コード例 #1
    def __refund_entry(self, entry):
        refund a single entry.

        THIS DOES NOT remove the entry from a contest!

        :param entry:

        buyin = entry.contest_pool.prize_structure.buyin
        bm = BuyinManager(entry.user)
        transaction = None

        # Create a cash or ticket deposit as a refund,
        # based on what the user used to get into the contest
        if bm.entry_did_use_ticket(entry):
            tm = TicketManager(entry.user)
            transaction = tm.transaction
            refund = self.__create_refund(transaction, entry)
            ct = CashTransaction(entry.user)
            transaction = ct.transaction
            refund = self.__create_refund(transaction, entry)

        # Create refund transaction from escrow
        escrow_ct = CashTransaction(self.get_escrow_user())
        escrow_ct.withdraw(buyin, trans=transaction)
        return refund
コード例 #2
 def create_withdrawal(user, amount, balance_result):
     test = CashTransaction(user)
     tran_det= CashTransactionDetail.objects.get(
     self.assertAlmostEquals(tran_det.amount, -amount)
     bal = CashBalance.objects.get(
コード例 #3
    def withdraw(self, amount):
        This method creates a cash withdrawal transaction and the appropriate book
        keeping for allowing
        :param amount:

        # The first time withdraw is called, withdraw_object and withdraw_object.status will both not be set.
        # On a successful withdraw, withdraw_object and withdraw_object.status will both be set.
        # On an invalid withdraw (amount 0, amount too large, etc),
        #  withdraw_object will be set but withdraw_object.status will not.
        # If withdraw_object is set, we want to raise a WithdrawCalledTwice exception if withdraw_object.status is set
        #  or if it does not exist.
        if self.withdraw_object:
                if self.withdraw_object.status:
                    raise WithdrawCalledTwiceException(
                        'withdraw() can only be called on the object one time')
                raise WithdrawCalledTwiceException(
                    'withdraw() can only be called on the object one time')

        amount = Decimal(amount)

        # if this instance wasnt created by pk, its not set/created yet.
        if self.withdraw_object == None:
            logger.info('creating withdraw_object in parent')
            self.withdraw_object = self.withdraw_class()

            tm = TaxManager(self.user)
            self.withdraw_object.net_profit = tm.calendar_year_net_profit()

        # throws exceptions if insufficient funds, or tax info required
        logger.info('parent - call validate_withdraw')

        # Performs the transaction since everything has been validated
        # and saves the the transaction detail with the withdraw object.
        logger.info('parent - create the cash transaction')
        ct = CashTransaction(self.user)
        self.withdraw_object.cash_transaction_detail = ct.transaction_detail
        self.withdraw_object.status = self.get_withdraw_status(
        self.withdraw_object.save()  # save in db
コード例 #4
    def __update_accounts(self, place, contest, entry, amount):
        Updates the accounts for Payout, FPP, Bonus, and Rake

        This gets run on each contest entry once the contest is finished.
            1. Withdraws the payout amount from escrow's account.
            2. Deposits that amount into the entry owner's account.
            3. Pays out any Frequent Player Points earned.

        :param place:
        :param contest:
        :param entry:
        :param amount:
        payout = Payout()
        payout.rank = place
        payout.contest = contest
        payout.entry = entry
        tm = CashTransaction(entry.lineup.user)
        # Take cash out of escrow
        ct = CashTransaction(self.get_escrow_user())
        ct.withdraw(amount, tm.transaction)

        payout.transaction = tm.transaction

        user = payout.entry.lineup.user
        rake_paid = contest.buyin * .10

        # Pays out FPP
        lsm = LoyaltyStatusManager(user)
        fppt = FppTransaction(user)
        # rake * base loyalty multiplier * the multiplier
        fppt.deposit((rake_paid * lsm.BASE_LOYALTY_MULTIPLIER) *
        fpp = FPP()
        fpp.contest = contest
        fpp.transaction = ct.transaction

        # convert the bonus_cash for the user
        self.__convert_bonus_cash(user, rake_paid, payout.transaction)

        # Create a rake transaction for the user
        rpt = RakepaidTransaction(user)
        rpt.deposit(rake_paid, trans=payout.transaction)

        msg = "User[" + payout.entry.lineup.user.username + "] was ranked #" + str(
            payout.rank) + " for contest #" + str(
                payout.contest.pk) + " and was paid out."
        Logger.log(ErrorCodes.INFO, "Contest Payout", msg)
コード例 #5
    def __payout_contest(self, contest):
        Method assumes the contest has never been paid out and is ready
        to be paid out. This is why the method is private and should be
        called from a separate method that does the individual error checking.

            c = ClosedContest.objects.get(pk=contest.pk)
            # print('%s already closed & paid out.'%str(contest))
            return  # go no further

        # get the prize pool ranks for the contest
        ranks = Rank.objects.filter(

        # get the entries for the contest
        entries = Entry.objects.filter(contest=contest)
        entries = entries.order_by('-lineup__fantasy_points')

        # Validate the ranks are setup properly
        for rank in ranks:
            # verify the abstract amount is correct type
            if not isinstance(rank.amount, AbstractAmount):
                raise mysite.exceptions.IncorrectVariableTypeException(
                    type(self).__name__, 'rank')

            # Get the transaction class and verify that it can deposit
            transaction_class = rank.amount.get_transaction_class()
            if not issubclass(transaction_class, CanDeposit):
                raise mysite.exceptions.IncorrectVariableTypeException(
                    type(self).__name__, 'transaction_class')

        # print('------- entries [%s] contest [%s] -------' %(str(len(entries)), str(contest)))
        # perform the payouts by going through each entry and finding
        # ties and ranks for the ties to chop.
        # print('======= ranks [%s] =======' % (str(ranks)))

        # we now need to check which is shorter: the list of ranks or the list of entries,
        # and only use that many ranks for calculating winners! (its possible for
        # fewer entries than the total number of ranks!

        if len(entries) < len(ranks):
            logger.info('SUPERLAY PAYOUT CONTEST: %s' % contest)

        i = 0
        while i < len(ranks[:len(entries)]):
            # print('++++ i (rank): %s +++++' % str(i) )
            entries_to_pay = list()
            ranks_to_pay = list()
            score = entries[i].lineup.fantasy_points
            # For each tie add the user to the list to chop the payment
            # and add the next payout to be split with the ties.
            while i + 1 < len(entries) and score == entries[
                    i + 1].lineup.fantasy_points:
                i += 1
                if len(ranks) > i:

            self.__payout_spot(ranks_to_pay, entries_to_pay, contest)
            i += 1

        # rank all of the entries with the same payout algorithm.
        # j = 0
        # last_fantasy_points = None
        # for entry in entries:
        #     if last_fantasy_points is None:
        #         last_fantasy_points = entry.lineup.fantasy_points
        #     count_at_rank = Entry.objects.filter(contest=contest, lineup__fantasy_points=)

        # using the fantasy_points as the key, add/increment the entry id to the list.
        # the length of that list will be the # of entries at that rank, and
        # the rank will be the order of the keys.
        entry_fantasy_points_map = {}
        for entry in entries:
                entry_fantasy_points_map[entry.lineup.fantasy_points] += [
            except KeyError:
                entry_fantasy_points_map[entry.lineup.fantasy_points] = [
        # sort the fantasy points map on the map key (ascending)
        sorted_list = sorted(entry_fantasy_points_map.items(),
                             key=lambda x: x[0])
        #  so its descending ie: [(75.5, [432, 213]), (50.25, [431234, 234534]), (25.0, [1, 123])]

        entry_rank = 1
        for fantasy_points, entry_id_list in sorted_list:
            count_at_rank = len(entry_id_list)
            entry_rank += count_at_rank

        # Determine what our net rake amount was.
        rake_transaction = None
        rake_post_overlay = calculate_rake(contest)

        # We made money on rake! No overlay, yaaay
        if rake_post_overlay > 0:
            # Take cash out of escrow and deposit it into draftboard
            logger.info(('We made money on this contest, creating a Rake '
                         'transaction for $%s. contest: %s') %
                        (rake_post_overlay, contest))

            escrow_withdraw_trans = CashTransaction(self.get_escrow_user())
            draftboard_deposit_trans = CashTransaction(
                rake_post_overlay, trans=escrow_withdraw_trans.transaction)
            rake_transaction = escrow_withdraw_trans.transaction

        # We lost money on rake. :(
        elif rake_post_overlay < 0:
            # Take cash out of draftboard and deposit it into escrow
            logger.info(('We lost money on this contest, creating a Rake '
                         'transaction for $%s. contest: %s') %
                        (rake_post_overlay, contest))

            rake_post_overlay = abs(rake_post_overlay)
            draftboard_withdraw_trans = CashTransaction(
            escrow_deposit_trans = CashTransaction(self.get_escrow_user())
                rake_post_overlay, trans=draftboard_withdraw_trans.transaction)
            rake_transaction = draftboard_withdraw_trans.transaction

        # We broke even on this contest, don't create a rake transaction below.
        elif rake_post_overlay == 0:
                'No rake was collected, not creating a Rake transaction. contest: %s'
                % contest)

        if rake_transaction:
            # links the contest with the rake payout
            rake = Rake()
            rake.contest = contest
            rake.transaction = rake_transaction

        contest.status = Contest.CLOSED
コード例 #6
    def buyin(self, contest_pool, lineup=None):
        Creates the buyin for the user based on the ContestPool and lineup. Lineup can
        be null or not passed to allow for reserving contest spots.

        This should be only run in a task

        :param contest_pool: the ContestPool to register in
        :param lineup: assumed the lineup is validated on creation

        :raises :class:`contest.exceptions.ContestCouldNotEnterException`: When the
        there is a race condition and the contest cannot be entered after max_retries
        :raises :class:`contest.exceptions.ContestIsNotAcceptingLineupsException`: When
            contest_pool does not have a draftgroup, because it is not accepting teams yet.
        :raises :class:`contest.exceptions.ContestLineupMismatchedDraftGroupsException`:
            When the lineup was picked from a draftgroup that does not match the contest_pool.
        :raises :class:`contest.exceptions.ContestIsInProgressOrClosedException`: When
            The contest_pool has started, or its past the start time
        :raises :class:`contest.exceptions.LineupDoesNotMatchUser`: When the lineup
            is not owned by the user.
        :raises :class:`contest.exceptions.ContestMaxEntriesReachedException`: When the
            max entries is reached by the lineup.

        # validate the contest and the lineup are allowed to be created
        self.lineup_contest(contest_pool, lineup)

        # Create either the ticket or cash transaction
        # Try to pay with a ticket first, if that doesn't work because the user doesn't have any
        # tickets, then try to pay with their cash balance.
        tm = TicketManager(self.user)
        # Get the transaction type - `ContestBuyin`
        # category = TransactionType.objects.get(pk=TransactionTypeConstants.ContestBuyin)

            # keep a reference of the transaction.
            transaction = tm.transaction

        except (UserDoesNotHaveTicketException, ticket.models.TicketAmount.DoesNotExist):
            # Paying via Ticket failed, Create a cash transaciton with the type of 'ContestBuyin'.
            ct = CashTransaction(user=self.user)
            # Make the transaction a withdrawal.
            # keep a reference of the transaction for user later.
            transaction = ct.transaction

        # Transfer money into escrow
        escrow_ct = CashTransaction(self.get_escrow_user())
        escrow_ct.deposit(contest_pool.prize_structure.buyin, trans=transaction)

        # Create the Entry
        entry = Entry()
        entry.contest_pool = contest_pool
        # entry.contest = contest # the contest will be set later when the ContestPool starts
        entry.contest = None
        entry.lineup = lineup
        entry.user = self.user

        # Create the Buyin model
        buyin = Buyin()
        buyin.contest_pool = contest_pool
        buyin.transaction = transaction
        # buyin.contest = contest # the contest will be set later when the ContestPool starts (?)
        buyin.contest = None
        buyin.entry = entry

        # Increment the contest_entry variable
        contest_pool.current_entries = F('current_entries') + 1

        msg = "User[" + self.user.username + "] bought into the contest_pool #" \
              + str(contest_pool.pk) + " with entry #" + str(entry.pk)
        Logger.log(ErrorCodes.INFO, "ContestPool Buyin", msg)

        # pusher contest updates because entries were changed
        return entry