def main(): """ Displays a menu and lets user add, remove, display, checkout, return and find items in a library catalog. """ catalogue = Catalogue() # book1 = Book("title1", 22323, "author", 4) # dvd1 = Dvd("dvdt", 1111, "jurassic", 2, "sept 2", "japan") # catalogue.add_item(book1) # catalogue.add_item(dvd1) while True: print(""" ======LIBRARY MENU======= 1. Add Item 2. Remove item 3. Display all items 4. Checkout item 5. Return item 6. Find item 7. Exit """) choice = int(input("Enter Choice:")) if choice == 1: catalogue.add_item(catalogue) elif choice == 2: user_input = int(input("enter call number: ")) catalogue.remove_item(user_input) elif choice == 3: catalogue.display_available_items() elif choice == 4: user_input = int(input("enter call number: ")) catalogue.check_out(user_input) elif choice == 5: user_input = int(input("enter call number: ")) catalogue.return_item(user_input) elif choice == 6: user_input = input("enter title to search: ").capitalize() if choice == 7: sys.exit()
class Library: """ Represent a library that has a collection of items. The library can create, search, check out and return items. """ def __init__(self): """ Creates a new library with an empty list of items """ self.myCatalogue = Catalogue() def add_item(self): """ Adds a book to the library's collection if the collection doesn't already contain the book """ self.myCatalogue.add_item() def remove_item(self, call_number): """ Removes a book from the library's book collection :param call_number: A book's call number :return: Message telling user whether book was successfully deleted """ return self.myCatalogue.check_out(call_number) def check_out(self, call_number): """ Checks a book out from the library if it exists. Everytime a book is checked out, the number of copies available of the book is decremented by 1. :param call_number: A book's call number :return: Message telling user whether the check out was successful """ return self.myCatalogue.check_out(call_number) def return_item(self, call_number): """ Returns a book to the library's collection if the book exists in the collection. Once a book is returned, its number of copies available is incremented by 1 :param call_number: a book's call number :return: Message telling user whether the return was successful """ return self.myCatalogue.return_item(call_number) def find_item(self, title): """ Search the library's list of items for a title. If the list contains the title, return the item :param title: title of a item :return: the item that matches title from parameter """ return self.myCatalogue.find_item(title) def display_available_items(self): """ Prints out the list of available items and their details """ return self.myCatalogue.display_available_items()