def create_menus(self) -> None: """Create the menus used in each window, if necessary. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ assert all(window is not None for window in [self._feed_window, self._episode_window]) # this method could change a lot of screen content - probably # reasonable to simply clear the whole screen self._display.clear() # delete old menus if they exist if self._feed_menu is not None: del self._feed_menu self._feed_menu = None if self._episode_menu is not None: del self._episode_menu self._episode_menu = None feed_items = [[]] episode_items = [] for key in self._display.feeds: feed = self._display.feeds[key] feed_items[0].append(str(feed)) episode_items.append([str(ep) for ep in feed.episodes]) self._episode_menu = Menu(self._episode_window, episode_items) self._feed_menu = Menu(self._feed_window, feed_items, child=self._episode_menu, active=True) # force reset active window to prevent starting in the episodes menu self._active_window = 0
def create_menus(self) -> None: """Creates the menus used in each window. Windows which have menus should be created prior to running this method (using _create_windows). If the menus already exist when this method is run, this method will delete them and create new ones. """ assert all(window is not None for window in [ self._feed_window, self._episode_window ]) # this method could change a lot of screen content - probably # reasonable to simply clear the whole screen self.clear() # delete old menus if they exist if self._feed_menu is not None: del self._feed_menu self._feed_menu = None if self._episode_menu is not None: del self._episode_menu self._episode_menu = None feed_items = [[]] episode_items = [] for key in self._feeds: feed = self._feeds[key] feed_items[0].append( str(feed) ) episode_items.append( [str(ep) for ep in feed.episodes] ) self._episode_menu = Menu(self._episode_window, episode_items) self._feed_menu = Menu(self._feed_window, feed_items, child=self._episode_menu, active=True) # force reset active window to prevent starting in the episodes menu self._active_window = 0
def create_menus(self) -> None: """Create the menus used in each window, if necessary. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ assert self._queue_window is not None # this method could change a lot of screen content - probably # reasonable to simply clear the whole screen self._display.clear() # delete old menus if they exist if self._queue_menu is not None: del self._queue_menu self._queue_menu = None queue_items = [[]] for player in self._display.queue: queue_items[0].append(str(player)) self._queue_menu = Menu(self._queue_window, queue_items, active=True) # force reset active window to prevent starting in the episodes menu self._active_window = 0
def filter_menu(self, menu: Menu) -> None: menu.filter_text = self._get_input_str("Filter: ") self.menus_valid = False
class Display: """The Display class. This class is used to handle all user-interaction. It creates and handles all aspects of the application's interface, including windows and menus. It retrieves input from the user and performs corresponding actions. This class also includes the core input loop of the application, contained in the loop() method. """ MIN_WIDTH = 20 MIN_HEIGHT = 8 INPUT_TIMEOUT = 1000 # 1 second STATUS_TIMEOUT = 4 # multiple of INPUT_TIMEOUT AVAILABLE_COLORS = { 'black': curses.COLOR_BLACK, 'blue': curses.COLOR_BLUE, 'cyan': curses.COLOR_CYAN, 'green': curses.COLOR_GREEN, 'magenta': curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, 'red': curses.COLOR_RED, 'white': curses.COLOR_WHITE, 'yellow': curses.COLOR_YELLOW } def __init__(self, stdscr, config, feeds) -> None: """Initializes the object. Args: stdscr: a stdscr from curses.initscr() config: a loaded castero.Config object feeds: a loaded castero.Feeds object """ self._stdscr = stdscr self._config = config self._feeds = feeds self._parent_x = -1 self._parent_y = -1 self._active_window = 0 self._feed_window = None self._episode_window = None self._metadata_window = None self._header_window = None self._footer_window = None self._feed_menu = None self._episode_menu = None self._metadata_updated = False self._queue = Queue(config) self._status = "" self._status_timer = self.STATUS_TIMEOUT # basic preliminary operations self._stdscr.timeout(self.INPUT_TIMEOUT) curses.start_color() curses.noecho() curses.curs_set(0) curses.cbreak() self._stdscr.keypad(True) self.update_parent_dimensions() self.create_color_pairs() self._create_windows() self.create_menus() def create_color_pairs(self) -> None: """Initializes color pairs used for the display. Creates the following color pairs (foreground, background): - 1: foreground, background - 2: background, foreground - 3: background_alt, foreground_alt - 4: foreground_alt, background_alt """ assert self._config["color_foreground"] in self.AVAILABLE_COLORS assert self._config["color_background"] in self.AVAILABLE_COLORS assert self._config["color_foreground_alt"] in self.AVAILABLE_COLORS assert self._config["color_background_alt"] in self.AVAILABLE_COLORS curses.init_pair( 1, self.AVAILABLE_COLORS[self._config["color_foreground"]], self.AVAILABLE_COLORS[self._config["color_background"]] ) curses.init_pair( 2, self.AVAILABLE_COLORS[self._config["color_background"]], self.AVAILABLE_COLORS[self._config["color_foreground"]] ) curses.init_pair( 3, self.AVAILABLE_COLORS[self._config["color_background_alt"]], self.AVAILABLE_COLORS[self._config["color_foreground_alt"]] ) curses.init_pair( 4, self.AVAILABLE_COLORS[self._config["color_foreground_alt"]], self.AVAILABLE_COLORS[self._config["color_background_alt"]] ) def _create_windows(self) -> None: """Creates and sets basic parameters for the windows. Creates the following windows: - _feed_window, _episode_window, _metadata_window Each window is set to use the default color pair (1), and each window takes up one-third of the display. If the windows already exist when this method is run, this method will delete them and create new ones. """ third_x = helpers.third(self._parent_x) # delete old windows if they exist if self._header_window is not None: del self._header_window self._header_window = None if self._feed_window is not None: del self._feed_window self._feed_window = None if self._episode_window is not None: del self._episode_window self._episode_window = None if self._metadata_window is not None: del self._metadata_window self._metadata_window = None if self._footer_window is not None: del self._footer_window self._footer_window = None # create windows self._header_window = curses.newwin(2, self._parent_x, 0, 0) self._feed_window = curses.newwin(self._parent_y - 2, third_x, 2, 0) self._episode_window = curses.newwin(self._parent_y - 2, third_x, 2, third_x) metadata_width = self._parent_x - ((third_x * 2) - 1) self._metadata_window = curses.newwin(self._parent_y - 2, metadata_width, 2, 2 * third_x) self._footer_window = curses.newwin(2, self._parent_x, self._parent_y - 2, 0) # set window attributes self._feed_window.attron(curses.color_pair(1)) self._episode_window.attron(curses.color_pair(1)) self._metadata_window.attron(curses.color_pair(1)) self._header_window.attron(curses.color_pair(4)) self._footer_window.attron(curses.color_pair(4)) def create_menus(self) -> None: """Creates the menus used in each window. Windows which have menus should be created prior to running this method (using _create_windows). If the menus already exist when this method is run, this method will delete them and create new ones. """ assert all(window is not None for window in [ self._feed_window, self._episode_window ]) # this method could change a lot of screen content - probably # reasonable to simply clear the whole screen self.clear() # delete old menus if they exist if self._feed_menu is not None: del self._feed_menu self._feed_menu = None if self._episode_menu is not None: del self._episode_menu self._episode_menu = None feed_items = [[]] episode_items = [] for key in self._feeds: feed = self._feeds[key] feed_items[0].append( str(feed) ) episode_items.append( [str(ep) for ep in feed.episodes] ) self._episode_menu = Menu(self._episode_window, episode_items) self._feed_menu = Menu(self._feed_window, feed_items, child=self._episode_menu, active=True) # force reset active window to prevent starting in the episodes menu self._active_window = 0 def _show_help(self) -> None: """Show the help screen. This method takes over the main loop, displaying the screen until a key is pressed. This means that typical loop actions, including checking the state of the current player, will not run while this screen is up. """ self.clear() self._stdscr.refresh() padding_xy = (1, 4) help_window = curses.newwin(self._parent_y, self._parent_x, 0, 0) help_window.attron(curses.A_BOLD) # display lines from __help__ help_lines = castero.__help__.split('\n') help_lines.append("Press any key to exit this screen.") for i in range(len(help_lines)): help_window.addstr(i + padding_xy[0], padding_xy[1], help_lines[i]) help_window.refresh() # simply wait until any key is pressed (temporarily disable timeout) self._stdscr.timeout(-1) self._stdscr.getch() self._stdscr.timeout(self.INPUT_TIMEOUT) self.clear() def display(self) -> None: """Draws all windows and sub-features, including titles and borders. """ # check if the screen size has changed self.update_parent_dimensions() # add header playing_str = "" if self._queue.first is not None: state = self._queue.first.state if state == 0: playing_str = " - Stopped [%s]: " % self._queue.first.time_str elif state == 1: playing_str = " - Playing [%s]: " % self._queue.first.time_str elif state == 2: playing_str = " - Paused [%s]: " % self._queue.first.time_str playing_str += self._queue.first.title if self._queue.length > 1: playing_str += " (+%d in queue)" % (self._queue.length - 1) self._header_window.attron(curses.A_BOLD) self._header_window.addstr(0, 0, " " * self._parent_x) self._header_window.addstr(0, 0, castero.__title__ + playing_str) # add footer footer_str = "" if self._status == "": # always display the status instead if needed if len(self._feeds) > 0: total_feeds = len(self._feeds) lengths_of_feeds = [len(self._feeds[key].episodes) for key in self._feeds] total_episodes = sum(lengths_of_feeds) median_episodes = helpers.median(lengths_of_feeds) footer_str += "Processed %d feeds with %d total episodes (av" \ "g. %d episodes, med. %d)" % ( total_feeds, total_episodes, total_episodes / total_feeds, median_episodes ) else: footer_str += "No feeds added" else: footer_str = self._status footer_str += " -- Press h for help" self._footer_window.attron(curses.A_BOLD) self._footer_window.addstr( 1, 0, " " * (self._footer_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1) ) footer_str = footer_str[:self._footer_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1] self._footer_window.addstr(1, 0, footer_str) # add window titles self._feed_window.attron(curses.A_BOLD) self._episode_window.attron(curses.A_BOLD) self._metadata_window.attron(curses.A_BOLD) self._feed_window.addstr(0, 0, "Feeds") self._episode_window.addstr(0, 0, "Episodes") self._metadata_window.addstr(0, 0, "Metadata") # add window borders self._feed_window.hline(1, 0, 0, self._feed_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1) self._feed_window.vline(0, self._feed_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1, 0, self._feed_window.getmaxyx()[0] - 2) self._episode_window.hline(1, 0, 0, self._episode_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1) self._episode_window.vline(0, self._episode_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1, 0, self._episode_window.getmaxyx()[0] - 2) self._metadata_window.hline(1, 0, 0, self._metadata_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1) self._header_window.hline(1, 0, 0, self._header_window.getmaxyx()[1]) self._footer_window.hline(0, 0, 0, self._footer_window.getmaxyx()[1]) # display menu content self._feed_menu.display() self._episode_menu.display() # draw metadata if not self._metadata_updated: self._draw_metadata() def _get_input_str(self, prompt) -> str: """Prompts the user for input and returns the resulting string. This method assumes that all input strings will be obtained in the footer window. Args: prompt: a string to inform the user of what they need to enter Returns: str: the user's input """ assert self._footer_window is not None assert type(prompt) == str curses.echo() curses.curs_set(1) self._footer_window.addstr( 1, 0, " " * (self._footer_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1) ) self._footer_window.addstr(1, 0, prompt) result = self._footer_window.getstr(1, len(prompt)) self._footer_window.clear() curses.curs_set(0) curses.noecho() return result.decode("utf-8") def _get_y_n(self, prompt) -> bool: """Prompts the user for a yes or no (y/n) input. Args: prompt: a string to inform the user of what they need to enter Returns: bool: true if the user presses y, false otherwise """ assert self._footer_window is not None assert type(prompt) == str curses.echo() curses.curs_set(1) self._footer_window.addstr( 1, 0, " " * (self._footer_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1) ) self._footer_window.addstr(1, 0, prompt) c = self._footer_window.getch() self._footer_window.clear() curses.curs_set(0) curses.noecho() return c == ord('y') def handle_input(self, c) -> bool: """Performs action corresponding to the user's input. Args: c: the input character Returns: bool: whether or not the application should continue running """ keep_running = True if c == ord('q'): self.terminate() keep_running = False elif c == ord('h'): self._show_help() elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: self._change_active_window(1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: self._change_active_window(-1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == curses.KEY_UP: self.get_active_menu().move(1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.get_active_menu().move(-1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE: # page up self.get_active_menu().move_page(1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE: # page down self.get_active_menu().move_page(-1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == 10: # return self._queue.stop() self._queue.clear() self._create_player_from_selected() self.get_active_menu().move(-1) elif c == ord(' '): # space self._create_player_from_selected() self.get_active_menu().move(-1) elif c == ord('c'): self._queue.stop() self._queue.clear() elif c == ord('p'): self._queue.toggle() elif c == ord('n'): self._queue.stop() elif c == ord('f'): elif c == ord('b'): elif c == ord('a'): self._add_feed() elif c == ord('d'): self._delete_feed() elif c == ord('r'): self._reload_feeds() elif c == ord('s'): self._save_episode() return keep_running def _add_feed(self) -> None: """Prompt the user for a feed and add it, if possible. """ path = self._get_input_str("Enter the URL or path of the feed: ") try: # assume urls have http in them if "http" in path: feed = Feed(url=path) else: feed = Feed(file=path) if feed.validated: self._feeds[path] = feed self.create_menus() self._feeds.write() self.update_status("Feed '%s\' successfully added" % str(feed)) except FeedError as e: if type(e) == FeedLoadError: self.update_status( "Error: An error occurred while loading the file" ) elif type(e) == FeedDownloadError: self.update_status( "Error: An error occurred while downloading the feed" ) elif type(e) == FeedParseError: self.update_status( "Error: An error occurred while parsing the feed" ) elif type(e) == FeedStructureError: self.update_status( "Error: The provided feed is not a valid RSS document" ) else: self.update_status( "Error: An ambiguous error occurred while handling the" " feed" ) def _delete_feed(self) -> None: """Deletes the current selected feed. If the delete_feed_confirmation config option is true, this method will first ask for y/n confirmation before deleting the feed. """ if self._active_window == 0: should_delete = True if self._config["delete_feed_confirmation"] \ in ['True', 'true', '1']: should_delete = self._get_y_n( "Are you sure you want to delete this feed? (y/n): " ) if should_delete: deleted = self._feeds.del_at( self._feed_menu.selected_index) if deleted: self.create_menus() self._feeds.write() self.update_status("Feed successfully deleted") def _reload_feeds(self) -> None: """Reloads the users' feeds. If the total number of feeds is >= the reload_feeds_threshold config option, this method will first ask for y/n confirmation. This method starts the reloading in a new un-managed thread. """ should_reload = True if len(self._feeds) >= int(self._config["reload_feeds_threshold"]): should_reload = self._get_y_n( "Are you sure you want to reload all of your feeds?" " (y/n): " ) if should_reload: t = threading.Thread(target=self._feeds.reload, args=[self]) t.start() def _save_episode(self) -> None: """Saves the current selected episode. If the episode is already saved, this method will instead ask the user if they would like to delete the downloaded episode. """ if self._active_window == 1: feed_index = self._feed_menu.selected_index feed = episode_index = self._episode_menu.selected_index if feed is not None: episode = feed.episodes[episode_index] if episode.downloaded: should_delete = self._get_y_n( "Are you sure you want to delete the downloaded" " episode? (y/n): ") if should_delete: episode.delete(self) else: def _create_player_from_selected(self) -> None: """Creates player(s) based on the selected items and adds to the queue. If the active menu is the feed menu, then this will create players for all episodes in the selected feed. If the active menu is the episode menu, this will simply create a single player. This method will not clear the queue prior to adding the new player(s), nor will it play the episodes after running. """ feed_index = self._feed_menu.selected_index feed = if self._active_window == 0: if feed is not None: for episode in feed.episodes: player = Player(str(episode), episode.get_playable()) self._queue.add(player) elif self._active_window == 1: episode_index = self._episode_menu.selected_index if feed is not None: episode = feed.episodes[episode_index] player = Player(str(episode), episode.get_playable()) self._queue.add(player) def _change_active_window(self, direction) -> None: """Changes _active_window to the next or previous window, if available. Args: direction: 1 to change to the next window, -1 to change to the previous (if it exists) """ assert direction == 1 or direction == -1 self.get_active_menu().set_active(False) self._active_window += direction if self._active_window > 1: self._active_window = 1 elif self._active_window < 0: self._active_window = 0 self.get_active_menu().set_active(True) def _append_metadata_lines(self, string, output_lines, attr=-1, add_blank=False) -> None: """Appends properly formatted lines to the 2D output_lines array. Args: string: the string to add to output_lines output_lines: 2D array, each element is [attr, str] attr: (optional) the attribute (i.e. curses.A_BOLD) """ max_lines = int(0.7 * self._metadata_window.getmaxyx()[0]) max_line_width = self._metadata_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1 lines = textwrap.wrap(string, max_line_width) # truncate to at most 70% of the total lines on the screen lines = lines[:max_lines] # add all lines to array for line in lines: output_lines.append([attr, line]) # add a blank line afterward, if necessary if add_blank: output_lines.append([-1, ""]) def _draw_metadata(self) -> None: """Draws the metadata of the selected feed/episode onto the window. """ assert self._metadata_window is not None output_lines = [] # 2D array, each element is [attr, str] max_lines = self._metadata_window.getmaxyx()[0] - 2 max_line_width = self._metadata_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1 # clear the window by drawing blank lines for y in range(2, self._metadata_window.getmaxyx()[0]): self._metadata_window.addstr(y, 0, " " * max_line_width) if self._active_window == 0: # * the selected item is a feed selected_index = self._feed_menu.selected_index feed = if feed is not None: # draw feed title self._append_metadata_lines(feed.title, output_lines, attr=curses.A_BOLD) # draw feed lastBuildDate self._append_metadata_lines(feed.last_build_date, output_lines, add_blank=True) # draw feed link self._append_metadata_lines(, output_lines, add_blank=True) # draw feed description self._append_metadata_lines("Description:", output_lines, attr=curses.A_BOLD) self._append_metadata_lines(feed.description, output_lines, add_blank=True) # draw feed copyright self._append_metadata_lines("Copyright:", output_lines, attr=curses.A_BOLD) self._append_metadata_lines(feed.copyright, output_lines, add_blank=True) # draw feed number of episodes num_dl = sum([episode.downloaded for episode in feed.episodes]) self._append_metadata_lines("Episodes:", output_lines, attr=curses.A_BOLD) self._append_metadata_lines( "Found %d episodes (%d downloaded)" % ( len(feed.episodes), num_dl ), output_lines ) elif self._active_window == 1: # * the selected item is an episode selected_feed_index = self._feed_menu.selected_index selected_episode_index = self._episode_menu.selected_index feed = if feed is not None: episode = feed.episodes[selected_episode_index] # draw episode title self._append_metadata_lines(episode.title, output_lines, attr=curses.A_BOLD) # draw episode pubdate self._append_metadata_lines(episode.pubdate, output_lines, add_blank=True) # draw episode link self._append_metadata_lines(, output_lines, add_blank=True) # draw episode description self._append_metadata_lines("Description:", output_lines, attr=curses.A_BOLD) self._append_metadata_lines(episode.description, output_lines, add_blank=True) # draw episode copyright self._append_metadata_lines("Copyright:", output_lines, attr=curses.A_BOLD) self._append_metadata_lines(episode.copyright, output_lines, add_blank=True) # draw episode downloaded self._append_metadata_lines("Downloaded:", output_lines, attr=curses.A_BOLD) self._append_metadata_lines(episode.downloaded_str, output_lines) y = 2 for line in output_lines[:max_lines]: self._metadata_window.attrset(curses.color_pair(1)) if line[0] != -1: self._metadata_window.attron(line[0]) self._metadata_window.addstr(y, 0, line[1]) y += 1 + line[1].count('\n') def get_active_window(self): """Retrieve the window object corresponding to the active window. Returns: curses.window: the active window object """ assert 0 <= self._active_window < 3 return { 0: self._feed_window, 1: self._episode_window, 2: self._metadata_window }.get(self._active_window) def get_active_menu(self) -> Menu: """Retrieve the menu object corresponding to the active window. Returns: menu.Menu: the active menu object """ assert 0 <= self._active_window < 2 return { 0: self._feed_menu, 1: self._episode_menu, }.get(self._active_window) def clear(self) -> None: """Clear the screen. """ self._stdscr.clear() def refresh(self) -> None: """Refresh the screen and all windows. """ self._stdscr.refresh() self._feed_window.refresh() self._episode_window.refresh() self._metadata_window.refresh() self._header_window.refresh() self._footer_window.refresh() def terminate(self) -> None: """Set console settings to their normal state. This method does not, by itself, cause the application to exit. Nor does it even cause the input loop to end. It should simply be seen as a "wrapping up" method for any actions which need to be performed before the object is destroyed. """ curses.nocbreak() self._stdscr.keypad(False) curses.echo() curses.endwin() def update_parent_dimensions(self) -> None: """Update _parent_x and _parent_y to the size of the console. """ current_y, current_x = self._stdscr.getmaxyx() if current_y != self._parent_y or current_x != self._parent_x: self._parent_y, self._parent_x = current_y, current_x self._create_windows() self.create_menus() if self._parent_y < self.MIN_HEIGHT: raise DisplaySizeError("Display height is too small") if self._parent_x < self.MIN_WIDTH: raise DisplaySizeError("Display width is too small") def getch(self) -> int: """Gets an input character from the user. This method returns after at most INPUT_TIMEOUT ms. Returns: int: the character entered by the user, or -1 """ c = self._stdscr.getch() return c def update_status(self, status) -> None: """Updates the status message displayed in the footer. Args: status: the status message to display """ assert type(status) == str self._status = status self._status_timer = self.STATUS_TIMEOUT def update(self) -> None: """Updates all actively tracked components of this object. Should be called by the main loop after every input or input timeout. """ # have the queue check if it needs to go to the next player self._queue.update() # update the status timer # If the user is not doing anything, the status message will take # INPUT_TIMEOUT * STATUS_TIMEOUT ms to be cleared. However, if the user # is performing inputs (i.e. traversing a menu) the message may be # cleared much quicker, since it will go away in STATUS_TIMEOUT # keypresses. However, this seems reasonable, since if the user is # actively controlling the client and not pausing to read the message, # they probably don't care about it anyway. if self._status_timer > 0: self._status_timer -= 1 if self._status_timer <= 0: # status_timer should be reset during the next update_status() self._status = ""
class QueueListing(Perspective): """The QueueListing class. This class handles display elements while in the queue perspective, which is a listing of the user's current Queue in which they can directly modify its state. """ ID = 2 def __init__(self, display) -> None: """Initializes the object. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ super().__init__(display) self._active_window = 0 self._queue_window = None self._metadata_window = None self._queue_menu = None self._metadata_updated = False def create_windows(self) -> None: """Create and set basic parameters for the windows. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ # delete old windows if they exist if self._queue_window is not None: del self._queue_window self._queue_window = None if self._metadata_window is not None: del self._metadata_window self._metadata_window = None parent_x = self._display.parent_x parent_y = self._display.parent_y third_x = helpers.third(parent_x) self._queue_window = curses.newwin(parent_y - 2, third_x * 2, 2, 0) metadata_width = parent_x - ((third_x * 2) - 1) self._metadata_window = curses.newwin(parent_y - 2, metadata_width, 2, 2 * third_x) self._queue_window.attron(curses.color_pair(1)) self._metadata_window.attron(curses.color_pair(1)) def create_menus(self) -> None: """Create the menus used in each window, if necessary. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ assert self._queue_window is not None # this method could change a lot of screen content - probably # reasonable to simply clear the whole screen self._display.clear() # delete old menus if they exist if self._queue_menu is not None: del self._queue_menu self._queue_menu = None queue_items = [[]] for player in self._display.queue: queue_items[0].append(str(player)) self._queue_menu = Menu(self._queue_window, queue_items, active=True) # force reset active window to prevent starting in the episodes menu self._active_window = 0 def display(self) -> None: """Draws all windows and sub-features, including titles and borders. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ # add window titles self._queue_window.attron(curses.A_BOLD) self._metadata_window.attron(curses.A_BOLD) self._queue_window.addstr(0, 0, "Queue") self._metadata_window.addstr(0, 0, "Metadata") # add window borders self._queue_window.hline(1, 0, 0, self._queue_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1) self._queue_window.vline(0, self._queue_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1, 0, self._queue_window.getmaxyx()[0] - 2) self._metadata_window.hline(1, 0, 0, self._metadata_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1) # display menu content self._queue_menu.display() # draw metadata queue = self._display.queue if not self._metadata_updated and queue.length > 0: selected_index = self._queue_menu.selected_index episode = queue[selected_index].episode self._draw_metadata(self._metadata_window, episode=episode) def handle_input(self, c) -> bool: """Performs action corresponding to the user's input. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ queue = self._display.queue key_mapping = self._display.KEY_MAPPING keep_running = True if c == key_mapping[Config['key_exit']]: self._display.terminate() keep_running = False elif c == key_mapping[Config['key_help']]: self._display.show_help() elif c == key_mapping[Config['key_right']]: self._change_active_window(1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == key_mapping[Config['key_left']]: self._change_active_window(-1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == key_mapping[Config['key_up']]: self._get_active_menu().move(1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == key_mapping[Config['key_down']]: self._get_active_menu().move(-1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == key_mapping[Config['key_scroll_up']]: self._get_active_menu().move_page(1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == key_mapping[Config['key_scroll_down']]: self._get_active_menu().move_page(-1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == key_mapping[Config['key_play_selected']]: queue.stop() self._cycle_queue_to_selected() self.create_menus() elif c == key_mapping[Config['key_pause_play']] or \ c == key_mapping[Config['key_pause_play_alt']]: queue.toggle() elif c == key_mapping[Config['key_next']]: queue.stop() self.create_menus() elif c == key_mapping[Config['key_seek_forward']] or \ c == key_mapping[Config['key_seek_forward_alt']]: elif c == key_mapping[Config['key_seek_backward']] or \ c == key_mapping[Config['key_seek_backward_alt']]: elif c == key_mapping[Config['key_clear']]: queue.stop() queue.clear() self.create_menus() elif c == key_mapping[Config['key_delete']]: self._remove_selected_from_queue() return keep_running def refresh(self) -> None: """Refresh the screen and all windows. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ self._queue_window.refresh() self._metadata_window.refresh() def made_active(self) -> None: """Called each time the perspective is made active (switched to). Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ # recreate the menu since queue data may have changed self.create_menus() def _get_active_menu(self) -> Menu: """Retrieve the active Menu, if there is one. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ assert 0 <= self._active_window < 2 return self._queue_menu def _cycle_queue_to_selected(self) -> None: """Remove all players in the queue preceding the selected one. """ selected_index = self._queue_menu.selected_index selected_player = self._display.queue[selected_index] while self._display.queue.first != selected_player: def _remove_selected_from_queue(self) -> None: """Remove the selected player from the queue. """ selected_index = self._queue_menu.selected_index selected_player = self._display.queue[selected_index] index = self._display.queue.remove(selected_player) self.create_menus() for i in range(index): self._get_active_menu().move(-1)
class Primary(Perspective): """The Primary class. This class handles display elements while in the primary perspective, which is the default perspective. """ ID = 1 def __init__(self, display) -> None: """Initializes the object. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ super().__init__(display) self._active_window = 0 self._feed_window = None self._episode_window = None self._metadata_window = None self._feed_menu = None self._episode_menu = None self._metadata_updated = False def create_windows(self) -> None: """Create and set basic parameters for the windows. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ # delete old windows if they exist if self._feed_window is not None: del self._feed_window self._feed_window = None if self._episode_window is not None: del self._episode_window self._episode_window = None if self._metadata_window is not None: del self._metadata_window self._metadata_window = None parent_x = self._display.parent_x parent_y = self._display.parent_y third_x = helpers.third(parent_x) self._feed_window = curses.newwin(parent_y - 2, third_x, 2, 0) self._episode_window = curses.newwin(parent_y - 2, third_x, 2, third_x) metadata_width = parent_x - ((third_x * 2) - 1) self._metadata_window = curses.newwin(parent_y - 2, metadata_width, 2, 2 * third_x) self._feed_window.attron(curses.color_pair(1)) self._episode_window.attron(curses.color_pair(1)) self._metadata_window.attron(curses.color_pair(1)) def create_menus(self) -> None: """Create the menus used in each window, if necessary. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ assert all(window is not None for window in [self._feed_window, self._episode_window]) # this method could change a lot of screen content - probably # reasonable to simply clear the whole screen self._display.clear() # delete old menus if they exist if self._feed_menu is not None: del self._feed_menu self._feed_menu = None if self._episode_menu is not None: del self._episode_menu self._episode_menu = None feed_items = [[]] episode_items = [] for key in self._display.feeds: feed = self._display.feeds[key] feed_items[0].append(str(feed)) episode_items.append([str(ep) for ep in feed.episodes]) self._episode_menu = Menu(self._episode_window, episode_items) self._feed_menu = Menu(self._feed_window, feed_items, child=self._episode_menu, active=True) # force reset active window to prevent starting in the episodes menu self._active_window = 0 def display(self) -> None: """Draws all windows and sub-features, including titles and borders. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ # add window titles self._feed_window.attron(curses.A_BOLD) self._episode_window.attron(curses.A_BOLD) self._metadata_window.attron(curses.A_BOLD) self._feed_window.addstr(0, 0, "Feeds") self._episode_window.addstr(0, 0, "Episodes") self._metadata_window.addstr(0, 0, "Metadata") # add window borders self._feed_window.hline(1, 0, 0, self._feed_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1) self._feed_window.vline(0, self._feed_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1, 0, self._feed_window.getmaxyx()[0] - 2) self._episode_window.hline(1, 0, 0, self._episode_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1) self._episode_window.vline(0, self._episode_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1, 0, self._episode_window.getmaxyx()[0] - 2) self._metadata_window.hline(1, 0, 0, self._metadata_window.getmaxyx()[1] - 1) # display menu content self._feed_menu.display() self._episode_menu.display() # draw metadata if not self._metadata_updated: selected_feed_index = self._feed_menu.selected_index feed = if feed is not None: if self._active_window == 0: self._draw_metadata(self._metadata_window, feed=feed) elif self._active_window == 1: selected_episode_index = self._episode_menu.selected_index episode = feed.episodes[selected_episode_index] self._draw_metadata(self._metadata_window, episode=episode) def handle_input(self, c) -> bool: """Performs action corresponding to the user's input. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ config = self._display.config queue = self._display.queue key_mapping = self._display.KEY_MAPPING keep_running = True if c == key_mapping[config['key_exit']]: self._display.terminate() keep_running = False elif c == key_mapping[config['key_help']]: self._display.show_help() elif c == key_mapping[config['key_right']]: self._change_active_window(1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == key_mapping[config['key_left']]: self._change_active_window(-1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == key_mapping[config['key_up']]: self._get_active_menu().move(1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == key_mapping[config['key_down']]: self._get_active_menu().move(-1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == key_mapping[config['key_scroll_up']]: self._get_active_menu().move_page(1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == key_mapping[config['key_scroll_down']]: self._get_active_menu().move_page(-1) self._metadata_updated = False elif c == key_mapping[config['key_play_selected']]: queue.stop() queue.clear() self._create_player_from_selected() elif c == key_mapping[config['key_add_selected']]: self._create_player_from_selected() self._get_active_menu().move(-1) elif c == key_mapping[config['key_clear']]: queue.stop() queue.clear() elif c == key_mapping[config['key_pause_play']] or \ c == key_mapping[config['key_pause_play_alt']]: queue.toggle() elif c == key_mapping[config['key_next']]: queue.stop() elif c == key_mapping[config['key_seek_forward']] or \ c == key_mapping[config['key_seek_forward_alt']]: elif c == key_mapping[config['key_seek_backward']] or \ c == key_mapping[config['key_seek_backward_alt']]: elif c == key_mapping[config['key_add_feed']]: self._display.add_feed() elif c == key_mapping[config['key_delete']]: if self._active_window == 0: self._display.delete_feed(self._feed_menu.selected_index) elif c == key_mapping[config['key_reload']]: self._display.reload_feeds() elif c == key_mapping[config['key_save']]: feed_index = self._feed_menu.selected_index episode_index = self._episode_menu.selected_index if \ self._active_window == 1 else None self._display.save_episodes(feed_index, episode_index) elif c == key_mapping[config['key_invert']]: self._invert_selected_menu() return keep_running def made_active(self) -> None: """Called each time the perspective is made active (switched to). Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ def refresh(self) -> None: """Refresh the screen and all windows. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ self._feed_window.refresh() self._episode_window.refresh() self._metadata_window.refresh() def _get_active_menu(self) -> Menu: """Retrieve the active Menu, if there is one. Overrides method from Perspective; see documentation in that class. """ assert 0 <= self._active_window < 2 return { 0: self._feed_menu, 1: self._episode_menu, }.get(self._active_window) def _create_player_from_selected(self) -> None: """Creates player(s) based on the selected items and adds to the queue. If the active menu is the feed menu, then this will create players for all episodes in the selected feed. If the active menu is the episode menu, this will simply create a single player. This method will not clear the queue prior to adding the new player(s), nor will it play the episodes after running. """ feed_index = self._feed_menu.selected_index feed = if self._active_window == 0: if feed is not None: for episode in feed.episodes: player = Player(str(episode), episode.get_playable(), episode) self._display.queue.add(player) elif self._active_window == 1: episode_index = self._episode_menu.selected_index if feed is not None: episode = feed.episodes[episode_index] player = Player(str(episode), episode.get_playable(), episode) self._display.queue.add(player) def _invert_selected_menu(self) -> None: """Inverts the contents of the selected menu. """ feed_index = self._feed_menu.selected_index if self._active_window == 0: self._display.feeds.sort(toggle_invert=True) self.create_menus() elif self._active_window == 1: feed = if feed is not None: feed.invert_episodes() self._display.feeds.write() self.create_menus() for i in range(feed_index): self._feed_menu.move(-1) self._change_active_window(1)