def CreateMakelistFiles(self): loghelper.get_logger().info("\n\n Creating make list files...\n") cmd = '"' + os.path.join( self.toolboxPath, r'createMakelistFiles.exe') \ + '" ' + str(self.simID) loghelper.get_logger().info("Command line: " + cmd) self.call_subprocess_cmd(cmd)
def Query(self, query, params=None): if self.log_enabled: loghelper.get_logger().info("{0}\n{1}".format(self.path, query)) cursor = self.connection.cursor() params = self._floatifyIntParams(params) cursor.execute(query, params) if params else cursor.execute(query) return cursor
def LoadCBMResults(self, output_path=None): loghelper.get_logger().info("\n\n Loading CBM Results...\n") results_path = self.getDefaultResultsPath() \ if output_path is None else os.path.abspath(output_path) cmd = '"' + os.path.join(self.toolboxPath, r'LoaderCL.exe') + '" ' \ + str(self.simID) + ' "' + results_path + '"' loghelper.get_logger().info("Command line: " + cmd) self.call_subprocess_cmd(cmd)
def CleanupRunDirectory(self): loghelper.get_logger().info("\n\n Clean up previous runs in " + self.CBMTemp + " \n") top = self.CBMTemp for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.CBMTemp, topdown=False): for f in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, f)) for d in dirs: if os.path.join(root, d) != top: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, d), ignore_errors=1)
def ExecuteMany(self, query, params): cursor = self.connection.cursor() try: if not isinstance(params, Iterable): params = self._floatifyIntParams(params) params = [self._floatifyIntParams(p) for p in params] cursor.executemany(query, params) except ProgrammingError: loghelper.get_logger().info("{}".format(query)) raise cursor.commit()
def ExecuteQuery(self, query, params=None): if self.log_enabled: loghelper.get_logger().info("{0}\n{1}".format(self.path, query)) cursor = self.connection.cursor() try: params = self._floatifyIntParams(params) cursor.execute(query, params) if params else cursor.execute(query) except ProgrammingError: loghelper.get_logger().info("{0}".format(query)) raise cursor.commit()
def RunCBM(self): loghelper.get_logger().info("\n\n Running CBM...\n") cbm_path = os.path.join(self.CBMTemp, r'CBMRun\CBM.exe') cwd = os.getcwd() try: # CBM is expecting the current directory to be its location os.chdir(os.path.dirname(cbm_path)) cmd = '"' + cbm_path + '" ' loghelper.get_logger().info("Command line: " + cmd) self.call_subprocess_cmd(cmd) finally: os.chdir(cwd) # change back to the original working dir
def runMakelist(self): loghelper.get_logger().info("\n\n Running make list...\n") makelist_path = os.path.join(self.CBMTemp, r'Makelist\Makelist.exe') cwd = os.getcwd() try: # makelist is expecting the current directory to be its location os.chdir(os.path.dirname(makelist_path)) cmd = '"' + makelist_path + '" ' loghelper.get_logger().info("Command line: " + cmd) self.call_subprocess_cmd(cmd) finally: os.chdir(cwd) # change back to the original working dir
def CreateCBMFiles(self, save_svl_by_timestep=False): loghelper.get_logger().info("\n\n Creating CBM files...\n") cmd = '"' + os.path.join( self.toolboxPath, r'createCBMFiles.exe') + '" ' + str(self.simID) loghelper.get_logger().info("Command line: " + cmd) self.call_subprocess_cmd(cmd) cbm_run_input_dir = os.path.join(self.CBMTemp, "CBMRun", "input") if save_svl_by_timestep: file_replace.replace( os.path.join(cbm_run_input_dir, "model.inf"), self._create_model_inf_replace_func( save_svl_every_timestep_option=1)) inf = open(os.path.join(cbm_run_input_dir, "indicate.inf"), 'w') inf.write('0\n') inf.flush() inf.close()
def copyMakelistOutput(self, source_path=None): if source_path and not os.path.exists(source_path): raise ValueError( f"specified makelist output dir does not exist: {source_path}") loghelper.get_logger().info("\n\n Copying makelist outputs...\n") CBMinpath = os.path.join(self.CBMTemp, r'CBMRun\input') if os.path.exists(CBMinpath): for f in glob.iglob(os.path.join(CBMinpath, '*')): os.remove(f) else: os.makedirs(CBMinpath) if source_path: ini_glob = os.path.join(source_path, "*.ini") else: ini_glob = os.path.join(self.CBMTemp, r'Makelist\output\*.ini') for f in glob.iglob(ini_glob): shutil.copy2(f, CBMinpath)
def sit_import_main(args): try: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "sit_data_dir", help="directory containing SIT formatted csv files and parameter " "mapping json file") parser.add_argument( "cbm3_project_path", help="path to the file created by imported the specified SIT " "dataset") parser.add_argument( "--aidb_path", help="path to the archive index from which default CBM parameters " "are drawn during the SIT import process.") parser.add_argument( "--initialize_mapping", help="if specified indicates the the values in the SIT dataset " "are identical to values stored in the archive index and do " "not require mapping.", action="store_true", dest="initialize_mapping") parser.add_argument( "--working_dir", help="Optional working dir where logs, and intermediate files are " "created during the sit process. If not specified a sub " "directory in the specified 'sit_data_dir' is used.") args = parser.parse_args(args) aidb_path = args.aidb_path if not aidb_path: aidb_path = toolbox_defaults.get_archive_index_path() sit_helper.csv_import(csv_dir=args.sit_data_dir, imported_project_path=args.cbm3_project_path, initialize_mapping=args.initialize_mapping, archive_index_db_path=aidb_path, working_dir=args.working_dir) except Exception: loghelper.get_logger().exception("")
def CopyCBMExecutable(self): loghelper.get_logger().info("\n\n Copying CBM.exe to Temp dir...\n") shutil.copy2(os.path.join(self.ExecutablePath, r'CBM.exe'), os.path.join(self.CBMTemp, r'CBMRun'))
def loadMakelistSVLS(self): loghelper.get_logger().info("\n\n Loading Makelist SVLs...\n") cmd = '"' + os.path.join(self.toolboxPath, r'MakelistSVLLoader.exe') \ + '" ' + str(self.simID) loghelper.get_logger().info("Command line: " + cmd) self.call_subprocess_cmd(cmd)
def copyMakelist(self): loghelper.get_logger().info( "\n\n Copying makelist.exe to Temp dir...\n") shutil.copy2(os.path.join(self.ExecutablePath, r'Makelist.exe'), os.path.join(self.CBMTemp, 'Makelist'))
def simulate_main(args): try: logpath = os.path.join("{0}_{1}.log".format( "simulation","%Y-%m-%d %H_%M_%S"))) loghelper.start_logging(logpath, 'w+') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="CBM-CFS3 simulation script. Simulates a CBM-CFS3 " "project access database by automating functions in " "the Operational-Scale CBM-CFS3 toolbox") parser.add_argument("project_path", type=os.path.abspath, help="path to a cbm project database file") parser.add_argument( "--project_simulation_id", type=int, help="integer id for the simulation scenario to run in the " "project (tblSimulation.SimulationID). If not specified " "the highest numeric SimulationID is used.") parser.add_argument( "--n_timesteps", type=int, help="the number of timesteps to run the specified project. " "If not specified the value in tblRunTableDetails will be " "used.") parser.add_argument( "--aidb_path", nargs="?", default=toolbox_defaults.get_archive_index_path(), type=os.path.abspath, help="path to a CBM-CFS3 archive index database. If unspecified a " "typical default value is used.") parser.add_argument( "--toolbox_installation_dir", nargs="?", default=toolbox_defaults.get_install_path(), type=os.path.abspath, help="the Operational-Scale CBM-CFS3 toolbox installation " "directory. If unspecified a typical default value is used.") parser.add_argument( "--cbm_exe_path", nargs="?", default=toolbox_defaults.get_cbm_executable_dir(), type=os.path.abspath, help="directory containing CBM.exe and Makelist.exe. If " "unspecified a typical default value is used.") parser.add_argument( "--results_database_path", type=os.path.abspath, help="optional file path into which CBM results will be loaded." "if unspecified a default value is used.") parser.add_argument( "--tempfiles_output_dir", type=os.path.abspath, help="optional directory where CBM tempfiles will be copied " "after simulation. If unspecified a default directory is " "used.") parser.add_argument( "--skip_makelist", action="store_true", help="If set then skip running makelist. Useful for " "afforestation only projects and for re-using existing " "makelist results.") parser.add_argument( "--use_existing_makelist_output", action="store_true", help="if set the existing values in the project " "database will be used in place of a new set of values" "generated by the makelist executable.") parser.add_argument( "--copy_makelist_results", action="store_true", help="If present makelist *svl output is directly copied from the " "makelist output dir to the cbm input dir rather than using " "the toolbox load svl and dump svl procedures. If specified " "with a directory, the makelist output files in the " "specified directory will be copied to the CBM input " "directory") parser.add_argument( "--stdout_path", type=os.path.abspath, help="optionally redirect makelist and CBM standard output to " "the specified file. If unspecified standard out is directed " "to the console window") parser.add_argument( "--dist_classes_path", type=os.path.abspath, help="one of a pair of optional file paths used to configure " "extended kf6 accounting") parser.add_argument( "--dist_rules_path", type=os.path.abspath, help="one of a pair of optional file paths used to configure " "extended kf6 accounting") parser.add_argument( "--save_svl_by_timestep", action="store_true", help="if set the CBM executable will be configured to " "write out all stand database (SVLxxx.dat) files at the end " "of every time step.") parser.add_argument( "--loader_settings", type=json.loads, help="An optional json formatted string indicating settings for " "loading CBM results. If omitted the CBM-Toolbox built-in " "loader is used.") args = parser.parse_args(args=args) results_path =**args.__dict__) loghelper.get_logger().info( f"simulation finish, results path: {results_path}") except Exception: loghelper.get_logger().exception("")
def CopyTempFiles(self, output_dir): loghelper.get_logger().info( "\n\n Copying Tempfiles to Project Directory...\n") tempfilepath = os.path.abspath(output_dir) shutil.copytree(self.CBMTemp, tempfilepath, ignore=self._ignorethese)
def DumpMakelistSVLs(self): loghelper.get_logger().info("\n\n dumping makelist svls...\n") cmd = '"' + os.path.join(self.toolboxPath, r'DumpMakelistSVL.exe') \ + '" "' + str(self.simID) + ' "' loghelper.get_logger().info("Command line: " + cmd) self.call_subprocess_cmd(cmd)
def create_accounting_rules(self): self.createAccountingRulesTables() loghelper.get_logger().info(" Creating kf5 accounting rules") self.projectAccessDb.ExecuteMany( "INSERT INTO tblaccountingruletype (name) VALUES (?)", [["years_since_disturbance"], ["ag_biomass"], ["total_biomass"], ["total_eco"], ["years_since_last_pass_disturbance"], ["ag_biomass_last_pass_disturbance"], ["total_biomass_last_pass_disturbance"], ["total_eco_last_pass_disturbance"]]) self.projectAccessDb.ExecuteMany( "INSERT INTO tblAccountingRuleTrackingType (name) VALUES (?)", [["ignore"], ["replace"], ["inherit"], ["passive"]]) with open(self.dist_classes_path) as dist_class_file: reader = csv.DictReader(dist_class_file) uniqueDisturbanceClasses = set([row["Category"] for row in reader]) self.projectAccessDb.ExecuteMany( "INSERT INTO tbldisturbanceclass (name) VALUES (?)", [[dc] for dc in uniqueDisturbanceClasses]) with open(self.dist_classes_path) as dist_class_file: reader = csv.DictReader(dist_class_file) self.projectAccessDb.ExecuteMany( """ INSERT INTO tbldisturbancetypeclassification (defaultdisttypeid, disturbance_class_id) SELECT ? AS defaultdisttypeid, id AS disturbance_class_id FROM tbldisturbanceclass WHERE name LIKE ? """, [[row["DefaultDistTypeID"], row["Category"]] for row in reader]) with open(self.dist_rules_path) as csvfile: add_rule_sql = \ """ INSERT INTO tblaccountingrule (accountingrulesetid, accountingruletypeid, rule_value) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """ reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: dist_class = row["disturbance_class"] rule_tracking_type = row["rule_tracking_type"] rule_type = row.get("rule_type") rule_value = row.get("rule_value") ru = row.get("defaultSPUID") spu = row.get("SPUID") if spu: rule_sets = self.get_or_add_rule_sets(dist_class, rule_tracking_type, spu=spu) elif ru: rule_sets = self.get_or_add_rule_sets(dist_class, rule_tracking_type, ru=ru) else: rule_sets = self.get_or_add_rule_sets(dist_class, rule_tracking_type) if not rule_type: # Rule set with no rules (i.e. to set rule_tracking_type only) continue rule_type_id = self.get_or_add_rule_type(rule_type) for rule_set in rule_sets: value = self.get_makelist_value(rule_set.spuid) if rule_value == "makelist" else rule_value self.projectAccessDb.ExecuteQuery( add_rule_sql, [rule_set.accountingrulesetid, rule_type_id, value])