コード例 #1
ファイル: test_ccdproc.py プロジェクト: tbowers7/ccdproc
def test_cosmicray_lacosmic_does_not_change_input():
    ccd_data = ccd_data_func()
    original = ccd_data.copy()
    error = np.zeros_like(ccd_data)
    ccd = cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd_data)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(original.data, ccd_data.data)
    assert original.unit == ccd_data.unit
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_cosmicray.py プロジェクト: biprateep/ccdproc
def test_cosmicray_lacosmic_ccddata():
    ccd_data = ccd_data_func(data_scale=DATA_SCALE)
    threshold = 5
    add_cosmicrays(ccd_data, DATA_SCALE, threshold, ncrays=NCRAYS)
    noise = DATA_SCALE * np.ones_like(ccd_data.data)
    ccd_data.uncertainty = noise
    nccd_data = cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd_data, sigclip=5)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_cosmicray.py プロジェクト: biprateep/ccdproc
def test_cosmicray_lacosmic_detects_inconsistent_units():
    # This is intended to detect cases like a ccd with units
    # of adu, a readnoise in electrons and a gain in adu / electron.
    # That is not internally inconsistent.
    ccd_data = ccd_data_func(data_scale=DATA_SCALE)
    ccd_data.unit = 'adu'
    threshold = 5
    add_cosmicrays(ccd_data, DATA_SCALE, threshold, ncrays=NCRAYS)
    noise = DATA_SCALE * np.ones_like(ccd_data.data)
    ccd_data.uncertainty = noise
    readnoise = 6.5 * u.electron

    # The units below are deliberately incorrect.
    gain = 2.0 * u.adu / u.electron
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
    assert 'Inconsistent units' in str(e.value)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_cosmicray.py プロジェクト: biprateep/ccdproc
def test_cosmicray_lacosmic_accepts_quantity_gain():
    ccd_data = ccd_data_func(data_scale=DATA_SCALE)
    threshold = 5
    add_cosmicrays(ccd_data, DATA_SCALE, threshold, ncrays=NCRAYS)
    noise = DATA_SCALE * np.ones_like(ccd_data.data)
    ccd_data.uncertainty = noise
    # The units below are the point of the test
    gain = 2.0 * u.electron / u.adu

    # Since gain and ccd_data have units, the readnoise should too.
    readnoise = 6.5 * u.electron
    new_ccd = cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd_data, gain=gain, gain_apply=True)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_cosmicray.py プロジェクト: biprateep/ccdproc
def test_cosmicray_gain_correct(array_input, gain_correct_data):
    # Add regression check for #705 and for the new gain_correct
    # argument.
    # The issue is that cosmicray_lacosmic gain-corrects the
    # data and returns that gain corrected data. That is not the
    # intent...
    ccd_data = ccd_data_func(data_scale=DATA_SCALE)
    threshold = 5
    add_cosmicrays(ccd_data, DATA_SCALE, threshold, ncrays=NCRAYS)
    noise = DATA_SCALE * np.ones_like(ccd_data.data)
    ccd_data.uncertainty = noise
    # No units here on purpose.
    gain = 2.0
    # Don't really need to set this (6.5 is the default value) but want to
    # make lack of units explicit.
    readnoise = 6.5
    if array_input:
        new_data, cr_mask = cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd_data.data,
        new_ccd = cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd_data,
        new_data = new_ccd.data
        cr_mask = new_ccd.mask
    # Fill masked locations with 0 since there is no simple relationship
    # between the original value and the corrected value.
    orig_data = np.ma.array(ccd_data.data, mask=cr_mask).filled(0)
    new_data = np.ma.array(new_data.data, mask=cr_mask).filled(0)
    if gain_correct_data:
        gain_for_test = gain
        gain_for_test = 1.0

    np.testing.assert_allclose(gain_for_test * orig_data, new_data)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_cosmicray.py プロジェクト: biprateep/ccdproc
def test_cosmicray_lacosmic_warns_on_ccd_in_electrons(recwarn):
    # Check that an input ccd in electrons raises a warning.
    ccd_data = ccd_data_func(data_scale=DATA_SCALE)
    # The unit below is important for the test; this unit on
    # input is supposed to raise an error.
    ccd_data.unit = u.electron
    threshold = 5
    add_cosmicrays(ccd_data, DATA_SCALE, threshold, ncrays=NCRAYS)
    noise = DATA_SCALE * np.ones_like(ccd_data.data)
    ccd_data.uncertainty = noise
    # No units here on purpose.
    gain = 2.0
    # Don't really need to set this (6.5 is the default value) but want to
    # make lack of units explicit.
    readnoise = 6.5
    new_ccd = cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd_data,
    assert len(recwarn) == 1
    assert "Image unit is electron" in str(recwarn.pop())
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_cosmicray.py プロジェクト: biprateep/ccdproc
def test_cosmicray_lacosmic_check_data():
    ccd_data = ccd_data_func(data_scale=DATA_SCALE)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        noise = DATA_SCALE * np.ones_like(ccd_data.data)
        cosmicray_lacosmic(10, noise)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_cosmicray.py プロジェクト: biprateep/ccdproc
def test_cosmicray_lacosmic():
    ccd_data = ccd_data_func(data_scale=DATA_SCALE)
    threshold = 5
    add_cosmicrays(ccd_data, DATA_SCALE, threshold, ncrays=NCRAYS)
    noise = DATA_SCALE * np.ones_like(ccd_data.data)
    data, crarr = cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd_data.data, sigclip=5)