def main(): try: with db_session() as session: data = session.query(Cats) colors = [cat.color for cat in data] tails = [cat.tail_length for cat in data] whiskers = [cat.whiskers_length for cat in data] count_colors = dict(Counter(colors)) for color, count in count_colors.items(): entry = session.query(CatColorsInfo).get(color) if entry: entry.count = count else: entry = CatColorsInfo(color, count) session.add(entry) if tails and whiskers: DATA_FOR_CATS_STAT = { "tail_length_mean": round(mean(tails), 2), "tail_length_median": round(median(tails), 2), "tail_length_mode": tuple(moda(tails)), "whiskers_length_mean": round(mean(whiskers), 2), "whiskers_length_median": round(median(whiskers), 2), "whiskers_length_mode": tuple(moda(whiskers)), } stats = CatsStat(*DATA_FOR_CATS_STAT.values()) session.add(stats) except SQLAlchemyError as err: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: " + str(err))
def do_GET(self): data = parse_qs(urlparse(self.path).query) real_path = urlparse(self.path).path.strip("/") try: if real_path in self.urls: with db_session() as session: self.server_response(*self.urls[real_path](data, session)) else: self.server_response( 404, { "status": "Nothing found", "exception": "" }, {"Content-type": "application/json"}, ) except SQLAlchemyError as err: self.server_response( 500, { "status": "No connection with database", "exception": str(err.__cause__), }, {"Content-type": "application/json"}, )
def test_cats_offset(self): with patch("cats_sqlalhemy.DB_PATH", new=TEST_DB_PATH): with db_session() as session: status_code, data, headers = cats({"offset": ["7"]}, session) self.assertEqual(status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(len(data), 20) self.assertDictEqual( data[0], { "name": "Vika", "color": "black", "tail_length": 14, "whiskers_length": 10, }, ) self.assertDictEqual( data[-1], { "name": "Nemo", "color": "red & white", "tail_length": 17, "whiskers_length": 13, }, )
def test_cats_order(self): with patch("cats_sqlalhemy.DB_PATH", new=TEST_DB_PATH): with db_session() as session: status_code, data, headers = cats( { "attribute": ["name"], "order": ["desc"] }, session) self.assertEqual(status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(len(data), 27) # check first and last cats self.assertDictEqual( data[-1], { "name": "Amur", "color": "black & white", "tail_length": 20, "whiskers_length": 11, }, ) self.assertDictEqual( data[0], { "name": "Yasha", "color": "red & white", "tail_length": 18, "whiskers_length": 12, }, )
def test_cats(self): with patch("cats_sqlalhemy.DB_PATH", new=TEST_DB_PATH): with db_session() as session: status_code, data, headers = cats( { "attribute": ["tail_length"], "order": ["asc"], "offset": ["26"], "limit": ["1"], }, session, ) self.assertEqual(status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(len(data), 1) self.assertDictEqual( data[0], { "name": "Kelly", "color": "red & white", "tail_length": 26, "whiskers_length": 11, }, )
def test_post_cats(self): with patch("cats_sqlalhemy.DB_PATH", new=TEST_DB_PATH): with db_session() as session: data = '{"name": "Zzz", "color": "red & white", "tail_length": 28, "whiskers_length": 20}' post_cats(data, session) new_cat = session.query(Cats).filter( == "Zzz").one() self.assertEqual(("Zzz, red & white, 28, 20"), str(new_cat))
def do_POST(self): content_length = int(self.headers["Content-Length"]) body = try: with db_session() as session: self.server_response(*post_cats(body, session)) except SQLAlchemyError as err: self.server_response( 500, { "status": "No connection with database", "exception": str(err.__cause__), }, {"Content-type": "text/html"}, )
def test_cats_limit(self): with patch("cats_sqlalhemy.DB_PATH", new=TEST_DB_PATH): with db_session() as session: status_code, data, headers = cats({"limit": ["1"]}, session) self.assertEqual(status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(len(data), 1) self.assertDictEqual( data[0], { "name": "Tihon", "color": "red & white", "tail_length": 15, "whiskers_length": 12, }, )