コード例 #1
def run_etags(root, files, chunk=2000):
    """Run etags from the given root over the given files.

    Some operating systems limit the number of command line arguments
    (or the length of the command), we we process the list of files in

    if not files:
        return ''

    except FileNotFoundError:
        pass  # file did not exist

    logging.info('Running etags on %s files...', len(files))
    while files:
        paths = files[:chunk]
        files = files[chunk:]
        logging.info('Running etags on %s files starting with %s...',
                     len(paths), paths[0])
        runt.run([ETAGS, '-o', TAGS, '--append'] + paths,
    logging.info('Finished running etags.')

    with open(os.path.join(root, TAGS)) as etags_file:
        etags_data = etags_file.read()
    os.remove(os.path.join(root, TAGS))
    return etags_data
コード例 #2
    def find_sources(root, exclude, extensions):
        """Use find to list the source files under root."""

        logging.info('Running find...')
        cmd = ['find', '-L', '.']
        files = runt.run(cmd, root).strip().splitlines()
        logging.info('Running find...done')
        return select_source_files(files, root, exclude, extensions)
コード例 #3
def have_etags():
    """Test for the existence of etags."""

        help_banner = runt.run([ETAGS,
        return ETAGS in help_banner
    except FileNotFoundError:
        return False
コード例 #4
def have_ctags():
    """Test for existence of exuberant ctags."""

        help_banner = runt.run([CTAGS,
        return all(string in help_banner for string in [EXUBERANT, CTAGS])
    except FileNotFoundError:
        return False
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self, goto, root, cwd=None):

        cmd = ['cbmc', '--show-loops', '--json-ui', goto]
            super(LoopFromGoto, self).__init__(
                [parse_cbmc_json(json.loads(runt.run(cmd, cwd=cwd)), root)])
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
            raise UserWarning('Failed to run {}: {}'.format(cmd, str(err)))
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err:
            raise UserWarning('Failed to parse output of {}: {}'.format(
                cmd, str(err)))
コード例 #6
    def find_sources(self, build):
        """Use make to list the source files used to build a goto binary."""

        # Remove object files
        runt.run(['make', 'clean'], build)

        # Build with the preprocessor
        preprocessor_commands = self.build_with_preprocessor(build)
        logging.debug('preprocessor commands: %s', preprocessor_commands)
        preprocessed_filenames = self.extract_filenames(
            preprocessor_commands, build)
        logging.debug('preprocessed filenames: %s', preprocessed_filenames)
        preprocessed_output = self.read_output(preprocessed_filenames)
        #logging.debug('preprocessed output: %s', preprocessed_output)
        source_files = self.extract_source_filenames(preprocessed_output,
        logging.debug('source files: %s', source_files)

        # Remove preprocessor output
        runt.run(['make', 'clean'], build)

        return source_files
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, goto, root, cwd=None):

        cmd = ["goto-analyzer", "--reachable-functions", "--json", "-", goto]
            analyzer_output = runt.run(cmd, cwd=cwd)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
            raise UserWarning('Failed to run {}: {}'.format(cmd,
                                                            str(err))) from err

        json_data = parse.parse_json_string(analyzer_output,
        super().__init__([parse_cbmc_json(json_data, root)])
コード例 #8
def symbol_table(goto):
    """Extract symbol table from goto binary as lines of text."""

    # The --show-symbol-table flag produces a sequence of symbol
    # definitions.  Definitions are separated by blank lines.  Each
    # definition is a sequence of lines including
    #   Symbol......: symbol_name
    #   Pretty name.: simple_symbol_name
    #   Location....: file file_name line line_number

    cmd = ['cbmc', '--show-symbol-table', goto]
    definitions = re.split(r'[\n\r][\n\r]+', runt.run(cmd))
    return [definition.strip().splitlines() for definition in definitions]
コード例 #9
def run_ctags(root, files, chunk=2000):
    """Run ctags from the given root over the given files.

    Some operating systems limit the number of command line arguments
    (or the length of the command), we we process the list of files in

    if not files:
        return ''

    logging.info('Running ctags on %s files...', len(files))
    output = ''
    while files:
        paths = files[:chunk]
        files = files[chunk:]
        logging.info('Running ctags on %s files starting with %s...',
                     len(paths), paths[0])
        output += runt.run([CTAGS, '-x'] + paths, cwd=root, encoding='latin1')
    logging.info('Running ctags on %s files...done', len(files))
    return output
コード例 #10
def symbol_table(goto):
    """Extract symbol table from goto binary as lines of text."""

    # The --show-symbol-table flag produces a sequence of symbol
    # definitions.  Definitions are separated by blank lines.  Each
    # definition is a sequence of lines including
    #   Symbol......: symbol_name
    #   Pretty name.: simple_symbol_name
    #   Location....: file file_name line line_number

    # Code with definitions like
    #   static const char *UTF_16_BE_BOM = "\xFE\xFF";
    # will produce values in the symbol table that cannot be read as
    # strings of UTF-8 characters.  We read the symbol table using the
    # latin1 encoding in place of the Python default UTF-8 encoding,
    # since latin1 agrees with UTF-8 on the ASCII characters.

    cmd = ['cbmc', '--show-symbol-table', goto]
    definitions = re.split(r'[\n\r][\n\r]+', runt.run(cmd, encoding='latin1'))
    return [definition.strip().splitlines() for definition in definitions]
コード例 #11
    def build_with_preprocessor(build):
        """Build the goto binary using goto-cc as a preprocessor.

        Return the list of goto-cc commands used in the build.

        # Make will fail when it tries to link the preprocessed output
        # What is a system-independent way of skipping the link failure?
        # For now, we assume error code 2 is generated by the link failure.

        # build the project with the preprocessor and capture the make output
        result = runt.run(['make', 'GOTO_CC=goto-cc -E', 'goto'],

        # strip line continuations in the make output
        result = result.replace('\\\n', '')

        # return the invocations of goto-cc in the make output
        return [
            line.strip() for line in result.splitlines()
            if line.strip().startswith('goto-cc')
コード例 #12
    def sloc(files, root):
        """Run sloc on a list of files under root."""

        loc = {}
        sources = files
        while sources:
            files = sources[:100]
            sources = sources[100:]

            logging.info('Running sloc on %s files starting with %s...',
                         len(files), files[0])
            command = ['sloc', '-f', 'json'] + files
            logging.debug('sloc: %s', ' '.join(command))

                result = runt.run(command, root)
            except FileNotFoundError as error:
                # handle sloc command not found
                logging.info('sloc not found: %s', error.strerror)
                return None
            except OSError as error:
                # handle sloc argument list too long
                if error.errno != 7:  # errno==7 is 'Argument list too long'
                logging.info('sloc argument list too long: %s', error.strerror)
                return None
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:
                # handle sloc error generated by running sloc
                logging.info('Unable to run sloc: %s', error.stderr)
                return None
            # sloc produces useful data in addition to the summary
            data = json.loads(result)['summary']
            for key, val in data.items():
                loc[key] = int(val) + loc.get(key, 0)

        return loc