コード例 #1
ファイル: ungraceFullHAiSCSI.py プロジェクト: ksatchit/devops
def verify_IOPS(NODE1_IP, PASSWD, iops_datapath):
    cmd = 'reng stats access dataset %s qos | head -n 4 ; sleep 2 ;\
            echo "-----------------"; reng stats access dataset %s qos |\
            head -n 4' % (iops_datapath, iops_datapath)
    logging.debug('executing the command %s in controller', str(cmd))
    iops_res = getControllerInfo(NODE1_IP, PASSWD, cmd, 'beforeHAIO1.txt')
    print iops_res
    logging.debug('iops result is %s', (iops_res))
    logging.debug('sleeping for 3 seconds before fatching new IOPS value...')
    logging.debug('executing the command %s in controller', str(cmd))
    iops_res = getControllerInfo(NODE1_IP, PASSWD, cmd, 'beforeHAIO2.txt')
    print iops_res
    logging.debug('iops result is %s', (iops_res))
    io_output = executeCmdNegative('diff beforeHAIO1.txt beforeHAIO2.txt')
    if io_output[0] == 'FAILED':
        msg = 'IOPS are not running, please make sure to run IOPS properly'
        logging.debug('Compared result: %s, Error: %s', io_output[0], msg)
        logging.debug('IOPS Error: Not going to reset the Node...')
        is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG)
    elif io_output[0] == 'PASSED':
        msg = "Iops are  running fine"
        logging.debug('Compared result: %s', msg)
        print msg
        print "problem in comparing files"
        logging.error('problem in comparing files')
        is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG)
コード例 #2
ファイル: ungraceFullHAiSCSI.py プロジェクト: ksatchit/devops
def verify_IOPS_afterHA(NODE2_IP, PASSWD, iops_datapath):
    endTime = ctime()
    cmd = 'reng stats access dataset %s qos | head -n 4 ; sleep 2 ;\
            echo "-----------------"; reng stats access dataset %s qos |\
            head -n 4' % (iops_datapath, iops_datapath)
    logging.debug('executing the command %s in controller', str(cmd))
    iops_res = getControllerInfo(NODE2_IP, PASSWD, cmd, 'afterHAIO1.txt')
    print iops_res
    logging.debug('iops result is %s', (iops_res))
    logging.debug('sleeping for 3 seconds before fatching new IOPS value...')
    logging.debug('executing the command %s in controller', str(cmd))
    iops_res = getControllerInfo(NODE2_IP, PASSWD, cmd, 'afterHAIO2.txt')
    print iops_res
    logging.debug('iops result is %s', (iops_res))
    io_output = executeCmdNegative('diff afterHAIO1.txt afterHAIO2.txt')
    if io_output[0] == 'FAILED':
        msg = 'IOPS are not running after HA failover...'
        logging.debug('Compared result: %s, Error: %s', io_output[0], msg)
        logging.debug('IOPS Error: ungracefull HA test case(iSCSI) failed...')
        resultCollection('Ungracefull HA test case(iSCSI) failed', \
                ['FAILED', ''], startTime, endTime)
    elif io_output[0] == 'PASSED':
        msg = "IOPS are  running fine after ungracefull HA"
        logging.debug('Compared result: %s', msg)
        resultCollection('Ungracefull HA test case(iSCSI) passed', \
                ['PASSED', ''], startTime, endTime)
        print msg
        print "problem in comparing files"
        logging.error('problem in comparing files')
        is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG)
コード例 #3
def file_compare(file1, file2, state):
    logging.info('Comparing Iops result files...')
    cmp_output = executeCmdNegative('diff %s %s' %(file1, file2))
    logging.debug('compared result is %s', (cmp_output))
    endTime = ctime()
    if cmp_output[0] == 'FAILED':
        msg = 'IOPs are not running %s adding clients to exports' %state
        logAndresult(testcase, 'FAILED', msg, startTime, endTime)
    elif cmp_output[0] == 'PASSED':
        msg = 'IOPs are running fine %s adding clients to exports' %(state)
        logging.debug('%s', msg)
        logging.error('Failed to compare files having IOPS values')
        print "problem in comparing files"
コード例 #4
def file_compare(firstFile, secondFile, prptName):
    logging.info('Comparing QOS result files...')
    qos_output = executeCmdNegative('diff %s %s' % (firstFile, secondFile))
    logging.debug('compared result is %s', (qos_output))
    if qos_output[0] == 'FAILED':
        msg = 'Qos values are same after updating "%s"' % prptName
        endTime = ctime()
        logAndresult(testcase, 'FAILED', msg, startTime, endTime)
    elif qos_output[0] == 'PASSED':
        msg = 'Qos values are different after updating "%s"' % prptName
        logging.debug('%s', msg)
        logging.error('Failed to compare files having qos values')
        print "problem in comparing files"
コード例 #5
                        querycommand = 'command=deleteSnapshot&id=%s&name=%s' %(tsm_dataset_id, Name)
                        resp_tsm_delete_snp = sendrequest(stdurl, querycommand)
                        filesave("logs/delete_tsm_snapshot.txt", "w",resp_tsm_delete_snp)
                        tsmdelete = json.loads(resp_tsm_delete_snp.text)
                        if 'errortext' in str(tsmdelete):
                            endTime = ctime()
                            errorstatus = str(tsmdelete['deleteSnapshotResponse']['errortext'])
                            #testout = string.find(errorstatus, sub[, 'has a'[,'clone']])
                            #print testout
                            resultCollection("Result for snapshot \"%s\" deletion on TSM %s is: " %(Name, config['tsmName%d' %(x)]), ['FAILED', errorstatus], startTime, endTime)
                            getControllerInfo(IP, passwd, 'zfs list -t snapshot | grep %s' %(Name), "tsm_snapshot_result.txt")

                            ## Verifying for cifs snapshot deletion
                            for p in range(1, int(config['Number_of_CIFSVolumes'])+1):
                                cifsresult = executeCmdNegative('cat tsm_snapshot_result.txt | grep %s@%s > tsm_snapshot_result2.txt' %(config['volCifsDatasetname%d' %(p)], Name))
                                if cifsresult[0] == 'FAILED':
                                    tsmFlag = 0
                                    endTime = ctime()
                                    resultCollection("Result for snapshot \"%s\" deletion on volume %s is: " %(Name, config['volCifsDatasetname%d' %(p)]), cifsresult, startTime, endTime)

                            ## Verifying for nfs snapshot deletion
                            for q in range(1, int(config['Number_of_NFSVolumes'])+1):
                                nfsresult = executeCmdNegative('cat tsm_snapshot_result.txt | grep %s@%s > tsm_snapshot_result2.txt' %(config['volDatasetname%d' %(q)], Name))
                                if nfsresult[0] == 'FAILED':
                                    tsmFlag = 0
                                    endTime = ctime()
                                    resultCollection("Result for snapshot \"%s\" deletion on volume %s is: " %(Name, config['volDatasetname%d' %(q)]), nfsresult, startTime, endTime)

                            ## Verifying for iscsi snapshot deletion
                            for r in range(1, int(config['Number_of_ISCSIVolumes'])+1):
コード例 #6
                % (config['volCifsMountpoint%d' % (x)], file1, file1))
            chksumresult = executeCmd(
                'diff mount/%s_md5sum mount/%s_md5sum_mount' % (file1, file1))
            endTime = ctime()
                'md5sum result of file \'%s\' on volume %s is :' %
                (file1, config['volCifsDatasetname%d' % (x)]), chksumresult,
                startTime, endTime)

            # The same file executionRevertSnapshot.py will be used for "Data check" in Cloned dataset
            # So there is no need to check for second file that's why file2_check is there

            ### file2 should not be present in mounted directory
            if file2_check:
                filenotpresent = executeCmdNegative(
                    'ls mount/%s | grep %s' % (config['volCifsMountpoint%d' %
                                                      (x)], file2))
                endTime = ctime()
                    'Result for file \'%s\' should not exit is: ' % (file2),
                    filenotpresent, startTime, endTime)
            executeCmd('umount mount/%s' % (config['volCifsMountpoint%d' %
            endTime = ctime()
                "Mount of CIFS Volume %s" % (config['volCifsDatasetname%d' %
                                                    (x)]), output, startTime,

### NFS
コード例 #7
             (filename, filename))
         endTime = ctime()
             "Checksum result on NFS Volume %s is:" %
             (config['volDatasetname%d' % (x)]), diffoutput, startTime,
         executeCmd('umount  %s:/%s' %
                    (config['volIPAddress%d' %
                            (x)], config['volMountpoint%d' % (x)]))
     ### delete
     if delete:
         # print 'Inside delete'
         out = executeCmd('rm  mount/%s/%s' %
                          (config['volMountpoint%d' % (x)], filename))
         out2 = executeCmdNegative('ls mount/%s | grep %s' %
                                   (config['volMountpoint%d' %
                                           (x)], filename))
         endTime = ctime()
             "Delete file \"%s\" operation on volume %s is:" %
             (filename, config['volDatasetname%d' % (x)]), out2,
             startTime, endTime)
         executeCmd('umount  %s:/%s' %
                    (config['volIPAddress%d' %
                            (x)], config['volMountpoint%d' % (x)]))
     endTime = ctime()
     print "Mount failed for volume %s" % (config['volDatasetname%d' %
         "Further Execution of TCs Skipped on NFS Volume %s" %
コード例 #8
add_auth_group = assign_iniator_gp_to_LUN(STDURL, vol_id, account_id, 'None')
verify_add_auth_gp(add_auth_group, 'None')
result = revert_snapshot(STDURL, vol_id, snp_name)
logging.debug('setting iscsi initiator group to All...')
add_auth_group = assign_iniator_gp_to_LUN(STDURL, vol_id, account_id, 'ALL')
login_result = iscsi_login_logout(iqn, VSM_IP, 'login')
verify_iscsi_operation(login_result, volumeDict['name'], 'login')
result = getDiskAllocatedToISCSI(VSM_IP, mnt_point)
iscsi_device = verify_getDiskAllocatedToISCSI(result, mnt_point)
mount_result = mount_iscsi(iscsi_device, volumeDict['name'])
ls1 = executeCmd('ls %s/%s' %(mount_dir, FILE_TO_COPY))
ls2 = executeCmdNegative('ls %s/%s' %(mount_dir, 'after_create_snp_dir'))
mkdir1 = executeCmd('mkdir -p %s/after_revert_snp_dir' %(mount_dir))
if ls1[0] == 'FAILED' or ls2[0] == 'FAILED' or mkdir1[0] == 'FAILED':
    msg = 'snapshot functionality is not working...'
    snapshot_conclusion('FAILED', ls1[0], ls2[0], mkdir1[0], msg)
    msg = 'snapshot functionality on iSCSI LUN is working fine...' 
    snapshot_conclusion('PASSED', ls1[0], ls2[0], mkdir1[0], msg)
logging.debug('snapshot execution done: going to umount, logged out, set '\
        'initiator group to None and delete the iSCSI LUN')
umount_result = executeCmd('umount /dev/%s1' %(iscsi_device))
if umount_result[0] == 'FAILED':
    logging.error('Not able to umount /dev/%s1, still go ahead and logout '\
            'the iSCSI LUN, since test case is complete', iscsi_device)
    logging.debug('LUN /dev/%s1 umounted successfully', iscsi_device)
コード例 #9
             ['PASSED',''], startTime, endTime)
     logging.debug('IOPs value is not updated')
     endTime = ctime()
     resultCollection('updating QOS property is failed in ISCSI',\
             ['FAILED',''], startTime, endTime)
 logging.info('verifying the Iops in volume again ')
 cmd = 'reng stats access dataset %s qos | head -n 4 ; sleep 10 ;\
         echo "-----------------" ; reng stats access dataset %s qos |\
         head -n 4' % (iops_datapath, iops_datapath)
 logging.debug('executing the command %s in controller', str(cmd))
 iops_res2 = getControllerInfo(node_ip, passwd, cmd, 'updiopsoutput.txt')
 print iops_res2
 logging.debug('iops result is %s', (iops_res))
 logging.info('comparing the both iops result')
 io_output = executeCmdNegative('diff iopsoutput.txt updiopsoutput.txt')
 logging.debug('compared result is %s', (io_output))
 if io_output[0] == 'FAILED':
     msg = "Iops are not running correct"
     logging.debug('Compared result: %s', msg)
     endTime = ctime()
     resultCollection('Iops value are same after updating the value in ISCSI', \
             ['FAILED',''], startTime, endTime)
     print msg
 elif io_output[0] == 'PASSED':
     msg = "Iops are  running correct"
     logging.debug('Compared result: %s', msg)
     print msg
     endTime = ctime()
     resultCollection('Iops value are different after updating the value in ISCSI', \
             ['PASSED',''], startTime, endTime)
コード例 #10
        logging.debug('Synchronization condition  is not updated')
        endTime = ctime()
        resultCollection('updating Synchronization QOS property is failed in ISCSI', \
                ['FAILED',''], startTime, endTime)

logging.info('verifying the I/Os in volume again ')
cmd = 'reng stats access dataset %s qos | head -n 4 ; sleep 20 ;\
        echo "-----------------" ; reng stats access dataset %s qos |\
        head -n 4' % (io_datapath, io_datapath)
logging.debug('executing the command %s in controller', str(cmd))
io_res2 = getControllerInfo(node_ip, passwd, cmd, 'updiooutput.txt')
print io_res2
logging.debug('iops result is %s', (io_res2))
logging.info('comparing the both I/Os result')
io_output = executeCmdNegative('diff iooutput.txt updiooutput.txt')
logging.debug('compared result is %s', (io_output))
if io_output[0] == 'FAILED':
    msg = "Iops are not running correct"
    logging.debug('Compared result: %s', msg)
    endTime = ctime()
    resultCollection('Iops value are same after updating the value in ISCSI', \
            ['FAILED',''], startTime, endTime)
    print msg
elif io_output[0] == 'PASSED':
    msg = "Iops are  running correct"
    logging.debug('Compared result: %s', msg)
    print msg
    endTime = ctime()
    resultCollection('Iops value are different after updating the value in ISCSI',\
            ['PASSED',''], startTime, endTime)