def parse_file(directory, macro_test): """Open the file, for-loop over the lines, feed them to the parser, validate, and return the macros, configuration, and automation.""" # Careful! If macro_test == "", we stick with that. lines = extract_data(directory + file_name) if macro_test is False else (macro_test.splitlines()) parser = ObjectParser() for i, line in enumerate(lines, start=1): # Escape stylized quotes with ASCII quotes if set to do so. line = line.strip() if not line: continue if parser.config_dict["autoquote"]: line = re.sub("‘|’|“|”", quote_replace, line) if line.startswith("/*") and parser.next_method != parser.in_comment: parser.return_to = parser.in_macro return parser.in_comment(line) elif line.startswith("//"): pass else: try: parser.next_method = parser.next_method(line) except Invalid: print sys.exc_info()[1].message.format("line {}".format(i), file_name) terminate() try: if lines: parser.cleanup() except Invalid: print sys.exc_info()[1].message.format("end of file", file_name) terminate() parser.config_dict["…"] = parser.config_dict.pop("...") return parser.macro_dict, parser.config_dict, parser.automate_dict
def parse_file(directory, macro_test): '''Open the file, for-loop over the lines, feed them to the parser, validate, and return the macros, configuration, and automation.''' # Careful! If macro_test == "", we stick with that. lines = extract_data(directory + file_name) if macro_test is False else ( macro_test.splitlines()) parser = ObjectParser() for i, line in enumerate(lines, start=1): # Escape stylized quotes with ASCII quotes if set to do so. line = line.strip() if not line: continue if parser.config_dict["autoquote"]: line = re.sub("‘|’|“|”", quote_replace, line) if line.startswith("/*") and parser.next_method != parser.in_comment: parser.return_to = parser.in_macro return parser.in_comment(line) elif line.startswith("//"): pass else: try: parser.next_method = parser.next_method(line) except Invalid: print sys.exc_info()[1].message.format("line {}".format(i), file_name) terminate() try: if lines: parser.cleanup() except Invalid: print sys.exc_info()[1].message.format("end of file", file_name) terminate() parser.config_dict["…"] = parser.config_dict.pop("...") return parser.macro_dict, parser.config_dict, parser.automate_dict
def parse_file(directory, config_dict, obj_test): '''Open the file, for-loop over the lines, feed them to the parser, validate, and return the trial, suffixes, and objects with a handle.''' # Careful! If macro_test == "", we stick with that. lines = extract_data(directory + file_name) if obj_test is False else ( obj_test.splitlines()) parser = ObjectParser(config_dict) # Escape stylized quotes with ASCII quotes if set to do so. if parser.config_dict["autoquote"]: lines = [re.sub("‘|’|“|”", quote_replace, line) for line in lines] for i, line in enumerate(lines, start=1): line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line.startswith("/*") and parser.next_method != parser.in_comment: parser.return_to = parser.next_method parser.next_method = parser.in_comment(line) elif line.startswith("//"): pass else: try: parser.next_method = parser.next_method(line) except Invalid: print sys.exc_info()[1].message.format("line {}".format(i), file_name) terminate() try: if lines: parser.cleanup() except Invalid: print sys.exc_info()[1].message.format("end of file", file_name) terminate() template = { "profiles": [0], "evidence": [0], "places": [0], "sounds": [0], "music": [0], "popups": [0], "cross_examinations": [0], "scenes": [0], "scenes_aai": [0], "frames": [0], "ui": { "base": "classic", "elements": [] } } for row in {"Popup", "Sound", "Music", "Place", "Evidence", "Profile"}: active_obj = getattr(object_classes, row) template[active_obj.attribute] = active_obj.chain return template, object_classes.Profile.suffix_dicts, parser.using_objects
def parse_file(directory, config_dict, obj_test): '''Open the file, for-loop over the lines, feed them to the parser, validate, and return the trial, suffixes, and objects with a handle.''' # Careful! If macro_test == "", we stick with that. lines = extract_data(directory + file_name) if obj_test is False else ( obj_test.splitlines()) parser = ObjectParser(config_dict) # Escape stylized quotes with ASCII quotes if set to do so. if parser.config_dict["autoquote"]: lines = [re.sub("‘|’|“|”", quote_replace, line) for line in lines] for i, line in enumerate(lines, start=1): line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line.startswith("/*") and parser.next_method != parser.in_comment: parser.return_to = parser.next_method parser.next_method = parser.in_comment(line) elif line.startswith("//"): pass else: try: parser.next_method = parser.next_method(line) except Invalid: print sys.exc_info()[1].message.format( "line {}".format(i), file_name) terminate() try: if lines: parser.cleanup() except Invalid: print sys.exc_info()[1].message.format("end of file", file_name) terminate() template = { "profiles": [0], "evidence": [0], "places": [0], "sounds": [0], "music": [0], "popups": [0], "cross_examinations": [0], "scenes": [0], "scenes_aai": [0], "frames": [0], "ui": {"base": "classic", "elements": []} } for row in {"Popup", "Sound", "Music", "Place", "Evidence", "Profile"}: active_obj = getattr(object_classes, row) template[active_obj.attribute] = active_obj.chain return template, object_classes.Profile.suffix_dicts, parser.using_objects
def parse_file(): '''Parses the selector file.''' lines = extract_data(file_name) try: if len(lines) != 10: raise Invalid("selector length") except Invalid: print(sys.exc_info()[1].message.format( "end of file", file_name)) terminate() try: for i, string in enumerate([ "USERNAME:"******"PASSWORD:"******"DIRECTORY:", "TRIAL_ID:", "MAX_ERRORS:"]): if string != lines[2*i]: raise Invalid("selector", string) except Invalid: print(sys.exc_info()[1].message.format( "line {}".format(2*i+1), file_name)) terminate() try: max_err = int_at_least(lines[9], 1, "Maximum errors allowable") except Invalid: print(sys.exc_info()[1].message.format("line 10", file_name)) terminate() return lines[5], { "username": lines[1], "password": lines[3], "trial_id": lines[7] }, max_err
def parse_file(): '''Parses the selector file.''' lines = extract_data(file_name) try: if len(lines) != 8: raise Invalid("selector length") except Invalid: print sys.exc_info()[1].message.format( "end of file", file_name) terminate() try: for i, string in enumerate([ "USERNAME:"******"PASSWORD:"******"DIRECTORY:", "TRIAL_ID:"]): if string != lines[2*i]: raise Invalid("selector", string) except Invalid: print sys.exc_info()[1].message.format( "line {}".format(2*i+1), file_name) terminate() return lines[5], { "username": lines[1], "password": lines[3], "trial_id": lines[7] }
directory, upload_dict = upload_parser.parse_file() else: directory = "test_lib" macro_dict, config_dict, auto_dict = macro_parser.parse_file( directory, macro_test) template, suffix_dicts, object_dict = ( object_parser.parse_file(directory, config_dict, obj_test)) json_data = frame_parser.parse_file( directory, template, suffix_dicts, object_dict, macro_dict, config_dict, frame_test) json_data = json.dumps(json_data, separators=(',', ':')) except SystemExit: sys.exit() except: print "Unknown error observed! Please send your documents to Enthalpy." catalysis_globals.terminate() # Get file even when the program is .exe. output_file = directory + "/testData.txt" if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): output_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), output_file) # Write the full information to the file. open(output_file, "w").write('//Definition//Def6\n' + json_data) if not test_mode: try: upload_dict["trial_id"] = int(upload_dict["trial_id"]) except ValueError: print "Choosing not to upload data..." else:
def catalysis_main(): print("Beginning catalysis.\n") # Reset session-dependent globals. = "" catalysis_globals.Invalid.max_err = 1 catalysis_globals.Invalid.err_count = 0 # Reset session-dependent class variables. object_classes.Profile.suffix_dicts = {} for row in {"Popup", "Sound", "Music", "Place", "Evidence", "Profile"}: active_obj = getattr(object_classes, row) active_obj.chain = [0] try: if not catalysis_globals.test_mode:, upload_dict, max_err = ( upload_parser.parse_file()) catalysis_globals.Invalid.max_err = max_err else: = "test_lib" macro_dict, config_dict = macro_parser.parse_file(macro_test) template, suffix_dicts, object_dict = ( object_parser.parse_file(config_dict, obj_test)) json_data = frame_parser.parse_file( template, suffix_dicts, object_dict, macro_dict, config_dict, frame_test) json_data = json.dumps(json_data, separators=(',', ':')) except catalysis_globals.RestartSignal: # A standard error has occurred. Send it up to the main loop. raise except Exception: print( "Unknown error observed! Please send your documents to Enthalpy, " "especially err.txt, which has been automatically created." ) error_file = catalysis_globals.get_file_name("err.txt") with open(error_file, "w") as f: traceback.print_exc(file=f) catalysis_globals.terminate() # Write data to file. output_file = catalysis_globals.get_file_name("testData.txt") open(output_file, "w").write('//Definition//Def6\n' + json_data) if not catalysis_globals.test_mode: try: upload_dict["trial_id"] = int(upload_dict["trial_id"]) except ValueError: print("Choosing not to upload data...") else: print(( "Choosing to upload data to trial {}. Press enter to " + "continue.").format(upload_dict["trial_id"])) print( "If this was not the trial ID you wanted, type other " "symbols and then hit enter." ) # Due to the codec, you need a bytestring here. do_not_upload = input() if not do_not_upload: upload_manager = uploader.Uploader(upload_dict) print("Catalysis complete!") catalysis_globals.terminate()
def terminate(self): '''Close out of Tkinter and then terminate.''' self.root.after_idle(self.root.destroy) self.root.mainloop() terminate()
def terminate(self): """Close out of Tkinter and then terminate.""" self.root.after_idle(self.root.destroy) self.root.mainloop() terminate()