コード例 #1
    def proc_model(self):

        f = c.Function('f',[self.x,self.u],[self.x + self.u*self.dt])
        A = c.Function('A',[self.x,self.u],[c.jacobian(f(self.x,self.u),self.x)]) #linearization
        B = c.Function('B',[self.x,self.u],[c.jacobian(f(self.x,self.u),self.u)])

        return f,A, B
コード例 #2
    def set_discrete_time_system(self):
        Set discrete-time system matrices from linear continuous dynamics.
        # Check for integrator definition
        if self.Integrator_lin is None:
            print("Integrator_lin not defined. Set integrators first.")

        # Set CasADi variables
        x = ca.MX.sym('x', 4)
        u = ca.MX.sym('u', 1)
        w = ca.MX.sym('w', 1)
        # Jacobian of exact discretization
        self.Ad = ca.Function('jac_x_Ad', [x, u, w], [ca.jacobian(
                            self.Integrator_lin(x0=x, p=ca.vertcat(u, w))['xf'], x)])
        self.Bd = ca.Function('jac_u_Bd', [x, u, w], [ca.jacobian(
                            self.Integrator_lin(x0=x, p=ca.vertcat(u, w))['xf'], u)])
        self.Bw = ca.Function('jac_u_Bd', [x, u, w], [ca.jacobian(
                            self.Integrator_lin(x0=x, p=ca.vertcat(u, w))['xf'], w)])

        # C matrix does not depend on the state
        # TODO: put this in a better place later!
        Cd_eq = ca.DM.zeros(1,4)
        Cd_eq[0,0] = 1
        Cd_eq[0,1] = 1
        Cd_eq[0,2] = 1
        Cd_eq[0,3] = 1

        self.Cd_eq = Cd_eq
コード例 #3
ファイル: exportOcp.py プロジェクト: mvukov/rawesome
def writeObjective(ocp, out0, exportName):
    dae = ocp.dae

    # first make out not a function of xDot or z
    inputs0 = [dae.xDotVec(), dae.xVec(), dae.zVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec()]
    outputFun0 = C.SXFunction(inputs0, [out0])

    (xDotDict, zDict) = dae.solveForXDotAndZ()
    xDot = C.veccat([xDotDict[name] for name in dae.xNames()])
    z    = C.veccat([zDict[name] for name in dae.zNames()])

    # plug in xdot, z solution to outputs fun
    [out] = outputFun0.eval([xDot, dae.xVec(), z, dae.uVec(), dae.pVec()])

    # make sure each element in the output is only a function of x or u, not both

    # make new SXFunction that is only fcn of [x, u, p]
    if exportName == 'lsqExtern':
        inputs = C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec()])
        outs = C.veccat( [ out, C.jacobian(out,dae.xVec()).T, C.jacobian(out,dae.uVec()).T ] )
        outputFun = C.SXFunction([inputs], [C.densify(outs)])
        assert len(outputFun.getFree()) == 0, 'the "impossible" happened >_<'
    elif exportName == 'lsqEndTermExtern':
        inputs = C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.pVec()])
        outs = C.veccat( [ out, C.jacobian(out,dae.xVec()).T ] )
        outputFun = C.SXFunction([inputs], [C.densify(outs)])
        assert len(outputFun.getFree()) == 0, 'lsqEndTermExtern cannot be a function of controls u, saw: '+str(outputFun.getFree())
        raise Exception('unrecognized name "'+exportName+'"')

    return codegen.writeCCode(outputFun,exportName)
コード例 #4
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: Haoxiang-Shi/EL2700
    def set_discrete_time_system(self):
        Set discrete-time system matrices from linear continuous dynamics.

        # Check for integrator definition
        if self.Integrator_lin is None:
            print("Integrator_lin not defined. Set integrators first.")

        # Set CasADi variables
        x = ca.MX.sym('x', 4)
        u = ca.MX.sym('u', 1)
        w = ca.MX.sym('w', 1)

        # Jacobian of exact discretization
        self.Ad = ca.Function('jac_x_Ad', [x, u, w], [
                self.Integrator_lin(x0=x, p=ca.vertcat(u, w))['xf'], x)
        self.Bd = ca.Function('jac_u_Bd', [x, u, w], [
                self.Integrator_lin(x0=x, p=ca.vertcat(u, w))['xf'], u)
        self.Bw = ca.Function('jac_u_Bd', [x, u, w], [
                self.Integrator_lin(x0=x, p=ca.vertcat(u, w))['xf'], w)
コード例 #5
ファイル: path.py プロジェクト: asteinh/sympathor
    def __symbolic_setup(self):
        # build composite symbolic expression
        expr = cas.MX.nan(2, 1)
        for i in range(len(self._segments) - 1, -1, -1):
            s_max = self._fractions[i]
            s_min = self._fractions[i - 1] if i > 0 else 0
            s_loc = (self._s - s_min) / self._lengths[i]
            expr = cas.if_else(self._s <= s_max,
                               self._segments[i].point(s_loc), expr)
        self._expr = expr
        self._point = cas.Function('point', [self._s], [self._expr])

        dp_ds = cas.jacobian(self._expr, self._s)
        # unit tangent vector
        self._tangent_expr = cas.if_else(
            cas.norm_2(dp_ds) > 0, dp_ds / cas.norm_2(dp_ds), cas.DM([0, 0]))
        self._tangent = cas.Function('tangent', [self._s],
        dt_ds = cas.jacobian(self._tangent_expr, self._s)
        # unit normal vector
        self._normal_expr = cas.if_else(
            cas.norm_2(dt_ds) > 0, dt_ds / cas.norm_2(dt_ds),
            cas.vertcat(self._tangent_expr[1], -self._tangent_expr[0]))
        self._normal = cas.Function('normal', [self._s], [self._normal_expr])
        # curvature value
        self._curvature_expr = cas.if_else(
            cas.norm_2(dp_ds) > 0,
            cas.norm_2(dt_ds) / cas.norm_2(dp_ds), cas.DM(0))
        self._curvature = cas.Function('curvature', [self._s],
コード例 #6
def linearize(x0, u0, p0):
    A function to perform linearizatoin of the f16 model
    @param x0: state
    @param u0: input
    @param p0: parameters
    x0 = x0.to_casadi()
    u0 = u0.to_casadi()  # Plot the compensated openloop bode plot

    x_sym = ca.MX.sym('x', x0.shape[0])
    u_sym = ca.MX.sym('u', u0.shape[0])
    x = State.from_casadi(x_sym)
    u = Control.from_casadi(u_sym)
    dx = dynamics(x, u, p0)
    A = ca.jacobian(dx.to_casadi(), x_sym)
    B = ca.jacobian(dx.to_casadi(), u_sym)
    f_A = ca.Function('A', [x_sym, u_sym], [A])
    f_B = ca.Function('B', [x_sym, u_sym], [B])
    A = f_A(x0, u0)
    B = f_B(x0, u0)
    n = A.shape[0]
    p = B.shape[1]
    C = np.eye(n)
    D = np.zeros((n, p))
    return StateSpace(A=A,
                      x=[f.name for f in x.fields()],
                      u=[f.name for f in u.fields()],
                      y=[f.name for f in x.fields()])
コード例 #7
def PMSM_dynamics_disc(w, Ts, par):
    # parameters
    p = par.p
    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    theta = par.theta
    Rs = par.Rs
    Ld = par.Ld
    Lq = par.Lq
    psi_pm = par.psi_pm
    m_load = par.m_load
    u_max = par.u_max
    J_par = par.J

    i_d = ca.MX.sym('i_d', 1, 1)
    i_q = ca.MX.sym('i_q', 1, 1)
    u_d = ca.MX.sym('u_d', 1, 1)
    u_q = ca.MX.sym('u_q', 1, 1)

    x = ca.vertcat(i_d, i_q)
    u = ca.vertcat(u_d, u_q)

    xdot = PMSM_dynamics_cont(i_d, i_q, u_d, u_q, par, w)

    # fixed step Runge-Kutta 4 integrator
    M = 100  # RK4 steps per interval
    DT = Ts / M
    f = ca.Function('f', [x, u], [xdot])
    X0 = ca.MX.sym('X0', 2, 1)
    U = ca.MX.sym('U', 2, 1)
    X = X0

    for j in range(M):
        k1 = f(X, U)
        k2 = f(X + DT / 2.0 * k1, U)
        k3 = f(X + DT / 2.0 * k2, U)
        k4 = f(X + DT * k3, U)
        X = X + DT / 6.0 * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)

    # x_{k+1} = Ax_k + Bu_k
    A_exp = ca.jacobian(X, X0)
    B_exp = ca.jacobian(X, U)
    A_fun = ca.Function('A_fun', [X0, U], [A_exp])
    B_fun = ca.Function('B_fun', [X0, U], [B_exp])

    x_plus = ca.Function('x_plus', [X0, U], [X])

    #	A_exp_c = ca.jacobian(xdot, x)
    #	B_exp_c = ca.jacobian(xdot, u)
    #	A_fun_c = ca.Function('A_fun', [x, u], [A_exp_c])
    #	B_fun_c = ca.Function('B_fun', [x, u], [B_exp_c])
    #	A_c = A_fun_c(np.zeros((2,1)), np.zeros((2,1)))
    #	B_c = B_fun_c(np.zeros((2,1)), np.zeros((2,1)))
    #	Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd, dt = sp.signal.cont2discrete((A_c.full(),B_c.full(), \
    #		np.zeros(2), np.zeros(2)), dt = Ts)

    A = A_fun(np.zeros((2, 1)), np.zeros((2, 1)))
    B = B_fun(np.zeros((2, 1)), np.zeros((2, 1)))
    c = x_plus(np.zeros((2, 1)), np.zeros((2, 1))).full()

    return A, B, c, x_plus
コード例 #8
ファイル: sqp_method.py プロジェクト: tongliuzhu/tunempc
    def __construct_sensitivities(self):
        """ Construct NLP sensitivities

        # convenience
        w = self.__w
        p = self.__p

        # cost function
        self.__f_fun = ca.Function('f_fun', [w, p], [self.__f])
        self.__jacf_fun = ca.Function('jacf_fun', [w, p],
                                      [ca.jacobian(self.__f, self.__w)])

        # constraints
        self.__g_fun = ca.Function('g_fun', [w, p], [self.__g])
        self.__jacg_fun = ca.Function('jacg_fun', [w, p],
                                      [ca.jacobian(self.__g, self.__w)])
        self.__gzeros = np.zeros((self.__g.shape[0], 1))

        # exact hessian
        lam_g = ca.MX.sym('lam_g', self.__g.shape)
        lag = self.__f + ct.mtimes(lam_g.T, self.__g)
        self.__jlag_fun = ca.Function('jLag', [w, p, lam_g],
                                      [ca.jacobian(lag, w)])

        if self.__options['hessian_approximation'] == 'exact':
            self.__H_fun = ca.Function('H_fun', [w, p, lam_g],
                                       [ca.hessian(lag, w)[0]])
            self.__H_fun = self.__options['hessian_approximation']
コード例 #9
    def proc_model(self):

        # f = c.Function('f',[self.x,self.u],[self.x[0] + self.u[0]*c.cos(self.x[2])*self.dt,
        #                                         self.x[1] + self.u[0]*c.sin(self.x[2])*self.dt,
        #                                         self.x[2] + self.u[0]*c.tan(self.x[3])*self.dt/self.length,
        #                                         self.x[3] + self.u[1]*self.dt])

        g = c.MX(self.nx,self.nu)
        g[0,0] = c.cos(self.x[2]); g[0,1] = 0;
        g[1,0] = c.sin(self.x[2]); g[1,1] = 0;
        g[2,0] = c.tan(self.x[3])/self.length; g[2,1] = 0
        g[3,0] = 0; g[3,1] = 1;

        # f = c.Function('f',[self.x,self.u],[self.x[0] + self.u[0]*c.cos(self.x[2])*self.dt,
        #                                         self.x[1] + self.u[0]*c.sin(self.x[2])*self.dt,
        #                                         self.x[2] + self.u[0]*c.tan(self.x[3])*self.dt/self.length,
        #                                         self.x[3] + self.u[1]*self.dt])

        f =  c.Function('f',[self.x,self.u],[self.x + c.mtimes(g,self.u)*self.dt])

        # A = c.Function('A',[self.x,self.u],[c.jacobian(f(self.x,self.u)[0],self.x),
        #                                         c.jacobian(f(self.x,self.u)[1],self.x),
        #                                         c.jacobian(f(self.x,self.u)[2],self.x),
        #                                         c.jacobian(f(self.x,self.u)[3],self.x)]) #linearization

        # B = c.Function('B',[self.x,self.u],[c.jacobian(f(self.x,self.u)[0],self.u),
        #                                         c.jacobian(f(self.x,self.u)[1],self.u),
        #                                         c.jacobian(f(self.x,self.u)[2],self.u),
        #                                         c.jacobian(f(self.x,self.u)[3],self.u)])

        A = c.Function('A',[self.x,self.u],[c.jacobian(f(self.x,self.u),self.x)])

        B = c.Function('B',[self.x,self.u],[c.jacobian(f(self.x,self.u),self.u)])

        return f,A, B
コード例 #10
        def proc_model(self):

                g1 = c.MX.zeros(self.nx,self.nx)
                #assigning zeros
                # for i in range(self.nx):
                #         for j in range(self.nx):
                #                 g1[i,j] = 0

                g1[0,3] = 1; g1[1,4] = 1; g1[2,5] = 1;
                g1[6,9] = 1; g1[6,10] = c.sin(self.x[6])*c.tan(self.x[7]); g1[6,11] = c.cos(self.x[6])*c.tan(self.x[7]);
                g1[7,10] = c.cos(self.x[6]); g1[7,11] = -c.sin(self.x[6]);
                g1[8,10] = c.sin(self.x[6])/c.cos(self.x[7]); g1[8,11] = c.cos(self.x[6])/c.cos(self.x[7]);

                g2 = c.MX.zeros(self.nx,self.nu)

                g2[3,0] = (c.cos(self.x[8])*c.sin(self.x[7])*c.cos(self.x[6]) + c.sin(self.x[8])*c.sin(self.x[6]))/self.m
                g2[4,0] = (c.sin(self.x[8])*c.sin(self.x[7])*c.cos(self.x[6]) - c.cos(self.x[8])*c.sin(self.x[6]))/self.m
                g2[5,0] = c.cos(self.x[7])*c.cos(self.x[6])/self.m
                g2[9:,1:] = c.inv(self.Ic)

                g3 = c.MX.zeros(self.nx,1)

                f =  c.Function('f',[self.x,self.u],[self.x + c.mtimes(g1,self.x)*self.dt + c.mtimes(g2,self.u)*self.dt - g3*self.g*self.dt])

                A = c.Function('A',[self.x,self.u],[c.jacobian(f(self.x,self.u),self.x)])

                B = c.Function('B',[self.x,self.u],[c.jacobian(f(self.x,self.u),self.u)])

                return f,A, B
コード例 #11
ファイル: tlqg.py プロジェクト: StanfordMSL/SACBP.jl
 def get_lqr_backward_func(f, x, u, S, Cs, Cu):
     A = cs.jacobian(f(x, u), x)
     B = cs.jacobian(f(x, u), u)
     L = cs.mldivide(Cu + (B.T) @ S @ B, (B.T) @ S @ A)
     S_prev = (A.T) @ S @ A - (A.T) @ S @ B @ L + Cs
     S_prev = (S_prev + S_prev.T) / 2
     lqr_backward = cs.Function('lqr_backward', [x, u, S], [L, S_prev],
                                ['x', 'u', 'S'], ['L', 'S_prev'])
     return lqr_backward
コード例 #12
    def variable_metadata_function(self):
        in_var = ca.veccat(*self._symbols(self.parameters))
        out = []
        is_affine = True
        zero, one = ca.MX(0), ca.MX(
            1)  # Recycle these common nodes as much as possible.
        for variable_list in [
                self.states, self.alg_states, self.inputs, self.parameters,
            attribute_lists = [[] for i in range(len(ast.Symbol.ATTRIBUTES))]
            for variable in variable_list:
                for attribute_list_index, attribute in enumerate(
                    value = ca.MX(getattr(variable, attribute))
                    if value.is_zero():
                        value = zero
                    elif value.is_one():
                        value = one
                    value = value if value.numel() != 1 else ca.repmat(
                        value, *variable.symbol.size())
            expr = ca.horzcat(*[
                for attribute_list in attribute_lists
            if len(self.parameters) > 0 and isinstance(expr, ca.MX):
                f = ca.Function('f', [in_var], [expr])
                contains_if_else = ca.OP_IF_ELSE_ZERO in [
                    f.instruction_id(k) for k in range(f.n_instructions())
                zero_hessian = ca.jacobian(ca.jacobian(expr, in_var),
                if contains_if_else or not zero_hessian:
                    is_affine = False
        if len(self.parameters) > 0 and is_affine:
            # Rebuild variable metadata as a single affine expression, if all
            # subexpressions are affine.
            in_var_ = ca.MX.sym('in_var', in_var.shape)
            out_ = []
            for o in out:
                Af = ca.Function('Af', [in_var], [ca.jacobian(o, in_var)])
                bf = ca.Function('bf', [in_var], [o])

                A = Af(0)
                A = ca.sparsify(A)

                b = bf(0)
                b = ca.sparsify(b)

                o_ = ca.reshape(ca.mtimes(A, in_var_), o.shape) + b
            out = out_
            in_var = in_var_
        return ca.Function('variable_metadata', [in_var], out)
コード例 #13
def generateCModel(dae,ag):
    writer = AlgorithmWriter()

    inputs = C.veccat([ag['x'], ag['z'], ag['u'], ag['p'], ag['xdot']])

    # dae residual
    f = ag['f']
    rhs = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [f] )
    # handle time scaling
    [f] = rhs.eval([C.veccat([ag['x'], ag['z'], ag['u'], ag['p'], ag['xdot']/ag['timeScaling']])])
    rhs = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [f] )
    rhs_string = [writer.writePrototype('rhs')]

    # dae residual jacobian
    jf = C.veccat( [ C.jacobian(f,inputs).T ] )
    rhs_jacob = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [jf] )
    rhs_jacob_string = [writer.writePrototype('rhs_jac')]

    # outputs
    o = C.veccat( [dae[outname] for outname in dae.outputNames()] )
    outputs = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [o] )
    outputs_string = [writer.writePrototype('out')]

    # outputs jacobian
    jo = C.veccat( [ C.jacobian(o,inputs).T ] )
    outputs_jacob = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [jo] )
    outputs_jacob_string = [writer.writePrototype('out_jac')]

    # model file
    modelFile = ['#include "acado.h"']
    return {'modelFile':'\n'.join(modelFile),
コード例 #14
    def variable_metadata_function(self):
        in_var = ca.veccat(*self._symbols(self.parameters))
        out = []
        is_affine = True
        zero, one = ca.MX(0), ca.MX(1) # Recycle these common nodes as much as possible.
        for variable_list in [self.states, self.alg_states, self.inputs, self.parameters, self.constants]:
            attribute_lists = [[] for i in range(len(CASADI_ATTRIBUTES))]
            for variable in variable_list:
                for attribute_list_index, attribute in enumerate(CASADI_ATTRIBUTES):
                    value = ca.MX(getattr(variable, attribute))
                    if value.is_zero():
                        value = zero
                    elif value.is_one():
                        value = one
                    value = value if value.numel() != 1 else ca.repmat(value, *variable.symbol.size())
            expr = ca.horzcat(*[ca.veccat(*attribute_list) for attribute_list in attribute_lists])
            if len(self.parameters) > 0 and isinstance(expr, ca.MX):
                f = ca.Function('f', [in_var], [expr])
                # NOTE: This is not a complete list of operations that can be
                # handled in an affine expression. That said, it should
                # capture the most common ways variable attributes are
                # expressed as a function of parameters.
                allowed_ops = {ca.OP_INPUT, ca.OP_OUTPUT, ca.OP_CONST,
                               ca.OP_SUB, ca.OP_ADD, ca.OP_SUB, ca.OP_MUL, ca.OP_DIV, ca.OP_NEG}
                f_ops = {f.instruction_id(k) for k in range(f.n_instructions())}
                contains_unallowed_ops = not f_ops.issubset(allowed_ops)
                zero_hessian = ca.jacobian(ca.jacobian(expr, in_var), in_var).is_zero()
                if contains_unallowed_ops or not zero_hessian:
                    is_affine = False
        if len(self.parameters) > 0 and is_affine:
            # Rebuild variable metadata as a single affine expression, if all
            # subexpressions are affine.
            in_var_ = ca.MX.sym('in_var', in_var.shape)
            out_ = []
            for o in out:
                Af = ca.Function('Af', [in_var], [ca.jacobian(o, in_var)])
                bf = ca.Function('bf', [in_var], [o])

                A = Af(0)
                A = ca.sparsify(A)

                b = bf(0)
                b = ca.sparsify(b)

                o_ = ca.reshape(ca.mtimes(A, in_var_), o.shape) + b
            out = out_
            in_var = in_var_

        return self._expand_mx_func(ca.Function('variable_metadata', [in_var], out))
コード例 #15
ファイル: tlqg.py プロジェクト: StanfordMSL/SACBP.jl
 def get_cov_trans_func(f, h, x, x_new, u, p, Q, R):
     P = cs.reshape(p, 11, 11)
     A = cs.jacobian(f(x, u), x)
     H = cs.jacobian(h(x_new, u), x_new)
     P_pred = A @ P @ (A.T) + Q
     S = H @ P_pred @ (H.T) + R
     K = cs.mrdivide(P_pred @ (H.T), S)
     P_updated = (cs.MX.eye(11) - K @ H) @ P_pred
     P_updated = (P_updated + P_updated.T) / 2
     p_updated = cs.vec(P_updated)
     cov_trans = cs.Function('cov_trans', [x, x_new, u, p], [p_updated],
                             ['x', 'x_new', 'u', 'p'], ['p_updated'])
     return cov_trans
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_f16.py プロジェクト: jgoppert/casadi_f16
def test_jacobian():
    x_sym = ca.MX.sym('x', 16)
    u_sym = ca.MX.sym('u', 4)
    x = f16.State.from_casadi(x_sym)
    u = f16.Control.from_casadi(u_sym)
    p = f16.Parameters()
    dx = f16.dynamics(x, u, p)
    A = ca.jacobian(dx.to_casadi(), x_sym)
    B = ca.jacobian(dx.to_casadi(), u_sym)
    f_A = ca.Function('A', [x_sym, u_sym], [A])
    f_B = ca.Function('B', [x_sym, u_sym], [B])
    print('A', f_A(np.ones(16), np.ones(4)))
    print('B', f_B(np.ones(16), np.ones(4)))
コード例 #17
ファイル: admm.py プロジェクト: zhengzh/omg-tools
 def _check_for_lineq(self):
     g = []
     for con in self.global_constraints:
         lb, ub = con[1], con[2]
         g = vertcat(g, con[0] - lb)
         if not isinstance(lb, np.ndarray):
             lb, ub = [lb], [ub]
         for k, _ in enumerate(lb):
             if lb[k] != ub[k]:
                 return False, None, None
     sym, jac = [], []
     for child, q_i in self.q_i.items():
         for name, ind in q_i.items():
             var = self.distr_problem.father.get_variables(child,
             jj = jacobian(g, var)
             jac = horzcat(jac, jj[:, ind])
     for nghb in self.q_ij.keys():
         for child, q_ij in self.q_ij[nghb].items():
             for name, ind in q_ij.items():
                 var = self.distr_problem.father.get_variables(
                 jj = jacobian(g, var)
                 jac = horzcat(jac, jj[:, ind])
     for sym in symvar(jac):
         if sym not in self.par_global.values():
             return False, None, None
     par = struct_symMX(self.par_global_struct)
     A, b = jac, -g
     for s in sym:
         A = substitute(A, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
         b = substitute(b, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
     dep_b = [s.name() for s in symvar(b)]
     dep_A = [s.name() for s in symvar(b)]
     for name, sym in self.par_global.items():
         if sym.name() in dep_b:
             b = substitute(b, sym, par[name])
         if sym.name() in dep_A:
             A = substitute(A, sym, par[name])
     A = Function('A', [par], [A]).expand()
     b = Function('b', [par], [b]).expand()
     return True, A, b
コード例 #18
def linearize():
    eqs = rocket_equations()
    x = eqs['x']
    u = eqs['u']
    p = eqs['p']
    y = x  # state feedback
    rhs = eqs['rhs']
    xdot = rhs(x, u, p)
    A = ca.jacobian(xdot, x)
    B = ca.jacobian(xdot, u)
    C = ca.jacobian(y, x)
    D = ca.jacobian(y, u)
    return ca.Function('ss', [x, u, p], [A, B, C, D], ['x', 'u', 'p'],
                       ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
コード例 #19
ファイル: ftocp.py プロジェクト: boubezariali/CS159
    def buildAutomaticDifferentiationTree(self):
        # Define variables
        n = self.n
        d = self.d
        X = SX.sym('X', n)
        U = SX.sym('U', d)

        X_next = self.dynamics(X, U)
        self.constraint = []
        for i in range(0, n):
            self.constraint = vertcat(self.constraint, X_next[i])

        self.A_Eval = Function('A', [X, U], [jacobian(self.constraint, X)])
        self.B_Eval = Function('B', [X, U], [jacobian(self.constraint, U)])
        self.f_Eval = Function('f', [X, U], [self.constraint])
コード例 #20
ファイル: pathfollowing.py プロジェクト: wannesvl/topaf
    def set_path(self, path, r2r=False):
        """Define an analytic expression of the geometric path.

        Note: The path must be defined as a function of self.s[0].

            path (list of SXMatrix): An expression of the geometric path as
                a function of self.s[0]. Its dimension must equal self.sys.ny
            r2r (boolean): Reparameterize path such that a rest to rest
                transition is performed

            >>> S = FlatSystem(2, 4)
            >>> P = PathFollowing(S)
            >>> P.set_path([P.s[0], P.s[0]])
        if isinstance(path, list):
            path = cas.vertcat(path)
        if r2r:
            path = cas.substitute(path, self.s[0], self._r2r())
        self.path[:, 0] = path
        dot_s = cas.vertcat([self.s[1:], 0])
        for i in range(1, self.sys.order + 1):
                      i] = cas.mul(cas.jacobian(self.path[:, i - 1], self.s),
コード例 #21
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: zddkjmuner/HRI_Social_Force
def getScalarDerivative(f, nargs=1, wrt=(0, ), vectorize=True):
    Returns a function that gives the derivative of the function scalar f.

    f must be a function that takes nargs scalar entries and returns a single
    scalar. Derivatives are taken with respect to the variables specified in
    wrt, which must be a tuple of integers. E.g., to take a second derivative
    with respect to the first argument, specify wrt=(0,0).

    vectorize is a boolean flag to determine whether or not the function should
    be wrapped with numpy's vectorize. Note that vectorized functions do not
    play well with Casadi symbolics, so set vectorize=False if you wish to
    use the function later on with Casadi symbolics.
    x = [casadi.SX.sym("x" + str(n)) for n in range(nargs)]
    dfdx_expression = f(*x)
    for i in wrt:
        dfdx_expression = casadi.jacobian(dfdx_expression, x[i])
    dfcasadi = casadi.Function("dfdx", x, [dfdx_expression])

    def dfdx(*x):
        return dfcasadi(*x)

    if len(wrt) > 1:
        funcstr = "d^%df/%s" % (len(wrt), "".join(["x%d" % (i, )
                                                   for i in wrt]))
        funcstr = "df/dx"
    dfdx.__doc__ = "\n%s = %s" % (funcstr, repr(dfdx_expression))
    if vectorize:
        ret = np.vectorize(dfdx, otypes=[np.float])
        ret = dfdx
    return ret
コード例 #22
 def jacobian(self, var):
     """Returns the partial derivative of the expression with respect to
         cs.MX: expression of partial derivative
     return cs.jacobian(self.expression, var)
コード例 #23
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: jgoppert/pymola
 def create_function_f_J(self):
     """Jacobian for state integration"""
     return ca.Function(
         [self.t, self.x, self.y, self.m, self.p, self.c, self.ng, self.nu],
         [ca.jacobian(self.f_x_rhs, self.x)],
         ['t', 'x', 'y', 'm', 'p', 'c', 'ng', 'nu'], ['J'], self.func_opt)
コード例 #24
    def getDiscreteLinearSystem(self, ode, xLin, uLin, samplingTime):
        if ~hasattr(self, 'dfdx') or ~hasattr(self, 'dfdu'):
            NX = xLin.size
            NU = uLin.size
            x = ca.SX.sym('x', NX)
            u = ca.SX.sym('u', NU)
            self.dfdx = np.array(
                ca.Function('dfdx', [x, u], [ca.jacobian(ode(x, u), x)])(xLin,
            self.dfdu = np.array(
                ca.Function('dfdu', [x, u], [ca.jacobian(ode(x, u), u)])(xLin,

        A = np.eye(NX) + self.dfdx * samplingTime
        B = self.dfdu * samplingTime
        return (A, B)
コード例 #25
ファイル: pathfollowing.py プロジェクト: wannesvl/topaf
    def set_path(self, path, r2r=False):
        """Define an analytic expression of the geometric path.

        Note: The path must be defined as a function of self.s[0].

            path (list of SXMatrix): An expression of the geometric path as
                a function of self.s[0]. Its dimension must equal self.sys.ny
            r2r (boolean): Reparameterize path such that a rest to rest
                transition is performed

            >>> S = FlatSystem(2, 4)
            >>> P = PathFollowing(S)
            >>> P.set_path([P.s[0], P.s[0]])
        if isinstance(path, list):
            path = cas.vertcat(path)
        if r2r:
            path = cas.substitute(path, self.s[0], self._r2r())
        self.path[:, 0] = path
        dot_s = cas.vertcat([self.s[1:], 0])
        for i in range(1, self.sys.order + 1):
            self.path[:, i] = cas.mul(
                cas.jacobian(self.path[:, i - 1], self.s), dot_s)
コード例 #26
	def __init__(self,name,syms,expression):

		# info
		self.name = name
		self.sizes = (syms[0].numel(),expression.numel(),sum([s.numel() for s in syms[1:]]))

		# use a single parameter for the expression (because julia sucks sometimes)
		self.param_sym = oc.MX.sym("P",self.sizes[2])
		self.param_names = [s.name() for s in syms[1:]]
		expression_ = cs.substitute(expression,cs.vcat(syms[1:]),self.param_sym)

		# expression evaluation
		self.eval = cs.Function('eval',[syms[0],self.param_sym],[expression_]).expand()

		# collect the sx version of the symbols
		sx_syms = self.eval.sx_in()
		self.main_sym = sx_syms[0]

		# expression jacobian
		jacobian = cs.jacobian(expression_,syms[0])
		self.eval_jac = cs.Function('eval_jac',[syms[0],self.param_sym],[jacobian]).expand()

		# hessian of each of the elements of the expression
		split_eval = [cs.Function('eval',[syms[0],self.param_sym],[expression_[i]]).expand() for i in range(expression_.shape[0]) ]
		hessian = [cs.hessian(split_eval[i](*sx_syms),sx_syms[0])[0]  for i in range(expression_.shape[0])]
		self.eval_hes = [cs.Function('eval_hes'+str(i),sx_syms,[hessian[i]]).expand() for i in range(expression.shape[0])]

		# location of the compiled library
		self.lib_path = None
コード例 #27
 def create_function_f_J(self):
     """Jacobian for state integration"""
     return ca.Function(
         [self.t, self.x, self.y, self.m, self.p, self.c, self.ng, self.nu],
         [ca.jacobian(self.f_x_rhs, self.x)],
         ['t', 'x', 'y', 'm', 'p', 'c', 'ng', 'nu'], ['J'], self.func_opt)
コード例 #28
def mvg_moment_array_functions(max_order, dimension, symbolic_vars=None):
        max_order ([type]): [description]
        dimension ([type]): [description]

        [type]: Resulting functions have signature (t, mu, sigma) where 
                t and mu are vectors, and sigma is the covariance matrix.
    if symbolic_vars == None:
        # Declare variables.
        t = casadi.MX.sym('t', dimension, 1)
        mu = casadi.MX.sym("mu", dimension, 1)
        sigma = casadi.MX.sym("sigma", dimension, dimension)
        t, mu, sigma = symbolic_vars

    # This dictionary stores our resulting functions.
    moment_array_functions = dict()
    moment_array_syms = dict()

    # Start auto-differentiating the multivariate Gaussian MGF>
    foo = mvg_mgf(t, mu, sigma)
    for i in range(max_order):
        order = i + 1
        foo = casadi.jacobian(
            foo, t)  #TODO: current matrix output form doesn't quite make sense
        fun = casadi.Function('moment_array_order' + str(order),
                              [t, mu, sigma], [foo])
        moment_array_syms[order] = foo
        moment_array_functions[order] = fun
    return moment_array_functions, moment_array_syms
コード例 #29
 def _check_var_existence(self):
     """Internal function to set _has_virtual, and _has_input.
     Loops over constraints to see if the derivatives are non-zero."""
     self._has_virtual = False
     if self.virtual_var is not None:
         virtual_var = self.virtual_var
         for cnstr in self.constraints:
             if cs.jacobian(cnstr.expression, virtual_var).nnz() > 0:
                 self._has_virtual = True
             if hasattr(cnstr, "target"):
                 if isinstance(cnstr.target, cs.MX):
                     if cs.jacobian(cnstr.target, virtual_var).nnz() > 0:
                         self._has_virtual = True
             if hasattr(cnstr, "set_min"):
                 if isinstance(cnstr.set_min, cs.MX):
                     if cs.jacobian(cnstr.set_min, virtual_var).nnz() > 0:
                         self._has_virtual = True
             if hasattr(cnstr, "set_max"):
                 if isinstance(cnstr.set_max, cs.MX):
                     if cs.jacobian(cnstr.set_max, virtual_var).nnz() > 0:
                         self._has_virtual = True
             if hasattr(cnstr, "gain"):
                 if isinstance(cnstr.gain, cs.MX):
                     if cs.jacobian(cnstr.gain, virtual_var).nnz() > 0:
                         self._has_virtual = True
     self._has_input = False
     if self.input_var is not None:
         input_var = self.input_var
         for cnstr in self.constraints:
             if cs.jacobian(cnstr.expression, input_var).nnz() > 0:
                 self._has_input = True
             if hasattr(cnstr, "target"):
                 if isinstance(cnstr.target, cs.MX):
                     if cs.jacobian(cnstr.target, input_var).nnz() > 0:
                         self._has_input = True
             if hasattr(cnstr, "set_min"):
                 if isinstance(cnstr.set_min, cs.MX):
                     if cs.jacobian(cnstr.set_min, input_var).nnz() > 0:
                         self._has_input = True
             if hasattr(cnstr, "set_max"):
                 if isinstance(cnstr.set_max, cs.MX):
                     if cs.jacobian(cnstr.set_max, input_var).nnz() > 0:
                         self._has_input = True
             if hasattr(cnstr, "gain"):
                 if isinstance(cnstr.gain, cs.MX):
                     if cs.jacobian(cnstr.gain, input_var).nnz() > 0:
                         self._has_input = True
コード例 #30
ファイル: Ocp.py プロジェクト: psinha/rawesome
        def maybeAddBoxConstraint():
            inputs = C.veccat([self.dae.xVec(), self.dae.uVec()])
            # make sure only x and u are in rhs,lhs
            rml = rhs - lhs
            f = C.SXFunction([inputs], [rml])
            if len(f.getFree()) != 0:

            # take jacobian of rhs-lhs
            jac = C.jacobian(rml, inputs)
            # fail if any jacobian element is not constant
            coeffs = {}
            for j in range(inputs.size()):
                if not jac[0, j].toScalar().isZero():
                    if not jac[0, j].toScalar().isConstant():
                    coeffs[j] = jac[0, j]
            if len(coeffs) == 0:
                raise Exception("constraint has no design variables in it")
            if len(coeffs) > 1:
                    "found linear constraint that is not box constraint")

            # alright, we've found a box constraint!
            j = coeffs.keys()[0]
            coeff = coeffs[j]
            name = (self.dae.xNames() + self.dae.uNames())[j]
            [f0] = f.eval([0 * inputs])
            # if we just divided by a negative number (coeff), flip the comparison
            if not coeff.toScalar().isNonNegative():
                # lhs       `cmp`       rhs
                # 0         `cmp`       rhs - lhs
                # 0         `cmp`       coeff*x + f0
                # -f0       `cmp`       coeff*x
                # -f0/coeff `FLIP(cmp)` x
                if comparison == '>=':
                    newComparison = '<='
                elif comparison == '<=':
                    newComparison = '>='
                    newComparison = comparison
                newComparison = comparison

            c = -f0 / coeff
            self.debug('found linear constraint: ' + str(c) + ' ' +
                       newComparison + ' ' + name)
            if newComparison == '==':
                self._bound(name, c, 'equality', when=when)
            elif newComparison == '<=':
                self._bound(name, c, 'lower', when=when)
            elif newComparison == '>=':
                self._bound(name, c, 'upper', when=when)
                raise Exception('the "impossible" happened, comparison "' +
                                str(comparison) + "\" not in ['==','>=','<=']")
            return 'found box constraint'
コード例 #31
ファイル: generator.py プロジェクト: mdecourse/pymoca
    def get_derivative(self, s):

        # Case 1: s is a constant, e.g. MX(5)
        if ca.MX(s).is_constant():
            return 0

        # Case 2: s is a symbol, e.g. MX(x)
        elif s.is_symbolic():
            if s.name() not in self.derivative:
                if len(self.for_loops
                       ) > 0 and s in self.for_loops[-1].indexed_symbols:
                    # Create a new indexed symbol, referencing to the for loop index inside the vector derivative symbol.
                    for_loop_symbol = self.for_loops[-1].indexed_symbols[s]
                    s_without_index = self.get_mx(
                    der_s_without_index = self.get_derivative(s_without_index)
                    if ca.MX(der_s_without_index).is_symbolic():
                        return self.get_indexed_symbol(
                        return 0
                    der_s = _new_mx("der({})".format(s.name()), s.size())
                    self.derivative[s.name()] = der_s
                    self.nodes[self.current_class][der_s.name()] = der_s
                    return der_s
                return self.derivative[s.name()]

        # Case 3: s is an already indexed symbol, e.g. MX(x[1])
        elif s.is_op(ca.OP_GETNONZEROS) and s.dep().is_symbolic():
            slice_info = s.info()['slice']
            dep = s.dep()
            if dep.name() not in self.derivative:
                der_dep = _new_mx("der({})".format(dep.name()), dep.size())
                self.derivative[dep.name()] = der_dep
                return der_dep[
                return self.derivative[dep.name(

        # Case 4: s is an expression that requires differentiation, e.g. MX(x2 * x2)
        # Need to do this sort of expansion: der(x1 * x2) = der(x1) * x2 + x1 * der(x2)
            # Differentiate expression using CasADi
            orig_deps = ca.symvar(s)
            deps = ca.vertcat(*orig_deps)
            J = ca.Function('J', [deps], [ca.jacobian(s, deps)])
            J_sparsity = J.sparsity_out(0)
            der_deps = [
                if J_sparsity.has_nz(0, j) else ca.DM.zeros(dep.size())
                for j, dep in enumerate(orig_deps)
            return ca.mtimes(J(deps), ca.vertcat(*der_deps))
コード例 #32
ファイル: tlqg.py プロジェクト: StanfordMSL/SACBP.jl
 def gradient_control(cov_trans, c_term_grad, x, p):
     v = cs.MX.zeros(x.shape[0] - 2)
     J = cs.jacobian(cov_trans(x, cs.MX.zeros(2), v, p), x)[:, :2]
     grad = J.T @ c_term_grad(cov_trans(x, cs.MX.zeros(2), v, p)).T
     u = -1.0 * grad / (cs.sqrt(cs.sum1(grad**2)) + 1e-10)
     gradient_control = cs.Function('gradient_control', [x, p], [u],
                                    ['x', 'p'], ['u'])
     return gradient_control
コード例 #33
ファイル: rtModelExport.py プロジェクト: ghorn/rawesome
def generateCModel(dae,timeScaling,measurements):
    xdot = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in dae.xNames()])
    inputs = C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.zVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec(), xdot])
    jacobian_inputs = C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.zVec(), dae.uVec(), xdot])
    f = dae.getResidual()

    # dae residual
    rhs = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [f] )
    # handle time scaling
    [f] = rhs([C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.zVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec(), xdot/timeScaling])])
    rhs = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [C.dense(f)] )
    rhsString = codegen.writeCCode(rhs, 'rhs')

    # dae residual jacobian
    jf = C.veccat( [ C.jacobian(f,jacobian_inputs).T ] )
    rhsJacob = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [C.dense(jf)] )
    rhsJacobString = codegen.writeCCode(rhsJacob, 'rhsJacob')

    ret = {'rhs':rhs,

    if measurements is not None:
        # measurements
        measurementsFun = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [measurements] )
        [measurements] = measurementsFun([C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.zVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec(), xdot/timeScaling])])
        measurementsFun = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [C.dense(measurements)] )
        measurementsString = codegen.writeCCode(measurementsFun, 'measurements')
        ret['measurements'] = measurementsFun
        ret['measurementsFile'] = measurementsString

        # measurements jacobian
        jo = C.veccat( [ C.jacobian(measurements,jacobian_inputs).T ] )
        measurementsJacobFun = C.SXFunction( [inputs], [C.dense(jo)] )
        measurementsJacobString = codegen.writeCCode(measurementsJacobFun, 'measurementsJacob')
        ret['measurementsJacob'] = measurementsJacobFun
        ret['measurementsJacobFile'] = measurementsJacobString

    return ret
コード例 #34
def T2W(T,p,dp):
   w_101 = T2W(T_10,p,dp)
  R = T2R(T)
  dR = c.reshape(c.mul(c.jacobian(R,p),dp),(3,3))
  return invskew(c.mul(R.T,dR))
コード例 #35
def T2W(T, p, dp):
   w_101 = T2W(T_10,p,dp)
    R = T2R(T)
    dR = c.reshape(c.mul(c.jacobian(R, p), dp), (3, 3))
    return invskew(c.mul(R.T, dR))
コード例 #36
ファイル: Ocp.py プロジェクト: kurtgeebelen/rawesome
        def maybeAddBoxConstraint():
            inputs = C.veccat([self.dae.xVec(),self.dae.uVec()])
            # make sure only x and u are in rhs,lhs
            rml = rhs-lhs
            f = C.SXFunction([inputs],[rml])
            if f.getFree().shape[0] != 0:

            # take jacobian of rhs-lhs
            jac = C.jacobian(rml,inputs)
            # fail if any jacobian element is not constant
            coeffs = {}
            for j in range(inputs.size()):
                if jac.hasNZ(0,j):
                    if not jac[0,j].isConstant():
                    coeffs[j] = jac[0,j]
            if len(coeffs) == 0:
                raise Exception("constraint has no design variables in it")
            if len(coeffs) > 1:
                self.debug("found linear constraint that is not box constraint")

            # alright, we've found a box constraint!
            j = coeffs.keys()[0]
            coeff = coeffs[j]
            name = (self.dae.xNames()+self.dae.uNames())[j]
            [f0] = f([0*inputs])
            # if we just divided by a negative number (coeff), flip the comparison
            #if not coeff.toScalar().isNonNegative():
            if not coeff>=0.0:
                # lhs       `cmp`       rhs
                # 0         `cmp`       rhs - lhs
                # 0         `cmp`       coeff*x + f0
                # -f0       `cmp`       coeff*x
                # -f0/coeff `FLIP(cmp)` x
                if comparison == '>=':
                    newComparison = '<='
                elif comparison == '<=':
                    newComparison = '>='
                    newComparison = comparison
                newComparison = comparison

            c = -f0/coeff
            self.debug('found linear constraint: '+str(c)+' '+newComparison+' '+name)
            if newComparison == '==':
                self._bound( name, c, 'equality', when=when)
            elif newComparison == '<=':
                self._bound( name, c, 'lower', when=when)
            elif newComparison == '>=':
                self._bound( name, c, 'upper', when=when)
                raise Exception('the "impossible" happened, comparison "'+str(comparison)+
                                "\" not in ['==','>=','<=']")
            return 'found box constraint'
コード例 #37
ファイル: generator.py プロジェクト: jgoppert/pymola
    def get_derivative(self, s):

        # Case 1: s is a constant, e.g. MX(5)
        if ca.MX(s).is_constant():
            return 0

        # Case 2: s is a symbol, e.g. MX(x)
        elif s.is_symbolic():
            if s.name() not in self.derivative:
                if len(self.for_loops) > 0 and s in self.for_loops[-1].indexed_symbols:
                    # Create a new indexed symbol, referencing to the for loop index inside the vector derivative symbol.
                    for_loop_symbol = self.for_loops[-1].indexed_symbols[s]
                    s_without_index = self.get_mx(ast.ComponentRef(name=for_loop_symbol.tree.name))
                    der_s_without_index = self.get_derivative(s_without_index)
                    if ca.MX(der_s_without_index).is_symbolic():
                        return self.get_indexed_symbol(ast.ComponentRef(name=der_s_without_index.name(), indices=for_loop_symbol.tree.indices), der_s_without_index)
                        return 0
                    der_s = _new_mx("der({})".format(s.name()), s.size())
                    # If the derivative contains an expression (e.g. der(x + y)) this method is
                    # called with MX variables that are the result of a ca.symvar call. This
                    # ca.symvar call strips the _modelica_shape field from the MX variable,
                    # therefore we need to find the original MX to get the modelica shape.
                    der_s._modelica_shape = \
                    self.derivative[s.name()] = der_s
                    self.nodes[self.current_class][der_s.name()] = der_s
                    return der_s
                return self.derivative[s.name()]

        # Case 3: s is an already indexed symbol, e.g. MX(x[1])
        elif s.is_op(ca.OP_GETNONZEROS) and s.dep().is_symbolic():
            slice_info = s.info()['slice']
            dep = s.dep()
            if dep.name() not in self.derivative:
                der_dep = _new_mx("der({})".format(dep.name()), dep.size())
                der_dep._modelica_shape = \
                self.derivative[dep.name()] = der_dep
                self.nodes[self.current_class][der_dep.name()] = der_dep
                return der_dep[slice_info['start']:slice_info['stop']:slice_info['step']]
                return self.derivative[dep.name()][slice_info['start']:slice_info['stop']:slice_info['step']]

        # Case 4: s is an expression that requires differentiation, e.g. MX(x2 * x2)
        # Need to do this sort of expansion: der(x1 * x2) = der(x1) * x2 + x1 * der(x2)
            # Differentiate expression using CasADi
            orig_deps = ca.symvar(s)
            deps = ca.vertcat(*orig_deps)
            J = ca.Function('J', [deps], [ca.jacobian(s, deps)])
            J_sparsity = J.sparsity_out(0)
            der_deps = [self.get_derivative(dep) if J_sparsity.has_nz(0, j) else ca.DM.zeros(dep.size()) for j, dep in enumerate(orig_deps)]
            return ca.mtimes(J(deps), ca.vertcat(*der_deps))
コード例 #38
ファイル: admm.py プロジェクト: jgillis/omg-tools
 def _check_for_lineq(self):
     g = []
     for con in self.constraints:
         lb, ub = con[1], con[2]
         g = vertcat([g, con[0] - lb])
         if not isinstance(lb, np.ndarray):
             lb, ub = [lb], [ub]
         for k in range(len(lb)):
             if lb[k] != ub[k]:
                 return False, None, None
     sym, jac = [], []
     for child, q_i in self.q_i.items():
         for name, ind in q_i.items():
             var = child.get_variable(name, spline=False)
             jj = jacobian(g, var)
             jac = horzcat([jac, jj[:, ind]])
     for nghb in self.q_ij.keys():
         for child, q_ij in self.q_ij[nghb].items():
             for name, ind in q_ij.items():
                 var = child.get_variable(name, spline=False)
                 jj = jacobian(g, var)
                 jac = horzcat([jac, jj[:, ind]])
     for sym in symvar(jac):
         if sym not in self.par_i.values():
             return False, None, None
     par = struct_symMX(self.par_struct)
     A, b = jac, -g
     for s in sym:
         A = substitute(A, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
         b = substitute(b, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
     dep_b = [s.getName() for s in symvar(b)]
     dep_A = [s.getName() for s in symvar(b)]
     for name, sym in self.par_i.items():
         if sym.getName() in dep_b:
             b = substitute(b, sym, par[name])
         if sym.getName() in dep_A:
             A = substitute(A, sym, par[name])
     A = MXFunction('A', [par], [A]).expand()
     b = MXFunction('b', [par], [b]).expand()
     return True, A, b
コード例 #39
ファイル: admm.py プロジェクト: meco-group/omg-tools
 def _check_for_lineq(self):
     g = []
     for con in self.global_constraints:
         lb, ub = con[1], con[2]
         g = vertcat(g, con[0] - lb)
         if not isinstance(lb, np.ndarray):
             lb, ub = [lb], [ub]
         for k, _ in enumerate(lb):
             if lb[k] != ub[k]:
                 return False, None, None
     sym, jac = [], []
     for child, q_i in self.q_i.items():
         for name, ind in q_i.items():
             var = self.distr_problem.father.get_variables(child, name, spline=False, symbolic=True, substitute=False)
             jj = jacobian(g, var)
             jac = horzcat(jac, jj[:, ind])
     for nghb in self.q_ij.keys():
         for child, q_ij in self.q_ij[nghb].items():
             for name, ind in q_ij.items():
                 var = self.distr_problem.father.get_variables(child, name, spline=False, symbolic=True, substitute=False)
                 jj = jacobian(g, var)
                 jac = horzcat(jac, jj[:, ind])
     for sym in symvar(jac):
         if sym not in self.par_global.values():
             return False, None, None
     par = struct_symMX(self.par_global_struct)
     A, b = jac, -g
     for s in sym:
         A = substitute(A, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
         b = substitute(b, s, np.zeros(s.shape))
     dep_b = [s.name() for s in symvar(b)]
     dep_A = [s.name() for s in symvar(b)]
     for name, sym in self.par_global.items():
         if sym.name() in dep_b:
             b = substitute(b, sym, par[name])
         if sym.name() in dep_A:
             A = substitute(A, sym, par[name])
     A = Function('A', [par], [A]).expand()
     b = Function('b', [par], [b]).expand()
     return True, A, b
コード例 #40
ファイル: pathplanning.py プロジェクト: wannesvl/topap
    def set_path(self, paths):
        """The path is defined as the convex combination of the paths in paths.

            paths (list of lists of SXMatrix): The path is taken as the
            convex combination of the paths in paths.

        The path is defined as the convex combination of
        (s, 0.5*s) and (2, 2*s):
            >>> P.set_path([(P.s[0], 0.5 * P.s[0]), [P.s[0], 2 * P.s[0]]])
        l = len(paths)
        self.h = cas.ssym("h", l, self.sys.order + 1)
        self.path[:, 0] = np.sum(cas.SXMatrix(paths) * cas.horzcat([self.h[:, 0]] * len(paths[0])), axis=0)
        dot_s = cas.vertcat([self.s[1:], 0])
        dot_h = cas.horzcat([self.h[:, 1:], cas.SXMatrix.zeros(l, 1)])
        for i in range(1, self.sys.order + 1):  # Chainrule
            self.path[:, i] = (cas.mul(cas.jacobian(self.path[:, i - 1], self.s), dot_s) +
                sum([cas.mul(cas.jacobian(self.path[:, i - 1], self.h[j, :]), dot_h[j, :].trans()) for j in range(l)]) * self.s[1])
コード例 #41
ファイル: pathfollowing.py プロジェクト: wannesvl/topaf
    def _make_path(self):
        """Rewrite the path as a function of the optimization variables.

        Substitutes the time derivatives of s in the expression of the path by
        expressions that are function of b and its path derivatives by
        repeatedly applying the chainrule

            * SXMatrix. The substituted path
            * SXMatrix. b and the path derivatives
            * SXMatrix. The derivatives of s as a function of b
        b = cas.ssym("b", self.sys.order)
        db = cas.vertcat((b[1:], 0))
        Ds = cas.SXMatrix.nan(self.sys.order)  # Time derivatives of s
        Ds[0] = cas.sqrt(b[0])
        Ds[1] = b[1] / 2
        # Apply chainrule for finding higher order derivatives
        for i in range(1, self.sys.order - 1):
            Ds[i + 1] = (cas.mul(cas.jacobian(Ds[i], b), db) * self.s[1] +
                       cas.jacobian(Ds[i], self.s[1]) * Ds[1])
        Ds = cas.substitute(Ds, self.s[1], cas.sqrt(b[0]))
        return cas.substitute(self.path, self.s[1:], Ds), b, Ds
コード例 #42
def T2WJ(T,p):
   w_101 = T2WJ(T_10,p).diff(p,t)
  R = T2R(T)
  RT = R.T
  temp = []
  for i,k in [(2,1),(0,2),(1,0)]:

  return c.vertcat(temp)
コード例 #43
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: jgoppert/pymola
def blt(f: List[SYM], x: List[SYM]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Sort equations by dependence
    J = ca.jacobian(f, x)
    nblock, rowperm, colperm, rowblock, colblock, coarserow, coarsecol = J.sparsity().btf()
    return {
        'J': J,
        'nblock': nblock,
        'rowperm': rowperm,
        'colperm': colperm,
        'rowblock': rowblock,
        'colblock': colblock,
        'coarserow': coarserow,
        'coarsecol': coarsecol
コード例 #44
ファイル: pathfollowing.py プロジェクト: wannesvl/topaf
    def dt(self, expr):
        """Return time derivative of expr

        The time derivative is computed using the chainrule:
        df/dt = df/dy * dy/dt

            expr (SXMatrix): casadi expression that is differentiated wrt time

            SXMatrix. The time derivative of expr

            >>> S = FlatSystem(2, 4)
            >>> dy00 = S.dt(S.y[0, 0])
        return cas.mul(cas.jacobian(expr, self.y), self._dy[:])
コード例 #45
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: jgoppert/pymola
def tangent_approx(f: SYM, x: SYM, a: SYM = None, assert_linear: bool = False) -> Dict[str, SYM]:
    Create a tangent approximation of a non-linear function f(x) about point a
    using a block lower triangular solver

    0 = f(x) = f(a) + J*x   # taylor series about a (if f(x) linear in x, then globally valid)
    J*x = -f(a)             # solve for x
    x = -J^{-1}f(a)         # but inverse is slow, so we use solve
    where J = df/dx
    # find f(a)
    if a is None:
        a = ca.DM.zeros(x.numel(), 1)
    f_a = ca.substitute(f, x, a)  # f(a)
    J = ca.jacobian(f, x)
    if assert_linear and ca.depends_on(J, x):
        raise AssertionError('not linear')
    # solve is smart enough to to convert to blt if necessary
    return ca.solve(J, -f_a)
コード例 #46
def generateOctaveSim(dae, functionName):
#    return C.SXFunction( C.daeIn( x=self.xVec(),
#                                  z=C.veccat([self.zVec(),xdot]),
#                                  p=C.veccat([self.uVec(),self.pVec()])
#                                  ),
#                         C.daeOut( alg=f, ode=xdot) )

    # get the residual fg(xdot,x,z)
    fg = dae.getResidual()

    # take the jacobian w.r.t. xdot,z
    z = dae.zVec()
    jac = C.jacobian(fg,C.veccat([dae.xDotVec(), z]))

    # make sure that it was linear in {xdot,z}, i.e. the jacobian is not a function of {xdot,z}
    testJac = C.SXFunction([dae.xVec(),dae.uVec(),dae.pVec()], [jac])
    assert len(testJac.getFree()) == 0, "can't generate octave sim, jacobian a function of {xdot,z}"

    # it was linear, so export the jacobian
    fg_fun = C.SXFunction([dae.xVec(),dae.zVec(),dae.uVec(),dae.pVec(),dae.xDotVec()], [fg])

    # get the constant term
    [fg_zero] = fg_fun.eval([dae.xVec(),0*dae.zVec(),dae.uVec(),dae.pVec(),0*dae.xDotVec()])
    testFun = C.SXFunction([dae.xVec(),dae.uVec(),dae.pVec()], [jac])
    assert len(testFun.getFree()) == 0, "can't generate octave sim, function line linear in {xdot,z}"

    fm = C.SXFunction([dae.xVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec()],[fg_zero, jac])
    lines = []
    lines.append('function [f,MM] = '+functionName+'_modelAndJacob(x,u,p)')
    lines.append('MM = zeros'+str(jac.shape)+';')
    lines.append('f = zeros('+str(fg_zero.size())+',1);')
    # dae residual
    lines.extend( writeAcadoAlgorithm(dae, fm) )

    return ('\n'.join(lines))
コード例 #47
 def getRobustSteadyStateNlpFunctions(self, dae, ref_dict = {}):
     xDotSol, zSol = dae.solveForXDotAndZ()
     ginv = Constraints()
     def constrainInvariantErrs():
         R_c2b = dae['R_c2b']
         self.makeOrthonormal(ginv, R_c2b)
         ginv.add(dae['c'], '==', 0, tag = ('c(0) == 0', None))
         ginv.add(dae['cdot'], '==', 0, tag = ('cdot( 0 ) == 0', None))
         di = dae['cos_delta'] ** 2 + dae['sin_delta'] ** 2 - 1
         ginv.add(di, '==', 0, tag = ('delta invariant', None))
         ginv.add(C.mul(dae['R_c2b'].T, dae['w_bn_b']) - C.veccat([0, 0, dae['ddelta']]) , '==', 0, tag =
                        ("Rotational velocities", None))
     invariants = ginv.getG()
     J = C.jacobian(invariants,dae.xVec())
     # make steady state model
     g = Constraints()
     xds = C.vertcat([xDotSol[ name ] for name in dae.xNames()])
     jInv = C.mul(J.T,C.solve(C.mul(J,J.T),invariants))
     g.add(xds - jInv - dae.xDotVec(), '==', 0, tag = ('dae residual', None))            
     for name in ['alpha_deg', 'beta_deg', 'cL']:
         if name in ref_dict:
             g.addBnds(dae[name], ref_dict[name], tag = (name, None))
     dvs = C.veccat([dae.xVec(), dae.uVec(), dae.pVec(), dae.xDotVec()])
     obj = 0
     for name in dae.uNames() + ['aileron', 'elevator']:
         if name in dae:
             obj += dae[ name ] ** 2
     return dvs, obj, g.getG(), g.getLb(), g.getUb(), zSol
コード例 #48
ファイル: dae.py プロジェクト: ghorn/rawesome
    def solveForXDotAndZ(self):
        returns (xDotDict,zDict) where these dictionaries contain symbolic
        xdot and z which are only a function of x,u,p
        # get the residual fg(xdot,x,z)
        fg = self.getResidual()

        # take the jacobian w.r.t. xdot,z
        jac = C.jacobian(fg,C.veccat([self.xDotVec(), self.zVec()]))

        # make sure that it was linear in {xdot,z}, i.e. the jacobian is not a function of {xdot,z}
        testJac = C.SXFunction([self.xVec(),self.uVec(),self.pVec()], [jac])
        assert len(testJac.getFree()) == 0, \
            "can't convert dae to ode, residual jacobian is a function of {xdot,z}"

        # get the constant term
        fg_fun = C.SXFunction([self.xVec(),self.zVec(),self.uVec(),self.pVec(),self.xDotVec()], [fg])
        [fg_zero] = fg_fun([self.xVec(),0*self.zVec(),self.uVec(),self.pVec(),0*self.xDotVec()])
        testFun = C.SXFunction([self.xVec(),self.uVec(),self.pVec()], [fg_zero])
        assert len(testFun.getFree()) == 0, \
            "the \"impossible\" happened in solveForXDotAndZ"

        xDotAndZ = C.solve(jac, -fg_zero)
        xDot = xDotAndZ[0:len(self.xNames())]
        z = xDotAndZ[len(self.xNames()):]

        xDotDict = {}
        for k,name in enumerate(self.xNames()):
            xDotDict[name] = xDot[k]
        zDict = {}
        for k,name in enumerate(self.zNames()):
            zDict[name] = z[k]
        return (xDotDict, zDict)
    V0 = ca.vertcat([

            pl.ones(3), \
            pl.zeros(N), \


    sol = nlpsolver(x0 = V0)

    p_est_single_shooting = sol["x"][:3]

    tstart_Sigma_p = time()

    J_s = ca.jacobian(r, V)

    F_s = ca.mul(J_s.T, J_s)

    beta = (ca.mul(r.T, r) / (r.size() - V.size())) 
    Sigma_p_s = beta * ca.solve(F_s, ca.MX.eye(F_s.shape[0]), "csparse")

    beta_fcn = ca.MXFunction("beta_fcn", [V], [beta])
    print beta_fcn([sol["x"]])[0]

    Sigma_p_s_fcn = ca.MXFunction("Sigma_p_s_fcn", \
        [V] , [Sigma_p_s])

    Cov_p = Sigma_p_s_fcn([sol["x"]])[0][:3, :3]

    tend_Sigma_p = time()
コード例 #50
ファイル: pecas.py プロジェクト: adbuerger/PECas
    def compute_covariance_matrix(self):

        This function computes the covariance matrix of the estimated
        parameters from the inverse of the KKT matrix for the
        parameter estimation problem. This allows then for statements on the
        quality of the values of the estimated parameters.

        For efficiency, only the inverse of the relevant part of the matrix
        is computed using the Schur complement.

        A more detailed description of this function will follow in future


        print('\n' + 20 * '-' + \
            ' PECas covariance matrix computation ' + 21 * '-')

Computing the covariance matrix for the estimated parameters, 
this might take some time ...

        self.tstart_cov_computation = time.time()


            N1 = ca.MX(self.Vars.shape[0] - self.w.shape[0], \

            N2 = ca.MX(self.Vars.shape[0] - self.w.shape[0], \
                self.Vars.shape[0] - self.w.shape[0])

            hess = ca.blockcat([[N2, N1], [N1.T, ca.diag(self.w)],])

            # hess = hess + 1e-10 * ca.diag(self.Vars)
            # J2 can be re-used from parameter estimation, right?

            J2 = ca.jacobian(self.g, self.Vars)

            kkt = ca.blockcat( \

                [[hess, \
                    J2.T], \

                [J2, \
                    ca.MX(self.g.size1(), self.g.size1())]] \


            B1 = kkt[:self.pesetup.np, :self.pesetup.np]
            E = kkt[self.pesetup.np:, :self.pesetup.np]
            D = kkt[self.pesetup.np:, self.pesetup.np:]

            Dinv = ca.solve(D, E, "csparse")

            F11 = B1 - ca.mul([E.T, Dinv])

            self.fbeta = ca.MXFunction("fbeta", [self.Vars], 
                [ca.mul([self.R.T, self.R]) / \
                (self.yN.size + self.g.size1() - self.Vars.size())])

            [self.beta] = self.fbeta([self.Varshat])

            self.fcovp = ca.MXFunction("fcovp", [self.Vars], \
                [self.beta * ca.solve(F11, ca.MX.eye(F11.size1()))])

            [self.Covp] = self.fcovp([self.Varshat])

            print( \
'''Covariance matrix computation finished, run show_results() to visualize.''')

        except AttributeError as err:

            errmsg = '''
You must execute run_parameter_estimation() first before the covariance
matrix for the estimated parameters can be computed.

            raise AttributeError(errmsg)


            self.tend_cov_computation = time.time()
            self.duration_cov_computation = self.tend_cov_computation - \
コード例 #51
ファイル: acados_integrator.py プロジェクト: acados/acados
	def codgen_model(self, model, opts):

#		from casadi import * # syntax valid only for the entire module
		import casadi

		# x
		if model.x==None:
			x = casadi.SX.sym('x', 0, 1)
			x = model.x
		# xdot
		if model.xdot==None:
			xdot = casadi.SX.sym('xdot', 0, 1)
			xdot = model.xdot
		# u
		if model.u==None:
			u = casadi.SX.sym('u', 0, 1)
			u = model.u
		# z
		if model.z==None:
			z = casadi.SX.sym('z', 0, 1)
			z = model.z

		# fun
		fun = model.ode_expr

		# sizes
		nx = model.nx
		nu = model.nu
		nz = model.nz

		# define functions & generate C code
		casadi_opts = dict(casadi_int='int', casadi_real='double')
		c_sources = ' '

		if opts.scheme=='erk':

			if opts.sens_forw=='false':

				fun_name = 'expl_ode_fun'
				casadi_fun = casadi.Function(fun_name, [x, u], [fun])
				c_sources = c_sources + fun_name + '.c '


				fun_name = 'expl_vde_for'
				Sx = casadi.SX.sym('Sx', nx, nx)
				Su = casadi.SX.sym('Su', nx, nu)
				vde_x = casadi.jtimes(fun, x, Sx)
				vde_u = casadi.jacobian(fun, u) + casadi.jtimes(fun, x, Su)
				casadi_fun = casadi.Function(fun_name, [x, Sx, Su, u], [fun, vde_x, vde_u])
				c_sources = c_sources + fun_name + '.c '

		elif opts.scheme=='irk':

			fun_name = 'impl_ode_fun'
			casadi_fun = casadi.Function(fun_name, [x, xdot, u, z], [fun])
			c_sources = c_sources + fun_name + '.c '

			fun_name = 'impl_ode_fun_jac_x_xdot_z'
			jac_x = casadi.jacobian(fun, x)
			jac_xdot = casadi.jacobian(fun, xdot)
			jac_z = casadi.jacobian(fun, z)
			casadi_fun = casadi.Function(fun_name, [x, xdot, u, z], [fun, jac_x, jac_xdot, jac_z])
			c_sources = c_sources + fun_name + '.c '

			if opts.sens_forw=='true':

				fun_name = 'impl_ode_jac_x_xdot_u_z'
				jac_x = casadi.jacobian(fun, x)
				jac_xdot = casadi.jacobian(fun, xdot)
				jac_u = casadi.jacobian(fun, u)
				jac_z = casadi.jacobian(fun, z)
				casadi_fun = casadi.Function(fun_name, [x, xdot, u, z], [jac_x, jac_xdot, jac_u, jac_z])
				c_sources = c_sources + fun_name + '.c '

		# create model library
		lib_name = model.model_name

#		lib_name = lib_name + '_' + str(id(self))

		if opts.scheme=='erk':
			lib_name = lib_name + '_erk'
		elif opts.scheme=='irk':
			lib_name = lib_name + '_irk'

		if opts.sens_forw=='false':
			lib_name = lib_name + '_0'
			lib_name = lib_name + '_1'

		lib_name = lib_name + '_' + str(model.ode_expr_hash)

		lib_name = lib_name + '.so'

		system('gcc -fPIC -shared ' + c_sources + ' -o ' + lib_name)
コード例 #52
def jacobian(a, b):

    return ca.jacobian(a, b)
コード例 #53
def total_derivative(M,q,dq):
	J = casadi.jacobian(M, q)
	dM = casadi.mul(J,dq).reshape(M.shape)
	return dM
コード例 #54
ファイル: nmhe.py プロジェクト: jaeandersson/rawesome
    def makeSolver(self,endTime,traj=None):
        # make sure all bounds are set
        (xMissing,pMissing) = self._boundMap.getMissing()
        msg = []
        for name in xMissing:
            msg.append("you forgot to set a bound on \""+name+"\" at timesteps: "+str(xMissing[name]))
        for name in pMissing:
            msg.append("you forgot to set a bound on \""+name+"\"")
        if len(msg)>0:
            raise ValueError('\n'.join(msg))

        # constraints:
        g   = self._constraints.getG()
        glb = self._constraints.getLb()
        gub = self._constraints.getUb()

        gDyn = self._setupDynamicsConstraints(endTime,traj)
        gDynLb = gDynUb = [C.DMatrix.zeros(gg.shape) for gg in gDyn]
        g = C.veccat([g]+gDyn)
        glb = C.veccat([glb]+gDynLb)
        gub = C.veccat([gub]+gDynUb)

        self.glb = glb
        self.gub = gub

        # design vars
        V = self._dvMap.vectorize()

        # gradient of arbitraryObj
        if hasattr(self,'_obj'):
            arbitraryObj = self._obj
            arbitraryObj = 0
        gradF = C.gradient(arbitraryObj,V)
        # hessian of lagrangian:
        Js = [C.jacobian(gnf,V) for gnf in self._gaussNewtonObjF]
        gradFgns = [C.mul(J.T,F) for (F,J) in zip(self._gaussNewtonObjF, Js)]
        gaussNewtonHess = sum([C.mul(J.T,J) for J in Js])
        hessL = gaussNewtonHess + C.jacobian(gradF,V)
        gradF += sum(gradFgns)
        # equality/inequality constraint jacobian
        gfcn = C.MXFunction([V,self._U],[g])
        jacobG = gfcn.jacobian(0,0)

        # function which generates everything needed
        f = sum([f_*f_ for f_ in self._gaussNewtonObjF])
        if hasattr(self,'_obj'):
            f += self._obj
        self.masterFun = C.MXFunction([V,self._U],[hessL, gradF, g, jacobG.call([V,self._U])[0], f])

#        self.qp = C.CplexSolver(hessL.sparsity(),jacobG.output(0).sparsity())
        self.qp = C.NLPQPSolver(hessL.sparsity(),jacobG.output(0).sparsity())
コード例 #55
ファイル: nmpc.py プロジェクト: jgillis/rawesome
    def makeSolver(self):
        # make sure all bounds are set
        (xuMissing,pMissing) = self._boundMap.getMissing()
        msg = []
        for name in xuMissing:
            msg.append("you forgot to set a bound on \""+name+"\" at timesteps: "+str(xuMissing[name]))
        for name in pMissing:
            msg.append("you forgot to set a bound on \""+name+"\"")
        if len(msg)>0:
            raise ValueError('\n'.join(msg))

        # constraints:
        constraints = self._constraints._g
        constraintLbgs = self._constraints._glb
        constraintUbgs = self._constraints._gub

        g = [self._setupDynamicsConstraints()]
        g = []
        h = []
        hlbs = []
        hubs = []
        for k in range(len(constraints)):
            lb = constraintLbgs[k]
            ub = constraintUbgs[k]
            if all(lb==ub):
                g.append(constraints[k]-lb) # constrain to be zero
        g = C.veccat(g)

        h = C.veccat(h)
        hlbs = C.veccat(hlbs)
        hubs = C.veccat(hubs)

        # design vars
        V = self._dvMap.vectorize()

        # gradient of arbitraryObj
        if hasattr(self,'_obj'):
            arbitraryObj = self._obj
            arbitraryObj = 0
        gradF = C.gradient(arbitraryObj,V)
        # hessian of lagrangian:
        J = 0
        for gnf in self._gaussNewtonObjF:
            J += C.jacobian(gnf,V)
        hessL = C.mul(J.T,J) + C.jacobian(gradF,V)
        # equality constraint jacobian
        jacobG = C.jacobian(g,V)

        # inequality constraint jacobian
        jacobH = C.jacobian(h,V)

        # function which generates everything needed
        masterFun = C.MXFunction([V],[hessL, gradF, g, jacobG, h, jacobH])

        class JorisError(Exception): pass
        raise JorisError('JORIS, please read the following comment')
コード例 #56
def detectLinearSubsystems(dae):
    f = dae.getResidual()
    xdot = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in dae.xNames()])
    x = dae.xVec()
    z = dae.zVec()
    p = dae.pVec()
    u = dae.uVec()
    nx = x.size()
    nz = z.size()
    nup = u.size() + p.size()

    inputs = C.veccat([x, z, u, p, xdot])

    # take jacobian and find which entries are constant, zero, or nonzer
    jac = C.jacobian(f,inputs)
    def qualifyM(m):
      M = C.IMatrix.zeros(m.size1(),m.size2())
      for i in range(m.size1()):
        for j in range(m.size2()):
          M[i,j] = qualify(m[i,j].toScalar())
      return M
    def qualify(e):
      if e.isZero():
        return 0
      f = C.SXFunction([p],[e])
      if len(f.getFree()) > 0:
        return 2
        return 1
    MA = qualifyM(jac[:,:nx])
    MZ = qualifyM(jac[:,nx:nx+nz])
    MU = qualifyM(jac[:,nx+nz:nx+nz+nup])
    MC = qualifyM(jac[:,nx+nz+nup:])
    M = qualifyM(jac)

    # which equations have nonlinearity
    fi_nonlinear = set()
    fi_linear = set()
    for i in range(f.shape[0]):
        if any(M[i,:] > 1) or any(MZ[i,:] > 0):

    # which variables are in the linear set
    xj_linear = set()
    for i in fi_linear:
        for j in range(nx):
            if MA[i,j] == 2 or MC[i,j] == 2:
                raise Exception('the "impossible" happend')
#            if MC[i,j] == 1 or MA[i,j] == 1:
            if MC[i,j] == 1: # poor man's C1 square constraint

    # which variables are in the nonlinear set
    xj_nonlinear = set()
    for i in fi_nonlinear:
        for j in range(nx):
            if MA[i,j] >= 1 or MC[i,j] >= 1:

    x23_candidates = xj_nonlinear - xj_linear
    x1_candidates = set(range(nx))-x23_candidates

    # kick out linear variables which depend on nonlinear ones
    changed = True
    niters = 0
    while changed == True:
        niters += 1
        changed = False
        badRows = set()
        for i in fi_linear:
            if any(MZ[i,:] > 0):
                raise Exception('the "impossible" happened')
            for j in x23_candidates:
                if MA[i,j] > 0 or MC[i,j] > 0:
            # oh shit, a tainted row, blow away everything here
            if i in badRows:
                removeUs = set()
                for j in x1_candidates:
                    if MA[i,j] > 0 or MC[i,j] > 0:
                        changed = True
                for j in removeUs:
        for i in badRows:
    f1 = fi_linear
    f23 = fi_nonlinear
    x1 = x1_candidates
    x23 = x23_candidates
    print "finished in",niters,"iterations"

    # separate x23 into x2 and x3
    x3_candidates = set(x23)
    for i in f23:
        not_x3 = set()
        for j in x3_candidates:
            if MC[i,j] == 2 or MA[i,j] == 2:
        for j in not_x3:
    x3 = x3_candidates
    x2 = x23 - x3

    # separate f23 into f2 and f3
    not_f3 = set()
    for i in f23:
        for j in x3:
            if MA[i,j] > 0 or MC[i,j] > 0:
    f2 = f23 - not_f3
    f3 = f23 - f2

    print "x1",[dae.xNames()[j] for j in x1]
    print "x2",[dae.xNames()[j] for j in x2]
    print "x3",[dae.xNames()[j] for j in x3]
    print "f1",f1
    print "f2",f2
    print "f3",f3
コード例 #57
f_w = -CD*speed*v_w

# Generalized aerodynamic force
dxdq=casadi.vertcat([r*-s_theta, r*c_theta])
f_gen = mul(dxdq.T,f_w)

# Formulate the Lagrangian
KE = 0.5*m*vdotv
PE = 0

# Derive the implicit ODE (DAE-like) form of the equations of motion

dLdq = jacobian(L,q) # d/d(q) L.  Contains q,dq. 1xlen(q)
dLddq = jacobian(L,dq) # d/d(dq) L.  Contains q,dq. 1xlen(q)

q_and_dq = q[:]
q_and_dq.append(dq) # [q; dq]
dq_and_ddq = dq[:]
dq_and_ddq.append(ddq) # [dq; ddq]

#LHS1 = total_derivative(dLddq,q_and_dq,dq_and_ddq) # d/dt dL/d(dq)
J_temp = jacobian(dLddq, q_and_dq)
LHS1_ = mul(J_temp,dq_and_ddq).reshape(dLddq.shape)
LHS1 = jacobianTimesVector(dLddq.T,q_and_dq,dq_and_ddq).reshape(dLddq.shape)

LHS = (LHS1 - dLdq).T  
RHS = f_gen 
コード例 #58
ファイル: markov_casadi.py プロジェクト: phubaba/stats
        ll, (p_1, p_2, h_1, h_2) = loglikilihood(r, params1, params2)
    if not asVals:
        with Timer('subs model'):
            ll = params1.subsForModel(ll)
            #ll = params2.subsForModel(ll)
        params = casadi.vertcat(params1.vertcat) #, params2.vertcat)
        param_vals = casadi.vertcat(params1.vertcatvals) #, params2.vertcatvals)
        with Timer('subs ll'):
            print casadi.substitute(ll, params, param_vals)
        #with Timer('calc hess'):
        #    hess = casadi.hessian(ll, params)
        #with Timer('subs hess'):
        #    hessret = casadi.substitute(hess[0], params, param_vals)
        #    hessret2 = casadi.substitute(hess[1], params, param_vals)
        with Timer('calc jacob'):
            jacob = casadi.jacobian(ll, params)
        with Timer('subs jacob'):
            jacobret = casadi.substitute(jacob, params, param_vals)
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        bounds = []
        paramsFlat = [params[x] for x in xrange(params.shape[0])]
        for count, value in enumerate(paramsFlat):

        def optim(x):
            #for x_i, value in zip(x, paramsFlat):
                #print '%s: %s' % (x_i, value)
            ret = casadi.substitute(ll, params, casadi.vertcat(*x))
            return float(ret)
コード例 #59
ファイル: iLQR_non-linear.py プロジェクト: b4be1/iLQR
rhs = cat.struct_SX(state)
rhs['x'] = control['v'] * ca.cos(state['phi'])
rhs['y'] = control['v'] * ca.sin(state['phi'])
rhs['phi'] = control['w']
f = ca.SXFunction('Continuous dynamics', [state, control], [rhs])

# Discrete dynamics
state_next = state + dt_sym * f([state, control])[0]
op = {'input_scheme': ['state', 'control', 'dt'],
      'output_scheme': ['state_next']}
F = ca.SXFunction('Discrete dynamics',
                  [state, control, dt_sym], [state_next], op)
Fj_x = F.jacobian('state')
Fj_u = F.jacobian('control')
F_xx = ca.SXFunction('F_xx', [state, control, dt_sym],
                     [ca.jacobian(F.jac('state')[i, :].T, state) for i in
F_uu = ca.SXFunction('F_uu', [state, control, dt_sym],
                     [ca.jacobian(F.jac('control')[i, :].T, control) for i in
F_ux = ca.SXFunction('F_ux', [state, control, dt_sym],
                     [ca.jacobian(F.jac('control')[i, :].T, state) for i in

# Cost functions
Qf = ca.diagcat([1., 1., 0.])
final_cost = 0.5 * ca.mul([state.cat.T, Qf, state.cat])
op = {'input_scheme': ['state'],
      'output_scheme': ['cost']}
lf = ca.SXFunction('Final cost', [state], [final_cost], op)