def minimize_divide_clustering(self): x = self.coords_reduced[:, :1].as_1d() y = self.coords_reduced[:, 1:2].as_1d() from cctbx.merging.brehm_diederichs import minimize_divide selection = minimize_divide(x, y).plus_minus() self.cluster_labels =, 0) self.cluster_labels.set_selected(selection, 1)
def _minimize_divide_clustering(self): assert self.params.cluster.n_clusters in (2, Auto) x = self.coords_reduced[:, :1].as_1d() y = self.coords_reduced[:, 1:2].as_1d() from cctbx.merging.brehm_diederichs import minimize_divide selection = minimize_divide(x, y).plus_minus() cluster_labels =, 0) cluster_labels.set_selected(selection, 1) return cluster_labels
def alignment_by_embedding(reports, plot=False): #from IPython import embed; embed() """reports is a list of tranch results, one list item per composite tranch Each item is a list, over cosets, e.g. two elements for a merohedral twinning op Each element is itself a list of uuid's assigned to that coset. """ n_tranches = len(reports) reports = copy.deepcopy(reports) # will now amend the reports-list so that it has a new section for each permutation of cosets. for itranch in range(len(reports)): cache_permutations = list(permutations(reports[itranch])) reports.append(cache_permutations[1]) # will have to rewrite this code if there is more that one symmetry operator XXX FIXME rij, wij = get_proposal_score(reports) mt = flex.mersenne_twister(seed=0) #from IPython import embed; embed() NN = len(reports) xcoord = mt.random_double(size=NN) ycoord = mt.random_double(size=NN) if plot: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.plot(xcoord, ycoord, "g.") from cctbx.merging.brehm_diederichs import minimize as mz, minimize_divide M = mz(xcoord, ycoord, rij, wij, verbose=True) coord_x = M.x[0:NN] coord_y = M.x[NN:2 * NN] P = minimize_divide(coord_x, coord_y) selection = P.plus_minus() if plot: plt.plot(,, "r.", markersize=2.) plt.plot(,, "k.", markersize=3.) print(list(selection)) reformed_reports = [[] for i in range(n_tranches) ] # output should have as many reports as tranches n_permutations = NN // n_tranches for iflag, select_flag in enumerate(selection): if select_flag: itranch = iflag % n_tranches #print( itranch, iflag, n_permutations) reformed_reports[itranch] = reports[iflag] assert [] not in reformed_reports # all tranches must have coset assignments return reformed_reports