コード例 #1
def test_robber_possibilities():
    red = SimplePlayer(Color.RED)
    blue = SimplePlayer(Color.BLUE)
    orange = SimplePlayer(Color.ORANGE)
    players = [red, blue, orange]
    state = State(players)

    # one for each resource tile (excluding desert)
    assert len(robber_possibilities(state, Color.RED)) == 18

    # assert same number of possibilities, b.c. players have no cards.
    state.board.build_settlement(Color.BLUE, 3, initial_build_phase=True)
    state.board.build_settlement(Color.ORANGE, 0, initial_build_phase=True)
    assert len(robber_possibilities(state, Color.RED)) == 18

    # assert same number of possibilities, b.c. only one player to rob in this tile
    player_deck_replenish(state, orange.color, WHEAT)
    assert len(robber_possibilities(state, Color.RED)) == 18

    # now possibilites increase by 1 b.c. we have to decide to steal from blue or orange
    # Unless desert is (0,0,0)... in which case still at 18...
    player_deck_replenish(state, blue.color, WHEAT)
    possibilities = len(robber_possibilities(state, Color.RED))
    assert possibilities == 19 or (
        possibilities == 18
        and state.board.map.land_tiles[(0, 0, 0)].resource is None)
コード例 #2
def test_building_settlement_gives_vp():
    players = [SimplePlayer(Color.RED), SimplePlayer(Color.BLUE)]
    state = State(players)

    build_settlement(state, state.colors[0], 0, True)
    assert state.player_state["P0_VICTORY_POINTS"] == 1
    assert state.player_state["P0_ACTUAL_VICTORY_POINTS"] == 1
コード例 #3
def test_play_monopoly_player_steals_cards():
    player_to_act = SimplePlayer(Color.RED)
    player_to_steal_from_1 = SimplePlayer(Color.BLUE)
    player_to_steal_from_2 = SimplePlayer(Color.ORANGE)
    players = [player_to_act, player_to_steal_from_1, player_to_steal_from_2]
    state = State(players)

    player_deck_replenish(state, player_to_act.color, MONOPOLY)
    player_deck_replenish(state, player_to_steal_from_1.color, ORE, 3)
    player_deck_replenish(state, player_to_steal_from_1.color, WHEAT, 1)
    player_deck_replenish(state, player_to_steal_from_2.color, ORE, 2)
    player_deck_replenish(state, player_to_steal_from_2.color, WHEAT, 1)

    action_to_execute = Action(player_to_act.color, ActionType.PLAY_MONOPOLY,
    apply_action(state, action_to_execute)

    assert player_num_resource_cards(state, player_to_act.color, ORE) == 5
    assert player_num_resource_cards(state, player_to_steal_from_1.color,
                                     ORE) == 0
    assert player_num_resource_cards(state, player_to_steal_from_1.color,
                                     WHEAT) == 1
    assert player_num_resource_cards(state, player_to_steal_from_2.color,
                                     ORE) == 0
    assert player_num_resource_cards(state, player_to_steal_from_2.color,
                                     WHEAT) == 1
コード例 #4
def test_cant_buy_more_than_max_card():
    players = [SimplePlayer(Color.RED), SimplePlayer(Color.BLUE)]
    state = State(players)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # not enough money
            Action(players[0].color, ActionType.BUY_DEVELOPMENT_CARD, None))

    player_deck_replenish(state, players[0].color, SHEEP, 26)
    player_deck_replenish(state, players[0].color, WHEAT, 26)
    player_deck_replenish(state, players[0].color, ORE, 26)

    for i in range(25):
            Action(players[0].color, ActionType.BUY_DEVELOPMENT_CARD, None))

    # assert must have all victory points
    assert player_num_dev_cards(state, players[0].color) == 25
    assert get_dev_cards_in_hand(state, players[0].color, VICTORY_POINT) == 5

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # not enough cards in bank
            Action(players[0].color, ActionType.BUY_DEVELOPMENT_CARD, None))

    assert player_num_resource_cards(state, players[0].color) == 3
コード例 #5
def test_defeating_your_own_largest_army_doesnt_give_more_vps():
    # Arrange: Buy all dev cards
    players = [SimplePlayer(Color.RED), SimplePlayer(Color.BLUE)]
    state = State(players)
    player_deck_replenish(state, players[0].color, SHEEP, 26)
    player_deck_replenish(state, players[0].color, WHEAT, 26)
    player_deck_replenish(state, players[0].color, ORE, 26)
    for i in range(25):
            Action(players[0].color, ActionType.BUY_DEVELOPMENT_CARD, None))
    assert get_largest_army(state) == (None, None)
    assert get_actual_victory_points(state, Color.RED) == 5

    # Act - Assert
    play_dev_card(state, Color.RED, KNIGHT)
    play_dev_card(state, Color.RED, KNIGHT)
    play_dev_card(state, Color.RED, KNIGHT)
    assert get_largest_army(state) == (Color.RED, 3)
    assert get_actual_victory_points(state, Color.RED) == 7

    # Act - Assert
    play_dev_card(state, Color.RED, KNIGHT)
    assert get_largest_army(state) == (Color.RED, 4)
    assert get_actual_victory_points(state, Color.RED) == 7
コード例 #6
def test_playable_actions():
    players = [SimplePlayer(Color.RED), SimplePlayer(Color.BLUE)]
    state = State(players)

    actions = generate_playable_actions(state)
    assert len(actions) == 54
    assert actions[0].action_type == ActionType.BUILD_SETTLEMENT
コード例 #7
    def __init__(
        players: Iterable[Player],
        seed: int = None,
        discard_limit: int = 7,
        vps_to_win: int = 10,
        catan_map: CatanMap = None,
        initialize: bool = True,
        """Creates a game (doesn't run it).

            players (Iterable[Player]): list of players, should be at most 4.
            seed (int, optional): Random seed to use (for reproducing games). Defaults to None.
            discard_limit (int, optional): Discard limit to use. Defaults to 7.
            vps_to_win (int, optional): Victory Points needed to win. Defaults to 10.
            catan_map (CatanMap, optional): Map to use. Defaults to None.
            initialize (bool, optional): Whether to initialize. Defaults to True.
        if initialize:
            self.seed = seed or random.randrange(sys.maxsize)

            self.id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            self.vps_to_win = vps_to_win
            self.state = State(players, catan_map, discard_limit=discard_limit)
コード例 #8
def test_playable_cards():
    player = SimplePlayer(Color.RED)

    state = State([player])
    player_deck_replenish(state, Color.RED, "KNIGHT")
    player_clean_turn(state, Color.RED)

    assert player_can_play_dev(state, Color.RED, "KNIGHT")
コード例 #9
def test_robber_possibilities_simple():
    red = SimplePlayer(Color.RED)
    blue = SimplePlayer(Color.BLUE)
    orange = SimplePlayer(Color.ORANGE)
    players = [red, blue, orange]
    state = State(players)

    # one for each resource tile (excluding desert)
    assert len(robber_possibilities(state, Color.RED)) == 18
コード例 #10
def test_building_city_gives_vp():
    players = [SimplePlayer(Color.RED), SimplePlayer(Color.BLUE)]
    state = State(players)

    build_settlement(state, state.colors[0], 0, True)
    player_deck_replenish(state, state.colors[0], WHEAT, 2)
    player_deck_replenish(state, state.colors[0], ORE, 2)
    build_city(state, state.colors[0], 0)
    assert state.player_state["P0_VICTORY_POINTS"] == 2
    assert state.player_state["P0_ACTUAL_VICTORY_POINTS"] == 2
コード例 #11
def test_cant_steal_devcards():
    # Arrange: Have RED buy 1 dev card (and have no resource cards)
    players = [SimplePlayer(Color.RED), SimplePlayer(Color.BLUE)]
    state = State(players)
    player_deck_replenish(state, Color.RED, WHEAT)
    player_deck_replenish(state, Color.RED, ORE)
    player_deck_replenish(state, Color.RED, SHEEP)
    buy_dev_card(state, Color.RED, KNIGHT)

    # Act: Attempt to steal a resource
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):  # no resource cards in hand
        player_deck_random_draw(state, Color.RED)
コード例 #12
def test_can_trade_with_port():
    players = [SimplePlayer(Color.RED)]

    state = State(players)
    state.board.build_settlement(Color.RED, 26, initial_build_phase=True)

    port_tile = state.board.map.tiles[(3, -3, 0)]  # port with node_id=25,26
    resource_out = port_tile.resource or WHEAT  # type: ignore
    num_out = 3 if port_tile.resource is None else 2  # type: ignore
    player_deck_replenish(state, Color.RED, resource_out, num_out)

    possibilities = maritime_trade_possibilities(state, Color.RED)
    assert len(possibilities) == 4
コード例 #13
def test_can_only_play_one_dev_card_per_turn():
    players = [
    state = State(players)

    player_deck_replenish(state, players[0].color, YEAR_OF_PLENTY, 2)
    action = Action(players[0].color, ActionType.PLAY_YEAR_OF_PLENTY,
                    2 * [BRICK])
    apply_action(state, action)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # shouldnt be able to play two dev cards
        apply_action(state, action)
コード例 #14
def test_4to1_maritime_trade_possibilities():
    player = SimplePlayer(Color.RED)
    state = State([player])

    possibilities = maritime_trade_possibilities(state, player.color)
    assert len(possibilities) == 0

    player_deck_replenish(state, player.color, WHEAT, 4)
    possibilities = maritime_trade_possibilities(state, player.color)
    assert len(possibilities) == 4

    player_deck_replenish(state, player.color, BRICK, 4)
    possibilities = maritime_trade_possibilities(state, player.color)
    assert len(possibilities) == 8
コード例 #15
def test_road_possible_actions():
    player = SimplePlayer(Color.RED)
    state = State([player])

    assert len(road_building_possibilities(
        state, Color.RED)) == 0  # no money or place

    state.board.build_settlement(Color.RED, 3, initial_build_phase=True)
    assert len(road_building_possibilities(state, Color.RED)) == 0  # no money

    player_deck_replenish(state, player.color, WOOD)
    player_deck_replenish(state, player.color, BRICK)
    assert len(road_building_possibilities(state, Color.RED)) == 3

    state.board.build_settlement(Color.RED, 1, initial_build_phase=True)
    assert len(road_building_possibilities(state, Color.RED)) == 6
コード例 #16
def test_trade_execution():
    players = [
    state = State(players)

    player_deck_replenish(state, players[0].color, BRICK, 4)
    trade_offer = tuple([BRICK] * 4 + [ORE])
    action = Action(players[0].color, ActionType.MARITIME_TRADE, trade_offer)
    apply_action(state, action)

    assert player_num_resource_cards(state, players[0].color) == 1
    assert sum(state.resource_freqdeck) == 19 * 5 + 4 - 1
コード例 #17
def test_buying_road_is_payed_for():
    players = [SimplePlayer(Color.RED), SimplePlayer(Color.BLUE)]
    state = State(players)

    state.is_initial_build_phase = False
    state.board.build_settlement(players[0].color, 3, True)
    action = Action(players[0].color, ActionType.BUILD_ROAD, (3, 4))
        freqdeck_from_listdeck([WOOD, BRICK]),
    apply_action(state, action)

    assert player_num_resource_cards(state, players[0].color, WOOD) == 0
    assert player_num_resource_cards(state, players[0].color, BRICK) == 0
コード例 #18
def test_sequence():
    players = [
    state = State(players)

    p0_color = state.colors[0]
    assert state.current_prompt == ActionPrompt.BUILD_INITIAL_SETTLEMENT
    assert Action(p0_color, ActionType.BUILD_SETTLEMENT,
                  0) in state.playable_actions
    assert Action(p0_color, ActionType.BUILD_SETTLEMENT,
                  50) in state.playable_actions

    apply_action(state, state.playable_actions[0])
コード例 #19
def test_city_playable_actions():
    player = SimplePlayer(Color.RED)
    state = State([player])

    assert len(city_possibilities(state, Color.RED)) == 0  # no money or place

    state.board.build_settlement(Color.RED, 3, initial_build_phase=True)
    build_settlement(state, player.color, 3, True)
    assert len(city_possibilities(state, Color.RED)) == 0  # no money

    player_deck_replenish(state, Color.RED, WHEAT, 2)
    player_deck_replenish(state, Color.RED, ORE, 3)
    assert len(city_possibilities(state, Color.RED)) == 1

    state.board.build_settlement(Color.RED, 0, initial_build_phase=True)
    build_settlement(state, player.color, 0, True)
    assert len(city_possibilities(state, Color.RED)) == 2
コード例 #20
def test_settlement_possible_actions():
    player = SimplePlayer(Color.RED)
    state = State([player])

    assert len(settlement_possibilities(state,
                                        Color.RED)) == 0  # no money or place

    state.board.build_settlement(Color.RED, 3, initial_build_phase=True)
    state.board.build_road(Color.RED, (3, 4))
    state.board.build_road(Color.RED, (4, 5))
    assert len(settlement_possibilities(state, Color.RED)) == 0  # no money

    player_freqdeck_add(state, player.color, SETTLEMENT_COST_FREQDECK)
    assert len(settlement_possibilities(state, Color.RED)) == 1

    state.board.build_road(Color.RED, (5, 0))
    assert len(settlement_possibilities(state, Color.RED)) == 2
コード例 #21
def test_largest_army_calculation_when_no_one_has_three():
    red = SimplePlayer(Color.RED)
    blue = SimplePlayer(Color.BLUE)
    white = SimplePlayer(Color.WHITE)
    state = State([red, blue, white])

    player_deck_replenish(state, Color.RED, WHEAT, 2)
    player_deck_replenish(state, Color.RED, SHEEP, 2)
    player_deck_replenish(state, Color.RED, ORE, 2)
    player_deck_replenish(state, Color.BLUE, WHEAT, 1)
    player_deck_replenish(state, Color.BLUE, SHEEP, 1)
    player_deck_replenish(state, Color.BLUE, ORE, 1)
    buy_dev_card(state, Color.RED, KNIGHT)
    buy_dev_card(state, Color.RED, KNIGHT)
    buy_dev_card(state, Color.BLUE, KNIGHT)

    play_dev_card(state, Color.RED, KNIGHT)

    color, count = get_largest_army(state)
    assert color is None and count is None
コード例 #22
def test_moving_robber_steals_correctly():
    players = [SimplePlayer(Color.RED), SimplePlayer(Color.BLUE)]
    state = State(players)

    player_deck_replenish(state, players[1].color, WHEAT, 1)
    state.board.build_settlement(Color.BLUE, 3, initial_build_phase=True)

    action = Action(players[0].color, ActionType.MOVE_ROBBER,
                    ((2, 0, -2), None, None))
    apply_action(state, action)
    assert player_num_resource_cards(state, players[0].color) == 0
    assert player_num_resource_cards(state, players[1].color) == 1

    action = Action(
        ((0, 0, 0), players[1].color, WHEAT),
    apply_action(state, action)
    assert player_num_resource_cards(state, players[0].color) == 1
    assert player_num_resource_cards(state, players[1].color) == 0
コード例 #23
def test_largest_army_calculation_on_tie():
    red = SimplePlayer(Color.RED)
    blue = SimplePlayer(Color.BLUE)
    white = SimplePlayer(Color.WHITE)
    state = State([red, blue, white])

    player_deck_replenish(state, red.color, KNIGHT, 3)
    player_deck_replenish(state, blue.color, KNIGHT, 4)
    play_dev_card(state, Color.RED, KNIGHT)
    play_dev_card(state, Color.RED, KNIGHT)
    play_dev_card(state, Color.RED, KNIGHT)
    play_dev_card(state, Color.BLUE, KNIGHT)
    play_dev_card(state, Color.BLUE, KNIGHT)
    play_dev_card(state, Color.BLUE, KNIGHT)

    color, count = get_largest_army(state)
    assert color is Color.RED and count == 3

    play_dev_card(state, Color.BLUE, KNIGHT)

    color, count = get_largest_army(state)
    assert color is Color.BLUE and count == 4
コード例 #24
def test_play_year_of_plenty_gives_player_resources():
    players = [SimplePlayer(Color.RED), SimplePlayer(Color.BLUE)]
    state = State(players)

    player_to_act = players[0]
    player_deck_replenish(state, player_to_act.color, YEAR_OF_PLENTY, 1)

    action_to_execute = Action(player_to_act.color,
                               ActionType.PLAY_YEAR_OF_PLENTY, [ORE, WHEAT])

    apply_action(state, action_to_execute)

    for card_type in RESOURCES:
        if card_type == ORE or card_type == WHEAT:
            assert player_num_resource_cards(state, player_to_act.color,
                                             card_type) == 1
            assert freqdeck_count(state.resource_freqdeck, card_type) == 18
            assert player_num_resource_cards(state, player_to_act.color,
                                             card_type) == 0
            assert freqdeck_count(state.resource_freqdeck, card_type) == 19
    assert get_dev_cards_in_hand(state, player_to_act.color,
                                 YEAR_OF_PLENTY) == 0
コード例 #25
def test_initial_placement_possibilities():
    red = SimplePlayer(Color.RED)
    state = State([red])
    assert len(settlement_possibilities(state, Color.RED, True)) == 54
コード例 #26
def test_maritime_possibities_respect_bank_not_having_cards():
    player = SimplePlayer(Color.RED)
    state = State([player])
    player_deck_replenish(state, player.color, WHEAT)
    assert len(maritime_trade_possibilities(state, player.color)) == 0