コード例 #1
def aes_ctr_decrypt(ciphertext, key, nonce_generator):

    plaintext = ''

    for ct_block in chunks(ciphertext, 16):
        nonce = nonce_generator.next()
        key_steam = aes_ecb_encrypt(nonce, key)

        plaintext += string_xor(ct_block, key_steam)

    return plaintext
コード例 #2
def aes_ctr_encrypt(plaintext, key, nonce_generator):

    ciphertext = ''

    for pt_block in chunks(plaintext, 16):
        nonce = nonce_generator.next()
        key_steam = aes_ecb_encrypt(nonce, key)

        ciphertext += string_xor(pt_block, key_steam)

    return ciphertext
コード例 #3
ファイル: set3.py プロジェクト: notclu/cryptochallenges
def break_repeating_nonce_ctr(ciphertexts):
    """ Decrypt CTR encrypted ciphertexts that were encrypted with a fixed nonce

    :param ciphertextx: A list of ciphertexts encrypted with a fixed nonce
    :return: A list of decrypted plaintexts
    block_size = 16

    ciphertext = ''.join(ct[:block_size] for ct in ciphertexts)

    guess = list(chunks(break_repeating_key_xor(ciphertext, keysize=block_size), block_size))

    block_keystream = string_xor(guess[0], ciphertexts[0])

    plaintexts = []

    for ct in ciphertexts:
        plaintext = ''
        for block in chunks(ct, block_size):
            plaintext += string_xor(block, block_keystream)


    return plaintexts
コード例 #4
def aes_cbc_decrypt(ciphertext, key, iv):
    """ Perform AES CBC decryption

    This is the solution to Set 2, Challenge 10
    :param ciphertext: The data to  or decrypt
    :param key: The AES key to use
    :param iv: The initialization vector
    :return: The resulting plaintext
    xor_block = iv
    plaintext = ''

    for ct_block in chunks(ciphertext, 16):
        plaintext += string_xor(aes_ecb_decrypt(ct_block, key), xor_block)
        xor_block = ct_block

    return plaintext
コード例 #5
def aes_cbc_encrypt(plaintext, key, iv=None):
    """ Perform AES CBC encryption, adding PKCS 7 padding as needed
    :param plaintext: The data to encrypt
    :param key: The AES key to use
    :param iv: The initialization vector
    :return: The resulting ciphertext
    iv = os.urandom(16) if iv is None else iv

    xor_block = iv
    ciphertext = ''

    for pt_block in chunks(plaintext, 16):
        ct_block = aes_ecb_encrypt(string_xor(pt_block, xor_block), key)
        ciphertext += ct_block
        xor_block = ct_block

    return ciphertext, iv
コード例 #6
ファイル: set3.py プロジェクト: notclu/cryptochallenges
def cbc_padding_attack_block(ct1, ct2, padding_valid_fn):
    # In = Cn-1 ^ Pn -> Pn = In ^ Cn-1
    I = ''

    block_size = 16

    for num_padding_bytes in xrange(1, block_size+1):
        pad_xor = ''.join(chr(num_padding_bytes ^ ord(i_byte)) for i_byte in I)

        for i in xrange(256):
            c_p = '\x00' * (block_size-num_padding_bytes) + chr(i) + pad_xor

            if padding_valid_fn(ct2, c_p):
                I = chr(i ^ num_padding_bytes) + I

    pt = string_xor(ct1, I)

    return pt
コード例 #7
def test_string_xor():
    assert cc_util.string_xor('\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D', 'abcd') == 'kioi'