コード例 #1
ファイル: depMethods.py プロジェクト: AsherBond/cato
    def wmDeleteTemplates(self):
        sDeleteArray = uiCommon.getAjaxArg("sDeleteArray")
        if len(sDeleteArray) < 36:
            raise InfoException("Unable to delete - no selection.")

        sDeleteArray = uiCommon.QuoteUp(sDeleteArray)

        # can't delete it if it's referenced.
        sSQL = """select count(*) from deployment d
            join deployment_template dt on d.template_id = dt.template_id
            where dt.template_id in (%s)""" % sDeleteArray

        iResults = self.db.select_col_noexcep(sSQL)

        if not iResults:
            sSQL = "delete from deployment_template where template_id in (" + sDeleteArray + ")"
            if not self.db.tran_exec_noexcep(sSQL):
                uiCommon.log_nouser(self.db.error, 0)

            # if we made it here, save the logs
            uiCommon.WriteObjectDeleteLog(catocommon.CatoObjectTypes.DeploymentTemplate, "", "", "Templates(s) Deleted [" + sDeleteArray + "]")
            raise InfoException("Unable to delete - %d Deployments are referencing these templates." % iResults)

        return json.dumps({"result": "success"})
コード例 #2
ファイル: cloudMethods.py プロジェクト: AsherBond/cato
    def DrawTableForType(self, sAccountID, sObjectType, dt):
        sHTML = ""

        # buld the table
        sHTML += "<table class=\"jtable\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" width=\"99%\">"
        sHTML += "<tr>"
        sHTML += "<th class=\"chkboxcolumn\">"
        sHTML += "<input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"chkbox\" id=\"chkAll\" />"
        sHTML += "</th>"

        # loop column headers (by getting just one item in the dict)
        for prop in dt.itervalues().next():
            sHTML += "<th>"
            sHTML += prop.Label
            sHTML += "</th>"

        sHTML += "</tr>"

        # loop rows

        # remember, the properties themselves have the value
        for sObjectID, props in dt.iteritems():
            # crush the spaces... a javascript ID can't have spaces
            sJSID = sObjectID.strip().replace(" ", "")

            sHTML += "<tr>"
            sHTML += "<td class=\"chkboxcolumn\">"

            # not drawing the checkbox if there's no ID defined
            if sObjectID:
                sHTML += "<input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"chkbox\"" \
                    " id=\"chk_" + sJSID + "\"" \
                    " object_id=\"" + sObjectID + "\"" \
                    " tag=\"chk\" />"

                sHTML += "</td>"

            # loop data columns
            for prop in props:
                uiCommon.log_nouser("%s - %s" % (prop.Name, prop.Value), 3)
                sValue = (prop.Value if prop.Value else "")
                sHTML += "<td>"

                # should we try to show an icon?
                if prop.HasIcon and sValue:
                    sHTML += "<img class=\"custom_icon\" src=\"static/images/custom/" + prop.Name.replace(" ", "").lower() + "_" + sValue.replace(" ", "").lower() + ".png\" alt=\"\" />"

                # if this is the "Tags" column, it might contain some xml... break 'em down
                if prop.Name == "Tags" and sValue:
                        xDoc = catocommon.ET.fromstring(sValue)
                        if xDoc is not None:
                            sTags = ""
                            for xeTag in xDoc.findall("item"):
                                sTags += "<b>%s</b> : %s<br />" % (xeTag.findtext("key", ""), xeTag.findtext("value", ""))
                            sHTML += sTags
                    except:  # couldn't parse it.  hmmm....
                        # I guess just stick the value in there, but make it safe
                        sHTML += uiCommon.SafeHTML(sValue)
                    sHTML += (sValue if sValue else "&nbsp;")  # we're building a table, empty cells should still have &nbsp;

                sHTML += "</td>"

            sHTML += "</tr>"

        sHTML += "</table>"

        return sHTML