コード例 #1
ファイル: admm.py プロジェクト: jgillis/omg-tools
 def construct_upd_l(self):
     # create parameters
     x_i = struct_symSX(self.q_i_struct)
     z_i = struct_symSX(self.q_i_struct)
     z_ij = struct_symSX(self.q_ij_struct)
     l_i = struct_symSX(self.q_i_struct)
     l_ij = struct_symSX(self.q_ij_struct)
     x_j = struct_symSX(self.q_ij_struct)
     t = SX.sym('t')
     T = SX.sym('T')
     rho = SX.sym('rho')
     t0 = t/T
     inp = [x_i, z_i, z_ij, l_i, l_ij, x_j, t, T, rho]
     # put symbols in SX structs (necessary for transformation)
     x_i = self.q_i_struct(x_i)
     z_i = self.q_i_struct(z_i)
     z_ij = self.q_ij_struct(z_ij)
     l_i = self.q_i_struct(l_i)
     l_ij = self.q_ij_struct(l_ij)
     x_j = self.q_ij_struct(x_j)
     # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline([x_i, z_i, l_i], tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline([x_j, z_ij, l_ij], tf, self.q_ij)
     # update lambda
     l_i_new = self.q_i_struct(l_i.cat + rho*(x_i.cat - z_i.cat))
     l_ij_new = self.q_ij_struct(l_ij.cat + rho*(x_j.cat - z_ij.cat))
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_bwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline(l_i_new, tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline(l_ij_new, tf, self.q_ij)
     out = [l_i_new, l_ij_new]
     # create problem
     prob, compile_time = self.father.create_function(
         'upd_l', inp, out, self.options)
     self.problem_upd_l = prob
コード例 #2
ファイル: optilayer.py プロジェクト: jgillis/omg-tools
 def create_nlp(self, var, par, obj, con, options):
     jit = options['codegen']
     if options['verbose'] >= 2:
         print 'Building nlp ... ',
         if jit['jit']:
             print('[jit compilation with flags %s]' %
     t0 = time.time()
     nlp = MXFunction('nlp', nlpIn(x=var, p=par), nlpOut(f=obj, g=con))
     solver = NlpSolver('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, options['solver'])
     grad_f, jac_g = nlp.gradient('x', 'f'), nlp.jacobian('x', 'g')
     hess_lag = solver.hessLag()
     var, par = struct_symSX(var), struct_symSX(par)
     nlp = SXFunction('nlp', [var, par], nlp([var, par]), jit)
     grad_f = SXFunction('grad_f', [var, par], grad_f([var, par]), jit)
     jac_g = SXFunction('jac_g', [var, par], jac_g([var, par]), jit)
     lam_f, lam_g = SX.sym('lam_f'), SX.sym('lam_g', con.size)
     hess_lag = SXFunction('hess_lag', [var, par, lam_f, lam_g],
                           hess_lag([var, par, lam_f, lam_g]), jit)
     options['solver'].update({'grad_f': grad_f, 'jac_g': jac_g,
                               'hess_lag': hess_lag})
     problem = NlpSolver('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, options['solver'])
     t1 = time.time()
     if options['verbose'] >= 2:
         print 'in %5f s' % (t1-t0)
     return problem, (t1-t0)
コード例 #3
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: olzhas/acados
def chen_model():
    """ The following ODE model comes from Chen1998. """
    nx, nu = (2, 1)
    x = SX.sym('x', nx)
    u = SX.sym('u', nu)
    mu = 0.5
    rhs = vertcat(x[1] + u*(mu + (1.-mu)*x[0]), x[0] + u*(mu - 4.*(1.-mu)*x[1]))
    return Function('chen', [x, u], [rhs]), nx, nu
コード例 #4
ファイル: spline_extra.py プロジェクト: jgillis/omg-tools
def shift_knot1_bwd(cfs, basis, t_shift):
    if isinstance(cfs, (SX, MX)):
        cfs_sym = SX.sym('cfs', cfs.shape)
        t_shift_sym = SX.sym('t_shift')
        T, Tinv = shiftfirstknot_T(basis, t_shift_sym, inverse=True)
        cfs2_sym = mul(Tinv, cfs_sym)
        fun = SXFunction('fun', [cfs_sym, t_shift_sym], [cfs2_sym])
        return fun([cfs, t_shift])[0]
        T, Tinv = shiftfirstknot_T(basis, t_shift, inverse=True)
        return Tinv.dot(cfs)
コード例 #5
ファイル: spline_extra.py プロジェクト: meco-group/omg-tools
def shift_knot1_bwd(cfs, basis, t_shift):
    if isinstance(cfs, (SX, MX)):
        cfs_sym = SX.sym('cfs', cfs.shape)
        t_shift_sym = SX.sym('t_shift')
        _, Tinv = shiftfirstknot_T(basis, t_shift_sym, inverse=True)
        cfs2_sym = mtimes(Tinv, cfs_sym)
        fun = Function('fun', [cfs_sym, t_shift_sym], [cfs2_sym]).expand()
        return fun(cfs, t_shift)
        _, Tinv = shiftfirstknot_T(basis, t_shift, inverse=True)
        return Tinv.dot(cfs)
コード例 #6
ファイル: admm.py プロジェクト: jgillis/omg-tools
 def construct_upd_z(self):
     # check if we have linear equality constraints
     self._lineq_updz, A, b = self._check_for_lineq()
     if not self._lineq_updz:
     x_i = struct_symSX(self.q_i_struct)
     x_j = struct_symSX(self.q_ij_struct)
     l_i = struct_symSX(self.q_i_struct)
     l_ij = struct_symSX(self.q_ij_struct)
     t = SX.sym('t')
     T = SX.sym('T')
     rho = SX.sym('rho')
     par = struct_symSX(self.par_struct)
     inp = [x_i.cat, l_i.cat, l_ij.cat, x_j.cat, t, T, rho, par.cat]
     t0 = t/T
     # put symbols in SX structs (necessary for transformation)
     x_i = self.q_i_struct(x_i)
     x_j = self.q_ij_struct(x_j)
     l_i = self.q_i_struct(l_i)
     l_ij = self.q_ij_struct(l_ij)
     # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline([x_i, l_i], tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline([x_j, l_ij], tf, self.q_ij)
     # fill in parameters
     A = A([par])[0]
     b = b([par])[0]
     # build KKT system
     E = rho*SX.eye(A.shape[1])
     l, x = vertcat([l_i.cat, l_ij.cat]), vertcat([x_i.cat, x_j.cat])
     f = -(l + rho*x)
     G = vertcat([horzcat([E, A.T]),
                  horzcat([A, SX.zeros(A.shape[0], A.shape[0])])])
     h = vertcat([-f, b])
     z = solve(G, h)
     l_qi = self.q_i_struct.shape[0]
     l_qij = self.q_ij_struct.shape[0]
     z_i_new = self.q_i_struct(z[:l_qi])
     z_ij_new = self.q_ij_struct(z[l_qi:l_qi+l_qij])
     # transform back
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_bwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline(z_i_new, tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline(z_ij_new, tf, self.q_ij)
     out = [z_i_new.cat, z_ij_new.cat]
     # create problem
     prob, compile_time = self.father.create_function(
         'upd_z', inp, out, self.options)
     self.problem_upd_z = prob
コード例 #7
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: acados/acados
def pendulum_model():
    """ Nonlinear inverse pendulum model. """
    M = 1    # mass of the cart [kg]
    m = 0.1  # mass of the ball [kg]
    g = 9.81 # gravity constant [m/s^2]
    l = 0.8  # length of the rod [m]

    p = SX.sym('p')         # horizontal displacement [m]
    theta = SX.sym('theta') # angle with the vertical [rad]
    v = SX.sym('v')         # horizontal velocity [m/s]
    omega = SX.sym('omega') # angular velocity [rad/s]
    F = SX.sym('F')         # horizontal force [N]

    ode_rhs = vertcat(v,
                      (- l*m*sin(theta)*omega**2 + F + g*m*cos(theta)*sin(theta))/(M + m - m*cos(theta)**2),
                      (- l*m*cos(theta)*sin(theta)*omega**2 + F*cos(theta) + g*m*sin(theta) + M*g*sin(theta))/(l*(M + m - m*cos(theta)**2)))

    nx = 4
    # for IRK
    xdot = SX.sym('xdot', nx, 1)
    z = SX.sym('z',0,1)
    return (Function('pendulum', [vertcat(p, theta, v, omega), F], [ode_rhs], ['x', 'u'], ['xdot']),
            nx, # number of states
            1,  # number of controls
            Function('impl_pendulum', [vertcat(p, theta, v, omega), F, xdot, z], [ode_rhs-xdot],
                                    ['x', 'u','xdot','z'], ['rhs']))
コード例 #8
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Daiver/jff
def deform(
    n_vertices = vertices_val.shape[1]
    n_targets = targets_val.shape[1]

    assert vertices_val.shape[0] == 3
    assert targets_val.shape[0] == 3
    assert len(adjacency) == n_vertices
    assert len(target_to_base_indices) == n_targets

    start = time.time()

    old_vertices = SX.sym("old_vertices", 3, n_vertices)
    targets = SX.sym("targets", 3, n_targets)

    vertices = SX.sym("vertices", 3, n_vertices)
    rotations = SX.sym("rotations", 3, 3 * n_vertices)

    vertices_to_fit = vertices[:, target_to_base_indices]

    start_data = time.time()
    data = (vertices_to_fit - targets).reshape((-1, 1))
    print(f"data elapsed {time.time() - start_data}")
    start_arap = time.time()
    arap_residual = arap.make_rot_arap_residuals(adjacency, old_vertices, rotations, vertices)
    print(f"arap elapsed {time.time() - start_arap}")
    start_rigid = time.time()
    rigid = arap.make_rigid_residuals(rotations)
    print(f"rigid elapsed {time.time() - start_rigid}")

    residuals = casadi.vertcat(
        10.0 * rigid

    variables = casadi.vertcat(
        rotations.reshape((-1, 1)),
        vertices.reshape((-1, 1))
    start_jac = time.time()
    jac = casadi.jacobian(residuals, variables)
    print(f"jac elapsed {time.time() - start_jac}")
    print("jac.shape", jac.shape, "jac.nnz()", jac.nnz())

    fixed_values = [

    start_res = time.time()
    residual_func = Function("res_func", [variables] + fixed_values, [residuals])
    print(f"res elapsed {time.time() - start_res}")
    start_jac_func = time.time()
    jac_func = Function("jac_func", [variables] + fixed_values, [jac])
    print(f"jac_func elapsed {time.time() - start_jac_func}")

    print(f"construction elapsed {time.time() - start}")
    def compute_residuals_and_jac(x):
        start = time.time()
        residuals_val = residual_func(x, vertices_val, targets_val).toarray()
        print(f"Residual elapsed {time.time() - start}")

        start = time.time()
        jacobian_val = jac_func(x, vertices_val, targets_val)
        print(f"Jacobian elapsed {time.time() - start}")
        jacobian_val = jacobian_val.sparse()
        return residuals_val, jacobian_val

    init_rot = np.hstack([np.eye(3)] * n_vertices)
    init_vertices = vertices_val
    init_vars = np.hstack((

    res = perform_gauss_newton(init_vars, compute_residuals_and_jac, 50, dumping_factor=0.5)
    new_vertices = res[9 * n_vertices:].reshape(-1, 3).T
    return new_vertices
コード例 #9
    def __set_costs(self, ocp):

        if ocp.nb_phases != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError("ACADOS with more than one phase is not implemented yet.")
        # costs handling in self.acados_ocp
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        self.lagrange_costs = SX()
        self.mayer_costs = SX()
        self.W = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.W_e = np.zeros((0, 0))

        if self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "LINEAR_LS":
            raise RuntimeError("LINEAR_LS is not interfaced yet.")

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "NONLINEAR_LS":
            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                for j, J in enumerate(ocp.nlp[i].J):
                    if J[0]["objective"].type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        self.lagrange_costs = vertcat(self.lagrange_costs, J[0]["val"].reshape((-1, 1)))
                        self.W = linalg.block_diag(self.W, np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] * J[0]["val"].numel()))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                            self.y_ref.append([J_tp["target"].T.reshape((-1, 1)) for J_tp in J])
                            self.y_ref.append([np.zeros((J_tp["val"].numel(), 1)) for J_tp in J])

                    elif J[0]["objective"].type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}", [ocp.nlp[i].X[-1]], [J[0]["val"]])
                        self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                            self.W_e, np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] * J[0]["val"].numel())
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(self.mayer_costs, mayer_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i].X[0]))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                [J[0]["target"]] if isinstance(J[0]["target"], (int, float)) else J[0]["target"]
                            self.y_ref_end.append([0] * (J[0]["val"].numel()))

                        raise RuntimeError("The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer.")

                # parameter as mayer function
                # IMPORTANT: it is considered that only parameters are stored in ocp.J, for now.
                if self.params:
                    for j, J in enumerate(ocp.J):
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_J_mayer_func_{i}_{j}", [ocp.nlp[i].X[-1]], [J[0]["val"]])
                        self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                            self.W_e, np.diag(([J[0]["objective"].weight] * J[0]["val"].numel()))
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(self.mayer_costs, mayer_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i].X[0]))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                [J[0]["target"]] if isinstance(J[0]["target"], (int, float)) else J[0]["target"]
                            self.y_ref_end.append([0] * (J[0]["val"].numel()))

            # Set costs
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = self.lagrange_costs if self.lagrange_costs.numel() else SX(1, 1)
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = self.mayer_costs if self.mayer_costs.numel() else SX(1, 1)

            # Set dimensions
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr.shape[0]
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e.shape[0]

            # Set weight
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W = np.zeros((1, 1)) if self.W.shape == (0, 0) else self.W
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = np.zeros((1, 1)) if self.W_e.shape == (0, 0) else self.W_e

            # Set target shape
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros((self.acados_ocp.cost.W.shape[0],))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros((self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e.shape[0],))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "EXTERNAL":
            raise RuntimeError("External is not interfaced yet, please use NONLINEAR_LS")

            raise RuntimeError("Available acados cost type: 'LINEAR_LS', 'NONLINEAR_LS' and 'EXTERNAL'.")
コード例 #10
ファイル: lat_mpc.py プロジェクト: KyleBoyer/openpilot
def gen_lat_model():
    model = AcadosModel()
    model.name = 'lat'

    # set up states & controls
    x_ego = SX.sym('x_ego')
    y_ego = SX.sym('y_ego')
    psi_ego = SX.sym('psi_ego')
    curv_ego = SX.sym('curv_ego')
    v_ego = SX.sym('v_ego')
    rotation_radius = SX.sym('rotation_radius')
    model.x = vertcat(x_ego, y_ego, psi_ego, curv_ego, v_ego, rotation_radius)

    # controls
    curv_rate = SX.sym('curv_rate')
    model.u = vertcat(curv_rate)

    # xdot
    x_ego_dot = SX.sym('x_ego_dot')
    y_ego_dot = SX.sym('y_ego_dot')
    psi_ego_dot = SX.sym('psi_ego_dot')
    curv_ego_dot = SX.sym('curv_ego_dot')
    v_ego_dot = SX.sym('v_ego_dot')
    rotation_radius_dot = SX.sym('rotation_radius_dot')
    model.xdot = vertcat(x_ego_dot, y_ego_dot, psi_ego_dot, curv_ego_dot,
                         v_ego_dot, rotation_radius_dot)

    # dynamics model
    f_expl = vertcat(
        v_ego * cos(psi_ego) - rotation_radius * sin(psi_ego) *
        (v_ego * curv_ego),
        v_ego * sin(psi_ego) + rotation_radius * cos(psi_ego) *
        (v_ego * curv_ego), v_ego * curv_ego, curv_rate, 0.0, 0.0)
    model.f_impl_expr = model.xdot - f_expl
    model.f_expl_expr = f_expl
    return model
コード例 #11
    h_lb = 0
    eta_ub = 200
    eta_lb = 0

    # Abtastzeit und Prediction horizon
    T = 0.1
    N_pred = 3
    # Zielruhelage von den Zustaenden
    # Referenz von h, h_p, eta
    state_r = [0.8, 0, 48]
    # activate_ips_on_exception()

    # IPS()

    # Zustaende als Symbol definieren
    h = SX.sym('h')
    h_p = SX.sym('h_p')
    eta = SX.sym('eta')
    # Zustandsvektor
    states = vertcat(h, h_p, eta)
    # print(states.shape)
    # kriegen die Anzahl der Zeiler("shape" ist ein Tuple)
    n_states = states.shape[0]  # p 22.

    # Eingang symbolisch definieren
    u_pwm = SX.sym('u_pwm')
    # Eingangsverktor
    controls = vertcat(u_pwm)
    # Eingangsanzahl
    n_controls = controls.shape[0]
    # Zustandsdarstellung
コード例 #12
ファイル: acados_interface.py プロジェクト: Steakkk/bioptim-1
    def __set_costs(self, ocp):

        if ocp.nb_phases != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "ACADOS with more than one phase is not implemented yet.")
        # costs handling in self.acados_ocp
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        self.lagrange_costs = SX()
        self.mayer_costs = SX()
        self.W = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.W_e = np.zeros((0, 0))
        ctrl_objs = [
        state_objs = [

        if self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "LINEAR_LS":
            self.Vu = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, ocp.nlp[0].nu)
            self.Vx = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, ocp.nlp[0].nx)
            self.Vxe = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, ocp.nlp[0].nx)
            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                for j, J in enumerate(ocp.nlp[i].J):
                    if J[0]["objective"].type.get_type(
                    ) == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        if J[0]["objective"].type.value[0] in ctrl_objs:
                            index = (J[0]["objective"].index
                                     if J[0]["objective"].index else list(
                            vu = np.zeros(ocp.nlp[0].nu)
                            vu[index] = 1.0
                            self.Vu = np.vstack((self.Vu, np.diag(vu)))
                            self.Vx = np.vstack(
                                 np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nu, ocp.nlp[0].nx))))
                            self.W = linalg.block_diag(
                                np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                            if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                y_tp = np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nu, 1))
                                y_ref_tp = []
                                for J_tp in J:
                                    y_tp[index] = J_tp["target"].T.reshape(
                                        (-1, 1))
                                    np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nu, 1)) for J_tp in J
                        elif J[0]["objective"].type.value[0] in state_objs:
                            index = (J[0]["objective"].index
                                     if J[0]["objective"].index else list(
                            vx = np.zeros(ocp.nlp[0].nx)
                            vx[index] = 1.0
                            self.Vx = np.vstack((self.Vx, np.diag(vx)))
                            self.Vu = np.vstack(
                                 np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nx, ocp.nlp[0].nu))))
                            self.W = linalg.block_diag(
                                np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                            if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                y_ref_tp = []
                                for J_tp in J:
                                    y_tp = np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nx, 1))
                                    y_tp[index] = J_tp["target"].T.reshape(
                                        (-1, 1))
                                    np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nx, 1)) for J_tp in J
                            raise RuntimeError(
                                f"{J[0]['objective'].type.name} is an incompatible objective term with "
                                f"LINEAR_LS cost type")

                        # Deal with last node to match ipopt formulation
                        if J[0]["objective"].node[0].value == "all" and len(
                                J) > ocp.nlp[0].ns:
                            index = (J[0]["objective"].index
                                     if J[0]["objective"].index else list(
                            vxe = np.zeros(ocp.nlp[0].nx)
                            vxe[index] = 1.0
                            self.Vxe = np.vstack((self.Vxe, np.diag(vxe)))
                            self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                                np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                            if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                y_tp = np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nx, 1))
                                y_tp[index] = J[-1]["target"].T.reshape(
                                    (-1, 1))
                                    np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nx, 1)))

                    elif J[0]["objective"].type.get_type(
                    ) == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        if J[0]["objective"].type.value[0] in state_objs:
                            index = (J[0]["objective"].index
                                     if J[0]["objective"].index else list(
                            vxe = np.zeros(ocp.nlp[0].nx)
                            vxe[index] = 1.0
                            self.Vxe = np.vstack((self.Vxe, np.diag(vxe)))
                            self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                                np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                            if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                y_tp = np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nx, 1))
                                y_tp[index] = J[-1]["target"].T.reshape(
                                    (-1, 1))
                                    np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nx, 1)))
                            raise RuntimeError(
                                f"{J[0]['objective'].type.name} is an incompatible objective term "
                                f"with LINEAR_LS cost type")

                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer."

                if self.params:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Params not yet handled with LINEAR_LS cost type")

            # Set costs
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx = self.Vx if self.Vx.shape[0] else np.zeros(
                (0, 0))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vu = self.Vu if self.Vu.shape[0] else np.zeros(
                (0, 0))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx_e = self.Vxe if self.Vxe.shape[
                0] else np.zeros((0, 0))

            # Set dimensions
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = sum(
                [len(data[0]) for data in self.y_ref])
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = sum(
                [len(data) for data in self.y_ref_end])

            # Set weight
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W = self.W
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = self.W_e

            # Set target shape
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W.shape[0], ))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e.shape[0], ))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "NONLINEAR_LS":
            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                for j, J in enumerate(ocp.nlp[i].J):
                    if J[0]["objective"].type.get_type(
                    ) == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        self.lagrange_costs = vertcat(
                            self.lagrange_costs, J[0]["val"].reshape((-1, 1)))
                        self.W = linalg.block_diag(
                            np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                J_tp["target"].T.reshape((-1, 1)) for J_tp in J
                                np.zeros((J_tp["val"].numel(), 1))
                                for J_tp in J

                        # Deal with last node to match ipopt formulation
                        if J[0]["objective"].node[0].value == "all" and len(
                                J) > ocp.nlp[0].ns:
                            mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}",
                            self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                                np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                            self.mayer_costs = vertcat(
                                    (-1, 1)))
                            if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                    J[-1]["target"].T.reshape((-1, 1)))
                                    np.zeros((J[-1]["val"].numel(), 1)))

                    elif J[0]["objective"].type.get_type(
                    ) == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}",
                        self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                            np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(
                            mayer_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i].X[0]).reshape((-1, 1)))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                (-1, 1)))
                                np.zeros((J[0]["val"].numel(), 1)))

                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer."

                # parameter as mayer function
                # IMPORTANT: it is considered that only parameters are stored in ocp.J, for now.
                if self.params:
                    for j, J in enumerate(ocp.J):
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_J_mayer_func_{i}_{j}",
                        self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                            np.diag(([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(
                            mayer_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i].X[0]).reshape((-1, 1)))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                (-1, 1)))
                                np.zeros((J[0]["val"].numel(), 1)))

            # Set costs
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = self.lagrange_costs if self.lagrange_costs.numel(
            ) else SX(1, 1)
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = self.mayer_costs if self.mayer_costs.numel(
            ) else SX(1, 1)

            # Set dimensions
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr.shape[
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e.shape[

            # Set weight
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W = np.zeros(
                (1, 1)) if self.W.shape == (0, 0) else self.W
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = np.zeros(
                (1, 1)) if self.W_e.shape == (0, 0) else self.W_e

            # Set target shape
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W.shape[0], ))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e.shape[0], ))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "EXTERNAL":
            raise RuntimeError(
                "EXTERNAL is not interfaced yet, please use NONLINEAR_LS")

            raise RuntimeError(
                "Available acados cost type: 'LINEAR_LS', 'NONLINEAR_LS' and 'EXTERNAL'."
コード例 #13
ファイル: acados_interface.py プロジェクト: Steakkk/bioptim-1
    def __set_constrs(self, ocp):
        # constraints handling in self.acados_ocp
        u_min = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min)
        u_max = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max)
        x_min = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.min)
        x_max = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.max)
        self.all_constr = SX()
        self.end_constr = SX()
        ##TODO:change for more node flexibility on bounds
        self.all_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        self.end_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
            for g, G in enumerate(ocp.nlp[i].g):
                if not G:
                if G[0]["constraint"].node[0] is Node.ALL:
                    self.all_constr = vertcat(self.all_constr,
                                              G[0]["val"].reshape((-1, 1)))
                    if len(G) > ocp.nlp[0].ns:
                        constr_end_func_tp = Function(
                            f"cas_constr_end_func_{i}_{g}", [ocp.nlp[i].X[-1]],
                        self.end_constr = vertcat(
                                (-1, 1)))

                elif G[0]["constraint"].node[0] is Node.END:
                    constr_end_func_tp = Function(
                        f"cas_constr_end_func_{i}_{g}", [ocp.nlp[i].X[-1]],
                    self.end_constr = vertcat(
                        constr_end_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i].X[0]).reshape((-1, 1)))

                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Except for states and controls, Acados solver only handles constraints on last or all nodes."

        self.acados_model.con_h_expr = self.all_constr
        self.acados_model.con_h_expr_e = self.end_constr

        if not np.all(np.all(u_min.T == u_min.T[0, :], axis=0)):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "u_bounds min must be the same at each shooting point with ACADOS"
        if not np.all(np.all(u_max.T == u_max.T[0, :], axis=0)):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "u_bounds max must be the same at each shooting point with ACADOS"

        if (not np.isfinite(u_min).all() or not np.isfinite(x_min).all()
                or not np.isfinite(u_max).all()
                or not np.isfinite(x_max).all()):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "u_bounds and x_bounds cannot be set to infinity in ACADOS. Consider changing it"
                "to a big value instead.")

        # setup state constraints
        self.x_bound_max = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        self.x_bound_min = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        param_bounds_max = []
        param_bounds_min = []

        if self.params:
            param_bounds_max = np.concatenate(
                [self.params[key].bounds.max for key in self.params.keys()])[:,
            param_bounds_min = np.concatenate(
                [self.params[key].bounds.min for key in self.params.keys()])[:,

        for i in range(3):
            self.x_bound_max[:, i] = np.concatenate(
                (param_bounds_max, np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.max[:, i])))
            self.x_bound_min[:, i] = np.concatenate(
                (param_bounds_min, np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.min[:, i])))

        # setup control constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbu = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min[:,
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubu = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max[:,
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbu = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbu = self.acados_ocp.dims.nu

        # initial state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx_0 = self.x_bound_min[:, 0]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx_0 = self.x_bound_max[:, 0]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx_0 = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx_0 = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup path state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.Jbx = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx = self.x_bound_min[:, 1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx = self.x_bound_max[:, 1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup terminal state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.Jbx_e = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx_e = self.x_bound_min[:, -1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx_e = self.x_bound_max[:, -1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx_e = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx_e = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup algebraic constraint
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lh = np.array(self.all_g_bounds.min[:, 0])
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.uh = np.array(self.all_g_bounds.max[:, 0])

        # setup terminal algebraic constraint
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lh_e = np.array(self.end_g_bounds.min[:,
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.uh_e = np.array(self.end_g_bounds.max[:,
コード例 #14
ファイル: acados_interface.py プロジェクト: Naassila/bioptim
    def __init__(self, ocp, **solver_options):
        ocp: OptimalControlProgram
            A reference to the current OptimalControlProgram
        solver_options: dict
            The options to pass to the solver

        if not isinstance(ocp.cx(), SX):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "CasADi graph must be SX to be solved with ACADOS. Please set use_sx to True in OCP"


        # If Acados is installed using the acados_install.sh file, you probably can leave this to unset
        acados_path = ""
        if "acados_dir" in solver_options:
            acados_path = solver_options["acados_dir"]
        self.acados_ocp = AcadosOcp(acados_path=acados_path)
        self.acados_model = AcadosModel()

        if "cost_type" in solver_options:

        if "constr_type" in solver_options:

        self.lagrange_costs = SX()
        self.mayer_costs = SX()
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        self.nparams = 0
        self.params_initial_guess = None
        self.params_bounds = None
        self.ocp_solver = None
        self.W = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.W_e = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.status = None
        self.out = {}

        self.all_constr = None
        self.end_constr = SX()
        self.all_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        self.end_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        self.x_bound_max = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        self.x_bound_min = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        self.Vu = np.array([],
        self.Vx = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0,
        self.Vxe = np.array([],
                            dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, ocp.nlp[0].states.shape)
コード例 #15
ファイル: alpha_QI_discrete.py プロジェクト: zzgsam/MPC
from casadi import SX, DM, vertcat, reshape, Function, nlpsol, inf, norm_2, sqrt, gradient, dot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Parameter konfiguration
    A_B = 2.8274e-3  # [m**2]
    A_SP = 0.4299e-3  # [m**2]
    m = 2.8e-3  # [kg]
    g = 9.81  # [m/(s**2)]
    T_M = 0.57  # [s]
    k_M = 0.31  # [s**-1]
    k_V = 6e-5  # [m**3]
    k_L = 2.18e-4  # [kg/m]
    eta_0 = 1900 / 60  # / 60 * 2 * pi

    A_d = SX([[1, 0.1, 0], [0, -0.14957, 0.024395], [0, 0, 0.82456]])
    B_d = SX([[0], [0], [0.054386]])
    T = 0.1

    h = SX.sym('h')
    h_p = SX.sym('h_p')
    eta = SX.sym('eta')
    states = vertcat(h, h_p, eta)
    u_pwm = SX.sym('u_pwm')
    controls = vertcat(u_pwm)
    rhs = vertcat(h_p,
                  k_L / m * ((k_V * (eta + eta_0) - A_B * h_p) / A_SP)**2 - g,
                  -1 / T_M * eta + k_M / T_M * u_pwm)

    f = Function('f', [states, controls], [rhs * T + states])
コード例 #16
ファイル: solution.py プロジェクト: ackrep-org/ackrep_data
def solve(problem_spec):
    # problem_spec is dummy
    t = sp.Symbol('t')  # time variable
    np = 2
    nq = 2
    ns = 2
    n = np + nq + ns

    p1, p2 = pp = st.symb_vector("p1:{0}".format(np + 1))
    q1, q2 = qq = st.symb_vector("q1:{0}".format(nq + 1))
    s1, s2 = ss = st.symb_vector("s1:{0}".format(ns + 1))

    ttheta = st.row_stack(qq[0], pp[0], ss[0], qq[1], pp[1], ss[1])
    qdot1, pdot1, sdot1, qdot2, pdot2, sdot2 = tthetad = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta)
    tthetadd = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta, order=2)

    ttheta_all = st.concat_rows(ttheta, tthetad, tthetadd)

    c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, d, g = params = sp.symbols(
        'c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, d, g')

    tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4, tau5, tau6 = ttau = st.symb_vector("tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4, tau5, tau6 ")

    # unit vectors

    ex = sp.Matrix([1, 0])
    ey = sp.Matrix([0, 1])

    # coordinates of centers of mass and joints
    # left
    G0 = 0 * ex  ##:

    C1 = G0 + Rz(q1) * ex * c1  ##:

    G1 = G0 + Rz(q1) * ex * l1  ##:

    C2 = G1 + Rz(q1 + p1) * ex * c2  ##:

    G2 = G1 + Rz(q1 + p1) * ex * l2  ##:

    C3 = G2 + Rz(q1 + p1 + s1) * ex * c3  ##:

    G3 = G2 + Rz(q1 + p1 + s1) * ex * l3  ##:

    # right
    G6 = d * ex  ##:

    C6 = G6 + Rz(q2) * ex * c6  ##:

    G5 = G6 + Rz(q2) * ex * l6  ##:

    C5 = G5 + Rz(q2 + p2) * ex * c5  ##:

    G4 = G5 + Rz(q2 + p2) * ex * l5  ##:

    C4 = G4 + Rz(q2 + p2 + s2) * ex * c4  ##:

    G3b = G4 + Rz(q2 + p2 + s2) * ex * l4  ##:

    # time derivatives of centers of mass
    Sd1, Sd2, Sd3, Sd4, Sd5, Sd6 = st.col_split(st.time_deriv(st.col_stack(C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6), ttheta))

    # Kinetic Energy (note that angles are relative)

    T_rot = (J1 * qdot1 ** 2) / 2 + (J2 * (qdot1 + pdot1) ** 2) / 2 + (J3 * (qdot1 + pdot1 + sdot1) ** 2) / 2 + \
            (J4 * (qdot2 + pdot2 + sdot2) ** 2) / 2 + (J5 * (qdot2 + pdot2) ** 2) / 2 + (J6 * qdot2 ** 2) / 2
    T_trans = (
                      m1 * Sd1.T * Sd1 + m2 * Sd2.T * Sd2 + m3 * Sd3.T * Sd3 + m4 * Sd4.T * Sd4 + m5 * Sd5.T * Sd5 + m6 * Sd6.T * Sd6) / 2

    T = T_rot + T_trans[0]

    # Potential Energy
    V = m1 * g * C1[1] + m2 * g * C2[1] + m3 * g * C3[1] + m4 * g * C4[1] + m5 * g * C5[1] + m6 * g * C6[1]
    parameter_values = list(dict(c1=0.4 / 2, c2=0.42 / 2, c3=0.55 / 2, c4=0.55 / 2, c5=0.42 / 2, c6=0.4 / 2,
                                 m1=6.0, m2=12.0, m3=39.6, m4=39.6, m5=12.0, m6=6.0,
                                 J1=(6 * 0.4 ** 2) / 12, J2=(12 * 0.42 ** 2) / 12, J3=(39.6 * 0.55 ** 2) / 12,
                                 J4=(39.6 * 0.55 ** 2) / 12, J5=(12 * 0.42 ** 2) / 12, J6=(6 * 0.4 ** 2) / 12,
                                 l1=0.4, l2=0.42, l3=0.55, l4=0.55, l5=0.42, l6=0.4, d=0.26, g=9.81).items())

    external_forces = [tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4, tau5, tau6]

    dir_of_this_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.modules.get(__name__).__file__))
    fpath = os.path.join(dir_of_this_file, "7L-dae-2020-07-15.pcl")

    if not os.path.isfile(fpath):
        # if model is not present it could be regenerated
        # however this might take long (approx. 20min)
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, external_forces, constraints=[G3 - G3b], simplify=False)

        mod.f_sympy = mod.f.subs(parameter_values)
        mod.G_sympy = mod.g.subs(parameter_values)
        with open(fpath, "wb") as pfile:
            pickle.dump(mod, pfile)
        with open(fpath, "rb") as pfile:
            mod = pickle.load(pfile)

    # calculate DAE equations from symbolic model
    dae = mod.calc_dae_eq(parameter_values)


    torso1_unit = Rz(q1 + p1 + s1) * ex
    torso2_unit = Rz(q2 + p2 + s2) * ex

    neck_length = 0.12
    head_radius = 0.1

    body_width = 15
    neck_width = 15

    H1 = G3 + neck_length * torso1_unit
    H1r = G3 + (neck_length - head_radius) * torso1_unit
    H2 = G3b + neck_length * torso2_unit
    H2r = G3b + (neck_length - head_radius) * torso2_unit

    vis = vt.Visualiser(ttheta, xlim=(-1.5, 1.5), ylim=(-.2, 2))

    # get default colors and set them explicitly
    # this prevents color changes in onion skin plot
    default_colors = plt.get_cmap("tab10")
    guy1_color = default_colors(0)
    guy1_joint_color = "darkblue"
    guy2_color = default_colors(1)
    guy2_joint_color = "red"
    guy1_head_fc = guy1_color  # facecolor
    guy1_head_ec = guy1_head_fc  # edgecolor
    guy2_head_fc = guy2_color  # facecolor
    guy2_head_ec = guy2_head_fc  # edgecolor

    # guy 1 body
    vis.add_linkage(st.col_stack(G0, G1, G2, G3).subs(parameter_values),
    # guy 1 neck
    # vis.add_linkage(st.col_stack(G3, H1r).subs(parameter_values), color=head_color, solid_capstyle='round', lw=neck_width)
    # guy 1 head
    vis.add_disk(st.col_stack(H1, H1r).subs(parameter_values), fc=guy1_head_fc, ec=guy1_head_ec, plot_radius=False,

    # guy 2 body
    vis.add_linkage(st.col_stack(G6, G5, G4, G3b).subs(parameter_values),
    # guy 2 neck
    # vis.add_linkage(st.col_stack(G3b, H2r).subs(parameter_values), color=head_color, solid_capstyle='round', lw=neck_width)
    # guy 2 head
    vis.add_disk(st.col_stack(H2, H2r).subs(parameter_values), fc=guy2_head_fc, ec=guy2_head_ec, plot_radius=False,

    eq_stat = mod.eqns.subz0(tthetadd).subz0(tthetad).subs(parameter_values)

    # vector for tau and lambda together

    ttau_symbols = sp.Matrix(mod.uu)  ##:T

    mmu = st.row_stack(ttau_symbols, mod.llmd)  ##:T

    # linear system of equations (and convert to function w.r.t. ttheta)

    K0_expr = eq_stat.subz0(mmu)  ##:i
    K1_expr = eq_stat.jacobian(mmu)  ##:i

    K0_func = st.expr_to_func(ttheta, K0_expr)
    K1_func = st.expr_to_func(ttheta, K1_expr, keep_shape=True)

    def get_mu_stat_for_theta(ttheta_arg, rho=10):
        # weighting matrix for mu

        K0 = K0_func(*ttheta_arg)
        K1 = K1_func(*ttheta_arg)

        return solve_qlp(K0, K1, rho)

    def solve_qlp(K0, K1, rho):
        R_mu = npy.diag([1, 1, 1, rho, rho, rho, .1, .1])
        n1, n2 = K1.shape

        # construct the equation system for least squares with linear constraints
        M1 = npy.column_stack((R_mu, K1.T))
        M2 = npy.column_stack((K1, npy.zeros((n1, n1))))
        M_coeff = npy.row_stack((M1, M2))

        M_rhs = npy.concatenate((npy.zeros(n2), -K0))

        mmu_stat = npy.linalg.solve(M_coeff, M_rhs)[:n2]
        return mmu_stat

    ttheta_start = npy.r_[0.9, 1.5, -1.9, 2.1, -2.175799453493845, 1.7471971159642905]

    mmu_start = get_mu_stat_for_theta(ttheta_start)

    connection_point_func = st.expr_to_func(ttheta, G3.subs(parameter_values))

    cs_ttau = mpc.casidify(mod.uu, mod.uu)[0]
    cs_llmd = mpc.casidify(mod.llmd, mod.llmd)[0]

    controls_sp = mmu
    controls_cs = cs.vertcat(cs_ttau, cs_llmd)
    coords_cs, _ = mpc.casidify(ttheta, ttheta)

    # parameters: 0: value of y_connection, 1: x_connection_last,
    # 2: y_connection_last, 3: delta_r_max, 4: rho (penalty factor for 2nd persons torques),
    # 5:11: ttheta_old[6], 11:17: ttheta:old2
    P = SX.sym('P', 5 + 12)
    rho = P[10]

    # weightning of inputs
    R = mpc.SX_diag_matrix((1, 1, 1, rho, rho, rho, 0.1, 0.1))

    #  Construction of Constraints

    g1 = []  # constraints vector (system dynamics)
    g2 = []  # inequality-constraints

    closed_chain_constraint, _ = mpc.casidify(mod.dae.constraints, ttheta, cs_vars=coords_cs)
    connection_position, _ = mpc.casidify(list(G3.subs(parameter_values)), ttheta, cs_vars=coords_cs)  ##:i
    connection_y_value, _ = mpc.casidify([G3[1].subs(parameter_values)], ttheta, cs_vars=coords_cs)  ##:i

    stationary_eqns, _, _ = mpc.casidify(eq_stat, ttheta, controls_sp, cs_vars=(coords_cs, controls_cs))  ##:i


    # force the connecting joint to a given hight (which will be provided later)
    g1.append(connection_y_value - P[0])

    ng1 = len(g1)

    # squared distance from the last reference should be smaller than P[3] (delta_r_max):
    # this will be a restriction between -inf and 0
    r = connection_position - P[1:3]
    g2.append(r.T @ r - P[3])

    # change of angles should be smaller than a given bound (P[5:11] are the old coords)
    coords_old = P[5:11]
    coords_old2 = P[11:17]
    pseudo_vel = (coords_cs - coords_old) / 1
    pseudo_acc = (coords_cs - 2 * coords_old + coords_old2) / 1


    g_all = mpc.seq_to_SX_matrix(g1 + g2)

    ### Construction of objective Function

    obj = controls_cs.T @ R @ controls_cs + 1e5 * pseudo_acc.T @ pseudo_acc + 0.3e6 * pseudo_vel.T @ pseudo_vel

    OPT_variables = cs.vertcat(coords_cs, controls_cs)

    # for debugging
    g_all_cs_func = cs.Function("g_all_cs_func", (OPT_variables, P), (g_all,))

    nlp_prob = dict(f=obj, x=OPT_variables, g=g_all, p=P)

    ipopt_settings = dict(max_iter=5000, print_level=0,
                          acceptable_tol=1e-8, acceptable_obj_change_tol=1e-6)
    opts = dict(print_time=False, ipopt=ipopt_settings)

    xx_guess = npy.r_[ttheta_start, mmu_start]

    # note: g1 contains the equality constraints (system dynamics) (lower bound = upper bound)

    delta_phi = .05
    d_delta_phi = .02
    eps = 1e-9
    lbg = npy.r_[[-eps] * ng1 + [-inf] + [-delta_phi] * n, [-d_delta_phi] * n]
    ubg = npy.r_[[eps] * ng1 + [0] + [delta_phi] * n, [d_delta_phi] * n]

    # ubx = [inf]*OPT_variables.shape[0]##:

    # lower and upper bounds for decision variables:
    # lbx = [-inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf]*N1 + [tau1_min, tau4_min, -inf, -inf]*N
    # ubx = [inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf]*N1 + [tau1_max, tau4_max, inf, inf]*N

    rho = 3
    P_init = npy.r_[connection_point_func(*ttheta_start)[1],
                    connection_point_func(*ttheta_start), 0.01, rho, ttheta_start, ttheta_start]

    args = dict(lbx=-inf, ubx=inf, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg,  # unconstrained optimization
                p=P_init,  # initial and final state
                x0=xx_guess  # initial guess

    solver = cs.nlpsol("solver", "ipopt", nlp_prob, opts)
    sol = solver(**args)

    global_vars = ipydex.Container(old_sol=xx_guess, old_sol2=xx_guess)

    def get_optimal_equilibrium(y_value, rho=3):

        ttheta_old = global_vars.old_sol[:n]
        ttheta_old2 = global_vars.old_sol2[:n]
        opt_prob_params = npy.r_[y_value, connection_point_func(*ttheta_old),
                                 0.01, rho, ttheta_old, ttheta_old2]

        args.update(dict(p=opt_prob_params, x0=global_vars.old_sol))
        sol = solver(**args)

        stats = solver.stats()
        if not stats['success']:
            raise ValueError(stats["return_status"])

        XX = sol["x"].full().squeeze()

        # save the last two results
        global_vars.old_sol2 = global_vars.old_sol
        global_vars.old_sol = XX

        return XX

    y_start = connection_point_func(*ttheta_start)[1]
    N = 100

    y_end = 1.36
    y_func = st.expr_to_func(t, st.condition_poly(t, (0, y_start, 0, 0), (1, y_end, 0, 0)))

    def get_qs_trajectory(rho):
        pseudo_time = npy.linspace(0, 1, N)
        yy_connection = y_func(pseudo_time)

        # reset the initial guess
        global_vars.old_sol = xx_guess
        global_vars.old_sol2 = xx_guess
        XX_list = []
        for i, y_value in enumerate(yy_connection):
            # print(i, y_value)
            XX_list.append(get_optimal_equilibrium(y_value, rho=rho))

        XX = npy.array(XX_list)
        return XX

    rho = 30
    XX = get_qs_trajectory(rho=rho)

    def smooth_time_scaling(Tend, N, phase_fraction=.5):
        :param Tend:
        :param N:
        :param phase_fraction:   fraction of Tend for smooth initial and end phase

        T0 = 0
        T1 = Tend * phase_fraction

        y0 = 0
        y1 = 1

        # for initial phase
        poly1 = st.condition_poly(t, (T0, y0, 0, 0), (T1, y1, 0, 0))

        # for end phase
        poly2 = poly1.subs(t, Tend - t)

        # there should be a phase in the middle with constant slope
        deriv_transition = st.piece_wise((y0, t < T0), (poly1, t < T1), (y1, t < Tend - T1),
                                         (poly2, t < Tend), (y0, True))

        scaling = sp.integrate(deriv_transition, (t, T0, Tend))

        time_transition = sp.integrate(deriv_transition * N / scaling, t)

        # deriv_transition_func = st.expr_to_func(t, full_transition)
        time_transition_func = st.expr_to_func(t, time_transition)
        deriv_func = st.expr_to_func(t, deriv_transition * N / scaling)
        deriv_func2 = st.expr_to_func(t, deriv_transition.diff(t) * N / scaling)

        C = ipydex.Container(fetch_locals=True)

        return C

    N = XX.shape[0]
    Tend = 4
    res = smooth_time_scaling(Tend, N)

    def get_derivatives(XX, time_scaling, res=100):
        :param XX:             Nxm array
        :param time_scaling:   container for time scaling
        :param res:            time resolution of the returned arrays

        N = XX.shape[0]
        Tend = time_scaling.Tend
        assert npy.isclose(time_scaling.time_transition_func([0, Tend])[-1], N)

        tt = npy.linspace(time_scaling.T0, time_scaling.Tend, res)
        NN = npy.arange(N)

        # high_resolution version of index arry
        NN2 = npy.linspace(0, N, res, endpoint=False)

        # time-scaled verion of index-array
        NN3 = time_scaling.time_transition_func(tt)
        NN3d = time_scaling.deriv_func(tt)
        NN3dd = time_scaling.deriv_func2(tt)

        XX_num, XXd_num, XXdd_num = [], [], []

        # iterate over every column
        for col in XX.T:
            spl = splrep(NN, col)

            # function value and derivatives
            XX_num.append(splev(NN3, spl))
            XXd_num.append(splev(NN3, spl, der=1))
            XXdd_num.append(splev(NN3, spl, der=2))

        XX_num = npy.array(XX_num).T
        XXd_num = npy.array(XXd_num).T
        XXdd_num = npy.array(XXdd_num).T

        NN3d_bc = npy.broadcast_to(NN3d, XX_num.T.shape).T
        NN3dd_bc = npy.broadcast_to(NN3dd, XX_num.T.shape).T

        XXd_n = XXd_num * NN3d_bc

        # apply chain rule
        XXdd_n = XXdd_num * NN3d_bc ** 2 + XXd_num * NN3dd_bc

        C = ipydex.Container(fetch_locals=True)
        return C

    C = XX_derivs = get_derivatives(XX[:, :], time_scaling=res)

    expr = mod.eqns.subz0(mod.uu, mod.llmd).subs(parameter_values)
    dynterm_func = st.expr_to_func(ttheta_all, expr)

    def get_torques(dyn_term_func, XX_derivs, static1=False, static2=False):

        ttheta_num_all = npy.c_[XX_derivs.XX_num[:, :n], XX_derivs.XXd_n[:, :n], XX_derivs.XXdd_n[:, :n]]  ##:S

        if static1:
            # set velocities to 0
            ttheta_num_all[:, n:2 * n] = 0

        if static2:
            # set accelerations to 0
            ttheta_num_all[:, 2 * n:] = 0

        res = dynterm_func(*ttheta_num_all.T)
        return res

    lhs_static = get_torques(dynterm_func, XX_derivs, static1=True, static2=True)  ##:i
    lhs_dynamic = get_torques(dynterm_func, XX_derivs, static2=False)  ##:i

    mmu_stat_list = []
    for L_k_stat, L_k_dyn, ttheta_k in zip(lhs_static, lhs_dynamic, XX_derivs.XX_num[:, :n]):
        K1_k = K1_func(*ttheta_k)
        mmu_stat_k = solve_qlp(L_k_stat, K1_k, rho)

    mmu_stat_all = npy.array(mmu_stat_list)

    solution_data = SolutionData()
    solution_data.tt = XX_derivs.tt
    solution_data.xx = XX_derivs.XX_num
    solution_data.mmu = mmu_stat_all
    solution_data.vis = vis

    save_plot(problem_spec, solution_data)

    return solution_data
コード例 #17
from ipydex import IPS, activate_ips_on_exception
from sys import path

from casadi import sin, cos, SX, DM, vertcat, reshape, Function, nlpsol, inf, norm_2, sqrt, gradient, dot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Parameter konfiguration

    A_d = SX([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
    B_d = SX([[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]])
    T = 0.1

    temp_x1 = 0.2
    temp_x2 = 5
    temp_x3 = 0
    N_fe_range = 10

    # Zustaende als Symbol definieren
    x = SX.sym('x')
    y = SX.sym('y')
    theta = SX.sym('theta')
    # ZustandsvekFtor
    states = vertcat(x, y, theta)
    # print(states.shape)

    # Eingang symbolisch definieren
    u_1 = SX.sym('u_1')
    u_2 = SX.sym("u_2")
    # Eingangsverktor
    controls = vertcat(u_1, u_2)
コード例 #18
    def __set_costs(self, ocp):
        # set weight for states and controls (default: 1.00)
        # Q = 1.00 * np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
        # R = 1.00 * np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nu)
        # self.acados_ocp.cost.W = linalg.block_diag(Q, R)
        # self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = Q
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        if self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "LINEAR_LS":
            # set Lagrange terms
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx = np.zeros((self.acados_ocp.dims.ny, self.acados_ocp.dims.nx))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx[: self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, :] = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)

            Vu = np.zeros((self.acados_ocp.dims.ny, self.acados_ocp.dims.nu))
            Vu[self.acados_ocp.dims.nx :, :] = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nu)
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vu = Vu

            # set Mayer term
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx_e = np.zeros((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, self.acados_ocp.dims.nx))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "NONLINEAR_LS":
            if ocp.nb_phases != 1:
                # TODO: Please confirm this
                raise NotImplementedError("ACADOS with more than one phase is not implemented yet")

            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                # TODO: I think ocp.J is missing here (the parameters would be stored there)
                for j, J in enumerate(ocp.nlp[i]["J"]):
                    if J[0]["objective"].type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        self.lagrange_costs = vertcat(self.lagrange_costs, J[0]["val"].reshape((-1, 1)))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                            self.y_ref.append([J_tp["target"].T.reshape((-1, 1)) for J_tp in J])
                            raise RuntimeError("Should we put y_ref = zeros?")

                    elif J[0]["objective"].type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        raise RuntimeError("TODO: I may have broken this (is this the right J?)")
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}", [ocp.nlp[i]["X"][-1]], [J[0]["val"]])
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(self.mayer_costs, mayer_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i]["X"][0]))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                            raise RuntimeError("TODO: Should we put y_ref_end = zeros?")

                        raise RuntimeError("The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer.")

            if self.lagrange_costs.numel():
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = self.lagrange_costs
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = SX(1, 1)
            if self.mayer_costs.numel():
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = self.mayer_costs
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = SX(1, 1)
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr.shape[0]
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e.shape[0]
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros((max(self.acados_ocp.dims.ny, 1),))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros((max(self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e, 1),))

            # TODO changed hard coded values below (you can use J["weight"])
            Q_ocp = np.zeros((15, 15))
            np.fill_diagonal(Q_ocp, 1000)
            R_ocp = np.zeros((4, 4))
            np.fill_diagonal(R_ocp, 1000)

            self.acados_ocp.cost.W = linalg.block_diag(Q_ocp, R_ocp)
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = np.zeros((1, 1))

            # TODO: Is the following useful?
            # if len(self.y_ref):
            #     self.y_ref = np.vstack(self.y_ref)
            # else:
            #     self.y_ref = [np.zeros((1, 1))] * self.ocp
            # if len(self.y_ref_end):
            #     self.y_ref_end = np.vstack(self.y_ref_end)
            # else:
            #     self.y_ref_end = np.zeros((1, 1))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "EXTERNAL":
            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                for j in range(len(ocp.nlp[i]["J"])):
                    J = ocp.nlp[i]["J"][j][0]

                    raise RuntimeError("TODO: The target is not right currently")
                    if J["type"] == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        self.lagrange_costs = vertcat(self.lagrange_costs, J["val"][0] - J["target"][0])
                    elif J["type"] == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        raise RuntimeError("TODO: I may have broken this (is this the right J?)")
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}", [ocp.nlp[i]["X"][-1]], [J["val"]])
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(self.mayer_costs, mayer_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i]["X"][0]))
                        raise RuntimeError("The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer.")
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost = sum1(self.lagrange_costs)
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost_e = sum1(self.mayer_costs)

            raise RuntimeError("Available acados cost type: 'LINEAR_LS', 'NONLINEAR_LS' and 'EXTERNAL'.")
コード例 #19
def qp_solve(prob, obj, p_init, x_init, y_init, lam_opt, mu_opt, case):
    QP solver for path-following algorithm
    inputs: prob - problem description
            obj - problem equations
            p_init - initial parameter
            x_init - initial primal variable
            y_init - initial dual variable
            lam_opt - Lagrange multipliers of equality and active constraints
            mu_opt - Lagrange multipliers of inequality constraints
    outputs: y - solution primal variable
            qp_val - objective function value
            qp_exit - return status of QP solver
            deriv - derivatives of the problem
            k_zero_tilde - active set index
            k_plus_tilde - inactive set index
            grad - gradient of objective function
    print 'Current point x:', x_init
    #Importing problem to be solved
    nx, np, neq, niq, name = prob()
    x, p, f, f_fun, con, conf, ubx, lbx, ubg, lbg = obj(
        x_init, y_init, p_init, neq, niq, nx, np)

    #Deteriming constraint types
    eq_con_ind = array([])  #indices of equality constraints
    iq_con_ind = array([])  #indices of inequality constraints
    eq_con = array([])  #equality constraints
    iq_con = array([])  #inequality constraints

    for i in range(0, len(lbg[0])):
        if lbg[0, i] == 0:
            eq_con = vertcat(eq_con, con[i])
            eq_con_ind = append(eq_con_ind, i)
        elif lbg[0, i] < 0:
            iq_con = vertcat(iq_con, con[i])
            iq_con_ind = append(iq_con_ind, i)
#    print 'Equality Constraint:', eq_con
#    print 'Inequality Constraint:', iq_con

#    if case == 'pure-predictor':

#       return qp_exit, optimal, x_qpopt, lam_qpopt, mu_qpopt
    if case == 'predictor-corrector':
        #Evaluating constraints at current iteration point
        con_vals = conf(x_init, p_init)
        #Determining which inequality constraints are active
        k_plus_tilde = array([])  #active constraint
        k_zero_tilde = array([])  #inactive constraint
        tol = 10e-5  #tolerance
        for i in range(0, len(iq_con_ind)):
            if ubg[0, i] - tol <= con_vals[i] and con_vals[i] <= ubg[0,
                                                                     i] + tol:
                k_plus_tilde = append(k_plus_tilde, i)
                k_zero_tilde = append(k_zero_tilde, i)
#        print 'Active constraints:', k_plus_tilde
#        print 'Inactive constraints:', k_zero_tilde
#        print 'Constraint values:', con_vals

        nk_pt = len(k_plus_tilde)  #number of active constraints
        nk_zt = len(k_zero_tilde)  #number of inactive constraints

        #Calculating Lagrangian
        lam = SX.sym('lam', neq)  #Lagrangian multiplier equality constraints
        mu = SX.sym('mu', niq)  #Lagrangian multiplier inequality constraints
        lag_f = f + mtimes(lam.T, eq_con) + mtimes(
            mu.T, iq_con)  #Lagrangian equation

        #Calculating derivatives
        g = gradient(f, x)  #Derivative of objective function
        g_fun = Function('g_fun', [x, p], [gradient(f, x)])
        H = 2 * jacobian(gradient(lag_f, x),
                         x)  #Second derivative of the Lagrangian
        H_fun = Function('H_fun', [x, p, lam, mu],
                         [jacobian(jacobian(lag_f, x), x)])

        if len(eq_con_ind) > 0:
            deq = jacobian(eq_con, x)  #Derivative of equality constraints
            deq = array([])
        if len(iq_con_ind) > 0:
            diq = jacobian(iq_con, x)  #Derivative of inequality constraints
            diq = array([])
        #Creating constraint matrices
        nc = niq + neq  #Total number of constraints
        if (niq > 0) and (neq > 0):  #Equality and inequality constraints
            #this part needs to be tested
            if (nk_zt > 0):  #Inactive constraints exist
                A = SX.zeros((nc, nx))
                print deq
                A[0, :] = deq  #A matrix
                lba = -1e16 * SX.zeros((nc, 1))
                lba[0, :] = -eq_con  #lower bound of A
                uba = 1e16 * SX.zeros((nc, 1))
                uba[0, :] = -eq_con  #upper bound of A
                for j in range(0, nk_pt):  #adding active constraints
                    A[neq + j + 1, :] = diq[int(k_plus_tilde[j]), :]
                    lba[neq + j + 1] = -iq_con[int(k_plus_tilde[j])]
                    uba[neq + j + 1] = -iq_con[int(k_plus_tilde[i])]
                for i in range(0, nk_zt):  #adding inactive constraints
                    A[neq + nk_pt + i + 1, :] = diq[int(k_zero_tilde[i]), :]
                    uba[neq + nk_pt + i + 1] = -iq_con[int(k_zero_tilde[i])]
                    #inactive constraints don't have lower bounds
            else:  #Active constraints only
                A = vertcat(deq, diq)
                lba = vertcat(-eq_con, -iq_con)
                uba = vertcat(-eq_con, -iq_con)
        elif (niq > 0) and (neq == 0):  #Inquality constraints
            if (nk_zt > 0):  #Inactive constraints exist
                A = SX.zeros((nc, nx))
                lba = -1e16 * SX.ones((nc, 1))
                uba = 1e16 * SX.ones((nc, 1))
                for j in range(0, nk_pt):  #adding active constraints
                    A[j, :] = diq[int(k_plus_tilde[j]), :]
                    lba[j] = -iq_con[int(k_plus_tilde[j])]
                    uba[j] = -iq_con[int(k_plus_tilde[j])]
                for i in range(0, nk_zt):  #adding inactive constraints
                    A[nk_pt + i, :] = diq[int(k_zero_tilde[i]), :]
                    uba[nk_pt + i] = -iq_con[int(k_zero_tilde[i])]
                    #inactive constraints don't have lower bounds
                A = vertcat(deq, diq)
                lba = -iq_con
                uba = -iq_con
        elif (niq == 0) and (neq > 0):  #Equality constriants
            A = deq
            lba = -eq_con
            uba = -eq_con
        A_fun = Function('A_fun', [x, p], [A])
        lba_fun = Function('lba_fun', [x, p], [lba])
        uba_fun = Function('uba_fun', [x, p], [uba])
        #Checking that matrices are correct sizes and types
        if (H.size1() != nx) or (H.size2() != nx) or (H.is_dense() == 'False'):
            #H matrix should be a sparse (nxn) and symmetrical
                'WARNING: H matrix is not the correct dimensions or matrix type'
        if (g.size1() != nx) or (g.size2() != 1) or g.is_dense() == 'True':
            #g matrix should be a dense (nx1)
                'WARNING: g matrix is not the correct dimensions or matrix type'
        if (A.size1() !=
            (neq + niq)) or (A.size2() != nx) or (A.is_dense() == 'False'):
            #A should be a sparse (nc x n)
                'WARNING: A matrix is not the correct dimensions or matrix type'
        if lba.size1() != (neq + niq) or (lba.size2() !=
                                          1) or lba.is_dense() == 'False':
                'WARNING: lba matrix is not the correct dimensions or matrix type'
        if uba.size1() != (neq + niq) or (uba.size2() !=
                                          1) or uba.is_dense() == 'False':
                'WARNING: uba matrix is not the correct dimensions or matrix type'

        #Evaluating QP matrices at optimal points
        H_opt = H_fun(x_init, p_init, lam_opt, mu_opt)
        g_opt = g_fun(x_init, p_init)
        A_opt = A_fun(x_init, p_init)
        lba_opt = lba_fun(x_init, p_init)
        uba_opt = uba_fun(x_init, p_init)

        #        print 'Lower bounds', lba_opt
        #        print 'Upper bounds', uba_opt
        #        print 'Bound matrix', A_opt

        #Defining QP structure
        qp = {}
        qp['h'] = H_opt.sparsity()
        qp['a'] = A_opt.sparsity()
        optimize = conic('optimize', 'qpoases', qp)
        optimal = optimize(h=H_opt,
        x_qpopt = optimal['x']
        if x_qpopt.shape == x_init.shape:
            qp_exit = 'optimal'
            qp_exit = ''
        lag_qpopt = optimal['lam_a']

        #Determing Lagrangian multipliers (lambda and mu)
        lam_qpopt = zeros(
            (nk_pt, 1))  #Lagrange multiplier of active constraints
        mu_qpopt = zeros(
            (nk_zt, 1))  #Lagrange multiplier of inactive constraints
        if nk_pt > 0:
            for j in range(0, len(k_plus_tilde)):
                lam_qpopt[j] = lag_qpopt[int(k_plus_tilde[j])]
        if nk_zt > 0:
            for k in range(0, len(k_zero_tilde)):
                print lag_qpopt[int(k_zero_tilde[k])]
        return qp_exit, optimal, x_qpopt, lam_qpopt, mu_qpopt
コード例 #20
    y_ub = 10
    y_lb = -10

    # Abtastzeit und Prediction horizon
    T = 0.1
    N_pred = 9
    # Zielruhelage von den Zustaenden
    # Referenz von h, h_p, eta
    state_r = [0, 0, 0]
    input_r = [0, 0]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Zustaende als Symbol definieren
    x = SX.sym('x')
    y = SX.sym('y')
    theta = SX.sym('theta')
    # ZustandsvekFtor
    states = vertcat(x, y, theta)
    # print(states.shape)

    # Eingang symbolisch definieren
    u_1 = SX.sym('u_1')
    u_2 = SX.sym("u_2")
    # Eingangsverktor
    controls = vertcat(u_1, u_2)

    # kriegen die Anzahl der Zeiler("shape" ist ein Tuple)
    n_states = states.shape[0]  # p 22.
コード例 #21
def main(use_cython=True):
    # (very) simple crane model
    beta = 0.001
    k = 0.9
    a_max = 10
    dt_max = 2.0

    # states
    p1 = SX.sym('p1')
    v1 = SX.sym('v1')
    p2 = SX.sym('p2')
    v2 = SX.sym('v2')

    x = vertcat(p1, v1, p2, v2)

    # controls
    a = SX.sym('a')
    dt = SX.sym('dt')

    u = vertcat(a, dt)

    f_expl = dt * vertcat(v1, a, v2, -beta * v2 - k * (p2 - p1))

    model = AcadosModel()

    model.f_expl_expr = f_expl
    model.x = x
    model.u = u
    model.name = 'crane_time_opt'

    # create ocp object to formulate the OCP

    x0 = np.array([2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0])
    xf = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    ocp = AcadosOcp()
    ocp.model = model

    # N - maximum number of bangs
    N = 7
    Tf = N
    nx = model.x.size()[0]
    nu = model.u.size()[0]

    # set dimensions
    ocp.dims.N = N

    # set cost
    ocp.cost.cost_type = 'EXTERNAL'
    ocp.cost.cost_type_e = 'EXTERNAL'

    ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost = dt
    ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost_e = 0

    ocp.constraints.lbu = np.array([-a_max, 0.0])
    ocp.constraints.ubu = np.array([+a_max, dt_max])
    ocp.constraints.idxbu = np.array([0, 1])

    ocp.constraints.x0 = x0
    ocp.constraints.lbx_e = xf
    ocp.constraints.ubx_e = xf
    ocp.constraints.idxbx_e = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])

    # set prediction horizon
    ocp.solver_options.tf = Tf

    # set options
    ocp.solver_options.integrator_type = 'ERK'
    ocp.solver_options.print_level = 3
    ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_type = 'SQP'  # SQP_RTI, SQP
    ocp.solver_options.globalization = 'MERIT_BACKTRACKING'
    ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_max_iter = 5000
    ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_stat = 1e-6
    ocp.solver_options.levenberg_marquardt = 0.1
    ocp.solver_options.sim_method_num_steps = 15
    ocp.solver_options.qp_solver_iter_max = 100
    ocp.code_export_directory = 'c_generated_code'
    ocp.solver_options.hessian_approx = 'EXACT'
    ocp.solver_options.exact_hess_constr = 0
    ocp.solver_options.exact_hess_dyn = 0

    if use_cython:
        AcadosOcpSolver.generate(ocp, json_file='acados_ocp.json')
        AcadosOcpSolver.build(ocp.code_export_directory, with_cython=True)
        ocp_solver = AcadosOcpSolver.create_cython_solver('acados_ocp.json')
    else:  # ctypes
        ## Note: skip generate and build assuming this is done before (in cython run)
        ocp_solver = AcadosOcpSolver(ocp,


    for i, tau in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 1, N)):
        ocp_solver.set(i, 'x', (1 - tau) * x0 + tau * xf)
        ocp_solver.set(i, 'u', np.array([0.1, 0.5]))

    simX = np.zeros((N + 1, nx))
    simU = np.zeros((N, nu))

    status = ocp_solver.solve()

    if status != 0:
        raise Exception(f'acados returned status {status}.')

    # get solution
    for i in range(N):
        simX[i, :] = ocp_solver.get(i, "x")
        simU[i, :] = ocp_solver.get(i, "u")
    simX[N, :] = ocp_solver.get(N, "x")

    dts = simU[:, 1]

        "acados solved OCP successfully, creating integrator to simulate the solution"

    # simulate on finer grid
    sim = AcadosSim()

    # set model
    sim.model = model

    # set options
    sim.solver_options.integrator_type = 'ERK'
    sim.solver_options.num_stages = 4
    sim.solver_options.num_steps = 3
    sim.solver_options.T = 1.0  # dummy value

    dt_approx = 0.0005

    dts_fine = np.zeros((N, ))
    Ns_fine = np.zeros((N, ), dtype='int16')

    # compute number of simulation steps for bang interval + dt_fine
    for i in range(N):
        N_approx = max(int(dts[i] / dt_approx), 1)
        dts_fine[i] = dts[i] / N_approx
        Ns_fine[i] = int(round(dts[i] / dts_fine[i]))

    N_fine = int(np.sum(Ns_fine))

    simU_fine = np.zeros((N_fine, nu))
    ts_fine = np.zeros((N_fine + 1, ))
    simX_fine = np.zeros((N_fine + 1, nx))
    simX_fine[0, :] = x0

    acados_integrator = AcadosSimSolver(sim)

    k = 0
    for i in range(N):
        u = simU[i, 0]
        acados_integrator.set("u", np.hstack((u, np.ones(1, ))))

        # set simulation time
        acados_integrator.set("T", dts_fine[i])

        for j in range(Ns_fine[i]):
            acados_integrator.set("x", simX_fine[k, :])
            status = acados_integrator.solve()
            if status != 0:
                raise Exception(f'acados returned status {status}.')

            simX_fine[k + 1, :] = acados_integrator.get("x")
            simU_fine[k, :] = u
            ts_fine[k + 1] = ts_fine[k] + dts_fine[i]

            k += 1

    # visualize
    if os.environ.get('ACADOS_ON_TRAVIS'):

        state_labels = ['p1', 'v1', 'p2', 'v2']

        for i, l in enumerate(state_labels):
            plt.subplot(5, 1, i + 1)

            plt.plot(ts_fine, simX_fine[:, i], label='time optimal solution')
            if i == 0:

        plt.subplot(5, 1, 5)
                 np.hstack((simU_fine[:, 0], simU_fine[-1, 0])),

コード例 #22
from casadi import SX, Function, vertcat
from acados import ocp_nlp_function, ocp_nlp_ls_cost, ocp_nlp, ocp_nlp_solver
from models import chen_model

N = 10
ode_fun, nx, nu = chen_model(implicit=True)
nlp = ocp_nlp({'N': N, 'nx': nx, 'nu': nu, 'ng': N * [1] + [0]})

# ODE Model
step = 0.1
nlp.set_model(ode_fun, step)

# Cost function
Q = diag([1.0, 1.0])
R = 1e-2
x = SX.sym('x', nx)
u = SX.sym('u', nu)
u_N = SX.sym('u', 0)
f = ocp_nlp_function(Function('ls_cost', [x, u], [vertcat(x, u)]))
f_N = ocp_nlp_function(Function('ls_cost_N', [x, u_N], [x]))
ls_cost = ocp_nlp_ls_cost(N, N * [f] + [f_N])
ls_cost.ls_cost_matrix = N * [block_diag(Q, R)] + [Q]

# Constraints
g = ocp_nlp_function(Function('path_constraint', [x, u], [u]))
g_N = ocp_nlp_function(Function('path_constraintN', [x, u], [SX([])]))
nlp.set_path_constraints(N * [g] + [g_N])
for i in range(N):
    nlp.lg[i] = -0.5
    nlp.ug[i] = +0.5
コード例 #23
ファイル: acados_interface.py プロジェクト: Naassila/bioptim
    def __set_costs(self, ocp):
        Set the cost functions from ocp

        ocp: OptimalControlProgram
            A reference to the current OptimalControlProgram
        def add_linear_ls_lagrange(acados, objectives):
            def add_objective(n_variables, is_state):
                v_var = np.zeros(n_variables)
                var_type = acados.ocp.nlp[
                    0].states if is_state else acados.ocp.nlp[0].controls
                rows = objectives.rows + var_type[
                v_var[rows] = 1.0
                if is_state:
                    acados.Vx = np.vstack((acados.Vx, np.diag(v_var)))
                    acados.Vu = np.vstack(
                        (acados.Vu, np.zeros((n_states, n_controls))))
                    acados.Vx = np.vstack(
                        (acados.Vx, np.zeros((n_controls, n_states))))
                    acados.Vu = np.vstack((acados.Vu, np.diag(v_var)))
                acados.W = linalg.block_diag(
                    acados.W, np.diag([objectives.weight] * n_variables))

                node_idx = objectives.node_idx[:-1] if objectives.node[
                    0] == Node.ALL else objectives.node_idx

                y_ref = [
                    np.zeros((n_states if is_state else n_controls, 1))
                    for _ in node_idx
                if objectives.target is not None:
                    for idx in node_idx:
                        y_ref[idx][rows] = objectives.target[...,
                                                                 (-1, 1))

            if objectives.type in allowed_control_objectives:
                add_objective(n_controls, False)
            elif objectives.type in allowed_state_objectives:
                add_objective(n_states, True)
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"{objectives[0]['objective'].type.name} is an incompatible objective term with LINEAR_LS cost type"

        def add_linear_ls_mayer(acados, objectives):
            if objectives.type in allowed_state_objectives:
                vxe = np.zeros(n_states)
                rows = objectives.rows + acados.ocp.nlp[0].states[
                vxe[rows] = 1.0
                acados.Vxe = np.vstack((acados.Vxe, np.diag(vxe)))
                acados.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                    acados.W_e, np.diag([objectives.weight] * n_states))

                y_ref_end = np.zeros((n_states, 1))
                if objectives.target is not None:
                    y_ref_end[rows] = objectives.target[..., -1].T.reshape(
                        (-1, 1))

                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"{objectives.type.name} is an incompatible objective term with LINEAR_LS cost type"

        def add_nonlinear_ls_lagrange(acados, objectives, x, u, p):
            acados.lagrange_costs = vertcat(
                objectives.function(x, u, p).reshape((-1, 1)))
            acados.W = linalg.block_diag(
                np.diag([objectives.weight] * objectives.function.numel_out()))

            node_idx = objectives.node_idx[:-1] if objectives.node[
                0] == Node.ALL else objectives.node_idx
            if objectives.target is not None:
                    objectives.target[..., idx].T.reshape((-1, 1))
                    for idx in node_idx
                    np.zeros((objectives.function.numel_out(), 1))
                    for _ in node_idx

        def add_nonlinear_ls_mayer(acados, objectives, x, u, p):
            acados.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                np.diag([objectives.weight] * objectives.function.numel_out()))
            x = x if objectives.function.sparsity_in("i0").shape != (
                0, 0) else []
            u = u if objectives.function.sparsity_in("i1").shape != (
                0, 0) else []
            acados.mayer_costs = vertcat(
                objectives.function(x, u, p).reshape((-1, 1)))

            if objectives.target is not None:
                acados.y_ref_end.append(objectives.target[..., -1].T.reshape(
                    (-1, 1)))
                    np.zeros((objectives.function.numel_out(), 1)))

        if ocp.n_phases != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "ACADOS with more than one phase is not implemented yet.")
        # costs handling in self.acados_ocp
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        self.lagrange_costs = SX()
        self.mayer_costs = SX()
        self.W = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.W_e = np.zeros((0, 0))
        allowed_control_objectives = [ObjectiveFcn.Lagrange.MINIMIZE_CONTROL]
        allowed_state_objectives = [

        if self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "LINEAR_LS":
            n_states = ocp.nlp[0].states.shape
            n_controls = ocp.nlp[0].controls.shape
            self.Vu = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, n_controls)
            self.Vx = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, n_states)
            self.Vxe = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, n_states)
            for i in range(ocp.n_phases):
                for J in ocp.nlp[i].J:
                    if not J:

                    if J.multi_thread:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            f"The objective function {J.name} was declared with multi_thread=True, "
                            f"but this is not possible to multi_thread objective function with ACADOS"

                    if J.type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        add_linear_ls_lagrange(self, J)

                        # Deal with last node to match ipopt formulation
                        if J.node[0] == Node.ALL:
                            add_linear_ls_mayer(self, J)

                    elif J.type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        add_linear_ls_mayer(self, J)

                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer."

                if self.nparams:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Params not yet handled with LINEAR_LS cost type")

            # Set costs
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx = self.Vx if self.Vx.shape[0] else np.zeros(
                (0, 0))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vu = self.Vu if self.Vu.shape[0] else np.zeros(
                (0, 0))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx_e = self.Vxe if self.Vxe.shape[
                0] else np.zeros((0, 0))

            # Set dimensions
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = sum(
                [len(data[0]) for data in self.y_ref])
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = sum(
                [len(data) for data in self.y_ref_end])

            # Set weight
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W = self.W
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = self.W_e

            # Set target shape
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W.shape[0], ))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e.shape[0], ))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "NONLINEAR_LS":
            for i, nlp in enumerate(ocp.nlp):
                for j, J in enumerate(nlp.J):
                    if not J:

                    if J.multi_thread:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            f"The objective function {J.name} was declared with multi_thread=True, "
                            f"but this is not possible to multi_thread objective function with ACADOS"

                    if J.type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        add_nonlinear_ls_lagrange(self, J, nlp.states.cx,

                        # Deal with last node to match ipopt formulation
                        if J.node[0] == Node.ALL:
                            add_nonlinear_ls_mayer(self, J, nlp.states.cx,

                    elif J.type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        add_nonlinear_ls_mayer(self, J, nlp.states.cx,

                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer."

            # parameter as mayer function
            # IMPORTANT: it is considered that only parameters are stored in ocp.objectives, for now.
            if self.nparams:
                nlp = ocp.nlp[0]  # Assume 1 phase
                for j, J in enumerate(ocp.J):
                    add_nonlinear_ls_mayer(self, J, nlp.states.cx,
                                           nlp.controls.cx, nlp.parameters.cx)

            # Set costs
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = (self.lagrange_costs.reshape(
                (-1, 1)) if self.lagrange_costs.numel() else SX(1, 1))
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = (self.mayer_costs.reshape(
                (-1, 1)) if self.mayer_costs.numel() else SX(1, 1))

            # Set dimensions
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr.shape[
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e.shape[

            # Set weight
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W = np.zeros(
                (1, 1)) if self.W.shape == (0, 0) else self.W
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = np.zeros(
                (1, 1)) if self.W_e.shape == (0, 0) else self.W_e

            # Set target shape
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W.shape[0], ))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e.shape[0], ))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "EXTERNAL":
            raise RuntimeError(
                "EXTERNAL is not interfaced yet, please use NONLINEAR_LS")

            raise RuntimeError(
                "Available acados cost type: 'LINEAR_LS', 'NONLINEAR_LS' and 'EXTERNAL'."
コード例 #24
def test_multistep_trajectory(before_test_onestep_reachability):
    """ Compare multi-steps 'by hand' with the function """

    mu_0, _, gp, k_fb, k_ff, L_mu, L_sigm, c_safety, a, b = before_test_onestep_reachability
    T = 3
    n_u, n_s = np.shape(k_fb)

    k_fb_cas_single = SX.sym("k_fb_single", (n_u, n_s))
    k_ff_cas_single = SX.sym("k_ff_single", (n_u, 1))
    k_ff_cas_all = SX.sym("k_ff_single", (T, n_u))

    k_fb_cas_all = SX.sym("k_fb_all", (T - 1, n_s * n_u))
    k_fb_cas_all_inp = [
        k_fb_cas_all[i, :].reshape((n_u, n_s)) for i in range(T - 1)
    mu_0_cas = SX.sym("mu_0", (n_s, 1))
    sigma_0_cas = SX.sym("sigma_0", (n_s, n_s))

    mu_onestep_no_var_in, sigm_onestep_no_var_in, _ = prop_casadi.one_step_taylor(
        mu_0_cas, gp, k_ff_cas_single, a=a, b=b)

    mu_one_step, sigm_onestep, _ = prop_casadi.one_step_taylor(

    mu_multistep, sigma_multistep, _ = prop_casadi.multi_step_taylor_symbolic(
        mu_0_cas, gp, k_ff_cas_all, k_fb_cas_all_inp, a=a, b=b)

    on_step_no_var_in = Function(
        "on_step_no_var_in", [mu_0_cas, k_ff_cas_single],
        [mu_onestep_no_var_in, sigm_onestep_no_var_in])
    one_step = Function(
        "one_step", [mu_0_cas, sigma_0_cas, k_ff_cas_single, k_fb_cas_single],
        [mu_one_step, sigm_onestep])
    multi_step = Function("multi_step", [mu_0_cas, k_ff_cas_all, k_fb_cas_all],
                          [mu_multistep, sigma_multistep])

    # TODO: Need mu, sigma as input aswell
    mu_1, sigma_1 = on_step_no_var_in(mu_0, k_ff)

    mu_2, sigma_2 = one_step(mu_1, sigma_1, k_ff, k_fb)
    mu_3, sigma_3 = one_step(mu_2, sigma_2, k_ff, k_fb)

    # TODO: stack k_ff and k_fb
    k_fb_mult = np.array(cas_reshape(k_fb, (1, n_u * n_s)))
    k_fb_mult = np.array(vertcat(*[k_fb_mult] * (T - 1)))

    k_ff_mult = vertcat(*[k_ff] * T)
    mu_all, sigma_all = multi_step(mu_0, k_ff_mult, k_fb_mult)

    assert np.allclose(
        np.array(mu_all[0, :]),
        np.array(mu_1).T), "Are the centers of the first prediction the same?"
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array(mu_all[-1, :]),
        np.array(mu_3).T), "Are the centers of the final prediction the same?"
    assert np.allclose(cas_reshape(sigma_all[-1, :], (n_s, n_s)),
                       sigma_3), "Are the last covariance matrices the same?"
コード例 #25
ファイル: robin_ocp_nlp.py プロジェクト: acados/acados
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import array, diag, eye, zeros
from scipy.linalg import block_diag

from acados import ocp_nlp
from casadi import SX, Function, vertcat

nx, nu = 2, 1

x = SX.sym('x', nx)
u = SX.sym('u', nu)

ode_fun = Function('ode_fun', [x, u], [vertcat(x[1], u)], ['x', 'u'], ['rhs'])

N = 15

nlp = ocp_nlp(N, nx, nu)
nlp.set_dynamics(ode_fun, {'integrator': 'rk4', 'step': 0.1})

q, r = 1, 1
P = eye(nx)

nlp.set_stage_cost(eye(nx+nu), zeros(nx+nu), diag([q, q, r]))
nlp.set_terminal_cost(eye(nx), zeros(nx), P)

x0 = array([1, 1])
nlp.set_field("lbx", 0, x0)
nlp.set_field("ubx", 0, x0)

nlp.initialize_solver("sqp", {"qp_solver": "qpoases"})
コード例 #26
class AcadosInterface(SolverInterface):
    def __init__(self, ocp, **solver_options):
        if not isinstance(ocp.CX(), SX):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "CasADi graph must be SX to be solved with ACADOS")

        # If Acados is installed using the acados_install.sh file, you probably can leave this to unset
        acados_path = ""
        if "acados_dir" in solver_options:
            acados_path = solver_options["acados_dir"]
        self.acados_ocp = AcadosOcp(acados_path=acados_path)
        self.acados_model = AcadosModel()

        if "cost_type" in solver_options:

        self.lagrange_costs = SX()
        self.mayer_costs = SX()
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        self.ocp_solver = None
        self.W = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.W_e = np.zeros((0, 0))

    def __acados_export_model(self, ocp):
        # Declare model variables
        x = ocp.nlp[0]["X"][0]
        u = ocp.nlp[0]["U"][0]
        p = ocp.nlp[0]["p"]
        mod = ocp.nlp[0]["model"]
        x_dot = SX.sym("x_dot", mod.nbQdot() * 2, 1)

        f_expl = ocp.nlp[0]["dynamics_func"](x, u, p)
        f_impl = x_dot - f_expl

        self.acados_model.f_impl_expr = f_impl
        self.acados_model.f_expl_expr = f_expl
        self.acados_model.x = x
        self.acados_model.xdot = x_dot
        self.acados_model.u = u
        self.acados_model.p = []
        self.acados_model.name = "model_name"

    def __prepare_acados(self, ocp):
        if ocp.nb_phases > 1:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "more than 1 phase is not implemented yet with ACADOS backend")
        if ocp.param_to_optimize:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Parameters optimization is not implemented yet with ACADOS")

        # set model
        self.acados_ocp.model = self.acados_model

        # set dimensions
        for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
            # set time
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.tf = ocp.nlp[i]["tf"]
            # set dimensions
            self.acados_ocp.dims.nx = ocp.nlp[i]["nx"]
            self.acados_ocp.dims.nu = ocp.nlp[i]["nu"]
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx + self.acados_ocp.dims.nu
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = ocp.nlp[i]["nx"]
            self.acados_ocp.dims.N = ocp.nlp[i]["ns"]

        for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
            # set constraints
            for j in range(ocp.nlp[i]["nx"]):
                if ocp.nlp[i]["X_bounds"].min[j, 0] == -np.inf and ocp.nlp[i][
                        "X_bounds"].max[j, 0] == np.inf:
                elif ocp.nlp[i]["X_bounds"].min[
                        j, 0] != ocp.nlp[i]["X_bounds"].max[j, 0]:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Initial constraint on state must be hard. Hint: you can pass it as an objective"
                    self.acados_ocp.constraints.x0 = np.array(
                        ocp.nlp[i]["X_bounds"].min[:, 0])
                    self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx_0 = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

            # control constraints
            self.acados_ocp.constraints.constr_type = "BGH"
            self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbu = np.array(
                ocp.nlp[i]["U_bounds"].min[:, 0])
            self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubu = np.array(
                ocp.nlp[i]["U_bounds"].max[:, 0])
            self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbu = np.array(
            self.acados_ocp.dims.nbu = self.acados_ocp.dims.nu

            # path constraints
            self.acados_ocp.constraints.Jbx = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
            self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx = np.array(
                ocp.nlp[i]["X_bounds"].max[:, 1])
            self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx = np.array(
                ocp.nlp[i]["X_bounds"].min[:, 1])
            self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx = np.array(
            self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

            # terminal constraints
            self.acados_ocp.constraints.Jbx_e = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
            self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx_e = np.array(
                ocp.nlp[i]["X_bounds"].max[:, -1])
            self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx_e = np.array(
                ocp.nlp[i]["X_bounds"].min[:, -1])
            self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx_e = np.array(
            self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx_e = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        return self.acados_ocp

    def __set_cost_type(self, cost_type="NONLINEAR_LS"):
        self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type = cost_type
        self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type_e = cost_type

    def __set_costs(self, ocp):
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        self.lagrange_costs = SX()
        self.mayer_costs = SX()
        self.W = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.W_e = np.zeros((0, 0))
        if self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "LINEAR_LS":
            # set Lagrange terms
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.dims.ny, self.acados_ocp.dims.nx))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx[:self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, :] = np.eye(

            Vu = np.zeros((self.acados_ocp.dims.ny, self.acados_ocp.dims.nu))
            Vu[self.acados_ocp.dims.nx:, :] = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nu)
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vu = Vu

            # set Mayer term
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx_e = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, self.acados_ocp.dims.nx))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "NONLINEAR_LS":
            if ocp.nb_phases != 1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "ACADOS with more than one phase is not implemented yet")

            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                # TODO: I think ocp.J is missing here (the parameters would be stored there)
                # TODO: Yes the objectives in ocp are not dealt with,
                #  does that makes sense since we only work with 1 phase ?
                for j, J in enumerate(ocp.nlp[i]["J"]):
                    if J[0]["objective"].type.get_type(
                    ) == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        self.lagrange_costs = vertcat(
                            self.lagrange_costs, J[0]["val"].reshape((-1, 1)))
                        self.W = linalg.block_diag(
                            np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                J_tp["target"].T.reshape((-1, 1)) for J_tp in J
                                np.zeros((J_tp["val"].numel(), 1))
                                for J_tp in J

                    elif J[0]["objective"].type.get_type(
                    ) == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}",
                        self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                            np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                [np.zeros((J[0]["val"].numel(), 1))])

                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer."

            if self.lagrange_costs.numel():
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = self.lagrange_costs
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = SX(1, 1)
            if self.mayer_costs.numel():
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = self.mayer_costs
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = SX(1, 1)
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr.shape[
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e.shape[
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros((max(self.acados_ocp.dims.ny,
                                                      1), ))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.concatenate(self.y_ref_end,

            if self.W.shape == (0, 0):
                self.acados_ocp.cost.W = np.zeros((1, 1))
                self.acados_ocp.cost.W = self.W
            if self.W_e.shape == (0, 0):
                self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = np.zeros((1, 1))
                self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = self.W_e

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "EXTERNAL":
            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                for j in range(len(ocp.nlp[i]["J"])):
                    J = ocp.nlp[i]["J"][j][0]

                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "TODO: The target is not right currently")
                    if J["type"] == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        self.lagrange_costs = vertcat(
                            self.lagrange_costs, J["val"][0] - J["target"][0])
                    elif J["type"] == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "TODO: I may have broken this (is this the right J?)"
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}",
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer."
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost = sum1(
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost_e = sum1(self.mayer_costs)

            raise RuntimeError(
                "Available acados cost type: 'LINEAR_LS', 'NONLINEAR_LS' and 'EXTERNAL'."

    def configure(self, options):
        if "acados_dir" in options:
            del options["acados_dir"]
        if "cost_type" in options:
            del options["cost_type"]

        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.qp_solver = "FULL_CONDENSING_QPOASES"  # FULL_CONDENSING_QPOASES
        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.hessian_approx = "GAUSS_NEWTON"
        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.integrator_type = "ERK"
        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_type = "SQP"

        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_comp = 1e-06
        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_eq = 1e-06
        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_ineq = 1e-06
        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_stat = 1e-06
        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_max_iter = 200
        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.sim_method_newton_iter = 5
        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.sim_method_num_stages = 4
        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.sim_method_num_steps = 1
        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.print_level = 1

        for key in options:
            setattr(self.acados_ocp.solver_options, key, options[key])

    def get_iterations(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "return_iterations is not implemented yet with ACADOS backend")

    def online_optim(self, ocp):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "online_optim is not implemented yet with ACADOS backend")

    def get_optimized_value(self, ocp):
        acados_x = np.array([
            self.ocp_solver.get(i, "x") for i in range(ocp.nlp[0]["ns"] + 1)
        acados_q = acados_x[:ocp.nlp[0]["nu"], :]
        acados_qdot = acados_x[ocp.nlp[0]["nu"]:, :]
        acados_u = np.array(
            [self.ocp_solver.get(i, "u") for i in range(ocp.nlp[0]["ns"])]).T

        out = {
            "qqdot": acados_x,
            "x": [],
            "u": acados_u,
            "time_tot": self.ocp_solver.get_stats("time_tot")[0],
        for i in range(ocp.nlp[0]["ns"]):
            out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_q[:, i])
            out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_qdot[:, i])
            out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_u[:, i])

        out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_q[:, ocp.nlp[0]["ns"]])
        out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_qdot[:, ocp.nlp[0]["ns"]])

        return out

    def solve(self):
        # populate costs vectors
        if self.ocp_solver is None:
            self.ocp_solver = AcadosOcpSolver(self.acados_ocp,
        for n in range(self.acados_ocp.dims.N):
                n, "yref",
                np.concatenate([data[n] for data in self.y_ref])[:, 0])
        return self
コード例 #27
ファイル: acados_interface.py プロジェクト: Steakkk/bioptim-1
class AcadosInterface(SolverInterface):
    def __init__(self, ocp, **solver_options):
        if not isinstance(ocp.CX(), SX):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "CasADi graph must be SX to be solved with ACADOS. Please set use_SX to True in OCP"


        # If Acados is installed using the acados_install.sh file, you probably can leave this to unset
        acados_path = ""
        if "acados_dir" in solver_options:
            acados_path = solver_options["acados_dir"]
        self.acados_ocp = AcadosOcp(acados_path=acados_path)
        self.acados_model = AcadosModel()

        if "cost_type" in solver_options:

        if "constr_type" in solver_options:

        self.lagrange_costs = SX()
        self.mayer_costs = SX()
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        self.ocp_solver = None
        self.W = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.W_e = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.status = None
        self.out = {}

    def __acados_export_model(self, ocp):
        if ocp.nb_phases > 1:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "More than 1 phase is not implemented yet with ACADOS backend")

        # Declare model variables
        x = ocp.nlp[0].X[0]
        u = ocp.nlp[0].U[0]
        p = ocp.nlp[0].p
        if ocp.nlp[0].parameters_to_optimize:
            for n in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                for i in range(len(ocp.nlp[0].parameters_to_optimize)):
                    if str(ocp.nlp[0].p[i]) == f"time_phase_{n}":
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "Time constraint not implemented yet with Acados.")

        self.params = ocp.nlp[0].parameters_to_optimize
        x = vertcat(p, x)
        x_dot = SX.sym("x_dot", x.shape[0], x.shape[1])

        f_expl = vertcat([0] * ocp.nlp[0].np,
                         ocp.nlp[0].dynamics_func(x[ocp.nlp[0].np:, :], u, p))
        f_impl = x_dot - f_expl

        self.acados_model.f_impl_expr = f_impl
        self.acados_model.f_expl_expr = f_expl
        self.acados_model.x = x
        self.acados_model.xdot = x_dot
        self.acados_model.u = u
        self.acados_model.con_h_expr = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.acados_model.con_h_expr_e = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.acados_model.p = []
        now = datetime.now()  # current date and time
        self.acados_model.name = f"model_{now.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H%M%S%f')[:-4]}"

    def __prepare_acados(self, ocp):
        # set model
        self.acados_ocp.model = self.acados_model

        # set time
        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.tf = ocp.nlp[0].tf

        # set dimensions
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nx = ocp.nlp[0].nx + ocp.nlp[0].np
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nu = ocp.nlp[0].nu
        self.acados_ocp.dims.N = ocp.nlp[0].ns

    def __set_constr_type(self, constr_type="BGH"):
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.constr_type = constr_type
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.constr_type_e = constr_type

    def __set_constrs(self, ocp):
        # constraints handling in self.acados_ocp
        u_min = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min)
        u_max = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max)
        x_min = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.min)
        x_max = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.max)
        self.all_constr = SX()
        self.end_constr = SX()
        ##TODO:change for more node flexibility on bounds
        self.all_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        self.end_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
            for g, G in enumerate(ocp.nlp[i].g):
                if not G:
                if G[0]["constraint"].node[0] is Node.ALL:
                    self.all_constr = vertcat(self.all_constr,
                                              G[0]["val"].reshape((-1, 1)))
                    if len(G) > ocp.nlp[0].ns:
                        constr_end_func_tp = Function(
                            f"cas_constr_end_func_{i}_{g}", [ocp.nlp[i].X[-1]],
                        self.end_constr = vertcat(
                                (-1, 1)))

                elif G[0]["constraint"].node[0] is Node.END:
                    constr_end_func_tp = Function(
                        f"cas_constr_end_func_{i}_{g}", [ocp.nlp[i].X[-1]],
                    self.end_constr = vertcat(
                        constr_end_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i].X[0]).reshape((-1, 1)))

                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Except for states and controls, Acados solver only handles constraints on last or all nodes."

        self.acados_model.con_h_expr = self.all_constr
        self.acados_model.con_h_expr_e = self.end_constr

        if not np.all(np.all(u_min.T == u_min.T[0, :], axis=0)):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "u_bounds min must be the same at each shooting point with ACADOS"
        if not np.all(np.all(u_max.T == u_max.T[0, :], axis=0)):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "u_bounds max must be the same at each shooting point with ACADOS"

        if (not np.isfinite(u_min).all() or not np.isfinite(x_min).all()
                or not np.isfinite(u_max).all()
                or not np.isfinite(x_max).all()):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "u_bounds and x_bounds cannot be set to infinity in ACADOS. Consider changing it"
                "to a big value instead.")

        # setup state constraints
        self.x_bound_max = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        self.x_bound_min = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        param_bounds_max = []
        param_bounds_min = []

        if self.params:
            param_bounds_max = np.concatenate(
                [self.params[key].bounds.max for key in self.params.keys()])[:,
            param_bounds_min = np.concatenate(
                [self.params[key].bounds.min for key in self.params.keys()])[:,

        for i in range(3):
            self.x_bound_max[:, i] = np.concatenate(
                (param_bounds_max, np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.max[:, i])))
            self.x_bound_min[:, i] = np.concatenate(
                (param_bounds_min, np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.min[:, i])))

        # setup control constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbu = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min[:,
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubu = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max[:,
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbu = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbu = self.acados_ocp.dims.nu

        # initial state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx_0 = self.x_bound_min[:, 0]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx_0 = self.x_bound_max[:, 0]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx_0 = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx_0 = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup path state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.Jbx = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx = self.x_bound_min[:, 1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx = self.x_bound_max[:, 1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup terminal state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.Jbx_e = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx_e = self.x_bound_min[:, -1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx_e = self.x_bound_max[:, -1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx_e = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx_e = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup algebraic constraint
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lh = np.array(self.all_g_bounds.min[:, 0])
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.uh = np.array(self.all_g_bounds.max[:, 0])

        # setup terminal algebraic constraint
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lh_e = np.array(self.end_g_bounds.min[:,
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.uh_e = np.array(self.end_g_bounds.max[:,

    def __set_cost_type(self, cost_type="NONLINEAR_LS"):
        self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type = cost_type
        self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type_e = cost_type

    def __set_costs(self, ocp):

        if ocp.nb_phases != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "ACADOS with more than one phase is not implemented yet.")
        # costs handling in self.acados_ocp
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        self.lagrange_costs = SX()
        self.mayer_costs = SX()
        self.W = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.W_e = np.zeros((0, 0))
        ctrl_objs = [
        state_objs = [

        if self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "LINEAR_LS":
            self.Vu = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, ocp.nlp[0].nu)
            self.Vx = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, ocp.nlp[0].nx)
            self.Vxe = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, ocp.nlp[0].nx)
            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                for j, J in enumerate(ocp.nlp[i].J):
                    if J[0]["objective"].type.get_type(
                    ) == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        if J[0]["objective"].type.value[0] in ctrl_objs:
                            index = (J[0]["objective"].index
                                     if J[0]["objective"].index else list(
                            vu = np.zeros(ocp.nlp[0].nu)
                            vu[index] = 1.0
                            self.Vu = np.vstack((self.Vu, np.diag(vu)))
                            self.Vx = np.vstack(
                                 np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nu, ocp.nlp[0].nx))))
                            self.W = linalg.block_diag(
                                np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                            if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                y_tp = np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nu, 1))
                                y_ref_tp = []
                                for J_tp in J:
                                    y_tp[index] = J_tp["target"].T.reshape(
                                        (-1, 1))
                                    np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nu, 1)) for J_tp in J
                        elif J[0]["objective"].type.value[0] in state_objs:
                            index = (J[0]["objective"].index
                                     if J[0]["objective"].index else list(
                            vx = np.zeros(ocp.nlp[0].nx)
                            vx[index] = 1.0
                            self.Vx = np.vstack((self.Vx, np.diag(vx)))
                            self.Vu = np.vstack(
                                 np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nx, ocp.nlp[0].nu))))
                            self.W = linalg.block_diag(
                                np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                            if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                y_ref_tp = []
                                for J_tp in J:
                                    y_tp = np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nx, 1))
                                    y_tp[index] = J_tp["target"].T.reshape(
                                        (-1, 1))
                                    np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nx, 1)) for J_tp in J
                            raise RuntimeError(
                                f"{J[0]['objective'].type.name} is an incompatible objective term with "
                                f"LINEAR_LS cost type")

                        # Deal with last node to match ipopt formulation
                        if J[0]["objective"].node[0].value == "all" and len(
                                J) > ocp.nlp[0].ns:
                            index = (J[0]["objective"].index
                                     if J[0]["objective"].index else list(
                            vxe = np.zeros(ocp.nlp[0].nx)
                            vxe[index] = 1.0
                            self.Vxe = np.vstack((self.Vxe, np.diag(vxe)))
                            self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                                np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                            if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                y_tp = np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nx, 1))
                                y_tp[index] = J[-1]["target"].T.reshape(
                                    (-1, 1))
                                    np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nx, 1)))

                    elif J[0]["objective"].type.get_type(
                    ) == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        if J[0]["objective"].type.value[0] in state_objs:
                            index = (J[0]["objective"].index
                                     if J[0]["objective"].index else list(
                            vxe = np.zeros(ocp.nlp[0].nx)
                            vxe[index] = 1.0
                            self.Vxe = np.vstack((self.Vxe, np.diag(vxe)))
                            self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                                np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                            if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                y_tp = np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nx, 1))
                                y_tp[index] = J[-1]["target"].T.reshape(
                                    (-1, 1))
                                    np.zeros((ocp.nlp[0].nx, 1)))
                            raise RuntimeError(
                                f"{J[0]['objective'].type.name} is an incompatible objective term "
                                f"with LINEAR_LS cost type")

                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer."

                if self.params:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Params not yet handled with LINEAR_LS cost type")

            # Set costs
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx = self.Vx if self.Vx.shape[0] else np.zeros(
                (0, 0))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vu = self.Vu if self.Vu.shape[0] else np.zeros(
                (0, 0))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx_e = self.Vxe if self.Vxe.shape[
                0] else np.zeros((0, 0))

            # Set dimensions
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = sum(
                [len(data[0]) for data in self.y_ref])
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = sum(
                [len(data) for data in self.y_ref_end])

            # Set weight
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W = self.W
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = self.W_e

            # Set target shape
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W.shape[0], ))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e.shape[0], ))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "NONLINEAR_LS":
            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                for j, J in enumerate(ocp.nlp[i].J):
                    if J[0]["objective"].type.get_type(
                    ) == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        self.lagrange_costs = vertcat(
                            self.lagrange_costs, J[0]["val"].reshape((-1, 1)))
                        self.W = linalg.block_diag(
                            np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                J_tp["target"].T.reshape((-1, 1)) for J_tp in J
                                np.zeros((J_tp["val"].numel(), 1))
                                for J_tp in J

                        # Deal with last node to match ipopt formulation
                        if J[0]["objective"].node[0].value == "all" and len(
                                J) > ocp.nlp[0].ns:
                            mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}",
                            self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                                np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                            self.mayer_costs = vertcat(
                                    (-1, 1)))
                            if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                    J[-1]["target"].T.reshape((-1, 1)))
                                    np.zeros((J[-1]["val"].numel(), 1)))

                    elif J[0]["objective"].type.get_type(
                    ) == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}",
                        self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                            np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(
                            mayer_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i].X[0]).reshape((-1, 1)))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                (-1, 1)))
                                np.zeros((J[0]["val"].numel(), 1)))

                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer."

                # parameter as mayer function
                # IMPORTANT: it is considered that only parameters are stored in ocp.J, for now.
                if self.params:
                    for j, J in enumerate(ocp.J):
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_J_mayer_func_{i}_{j}",
                        self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                            np.diag(([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(
                            mayer_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i].X[0]).reshape((-1, 1)))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                (-1, 1)))
                                np.zeros((J[0]["val"].numel(), 1)))

            # Set costs
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = self.lagrange_costs if self.lagrange_costs.numel(
            ) else SX(1, 1)
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = self.mayer_costs if self.mayer_costs.numel(
            ) else SX(1, 1)

            # Set dimensions
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr.shape[
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e.shape[

            # Set weight
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W = np.zeros(
                (1, 1)) if self.W.shape == (0, 0) else self.W
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = np.zeros(
                (1, 1)) if self.W_e.shape == (0, 0) else self.W_e

            # Set target shape
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W.shape[0], ))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e.shape[0], ))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "EXTERNAL":
            raise RuntimeError(
                "EXTERNAL is not interfaced yet, please use NONLINEAR_LS")

            raise RuntimeError(
                "Available acados cost type: 'LINEAR_LS', 'NONLINEAR_LS' and 'EXTERNAL'."

    def __update_solver(self):
        param_init = []
        for n in range(self.acados_ocp.dims.N):
            if self.y_ref:
                    n, "yref",
                    np.vstack([data[n] for data in self.y_ref])[:, 0])
            # check following line
            # self.ocp_solver.cost_set(n, "W", self.W)

            if self.params:
                param_init = np.concatenate([
                    for key in self.params.keys()

                n, "x",
                    (param_init, self.ocp.nlp[0].x_init.init.evaluate_at(n))))
            self.ocp_solver.set(n, "u",
            self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "lbu",
                                            self.ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min[:, 0])
            self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "ubu",
                                            self.ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max[:, 0])
            self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "uh", self.all_g_bounds.max[:,
            self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "lh", self.all_g_bounds.min[:,

            if n == 0:
                self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "lbx", self.x_bound_min[:,
                self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "ubx", self.x_bound_max[:,
                self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "lbx", self.x_bound_min[:,
                self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "ubx", self.x_bound_max[:,

        if self.y_ref_end:
            if len(self.y_ref_end) == 1:
                self.ocp_solver.cost_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "yref",
                                         np.array(self.y_ref_end[0])[:, 0])
                    self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "yref",
                    np.concatenate([data for data in self.y_ref_end])[:, 0])
            # check following line
            # self.ocp_solver.cost_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "W", self.W_e)
        self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "lbx",
                                        self.x_bound_min[:, -1])
        self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "ubx",
                                        self.x_bound_max[:, -1])
        if len(self.end_g_bounds.max[:, 0]):
            self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "uh",
                                            self.end_g_bounds.max[:, 0])
            self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "lh",
                                            self.end_g_bounds.min[:, 0])

        if self.ocp.nlp[0].x_init.init.shape[1] == self.acados_ocp.dims.N + 1:
            if self.params:
                            for key in self.params.keys()
                        ])[:, 0],
                        self.ocp.nlp[0].x_init.init[:, self.acados_ocp.dims.N],
                    self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "x",
                    self.ocp.nlp[0].x_init.init[:, self.acados_ocp.dims.N])

    def configure(self, options):
        if "acados_dir" in options:
            del options["acados_dir"]
        if "cost_type" in options:
            del options["cost_type"]
        if self.ocp_solver is None:
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.qp_solver = "PARTIAL_CONDENSING_HPIPM"  # FULL_CONDENSING_QPOASES
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.hessian_approx = "GAUSS_NEWTON"
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.integrator_type = "IRK"
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_type = "SQP"

            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_comp = 1e-06
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_eq = 1e-06
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_ineq = 1e-06
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_stat = 1e-06
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_max_iter = 200
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.sim_method_newton_iter = 5
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.sim_method_num_stages = 4
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.sim_method_num_steps = 1
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.print_level = 1
            for key in options:
                setattr(self.acados_ocp.solver_options, key, options[key])
            available_options = [
            for key in options:
                if key in available_options:
                    short_key = key[11:]
                    self.ocp_solver.options_set(short_key, options[key])
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"[ACADOS] Only editable solver options after solver creation are :\n {available_options}"

    def get_iterations(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "return_iterations is not implemented yet with ACADOS backend")

    def online_optim(self, ocp):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "online_optim is not implemented yet with ACADOS backend")

    def get_optimized_value(self):
        ns = self.acados_ocp.dims.N
        nx = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx
        nq = self.ocp.nlp[0].q.shape[0]
        nparams = self.ocp.nlp[0].np
        acados_x = np.array(
            [self.ocp_solver.get(i, "x") for i in range(ns + 1)]).T
        acados_p = acados_x[:nparams, :]
        acados_q = acados_x[nparams:nq + nparams, :]
        acados_qdot = acados_x[nq + nparams:nx, :]
        acados_u = np.array([self.ocp_solver.get(i, "u") for i in range(ns)]).T

        out = {
            "qqdot": acados_x,
            "x": [],
            "u": acados_u,
            "time_tot": self.ocp_solver.get_stats("time_tot")[0],
            "iter": self.ocp_solver.get_stats("sqp_iter")[0],
            "status": self.status,
        for i in range(ns):
            out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_q[:, i])
            out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_qdot[:, i])
            out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_u[:, i])

        out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_q[:, ns])
        out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_qdot[:, ns])
        out["x"] = vertcat(acados_p[:, 0], out["x"])
        self.out["sol"] = out
        out = []
        for key in self.out.keys():
        return out[0] if len(out) == 1 else out

    def solve(self):
        # Populate costs and constrs vectors
        if self.ocp_solver is None:
            self.ocp_solver = AcadosOcpSolver(self.acados_ocp,
        self.status = self.ocp_solver.solve()
        return self
コード例 #28
    def __set_costs(self, ocp):
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        self.lagrange_costs = SX()
        self.mayer_costs = SX()
        self.W = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.W_e = np.zeros((0, 0))
        if self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "LINEAR_LS":
            # set Lagrange terms
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.dims.ny, self.acados_ocp.dims.nx))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx[:self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, :] = np.eye(

            Vu = np.zeros((self.acados_ocp.dims.ny, self.acados_ocp.dims.nu))
            Vu[self.acados_ocp.dims.nx:, :] = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nu)
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vu = Vu

            # set Mayer term
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx_e = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, self.acados_ocp.dims.nx))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "NONLINEAR_LS":
            if ocp.nb_phases != 1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "ACADOS with more than one phase is not implemented yet")

            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                # TODO: I think ocp.J is missing here (the parameters would be stored there)
                # TODO: Yes the objectives in ocp are not dealt with,
                #  does that makes sense since we only work with 1 phase ?
                for j, J in enumerate(ocp.nlp[i]["J"]):
                    if J[0]["objective"].type.get_type(
                    ) == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        self.lagrange_costs = vertcat(
                            self.lagrange_costs, J[0]["val"].reshape((-1, 1)))
                        self.W = linalg.block_diag(
                            np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                J_tp["target"].T.reshape((-1, 1)) for J_tp in J
                                np.zeros((J_tp["val"].numel(), 1))
                                for J_tp in J

                    elif J[0]["objective"].type.get_type(
                    ) == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}",
                        self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                            np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] *
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                [np.zeros((J[0]["val"].numel(), 1))])

                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer."

            if self.lagrange_costs.numel():
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = self.lagrange_costs
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = SX(1, 1)
            if self.mayer_costs.numel():
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = self.mayer_costs
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = SX(1, 1)
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr.shape[
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e.shape[
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros((max(self.acados_ocp.dims.ny,
                                                      1), ))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.concatenate(self.y_ref_end,

            if self.W.shape == (0, 0):
                self.acados_ocp.cost.W = np.zeros((1, 1))
                self.acados_ocp.cost.W = self.W
            if self.W_e.shape == (0, 0):
                self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = np.zeros((1, 1))
                self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = self.W_e

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "EXTERNAL":
            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                for j in range(len(ocp.nlp[i]["J"])):
                    J = ocp.nlp[i]["J"][j][0]

                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "TODO: The target is not right currently")
                    if J["type"] == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        self.lagrange_costs = vertcat(
                            self.lagrange_costs, J["val"][0] - J["target"][0])
                    elif J["type"] == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "TODO: I may have broken this (is this the right J?)"
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}",
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer."
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost = sum1(
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost_e = sum1(self.mayer_costs)

            raise RuntimeError(
                "Available acados cost type: 'LINEAR_LS', 'NONLINEAR_LS' and 'EXTERNAL'."
コード例 #29
Vu[4,0] = 1.0
ocp.cost.Vu = Vu

ocp.cost.Vx_e = np.eye(nx)

ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros((ny, ))
ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros((ny_e, ))

# set constraints

Fmax = 80
# use equivalent formulation with h constraint
# ocp.constraints.lbu = np.array([-Fmax])
# ocp.constraints.ubu = np.array([+Fmax])
# ocp.constraints.idxbu = np.array([0])
p = SX.sym('p')
ocp.model.p = p

ocp.constraints.lh = np.array([-Fmax])
ocp.constraints.uh = np.array([+Fmax])
ocp.model.con_h_expr = model.u / p

ocp.parameter_values = np.array([0])

ocp.constraints.x0 = np.array([0.0, np.pi, 0.0, 0.0])

ocp.solver_options.hessian_approx = 'EXACT' # GAUSS_NEWTON, EXACT
ocp.solver_options.regularize_method = 'CONVEXIFY' # GAUSS_NEWTON, EXACT
ocp.solver_options.integrator_type = 'ERK'
ocp.solver_options.print_level = 0
コード例 #30
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: wesleybeckner/dash-sample-apps
def wrapperRWSC(IC, args, optimal):
    # Converting the Optimal Control Problem into a Non-Linear Programming  Problem

    numStates = 6
    numInputs = 2
    nodes = 30  # Keep this Number Small to Reduce Runtime

    dt = SX.sym("dt")
    states = SX.sym("state", nodes, numStates)
    controls = SX.sym("controls", nodes, numInputs)

    variables_list = [dt, states, controls]
    variables_name = ["dt", "states", "controls"]
    variables_flat = casadi.vertcat(*[casadi.reshape(e, -1, 1) for e in variables_list])
    pack_variables_fn = casadi.Function(
        "pack_variables_fn", variables_list, [variables_flat], variables_name, ["flat"]
    unpack_variables_fn = casadi.Function(

    # Bounds
    bds = [
        [np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps), np.inf],
        [-100, 300],
        [0, np.inf],
        [-np.inf, np.inf],
        [-np.inf, np.inf],
        [np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps), np.inf],
        [-1, 1],
        [np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps), 1],

    lower_bounds = unpack_variables_fn(flat=-float("inf"))
    lower_bounds["dt"][:, :] = bds[0][0]

    lower_bounds["states"][:, 0] = bds[1][0]
    lower_bounds["states"][:, 1] = bds[2][0]
    lower_bounds["states"][:, 4] = bds[5][0]

    lower_bounds["controls"][:, 0] = bds[6][0]
    lower_bounds["controls"][:, 1] = bds[7][0]

    upper_bounds = unpack_variables_fn(flat=float("inf"))
    upper_bounds["dt"][:, :] = bds[0][1]

    upper_bounds["states"][:, 0] = bds[1][1]

    upper_bounds["controls"][:, 0] = bds[6][1]
    upper_bounds["controls"][:, 1] = bds[7][1]

    # Set Initial Conditions
    #   Casadi does not accept equality constraints, so boundary constraints are
    #   set as box constraints with 0 area.
    lower_bounds["states"][0, 0] = IC[0]
    lower_bounds["states"][0, 1] = IC[1]
    lower_bounds["states"][0, 2] = IC[2]
    lower_bounds["states"][0, 3] = IC[3]
    lower_bounds["states"][0, 4] = IC[4]
    lower_bounds["states"][0, 5] = IC[5]
    upper_bounds["states"][0, 0] = IC[0]
    upper_bounds["states"][0, 1] = IC[1]
    upper_bounds["states"][0, 2] = IC[2]
    upper_bounds["states"][0, 3] = IC[3]
    upper_bounds["states"][0, 4] = IC[4]
    upper_bounds["states"][0, 5] = IC[5]

    # Set Final Conditions
    #   Currently set for a soft touchdown at the origin
    lower_bounds["states"][-1, 0] = 0
    lower_bounds["states"][-1, 1] = 0
    lower_bounds["states"][-1, 2] = 0
    lower_bounds["states"][-1, 3] = 0
    lower_bounds["states"][-1, 5] = 0
    upper_bounds["states"][-1, 0] = 0
    upper_bounds["states"][-1, 1] = 0
    upper_bounds["states"][-1, 2] = 0
    upper_bounds["states"][-1, 3] = 0
    upper_bounds["states"][-1, 5] = 0

    # Initial Guess Generation
    #   Generate the initial guess as a line between initial and final conditions
    xIG = np.array(
            np.linspace(IC[0], 0, nodes),
            np.linspace(IC[1], 0, nodes),
            np.linspace(IC[2], 0, nodes),
            np.linspace(IC[3], 0, nodes),
            np.linspace(IC[4], IC[4] * 0.5, nodes),
            np.linspace(IC[5], 0, nodes),
    uIG = np.array([np.linspace(0, 1, nodes), np.linspace(1, 1, nodes)]).T

    ig_list = [60 / nodes, xIG, uIG]
    ig_flat = casadi.vertcat(*[casadi.reshape(e, -1, 1) for e in ig_list])

    # Generating Defect Vector
    xLow = states[0: (nodes - 1), :]
    xHigh = states[1:nodes, :]

    contLow = controls[0: (nodes - 1), :]
    contHi = controls[1:nodes, :]
    contMid = (contLow + contHi) / 2

    # Use a RK4 Method for Generating the Defects
    k1 = RWSC(xLow, contLow, args)
    k2 = RWSC(xLow + (0.5 * dt * k1), contMid, args)
    k3 = RWSC(xLow + (0.5 * dt * k2), contMid, args)
    k4 = RWSC(xLow + k3, contHi, args)
    xNew = xLow + ((dt / 6) * (k1 + (2 * k2) + (2 * k3) + k4))
    defect = casadi.reshape(xNew - xHigh, -1, 1)

    # Choose the Cost Function
    if optimal == 1:
        J = -states[-1, 4]  # Mass Optimal Cost Function
    elif optimal == 2:
        J = dt[0]  # Time Optimal Cost Function

    # Put the OCP into a form that Casadi can solve
    nlp = {"x": variables_flat, "f": J, "g": defect}
    solver = casadi.nlpsol(
        "solver", "bonmin", nlp
    )  # Use bonmin instead of ipopt due to speed
    result = solver(

    results = unpack_variables_fn(flat=result["x"])

    return results
コード例 #31
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from acados_template import AcadosOcp, AcadosOcpSolver, AcadosModel, AcadosSimSolver, AcadosSim
import numpy as np
from casadi import SX, vertcat
import pickle

# (very) simple crane model
beta = 0.001
k = 0.9
a_max = 10
dt_max = 2.0

# states
p1 = SX.sym('p1')
v1 = SX.sym('v1')
p2 = SX.sym('p2')
v2 = SX.sym('v2')

x = vertcat(p1, v1, p2, v2)

# controls
a = SX.sym('a')
dt = SX.sym('dt')

u = vertcat(a, dt)

f_expl = dt * vertcat(v1, a, v2, -beta * v2 - k * (p2 - p1))

model = AcadosModel()
コード例 #32
    eta_ub = 200
    eta_lb = 0

    # Abtastzeit und Prediction horizon
    T = 0.1
    N_pred = 3
    # Zielruhelage von den Zustaenden
    # Referenz von h, h_p, eta
    state_r = [0.8, 0, 48]
    input_r = [157.29]
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Zustaende als Symbol definieren
    h = SX.sym('h')
    h_p = SX.sym('h_p')
    eta = SX.sym('eta')
    # Zustandsvektor
    states = vertcat(h, h_p, eta)
    # print(states.shape)

    # Eingang symbolisch definieren
    u_pwm = SX.sym('u_pwm')
    # Eingangsverktor
    controls = vertcat(u_pwm)

    # kriegen die Anzahl der Zeiler("shape" ist ein Tuple)
    n_states = states.shape[0]  # p 22.

    # Eingangsanzahl
コード例 #33
ファイル: long_mpc.py プロジェクト: zhaoyi48/openpilot
def gen_long_model():
    model = AcadosModel()
    model.name = 'long'

    # set up states & controls
    x_ego = SX.sym('x_ego')
    v_ego = SX.sym('v_ego')
    a_ego = SX.sym('a_ego')
    model.x = vertcat(x_ego, v_ego, a_ego)

    # controls
    j_ego = SX.sym('j_ego')
    model.u = vertcat(j_ego)

    # xdot
    x_ego_dot = SX.sym('x_ego_dot')
    v_ego_dot = SX.sym('v_ego_dot')
    a_ego_dot = SX.sym('a_ego_dot')
    model.xdot = vertcat(x_ego_dot, v_ego_dot, a_ego_dot)

    # live parameters
    x_obstacle = SX.sym('x_obstacle')
    a_min = SX.sym('a_min')
    a_max = SX.sym('a_max')
    prev_a = SX.sym('prev_a')
    model.p = vertcat(a_min, a_max, x_obstacle, prev_a)

    # dynamics model
    f_expl = vertcat(v_ego, a_ego, j_ego)
    model.f_impl_expr = model.xdot - f_expl
    model.f_expl_expr = f_expl
    return model
コード例 #34
class AcadosInterface(SolverInterface):
    def __init__(self, ocp, **solver_options):
        if not isinstance(ocp.CX(), SX):
            raise RuntimeError("CasADi graph must be SX to be solved with ACADOS. Please set use_SX to True in OCP")


        # If Acados is installed using the acados_install.sh file, you probably can leave this to unset
        acados_path = ""
        if "acados_dir" in solver_options:
            acados_path = solver_options["acados_dir"]
        self.acados_ocp = AcadosOcp(acados_path=acados_path)
        self.acados_model = AcadosModel()

        if "cost_type" in solver_options:

        if "constr_type" in solver_options:

        self.lagrange_costs = SX()
        self.mayer_costs = SX()
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        self.ocp_solver = None
        self.W = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.W_e = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.status = None
        self.out = {}

    def __acados_export_model(self, ocp):
        # Declare model variables
        x = ocp.nlp[0].X[0]
        u = ocp.nlp[0].U[0]
        p = ocp.nlp[0].p
        self.params = ocp.nlp[0].parameters_to_optimize

        x = vertcat(p, x)
        x_dot = SX.sym("x_dot", x.shape[0], x.shape[1])

        f_expl = vertcat([0] * ocp.nlp[0].np, ocp.nlp[0].dynamics_func(x[ocp.nlp[0].np :, :], u, p))
        f_impl = x_dot - f_expl

        self.acados_model.f_impl_expr = f_impl
        self.acados_model.f_expl_expr = f_expl
        self.acados_model.x = x
        self.acados_model.xdot = x_dot
        self.acados_model.u = u
        self.acados_model.p = []
        self.acados_model.name = "model_name"

    def __prepare_acados(self, ocp):
        if ocp.nb_phases > 1:
            raise NotImplementedError("More than 1 phase is not implemented yet with ACADOS backend")

        # set model
        self.acados_ocp.model = self.acados_model

        # set time
        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.tf = ocp.nlp[0].tf

        # set dimensions
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nx = ocp.nlp[0].nx + ocp.nlp[0].np
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nu = ocp.nlp[0].nu
        self.acados_ocp.dims.N = ocp.nlp[0].ns

    def __set_constr_type(self, constr_type="BGH"):
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.constr_type = constr_type
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.constr_type_e = constr_type

    def __set_constrs(self, ocp):
        # constraints handling in self.acados_ocp
        u_min = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min)
        u_max = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max)
        x_min = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.min)
        x_max = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.max)

        if not np.all(np.all(u_min.T == u_min.T[0, :], axis=0)):
            raise NotImplementedError("u_bounds min must be the same at each shooting point with ACADOS")
        if not np.all(np.all(u_max.T == u_max.T[0, :], axis=0)):
            raise NotImplementedError("u_bounds max must be the same at each shooting point with ACADOS")

        if (
            not np.isfinite(u_min).all()
            or not np.isfinite(x_min).all()
            or not np.isfinite(u_max).all()
            or not np.isfinite(x_max).all()
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "u_bounds and x_bounds cannot be set to infinity in ACADOS. Consider changing it"
                "to a big value instead."

        ## TODO: implement constraints in g

        # setup state constraints
        self.x_bound_max = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        self.x_bound_min = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        param_bounds_max = []
        param_bounds_min = []

        if self.params:
            param_bounds_max = np.concatenate([self.params[key]["bounds"].max for key in self.params.keys()])[:, 0]
            param_bounds_min = np.concatenate([self.params[key]["bounds"].min for key in self.params.keys()])[:, 0]

        for i in range(3):
            self.x_bound_max[:, i] = np.concatenate((param_bounds_max, np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.max[:, i])))
            self.x_bound_min[:, i] = np.concatenate((param_bounds_min, np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.min[:, i])))

        # setup control constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbu = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min[:, 0])
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubu = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max[:, 0])
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbu = np.array(range(self.acados_ocp.dims.nu))
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbu = self.acados_ocp.dims.nu

        # initial state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx_0 = self.x_bound_min[:, 0]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx_0 = self.x_bound_max[:, 0]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx_0 = np.array(range(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx))
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx_0 = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup path state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.Jbx = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx = self.x_bound_min[:, 1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx = self.x_bound_max[:, 1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx = np.array(range(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx))
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup terminal state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.Jbx_e = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx_e = self.x_bound_min[:, -1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx_e = self.x_bound_max[:, -1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx_e = np.array(range(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx))
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx_e = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

    def __set_cost_type(self, cost_type="NONLINEAR_LS"):
        self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type = cost_type
        self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type_e = cost_type

    def __set_costs(self, ocp):

        if ocp.nb_phases != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError("ACADOS with more than one phase is not implemented yet.")
        # costs handling in self.acados_ocp
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        self.lagrange_costs = SX()
        self.mayer_costs = SX()
        self.W = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.W_e = np.zeros((0, 0))

        if self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "LINEAR_LS":
            raise RuntimeError("LINEAR_LS is not interfaced yet.")

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "NONLINEAR_LS":
            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                for j, J in enumerate(ocp.nlp[i].J):
                    if J[0]["objective"].type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        self.lagrange_costs = vertcat(self.lagrange_costs, J[0]["val"].reshape((-1, 1)))
                        self.W = linalg.block_diag(self.W, np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] * J[0]["val"].numel()))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                            self.y_ref.append([J_tp["target"].T.reshape((-1, 1)) for J_tp in J])
                            self.y_ref.append([np.zeros((J_tp["val"].numel(), 1)) for J_tp in J])

                    elif J[0]["objective"].type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}", [ocp.nlp[i].X[-1]], [J[0]["val"]])
                        self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                            self.W_e, np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] * J[0]["val"].numel())
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(self.mayer_costs, mayer_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i].X[0]))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                [J[0]["target"]] if isinstance(J[0]["target"], (int, float)) else J[0]["target"]
                            self.y_ref_end.append([0] * (J[0]["val"].numel()))

                        raise RuntimeError("The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer.")

                # parameter as mayer function
                # IMPORTANT: it is considered that only parameters are stored in ocp.J, for now.
                if self.params:
                    for j, J in enumerate(ocp.J):
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_J_mayer_func_{i}_{j}", [ocp.nlp[i].X[-1]], [J[0]["val"]])
                        self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                            self.W_e, np.diag(([J[0]["objective"].weight] * J[0]["val"].numel()))
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(self.mayer_costs, mayer_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i].X[0]))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                [J[0]["target"]] if isinstance(J[0]["target"], (int, float)) else J[0]["target"]
                            self.y_ref_end.append([0] * (J[0]["val"].numel()))

            # Set costs
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = self.lagrange_costs if self.lagrange_costs.numel() else SX(1, 1)
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = self.mayer_costs if self.mayer_costs.numel() else SX(1, 1)

            # Set dimensions
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr.shape[0]
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e.shape[0]

            # Set weight
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W = np.zeros((1, 1)) if self.W.shape == (0, 0) else self.W
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = np.zeros((1, 1)) if self.W_e.shape == (0, 0) else self.W_e

            # Set target shape
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros((self.acados_ocp.cost.W.shape[0],))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros((self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e.shape[0],))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "EXTERNAL":
            raise RuntimeError("External is not interfaced yet, please use NONLINEAR_LS")

            raise RuntimeError("Available acados cost type: 'LINEAR_LS', 'NONLINEAR_LS' and 'EXTERNAL'.")

    def __update_solver(self):
        param_init = []
        for n in range(self.acados_ocp.dims.N):
            self.ocp_solver.cost_set(n, "yref", np.concatenate([data[n] for data in self.y_ref])[:, 0])
            self.ocp_solver.cost_set(n, "W", self.W)

            if self.params:
                param_init = np.concatenate(
                    [self.params[key]["initial_guess"].init.evaluate_at(n) for key in self.params.keys()]

            self.ocp_solver.set(n, "x", np.concatenate((param_init, self.ocp.nlp[0].x_init.init.evaluate_at(n))))
            self.ocp_solver.set(n, "u", self.ocp.nlp[0].u_init.init.evaluate_at(n))
            self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "lbu", self.ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min[:, 0])
            self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "ubu", self.ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max[:, 0])

            if n == 0:
                self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "lbx", self.x_bound_min[:, 0])
                self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "ubx", self.x_bound_max[:, 0])
                self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "lbx", self.x_bound_min[:, 1])
                self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "ubx", self.x_bound_max[:, 1])

        if self.y_ref_end:
            self.ocp_solver.cost_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "yref", np.concatenate([data for data in self.y_ref_end]))
            self.ocp_solver.cost_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "W", self.W_e)
        self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "lbx", self.x_bound_min[:, -1])
        self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "ubx", self.x_bound_max[:, -1])

        if self.ocp.nlp[0].x_init.init.shape[1] == self.acados_ocp.dims.N + 1:
            if self.params:
                            np.concatenate([self.params[key]["initial_guess"].init for key in self.params.keys()])[
                                :, 0
                            self.ocp.nlp[0].x_init.init[:, self.acados_ocp.dims.N],
                self.ocp_solver.set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "x", self.ocp.nlp[0].x_init.init[:, self.acados_ocp.dims.N])

    def configure(self, options):
        if "acados_dir" in options:
            del options["acados_dir"]
        if "cost_type" in options:
            del options["cost_type"]
        if self.ocp_solver is None:
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.qp_solver = "PARTIAL_CONDENSING_HPIPM"  # FULL_CONDENSING_QPOASES
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.hessian_approx = "GAUSS_NEWTON"
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.integrator_type = "IRK"
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_type = "SQP"

            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_comp = 1e-06
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_eq = 1e-06
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_ineq = 1e-06
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_stat = 1e-06
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_max_iter = 200
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.sim_method_newton_iter = 5
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.sim_method_num_stages = 4
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.sim_method_num_steps = 1
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.print_level = 1
            for key in options:
                setattr(self.acados_ocp.solver_options, key, options[key])
            for key in options:
                if key[:11] == "nlp_solver_":
                    short_key = key[11:]
                    self.ocp_solver.options_set(short_key, options[key])
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "[ACADOS] Only editable solver options after solver creation are :\n"

    def get_iterations(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("return_iterations is not implemented yet with ACADOS backend")

    def online_optim(self, ocp):
        raise NotImplementedError("online_optim is not implemented yet with ACADOS backend")

    def get_optimized_value(self):
        ns = self.acados_ocp.dims.N
        nx = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx
        nq = self.ocp.nlp[0].q.shape[0]
        nparams = self.ocp.nlp[0].np
        acados_x = np.array([self.ocp_solver.get(i, "x") for i in range(ns + 1)]).T
        acados_p = acados_x[:nparams, :]
        acados_q = acados_x[nparams : nq + nparams, :]
        acados_qdot = acados_x[nq + nparams : nx, :]
        acados_u = np.array([self.ocp_solver.get(i, "u") for i in range(ns)]).T

        out = {
            "qqdot": acados_x,
            "x": [],
            "u": acados_u,
            "time_tot": self.ocp_solver.get_stats("time_tot")[0],
            "status": self.status,
        for i in range(ns):
            out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_q[:, i])
            out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_qdot[:, i])
            out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_u[:, i])

        out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_q[:, ns])
        out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_qdot[:, ns])
        out["x"] = vertcat(acados_p[:, 0], out["x"])
        self.out["sol"] = out
        out = []
        for key in self.out.keys():
        return out[0] if len(out) == 1 else out

    def solve(self):
        # Populate costs and constrs vectors
        if self.ocp_solver is None:
            self.ocp_solver = AcadosOcpSolver(self.acados_ocp, json_file="acados_ocp.json")
        self.status = self.ocp_solver.solve()
        return self
コード例 #35
ファイル: acados_interface.py プロジェクト: Naassila/bioptim
class AcadosInterface(SolverInterface):
    The ACADOS solver interface

    acados_ocp: AcadosOcp
        The current AcadosOcp reference
    acados_model: AcadosModel
        The current AcadosModel reference
    lagrange_costs: SX
        The lagrange cost function
    mayer_costs: SX
        The mayer cost function
    y_ref = list[np.ndarray]
        The lagrange targets
    y_ref_end = list[np.ndarray]
        The mayer targets
    params = dict
        All the parameters to optimize
    W: np.ndarray
        The Lagrange weights
    W_e: np.ndarray
        The Mayer weights
    status: int
        The status of the optimization
    all_constr: SX
        All the Lagrange constraints
    end_constr: SX
        All the Mayer constraints
    all_g_bounds = Bounds
        All the Lagrange bounds on the variables
    end_g_bounds = Bounds
        All the Mayer bounds on the variables
    x_bound_max = np.ndarray
        All the bounds max
    x_bound_min = np.ndarray
        All the bounds min
    Vu: np.ndarray
        The control objective functions
    Vx: np.ndarray
        The Lagrange state objective functions
    Vxe: np.ndarray
        The Mayer state objective functions

    __acados_export_model(self, ocp: OptimalControlProgram)
        Creating a generic ACADOS model
    __prepare_acados(self, ocp: OptimalControlProgram)
        Set some important ACADOS variables
    __set_constr_type(self, constr_type: str = "BGH")
        Set the type of constraints
    __set_constraints(self, ocp: OptimalControlProgram)
        Set the constraints from the ocp
    __set_cost_type(self, cost_type: str = "NONLINEAR_LS")
        Set the type of cost functions
    __set_costs(self, ocp: OptimalControlProgram)
        Set the cost functions from ocp
        Update the ACADOS solver to new values
    configure(self, options: dict)
        Set some ACADOS options
    get_optimized_value(self) -> Union[list[dict], dict]
        Get the previously optimized solution
    solve(self) -> "AcadosInterface"
        Solve the prepared ocp
    def __init__(self, ocp, **solver_options):
        ocp: OptimalControlProgram
            A reference to the current OptimalControlProgram
        solver_options: dict
            The options to pass to the solver

        if not isinstance(ocp.cx(), SX):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "CasADi graph must be SX to be solved with ACADOS. Please set use_sx to True in OCP"


        # If Acados is installed using the acados_install.sh file, you probably can leave this to unset
        acados_path = ""
        if "acados_dir" in solver_options:
            acados_path = solver_options["acados_dir"]
        self.acados_ocp = AcadosOcp(acados_path=acados_path)
        self.acados_model = AcadosModel()

        if "cost_type" in solver_options:

        if "constr_type" in solver_options:

        self.lagrange_costs = SX()
        self.mayer_costs = SX()
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        self.nparams = 0
        self.params_initial_guess = None
        self.params_bounds = None
        self.ocp_solver = None
        self.W = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.W_e = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.status = None
        self.out = {}

        self.all_constr = None
        self.end_constr = SX()
        self.all_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        self.end_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        self.x_bound_max = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        self.x_bound_min = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        self.Vu = np.array([],
        self.Vx = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0,
        self.Vxe = np.array([],
                            dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, ocp.nlp[0].states.shape)

    def __acados_export_model(self, ocp):
        Creating a generic ACADOS model

        ocp: OptimalControlProgram
            A reference to the current OptimalControlProgram


        if ocp.n_phases > 1:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "More than 1 phase is not implemented yet with ACADOS backend")

        # Declare model variables
        x = ocp.nlp[0].states.cx
        u = ocp.nlp[0].controls.cx
        p = ocp.nlp[0].parameters.cx
        if ocp.v.parameters_in_list:
            for param in ocp.v.parameters_in_list:
                if str(param.cx)[:11] == f"time_phase_":
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Time constraint not implemented yet with Acados.")

        self.nparams = ocp.nlp[0].parameters.shape
        self.params_initial_guess = ocp.v.parameters_in_list.initial_guess
        self.params_initial_guess.check_and_adjust_dimensions(self.nparams, 1)
        self.params_bounds = ocp.v.parameters_in_list.bounds
        self.params_bounds.check_and_adjust_dimensions(self.nparams, 1)
        x = vertcat(p, x)
        x_dot = SX.sym("x_dot", x.shape[0], x.shape[1])

        f_expl = vertcat([0] * self.nparams,
                         ocp.nlp[0].dynamics_func(x[self.nparams:, :], u, p))
        f_impl = x_dot - f_expl

        self.acados_model.f_impl_expr = f_impl
        self.acados_model.f_expl_expr = f_expl
        self.acados_model.x = x
        self.acados_model.xdot = x_dot
        self.acados_model.u = u
        self.acados_model.con_h_expr = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.acados_model.con_h_expr_e = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.acados_model.p = []
        now = datetime.now()  # current date and time
        self.acados_model.name = f"model_{now.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H%M%S%f')[:-4]}"

    def __prepare_acados(self, ocp):
        Set some important ACADOS variables

        ocp: OptimalControlProgram
            A reference to the current OptimalControlProgram

        # set model
        self.acados_ocp.model = self.acados_model

        # set time
        self.acados_ocp.solver_options.tf = ocp.nlp[0].tf

        # set dimensions
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nx = ocp.nlp[0].states.shape + ocp.nlp[
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nu = ocp.nlp[0].controls.shape
        self.acados_ocp.dims.N = ocp.nlp[0].ns

    def __set_constr_type(self, constr_type: str = "BGH"):
        Set the type of constraints

        constr_type: str
            The requested type of constraints

        self.acados_ocp.constraints.constr_type = constr_type
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.constr_type_e = constr_type

    def __set_constraints(self, ocp):
        Set the constraints from the ocp

        ocp: OptimalControlProgram
            A reference to the current OptimalControlProgram

        # constraints handling in self.acados_ocp
        if ocp.nlp[
                0].x_bounds.type != InterpolationType.CONSTANT_WITH_FIRST_AND_LAST_DIFFERENT:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "ACADOS must declare an InterpolationType.CONSTANT_WITH_FIRST_AND_LAST_DIFFERENT "
                "for the x_bounds")
        if ocp.nlp[
                0].u_bounds.type != InterpolationType.CONSTANT_WITH_FIRST_AND_LAST_DIFFERENT:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "ACADOS must declare an InterpolationType.CONSTANT_WITH_FIRST_AND_LAST_DIFFERENT "
                "for the u_bounds")
        u_min = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min)
        u_max = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max)
        x_min = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.min)
        x_max = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.max)
        self.all_constr = SX()
        self.end_constr = SX()
        # TODO:change for more node flexibility on bounds
        self.all_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        self.end_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        for i, nlp in enumerate(ocp.nlp):
            x = nlp.states.cx
            u = nlp.controls.cx
            p = nlp.parameters.cx

            for g, G in enumerate(nlp.g):
                if not G:

                if G.node[0] == Node.ALL or G.node[0] == Node.ALL_SHOOTING:
                    self.all_constr = vertcat(self.all_constr,
                                              G.function(x, u, p))
                    if G.node[0] == Node.ALL:
                        self.end_constr = vertcat(self.end_constr,
                                                  G.function(x, u, p))

                elif G.node[0] == Node.END:
                    self.end_constr = vertcat(self.end_constr,
                                              G.function(x, u, p))

                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Except for states and controls, Acados solver only handles constraints on last or all nodes."

        self.acados_model.con_h_expr = self.all_constr
        self.acados_model.con_h_expr_e = self.end_constr

        if not np.all(np.all(u_min.T == u_min.T[0, :], axis=0)):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "u_bounds min must be the same at each shooting point with ACADOS"
        if not np.all(np.all(u_max.T == u_max.T[0, :], axis=0)):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "u_bounds max must be the same at each shooting point with ACADOS"

        if (not np.isfinite(u_min).all() or not np.isfinite(x_min).all()
                or not np.isfinite(u_max).all()
                or not np.isfinite(x_max).all()):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "u_bounds and x_bounds cannot be set to infinity in ACADOS. Consider changing it "
                "to a big value instead.")

        # setup state constraints
        # TODO replace all these np.concatenate by proper bound and initial_guess classes
        self.x_bound_max = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        self.x_bound_min = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        param_bounds_max = []
        param_bounds_min = []

        if self.nparams:
            param_bounds_max = self.params_bounds.max[:, 0]
            param_bounds_min = self.params_bounds.min[:, 0]

        for i in range(3):
            self.x_bound_max[:, i] = np.concatenate(
                (param_bounds_max, np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.max[:, i])))
            self.x_bound_min[:, i] = np.concatenate(
                (param_bounds_min, np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.min[:, i])))

        # setup control constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbu = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min[:,
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubu = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max[:,
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbu = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbu = self.acados_ocp.dims.nu

        # initial state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx_0 = self.x_bound_min[:, 0]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx_0 = self.x_bound_max[:, 0]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx_0 = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx_0 = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup path state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.Jbx = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx = self.x_bound_min[:, 1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx = self.x_bound_max[:, 1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup terminal state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.Jbx_e = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx_e = self.x_bound_min[:, -1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx_e = self.x_bound_max[:, -1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx_e = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx_e = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup algebraic constraint
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lh = np.array(self.all_g_bounds.min[:, 0])
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.uh = np.array(self.all_g_bounds.max[:, 0])

        # setup terminal algebraic constraint
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lh_e = np.array(self.end_g_bounds.min[:,
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.uh_e = np.array(self.end_g_bounds.max[:,

    def __set_cost_type(self, cost_type: str = "NONLINEAR_LS"):
        Set the type of cost functions

        cost_type: str
            The type of cost function

        self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type = cost_type
        self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type_e = cost_type

    def __set_costs(self, ocp):
        Set the cost functions from ocp

        ocp: OptimalControlProgram
            A reference to the current OptimalControlProgram
        def add_linear_ls_lagrange(acados, objectives):
            def add_objective(n_variables, is_state):
                v_var = np.zeros(n_variables)
                var_type = acados.ocp.nlp[
                    0].states if is_state else acados.ocp.nlp[0].controls
                rows = objectives.rows + var_type[
                v_var[rows] = 1.0
                if is_state:
                    acados.Vx = np.vstack((acados.Vx, np.diag(v_var)))
                    acados.Vu = np.vstack(
                        (acados.Vu, np.zeros((n_states, n_controls))))
                    acados.Vx = np.vstack(
                        (acados.Vx, np.zeros((n_controls, n_states))))
                    acados.Vu = np.vstack((acados.Vu, np.diag(v_var)))
                acados.W = linalg.block_diag(
                    acados.W, np.diag([objectives.weight] * n_variables))

                node_idx = objectives.node_idx[:-1] if objectives.node[
                    0] == Node.ALL else objectives.node_idx

                y_ref = [
                    np.zeros((n_states if is_state else n_controls, 1))
                    for _ in node_idx
                if objectives.target is not None:
                    for idx in node_idx:
                        y_ref[idx][rows] = objectives.target[...,
                                                                 (-1, 1))

            if objectives.type in allowed_control_objectives:
                add_objective(n_controls, False)
            elif objectives.type in allowed_state_objectives:
                add_objective(n_states, True)
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"{objectives[0]['objective'].type.name} is an incompatible objective term with LINEAR_LS cost type"

        def add_linear_ls_mayer(acados, objectives):
            if objectives.type in allowed_state_objectives:
                vxe = np.zeros(n_states)
                rows = objectives.rows + acados.ocp.nlp[0].states[
                vxe[rows] = 1.0
                acados.Vxe = np.vstack((acados.Vxe, np.diag(vxe)))
                acados.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                    acados.W_e, np.diag([objectives.weight] * n_states))

                y_ref_end = np.zeros((n_states, 1))
                if objectives.target is not None:
                    y_ref_end[rows] = objectives.target[..., -1].T.reshape(
                        (-1, 1))

                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"{objectives.type.name} is an incompatible objective term with LINEAR_LS cost type"

        def add_nonlinear_ls_lagrange(acados, objectives, x, u, p):
            acados.lagrange_costs = vertcat(
                objectives.function(x, u, p).reshape((-1, 1)))
            acados.W = linalg.block_diag(
                np.diag([objectives.weight] * objectives.function.numel_out()))

            node_idx = objectives.node_idx[:-1] if objectives.node[
                0] == Node.ALL else objectives.node_idx
            if objectives.target is not None:
                    objectives.target[..., idx].T.reshape((-1, 1))
                    for idx in node_idx
                    np.zeros((objectives.function.numel_out(), 1))
                    for _ in node_idx

        def add_nonlinear_ls_mayer(acados, objectives, x, u, p):
            acados.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                np.diag([objectives.weight] * objectives.function.numel_out()))
            x = x if objectives.function.sparsity_in("i0").shape != (
                0, 0) else []
            u = u if objectives.function.sparsity_in("i1").shape != (
                0, 0) else []
            acados.mayer_costs = vertcat(
                objectives.function(x, u, p).reshape((-1, 1)))

            if objectives.target is not None:
                acados.y_ref_end.append(objectives.target[..., -1].T.reshape(
                    (-1, 1)))
                    np.zeros((objectives.function.numel_out(), 1)))

        if ocp.n_phases != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "ACADOS with more than one phase is not implemented yet.")
        # costs handling in self.acados_ocp
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        self.lagrange_costs = SX()
        self.mayer_costs = SX()
        self.W = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.W_e = np.zeros((0, 0))
        allowed_control_objectives = [ObjectiveFcn.Lagrange.MINIMIZE_CONTROL]
        allowed_state_objectives = [

        if self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "LINEAR_LS":
            n_states = ocp.nlp[0].states.shape
            n_controls = ocp.nlp[0].controls.shape
            self.Vu = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, n_controls)
            self.Vx = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, n_states)
            self.Vxe = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, n_states)
            for i in range(ocp.n_phases):
                for J in ocp.nlp[i].J:
                    if not J:

                    if J.multi_thread:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            f"The objective function {J.name} was declared with multi_thread=True, "
                            f"but this is not possible to multi_thread objective function with ACADOS"

                    if J.type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        add_linear_ls_lagrange(self, J)

                        # Deal with last node to match ipopt formulation
                        if J.node[0] == Node.ALL:
                            add_linear_ls_mayer(self, J)

                    elif J.type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        add_linear_ls_mayer(self, J)

                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer."

                if self.nparams:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Params not yet handled with LINEAR_LS cost type")

            # Set costs
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx = self.Vx if self.Vx.shape[0] else np.zeros(
                (0, 0))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vu = self.Vu if self.Vu.shape[0] else np.zeros(
                (0, 0))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx_e = self.Vxe if self.Vxe.shape[
                0] else np.zeros((0, 0))

            # Set dimensions
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = sum(
                [len(data[0]) for data in self.y_ref])
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = sum(
                [len(data) for data in self.y_ref_end])

            # Set weight
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W = self.W
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = self.W_e

            # Set target shape
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W.shape[0], ))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e.shape[0], ))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "NONLINEAR_LS":
            for i, nlp in enumerate(ocp.nlp):
                for j, J in enumerate(nlp.J):
                    if not J:

                    if J.multi_thread:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            f"The objective function {J.name} was declared with multi_thread=True, "
                            f"but this is not possible to multi_thread objective function with ACADOS"

                    if J.type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        add_nonlinear_ls_lagrange(self, J, nlp.states.cx,

                        # Deal with last node to match ipopt formulation
                        if J.node[0] == Node.ALL:
                            add_nonlinear_ls_mayer(self, J, nlp.states.cx,

                    elif J.type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        add_nonlinear_ls_mayer(self, J, nlp.states.cx,

                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer."

            # parameter as mayer function
            # IMPORTANT: it is considered that only parameters are stored in ocp.objectives, for now.
            if self.nparams:
                nlp = ocp.nlp[0]  # Assume 1 phase
                for j, J in enumerate(ocp.J):
                    add_nonlinear_ls_mayer(self, J, nlp.states.cx,
                                           nlp.controls.cx, nlp.parameters.cx)

            # Set costs
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = (self.lagrange_costs.reshape(
                (-1, 1)) if self.lagrange_costs.numel() else SX(1, 1))
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = (self.mayer_costs.reshape(
                (-1, 1)) if self.mayer_costs.numel() else SX(1, 1))

            # Set dimensions
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr.shape[
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e.shape[

            # Set weight
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W = np.zeros(
                (1, 1)) if self.W.shape == (0, 0) else self.W
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = np.zeros(
                (1, 1)) if self.W_e.shape == (0, 0) else self.W_e

            # Set target shape
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W.shape[0], ))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros(
                (self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e.shape[0], ))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "EXTERNAL":
            raise RuntimeError(
                "EXTERNAL is not interfaced yet, please use NONLINEAR_LS")

            raise RuntimeError(
                "Available acados cost type: 'LINEAR_LS', 'NONLINEAR_LS' and 'EXTERNAL'."

    def __update_solver(self):
        Update the ACADOS solver to new values

        param_init = []
        for n in range(self.acados_ocp.dims.N):
            if self.y_ref:  # Target
                    n, "yref",
                    np.vstack([data[n] for data in self.y_ref])[:, 0])
            # check following line
            # self.ocp_solver.cost_set(n, "W", self.W)

            if self.nparams:
                param_init = self.params_initial_guess.init.evaluate_at(n)

                n, "x",
                    (param_init, self.ocp.nlp[0].x_init.init.evaluate_at(n))))
            self.ocp_solver.set(n, "u",
            self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "lbu",
                                            self.ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min[:, 0])
            self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "ubu",
                                            self.ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max[:, 0])
            self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "uh", self.all_g_bounds.max[:,
            self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "lh", self.all_g_bounds.min[:,

            if n == 0:
                self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "lbx", self.x_bound_min[:,
                self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "ubx", self.x_bound_max[:,
                self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "lbx", self.x_bound_min[:,
                self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(n, "ubx", self.x_bound_max[:,

        if self.y_ref_end:
            if len(self.y_ref_end) == 1:
                self.ocp_solver.cost_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "yref",
                                         np.array(self.y_ref_end[0])[:, 0])
                self.ocp_solver.cost_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "yref",
                                         np.concatenate(self.y_ref_end)[:, 0])
            # check following line
            # self.ocp_solver.cost_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "W", self.W_e)
        self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "lbx",
                                        self.x_bound_min[:, -1])
        self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "ubx",
                                        self.x_bound_max[:, -1])
        if len(self.end_g_bounds.max[:, 0]):
            self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "uh",
                                            self.end_g_bounds.max[:, 0])
            self.ocp_solver.constraints_set(self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "lh",
                                            self.end_g_bounds.min[:, 0])

        if self.ocp.nlp[0].x_init.init.shape[1] == self.acados_ocp.dims.N + 1:
            if self.nparams:
                        (self.params_initial_guess.init[:, 0],
                    self.acados_ocp.dims.N, "x",
                    self.ocp.nlp[0].x_init.init[:, self.acados_ocp.dims.N])

    def configure(self, options: dict):
        Set some ACADOS options

        options: dict
            The dictionary of options
        if options is None:
            options = {}

        if "acados_dir" in options:
            del options["acados_dir"]
        if "cost_type" in options:
            del options["cost_type"]

        if self.ocp_solver is None:
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.qp_solver = "PARTIAL_CONDENSING_HPIPM"  # FULL_CONDENSING_QPOASES
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.hessian_approx = "GAUSS_NEWTON"
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.integrator_type = "IRK"
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_type = "SQP"

            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_comp = 1e-06
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_eq = 1e-06
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_ineq = 1e-06
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_stat = 1e-06
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_max_iter = 200
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.sim_method_newton_iter = 5
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.sim_method_num_stages = 4
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.sim_method_num_steps = 1
            self.acados_ocp.solver_options.print_level = 1
            for key in options:
                setattr(self.acados_ocp.solver_options, key, options[key])
            available_options = [
            for key in options:
                if key in available_options:
                    short_key = key[11:]
                    self.ocp_solver.options_set(short_key, options[key])
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"[ACADOS] Only editable solver options after solver creation are :\n {available_options}"

    def online_optim(self, ocp):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "online_optim is not implemented yet with ACADOS backend")

    def get_optimized_value(self) -> Union[list, dict]:
        Get the previously optimized solution

        A solution or a list of solution depending on the number of phases

        ns = self.acados_ocp.dims.N
        n_params = self.ocp.nlp[0].parameters.shape
        acados_x = np.array(
            [self.ocp_solver.get(i, "x") for i in range(ns + 1)]).T
        acados_p = acados_x[:n_params, :]
        acados_x = acados_x[n_params:, :]
        acados_u = np.array([self.ocp_solver.get(i, "u") for i in range(ns)]).T

        out = {
            "x": [],
            "u": acados_u,
            "time_tot": self.ocp_solver.get_stats("time_tot")[0],
            "iter": self.ocp_solver.get_stats("sqp_iter")[0],
            "status": self.status,

        out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_x.reshape(-1, 1, order="F"))
        out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_u.reshape(-1, 1, order="F"))
        out["x"] = vertcat(out["x"], acados_p[:, 0])

        self.out["sol"] = out
        out = []
        for key in self.out.keys():
        return out[0] if len(out) == 1 else out

    def solve(self) -> "AcadosInterface":
        Solve the prepared ocp

        A reference to the solution

        # Populate costs and constraints vectors
        if self.ocp_solver is None:
            self.ocp_solver = AcadosOcpSolver(self.acados_ocp,

        self.status = self.ocp_solver.solve()
        return self
コード例 #36
ファイル: acados_interface.py プロジェクト: Naassila/bioptim
    def __set_constraints(self, ocp):
        Set the constraints from the ocp

        ocp: OptimalControlProgram
            A reference to the current OptimalControlProgram

        # constraints handling in self.acados_ocp
        if ocp.nlp[
                0].x_bounds.type != InterpolationType.CONSTANT_WITH_FIRST_AND_LAST_DIFFERENT:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "ACADOS must declare an InterpolationType.CONSTANT_WITH_FIRST_AND_LAST_DIFFERENT "
                "for the x_bounds")
        if ocp.nlp[
                0].u_bounds.type != InterpolationType.CONSTANT_WITH_FIRST_AND_LAST_DIFFERENT:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "ACADOS must declare an InterpolationType.CONSTANT_WITH_FIRST_AND_LAST_DIFFERENT "
                "for the u_bounds")
        u_min = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min)
        u_max = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max)
        x_min = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.min)
        x_max = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.max)
        self.all_constr = SX()
        self.end_constr = SX()
        # TODO:change for more node flexibility on bounds
        self.all_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        self.end_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        for i, nlp in enumerate(ocp.nlp):
            x = nlp.states.cx
            u = nlp.controls.cx
            p = nlp.parameters.cx

            for g, G in enumerate(nlp.g):
                if not G:

                if G.node[0] == Node.ALL or G.node[0] == Node.ALL_SHOOTING:
                    self.all_constr = vertcat(self.all_constr,
                                              G.function(x, u, p))
                    if G.node[0] == Node.ALL:
                        self.end_constr = vertcat(self.end_constr,
                                                  G.function(x, u, p))

                elif G.node[0] == Node.END:
                    self.end_constr = vertcat(self.end_constr,
                                              G.function(x, u, p))

                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Except for states and controls, Acados solver only handles constraints on last or all nodes."

        self.acados_model.con_h_expr = self.all_constr
        self.acados_model.con_h_expr_e = self.end_constr

        if not np.all(np.all(u_min.T == u_min.T[0, :], axis=0)):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "u_bounds min must be the same at each shooting point with ACADOS"
        if not np.all(np.all(u_max.T == u_max.T[0, :], axis=0)):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "u_bounds max must be the same at each shooting point with ACADOS"

        if (not np.isfinite(u_min).all() or not np.isfinite(x_min).all()
                or not np.isfinite(u_max).all()
                or not np.isfinite(x_max).all()):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "u_bounds and x_bounds cannot be set to infinity in ACADOS. Consider changing it "
                "to a big value instead.")

        # setup state constraints
        # TODO replace all these np.concatenate by proper bound and initial_guess classes
        self.x_bound_max = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        self.x_bound_min = np.ndarray((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, 3))
        param_bounds_max = []
        param_bounds_min = []

        if self.nparams:
            param_bounds_max = self.params_bounds.max[:, 0]
            param_bounds_min = self.params_bounds.min[:, 0]

        for i in range(3):
            self.x_bound_max[:, i] = np.concatenate(
                (param_bounds_max, np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.max[:, i])))
            self.x_bound_min[:, i] = np.concatenate(
                (param_bounds_min, np.array(ocp.nlp[0].x_bounds.min[:, i])))

        # setup control constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbu = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.min[:,
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubu = np.array(ocp.nlp[0].u_bounds.max[:,
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbu = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbu = self.acados_ocp.dims.nu

        # initial state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx_0 = self.x_bound_min[:, 0]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx_0 = self.x_bound_max[:, 0]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx_0 = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx_0 = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup path state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.Jbx = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx = self.x_bound_min[:, 1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx = self.x_bound_max[:, 1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup terminal state constraints
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.Jbx_e = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lbx_e = self.x_bound_min[:, -1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.ubx_e = self.x_bound_max[:, -1]
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.idxbx_e = np.array(
        self.acados_ocp.dims.nbx_e = self.acados_ocp.dims.nx

        # setup algebraic constraint
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lh = np.array(self.all_g_bounds.min[:, 0])
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.uh = np.array(self.all_g_bounds.max[:, 0])

        # setup terminal algebraic constraint
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.lh_e = np.array(self.end_g_bounds.min[:,
        self.acados_ocp.constraints.uh_e = np.array(self.end_g_bounds.max[:,
コード例 #37
def acados_nonlinear_quad_model(num_states, g=9.81):

    model_name = 'nonlinear_quad'

    position = SX.sym('o', 3)
    velocity = SX.sym('v', 3)
    phi = SX.sym('phi')
    theta = SX.sym('theta')
    psi = SX.sym('psi')

    gravity = SX.zeros(3)
    gravity[2] = g

    x = vertcat(position, phi, theta, psi, velocity)

    p = SX.sym('p')
    q = SX.sym('q')
    r = SX.sym('r')
    F = SX.sym('F')

    u = vertcat(p, q, r, F)

    r1 = SX(3, 3)
    r1[0, 0] = 1
    r1[1, 1] = cos(phi)
    r1[1, 2] = -sin(phi)
    r1[2, 1] = sin(phi)
    r1[2, 2] = cos(phi)

    r2 = SX(3, 3)
    r2[0, 0] = cos(theta)
    r2[0, 2] = sin(theta)
    r2[1, 1] = 1
    r2[2, 0] = -sin(theta)
    r2[2, 2] = cos(theta)

    r3 = SX(3, 3)
    r3[0, 0] = cos(psi)
    r3[0, 1] = -sin(psi)
    r3[1, 0] = sin(psi)
    r3[1, 1] = cos(psi)
    r3[2, 2] = 1

    tau = SX(3, 3)
    tau[:, 0] = (inv(r2))[:, 0]
    tau[:, 1] = (inv(r2))[:, 1]
    tau[:, 2] = (inv(r2 @ r1))[:, 2]
    # tau[:,0] = (inv(r1))[:,0]
    # tau[:,1] = (inv(r1))[:,1]
    # tau[:,2] = (inv(r1 @ r2))[:,2]

    # tau[0,0] = cos(theta)
    # tau[0,2] = -sin(theta)
    # tau[1,1] = 1
    # tau[1,2] = sin(phi) * cos(theta)
    # tau[2,0] = sin(theta)
    # tau[2,2] = cos(phi) * cos(theta)

    tc = 0.59375  # mapping control to throttle
    # f_const = 100
    f_const = 20
    # tc = 0.75
    #  scaling_control_mat = np.array([1, 1, 1, (g/tc)])

    # f_expl = vertcat(
    #     velocity,
    #     inv(tau) @ u[0:3],
    #     - ((r3 @ r1 @ r2)[:,2]) * (u[3] * ((g)/tc)) + gravity
    # )

    f_expl = vertcat(
        inv(tau) @ u[0:3], -((r3 @ r1 @ r2)[:, 2]) *
        (u[3] * ((g + f_const) / tc) - f_const) + gravity)

    # f_expl = vertcat(
    #     velocity,
    #     inv(tau) @ u[0:3],
    #     - ((r3 @ r1 @ r2)[:,2]) * ((g - f_const)*(1 - tc) / (1 - u[3]) + f_const)  + gravity
    # )

    # xdot
    xdot = SX.sym('xdot', 9)

    p = []

    f_impl = xdot - f_expl

    model = AcadosModel()

    model.f_impl_expr = f_impl
    model.f_expl_expr = f_expl
    model.x = x
    model.xdot = xdot
    model.u = u
    # model.z = z
    model.p = p
    model.name = model_name

    return model
コード例 #38
def gp_pred_function(x,

    n_gps = len(kern_types)
    inp = SX.sym("input", x.shape)

    out_dict = dict()
    mu_all = []
    pred_sigma_all = []
    jac_mu_all = []

    for i in range(n_gps):
        kern_i = _get_kernel_function(kern_types[i], hyp[i])
        if beta is None:
            beta_i = None
            beta_i = beta[:, i]
        k_inv_i = None
        if not k_inv_training is None:
            k_inv_i = k_inv_training[i]
        if pred_var:
            mu_new, sigma_new = gp_pred(inp, kern_i, beta_i, x_train, k_inv_i,
            pred_func = Function("pred_func", [inp], [mu_new, sigma_new],
                                 ["inp"], ["mu_1", "sigma_1"])
            F_1 = pred_func(inp=x)
            pred_sigma = F_1["sigma_1"]
            pred_sigma_all = horzcat(pred_sigma_all, pred_sigma)

            mu_new = gp_pred(inp, kern_i, beta_i, x_train, k_inv_i, pred_var)
            pred_func = Function("pred_func", [inp], [mu_new], ["inp"],
            F_1 = pred_func(inp=x)

        mu_1 = F_1["mu_1"]
        mu_all = horzcat(mu_all, mu_1)

        if compute_grads:
            # jac_func = pred_func.jacobian("inp","mu_1")

            jac_func = pred_func.factory('dmudinp', ['inp'], ['jac:mu_1:inp'])

            F_1_jac = jac_func(inp=x)
            # print(F_1_jac)
            jac_mu = F_1_jac['jac_mu_1_inp']
            jac_mu_all = vertcat(jac_mu_all, jac_mu)

    out_dict["pred_mu"] = mu_all
    if pred_var:
        out_dict["pred_sigma"] = pred_sigma_all
    if compute_grads:
        out_dict["jac_mu"] = jac_mu_all

    return out_dict
コード例 #39
ファイル: ocp_nlp.py プロジェクト: olzhas/acados
from casadi import SX, Function, vertcat
from acados import ocp_nlp_function, ocp_nlp_ls_cost, ocp_nlp, ocp_nlp_solver
from models import chen_model

N = 10
ode_fun, nx, nu = chen_model()
nlp = ocp_nlp({'N': N, 'nx': nx, 'nu': nu, 'ng': N*[1] + [0]})

# ODE Model
step = 0.1
nlp.set_model(ode_fun, step)

# Cost function
Q = diag([1.0, 1.0])
R = 1e-2
x = SX.sym('x', nx)
u = SX.sym('u', nu)
u_N = SX.sym('u', 0)
f = ocp_nlp_function(Function('ls_cost', [x, u], [vertcat(x, u)]))
f_N = ocp_nlp_function(Function('ls_cost_N', [x, u_N], [x]))
ls_cost = ocp_nlp_ls_cost(N, N*[f]+[f_N])
ls_cost.ls_cost_matrix = N*[block_diag(Q, R)] + [Q]

# Constraints
g = ocp_nlp_function(Function('path_constraint', [x, u], [u]))
g_N = ocp_nlp_function(Function('path_constraintN', [x, u], [SX([])]))
nlp.set_path_constraints(N*[g] + [g_N])
for i in range(N):
    nlp.lg[i] = -0.5
    nlp.ug[i] = +0.5
コード例 #40
def acados_linear_quad_model_moving_eq(num_states, g=9.81):

    model_name = 'linear_quad_v2'
    tc = 0.59375
    # scaling_control_mat = np.array([1, 1, 1, (g/tc)])
    gravity = SX.zeros(3)
    gravity[2] = g

    x = SX.sym('x', 9)
    u = SX.sym('u', 4)
    xdot = SX.sym('xdot', 9)

    r1 = SX(3, 3)
    r1[0, 0] = 1
    r1[1, 1] = cos(x[3])
    r1[1, 2] = -sin(x[3])
    r1[2, 1] = sin(x[3])
    r1[2, 2] = cos(x[3])

    r2 = SX(3, 3)
    r2[0, 0] = cos(x[4])
    r2[0, 2] = sin(x[4])
    r2[1, 1] = 1
    r2[2, 0] = -sin(x[4])
    r2[2, 2] = cos(x[4])

    r3 = SX(3, 3)
    r3[0, 0] = cos(x[5])
    r3[0, 1] = -sin(x[5])
    r3[1, 0] = sin(x[5])
    r3[1, 1] = cos(x[5])
    r3[2, 2] = 1

    tau = SX(3, 3)
    tau[:, 0] = (inv(r2))[:, 0]
    tau[:, 1] = (inv(r2))[:, 1]
    tau[:, 2] = (inv(r2 @ r1))[:, 2]

    f_nl = vertcat(x[6:9],
                   inv(tau) @ u[0:3],
                   -((r3 @ r1 @ r2)[:, 2]) * u[3] * (g / tc) + gravity)

    # f_const = 20
    # f_nl = vertcat(
    #     x[6:9],
    #     inv(tau) @ u[0:3],
    #     - ((r3 @ r1 @ r2)[:,2]) * (u[3] * ((g + f_const)/tc) - f_const) + gravity
    # )

    A = jacobian(f_nl, x)
    B = jacobian(f_nl, u)

    p = []

    f_expl = mtimes(A, x) + mtimes(B, u)

    f_impl = xdot - f_expl

    model = AcadosModel()

    model.f_impl_expr = f_impl
    model.f_expl_expr = f_expl
    model.x = x
    model.xdot = xdot
    model.u = u
    # model.z = z
    model.p = p
    model.name = model_name

    return model