def __init__(self, screen, settings): #serveur_hostname,serveur_port,single_player,fullscreen): #pygame.init() self.settings = settings # server_ip,server_port,fullscreen,solo self.TEST = self.settings.get("test", False) #print self.settings self.mapw = 80 self.maph = 60 self.mapdata = [1 for i in range(self.mapw*self.maph)] # only used for obstacles self.entries = [(0,0),(0,self.maph - 1),(self.mapw - 1,0),(self.mapw - 1,self.maph - 1)] self.castlex = 40 self.castley = 30 self.last_bg_sent = 0 self.last_wave_sent = 0 #for x in range(37,44): #for y in range(27,34): #self.mapdata[x + y * self.mapw] = 9 now = pygame.time.get_ticks self.single_player = settings["solo"] self.enemy_info = {} self.level = 1 self.current_tower_creation_mode = objects.basic_tower = (self.settings["keys"],self.settings["touches_boutons"]) # create a new control manager (self) # register self to cm = pygame_dm.pygame_dm (, settings["fullscreen"], self.single_player) # create a new display manager = screen self.castle = castle.castle( self.astar_cache = {} if self.single_player: self.castle.update_boutons_text() = "Bienvenue dans le mode solo") self.nm = None if self.settings["server_ip"] and not self.single_player: print "Connecting to serveur",self.settings["server_ip"],"on port",self.settings["server_port"] self.nm = nm.nm (,self.settings["server_ip"],self.settings["server_port"]) self.nm.start () while not self.nm.connected: print "waiting for the connexion" time.sleep(1) self.last_cputick = 0 self.waves = [] self.colors = [ (255,128,128), (128,255,128), (128,128,255) ] self.towers = [] self.badguys = [] self.objects = [self.towers , self.badguys] self.current_wave = { "number": 0, "life" : None, "speed" : None, "special" : None, "coord" : (0,0), } self.update_road = False["mode_change","SELECT"])
def move(self, notation, spaces, opponent): #vulnerable pawns can be captured en passant #clear any previously vulnerable pawns self.vulSpace = None #castle if O-O or O-O-O if notation == 'O-O' or notation == 'O-O-O': castling = True spaces, newSpaces, oldSpaces, pieceType = castle.castle( notation, spaces, self) #no castle move elif notation in self.moveset: castling = False #determine new space if notation[-2] != '=': newSpace = notation[-2:] promoting = False else: #pawn promotion has '=X' at end of notation where X is new #piece type newSpace = notation[-4:-2] promoting = True #check for capture if 'x' in notation: if spaces[newSpace] != ' ': capturedPiece = spaces[newSpace] #if captured space is empty en passant else: capturedPiece = spaces[opponent.vulSpace] else: capturedPiece = None #determine piece being moved #pawn if first letter is lowercase if notation[0] in 'abcdefgh': pieceType = 'P' #rook, knight, bishop, queen, king elif notation[0] in 'RNBQK': pieceType = notation[0] #no piece found else: raise RuntimeError('Incorrect piece notation') #find correct piece to move oldSpace = self.moveset[notation] #special considerations for moving pawns if pieceType == 'P': #check if pawn was made vulnerable if abs(ord(newSpace[1])-ord(oldSpace[1])) == 2: self.vulSpace = newSpace spaces[oldSpace].makeVul() #check if pawn is being promoted elif promoting: newPiece = notation[-1] if newPiece in 'RNBQ': self.pieces['P'].remove(oldSpace) self.pieces[newPiece].add(oldSpace) if newPiece == 'R': spaces[oldSpace] = Rook( self.color, oldSpace, 'R') #disable new rook's ability to castle spaces[oldSpace].disableCastle() elif newPiece == 'N': spaces[oldSpace] = Knight( self.color, oldSpace, 'N') elif newPiece == 'B': spaces[oldSpace] = Bishop( self.color, oldSpace, 'B') else: spaces[oldSpace] = Queen( self.color, oldSpace, 'Q') pieceType = newPiece else: raise RuntimeError('Invalid promotion') #remove captured piece from opponent's pieces if capturedPiece: spaces[] = ' ' opponent.pieces[capturedPiece.note].remove( #reformat newSpace and oldSpace newSpaces, oldSpaces = [newSpace], [oldSpace] else: raise RuntimeError('Invalid notation') #update spaces and pieces for n, o, p in zip(newSpaces, oldSpaces, pieceType): #set piece at new space spaces[n] = spaces[o] spaces[n].updatePieceSpace(n) #clear old space spaces[o] = ' ' #update player piece sets self.pieces[p].remove(o) self.pieces[p].add(n) #disable castling for piece if rook or king if not castling and pieceType in 'KR': spaces[newSpace].disableCastle() #update spaces and opponent return spaces, opponent