp, mus_act = (nlp.states, states) if "muscles" in nlp.states else (nlp.controls, controls)
        mus_activations = DynamicsFunctions.get(mus_act_nlp["muscles"], mus_act)
        muscles_tau = DynamicsFunctions.compute_tau_from_muscle(nlp, q, qdot, mus_activations)

        tau = muscles_tau + residual_tau if residual_tau is not None else muscles_tau
        dq = DynamicsFunctions.compute_qdot(nlp, q, qdot)
        ddq = DynamicsFunctions.forward_dynamics(nlp, q, qdot, tau, with_contact)

        dq = horzcat(*[dq for _ in range(ddq.shape[1])])
        dxdt = vertcat(dq, ddq)

        has_excitation = True if "muscles" in nlp.states else False
        if has_excitation:
            mus_excitations = DynamicsFunctions.get(nlp.controls["muscles"], controls)
            dmus = DynamicsFunctions.compute_muscle_dot(nlp, mus_excitations)
            dmus = horzcat(*[dmus for _ in range(ddq.shape[1])])
            dxdt = vertcat(dxdt, dmus)

        return dxdt
コード例 #38
ファイル: simulator.py プロジェクト: b4be1/easy_catch
 def simulate_eb_trajectory(model, u_all):
     ebk = model.eb0
     eb_all = [ebk]
     for uk in u_all[:]:
         [ebk_next] = model.EBF([ebk, uk])
         ebk = ebk_next
     eb_all = model.eb.repeated(ca.horzcat(eb_all))
     return eb_all
コード例 #39
ファイル: simulator.py プロジェクト: b4be1/easy_catch
 def simulate_trajectory(model, u_all):
     xk = model.x0.cat
     x_all = [xk]
     for uk in u_all[:]:
         [xk_next] = model.Fn([xk, uk])
         xk = xk_next
     x_all = model.x.repeated(ca.horzcat(x_all))
     return x_all
コード例 #40
ファイル: simulator.py プロジェクト: b4be1/easy_catch
 def filter_observed_trajectory(model, z_all, u_all):
     n = len(u_all[:])
     bk = model.b0
     b_all = [bk]
     for k in range(n):
         [bk_next] = model.EKF([bk, u_all[k], z_all[k+1]])
         bk = bk_next
     b_all = model.b.repeated(ca.horzcat(b_all))
     return b_all
コード例 #41
ファイル: admm.py プロジェクト: jgillis/omg-tools
 def _check_for_lineq(self):
     g = []
     for con in self.constraints:
         lb, ub = con[1], con[2]
         g = vertcat([g, con[0] - lb])
         if not isinstance(lb, np.ndarray):
             lb, ub = [lb], [ub]
         for k in range(len(lb)):
             if lb[k] != ub[k]:
                 return False, None, None
     sym, jac = [], []
     for child, q_i in self.q_i.items():
         for name, ind in q_i.items():
             var = child.get_variable(name, spline=False)
             jj = jacobian(g, var)
             jac = horzcat([jac, jj[:, ind]])
     for nghb in self.q_ij.keys():
         for child, q_ij in self.q_ij[nghb].items():
             for name, ind in q_ij.items():
                 var = child.get_variable(name, spline=False)
                 jj = jacobian(g, var)
                 jac = horzcat([jac, jj[:, ind]])
     for sym in symvar(jac):
         if sym not in self.par_i.values():
             return False, None, None
     par = struct_symMX(self.par_struct)
     A, b = jac, -g
     for s in sym:
         A = substitute(A, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
         b = substitute(b, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
     dep_b = [s.getName() for s in symvar(b)]
     dep_A = [s.getName() for s in symvar(b)]
     for name, sym in self.par_i.items():
         if sym.getName() in dep_b:
             b = substitute(b, sym, par[name])
         if sym.getName() in dep_A:
             A = substitute(A, sym, par[name])
     A = MXFunction('A', [par], [A]).expand()
     b = MXFunction('b', [par], [b]).expand()
     return True, A, b
コード例 #42
ファイル: admm.py プロジェクト: meco-group/omg-tools
 def _check_for_lineq(self):
     g = []
     for con in self.global_constraints:
         lb, ub = con[1], con[2]
         g = vertcat(g, con[0] - lb)
         if not isinstance(lb, np.ndarray):
             lb, ub = [lb], [ub]
         for k, _ in enumerate(lb):
             if lb[k] != ub[k]:
                 return False, None, None
     sym, jac = [], []
     for child, q_i in self.q_i.items():
         for name, ind in q_i.items():
             var = self.distr_problem.father.get_variables(child, name, spline=False, symbolic=True, substitute=False)
             jj = jacobian(g, var)
             jac = horzcat(jac, jj[:, ind])
     for nghb in self.q_ij.keys():
         for child, q_ij in self.q_ij[nghb].items():
             for name, ind in q_ij.items():
                 var = self.distr_problem.father.get_variables(child, name, spline=False, symbolic=True, substitute=False)
                 jj = jacobian(g, var)
                 jac = horzcat(jac, jj[:, ind])
     for sym in symvar(jac):
         if sym not in self.par_global.values():
             return False, None, None
     par = struct_symMX(self.par_global_struct)
     A, b = jac, -g
     for s in sym:
         A = substitute(A, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
         b = substitute(b, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
     dep_b = [s.name() for s in symvar(b)]
     dep_A = [s.name() for s in symvar(b)]
     for name, sym in self.par_global.items():
         if sym.name() in dep_b:
             b = substitute(b, sym, par[name])
         if sym.name() in dep_A:
             A = substitute(A, sym, par[name])
     A = Function('A', [par], [A]).expand()
     b = Function('b', [par], [b]).expand()
     return True, A, b
コード例 #43
ファイル: pathplanning.py プロジェクト: wannesvl/topap
    def set_path(self, paths):
        """The path is defined as the convex combination of the paths in paths.

            paths (list of lists of SXMatrix): The path is taken as the
            convex combination of the paths in paths.

        The path is defined as the convex combination of
        (s, 0.5*s) and (2, 2*s):
            >>> P.set_path([(P.s[0], 0.5 * P.s[0]), [P.s[0], 2 * P.s[0]]])
        l = len(paths)
        self.h = cas.ssym("h", l, self.sys.order + 1)
        self.path[:, 0] = np.sum(cas.SXMatrix(paths) * cas.horzcat([self.h[:, 0]] * len(paths[0])), axis=0)
        dot_s = cas.vertcat([self.s[1:], 0])
        dot_h = cas.horzcat([self.h[:, 1:], cas.SXMatrix.zeros(l, 1)])
        for i in range(1, self.sys.order + 1):  # Chainrule
            self.path[:, i] = (cas.mul(cas.jacobian(self.path[:, i - 1], self.s), dot_s) +
                sum([cas.mul(cas.jacobian(self.path[:, i - 1], self.h[j, :]), dot_h[j, :].trans()) for j in range(l)]) * self.s[1])
コード例 #44
def compute_mass_matrix(dae, conf, f1, f2, f3, t1, t2, t3):
    take the dae that has x/z/u/p added to it already and return
    the states added to it and return mass matrix and rhs of the dae residual

    R_b2n = dae['R_n2b'].T
    r_n2b_n = C.veccat([dae['r_n2b_n_x'], dae['r_n2b_n_y'], dae['r_n2b_n_z']])
    r_b2bridle_b = C.veccat([0,0,conf['zt']])
    v_bn_n = C.veccat([dae['v_bn_n_x'],dae['v_bn_n_y'],dae['v_bn_n_z']])

    r_n2bridle_n = r_n2b_n + C.mul(R_b2n, r_b2bridle_b)

    mm00 = C.diag([1,1,1]) * (conf['mass'] + conf['tether_mass']/3.0)
    mm01 = C.SXMatrix(3,3)
    mm10 = mm01.T
    mm02 = r_n2bridle_n
    mm20 = mm02.T
    J = C.vertcat([C.horzcat([ conf['j1'],          0, conf['j31']]),
                   C.horzcat([          0, conf['j2'],           0]),
                   C.horzcat([conf['j31'],          0,  conf['j3']])])
    mm11 = J
    mm12 = C.cross(r_b2bridle_b, C.mul(dae['R_n2b'], r_n2b_n))
    mm21 = mm12.T
    mm22 = C.SXMatrix(1,1)

    mm = C.vertcat([C.horzcat([mm00,mm01,mm02]),

    # right hand side
    rhs0 = C.veccat([f1,f2,f3 + conf['g']*(conf['mass'] + conf['tether_mass']*0.5)])
    rhs1 = C.veccat([t1,t2,t3]) - C.cross(dae['w_bn_b'], C.mul(J, dae['w_bn_b']))

    # last element of RHS
    R_n2b = dae['R_n2b']
    w_bn_b = dae['w_bn_b']
    grad_r_cdot = v_bn_n + C.mul(R_b2n, C.cross(dae['w_bn_b'], r_b2bridle_b))
    tPR = - C.cross(C.mul(R_n2b, r_n2b_n), C.cross(w_bn_b, r_b2bridle_b)) - \
          C.cross(C.mul(R_n2b, v_bn_n), r_b2bridle_b)
    rhs2 = -C.mul(grad_r_cdot.T, v_bn_n) - C.mul(tPR.T, w_bn_b) + dae['dr']**2 + dae['r']*dae['ddr']

    rhs = C.veccat([rhs0,rhs1,rhs2])

    c = 0.5*(C.mul(r_n2bridle_n.T, r_n2bridle_n) - dae['r']**2)
    v_bridlen_n = v_bn_n + C.mul(R_b2n, C.cross(w_bn_b, r_b2bridle_b))
    cdot = C.mul(r_n2bridle_n.T, v_bridlen_n) - dae['r']*dae['dr']

    a_bn_n = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['v_bn_n_x','v_bn_n_y','v_bn_n_z']])
    dw_bn_b = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['w_bn_b_x','w_bn_b_y','w_bn_b_z']])
    a_bridlen_n = a_bn_n + C.mul(R_b2n, C.cross(dw_bn_b, r_b2bridle_b) + C.cross(w_bn_b, C.cross(w_bn_b, r_b2bridle_b)))
    cddot = C.mul(v_bridlen_n.T, v_bridlen_n) + C.mul(r_n2bridle_n.T, a_bridlen_n) - \
            dae['dr']**2 - dae['r']*dae['ddr']

    dae['c'] = c
    dae['cdot'] = cdot
    dae['cddot'] = cddot

    return (mm, rhs)
コード例 #45
 def invariantErrs():
     dcm = C.horzcat( [ C.veccat([dae.x('e11'), dae.x('e21'), dae.x('e31')])
                      , C.veccat([dae.x('e12'), dae.x('e22'), dae.x('e32')])
                      , C.veccat([dae.x('e13'), dae.x('e23'), dae.x('e33')])
                      ] ).trans()
     err = C.mul(dcm.trans(), dcm)
     dcmErr = C.veccat([ err[0,0]-1, err[1,1]-1, err[2,2]-1, err[0,1], err[0,2], err[1,2] ])
     f = C.SXFunction( [dae.xVec(),dae.uVec(),dae.pVec()]
                     , [dae.output('c'),dae.output('cdot'),dcmErr]
     f.setOption('name','invariant errors')
     return f
コード例 #46
ファイル: pathfollowing.py プロジェクト: wannesvl/topaf
 def _make_constraints(self):
     Parse the constraints and put them in the correct format
     N = self.options['N']
     con = self._ode(self.prob['vars'])
     lb = np.alen(con) * [0]
     ub = np.alen(con) * [0]
     S = self.prob['s']
     b = self.prob['vars']
     path, bs = self._make_path()[0:2]
     sbs = cas.vertcat([self.s[0], bs])
     Sb = cas.horzcat([S, b]).T
     for f in self.constraints:
         F = cas.substitute(f[0], self.sys.y, path)
         if f[3] is None:
             F = cas.vertcat([cas.substitute(F, sbs, Sb[:, j])
                              for j in xrange(N + 1)])
             Flb = f[1](S) if hasattr(f[1], '__call__') else [f[1]] * len(S)
             Fub = f[2](S) if hasattr(f[2], '__call__') else [f[2]] * len(S)
             F = cas.vertcat([cas.substitute(F, sbs, Sb[:, j])
                              for j in f[3]])
     if self.options['bc']:
         con.append(b[0, 0])
         con.append(b[-1, 0])
     self.prob['con'] = [con, lb, ub]
コード例 #47
ファイル: pecas.py プロジェクト: adbuerger/PECas
    def run_simulation(self, \
        x0 = None, tsim = None, usim = None, psim = None, method = "rk"):

        :param x0: initial value for the states
                   :math:`x_0 \in \mathbb{R}^{n_x}`
        :type x0: list, numpy,ndarray, casadi.DMatrix

        :param tsim: optional, switching time points for the controls
                    :math:`t_{sim} \in \mathbb{R}^{L}` to be used for the
        :type tsim: list, numpy,ndarray, casadi.DMatrix        

        :param usim: optional, control values 
                     :math:`u_{sim} \in \mathbb{R}^{n_u \times L}`
                     to be used for the simulation
        :type usim: list, numpy,ndarray, casadi.DMatrix   

        :param psim: optional, parameter set 
                     :math:`p_{sim} \in \mathbb{R}^{n_p}`
                     to be used for the simulation
        :type psim: list, numpy,ndarray, casadi.DMatrix 

        :param method: optional, CasADi integrator to be used for the
        :type method: str

        This function performs a simulation of the system for a given
        parameter set :math:`p_{sim}`, starting from a user-provided initial
        value for the states :math:`x_0`. If the argument ``psim`` is not
        specified, the estimated parameter set :math:`\hat{p}` is used.
        For this, a parameter
        estimation using :func:`run_parameter_estimation()` has to be
        done beforehand, of course.

        By default, the switching time points for
        the controls :math:`t_u` and the corresponding controls 
        :math:`u_N` will be used for simulation. If desired, other time points
        :math:`t_{sim}` and corresponding controls :math:`u_{sim}`
        can be passed to the function.

        For the moment, the function can only be used for systems of type


        print('\n' + 27 * '-' + \
            ' PECas system simulation ' + 26 * '-')
        print('\nPerforming system simulation, this might take some time ...') 

        if not type(self.pesetup.system) is systems.ExplODE:

            raise NotImplementedError("Until now, this function can only " + \
                "be used for systems of type ExplODE.")

        if x0 == None:

            raise ValueError("You have to provide an initial value x0 " + \
                "to run the simulation.")

        x0 = np.squeeze(np.asarray(x0))

        if np.atleast_1d(x0).shape[0] != self.pesetup.nx:

            raise ValueError("Wrong dimension for initial value x0.")

        if tsim == None:

            tsim = self.pesetup.tu

        if usim == None:

            usim = self.pesetup.uN

        if psim == None:


                psim = self.phat

            except AttributeError:

                errmsg = '''
You have to either perform a parameter estimation beforehand to obtain a
parameter set that can be used for simulation, or you have to provide a
parameter set in the argument psim.
                raise AttributeError(errmsg)


            if not np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(psim)).shape[0] == self.pesetup.np:

                raise ValueError("Wrong dimension for parameter set psim.")

        fp = ca.MXFunction("fp", \
            [self.pesetup.system.t, self.pesetup.system.u, \
            self.pesetup.system.x, self.pesetup.system.eps_e, \
            self.pesetup.system.eps_u, self.pesetup.system.p], \

        fpeval = fp([\
            self.pesetup.system.t, self.pesetup.system.u, \
            self.pesetup.system.x, np.zeros(self.pesetup.neps_e), \
            np.zeros(self.pesetup.neps_u), psim])[0]

        fsim = ca.MXFunction("fsim", \
            ca.daeIn(t = self.pesetup.system.t, \
                x = self.pesetup.system.x, \
                p = self.pesetup.system.u), \
            ca.daeOut(ode = fpeval))

        Xsim = []

        u0 = ca.DMatrix()

        for k,e in enumerate(tsim[:-1]):


                integrator = ca.Integrator("integrator", method, \
                    fsim, {"t0": e, "tf": tsim[k+1]})

            except RuntimeError as err:

                errmsg = '''
It seems like you want to use an integration method that is not currently
supported by CasADi. Please refer to the CasADi documentation for a list
of supported integrators, or use the default RK4-method by not setting the
method-argument of the function.
                raise RuntimeError(errmsg)

            if not self.pesetup.nu == 0:

                u0 = usim[:,k]

            Xk_end = itemgetter('xf')(integrator({'x0':x0,'p':u0}))

            x0 = Xk_end

        self.Xsim = ca.horzcat(Xsim)

        print( \
'''System simulation finished.''')
コード例 #48
def register_three_points_casadi(a1,a2,a3, b1,b2,b3):
	assert a1.shape==(3,1)
	assert a2.shape==(3,1)
	assert a3.shape==(3,1)
	assert b1.shape==(3,1)
	assert b2.shape==(3,1)
	assert b3.shape==(3,1)
	A = casadi.horzcat((a1,a2,a3)) # place a1,a2,a3 into columns of A
	B = casadi.horzcat((b1,b2,b3)) # place b1,b2,b3 into columns of B

	temp1a = normalize_casadi(a2 - a1)
	temp2a = normalize_casadi(a3 - a1)
	temp1b = normalize_casadi(b2 - b1)
	temp2b = normalize_casadi(b3 - b1)

	na = normalize_casadi(cross_casadi(temp1a, temp2a))
	nb = normalize_casadi(cross_casadi(temp1b, temp2b))

	# [temp1a na temp3a] is a rotation matrix.
	temp3a = cross_casadi(temp1a, na)
	temp3b = cross_casadi(temp1b, nb)

	# Find the rotation that aligns the normals with the z-axis.
	# Be careful to preserve handedness.
	Ra = casadi.horzcat((temp3a, temp1a, na)).T
	Rb = casadi.horzcat((temp3b, temp1b, nb)).T
	Atilde = dot(Ra,A) # 3x3
	Btilde = dot(Rb,B)

	# Subtract off the means of the points.
	mua = Atilde.mean(axis=1) # means of the rows
	mub = Btilde.mean(axis=1) # means of the rows
	AHat = Atilde - mua.reshape((3,1)) # make mua a column, broadcast for subtraction
	BHat = Btilde - mub.reshape((3,1)) # make mub a column, broadcast for subtraction

	# Compute the x-y plane rotation that aligns the points in least squared sense.
	aRow1 = AHat[0,:]
	aRow2 = AHat[1,:]
	bRow1 = BHat[0,:]
	bRow2 = BHat[1,:]
	g = (aRow1*bRow1 + aRow2*bRow2).sum()
	h = (aRow1*bRow2 - aRow2*bRow1).sum()
	temp = numpy.sqrt(g*g + h*h)
	g = g/temp  # now, g = cos(theta) where theta is the optimal rotation amount.
	h = h/temp  # similarly, h = sin(theta)

	# Go ahead and format as a full 3D rotation matrix. 
	#Rxy = [g -h 0; h g 0; 0 0 1];  
	Rxy = casadi.SXMatrix(3,3)
	Rxy[0,0] = g
	Rxy[0,1] = -h
	Rxy[1,0] = h
	Rxy[1,1] = g
	Rxy[2,2] = 1

	# Combine the transformations to the the global R, t we're looking for.
	#R = Rb.T * Rxy * Ra
	mul = casadi.mul
	R = mul(mul(Rb.T, Rxy), Ra)
	#t = -Rb.T * Rxy * mua + Rb.T * mub
	t = mul(-Rb.T, mul(Rxy, mua)) + mul(Rb.T, mub)

	return R,t
コード例 #49
def horzcat(inputlist):

    return ca.horzcat(inputlist)
コード例 #50
 def getFourierDcm(vars):
     return C.vertcat([C.horzcat([vars['e11'], vars['e12'], vars['e13']]),
                       C.horzcat([vars['e21'], vars['e22'], vars['e23']]),
                       C.horzcat([vars['e31'], vars['e32'], vars['e33']])])
コード例 #51
ファイル: crosswind.py プロジェクト: psinha/rawesome
def crosswindModel(conf):
    pass this a conf, and it'll return you a dae
    # empty Dae
    dae = Dae()

    # add some differential states/algebraic vars/controls/params
    dae.addX( [ "x"
              , "y"
              , "z"
              , "e11"
              , "e12"
              , "e13"
              , "e21"
              , "e22"
              , "e23"
              , "e31"
              , "e32"
              , "e33"
              , "dx"
              , "dy"
              , "dz"
              , "w_bn_b_x"
              , "w_bn_b_y"
              , "w_bn_b_z"
              , "r"
              , "dr"
              , 'ddr'
              , "aileron"
              , "elevator"
              , "rudder"
              , "flaps"
              ] )
    dae.addU( [ "daileron"
              , "delevator"
              , "drudder"
              , "dflaps"
              , 'dddr'
              ] )
    dae.addP( ['w0'] )

    # set some state derivatives as outputs
    dae['ddx'] = dae.ddt('dx')
    dae['ddy'] = dae.ddt('dy')
    dae['ddz'] = dae.ddt('dz')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_x'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_x')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_y'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_y')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_z'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_z')
    dae['w_bn_b'] = C.veccat([dae['w_bn_b_x'], dae['w_bn_b_y'], dae['w_bn_b_z']])

    # some outputs in degrees for plotting
    dae['aileron_deg']     = dae['aileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['elevator_deg']    = dae['elevator']*180/C.pi
    dae['rudder_deg']      = dae['rudder']*180/C.pi
    dae['daileron_deg_s']  = dae['daileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['delevator_deg_s'] = dae['delevator']*180/C.pi
    dae['drudder_deg_s']   = dae['drudder']*180/C.pi

    # tether tension == radius*nu where nu is alg. var associated with x^2+y^2+z^2-r^2==0
    dae['tether_tension'] = dae['r']*dae['nu']

    # theoretical mechanical power
    dae['mechanical_winch_power'] = -dae['tether_tension']*dae['dr']

    # carousel2 motor model from thesis data
    dae['rpm'] = -dae['dr']/0.1*60/(2*C.pi)
    dae['torque'] = dae['tether_tension']*0.1
    dae['electrical_winch_power'] =  293.5816373499238 + \
                                     0.0003931623408*dae['rpm']*dae['rpm'] + \
                                     0.0665919381751*dae['torque']*dae['torque'] + \

    dae['R_n2b'] = C.vertcat([C.horzcat([dae['e11'],dae['e12'],dae['e13']]),

    # get mass matrix, rhs
    (massMatrix, rhs, dRexp) = setupModel(dae, conf)

    # set up the residual
    ode = C.veccat([
        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['x','y','z']]) - C.veccat([dae['dx'],dae['dy'],dae['dz']]),
        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ["e11","e12","e13",
                                             "e31","e32","e33"]]) - dRexp.trans().reshape([9,1]),
#        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['dx','dy','dz']]) - C.veccat([dae['ddx'],dae['ddy'],dae['ddz']]),
#        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['w1','w2','w3']]) - C.veccat([dae['dw1'],dae['dw2'],dae['dw3']]),
        dae.ddt('r') - dae['dr'],
        dae.ddt('dr') - dae['ddr'],
        dae.ddt('ddr') - dae['dddr'],
        dae.ddt('aileron') - dae['daileron'],
        dae.ddt('elevator') - dae['delevator'],
        dae.ddt('rudder') - dae['drudder'],
        dae.ddt('flaps') - dae['dflaps']

    # acceleration for plotting
    ddx = dae['ddx']
    ddy = dae['ddy']
    ddz = dae['ddz']
    dae['accel_g'] = C.sqrt(ddx**2 + ddy**2 + (ddz + 9.8)**2)/9.8
    dae['accel_without_gravity_g'] = C.sqrt(ddx**2 + ddy**2 + ddz**2)/9.8
    dae['accel'] = C.sqrt(ddx**2 + ddy**2 + (ddz+9.8)**2)
    dae['accel_without_gravity'] = C.sqrt(ddx**2 + ddy**2 + ddz**2)

    # line angle
    dae['cos_line_angle'] = \
      -(dae['e31']*dae['x'] + dae['e32']*dae['y'] + dae['e33']*dae['z']) / C.sqrt(dae['x']**2 + dae['y']**2 + dae['z']**2)
    dae['line_angle_deg'] = C.arccos(dae['cos_line_angle'])*180.0/C.pi

    # add local loyd's limit
    def addLoydsLimit():
        w = dae['wind_at_altitude']
        cL = dae['cL']
        cD = dae['cD'] + dae['cD_tether']
        rho = conf['rho']
        S = conf['sref']
        loyds = 2/27.0*rho*S*w**3*cL**3/cD**2
        loyds2 = 2/27.0*rho*S*w**3*(cL**2/cD**2 + 1)**(1.5)*cD
        dae["loyds_limit"] = loyds
        dae["loyds_limit_exact"] = loyds2
        dae['neg_electrical_winch_power'] = -dae['electrical_winch_power']
        dae['neg_mechanical_winch_power'] = -dae['mechanical_winch_power']

    psuedoZVec = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in \
    alg = C.mul(massMatrix, psuedoZVec) - rhs
    dae.setResidual( [ode, alg] )

    return dae
コード例 #52
ファイル: crosswind_drag.py プロジェクト: ghorn/rawesome
def crosswind_model(conf):
    pass this a conf, and it'll return you a dae
    # empty Dae
    dae = Dae()

    # add some differential states/algebraic vars/controls/params
    dae.addX( ['r_n2b_n_x', 'r_n2b_n_y', 'r_n2b_n_z',
               'e11', 'e12', 'e13',
               'e21', 'e22', 'e23',
               'e31', 'e32', 'e33',
               'v_bn_n_x', 'v_bn_n_y', 'v_bn_n_z',
               'w_bn_b_x', 'w_bn_b_y', 'w_bn_b_z',
               'aileron', 'elevator', 'rudder', 'flaps', 'prop_drag'
    dae.addU( [ 'daileron'
              , 'delevator'
              , 'drudder'
              , 'dflaps'
              , 'dprop_drag'
              ] )
    dae.addP( ['r','w0'] )

    # set some state derivatives as outputs
    dae['ddx'] = dae.ddt('v_bn_n_x')
    dae['ddy'] = dae.ddt('v_bn_n_y')
    dae['ddz'] = dae.ddt('v_bn_n_z')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_x'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_x')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_y'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_y')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_z'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_z')
    dae['w_bn_b'] = C.veccat([dae['w_bn_b_x'], dae['w_bn_b_y'], dae['w_bn_b_z']])

    # some outputs in degrees for plotting
    dae['aileron_deg']     = dae['aileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['elevator_deg']    = dae['elevator']*180/C.pi
    dae['rudder_deg']      = dae['rudder']*180/C.pi
    dae['daileron_deg_s']  = dae['daileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['delevator_deg_s'] = dae['delevator']*180/C.pi
    dae['drudder_deg_s']   = dae['drudder']*180/C.pi

    # tether tension == radius*nu where nu is alg. var associated with x^2+y^2+z^2-r^2==0
    dae['tether_tension'] = dae['r']*dae['nu']

    dae['R_n2b'] = C.vertcat([C.horzcat([dae['e11'], dae['e12'], dae['e13']]),
                              C.horzcat([dae['e21'], dae['e22'], dae['e23']]),
                              C.horzcat([dae['e31'], dae['e32'], dae['e33']])])

    # local wind
    dae['wind_at_altitude'] = get_wind(dae, conf)

    # wind velocity in NED
    dae['v_wn_n'] = C.veccat([dae['wind_at_altitude'], 0, 0])

    # body velocity in NED
    dae['v_bn_n'] = C.veccat( [ dae['v_bn_n_x'] , dae['v_bn_n_y'], dae['v_bn_n_z'] ] )

    # body velocity w.r.t. wind in NED
    v_bw_n =  dae['v_bn_n'] - dae['v_wn_n']

    # body velocity w.r.t. wind in body frame
    v_bw_b = C.mul( dae['R_n2b'], v_bw_n )

    # compute aerodynamic forces and moments
    (f1, f2, f3, t1, t2, t3) = \
        aeroForcesTorques(dae, conf, v_bw_n, v_bw_b,
                          (dae['e21'], dae['e22'], dae['e23']))
    dae['prop_drag_vector'] = dae['prop_drag']*v_bw_n/dae['airspeed']
    dae['prop_power'] = C.mul(dae['prop_drag_vector'].T, v_bw_n)
    f1 -= dae['prop_drag_vector'][0]
    f2 -= dae['prop_drag_vector'][1]
    f3 -= dae['prop_drag_vector'][2]

    # if we are running a homotopy,
    # add psudeo forces and moments as algebraic states
    if 'runHomotopy' in conf and conf['runHomotopy']:
        gamma_homotopy = dae.addP('gamma_homotopy')
        f1 = f1*gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('f1_homotopy')*(1 - gamma_homotopy)
        f2 = f2*gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('f2_homotopy')*(1 - gamma_homotopy)
        f3 = f3*gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('f3_homotopy')*(1 - gamma_homotopy)
        t1 = t1*gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('t1_homotopy')*(1 - gamma_homotopy)
        t2 = t2*gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('t2_homotopy')*(1 - gamma_homotopy)
        t3 = t3*gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('t3_homotopy')*(1 - gamma_homotopy)

    # derivative of dcm
    dRexp = C.mul(skew_mat(dae['w_bn_b']).T, dae['R_n2b'])
    ddt_R_n2b = C.vertcat(\
        [C.horzcat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['e11', 'e12', 'e13']]),
         C.horzcat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['e21', 'e22', 'e23']]),
         C.horzcat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['e31', 'e32', 'e33']])])

    # get mass matrix, rhs
    (mass_matrix, rhs) = compute_mass_matrix(dae, conf, f1, f2, f3, t1, t2, t3)

    # set up the residual
    ode = C.veccat([
        C.veccat([dae.ddt('r_n2b_n_'+name) - dae['v_bn_n_'+name] for name in ['x','y','z']]),
        C.veccat([ddt_R_n2b - dRexp]),
        dae.ddt('aileron') - dae['daileron'],
        dae.ddt('elevator') - dae['delevator'],
        dae.ddt('rudder') - dae['drudder'],
        dae.ddt('flaps') - dae['dflaps'],
        dae.ddt('prop_drag') - dae['dprop_drag']

    # acceleration for plotting
    ddx = dae['ddx']
    ddy = dae['ddy']
    ddz = dae['ddz']
    dae['accel_g'] = C.sqrt(ddx**2 + ddy**2 + (ddz + 9.8)**2)/9.8
    dae['accel_without_gravity_g'] = C.sqrt(ddx**2 + ddy**2 + ddz**2)/9.8
    dae['accel'] = C.sqrt(ddx**2 + ddy**2 + (ddz+9.8)**2)
    dae['accel_without_gravity'] = C.sqrt(ddx**2 + ddy**2 + ddz**2)

    # line angle
    dae['cos_line_angle'] = \
      -(dae['e31']*dae['r_n2b_n_x'] + dae['e32']*dae['r_n2b_n_y'] + dae['e33']*dae['r_n2b_n_z']) / \
       C.sqrt(dae['r_n2b_n_x']**2 + dae['r_n2b_n_y']**2 + dae['r_n2b_n_z']**2)
    dae['line_angle_deg'] = C.arccos(dae['cos_line_angle'])*180.0/C.pi

    # add local loyd's limit
    def addLoydsLimit():
        w = dae['wind_at_altitude']
        cL = dae['cL']
        cD = dae['cD'] + dae['cD_tether']
        rho = conf['rho']
        S = conf['sref']
        loyds = 2/27.0*rho*S*w**3*cL**3/cD**2
        loyds2 = 2/27.0*rho*S*w**3*(cL**2/cD**2 + 1)**(1.5)*cD
        dae["loyds_limit"] = loyds
        dae["loyds_limit_exact"] = loyds2

    psuedo_zvec = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in \
    alg = C.mul(mass_matrix, psuedo_zvec) - rhs
    dae.setResidual( [ode, alg] )

    return dae
コード例 #53
ファイル: carousel.py プロジェクト: jaeandersson/rawesome
def carouselModel(conf,nSteps=None,extraParams=[]):
    dae = Dae()
    for ep in extraParams:
#    dae.addZ( [ "dddelta"
#              , "ddx"
#              , "ddy"
#              , "ddz"
#              , "dw1"
#              , "dw2"
#              , "dw3"
#              , "nu"
#              ] )
    dae.addX( [ "x"
              , "y"
              , "z"
              , "e11"
              , "e12"
              , "e13"
              , "e21"
              , "e22"
              , "e23"
              , "e31"
              , "e32"
              , "e33"
              , "dx"
              , "dy"
              , "dz"
              , "w1"
              , "w2"
              , "w3"
              , "ddelta"
              , "r"
              , "dr"
              , "aileron"
              , "elevator"
              ] )
    if conf['delta_parameterization'] == 'linear':
        dae['cos_delta'] = C.cos(dae['delta'])
        dae['sin_delta'] = C.sin(dae['delta'])
        dae_delta_residual = dae.ddt('delta') - dae['ddelta'],

    elif conf['delta_parameterization'] == 'cos_sin':
        dae_delta_residual = C.veccat([dae.ddt('cos_delta') - (-dae['sin_delta']*dae['ddelta']),
                                       dae.ddt('sin_delta') - dae['cos_delta']*dae['ddelta']])
        raise ValueErorr('unrecognized delta_parameterization "'+conf['delta_parameterization']+'"')

    dae.addU( [ "daileron"
              , "delevator"
              , "motor_torque"
              , 'ddr'
              ] )
    # add wind parameter if wind shear is in configuration
    if 'z0' in conf and 'zt_roughness' in conf:
        dae.addP( ['w0'] )

    dae['RPM'] = dae['ddelta']*60/(2*C.pi)
    dae['aileron(deg)'] = dae['aileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['elevator(deg)'] = dae['elevator']*180/C.pi
    dae['daileron(deg/s)'] = dae['daileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['delevator(deg/s)'] = dae['delevator']*180/C.pi
    dae['motor power'] = dae['motor_torque']*dae['ddelta']

    dae['tether tension'] = dae['r']*dae['nu']
    dae['winch power'] = -dae['tether tension']*dae['dr']
    dae['dcm'] = C.vertcat([C.horzcat([dae['e11'],dae['e12'],dae['e13']]),
    # line angle
    dae['cos(line angle)'] = \
      (dae['e31']*dae['x'] + dae['e32']*dae['y'] + dae['e33']*dae['z']) / C.sqrt(dae['x']**2 + dae['y']**2 + dae['z']**2)
    dae['line angle (deg)'] = C.arccos(dae['cos(line angle)'])*180.0/C.pi

    (massMatrix, rhs, dRexp) = setupModel(dae, conf)

    ode = C.veccat([
        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['x','y','z']]) - C.veccat([dae['dx'],dae['dy'],dae['dz']]),
        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ["e11","e12","e13",
                                             "e31","e32","e33"]]) - dRexp.trans().reshape([9,1]),
#        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['dx','dy','dz']]) - C.veccat([dae['ddx'],dae['ddy'],dae['ddz']]),
#        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['w1','w2','w3']]) - C.veccat([dae['dw1'],dae['dw2'],dae['dw3']]),
#        dae.ddt('ddelta') - dae['dddelta'],
        dae.ddt('r') - dae['dr'],
        dae.ddt('dr') - dae['ddr'],
        dae.ddt('aileron') - dae['daileron'],
        dae.ddt('elevator') - dae['delevator']

    if nSteps is not None:

    psuedoZVec = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['ddelta','dx','dy','dz','w1','w2','w3']]+[dae['nu']])
    alg = C.mul(massMatrix, psuedoZVec) - rhs
    return dae
コード例 #54
ファイル: kiteutils.py プロジェクト: ghorn/rawesome
def orthonormalizeDcm(m):
    ## OGRE (www.ogre3d.org) is made available under the MIT License.
    ## Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Torus Knot Software Ltd
    ## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
    ## of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
    ## in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
    ## to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
    ## copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
    ## furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
    ## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
    ## all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

    # Algorithm uses Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization.  If 'this' matrix is
    # M = [m0|m1|m2], then orthonormal output matrix is Q = [q0|q1|q2],
    #   q0 = m0/|m0|
    #   q1 = (m1-(q0*m1)q0)/|m1-(q0*m1)q0|
    #   q2 = (m2-(q0*m2)q0-(q1*m2)q1)/|m2-(q0*m2)q0-(q1*m2)q1|
    # where |V| indicates length of vector V and A*B indicates dot
    # product of vectors A and B.

    m00 = m[0,0]
    m01 = m[0,1]
    m02 = m[0,2]

    m10 = m[1,0]
    m11 = m[1,1]
    m12 = m[1,2]

    m20 = m[2,0]
    m21 = m[2,1]
    m22 = m[2,2]

    # compute q0
    fInvLength = 1.0/C.sqrt(m00*m00 + m10*m10 + m20*m20)

    m00 *= fInvLength
    m10 *= fInvLength
    m20 *= fInvLength

    # compute q1
    fDot0 = m00*m01 + m10*m11 + m20*m21

    m01 -= fDot0*m00
    m11 -= fDot0*m10
    m21 -= fDot0*m20

    fInvLength = 1.0/C.sqrt(m01*m01 + m11*m11 + m21*m21)

    m01 *= fInvLength
    m11 *= fInvLength
    m21 *= fInvLength

    # compute q2
    fDot1 = m01*m02 + m11*m12 + m21*m22

    fDot0 = m00*m02 + m10*m12 + m20*m22

    m02 -= fDot0*m00 + fDot1*m01
    m12 -= fDot0*m10 + fDot1*m11
    m22 -= fDot0*m20 + fDot1*m21

    fInvLength = 1.0/C.sqrt(m02*m02 + m12*m12 + m22*m22)

    m02 *= fInvLength
    m12 *= fInvLength
    m22 *= fInvLength

    return C.vertcat([C.horzcat([m00,m01,m02]),
コード例 #55
ファイル: setups.py プロジェクト: adbuerger/PECas
    def __init__(self, system = None, \
        tu = None, uN = None, \
        ty = None, yN = None,
        pinit = None, \
        xinit = None, \
        scheme = "radau", \
        order = 3):

        self.tstart_setup = time.time()


        if not type(system) is systems.ExplODE:

            raise TypeError("Setup-method " + self.__class__.__name__ + \
                " not allowed for system of type " + str(type(system)) + ".")

        self.system = system

        # Dimensions

        self.nx = system.x.shape[0]
        self.nu = system.u.shape[0]
        self.np = system.p.shape[0]
        self.neps_e = system.eps_e.shape[0]
        self.neps_u = system.eps_u.shape[0]        
        self.nphi = system.phi.shape[0]

        if np.atleast_2d(tu).shape[0] == 1:

            self.tu = np.asarray(tu)

        elif np.atleast_2d(tu).shape[1] == 1:

                self.tu = np.squeeze(np.atleast_2d(tu).T)


            raise ValueError("Invalid dimension for argument tu.")

        if ty == None:

            self.ty = self.tu

        elif np.atleast_2d(ty).shape[0] == 1:

            self.ty = np.asarray(ty)

        elif np.atleast_2d(ty).shape[1] == 1:

            self.ty = np.squeeze(np.atleast_2d(ty).T)


            raise ValueError("Invalid dimension for argument ty.")

        self.nsteps = self.tu.shape[0] - 1

        self.scheme = scheme
        self.order = order
        self.tauroot = ca.collocationPoints(order, scheme)

        # Degree of interpolating polynomial

        self.ntauroot = len(self.tauroot) - 1

        # Define the optimization variables

        self.P = ca.MX.sym("P", self.np)
        self.X = ca.MX.sym("X", (self.nx * (self.ntauroot+1)), self.nsteps)
        self.XF = ca.MX.sym("XF", self.nx)

        self.V = ca.MX.sym("V", self.nphi, self.nsteps+1)

        if self.neps_e != 0:

            self.EPS_E = ca.MX.sym("EPS_E", \
                (self.neps_e * self.ntauroot), self.nsteps)


            self.EPS_E = ca.DMatrix(0, self.nsteps)

        if self.neps_u != 0:
            self.EPS_U = ca.MX.sym("EPS_U", \
                (self.neps_u * self.ntauroot), self.nsteps)


            self.EPS_U = ca.DMatrix(0, self.nsteps)

        # Define bounds and initial values

        self.check_and_set_initials( \
            uN = uN, \
            pinit = pinit, \
            xinit = xinit)

        # Set tp the collocation coefficients

        # Coefficients of the collocation equation

        self.C = np.zeros((self.ntauroot + 1, self.ntauroot + 1))

        # Coefficients of the continuity equation

        self.D = np.zeros(self.ntauroot + 1)

        # Dimensionless time inside one control interval

        tau = ca.SX.sym("tau")

        # Construct the matrix T that contains all collocation time points

        self.T = np.zeros((self.nsteps, self.ntauroot + 1))

        for k in range(self.nsteps):

            for j in range(self.ntauroot + 1):

                self.T[k,j] = self.tu[k] + \
                    (self.tu[k+1] - self.tu[k]) * self.tauroot[j]

        self.T = self.T.T

        # For all collocation points

        self.lfcns = []

        for j in range(self.ntauroot + 1):

            # Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis
            # at the collocation point
            L = 1
            for r in range(self.ntauroot + 1):
                if r != j:
                    L *= (tau - self.tauroot[r]) / \
                        (self.tauroot[j] - self.tauroot[r])
            lfcn = ca.SXFunction("lfcn", [tau],[L])
            # Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the
            # coefficients of the continuity equation
            [self.D[j]] = lfcn([1])

            # Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all 
            # collocation points to get the coefficients of the
            # collocation equation
            tfcn = lfcn.tangent()

            for r in range(self.ntauroot + 1):

                self.C[j,r] = tfcn([self.tauroot[r]])[0]


        # Initialize phiN

        self.phiN = []

        # Initialize measurement function

        phifcn = ca.MXFunction("phifcn", \
            [system.t, system.u, system.x, system.eps_u, system.p], \

        # Initialzie setup of g

        self.g = []

        # Initialize ODE right-hand-side

        ffcn = ca.MXFunction("ffcn", \
            [system.t, system.u, system.x, system.eps_e, system.eps_u, \
            system.p], [system.f])

        # Collect information for measurement function

        # Structs to hold variables for later mapped evaluation

        Tphi = []
        Uphi = []
        Xphi = []
        EPS_Uphi = []

        for k in range(self.nsteps):

            hk = self.tu[k + 1] - self.tu[k]
            t_meas = self.ty[np.where(np.logical_and( \
                self.ty >= self.tu[k], self.ty < self.tu[k + 1]))]

            for t_meas_j in t_meas:

                Uphi.append(self.uN[:, k])
                EPS_Uphi.append(self.EPS_U[:self.neps_u, k])

                if t_meas_j == self.tu[k]:

                    Xphi.append(self.X[:self.nx, k])


                    tau = (t_meas_j - self.tu[k]) / hk

                    x_temp = 0

                    for r in range(self.ntauroot + 1):

                        x_temp += self.lfcns[r]([tau])[0] * \
                        self.X[r*self.nx : (r+1) * self.nx, k]


        if self.tu[-1] in self.ty:


        # Mapped calculation of the collocation equations

        # Collocation nodes

        hc = ca.MX.sym("hc", 1)
        tc = ca.MX.sym("tc", self.ntauroot)
        xc = ca.MX.sym("xc", self.nx * (self.ntauroot+1))
        eps_ec = ca.MX.sym("eps_ec", self.neps_e * self.ntauroot)
        eps_uc = ca.MX.sym("eps_uc", self.neps_u * self.ntauroot)

        coleqn = ca.vertcat([ \

            hc * ffcn([tc[j-1], \
                system.u, \
                xc[j*self.nx : (j+1)*self.nx], \
                eps_ec[(j-1)*self.neps_e : j*self.neps_e], \
                eps_uc[(j-1)*self.neps_u : j*self.neps_u], \
                system.p])[0] - \

            sum([self.C[r,j] * xc[r*self.nx : (r+1)*self.nx] \

                for r in range(self.ntauroot + 1)]) \
                    for j in range(1, self.ntauroot + 1)])

        coleqnfcn = ca.MXFunction("coleqnfcn", \
            [hc, tc, system.u, xc, eps_ec, eps_uc, system.p], [coleqn])
        coleqnfcn = coleqnfcn.expand()

        [gcol] = coleqnfcn.map([ \
            np.atleast_2d((self.tu[1:] - self.tu[:-1])), self.T[1:,:], \
            self.uN, self.X, self.EPS_E, self.EPS_U, self.P])

        # Continuity nodes

        xnext = ca.MX.sym("xnext", self.nx)

        conteqn = xnext - sum([self.D[r] * xc[r*self.nx : (r+1)*self.nx] \
            for r in range(self.ntauroot + 1)])

        conteqnfcn = ca.MXFunction("conteqnfcn", [xnext, xc], [conteqn])
        conteqnfcn = conteqnfcn.expand()

        [gcont] = conteqnfcn.map([ \
            ca.horzcat([self.X[:self.nx, 1:], self.XF]), self.X])

        # Stack equality constraints together

        self.g = ca.veccat([gcol, gcont])

        # Evaluation of the measurement function

        [self.phiN] = phifcn.map( \
            [ca.horzcat(k) for k in Tphi, Uphi, Xphi, EPS_Uphi] + \

        # self.phiNfcn = ca.MXFunction("phiNfcn", [self.Vars], [self.phiN])

        self.tend_setup = time.time()
        self.duration_setup = self.tend_setup - self.tstart_setup

        print('Initialization of ExplODE system sucessful.')
コード例 #56
ファイル: simulator.py プロジェクト: Pyomo/pyomo
    def _simulate_with_casadi_with_inputs(self, initcon, tsim, varying_inputs,
                                          integrator, integrator_options):

        xalltemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._diffvars]
        xall = casadi.vertcat(*xalltemp)

        time = casadi.SX.sym('time')

        odealltemp = [time * convert_pyomo2casadi(self._rhsdict[i])
                      for i in self._derivlist]
        odeall = casadi.vertcat(*odealltemp)

        # Time-varying inputs
        ptemp = [self._templatemap[i]
                 for i in self._siminputvars.values()]
        pall = casadi.vertcat(time, *ptemp)

        dae = {'x': xall, 'p': pall, 'ode': odeall}

        if len(self._algvars) != 0:
            zalltemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._simalgvars]
            zall = casadi.vertcat(*zalltemp)
            # Need to do anything special with time scaling??
            algalltemp = [convert_pyomo2casadi(i) for i in self._alglist]
            algall = casadi.vertcat(*algalltemp)
            dae['z'] = zall
            dae['alg'] = algall

        integrator_options['tf'] = 1.0
        F = casadi.integrator('F', integrator, dae, integrator_options)
        N = len(tsim)

        # This approach removes the time scaling from tsim so must
        # create an array with the time step between consecutive
        # time points
        tsimtemp = np.hstack([0, tsim[1:] - tsim[0:-1]])
        tsimtemp.shape = (1, len(tsimtemp))

        palltemp = [casadi.DM(tsimtemp)]

        # Need a similar np array for each time-varying input
        for p in self._siminputvars.keys():
            profile = varying_inputs[p]
            tswitch = list(profile.keys())
            tidx = [tsim.searchsorted(i) for i in tswitch] + \
                   [len(tsim) - 1]
            ptemp = [profile[0]] + \
                    [casadi.repmat(profile[tswitch[i]], 1,
                                   tidx[i + 1] - tidx[i])
                     for i in range(len(tswitch))]
            temp = casadi.horzcat(*ptemp)

        I = F.mapaccum('simulator', N)
        sol = I(x0=initcon, p=casadi.vertcat(*palltemp))
        profile = sol['xf'].full().T

        if len(self._algvars) != 0:
            algprofile = sol['zf'].full().T
            profile = np.concatenate((profile, algprofile), axis=1)

        return [tsim, profile]
コード例 #57
ファイル: carousel_corkscrew.py プロジェクト: ghorn/rawesome
 def get_fourier_dcm(fourier_traj):
     return C.vertcat([C.horzcat([fourier_traj['e11'], fourier_traj['e12'], fourier_traj['e13']]),
                       C.horzcat([fourier_traj['e21'], fourier_traj['e22'], fourier_traj['e23']]),
                       C.horzcat([fourier_traj['e31'], fourier_traj['e32'], fourier_traj['e33']])])
コード例 #58
ファイル: aero.py プロジェクト: psinha/rawesome
    dae['cD_tether'] = 0.25*dae['r']*0.001/sref
    dae['L_over_D'] = cL/cD
    cD = dae['cD'] + dae['cD_tether']
    dae['L_over_D_with_tether'] = cL/cD

    ######## moment coefficients #######
    # offset
    dae['momentCoeffs0'] = C.DMatrix([0, conf['cm0'], 0])

    # with roll rates
    # non-dimensionalized angular velocity
    w_bn_b_hat = C.veccat([0.5*conf['bref']/dae['airspeed']*w_bn_b[0],
    momentCoeffs_pqr = C.mul(C.vertcat([C.horzcat([conf['cl_p'], conf['cl_q'], conf['cl_r']]),
                                        C.horzcat([conf['cm_p'], conf['cm_q'], conf['cm_r']]),
                                        C.horzcat([conf['cn_p'], conf['cn_q'], conf['cn_r']])]),
    dae['momentCoeffs_pqr'] = momentCoeffs_pqr

    # with alpha beta
    momentCoeffs_AB = C.mul(C.vertcat([C.horzcat([           0, conf['cl_B'], conf['cl_AB']]),
                                       C.horzcat([conf['cm_A'],            0,             0]),
                                       C.horzcat([           0, conf['cn_B'], conf['cn_AB']])]),
                            C.vertcat([alpha, beta, alpha*beta]))
    dae['momentCoeffs_AB'] = momentCoeffs_AB

    # with control surfaces
    momentCoeffs_surf = C.SXMatrix(3, 1, 0)
    momentCoeffs_surf[0] += conf['cl_ail']*dae['aileron']
コード例 #59
ファイル: iLQR_non-linear.py プロジェクト: b4be1/iLQR
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                   iLQR
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Play nominal policy
u_all = control.repeated(ca.DMatrix.zeros(nu,n_sim))
u_all[:,'v'] = 5
u_all[:,'w'] = 1
xk = x0
x_all = [xk]
for k in range(n_sim):
    [xk_next] = F([ xk, u_all[k], dt ])
    xk = xk_next
x_all = state.repeated(ca.horzcat(x_all))

J0 = policy_cost(x_all,u_all,dt,l,lf)

# Plot policy
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
plot_policy(ax, x_all[:,'x'], x_all[:,'y'], x_all[:,'phi'],
            u_all[:,'v'], u_all[:,'w'], t)

# Iterations
mu = 0; mu_min = 1e-6; d_mu0 = 2; d_mu = d_mu0;
mu_flag = False

while True:

    # Backward pass with regularization