コード例 #1
    def _extract_resolved_attributes(self, proj_ctx: 'ProjectionContext') -> 'ResolvedAttributeSet':
        """Create resolved attribute set based on the CurrentResolvedAttribute array"""
        resolved_attribute_set = ResolvedAttributeSet()
        resolved_attribute_set.attribute_context = proj_ctx._current_attribute_context

        for pas in proj_ctx._current_attribute_state_set._states:
            resolved_attribute_set.merge(pas._current_resolved_attribute, pas._current_resolved_attribute.att_ctx)

        return resolved_attribute_set
コード例 #2
ファイル: cdm_projection.py プロジェクト: rt112000/CDM
    def _extract_resolved_attributes(
            self, proj_ctx: 'ProjectionContext',
            att_ctx_under: CdmAttributeContext) -> 'ResolvedAttributeSet':
        """Create resolved attribute set based on the CurrentResolvedAttribute array"""
        resolved_attribute_set = ResolvedAttributeSet()
        resolved_attribute_set.attribute_context = att_ctx_under

        if not proj_ctx:
            logger.error(self.ctx, self._TAG, '_extract_resolved_attributes',
            return resolved_attribute_set

        for pas in proj_ctx._current_attribute_state_set._states:

        return resolved_attribute_set
コード例 #3
    def associate_tree_copy_with_attributes(self, res_opt: ResolveOptions,
                                            ras: ResolvedAttributeSet) -> bool:
        # deep copy the tree. while doing this also collect a map from old attCtx to new equivalent
        # this is where the returned tree fits in
        cached_ctx = ras.attribute_context
        if cached_ctx._copy_attribute_context_tree(res_opt, self) is None:
            return False
        ras.attribute_context = self

        # run over the resolved attributes in the copy and use the map to swap the old ctx for the new version
        def _fix_resolve_attribute_ctx(ras_sub: ResolvedAttributeSet) -> None:
            for ra in ras_sub._set:
                ra.att_ctx = res_opt._map_old_ctx_to_new_ctx[ra.att_ctx]
                # the target for a resolved att can be a typeAttribute OR it can be another resolvedAttributeSet (meaning a group)
                if isinstance(ra.target, ResolvedAttributeSet):
                         ra.target).attribute_context = ra.att_ctx
                        cast(ResolvedAttributeSet, ra.target))


        # now fix any lineage references
        def _fix_att_ctx_node_lineage(
                ac: CdmAttributeContext,
                ac_parent: Optional[CdmAttributeContext] = None) -> None:
            if ac is None:
            if ac_parent and ac.parent and ac.parent.explicit_reference:
                ac.parent.explicit_reference = ac_parent
            if ac.lineage and len(ac.lineage) > 0:
                # fix lineage
                for lin in ac.lineage:
                    if lin.explicit_reference:
                        # swap the actual object for the one in the new tree
                        lin.explicit_reference = res_opt._map_old_ctx_to_new_ctx[
                            cast(CdmAttributeContext, lin.explicit_reference)]

            if not ac.contents:
            # look at all children
            for sub_sub in ac.contents:
                _fix_att_ctx_node_lineage(sub_sub, ac)

        _fix_att_ctx_node_lineage(self, None)

        return True
コード例 #4
ファイル: cdm_object.py プロジェクト: ppothnis/CDM-1
    def _fetch_resolved_attributes(
        res_opt: 'ResolveOptions',
        acp_in_context: Optional['AttributeContextParameters'] = None
    ) -> 'ResolvedAttributeSet':
        from cdm.resolvedmodel import ResolvedAttributeSet
        from cdm.utilities import SymbolSet

        from .cdm_attribute_context import CdmAttributeContext
        from .cdm_corpus_def import CdmCorpusDefinition

        kind = 'rasb'
        ctx = self.ctx
        cache_tag = ctx.corpus._fetch_definition_cache_tag(
            res_opt, self, kind, 'ctx' if acp_in_context else '')
        rasb_cache = ctx.cache.get(cache_tag) if cache_tag else None
        under_ctx = None

        # store the previous symbol set, we will need to add it with
        # children found from the constructResolvedTraits call
        curr_sym_ref_set = res_opt.symbol_ref_set or SymbolSet()
        res_opt.symbol_ref_set = SymbolSet()

        from_moniker = res_opt._from_moniker
        res_opt._from_moniker = None

        if not rasb_cache:
            if self._resolving_attributes:
                # re-entered self attribute through some kind of self or looping reference.
                return ResolvedAttributeSet()
            self._resolving_attributes = True

            # if a new context node is needed for these attributes, make it now
            if acp_in_context:
                under_ctx = CdmAttributeContext._create_child_under(
                    res_opt, acp_in_context)

            rasb_cache = self._construct_resolved_attributes(
                res_opt, under_ctx)
            self._resolving_attributes = False

            # register set of possible docs
            odef = self.fetch_object_definition(res_opt)
            if odef is not None:
                    odef, kind, res_opt.symbol_ref_set)

                # get the new cache tag now that we have the list of symbols
                cache_tag = ctx.corpus._fetch_definition_cache_tag(
                    res_opt, self, kind, 'ctx' if acp_in_context else '')
                # save this as the cached version
                if cache_tag:
                    ctx.cache[cache_tag] = rasb_cache

                if from_moniker and acp_in_context and cast(
                        'CdmObjectReference', self).named_reference:
                    # create a fresh context
                    old_context = acp_in_context.under.contents[-1]
                    under_ctx = CdmAttributeContext._create_child_under(
                        res_opt, acp_in_context)

                        res_opt, under_ctx, rasb_cache.ras, None, from_moniker)
            # get the SymbolSet for this cached object and pass that back
            key = CdmCorpusDefinition._fetch_cache_key_from_object(self, kind)
            res_opt.symbol_ref_set = ctx.corpus._definition_reference_symbols.get(

            # cache found. if we are building a context, then fix what we got instead of making a new one
            if acp_in_context:
                # make the new context
                under_ctx = CdmAttributeContext._create_child_under(
                    res_opt, acp_in_context)

                    res_opt, under_ctx, rasb_cache.ras, None, from_moniker)

        # merge child reference symbols set with current
        res_opt.symbol_ref_set = curr_sym_ref_set

        return rasb_cache.ras
コード例 #5
    def _fetch_resolved_attributes(
        res_opt: 'ResolveOptions',
        acp_in_context: Optional['AttributeContextParameters'] = None
    ) -> 'ResolvedAttributeSet':
        from cdm.resolvedmodel import ResolvedAttributeSet
        from cdm.utilities import SymbolSet

        from .cdm_attribute_context import CdmAttributeContext
        from .cdm_corpus_def import CdmCorpusDefinition

        was_previously_resolving = self.ctx.corpus._is_currently_resolving
        self.ctx.corpus._is_currently_resolving = True
        if not res_opt:
            res_opt = ResolveOptions(self)

        kind = 'rasb'
        ctx = self.ctx
        cache_tag = ctx.corpus._fetch_definition_cache_tag(
            res_opt, self, kind, 'ctx' if acp_in_context else '')
        rasb_cache = ctx._cache.get(cache_tag) if cache_tag else None
        under_ctx = None

        # store the previous symbol set, we will need to add it with
        # children found from the constructResolvedTraits call
        curr_sym_ref_set = res_opt._symbol_ref_set or SymbolSet()
        res_opt._symbol_ref_set = SymbolSet()

        # get the moniker that was found and needs to be appended to all
        # refs in the children attribute context nodes
        from_moniker = res_opt._from_moniker
        res_opt._from_moniker = None

        if not rasb_cache:
            if self._resolving_attributes:
                # re-entered self attribute through some kind of self or looping reference.
                self.ctx.corpus._is_currently_resolving = was_previously_resolving
                return ResolvedAttributeSet()
            self._resolving_attributes = True

            # if a new context node is needed for these attributes, make it now
            if acp_in_context:
                under_ctx = CdmAttributeContext._create_child_under(
                    res_opt, acp_in_context)

            rasb_cache = self._construct_resolved_attributes(
                res_opt, under_ctx)

            if rasb_cache:

                self._resolving_attributes = False

                # register set of possible docs
                odef = self.fetch_object_definition(res_opt)
                if odef is not None:
                        odef, kind, res_opt._symbol_ref_set)

                    # get the new cache tag now that we have the list of symbols
                    cache_tag = ctx.corpus._fetch_definition_cache_tag(
                        res_opt, self, kind, 'ctx' if acp_in_context else '')
                    # save this as the cached version
                    if cache_tag:
                        ctx._cache[cache_tag] = rasb_cache

                    if from_moniker and acp_in_context and cast(
                            'CdmObjectReference', self).named_reference:
                        # create a fresh context
                        old_context = acp_in_context._under.contents[-1]
                            len(acp_in_context._under.contents) - 1)
                        under_ctx = CdmAttributeContext._create_child_under(
                            res_opt, acp_in_context)

                        new_context = old_context._copy_attribute_context_tree(
                            res_opt, under_ctx, rasb_cache.ras, None,
                        # since THIS should be a refererence to a thing found in a moniker document, it already has a moniker in the reference
                        # this function just added that same moniker to everything in the sub-tree but now this one symbol has too many
                        # remove one
                        moniker_path_added = from_moniker + '/'
                        if new_context.definition and new_context.definition.named_reference and new_context.definition.named_reference.startswith(
                            # slice it off the front
                            new_context.definition.named_reference = new_context.definition.named_reference[
            # get the SymbolSet for this cached object and pass that back
            key = CdmCorpusDefinition._fetch_cache_key_from_object(self, kind)
            res_opt._symbol_ref_set = ctx.corpus._definition_reference_symbols.get(

            # cache found. if we are building a context, then fix what we got instead of making a new one
            if acp_in_context:
                # make the new context
                under_ctx = CdmAttributeContext._create_child_under(
                    res_opt, acp_in_context)

                    res_opt, under_ctx, rasb_cache.ras, None, from_moniker)

        # merge child reference symbols set with current
        res_opt._symbol_ref_set = curr_sym_ref_set

        self.ctx.corpus._is_currently_resolving = was_previously_resolving
        return rasb_cache.ras if rasb_cache else rasb_cache