class MetricHelper: def __init__(self, test): self.test = test self.test_config = test.test_config self.cluster_spec = test.cluster_spec = PerfStore(CBMONITOR_HOST) @property def _title(self) -> str: return self.test_config.showfast.title @property def _order_by(self) -> str: return self.test_config.showfast.order_by @property def _snapshots(self) -> List[str]: return self.test.cbmonitor_snapshots @property def _num_nodes(self): return self.test_config.cluster.initial_nodes[0] def _metric_info(self, metric_id: str = None, title: str = None, order_by: str = None) -> Dict[str, str]: return { 'id': metric_id or, 'title': title or self._title, 'orderBy': order_by or self._order_by, } def ycsb_queries(self, value: float, name: str, title: str) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, name) title = '{}, {}'.format(title, self.test_config.showfast.title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) return value, self._snapshots, metric_info @property def query_id(self) -> str: if 'views' in self._title: return '' query_id = self._title.split(',')[0] query_id = query_id.split()[0] for prefix in 'CI', 'Q', 'UP', 'DL', 'AG', 'PI', 'BF', 'WF': query_id = query_id.replace(prefix, '') return '{:05d}'.format(int(query_id)) def avg_n1ql_throughput(self) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_avg_query_requests'.format( title = 'Avg. Query Throughput (queries/sec), {}'.format(self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title, order_by=self.query_id) throughput = self._avg_n1ql_throughput() return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def _avg_n1ql_throughput(self) -> int: test_time = self.test_config.access_settings.time query_node = self.cluster_spec.servers_by_role('n1ql')[0] vitals = total_requests = vitals['requests.count'] throughput = total_requests / test_time return round(throughput, throughput < 1 and 1 or 0) def bulk_n1ql_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() items = self.test_config.load_settings.items / 4 throughput = round(items / time_elapsed) return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def fts_index(self, elapsed_time: float) -> Metric: metric_id = title = 'Index build time(sec), {}'.format(self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) index_time = round(elapsed_time, 1) return index_time, self._snapshots, metric_info def fts_index_size(self, index_size_raw: int) -> Metric: metric_id = "{}_indexsize".format( title = 'Index size (MB), {}'.format(self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) index_size_mb = int(index_size_raw / (1024 ** 2)) return index_size_mb, self._snapshots, metric_info def jts_throughput(self) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, "jts_throughput") metric_id = metric_id.replace('.', '') title = "Average Throughput (q/sec), {}".format(self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) timings = self._jts_metric(collector="jts_stats", metric="jts_throughput") thr = round(np.average(timings), 2) if thr > 100: thr = round(thr) return thr, self._snapshots, metric_info def jts_latency(self, percentile=50) -> Metric: prefix = "Average latency (ms)" if percentile != 50: prefix = "{}th percentile latency (ms)".format(percentile) metric_id = '{}_{}_{}th'.format(, "jts_latency", percentile) metric_id = metric_id.replace('.', '') title = "{}, {}".format(prefix, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) timings = self._jts_metric(collector="jts_stats", metric="jts_latency") lat = round(np.percentile(timings, percentile), 2) if lat > 100: lat = round(lat) return lat, self._snapshots, metric_info def _jts_metric(self, collector, metric): timings = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector=collector, bucket=bucket) timings +=, metric=metric) return timings def avg_ops(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = self._avg_ops() return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def _avg_ops(self) -> int: values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='ops') return int(np.average(values)) def max_ops(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = self._max_ops() return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def _max_ops(self) -> int: values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='ops') return int(np.percentile(values, 90)) def get_percentile_value_of_node_metric(self, collector, metric, server, percentile): values = [] db =[0], collector=collector, server=server) values +=, metric=metric) return int(np.percentile(values, percentile)) def get_collector_values(self, collector): values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector=collector, bucket=bucket) values +=, metric=collector) return values def count_overthreshold_value_of_collector(self, collector, threshold): values = self.get_collector_values(collector) return sum(v >= threshold for v in values) def get_percentile_value_of_collector(self, collector, percentile): values = self.get_collector_values(collector) return np.percentile(values, percentile) def xdcr_lag(self, percentile: Number = 95) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}th_xdcr_lag'.format(, percentile) title = '{}th percentile replication lag (ms), {}'.format(percentile, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) xdcr_lag = self.get_percentile_value_of_collector('xdcr_lag', percentile) return round(xdcr_lag, 1), self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_replication_rate(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() rate = self._avg_replication_rate(time_elapsed) return rate, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_replication_throughput(self, throughput: float, xdcr_link: str) -> Metric: metric_id = + '_' + xdcr_link title = self.test_config.showfast.title + ', ' + xdcr_link metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id=metric_id, title=title) return round(throughput), self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_replication_multilink(self, time_elapsed: float, xdcr_link: str) -> Metric: metric_id = + '_' + xdcr_link title = self.test_config.showfast.title + ', ' + xdcr_link metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id=metric_id, title=title) rate = self._avg_replication_rate(time_elapsed) return rate, self._snapshots, metric_info def _avg_replication_rate(self, time_elapsed: float) -> float: initial_items = self.test_config.load_settings.ops or \ self.test_config.load_settings.items num_buckets = self.test_config.cluster.num_buckets avg_replication_rate = num_buckets * initial_items / time_elapsed return round(avg_replication_rate) def max_drain_rate(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() items_per_node = self.test_config.load_settings.items / self._num_nodes drain_rate = round(items_per_node / time_elapsed) return drain_rate, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_disk_write_queue(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='disk_write_queue') disk_write_queue = int(np.average(values)) return disk_write_queue, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_total_queue_age(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='vb_avg_total_queue_age') avg_total_queue_age = int(np.average(values)) return avg_total_queue_age, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_couch_views_ops(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='couch_views_ops') couch_views_ops = int(np.average(values)) return couch_views_ops, self._snapshots, metric_info def query_latency(self, percentile: Number) -> Metric: metric_id = title = '{}th percentile query latency (ms), {}'.format(percentile, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title, order_by=self.query_id) latency = self._query_latency(percentile) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def _query_latency(self, percentile: Number) -> float: values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector='spring_query_latency', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='latency_query') query_latency = np.percentile(values, percentile) if query_latency < 100: return round(query_latency, 1) return int(query_latency) def secondary_scan_latency(self, percentile: Number) -> Metric: metric_id = "{}_{}th".format(, percentile) title = '{}th percentile secondary scan latency (ms), {}'.format(percentile, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) cluster = "" for cid in self.test.cbmonitor_clusters: if "apply_scanworkload" in cid: cluster = cid break db =, collector='secondaryscan_latency') timings =, metric='Nth-latency') timings = list(map(int, timings))"Number of samples are {}".format(len(timings))) scan_latency = np.percentile(timings, percentile) / 1e6 scan_latency = round(scan_latency, 2) return scan_latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def kv_latency(self, operation: str, percentile: Number = 99.9, collector: str = 'spring_latency') -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}_{}th'.format(, operation, percentile) metric_id = metric_id.replace('.', '') title = '{}th percentile {} {}'.format(percentile, operation.upper(), self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) latency = self._kv_latency(operation, percentile, collector) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def _kv_latency(self, operation: str, percentile: Number, collector: str) -> float: timings = [] metric = 'latency_{}'.format(operation) for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector=collector, bucket=bucket) timings +=, metric=metric) latency = np.percentile(timings, percentile) if latency > 100: return round(latency) return round(latency, 2) def observe_latency(self, percentile: Number) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}th'.format(, percentile) title = '{}th percentile {}'.format(percentile, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) timings = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector='observe', bucket=bucket) timings +=, metric='latency_observe') latency = round(np.percentile(timings, percentile), 2) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def cpu_utilization(self) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_avg_cpu'.format( title = 'Avg. CPU utilization (%)' title = '{}, {}'.format(title, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) cluster = self.test.cbmonitor_clusters[0] bucket = self.test_config.buckets[0] db =, collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values =, metric='cpu_utilization_rate') cpu_utilization = int(np.average(values)) return cpu_utilization, self._snapshots, metric_info def max_memcached_rss(self) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_memcached_rss'.format( title = 'Max. memcached RSS (MB),{}'.format( self._title.split(',')[-1] ) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) max_rss = 0 for (cluster_name, servers), initial_nodes in zip( self.cluster_spec.clusters, self.test_config.cluster.initial_nodes, ): cluster = list(filter(lambda name: name.startswith(cluster_name), self.test.cbmonitor_clusters))[0] for server in servers[:initial_nodes]: hostname = server.replace('.', '') db =, collector='atop', server=hostname) values =, metric='memcached_rss') rss = round(max(values) / 1024 ** 2) max_rss = max(max_rss, rss) return max_rss, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_memcached_rss(self) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_avg_memcached_rss'.format( title = 'Avg. memcached RSS (MB),{}'.format( self._title.split(',')[-1] ) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) rss = [] for (cluster_name, servers), initial_nodes in zip( self.cluster_spec.clusters, self.test_config.cluster.initial_nodes, ): cluster = list(filter(lambda name: name.startswith(cluster_name), self.test.cbmonitor_clusters))[0] for server in servers[:initial_nodes]: hostname = server.replace('.', '') db =, collector='atop', server=hostname) rss +=, metric='memcached_rss') avg_rss = int(np.average(rss) / 1024 ** 2) return avg_rss, self._snapshots, metric_info def memory_overhead(self, key_size: int = 20) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() item_size = key_size + self.test_config.load_settings.size user_data = self.test_config.load_settings.items * item_size user_data *= self.test_config.bucket.replica_number + 1 user_data /= 2 ** 20 mem_used, _, _ = self.avg_memcached_rss() mem_used *= self._num_nodes overhead = int(100 * (mem_used / user_data - 1)) return overhead, self._snapshots, metric_info def get_indexing_meta(self, value: float, index_type: str, unit: str = "min") -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, index_type.lower()) title = '{} index ({}), {}'.format(index_type, unit, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) metric_info['category'] = index_type.lower() value = s2m(value) return value, self._snapshots, metric_info def get_memory_meta(self, value: float, memory_type: str) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, memory_type.replace(" ", "").lower()) title = '{} (GB), {}'.format(memory_type, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) return value, self._snapshots, metric_info def bnr_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float, edition: str, tool: str) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}_thr_{}'.format(, tool, edition) title = '{} {} throughput (Avg. MB/sec), {}'.format( edition, tool, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) data_size = self.test_config.load_settings.items * \ self.test_config.load_settings.size / 2 ** 20 # MB avg_throughput = round(data_size / time_elapsed) return avg_throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def tool_time(self, time_elapsed: float, edition: str, tool: str) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}_time_{}'.format(, tool, edition) title = '{} {} time elapsed (seconds), {}'.format( edition, tool, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) return round(time_elapsed), self._snapshots, metric_info def backup_size(self, size: float, edition: str, tool: str = None) -> Metric: # To avoid duplicating existing metrics, only label with tool if some # new parameter has been used. In future should look to purge all # existing and replace. if tool: prefix = '{}_{}'.format(, tool) else: prefix = metric_id = '{}_size_{}'.format(prefix, edition) title = '{} {} backup size (GB), {}'.format(edition, tool if tool else '', self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) return size, self._snapshots, metric_info def merge_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float, edition: str, tool: str = None) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}_thr_{}'.format(, tool, edition) title = '{} {} throughput (Avg. MB/sec), {}'.format( edition, tool, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) data_size = 2 * self.test_config.load_settings.items * \ self.test_config.load_settings.size / 2 ** 20 # MB avg_throughput = round(data_size / time_elapsed) return avg_throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def compact_size_diff(self, size_diff: float, edition: str, tool: str) -> Metric: prefix = '{}_{}'.format(, tool) metric_id = '{}_size_diff_{}'.format(prefix, edition) title = '{} {} compact size difference (GB), {}'.format(edition, tool, self._title) return size_diff, self._snapshots, self._metric_info(metric_id, title) def import_and_export_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() data_size = self.test_config.load_settings.items * \ self.test_config.load_settings.size / 2 ** 20 # MB avg_throughput = round(data_size / time_elapsed) return avg_throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def import_file_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() import_file = self.test_config.export_settings.import_file data_size = os.path.getsize(import_file) / 2.0 ** 20 avg_throughput = round(data_size / time_elapsed) return avg_throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def verify_series_in_limits(self, expected_number: int) -> bool: db =[0], collector='secondary_debugstats') values =, metric='num_connections') values = list(map(float, values))"Number of samples: {}".format(len(values)))"Sample values: {}".format(values)) if any(value > expected_number for value in values): return False return True def _parse_ycsb_throughput(self) -> int: throughput = 0 ycsb_log_files = [filename for filename in glob.glob("YCSB/ycsb_run_*.log") if "stderr" not in filename] for filename in ycsb_log_files: with open(filename) as fh: for line in fh.readlines(): if line.startswith('[OVERALL], Throughput(ops/sec)'): throughput += int(float(line.split()[-1])) break return throughput def _ycsb_perc_calc(self, _temp: [], io_type: str, percentile: str, lat_dic: {}, _fc: int): pio_type = '{}th Percentile {}'.format(percentile, io_type) p_lat = round(np.percentile(_temp, percentile) / 1000, 3) if _fc > 1: p_lat = round((((lat_dic[pio_type] * (_fc - 1)) + p_lat) / _fc), 3) lat_dic.update({pio_type: p_lat}) return lat_dic def _ycsb_avg_calc(self, _temp: [], io_type: str, lat_dic: {}, _fc: int): aio_type = 'Average {}'.format(io_type) a_lat = round((sum(_temp) / len(_temp)) / 1000, 3) if _fc > 1: a_lat = round((((lat_dic[aio_type] * (_fc - 1)) + a_lat) / _fc), 3) lat_dic.update({aio_type: a_lat}) return lat_dic def _parse_ycsb_latency(self, percentile: str) -> int: lat_dic = {} _temp = [] _fc = 1 ycsb_log_files = [filename for filename in glob.glob("YCSB/ycsb_run_*.log") if "stderr" not in filename] for filename in ycsb_log_files: fh2 = open(filename) _l1 = fh2.readlines() _l1_len = len(_l1) fh = open(filename) _c = 0 for x in range(_l1_len - 1): line = fh.readline() if line.find('], 1000,') >= 1: io_type = line.split('[')[1].split(']')[0] _n = 0 while (line.startswith('[{}]'.format(io_type))): lat = float(line.split()[-1]) _temp.append(lat) line = fh.readline() _n += 1 _temp.sort() lat_dic = self._ycsb_perc_calc(_temp=_temp, io_type=io_type, lat_dic=lat_dic, _fc=_fc, percentile=percentile) lat_dic = self._ycsb_avg_calc(_temp=_temp, io_type=io_type, lat_dic=lat_dic, _fc=_fc) _temp.clear() _c += _n _c += 1 x += _c _fc += 1 if 'CLEANUP' in lat_dic: del lat_dic['CLEANUP'] return lat_dic def _parse_ycsb_latency_cbcollect(self, percentile: str): lat_dic = {} _temp = [] _fc = 1 _cbtime = int(self.test.cb_time) _cbstart = int(self.test.cb_start * 1000) ycsb_log_files = [filename for filename in glob.glob("YCSB/ycsb_run_*.log") if "stderr" not in filename] for filename in ycsb_log_files: fh2 = open(filename) list1 = fh2.readlines() list1_length = len(list1) fh = open(filename) _c = 0 for x in range(list1_length-1): line = fh.readline() if line.find('], {},'.format(_cbstart)) >= 1: io_type = line.split('[')[1].split(']')[0] for y in range(_cbtime): lat = float(line.split()[-1]) _temp.append(lat) if y < _cbtime-1: line = fh.readline() _temp.sort() lat_dic = self._ycsb_perc_calc(_temp=_temp, io_type=io_type, lat_dic=lat_dic, _fc=_fc, percentile=percentile) lat_dic = self._ycsb_avg_calc(_temp=_temp, io_type=io_type, lat_dic=lat_dic, _fc=_fc) _temp.clear() _c += _cbtime _c += 1 x += _c _fc += 1 if 'CLEANUP' in lat_dic: del lat_dic['CLEANUP'] return lat_dic def dcp_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = round(self.test_config.load_settings.items / time_elapsed) return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def fragmentation_ratio(self, ratio: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() return ratio, self._snapshots, metric_info def elapsed_time(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() time_elapsed = s2m(time_elapsed) return time_elapsed, self._snapshots, metric_info def kv_throughput(self, total_ops: int) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = total_ops // self.test_config.access_settings.time return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def ycsb_throughput(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = self._parse_ycsb_throughput() return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def ycsb_latency(self, io_type: str, latency: int, ) -> Metric: title = '{} {}'.format(io_type, self._title) metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, io_type.replace(' ', '_').casefold()) metric_info = self._metric_info(title=title, metric_id=metric_id) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def ycsb_get_latency(self, percentile: str, ) -> Metric: if self.test_config.access_settings.cbcollect: latency_dic = self._parse_ycsb_latency_cbcollect(percentile) else: latency_dic = self._parse_ycsb_latency(percentile) return latency_dic def indexing_time(self, indexing_time: float) -> Metric: return self.elapsed_time(indexing_time) @property def rebalance_order_by(self) -> str: order_by = '' for num_nodes in self.test_config.cluster.initial_nodes: order_by += '{:03d}'.format(num_nodes) order_by += '{:018d}'.format(self.test_config.load_settings.items) return order_by def rebalance_time(self, rebalance_time: float) -> Metric: metric = self.elapsed_time(rebalance_time) metric[-1]['orderBy'] = self.rebalance_order_by return metric def failover_time(self, delta: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() return delta, self._snapshots, metric_info def gsi_connections(self, num_connections: int) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() return num_connections, self._snapshots, metric_info def scan_throughput(self, throughput: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = round(throughput, 1) return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def multi_scan_diff(self, time_diff: float): metric_info = self._metric_info() time_diff = round(time_diff, 2) return time_diff, self._snapshots, metric_info def get_functions_throughput(self, time: int, event_name: str, events_processed: int) -> float: throughput = 0 if event_name: for name, file in self.test.functions.items(): for node in self.test.eventing_nodes: throughput += event=event_name, node=node, name=name) else: throughput = events_processed throughput /= len(self.test.functions) throughput /= time return round(throughput, 0) def function_throughput(self, time: int, event_name: str, events_processed: int) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = self.get_functions_throughput(time, event_name, events_processed) return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def eventing_rebalance_time(self, time: int) -> Metric: title_split = self._title.split(sep=",", maxsplit=1) title = "Rebalance Time(sec)," + title_split[1] metric_id = '{}_rebalance_time'.format( metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id=metric_id, title=title) return time, self._snapshots, metric_info @staticmethod def eventing_get_percentile_latency(percentile: float, stats: dict) -> float: """Calculate percentile latency. We get latency stats in format of- time:number of events processed in that time(samples) In this method we get latency stats then calculate percentile latency using- Calculate total number of samples. Keep adding sample until we get required percentile number. For now it calculates for one function only """ latency = 0 total_samples = sum([sample for time, sample in stats]) latency_samples = 0 for time, samples in stats: latency_samples += samples if latency_samples >= (total_samples * percentile / 100): latency = float(time) / 1000 break latency = round(latency, 1) return latency def function_latency(self, percentile: float, latency_stats: dict) -> Metric: """Calculate eventing function latency from stats.""" metric_info = self._metric_info() latency = 0 curl_latency = 0 for name, stats in latency_stats.items(): if name.startswith("curl_latency_"): curl_latency = self.eventing_get_percentile_latency(percentile, stats)"Curl percentile latency is {}ms".format(curl_latency)) else: latency = self.eventing_get_percentile_latency(percentile, stats)"On update percentile latency is {}ms".format(latency)) latency -= curl_latency latency = round(latency, 1) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def function_time(self, time: int, time_type: str, initials: str) -> Metric: title = initials + ", " + self._title metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, time_type.lower()) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id=metric_id, title=title) time = s2m(seconds=time) return time, self._snapshots, metric_info def analytics_latency(self, query: Query, latency: int) -> Metric: metric_id = + strip(query.description) title = 'Avg. query latency (ms), {} {}, {}'.format(, query.description, self._title) order_by = '{:05d}_{}'.format(int([2:]), self._order_by) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title, order_by) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def get_max_rss_values(self, function_name: str, server: str): ratio = 1024 * 1024 db =[0], collector='eventing_consumer_stats', bucket=function_name, server=server) rss_list =, metric='eventing_consumer_rss') max_consumer_rss = round(max(rss_list) / ratio, 2) db =[0], collector='atop', server=server) rss_list =, metric='eventing-produc_rss') max_producer_rss = round(max(rss_list) / ratio, 2) return max_consumer_rss, max_producer_rss def avg_ingestion_rate(self, num_items: int, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() rate = round(num_items / time_elapsed) return rate, self._snapshots, metric_info def compression_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = round(self.test_config.load_settings.items / time_elapsed) return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info
class MetricHelper: def __init__(self, test): self.test = test self.test_config = test.test_config self.cluster_spec = test.cluster_spec = PerfStore(CBMONITOR_HOST) @property def _title(self) -> str: return self.test_config.showfast.title @property def _order_by(self) -> str: return self.test_config.showfast.order_by @property def _snapshots(self) -> List[str]: return self.test.cbmonitor_snapshots @property def _num_nodes(self): return self.test_config.cluster.initial_nodes[0] def _metric_info(self, metric_id: str = None, title: str = None, order_by: str = None) -> Dict[str, str]: return { 'id': metric_id or, 'title': title or self._title, 'orderBy': order_by or self._order_by, } def ycsb_queries(self, value: float, name: str, title: str) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, name) title = '{}, {}'.format(title, self.test_config.showfast.title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) return value, self._snapshots, metric_info @property def query_id(self) -> str: if 'views' in self._title: return '' query_id = self._title.split(',')[0] query_id = query_id.split()[0] for prefix in 'CI', 'Q', 'UP', 'DL', 'AG', 'PI', 'BF': query_id = query_id.replace(prefix, '') return '{:05d}'.format(int(query_id)) def avg_n1ql_throughput(self) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_avg_query_requests'.format( title = 'Avg. Query Throughput (queries/sec), {}'.format(self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title, order_by=self.query_id) throughput = self._avg_n1ql_throughput() return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def _avg_n1ql_throughput(self) -> int: test_time = self.test_config.access_settings.time query_node = self.cluster_spec.servers_by_role('n1ql')[0] vitals = total_requests = vitals['requests.count'] throughput = total_requests / test_time return round(throughput, throughput < 1 and 1 or 0) def bulk_n1ql_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() items = self.test_config.load_settings.items / 4 throughput = round(items / time_elapsed) return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def fts_index(self, elapsed_time: float) -> Metric: metric_id = title = 'Index build time(sec), {}'.format(self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) index_time = round(elapsed_time, 1) return index_time, self._snapshots, metric_info def fts_index_size(self, index_size_raw: int) -> Metric: metric_id = "{}_indexsize".format( title = 'Index size (MB), {}'.format(self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) index_size_mb = int(index_size_raw / (1024 ** 2)) return index_size_mb, self._snapshots, metric_info def jts_throughput(self) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, "jts_throughput") metric_id = metric_id.replace('.', '') title = "Average Throughput (q/sec), {}".format(self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) timings = self._jts_metric(collector="jts_stats", metric="jts_throughput") thr = round(np.average(timings), 2) if thr > 100: thr = round(thr) return thr, self._snapshots, metric_info def jts_latency(self, percentile=50) -> Metric: prefix = "Average latency (ms)" if percentile != 50: prefix = "{}th percentile latency (ms)".format(percentile) metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, "jts_latency") metric_id = metric_id.replace('.', '') title = "{}, {}".format(prefix, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) timings = self._jts_metric(collector="jts_stats", metric="jts_latency") lat = round(np.percentile(timings, percentile), 2) if lat > 100: lat = round(lat) return lat, self._snapshots, metric_info def _jts_metric(self, collector, metric): timings = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector=collector, bucket=bucket) timings +=, metric=metric) return timings def max_ops(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = self._max_ops() return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def _max_ops(self) -> int: values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='ops') return int(np.percentile(values, 90)) def get_collector_values(self, collector): values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector=collector, bucket=bucket) values +=, metric=collector) return values def count_overthreshold_value_of_collector(self, collector, threshold): values = self.get_collector_values(collector) return sum(v >= threshold for v in values) def get_percentile_value_of_collector(self, collector, percentile): values = self.get_collector_values(collector) return np.percentile(values, percentile) def xdcr_lag(self, percentile: Number = 95) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}th_xdcr_lag'.format(, percentile) title = '{}th percentile replication lag (ms), {}'.format(percentile, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) xdcr_lag = self.get_percentile_value_of_collector('xdcr_lag', percentile) return round(xdcr_lag, 1), self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_replication_rate(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() rate = self._avg_replication_rate(time_elapsed) return rate, self._snapshots, metric_info def _avg_replication_rate(self, time_elapsed: float) -> float: initial_items = self.test_config.load_settings.ops or \ self.test_config.load_settings.items num_buckets = self.test_config.cluster.num_buckets avg_replication_rate = num_buckets * initial_items / time_elapsed return round(avg_replication_rate) def max_drain_rate(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() items_per_node = self.test_config.load_settings.items / self._num_nodes drain_rate = round(items_per_node / time_elapsed) return drain_rate, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_disk_write_queue(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='disk_write_queue') disk_write_queue = int(np.average(values)) return disk_write_queue, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_total_queue_age(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='vb_avg_total_queue_age') avg_total_queue_age = int(np.average(values)) return avg_total_queue_age, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_couch_views_ops(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='couch_views_ops') couch_views_ops = int(np.average(values)) return couch_views_ops, self._snapshots, metric_info def query_latency(self, percentile: Number) -> Metric: metric_id = title = '{}th percentile query latency (ms), {}'.format(percentile, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title, order_by=self.query_id) latency = self._query_latency(percentile) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def _query_latency(self, percentile: Number) -> float: values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector='spring_query_latency', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='latency_query') query_latency = np.percentile(values, percentile) if query_latency < 100: return round(query_latency, 1) return int(query_latency) def secondary_scan_latency(self, percentile: Number) -> Metric: metric_id = title = '{}th percentile secondary scan latency (ms), {}'.format(percentile, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) cluster = "" for cid in self.test.cbmonitor_clusters: if "apply_scanworkload" in cid: cluster = cid break db =, collector='secondaryscan_latency') timings =, metric='Nth-latency') timings = list(map(int, timings))"Number of samples are {}".format(len(timings))) scan_latency = np.percentile(timings, percentile) / 1e6 scan_latency = round(scan_latency, 2) return scan_latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def kv_latency(self, operation: str, percentile: Number = 99.9, collector: str = 'spring_latency') -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}_{}th'.format(, operation, percentile) metric_id = metric_id.replace('.', '') title = '{}th percentile {} {}'.format(percentile, operation.upper(), self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) latency = self._kv_latency(operation, percentile, collector) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def _kv_latency(self, operation: str, percentile: Number, collector: str) -> float: timings = [] metric = 'latency_{}'.format(operation) for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector=collector, bucket=bucket) timings +=, metric=metric) latency = np.percentile(timings, percentile) if latency > 100: return round(latency) return round(latency, 2) def observe_latency(self, percentile: Number) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}th'.format(, percentile) title = '{}th percentile {}'.format(percentile, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) timings = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db =[0], collector='observe', bucket=bucket) timings +=, metric='latency_observe') latency = round(np.percentile(timings, percentile), 2) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def cpu_utilization(self) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_avg_cpu'.format( title = 'Avg. CPU utilization (%)' title = '{}, {}'.format(title, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) cluster = self.test.cbmonitor_clusters[0] bucket = self.test_config.buckets[0] db =, collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values =, metric='cpu_utilization_rate') cpu_utilization = int(np.average(values)) return cpu_utilization, self._snapshots, metric_info def max_memcached_rss(self) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_memcached_rss'.format( title = 'Max. memcached RSS (MB),{}'.format( self._title.split(',')[-1] ) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) max_rss = 0 for (cluster_name, servers), initial_nodes in zip( self.cluster_spec.clusters, self.test_config.cluster.initial_nodes, ): cluster = list(filter(lambda name: name.startswith(cluster_name), self.test.cbmonitor_clusters))[0] for server in servers[:initial_nodes]: hostname = server.replace('.', '') db =, collector='atop', server=hostname) values =, metric='memcached_rss') rss = round(max(values) / 1024 ** 2) max_rss = max(max_rss, rss) return max_rss, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_memcached_rss(self) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_avg_memcached_rss'.format( title = 'Avg. memcached RSS (MB),{}'.format( self._title.split(',')[-1] ) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) rss = [] for (cluster_name, servers), initial_nodes in zip( self.cluster_spec.clusters, self.test_config.cluster.initial_nodes, ): cluster = list(filter(lambda name: name.startswith(cluster_name), self.test.cbmonitor_clusters))[0] for server in servers[:initial_nodes]: hostname = server.replace('.', '') db =, collector='atop', server=hostname) rss +=, metric='memcached_rss') avg_rss = int(np.average(rss) / 1024 ** 2) return avg_rss, self._snapshots, metric_info def memory_overhead(self, key_size: int = 20) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() item_size = key_size + self.test_config.load_settings.size user_data = self.test_config.load_settings.items * item_size user_data *= self.test_config.bucket.replica_number + 1 user_data /= 2 ** 20 mem_used, _, _ = self.avg_memcached_rss() mem_used *= self._num_nodes overhead = int(100 * (mem_used / user_data - 1)) return overhead, self._snapshots, metric_info def get_indexing_meta(self, value: float, index_type: str, unit: str = "min") -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, index_type.lower()) title = '{} index ({}), {}'.format(index_type, unit, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) metric_info['category'] = index_type.lower() value = s2m(value) return value, self._snapshots, metric_info def get_memory_meta(self, value: float, memory_type: str) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, memory_type.replace(" ", "").lower()) title = '{} (GB), {}'.format(memory_type, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) return value, self._snapshots, metric_info def bnr_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float, edition: str, tool: str) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}_thr_{}'.format(, tool, edition) title = '{} {} throughput (Avg. MB/sec), {}'.format( edition, tool, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) data_size = self.test_config.load_settings.items * \ self.test_config.load_settings.size / 2 ** 20 # MB avg_throughput = round(data_size / time_elapsed) return avg_throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def backup_size(self, size: float, edition: str) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_size_{}'.format(, edition) title = '{} backup size (GB), {}'.format(edition, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) return size, self._snapshots, metric_info def merge_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() data_size = 2 * self.test_config.load_settings.items * \ self.test_config.load_settings.size / 2 ** 20 # MB avg_throughput = round(data_size / time_elapsed) return avg_throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def import_and_export_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() data_size = self.test_config.load_settings.items * \ self.test_config.load_settings.size / 2 ** 20 # MB avg_throughput = round(data_size / time_elapsed) return avg_throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def import_file_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() import_file = self.test_config.export_settings.import_file data_size = os.path.getsize(import_file) / 2.0 ** 20 avg_throughput = round(data_size / time_elapsed) return avg_throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def verify_series_in_limits(self, expected_number: int) -> bool: db =[0], collector='secondary_debugstats') values =, metric='num_connections') values = list(map(float, values))"Number of samples: {}".format(len(values)))"Sample values: {}".format(values)) if any(value > expected_number for value in values): return False return True def _parse_ycsb_throughput(self) -> int: throughput = 0 for filename in glob.glob("YCSB/ycsb_run_*.log"): with open(filename) as fh: for line in fh.readlines(): if line.startswith('[OVERALL], Throughput(ops/sec)'): throughput += int(float(line.split()[-1])) break return throughput def _ycsb_perc_calc(self, _temp: [], io_type: str, percentile: str, lat_dic: {}, _fc: int): pio_type = '{}th Percentile {}'.format(percentile, io_type) p_lat = round(np.percentile(_temp, percentile) / 1000, 3) if _fc > 1: p_lat = round((((lat_dic[pio_type] * (_fc - 1)) + p_lat) / _fc), 3) lat_dic.update({pio_type: p_lat}) return lat_dic def _ycsb_avg_calc(self, _temp: [], io_type: str, lat_dic: {}, _fc: int): aio_type = 'Average {}'.format(io_type) a_lat = round((sum(_temp) / len(_temp)) / 1000, 3) if _fc > 1: a_lat = round((((lat_dic[aio_type] * (_fc - 1)) + a_lat) / _fc), 3) lat_dic.update({aio_type: a_lat}) return lat_dic def _parse_ycsb_latency(self, percentile: str) -> int: lat_dic = {} _temp = [] _fc = 1 for filename in glob.glob("YCSB/ycsb_run_*.log"): fh2 = open(filename) _l1 = fh2.readlines() _l1_len = len(_l1) fh = open(filename) _c = 0 for x in range(_l1_len - 1): line = fh.readline() if line.find('], 1000,') >= 1: io_type = line.split('[')[1].split(']')[0] _n = 0 while (line.startswith('[{}]'.format(io_type))): lat = float(line.split()[-1]) _temp.append(lat) line = fh.readline() _n += 1 _temp.sort() lat_dic = self._ycsb_perc_calc(_temp=_temp, io_type=io_type, lat_dic=lat_dic, _fc=_fc, percentile=percentile) lat_dic = self._ycsb_avg_calc(_temp=_temp, io_type=io_type, lat_dic=lat_dic, _fc=_fc) _temp.clear() _c += _n _c += 1 x += _c _fc += 1 if 'CLEANUP' in lat_dic: del lat_dic['CLEANUP'] return lat_dic def _parse_ycsb_latency_cbcollect(self, percentile: str): lat_dic = {} _temp = [] _fc = 1 _cbtime = int(self.test.cb_time) _cbstart = int(self.test.cb_start * 1000) for filename in glob.glob("YCSB/ycsb_run_*.log"): fh2 = open(filename) list1 = fh2.readlines() list1_length = len(list1) fh = open(filename) _c = 0 for x in range(list1_length-1): line = fh.readline() if line.find('], {},'.format(_cbstart)) >= 1: io_type = line.split('[')[1].split(']')[0] for y in range(_cbtime): lat = float(line.split()[-1]) _temp.append(lat) if y < _cbtime-1: line = fh.readline() _temp.sort() lat_dic = self._ycsb_perc_calc(_temp=_temp, io_type=io_type, lat_dic=lat_dic, _fc=_fc, percentile=percentile) lat_dic = self._ycsb_avg_calc(_temp=_temp, io_type=io_type, lat_dic=lat_dic, _fc=_fc) _temp.clear() _c += _cbtime _c += 1 x += _c _fc += 1 if 'CLEANUP' in lat_dic: del lat_dic['CLEANUP'] return lat_dic def dcp_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = round(self.test_config.load_settings.items / time_elapsed) return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def fragmentation_ratio(self, ratio: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() return ratio, self._snapshots, metric_info def elapsed_time(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() time_elapsed = s2m(time_elapsed) return time_elapsed, self._snapshots, metric_info def kv_throughput(self, total_ops: int) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = total_ops // self.test_config.access_settings.time return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def ycsb_throughput(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = self._parse_ycsb_throughput() return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def ycsb_latency(self, io_type: str, latency: int, ) -> Metric: title = '{} {}'.format(io_type, self._title) metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, io_type.replace(' ', '_').casefold()) metric_info = self._metric_info(title=title, metric_id=metric_id) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def ycsb_get_latency(self, percentile: str, ) -> Metric: if self.test_config.access_settings.cbcollect: latency_dic = self._parse_ycsb_latency_cbcollect(percentile) else: latency_dic = self._parse_ycsb_latency(percentile) return latency_dic def indexing_time(self, indexing_time: float) -> Metric: return self.elapsed_time(indexing_time) @property def rebalance_order_by(self) -> str: order_by = '' for num_nodes in self.test_config.cluster.initial_nodes: order_by += '{:03d}'.format(num_nodes) order_by += '{:018d}'.format(self.test_config.load_settings.items) return order_by def rebalance_time(self, rebalance_time: float) -> Metric: metric = self.elapsed_time(rebalance_time) metric[-1]['orderBy'] = self.rebalance_order_by return metric def failover_time(self, delta: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() return delta, self._snapshots, metric_info def gsi_connections(self, num_connections: int) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() return num_connections, self._snapshots, metric_info def scan_throughput(self, throughput: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = round(throughput, 1) return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def multi_scan_diff(self, time_diff: float): metric_info = self._metric_info() time_diff = round(time_diff, 2) return time_diff, self._snapshots, metric_info def get_functions_throughput(self, time: int, event_name: str, events_processed: int) -> float: throughput = 0 if event_name: for name, file in self.test.functions.items(): throughput += event=event_name, node=self.test.eventing_nodes[0], name=name) else: throughput = events_processed throughput /= len(self.test.functions) throughput /= time return round(throughput, 0) def function_throughput(self, time: int, event_name: str, events_processed: int) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = self.get_functions_throughput(time, event_name, events_processed) return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def eventing_rebalance_time(self, time: int) -> Metric: title_split = self._title.split(sep=",", maxsplit=2) title = "Rebalance Time(sec)," + title_split[1] metric_id = '{}_rebalance_time'.format( metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id=metric_id, title=title) return time, self._snapshots, metric_info def function_latency(self, percentile: float, latency_stats: dict) -> Metric: """Calculate eventing function latency stats. We get latency stats in format of- time:number of events processed in that time(samples) In this method we get latency stats then calculate percentile latency using- Calculate total number of samples. Keep adding sample until we get required percentile number. For now it calculates for one function only """ metric_info = self._metric_info() latency = 0 for name, stats in latency_stats.items(): total_samples = sum([sample for time, sample in stats]) latency_samples = 0 for time, samples in stats: latency_samples += samples if latency_samples >= (total_samples * percentile / 100): latency = float(time) / 1000 break latency = round(latency, 1) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def function_time(self, time: int, time_type: str, initials: str) -> Metric: title = initials + ", " + self._title metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, time_type.lower()) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id=metric_id, title=title) time = s2m(seconds=time) return time, self._snapshots, metric_info def analytics_latency(self, query: Query, latency: int) -> Metric: metric_id = + strip(query.description) title = 'Avg. query latency (ms), {} {}, {}'.format(, query.description, self._title) order_by = '{:05d}_{}'.format(int([2:]), self._order_by) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title, order_by) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def get_max_rss_values(self, function_name: str, server: str): ratio = 1024 * 1024 db =[0], collector='eventing_consumer_stats', bucket=function_name, server=server) rss_list =, metric='eventing_consumer_rss') max_consumer_rss = round(max(rss_list) / ratio, 2) db =[0], collector='atop', server=server) rss_list =, metric='eventing-produc_rss') max_producer_rss = round(max(rss_list) / ratio, 2) return max_consumer_rss, max_producer_rss def avg_ingestion_rate(self, num_items: int, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() rate = round(num_items / time_elapsed) return rate, self._snapshots, metric_info def compression_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = round(self.test_config.load_settings.items / time_elapsed) return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info
class MetricHelper: def __init__(self, test): self.test = test self.test_config = test.test_config self.cluster_spec = test.cluster_spec = PerfStore(StatsSettings.CBMONITOR) @property def _title(self) -> str: return self.test_config.test_case.title @property def _snapshots(self) -> List[str]: return self.test.cbmonitor_snapshots @property def _num_nodes(self): return self.test_config.cluster.initial_nodes[0] def _metric_info(self, metric_id: str = None, title: str = None, order_by: str = '') -> Dict[str, str]: return { 'id': metric_id or, 'title': title or self._title, 'orderBy': order_by, } def cbas_sync_latency(self, value_sec: float, name: str, title: str) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, name) title = '{}, {}'.format(title, self.test_config.test_case.title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) return value_sec, self._snapshots, metric_info def cbas_query_latency(self, value_ms: float, name: str, title: str) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, name) title = '{}, {}'.format(title, self.test_config.test_case.title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) return value_ms, self._snapshots, metric_info def ycsb_queries(self, value: float, name: str, title: str) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, name) title = '{}, {}'.format(title, self.test_config.test_case.title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) return value, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_n1ql_throughput(self) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_avg_query_requests'.format( title = 'Avg. Query Throughput (queries/sec), {}'.format(self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) throughput = self._avg_n1ql_throughput() return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def _avg_n1ql_throughput(self) -> int: test_time = self.test_config.access_settings.time query_node = self.cluster_spec.servers_by_role('n1ql')[0] vitals = total_requests = vitals['requests.count'] return int(total_requests / test_time) def bulk_n1ql_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() items = self.test_config.load_settings.items / 4 throughput = round(items / time_elapsed) return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_fts_throughput(self, order_by: str, name: str = 'FTS') -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_avg_query_requests'.format( title = 'Query Throughput (queries/sec), {}, {} node, {}'.\ format(self._title, self._num_nodes, name) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title, order_by) if name == 'FTS': total_queries = 0 for host in self.test.active_fts_hosts: all_stats = key = "{}:{}:{}".format(self.test_config.buckets[0], self.test.index_name, "total_queries") if key in all_stats: total_queries += all_stats[key] else: all_stats = total_queries = all_stats["_all"]["total"]["search"]["query_total"] time_taken = self.test_config.access_settings.time throughput = total_queries / float(time_taken) if throughput < 100: throughput = round(throughput, 2) else: throughput = round(throughput) return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def latency_fts_queries(self, percentile: Number, dbname: str, metric: str, order_by: str, name='FTS') -> Metric: if percentile == 0: metric_id = '{}_average'.format( title = 'Average query latency (ms), {}, {} node, {}'.\ format(self._title, self._num_nodes, name) else: metric_id = title = '{}th percentile query latency (ms), {}, {} node, {}'. \ format(percentile, self._title, self._num_nodes, name) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title, order_by) db = '{}{}'.format(dbname, self.test.cbmonitor_clusters[0]) timings =, metric) if percentile == 0: latency = np.average(timings) else: latency = np.percentile(timings, percentile) latency = round(latency) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def fts_index(self, elapsed_time: float, order_by: str, name: str = 'FTS') -> Metric: metric_id = title = 'Index build time(sec), {}, {} node, {}'.\ format(self._title, self._num_nodes, name) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title, order_by) index_time = round(elapsed_time, 1) return index_time, self._snapshots, metric_info def fts_index_size(self, index_size_raw: int, order_by: str, name: str = 'FTS') -> Metric: metric_id = "{}_indexsize".format( title = 'Index size (MB), {}, {} node, {}'.\ format(self._title, self._num_nodes, name) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title, order_by) index_size_mb = int(index_size_raw / (1024**2)) return index_size_mb, self._snapshots, metric_info def fts_rebalance_time(self, reb_time: float, order_by: str, name: str = 'FTS') -> Metric: metric_id = "{}_reb".format( title = 'Rebalance time (min), {}, {}'.format(self._title, name) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title, order_by) reb_time = s2m(reb_time) return reb_time, self._snapshots, metric_info def max_ops(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = self._max_ops() return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def _max_ops(self) -> int: values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db = cluster=self.test.cbmonitor_clusters[0], collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='ops') return int(np.percentile(values, 90)) def lag_collector_metric(self, collector, percentile: Number = 95) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}th_{}'.format(, percentile, collector) title = '{}th percentile {} (ms), {}'.format(percentile, collector, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db = cluster=self.test.cbmonitor_clusters[0], collector=collector, bucket=bucket) values +=, metric=collector) lag = round(np.percentile(values, percentile), 1) return lag, self._snapshots, metric_info def xdcr_lag(self, percentile: Number = 95) -> Metric: return self.lag_collector_metric('xdcr_lag', percentile) def cbas_lag(self, percentile: Number = 95) -> Metric: return self.lag_collector_metric('cbas_lag', percentile) def avg_replication_rate(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() rate = self._avg_replication_rate(time_elapsed) return rate, self._snapshots, metric_info def _avg_replication_rate(self, time_elapsed: float) -> float: initial_items = self.test_config.load_settings.ops or \ self.test_config.load_settings.items num_buckets = self.test_config.cluster.num_buckets avg_replication_rate = num_buckets * initial_items / time_elapsed return round(avg_replication_rate) def max_drain_rate(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() items_per_node = self.test_config.load_settings.items / self._num_nodes drain_rate = round(items_per_node / time_elapsed) return drain_rate, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_disk_write_queue(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db = cluster=self.test.cbmonitor_clusters[0], collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='disk_write_queue') disk_write_queue = int(np.average(values)) return disk_write_queue, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_bg_wait_time(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db = cluster=self.test.cbmonitor_clusters[0], collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='avg_bg_wait_time') avg_bg_wait_time = np.mean(values) / 10**3 # us -> ms avg_bg_wait_time = round(avg_bg_wait_time, 2) return avg_bg_wait_time, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_couch_views_ops(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db = cluster=self.test.cbmonitor_clusters[0], collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='couch_views_ops') couch_views_ops = int(np.average(values)) return couch_views_ops, self._snapshots, metric_info def query_latency(self, percentile: Number) -> Metric: metric_id = title = '{}th percentile query latency (ms), {}'.format( percentile, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) latency = self._query_latency(percentile) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def _query_latency(self, percentile: Number) -> float: values = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db = cluster=self.test.cbmonitor_clusters[0], collector='spring_query_latency', bucket=bucket) values +=, metric='latency_query') query_latency = np.percentile(values, percentile) if query_latency < 100: return round(query_latency, 1) return int(query_latency) def secondary_scan_latency(self, percentile: Number) -> Metric: metric_id = title = '{}th percentile secondary scan latency (ms), {}'.format( percentile, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) cluster = "" for cid in self.test.cbmonitor_clusters: if "apply_scanworkload" in cid: cluster = cid break db =, collector='secondaryscan_latency') timings =, metric='Nth-latency') timings = list(map(int, timings))"Number of samples are {}".format(len(timings))) scan_latency = np.percentile(timings, percentile) / 1e6 scan_latency = round(scan_latency, 2) return scan_latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def kv_latency(self, operation: str, percentile: Number = 99.9, collector: str = 'spring_latency') -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}_{}th'.format(, operation, percentile) metric_id = metric_id.replace('.', '') title = '{}th percentile {} {}'.format(percentile, operation.upper(), self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) latency = self._kv_latency(operation, percentile, collector) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def _kv_latency(self, operation: str, percentile: Number, collector: str) -> float: timings = [] metric = 'latency_{}'.format(operation) for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db = cluster=self.test.cbmonitor_clusters[0], collector=collector, bucket=bucket) timings +=, metric=metric) latency = np.percentile(timings, percentile) if latency > 100: return round(latency) return round(latency, 2) def observe_latency(self, percentile: Number) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}th'.format(, percentile) title = '{}th percentile {}'.format(percentile, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) timings = [] for bucket in self.test_config.buckets: db = cluster=self.test.cbmonitor_clusters[0], collector='observe', bucket=bucket) timings +=, metric='latency_observe') latency = round(np.percentile(timings, percentile), 2) return latency, self._snapshots, metric_info def cpu_utilization(self) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_avg_cpu'.format( title = 'Avg. CPU utilization (%)' title = '{}, {}'.format(title, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) cluster = self.test.cbmonitor_clusters[0] bucket = self.test_config.buckets[0] db =, collector='ns_server', bucket=bucket) values =, metric='cpu_utilization_rate') cpu_utilization = int(np.average(values)) return cpu_utilization, self._snapshots, metric_info def max_beam_rss(self) -> Metric: metric_id = 'beam_rss_max_{}'.format( title = 'Max. beam.smp RSS (MB), {}'.format(self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) max_rss = 0 for cluster_name, servers in self.cluster_spec.clusters: cluster = list( filter(lambda name: name.startswith(cluster_name), self.test.cbmonitor_clusters))[0] for server in servers: hostname = server.replace('.', '') db =, collector='atop', server=hostname) values =, metric='beam.smp_rss') rss = round(max(values) / 1024**2) max_rss = max(max_rss, rss) return max_rss, self._snapshots, metric_info def max_memcached_rss(self) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_memcached_rss'.format( title = 'Max. memcached RSS (MB),{}'.format(self._title.split(',')[-1]) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) max_rss = 0 for (cluster_name, servers), initial_nodes in zip( self.cluster_spec.clusters, self.test_config.cluster.initial_nodes, ): cluster = list( filter(lambda name: name.startswith(cluster_name), self.test.cbmonitor_clusters))[0] for server in servers[:initial_nodes]: hostname = server.replace('.', '') db =, collector='atop', server=hostname) values =, metric='memcached_rss') rss = round(max(values) / 1024**2) max_rss = max(max_rss, rss) return max_rss, self._snapshots, metric_info def avg_memcached_rss(self) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_avg_memcached_rss'.format( title = 'Avg. memcached RSS (MB),{}'.format(self._title.split(',')[-1]) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) rss = [] for (cluster_name, servers), initial_nodes in zip( self.cluster_spec.clusters, self.test_config.cluster.initial_nodes, ): cluster = list( filter(lambda name: name.startswith(cluster_name), self.test.cbmonitor_clusters))[0] for server in servers[:initial_nodes]: hostname = server.replace('.', '') db =, collector='atop', server=hostname) rss +=, metric='memcached_rss') avg_rss = int(np.average(rss) / 1024**2) return avg_rss, self._snapshots, metric_info def memory_overhead(self, key_size: int = 20) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() item_size = key_size + self.test_config.load_settings.size user_data = self.test_config.load_settings.items * item_size user_data *= self.test_config.bucket.replica_number + 1 user_data /= 2**20 mem_used, _, _ = self.avg_memcached_rss() mem_used *= self._num_nodes overhead = int(100 * (mem_used / user_data - 1)) return overhead, self._snapshots, metric_info def get_indexing_meta(self, value: float, index_type: str, unit: str = "min") -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, index_type.lower()) title = '{} index ({}), {}'.format(index_type, unit, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) metric_info['category'] = index_type.lower() value = s2m(value) return value, self._snapshots, metric_info def get_memory_meta(self, value: float, memory_type: str) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}'.format(, memory_type.replace(" ", "").lower()) title = '{} (GB), {}'.format(memory_type, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) return value, self._snapshots, metric_info def bnr_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float, edition: str, tool: str) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_{}_thr_{}'.format(, tool, edition) title = '{} {} throughput (Avg. MB/sec), {}'.format( edition, tool, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) data_size = self.test_config.load_settings.items * \ self.test_config.load_settings.size / 2 ** 20 # MB avg_throughput = round(data_size / time_elapsed) return avg_throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def backup_size(self, size: float, edition: str) -> Metric: metric_id = '{}_size_{}'.format(, edition) title = '{} backup size (GB), {}'.format(edition, self._title) metric_info = self._metric_info(metric_id, title) return size, self._snapshots, metric_info def merge_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() data_size = 2 * self.test_config.load_settings.items * \ self.test_config.load_settings.size / 2 ** 20 # MB avg_throughput = round(data_size / time_elapsed) return avg_throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def import_and_export_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() data_size = self.test_config.load_settings.items * \ self.test_config.load_settings.size / 2 ** 20 # MB avg_throughput = round(data_size / time_elapsed) return avg_throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def import_file_throughput(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() import_file = self.test_config.export_settings.import_file data_size = os.path.getsize(import_file) / 2.0**20 avg_throughput = round(data_size / time_elapsed) return avg_throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def verify_series_in_limits(self, expected_number: int) -> bool: db =[0], collector='secondary_debugstats') values =, metric='num_connections') values = list(map(float, values))"Number of samples: {}".format(len(values)))"Sample values: {}".format(values)) if any(value > expected_number for value in values): return False return True def _parse_ycsb_throughput(self) -> int: throughput = 0 for filename in glob.glob("YCSB/ycsb_run_*.log"): with open(filename) as fh: for line in fh.readlines(): if line.startswith('[OVERALL], Throughput(ops/sec)'): throughput += int(float(line.split()[-1])) return throughput def parse_cbas_query_latencies(self) -> Dict[str, float]: query_count_dict = {} query_exe_time_dict = {} pattern = re.compile("[^\t]+") for filename in glob.glob("loader/*.query.result"): with open(filename) as fh: for line in fh.readlines(): if line.startswith('CBAS success query'): line = line.replace("\n", "") parts = pattern.findall(line) if len(parts) >= 10: query = parts[1] exe_time = 0.0 exe_time_str = parts[9] if exe_time_str.endswith("ms"): exe_time = float(exe_time_str.replace( "ms", "")) elif exe_time_str.endswith("s"): exe_time = float(exe_time_str.replace( "s", "")) * 1000 if query in query_count_dict: query_count_dict[ query] = query_count_dict[query] + 1 query_exe_time_dict[ query] = query_exe_time_dict[ query] + exe_time else: query_count_dict[query] = 1 query_exe_time_dict[query] = exe_time for query in query_exe_time_dict: query_exe_time_dict[ query] = query_exe_time_dict[query] / query_count_dict[query] return query_exe_time_dict def _parse_dcp_throughput(self, output_file: str = 'dcpstatsfile') -> int: # Get throughput from OUTPUT_FILE for posting to showfast with open(output_file) as fh: output_text = groups ="Throughput = [^\d]*(\d*).*?", output_text) return int( def dcp_throughput(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = self._parse_dcp_throughput() return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def fragmentation_ratio(self, ratio: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() return ratio, self._snapshots, metric_info def elapsed_time(self, time_elapsed: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() time_elapsed = s2m(time_elapsed) return time_elapsed, self._snapshots, metric_info def kv_throughput(self, total_ops: int) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = total_ops // self.test_config.access_settings.time return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def ycsb_throughput(self) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = self._parse_ycsb_throughput() return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def indexing_time(self, indexing_time: float) -> Metric: return self.elapsed_time(indexing_time) def rebalance_time(self, rebalance_time: float) -> Metric: return self.elapsed_time(rebalance_time) def failover_time(self, delta: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() return delta, self._snapshots, metric_info def gsi_connections(self, num_connections: int) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() return num_connections, self._snapshots, metric_info def scan_throughput(self, throughput: float) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = round(throughput, 1) return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info def multi_scan_diff(self, time_diff: float): metric_info = self._metric_info() time_diff = round(time_diff, 2) return time_diff, self._snapshots, metric_info def function_throughput(self, time: int, event_name: str) -> Metric: metric_info = self._metric_info() throughput = 0 for name, file in self.test.functions.items(): throughput += event=event_name, node=self.test.eventing_nodes[0], name=name) throughput /= len(self.test.functions) throughput /= time throughput = round(throughput, 1) return throughput, self._snapshots, metric_info