def get_coords( axes = 'gene', rows = None, time_val = None, spatial_idxs = None, ids = None): bdnet = nio.getBDTNP() gene_matrix = array([v['vals'][:,time_val] for v in bdnet.values() if str(time_val + 1) in v['steps']]) gene_matrix_keys = [k for k in bdnet.keys() if str(time_val +1) in v['steps']] if axes == 'gene': import scipy.sparse as ssp import scipy.sparse.linalg as las import scipy.sparse.lil as ll adj = ssp.csr_matrix(gene_matrix.T) n_c = 3 U,s, Vh = svd = las.svds(adj, n_c) filtered_genes = ll.lil_matrix(U)*ll.lil_matrix(diag(s)) *ll.lil_matrix(Vh) xs_gene = U[ids,0] ys_gene = U[ids,1] zs_gene = U[ids,2] elif axes == 'space': space_space =array([[ [r[idxs] for idxs in sidxs] for sidxs in spatial_idxs] for r in rows]) space_space = space_space[:, : , time_val] xs_gene = space_space[ids, 0] ys_gene = space_space[ids, 1] zs_gene = space_space[ids, 2] return xs_gene, ys_gene, zs_gene
def check_bdtnp(**kwargs): ids = id_map(** btgs = nio.getBDTNP() stfs,stgs = nio.getNet() sxs = dict([(i, {}) for i in ids.keys()]) for i, elt in enumerate(ids.iteritems()): gid, gene_val = elt if stfs.has_key(gid) : sxs[gid]['stf'] = True; if btgs.has_key(gid) : sxs[gid]['btg'] = True; if stgs.has_key(gid) : sxs[gid]['stg'] = True; return sxs
def set_term_network( **kwargs): nterms = kwargs.get('nterms') name = kwargs.get('name') if name == 'bdtnp': gene_list = nio.getBDTNP().keys() elif name == 'kn': gene_list = graphs['kn'].nodes() grps = term_groups(**, name = name)) network = nx.Graph() network.add_nodes_from(gene_list) for g in grps: edgelist = [[g1[0],g2[0]] for g1 in g[1] for g2 in g[1]] network.add_edges_from( edgelist ) return network
def set_term_groups(**kwargs): nterms = kwargs.get('nterms') if name == 'bdtnp': gene_list = nio.getBDTNP().keys() elif name == 'kn': gene_list = graphs['kn'].nodes() #GET ALL CONTROLLED VOCAB TERMS APPLYING TO A GIVEN GENE LIST terms = [(gname,gt) for gname in gene_list for gt in gene_terms(gname) ] all_terms = set([t[1] for t in terms]) term_groups_tmp =[(k, list(g)) for k, g in it.groupby( sorted(terms, key = lambda x: x[1]), key = lambda x: x[1]) ] #SORT THE TERM GROUPS BY GENE COUNT AND ONLY TAKE TOP N if nterms == -1: nterms = len(term_groups_tmp) term_groups = sorted(term_groups_tmp, key = lambda x: len(x[1]))[::-1][:nterms] return term_groups
def set_nx(**kwargs): targets = kwargs.get('targets') restriction = kwargs.get('restriction') nodes_allowed = kwargs.get('nodes_allowed') if nodes_allowed != None: edges = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in targets.iteritems() if tg in nodes_allowed for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in nodes_allowed] else: edges = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in targets.iteritems() for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) ] graph = nx.DiGraph() graph.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) if restriction != 'none': if restriction == 'bdtnp': allowed_nodes = nio.getBDTNP().keys() graph = restricted_graph(graph, allowed_nodes) else: raise (Exception('unrecognized restriction {0}'.\ format(restriction))) return graph
def get_clusters(cluster_id = 4, ): all_members, ct_data = exp.recall_c2() all_members = array(all_members) c = all_members[cluster_id] c_unq = set(list(c)) tissues = dict([('t_{0}'.format(i) , dict(cts = ct_data[equal(c,elt)])) for i, elt in enumerate(c_unq)]) bdnet = nio.getBDTNP() gene_cols, misc_cols, rows, row_nns = spatial_idxs = array([misc_cols['x']['idxs'], misc_cols['y']['idxs'], misc_cols['z']['idxs']]) #CHOOSE A TIME m time_val = cluster_id #ORGANIZE A BUNCH OF DATA. tsrt = sorted([(k,v) for k, v in tissues.iteritems()], key = lambda x: len(x[1]['cts']))[::-1] mods, genes, tfs = get_results(tsrt = tsrt, name = 'cluster_{0}'.format(cluster_id)) return mods, genes,tfs
def check_network(net_name = 'binding', dataset_name = 'reinitz', data_ofs = 4, max_edges = -1, node_restriction = 'reinitz'): reinitz_keys =set( get_reinitz_data()[1].keys()) if dataset_name == 'reinitz': coords, values = get_reinitz_data(ofs = data_ofs) elif dataset_name == 'bdtnp': data = nio.getBDTNP() meta = nio.getBDTNP(misc = True) values = dict([( k, v['vals'][:,data_ofs] ) for k,v in data.iteritems()]) coords = array([meta['x']['vals'][:,data_ofs],meta['y']['vals'][:,data_ofs]]) elif dataset_name == 'tc': data = nio.getTC() if node_restriction == 'reinitz': data = dict([(k,v) for k,v in data.iteritems() if k in reinitz_keys]) #values = dict([( k, v['vals'][:,data_ofs] ) for k,v in data.iteritems()]) #coords = array([meta['x']['vals'][:,data_ofs],meta['y']['vals'][:,data_ofs]]) values = data else: raise Exception('data set {0} not yet implemented'.format(dataset_name)) nets = comp.get_graphs() if net_name == 'binding': network = nets['bn'] elif net_name == 'unsup': network = nets['unsup'] elif net_name == 'logistic': network = nets['logistic'] elif net_name =='clusters': network = get_soheil_network(max_edges = max_edges, node_restriction = values.keys()) else: raise Exception('type not implemented: {0}'.format(net_name)) nodes = values.keys() nodes_allowed = set(nodes) f = myplots.fignum(1,(8,8)) ax = f.add_subplot(111) targets = {} edges = [] for n in nodes: targets[n] = [] if n in network: targets[n] = nodes_allowed.intersection(network[n].keys()) xax = linspace(-1,1,20) edges = list(it.chain(*[[(e,v2) for v2 in v] for e, v in targets.iteritems()])) ccofs = [e for e in [ corrcoef(values[tf], values[tg])[0,1] for tf, tg in edges] if not isnan(e)] count, kde = make_kde(ccofs) ax.hist(ccofs,xax,label = net_name) h =histogram(ccofs,xax) ax.fill_between(xax,kde(xax)*max(h[0]),label = net_name,zorder = 1,alpha = .5) myplots.maketitle(ax,'edge correlations kde for {0}'.format('\n{2} data (data offset={0})\n(net_name={1})\n(max_edges={3})' .format(data_ofs, net_name, dataset_name, max_edges) ),\ subtitle = 'n_edges = {0}'.format(len(edges))) ax.legend() f.savefig(myplots.figpath('network_edge_corrs_data_ofs={0}_net={1}_expr={2}_max_edges={3}' .format(data_ofs,net_name,dataset_name, max_edges)))
def run_sig(genes, show_disc = False, weighted = True): genes2 = [] for g in genes: genes2.append((g[0], [[gelt[0], gelt[1]] for gelt in g[1]], g[2])) genes = genes2 modules = [m[0] for m in genes] if len(modules[0]) == 2: module_type = 'doubles' else: module_type = 'triples' counts = [m[1] for m in genes] tgs,tfs = nio.getNet() bd = nio.getBDTNP() nodes_allowed = set(bd.keys()) cnodes = list(nodes_allowed) dnodes = [] dedges = [] cedges = [] cnodes = [] for m in genes: for tginfo in m[1]: tg = tginfo[0] tg_mcount = tginfo[1] dtgnode = '{0}_{1}_mod{2}'.format(tg,tg,m[0]) ctgnode = '{0}'.format(tg) dnodes.append(dtgnode) cnodes.append(ctgnode) for tf in m[0]: dtfnode = '{0}_{1}_mod{2}'.format(tf,tg,m[0]) ctfnode = '{0}'.format(tf) dnodes.append(dtfnode) cnodes.append(ctfnode) dedges.append((dtfnode, dtgnode,tg_mcount)) cedges.append((ctfnode, ctgnode,tg_mcount)) nodes_allowed = list(set(cnodes)) if show_disc: dgraph, cgraph = [nx.Graph() for i in range(2)] dgraph.add_nodes_from(list(set(dnodes))) dgraph.add_weighted_edges_from(list(set(dedges))) f = myplots.fignum(4, (8,8)) ax = f.add_subplot(111) pos=nx.graphviz_layout(dgraph,prog="neato") # color nodes the same in each connected subgraph C=nx.connected_component_subgraphs(dgraph) for g in C: c=[random.random()]*nx.number_of_nodes(g) # random color... nx.draw(g, pos, node_size=40, node_color=c, vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0, with_labels=False ) figtitle = 'mcmc_disc' f.savefig(figtemplate.format(figtitle)) return cgraph = nx.DiGraph() cgraph.add_nodes_from(cnodes) cedgegrps = [(k,list(g)) for k, g in it.groupby(\ sorted(cedges, key = lambda x: (x[0],x[1])), key = lambda x: (x[0],x[1]))] cedges = [ (k[0],k[1], sum([gelt[2] for gelt in g])) for k,g in cedgegrps] if weighted == False: for ce in cedges: ce[2] = 1 cgraph.add_weighted_edges_from(list(set(cedges))) sfRN = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in tgs.iteritems() if tg in nodes_allowed for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in nodes_allowed] fg = nx.DiGraph() fg.add_nodes_from(cnodes) fg.add_weighted_edges_from(sfRN) colors = mycolors.getct(len(cnodes)) f = myplots.fignum(5, (8,8)) ax =f.add_subplot(111) pos=nx.graphviz_layout(fg,prog="neato") # color nodes the same in each connected subgraph nx.draw(cgraph, pos, node_size=100, node_color=colors, vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0, with_labels=False, alpha = 1. ) ax.set_title('connectivity of MCMC for network {0}'.format(module_type)) figtitle = 'mcmc_network_{0}{1}'.\ format(module_type,'' if weighted else 'unweighted') f.savefig(figtemplate.format(figtitle)) f = myplots.fignum(5, (8,8)) ax =f.add_subplot(111) #pos=nx.graphviz_layout(fg,prog="neato") # color nodes the same in each connected subgraph nx.draw(fg, pos, node_size=100, node_color=colors, vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0, with_labels=False ) ax.set_title('connectivity of reference for network {0}'.format(module_type)) figtitle = 'mcmc_ref_network_{0}{1}'.\ format(module_type,'' if weighted else 'unweighted') f.savefig(figtemplate.format(figtitle)) graphs = {'mcmc':cgraph,'network':fg} v0 = graphs.values() k0 = graphs.keys() for k,g in zip(k0,v0): for prc in [1,50,95]: thr = percentile([e[2]['weight'] for e in nx.to_edgelist(g)], prc) graphs.update([('{0}_thr{1}%'.format(k,prc), nfu.thr_graph(g,thr))]) v0 = graphs.values() k0 = graphs.keys() for k, v in zip(k0,v0): tot_edges = len(nx.to_edgelist(fg)) for n_c in [2,4,6,8,12,20]: for max_edges in array([.5,1.,2.]) * tot_edges : gfilt = nfu.filter_graph(v, n_c = n_c) gfilt = nfu.top_edges(gfilt, max_edges = max_edges) gthr = nfu.thr_graph(gfilt, 1e-8) graphs.update([('{0}_flt{1}'.format(k,n_c),gfilt)]) graphs.update([('{0}_flt{1}_thr0'.format(k,n_c),gthr)]) return graphs
def run2( reset = False, base_net = 'kn', comp_net = 'fn', demand_bdtnp = False): bd = nio.getBDTNP() ktgs,ktfs = nio.getKNet() tgs,tfs = nio.getNet() sush = nio.getSush(on_fail = 'compute') tfset = set(ktfs.keys()) tgset = set(ktgs.keys()) tg_int = set(tgs.keys()).intersection(ktgs.keys()) tf_int = set(tfs.keys()).intersection(ktfs.keys()) if demand_bdtnp: tg_int = tg_int.intersection(bd.keys()) tf_int = tf_int.intersection(bd.keys()) if base_net =='kn': b_edges = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in ktgs.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] if comp_net == 'fn': c_edges = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in tgs.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] elif comp_net == 'sn': #Sushmita network with signed edges c_edges = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in sush.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] elif comp_net == 'sna': #Sushmita network with unsigned edges c_edges = [(tf, tg, abs(float(wt))) for tg, elt in sush.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] elif comp_net == 'kn': c_edges = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in ktgs.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] ng = 4 nodes = array(list(tf_int.union(tg_int))) bg = nx.DiGraph() bg.add_nodes_from(nodes) bg.add_weighted_edges_from(b_edges) cg = nx.DiGraph() cg.add_nodes_from(nodes) cg.add_weighted_edges_from(c_edges) cgraphs = {comp_net:cg} v0 = cgraphs.values() k0 = cgraphs.keys() for k,g in zip(k0,v0): for prc in [10]: thr = percentile([e[2]['weight'] for e in nx.to_edgelist(g)], prc) cgraphs.update([('{0}_thr{1:2.2}'.format(k,thr), nfu.thr_graph(g,thr))]) gt = nfu.thr_graph(g,thr) v0 = cgraphs.values() k0 = cgraphs.keys() for k, v in zip(k0,v0): tot_edges = len(nx.to_edgelist(v)) for n_c in [1,2,4]: for max_edges in array([.2,.5,1.]) * tot_edges : if not 'thr' in k: continue gfilt = nfu.filter_graph(v, n_c = n_c) gfilt = nfu.top_edges(gfilt, max_edges = max_edges) gthr = nfu.thr_graph(gfilt, 1e-8) cgraphs.update([('{0}_flt{1}_nedge{2}'.format(k,n_c,max_edges),gfilt)]) cgraphs.update([('{0}_flt{1}_nedge{2}_thr0'.format(k,n_c,max_edges),gthr)]) ''' When you don't have hidden variables, networks can be modelled mby information criterion. In what settings can you incur causality from datasets. You need a prior to limit the number of arrowsin your graph: The idea: come up with an idea from computational learning theory and come up with a model for interventions. Spatial, genetic, time data to penalize network edges... Granger causality uses time varying data to ''',pos,node_color = 'none'),pos,node_color = 'white', alpha = .2, with_labels = False) return bg, cgraphs
def run( reset = False, base_net = 'kn', comp_net = 'fn', demand_bdtnp = False): tgs,tfs = nio.getNet() ktgs,ktfs = nio.getKNet() bd = nio.getBDTNP() #btgs,btfs = nio.getBDTNP() sush = nio.getSush(on_fail = 'compute') tfset = set(ktfs.keys()) tgset = set(ktgs.keys()) tg_int = set(tgs.keys()).intersection(ktgs.keys()) tf_int = set(tfs.keys()).intersection(ktfs.keys()) if demand_bdtnp: tg_int = tg_int.intersection(bd.keys()) tf_int = tf_int.intersection(bd.keys()) sfRN = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in tgs.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] kRN = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in ktgs.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] #Sushmita network with signed edges suRN = [(tf, tg, float(wt)) for tg, elt in sush.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] #Sushmita network with unsigned edges suaRN = [(tf, tg, abs(float(wt))) for tg, elt in sush.iteritems() if tg in tg_int for tf, wt in zip(elt['tfs'], elt['weights']) if tf in tf_int] edges = [ kRN, sfRN, suRN, suaRN] ng = 4 fg, kg, sug, suag = [nx.DiGraph() for i in range(4)] nodes = array(list(tf_int.union(tg_int))) graphs = {'kg':kg,'fg':fg,'sug':sug,'suag':suag} for g, edges in zip(graphs.values(), edges): g.add_nodes_from(nodes) g.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) for gname in ['fg','suag']: for prc in [10,50,75,85,90,95,98,99]: thr = percentile([e[2]['weight'] for e in nx.to_edgelist(graphs[gname])], prc) graphs.update([('{0}_thr{1:2.2}'.format(gname,thr), nfu.thr_graph(graphs[gname],thr))]) v0 = graphs.values() k0 = graphs.keys() tot_edges = len(nx.to_edgelist(graphs['fg'])) for k, v in zip(k0,v0): for n_c in [2,4,8 ,12]: for max_edges in array([.5,1.,2.,5.]) * tot_edges : if not 'thr' in k: continue gfilt = nfu.filter_graph(v, n_c = n_c) gfilt = nfu.top_edges(gfilt, max_edges = max_edges) gthr = nfu.thr_graph(gfilt, 1e-8) graphs.update([('{0}_flt{1}'.format(k,n_c),gfilt)]) graphs.update([('{0}_flt{1}_thr0'.format(k,n_c),gthr)]),pos,node_color = 'none'),pos,node_color = 'white', alpha = .2, with_labels = False) return graphs
def run(num = 2): dfile = sio.loadmat(cfg.dataPath('soheil/expression_c4d_n4_intercluster.mat')) trgs, tfs = nio.getNet() bdgenes = nio.getBDTNP() bdset = set(bdgenes.keys()) xs, ys, colors, corrs,lcorrs = [[] for i in range(5)] count = 0 for k, v in bdgenes.iteritems(): count += 1 if count < num: continue if not trgs.has_key(k): continue trg = trgs[k] fsub = set(tfs.keys()).intersection(bdset) gexpr = bdgenes[k]['vals'][::50,4].flatten() #squeeze(dfile[k]) fexpr = [bdgenes[fname]['vals'][::50,4].flatten() for fname in fsub]#[squeeze(dfile[fname]) for fname in fsub] print shape(fexpr) if len(fexpr )< 3: continue ct = mycolors.getct(len(fexpr)) for idx, f in enumerate(fexpr): c = corrcoef(f, gexpr)[0,1] if not isfinite(c): c = 0 lc = corrcoef(log(f), log(gexpr))[0,1] if not isfinite(lc): lc = 0 corrs.append(c) lcorrs.append(lc) ys.append(gexpr) xs.append(f) colors.append([ct[idx]]* len(f)) break if len(xs) > 10000: break cbest = argsort(-1 * abs(array(corrs))) f = plt.figure(1) f.clear() ax = f.add_subplot(111) inds = argsort(gexpr) for idx in cbest[:3]: import scipy.signal as ss import cb.utils.sigsmooth as sgs #k = sgs.gauss_kern(15)[8,:].flatten() #xconv = ss.convolve(xs[idx][inds],k) xv = ss.medfilt(xs[idx][inds],1) yv = ys[idx][inds] print corrcoef(xv,yv)[0,1] print corrs[idx] ax.plot(ss.medfilt(xs[idx][inds],1), linewidth = 10, color = colors[idx][0]) ax.plot(ys[idx][inds], linewidth = 10)
def view0(modules, data_src = 'bdtnp', net_src = 'fRN', max_rank = 4, module_type = 'doubles'): ''' A routine to view the sign of interaction coefficients for a given transcription factor split per-cluster and per-module size. Designed to be run on the output of view_output.modules() ''' #COMPUTE BULK STATISTICS FOR EACH TF bd_data = nio.getBDTNP() genes = bd_data.keys() tfs =sorted(set(it.chain(*[k for k in modules.keys()]))) tf_net = nx.Graph() tf_net.add_nodes_from(tfs) tf_edges = it.chain(*[[(e0, e1) for e0 in term for e1 in term if e0 != e1] for term in modules.keys()]) tf_net.add_edges_from(tf_edges) pos = nx.graphviz_layout(tf_net) fig = myplots.fignum(1, (8,8)) tfnodes = tf_net.nodes() tfnames = tfnodes all_coefs = \ list(it.chain(*[t['coefs'] for t in modules.values()])) cstd = std(all_coefs) def colorfun(coefs): coef = median(coefs) arr = array([1.,0.,0.]) if coef < 0\ else array([0.,0.,1.]) return arr*min([1, abs(coef/cstd*2)]) def widthfun(coefs, maxwid): return max([1,5.* len(coefs) /maxwid]) for tf in tfs: fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ecols,ewids, estyles, ealphas =\ [{} for i in range(4)] edges = [] tf_doublet_terms = [(k, v) for k, v in modules.iteritems() if tf in k and len(set(k)) == 2 ] tf_triplet_terms = [(k, v) for k, v in modules.iteritems() if tf in k and len(set(k)) == 3 ] isdub = dict([(k,0.) for k in tfnames]) istrip =dict([(k,0.) for k in tfnames]) coflens = [len(e[1]['coefs']) for e in tf_triplet_terms + tf_doublet_terms] max_l = max(coflens) for tt,v in sorted(tf_triplet_terms, key = lambda x: len(x[1]['genes']))[::-1][:max_rank]: partners =tuple( [t for t in set(tt) if not t==tf]) for p in partners: istrip[p] = 1 #istrip[[tfnodes.index(p) for p in partners]] = 1 edge = partners ecols[edge] = colorfun(modules[tt]['coefs']) ewids[edge] = widthfun(modules[tt]['coefs'],max_l) ealphas[edge] = 1 if module_type in ['triples','all'] \ else .1 estyles[edge] = 'dotted' edges.append(edge) for td,v in sorted(tf_doublet_terms, key = lambda x: len(x[1]['genes']))[::-1][:max_rank]: partners = tuple([t for t in set(td) if not t==tf]) for p in partners: isdub[p] = 1 edge = (tuple([tf] + list(partners))) ecols[edge] = colorfun(modules[td]['coefs']) ewids[edge] = widthfun(modules[td]['coefs'], max_l) ealphas[edge] = 1 if module_type in ['doubles','all'] \ else .1 estyles[edge] = 'solid' edges.append(edge) tf_graph = nx.DiGraph() tf_graph.add_nodes_from(tfnodes) tf_graph.add_edges_from(edges) ckw = dict([ (k, dict(color = ecols[k], #array([1,0,0])*isdub[k] +\ # array([0,0,1])*istrip[k], alpha = ealphas[k], linestyle = estyles[k], linewidth = ewids[k], arrowstyle = '-')) for k in tf_graph.edges()]) circlepoints = dict([ (k, dict(facecolor ='white', #array([1,0,0])*isdub[k] +\ # array([0,0,1])*istrip[k], alpha = round(ealphas[k],2), edgecolor = ecols[k], linestyle = estyles[k], linewidth = 3,)) for k in tf_graph.edges()]) ax.set_title('Top modules for TF: {0}'.format(tf)) myplots.padded_limits(ax, *zip(*pos.values())) nodes = tf_graph.nodes() gd.draw(tf_graph,pos,edges, scatter_nodes =tf_graph.nodes(), skw = {'s':[200 if n == tf else 2 for n in nodes], 'facecolor':[colorfun(modules[tuple([n])]['coefs']) if n == tf else 'black' for n in nodes], 'edgecolor':'black', 'linewidth':2, 'alpha':1},#[1 if n == tf else .1 for n in nodes]}, ckw = {}) colors,alphas,tripoints = [{} for i in range(3)] for e in edges: colors[e] = 'black' alphas[e] = .2 tripoints[e] = array(pos[tf]) plot_tri = False plot_circ = True if plot_tri: gd.overlay(tf_graph, pos, edges, tripoints = tripoints, colors = colors, alphas = alphas) if plot_circ: gd.overlay(tf_graph, pos, edges, circlepoints =circlepoints) ax2 = fig.add_axes([.05,.05,.2,.2]) ax2.set_xticks([]) ax2.set_yticks([]) coefs = modules[tuple([tf])]['coefs'] l = len(coefs) sx = sy = ceil(sqrt(l)) xs = mod(arange(l), sx) ys = floor( arange(l) / sx) cs = [colorfun([c/2]) for c in sorted(coefs)] ss = 100 ax2.scatter(xs, ys, s = ss, color = cs) fig.savefig(figtemplate.format('tf_{0}_net_rank{1}_{2}'.\ format(tf,max_rank,module_type)))