コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.validator = kwargs.pop('validator', None)
        self.metadata = kwargs.pop('metadata', {})
        super(Argument, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.choices = list(self.choices)  # Use a list instead of tuple for easier management
        self.metadata[api.DocumentationMetadata.DEPRECATED] = kwargs.pop('deprecated', False)

        if eu.is_enum_type(self.type):
            enum_id = ah.enum_id(self.type)

            self.help = "{}: {}".format('Dynamic Enum' if eu.is_dynamic_enum(self.type) else 'Enum', enum_id)

            # Set the choices if the argument type is an Enum and explicit choices were not provided.
            # Note: Choices are validated after type conversion occurs.
            if not self.choices and not eu.is_dynamic_enum(self.type):
                self.choices = self.type.keys()

            if self.choices:
                # Store the external Enum identifier strings for Swagger documentation
                self.metadata[api.DocumentationMetadata.ENUM_CHOICES] = ah.enum_choices_for_keys(self.type, *self.choices)

                # None is a valid choice if the argument isn't required and it appears in the request
                if not self.required and not self.store_missing:
        elif self.type is UnicodeHTML:
            self.metadata[api.DocumentationMetadata.HAS_HTML] = True
        elif self.type is JSONObject:
            self.metadata[api.DocumentationMetadata.HAS_JSON] = True
コード例 #2
    def convert(self, value, op):
        if eu.is_enum_type(self.type):
            # Fetch the `EnumItem` key for this `EnumItem` identifier
            converted_value = ah.enum_item_key(self.type, value) if value else None
        elif self.type is bool:
            # Convert truthy or falsey string values to a bool
            converted_value = vv.Boolean().to_python(value)
            # Otherwise, perform the default type conversion
            converted_value = super(Argument, self).convert(value, op)

        if isinstance(converted_value, (str, unicode)):
            if converted_value.strip() == '':
                converted_value = None

        # Raise an error if a required argument has no value post-conversion
        if self.required and converted_value is None:
            if isinstance(self.location, (str, unicode)):
                error_msg = u"Missing required parameter {0} in {1}".format(
                    reqparse._friendly_location.get(self.location, self.location))
                friendly_locations = [reqparse._friendly_location.get(loc, loc) for loc in self.location]
                error_msg = u"Missing required parameter {0} in {1}".format(
                    ' or '.join(friendly_locations))
            raise ValueError(error_msg)

        if hasattr(self.validator, '__call__'):

        return converted_value
コード例 #3
def parser_to_params(parser):
    params = swagger.__parser_to_params(parser)
    for arg in parser.args:
        if eu.is_enum_type(arg.type) and arg.name in params:
            params[arg.name][CustomSwaggerAttribute.ENUM_TYPE] = ah.enum_id(arg.type)
            # Only include the enum choices in the Swagger param if there are values,
            # we want the documentation to show a string input box otherwise.
            if arg.metadata.get(api.DocumentationMetadata.ENUM_CHOICES):
                # Replace the enum choices with those defined on the argument
                params[arg.name]['enum'] = arg.metadata[api.DocumentationMetadata.ENUM_CHOICES]

        if arg.metadata.get(api.DocumentationMetadata.DEPRECATED):
            params[arg.name][CustomSwaggerAttribute.DEPRECATED] = True

        if arg.metadata.get(api.DocumentationMetadata.HAS_HTML):
            params[arg.name][CustomSwaggerAttribute.HAS_HTML] = True
        elif arg.metadata.get(api.DocumentationMetadata.HAS_JSON):
            params[arg.name][CustomSwaggerAttribute.HAS_JSON] = True
    return params