def __init__(self): self.vcs = GitProvider(config.getRepoDir()) self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) self.checkers = Checkers() self.loadCommitList()
def testDatabaseOpenNonExistingFailure(self): dbPath = config.getRepoDir() + "/testtmp.sqlite" with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError): db = CCDatabase(dbPath)
class Predictor(): def __init__(self): self.vcs = GitProvider(config.getRepoDir()) self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) self.checkers = Checkers() self.loadCommitList() def loadCommitList(self): self.commits = self.vcs.getAllVersions(config.getBranch()) self.currentCommitIndex = 0 def convertFilePathToRepoRelativePath(self, path): return os.path.relpath(path, config.getRepoDir()) def getDiffResolvedIds(self): resolved = self.codeChecker.diffResolved(config.getCcRunName(), config.getTmpDir(), self.ccdb) ids = [] for bug in resolved: ids.append(bug['reportId']) return ids def predict(self, id, checker): # Load all bugs print("Loading bug data...") ids = [] if id == -1: bugs = self.ccdb.getAllBugsForChecker(checker) ids = [x[0] for x in bugs] else: ids.append(id) # Loading model print("Loading model...") model = load_model(config.cfModelFilenameFormat.format(checker)) model.summary() vLabels = ['NOT OK', 'OK', 'Skipped'] # Initialize coder print("Initializing coder...") self.dictionary = Dictionary(checker) self.coder = Coder(self.dictionary) self.totalDictionaryLength = self.dictionary.length() # Predicting print("Starting predictions...") for i in ids: allData = self.ccdb.getBugData(i) if allData.getChecker( ) not in globals.availableCheckers or allData.getChecker( ) != checker: print("Bug #{0} - checker not supported".format(i)) else: # Load extra tokens from checker message checkerInfo = self.checkers.extractTokensForChecker( allData.getChecker(), allData.getMessage()) # Retrieve code fragment with bug fileRelativePath = self.convertFilePathToRepoRelativePath( allData.getFile()) fullCodeWithBug = self.vcs.getFileContents( fileRelativePath, self.commits[self.currentCommitIndex]) extractor = CodeExtractor(allData) extractor.loadCodeFromText(fullCodeWithBug) extractor.extractBugCode() bugCodeFragment = extractor.getBugCodeFragment() fixCodeFragment = '' # Encode it encodedBugData, initialUnkList = self.coder.encode( bugCodeFragment, checkerData=checkerInfo) # Convert to one-hot MODEL_X_MAX_LEN = model.get_layer(index=0).input_shape[1] if len(encodedBugData) > MODEL_X_MAX_LEN: print( "Bug #{0} - Code too big for model, ignored".format(i)) continue elif id == -1: print("Bug #{0} - Good to go".format(i)) continue noZerosToPad = MODEL_X_MAX_LEN - len(encodedBugData) if noZerosToPad > 0: encodedBugData = self.coder.applyPadding( encodedBugData, noZerosToPad) X = np.zeros((1, MODEL_X_MAX_LEN, self.totalDictionaryLength)) X[0] = self.coder.convertToOneHot( encodedBugData, np.zeros((MODEL_X_MAX_LEN, self.totalDictionaryLength))) # Predict and convert from one-hot Y = self.coder.convertFromOneHot(model.predict(X)[0]) print(Y) # Decode Y = self.coder.removePadding(Y) fixCodeFragment = self.coder.decode(Y, initialUnkList) #Verify? vStatus = 2 if config.cfVerifyPrediction: # Apply fix in source code file extractor.applyFix(fixCodeFragment) extractor.saveToFile(allData.getFile()) # Run CodeChecker and analyze code self.codeChecker.check(True) resolvedIds = self.getDiffResolvedIds() # Check if ID is resolved in tmp folder isFixed = i in resolvedIds # Set vStatus accordingly if isFixed: vStatus = 1 else: vStatus = 0 #Print print("Bug #{0} - summary".format(i)) print("== Code fragment with bug ==") print(bugCodeFragment) print("== Suggested fix ==") print(fixCodeFragment) print("Verification: {0}".format(vLabels[vStatus])) a = ' ' while a != 'y' and a != 'n': a = input("Apply fix? (y/n): ") if a == 'y': if not config.cfVerifyPrediction: # Apply fix in source code file extractor.applyFix(fixCodeFragment) extractor.saveToFile(allData.getFile()) elif config.cfVerifyPrediction: # Revert file contents self.vcs.checkout(self.commits[self.currentCommitIndex]) print('Done') print("All done, exiting...")
def __init__(self): self.vcs = GitProvider(config.getRepoDir()) self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir())
def testDatabaseOpenExistingSuccess(self): dbPath = config.getCcDbFile() db = CCDatabase(dbPath) self.assertEqual(len(db.getAllReports()), 0)
def fix(code, bugData): if bugData.getChecker() == 'deadcode.DeadStores': return fixDeadStore(code, bugData) if bugData.getChecker( ) == 'clang-diagnostic-tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare': return findTautOORCmp(code, bugData) if bugData.getChecker() == 'clang-diagnostic-unused-parameter': return fixUnusedParam(code, bugData) if bugData.getChecker() == 'clang-diagnostic-constant-conversion': return fixConstConv(code, bugData) return None ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) db = sqlite3.connect('../Results/db.sqlite') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM bugs') dataFromDb = cursor.fetchall() bugs = [] bugsPerFile = {} BUG_NOT_PROCESSED = 0 vcs = GitProvider(config.getRepoDir()) checkers = Checkers() currentCommit = vcs.getAllVersions(config.getBranch())[0] bugDataList = {} fileContents = {} codechecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) if len(dataFromDb) > 0:
class TestDbBuilder(): def __init__(self): self.vcs = GitProvider(config.getRepoDir()) self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) def loadCommitList(self, clean=False): self.commits = self.vcs.getAllVersions(config.getBranch()) if not clean: lastCommit = self.db.getLastCommit() lastIndex = self.commits.index(lastCommit) + 1 if lastIndex < len(self.commits) - 1: self.commits = self.commits[0:lastIndex] self.currentCommitIndex = lastIndex - 1 else: self.currentCommitIndex = len(self.commits) def prepareDb(self, clean=False): self.db = CFDatabase(config.getCfDbFile()) if clean: self.db.clean() def checkoutToNextVersion(self): self.currentCommitIndex = self.currentCommitIndex - 1 if (self.currentCommitIndex < 0): return False self.vcs.checkout(self.commits[self.currentCommitIndex]) return True def getDiffResolvedIds(self): resolved = self.codeChecker.diffResolved(config.getCcRunName(), config.getTmpDir(), self.ccdb) ids = [] for bug in resolved: ids.append(bug['reportId']) return ids def convertFilePathToRepoRelativePath(self, path): return os.path.relpath(path, config.getRepoDir()) def extractCode(self, id): bugData = self.ccdb.getNotResolvedBugData(id) #TODO: Possible improvement for bugData if bugData is None: #TODO: Implement custom errors return None fileRelativePath = self.convertFilePathToRepoRelativePath( bugData.getFile()) try: fullCodeWithBug = self.vcs.getFileContents( fileRelativePath, self.commits[self.currentCommitIndex + 1]) fullCodeWithoutBug = self.vcs.getFileContents( fileRelativePath, self.commits[self.currentCommitIndex]) except KeyError as extractError: return None diff = POSIXDiffer().diff(fullCodeWithBug, fullCodeWithoutBug) extractor = CodeExtractor(bugData) try: extractor.extractAll(fullCodeWithBug, diff) except ValueError as extractError: return None bugCodeFragment = extractor.getBugCodeFragment() fixCodeFragment = extractor.getFixCodeFragment() usedDiffs = extractor.getUsedDiffs() #Easy version - ignore bug if none or more than one diff used to fix #TODO: Possible improvement here if len(usedDiffs) != 1: return None return entities.FixData(bugCodeFragment, fixCodeFragment, bugData.getChecker(), bugData.getMessage(), bugData.getLine() - bugData.getStartLine()) def prepareEnv(self, clean=False): print('Preparing train db... ', end='') self.prepareDb(clean) print('done') print('Loading commit list... ', end='') self.loadCommitList(clean) print('done') if clean: print('Checking out to root... ', end='') self.checkoutToNextVersion() print('done') print('Initial analysis... ', end='') self.codeChecker.check(True) print('done') print('Storing initial results... ', end='')[self.currentCommitIndex]) print('done') print('Storing version information... ', end='') self.db.storeLastCommit(self.commits[self.currentCommitIndex]) print('done') print('Cleaning up tmp directory... ', end='') shutil.rmtree(config.getTmpDir()) print('done') print('Cleaning up working directory... ', end='') self.codeChecker.clean() print('done') def findAndStoreFixDataForVersion(self): print('Analyzing version', self.commits[self.currentCommitIndex], '... ', end='') self.codeChecker.check(True) print('done') print('Getting list of resolved bugs for version', self.commits[self.currentCommitIndex], '... ', end='') ids = self.getDiffResolvedIds() print('done') bugNo = 1 allBugs = len(ids) anyStored = False for id in ids: print('Parsing data for bug ({0}/{1}, #{2})...'.format( bugNo, allBugs, id), sep='', end='') fixData = self.extractCode(id) bugNo = bugNo + 1 print('done') if fixData is not None: print('Storing fixData... ', end=''), fixData.getFixCode(), fixData.getChecker(), fixData.getMessage(), fixData.getLine()) anyStored = True print('done') if bugNo % 100 == 0 and anyStored: self.db.commit() anyStored = False if anyStored: self.db.commit() print('Storing CodeChecker results for this version... ', end='')[self.currentCommitIndex]) print('done') print('Storing version information... ', end='') self.db.storeLastCommit(self.commits[self.currentCommitIndex]) print('done') print('Cleaning up tmp directory... ', end='') shutil.rmtree(config.getTmpDir()) print('done') print('Cleaning up working directory... ', end='') self.codeChecker.clean() print('done') def iterateThroughVcsHistory(self): while self.checkoutToNextVersion(): self.findAndStoreFixDataForVersion() def checkoutToTop(self): self.vcs.checkout(config.getBranch()) def build(self, clean=False): self.prepareEnv(clean) self.iterateThroughVcsHistory() self.checkoutToTop()
class FixUnusedParam(): def __init__(self): self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) self.code = [] self.checkers = Checkers() def loadCodeFromFile(self): with open(self.bugData.getFile(), 'r') as file: code = file.readlines() self.code = [] for line in code: self.code.append(line.replace("\r\n", "\n")) """ code = noCrLf = code.count("\r\n") noCr = code.count("\r") - noCrLf noLf = code.count("\n") - noCrLf if noCrLf > noCr: if noCrLf > noLf: self.lineEnding = "\r\n" else: self.lineEnding = "\n" else: if noCr > noLf: self.lineEnding = "\r" else: self.lineEnding = "\n" self.code = code.split(self.lineEnding) """ def saveCodeToFile(self): with open(self.bugData.getFile(), 'w') as file: #file.write(self.lineEnding.join(self.code)) file.writelines(self.code) def fix(self, file): fileData = self.ccdb.getFileData(file) print(fileData) bugs = self.ccdb.getAllBugsForChecker( 'clang-diagnostic-unused-parameter') lines = [] inserts = 0 for bug in bugs: if bug[2] == fileData[-1][0]: self.bugData = self.ccdb.getBugData(bug[0]) if self.bugData.getLine() not in lines: self.loadCodeFromFile() newLine = '// codechecker_intentional [clang-diagnostic-unused-parameter] Suppress\n' self.code.insert(self.bugData.getLine() - 1 + inserts, newLine) inserts = inserts + 1 self.saveCodeToFile() lines = lines + list( range((self.bugData.getLine() - 11), (self.bugData.getLine() + 10))) print("Passed") print(self.bugData.getLine()) pass else: print("Dismissed") print(self.bugData.getLine()) pass
def __init__(self): self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) self.code = [] self.checkers = Checkers()
class FixDeadStore(): def __init__(self): self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) self.code = [] def loadCodeFromFile(self): with open(self.bugData.getFile(), 'r') as file: code = file.readlines() self.code = [] for line in code: self.code.append(line.replace("\r\n", "\n")) """ code = noCrLf = code.count("\r\n") noCr = code.count("\r") - noCrLf noLf = code.count("\n") - noCrLf if noCrLf > noCr: if noCrLf > noLf: self.lineEnding = "\r\n" else: self.lineEnding = "\n" else: if noCr > noLf: self.lineEnding = "\r" else: self.lineEnding = "\n" self.code = code.split(self.lineEnding) """ def saveCodeToFile(self): with open(self.bugData.getFile(), 'w') as file: #file.write(self.lineEnding.join(self.code)) file.writelines(self.code) def fix(self, file): fileData = self.ccdb.getFileData(file) print(fileData) bugs = self.ccdb.getAllBugsForChecker('deadcode.DeadStores') lines = [] for bug in bugs: if bug[2] == fileData[-1][0]: self.bugData = self.ccdb.getBugData(bug[0]) if self.bugData.getLine() not in lines: self.loadCodeFromFile() #lineEnding = self.getLineEnding() if self.bugData.getLine() == 1: self.code = ["\n"] + self.code[1:] elif self.bugData.getLine() == len(self.code): self.code = self.code[:-1] + ["\n"] else: self.code = self.code[0:(self.bugData.getLine() - 1)] + ["\n"] + self.code[self.bugData.getLine():] self.saveCodeToFile() lines = lines + list(range((self.bugData.getLine() - 11), (self.bugData.getLine() + 10))) print("Passed") print(self.bugData.getLine()) pass else: print("Dismissed") print(self.bugData.getLine()) pass
class FixTautOORCmp(): def __init__(self): self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) self.code = [] self.checkers = Checkers() def loadCodeFromFile(self): with open(self.bugData.getFile(), 'r') as file: code = file.readlines() self.code = [] for line in code: self.code.append(line.replace("\r\n", "\n")) """ code = noCrLf = code.count("\r\n") noCr = code.count("\r") - noCrLf noLf = code.count("\n") - noCrLf if noCrLf > noCr: if noCrLf > noLf: self.lineEnding = "\r\n" else: self.lineEnding = "\n" else: if noCr > noLf: self.lineEnding = "\r" else: self.lineEnding = "\n" self.code = code.split(self.lineEnding) """ def saveCodeToFile(self): with open(self.bugData.getFile(), 'w') as file: #file.write(self.lineEnding.join(self.code)) file.writelines(self.code) def findMatchingDefine(self, value): patValue = '({0})' patName = '[ \t]([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)[ \t]' for line in self.code: if line[:7] == '#define': if, line): return, line).group(1) return None def fix(self, file): fileData = self.ccdb.getFileData(file) print(fileData) bugs = self.ccdb.getAllBugsForChecker( 'clang-diagnostic-tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare') lines = [] for bug in bugs: if bug[2] == fileData[-1][0]: self.bugData = self.ccdb.getBugData(bug[0]) if self.bugData.getLine() not in lines: self.loadCodeFromFile() tokens = self.checkers.extractTokensForChecker( 'clang-diagnostic-tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare', self.bugData.getMessage()) line = self.code[self.bugData.getLine() - 1] pat = "\([^\(]*{0}\)".format(tokens[0]['value']) match =, line) if match is None: pat = "\([^\(]*{0}\)".format( self.findMatchingDefine(tokens[0]['value'])) match =, line) match = newLine = line.replace(match, '({0})'.format(tokens[1]['value'])) self.code[self.bugData.getLine() - 1] = newLine self.saveCodeToFile() lines = lines + list( range((self.bugData.getLine() - 11), (self.bugData.getLine() + 10))) print("Passed") print(self.bugData.getLine()) pass else: print("Dismissed") print(self.bugData.getLine()) pass
class FixTautOORCmp(): def __init__(self): self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) self.code = [] self.checkers = Checkers() def loadCodeFromFile(self): with open(self.bugData.getFile(), 'r') as file: code = file.readlines() self.code = [] for line in code: self.code.append(line.replace("\r\n", "\n")) def saveCodeToFile(self): with open(self.bugData.getFile(), 'w') as file: #file.write(self.lineEnding.join(self.code)) file.writelines(self.code) def findMatchingDefine(self, value): patValue = '({0})' patName = '[ \t]([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)[ \t]' for line in self.code: if line[:7] == '#define': if, line): return, line).group(1) return None def fix(self, file): fileData = self.ccdb.getFileData(file) print(fileData) bugs = self.ccdb.getAllBugsForChecker('clang-diagnostic-constant-conversion') lines = [] linesSingle = {} linesToSuppress = [] for bug in bugs: if bug[2] == fileData[-1][0]: self.bugData = self.ccdb.getBugData(bug[0]) if self.bugData.getLine() in linesSingle: linesSingle[self.bugData.getLine()] += 1 else: linesSingle[self.bugData.getLine()] = 1 for k in linesSingle: if linesSingle[k] > 5: linesToSuppress.append(k) inserts = 0 for bug in bugs: if bug[2] == fileData[-1][0]: self.bugData = self.ccdb.getBugData(bug[0]) if self.bugData.getLine() not in lines: self.loadCodeFromFile() if self.bugData.getLine() not in linesToSuppress: tokens = self.checkers.extractTokensForChecker('clang-diagnostic-constant-conversion', self.bugData.getMessage()) test = tokens line = self.code[self.bugData.getLine() - 1 + inserts] newLine = line.replace(tokens[0]['value'], '({0}){1}'.format(tokens[1]['value'], tokens[0]['value'])) if line == newLine: tokens[0]['value'] = self.findMatchingDefine(tokens[0]['value']) if tokens[0]['value'] is not None: newLine = line.replace(tokens[0]['value'], '({0}){1}'.format(tokens[1]['value'], tokens[0]['value'])) if line == newLine: s ='= (.*);', line) expr = newLine = line.replace(expr, '({0})({1})'.format(tokens[1]['value'], expr)) self.code[self.bugData.getLine() - 1 + inserts] = newLine else: line = self.code[self.bugData.getLine() - 1 + inserts] self.code[self.bugData.getLine() - 1 + inserts] = '// codechecker_intentional [clang-diagnostic-constant-conversion] Suppress\n{0}'.format(line) inserts += 1 self.saveCodeToFile() lines = lines + list(range((self.bugData.getLine() - 11), (self.bugData.getLine() + 10))) print("Passed, suppressed: {0}".format(self.bugData.getLine() in linesToSuppress)) print(self.bugData.getLine()) pass else: print("Dismissed") print(self.bugData.getLine()) pass