def test_FISTA_cvx(self): if False: if not cvx_not_installable: try: # Problem data. m = 30 n = 20 np.random.seed(1) Amat = np.random.randn(m, n) A = LinearOperatorMatrix(Amat) bmat = np.random.randn(m) bmat.shape = (bmat.shape[0], 1) # A = Identity() # Change n to equal to m. #b = DataContainer(bmat) vg = VectorGeometry(m) b = vg.allocate('random') # Regularization parameter lam = 10 opt = {'memopt': True} # Create object instances with the test data A and b. f = LeastSquares(A, b, c=0.5) g0 = ZeroFunction() # Initial guess #x_init = DataContainer(np.zeros((n, 1))) x_init = vg.allocate() f.gradient(x_init, out = x_init) # Run FISTA for least squares plus zero function. #x_fista0, it0, timing0, criter0 = FISTA(x_init, f, g0, opt=opt) fa = FISTA(x_init=x_init, f=f, g=g0) fa.max_iteration = 10 # Print solution and final objective/criterion value for comparison print("FISTA least squares plus zero function solution and objective value:") print(fa.get_output()) print(fa.get_last_objective()) # Compare to CVXPY # Construct the problem. x0 = Variable(n) objective0 = Minimize(0.5*sum_squares(Amat*x0 - bmat.T[0])) prob0 = Problem(objective0) # The optimal objective is returned by prob.solve(). result0 = prob0.solve(verbose=False, solver=SCS, eps=1e-9) # The optimal solution for x is stored in x.value and optimal objective value # is in result as well as in objective.value print("CVXPY least squares plus zero function solution and objective value:") print(x0.value) print(objective0.value) self.assertNumpyArrayAlmostEqual( numpy.squeeze(x_fista0.array), x0.value, 6) except SolverError as se: print (str(se)) self.assertTrue(True) else: self.assertTrue(cvx_not_installable)
def stest_FISTA_Norm1_cvx(self): if not cvx_not_installable: try: opt = {'memopt': True} # Problem data. m = 30 n = 20 np.random.seed(1) Amat = np.random.randn(m, n) A = LinearOperatorMatrix(Amat) bmat = np.random.randn(m) #bmat.shape = (bmat.shape[0], 1) # A = Identity() # Change n to equal to m. vgb = VectorGeometry(m) vgx = VectorGeometry(n) b = vgb.allocate() b.fill(bmat) #b = DataContainer(bmat) # Regularization parameter lam = 10 opt = {'memopt': True} # Create object instances with the test data A and b. f = LeastSquares(A, b, c=0.5) g0 = ZeroFunction() # Initial guess #x_init = DataContainer(np.zeros((n, 1))) x_init = vgx.allocate() # Create 1-norm object instance g1 = lam * L1Norm() g1(x_init) g1.prox(x_init, 0.02) # Combine with least squares and solve using generic FISTA implementation #x_fista1, it1, timing1, criter1 = FISTA(x_init, f, g1, opt=opt) fa = FISTA(x_init=x_init, f=f, g=g1) fa.max_iteration = 10 # Print for comparison print("FISTA least squares plus 1-norm solution and objective value:") print(fa.get_output()) print(fa.get_last_objective()) # Compare to CVXPY # Construct the problem. x1 = Variable(n) objective1 = Minimize( 0.5*sum_squares(Amat*x1 - bmat.T[0]) + lam*norm(x1, 1)) prob1 = Problem(objective1) # The optimal objective is returned by prob.solve(). result1 = prob1.solve(verbose=False, solver=SCS, eps=1e-9) # The optimal solution for x is stored in x.value and optimal objective value # is in result as well as in objective.value print("CVXPY least squares plus 1-norm solution and objective value:") print(x1.value) print(objective1.value) self.assertNumpyArrayAlmostEqual( numpy.squeeze(x_fista1.array), x1.value, 6) except SolverError as se: print (str(se)) self.assertTrue(True) else: self.assertTrue(cvx_not_installable)