references['CH'] = 'CH4+H2' references['CH2'] = 'CH4+H2' references['CH3'] = 'CH4+H2' references['NH'] = 'N2+H2' references['SH'] = 'H2S+H2' references['OH'] = 'H2O+H2' references['OH2'] = 'H2O' data = ['H', 'O', 'N', 'S', 'CH', 'CH2', 'CH3', 'OH', 'NH', 'SH'] for datum in data: w_data = get_reactions(n_results='all', pubId='MamunHighT2019', reactants=references[datum], products=datum, columns=[ 'surfaceComposition, reactionEnergy', 'sites', 'reactants', 'products' ], subtables=['reactionSystems']) for i, d in enumerate(w_data['reactions']['edges']): info = get_info(d['node'], datum) if info == None: continue if not info[2] == 'A1': continue if info[6] == None: continue unique_id = '_'.join([info[1], info[3], info[4]]) fname = '{}/{}'.format(datum, unique_id) if not os.path.exists(fname):
sites can be: '~', '~hollow', '~bridge, '~top', hollow|A_A_A|HCP, hollow|A_A_A|FCC, hollow|A_A_B|HCP, hollow|A_A_B|FCC, bridge|A_A|A, bridge|A_A|B, bridge|A_B|A, bridge|B_B|B, top|A, top|B Also you will have to specift the Structure Bericht symbol (SB_symbol) of the alloy, which can be L12 or L10 """ adsorbate = 'C' adsorption_site = '~' SB_symbol = 'L12' # 'L10' or 'L12' data = get_reactions( n_results='all', pubId='MamunHighT2019', sites=adsorption_site, reactants=references[adsorbate], products=adsorbate, columns=['surfaceComposition, reactionEnergy', 'sites', 'products']) data = data['reactions'] totalCount = data['totalCount'] edges = data['edges'] site_points = (np.array(range(1, 14)) - 0.5) * 20 / 12 dim = len(ordered_metals) EADS = np.zeros([dim, dim]) SITES = np.zeros([dim, dim]) EADS.fill(None) SITES.fill(None)
def test8_get_reactions(self): data = get_reactions(n_results=1, write_db=False, reactants='CO', products='C')