def __init__(self): CdbWebServiceCli.__init__(self) self.addOption('', '--log-id', dest='logId', help='Id of the log entry to add attachment for') self.addOption('', '--text', dest='text', help='Text conatined in the log entry') self.addOption('', '--log-topic-name', dest='logTopicName', help='name of the log topic associated with log') self.addOption('', '--effective-from-date-time', dest='effectiveFromDateTime', help='date the log is effective from') self.addOption('', '--effective-to-date-time', dest='effectiveToDateTime', help='date the log is effective to')
def __init__(self): CdbWebServiceCli.__init__(self) self.addOption('', '--csv-file', dest='csvFile', help='CSV file containing lattice design (required).') self.addOption('', '--name', dest='name', help='Lattice design name (required).') self.addOption('', '--description', dest='description', help='Lattice design description.') self.addOption('', '--owner-user-id', dest='ownerUserId', help='Owner user id. If not provided, user who created design will own it.') self.addOption('', '--owner-group-id', dest='ownerGroupId', help='Owner user group id. If not provided, owner group will be set to the default group of the user who created design.') self.addOption('', '--is-group-writeable', dest='isGroupWriteable', default=False, help='Group writeable flag (default: False).')
def __init__(self): CdbWebServiceCli.__init__(self) self.addOption('', '--qr-id', dest='qrId', help='Item QR id') self.addOption('', '--id', dest='id', help='Item id') self.addOption('', '--item-name', dest='itemName', help='Item name') self.addOption('', '--domain-name', dest='domainName', help='Domain name')
def __init__(self): CdbWebServiceCli.__init__(self) self.addOption('', '--qr-id', dest='qrId', help='Item QR id') self.addOption('', '--id', dest='id', help='Item id') self.addOption('', '--item-name', dest='itemName', help='Item name') self.addOption('', '--item-identifier-1', dest='itemIdentifier1', help='Item identifier 1') self.addOption('', '--item-identifier-2', dest='itemIdentifier2', help='Item identifier 2') self.addOption('', '--derived-from-item-id', dest='derivedFromItemId', help='Id of item this item derived from') self.addOption('', '--domain-name', dest='domainName', help='Domain name')
def __init__(self): CdbWebServiceCli.__init__(self) self.addOption('', '--log-id', dest='logId', help='Id of the log entry to add attachment for') self.addOption('', '--attachment', dest='attachment', help='Attachment to add to the log entry.') self.addOption('', '--attachment-description', dest='attachmentDescription', help='Attachment description')
def __init__(self): CdbWebServiceCli.__init__(self) self.addOption( '', '--id', dest='id', help= 'User id. Either id or username must be provided. If both are provided, id takes precedence.' ) self.addOption( '', '--username', dest='username', help= 'User username. Either id or username must be provided. If both are provided, id takes precedence.' )
def __init__(self): CdbWebServiceCli.__init__(self) self.addOption( '', '--property-value-id', dest='propertyValueId', help='Property value id of the property metadata is being added to' ) self.addOption( '', '--metadata-dict', dest='metadataDict', help='Metadata dict with key value pairs for new metadata') self.addOption('', '--metadata-key', dest='metadataKey', help='Key of the metadata value being added') self.addOption('', '--metadata-value', dest='metadataValue', help='Value of the metadata key being added')
def __init__(self): CdbWebServiceCli.__init__(self) self.addOption('', '--log-id', dest='logId', help='Id of the log entry to add attachment for')
def __init__(self): CdbWebServiceCli.__init__(self) self.addOption('', '--path', dest='path', help='Directory path.')
def __init__(self): CdbWebServiceCli.__init__(self) self.addOption('', '--qr-id', dest='qrId', help='QrId of item to add log entry for') self.addOption('', '--item-id', dest='itemId', help='Item id of an item to add log entry for') self.addOption('', '--log-entry', dest='logEntry', help='Log entry text to add to the item with qrId specified.') self.addOption('', '--attachment', dest='attachment', help='Attachment to add along with the log entry.')
def __init__(self): CdbWebServiceCli.__init__(self)
def __init__(self): CdbWebServiceCli.__init__(self) self.addOption('', '--qr-id', dest='qrId', help='QrId of item to get log entries for')