コード例 #1
def get_weight_estimations(cpacs_path, cpacs_out_path):
    """Function to estimate the all weights for a conventional aircraft.

    Function 'get_weight_estimations' ...

        * Reference paper or book, with author and date, see ...

        cpacs_path (str): Path to CPACS file
        cpacs_out_path (str):Path to CPACS output file


    # TODO: replace that by a general function??? (same for all modules)
    start = time.time()

    # Removing and recreating the ToolOutput folder.
    if os.path.exists('ToolOutput'):

    # Classes
    # TODO: Use only one class or subclasses
    ui = weightconvclass.UserInputs()
    mw = weightconvclass.MassesWeights()
    out = weightconvclass.WeightOutput()

    if not os.path.exists(cpacs_path):
        raise ValueError('No "ToolInput.xml" file in the ToolInput folder.')

    name = aircraft_name(cpacs_path)

    shutil.copyfile(cpacs_path, cpacs_out_path)  # TODO: shoud not be like that
    newpath = 'ToolOutput/' + name
    if not os.path.exists(newpath):

    ag = geometry.geometry_eval(cpacs_path, name)
    fuse_length = round(ag.fuse_length[0], 3)
    fuse_width = round(np.amax(ag.fuse_sec_width[:, 0]), 3)
    ind = weightconvclass.InsideDimensions(fuse_length, fuse_width)
    ind.nose_length = round(ag.fuse_nose_length[0], 3)
    ind.tail_length = round(ag.fuse_tail_length[0], 3)
    ind.cabin_length = round(ag.fuse_cabin_length[0], 3)
    wing_area = round(ag.wing_plt_area_main, 3)
    wing_span = round(ag.wing_span[ag.main_wing_index - 1], 3)
    wing_area_tot = np.sum(ag.wing_plt_area)

    #Has been replace by classes function
    # (ind, ui) = getinput.get_user_inputs(ind, ui, ag, cpacs_out_path)

    if ui.MAX_FUEL_VOL > 0 and ui.MAX_FUEL_VOL < ag.wing_fuel_vol:
        max_fuel_vol = ui.MAX_FUEL_VOL
        max_fuel_vol = ag.wing_fuel_vol

    out.PILOT_NB = ui.PILOT_NB  # Number of pilot [-].

    # Massimum payload allowed, set 0 if equal to max passenger mass.

    # Adding extra length in case of aircraft with second floor [m].
    if ui.IS_DOUBLE_FLOOR == 1:
        cabin_length2 = ind.cabin_length * 1.91
    elif ui.IS_DOUBLE_FLOOR == 2:
        cabin_length2 = ind.cabin_length * 1.20
    elif ui.IS_DOUBLE_FLOOR == 0:
        cabin_length2 = ind.cabin_length
        log.warning('Warning, double floor index can be only 0 (1 floor),\
                    2 (B747-2nd floor type) or 3 (A380-2nd floor type).\
                    Set Default value (0)')

    log.info('------- Starting the weight analysis --------')
    log.info('---------- Aircraft: ' + name + ' -----------')

    # Maximum Take Off Mass Evaluation
    mw.maximum_take_off_mass = estimate_mtom(fuse_length, fuse_width,
                                             wing_area, wing_span, name)

    # Wing loading
    out.wing_loading = mw.maximum_take_off_mass / wing_area_tot

    # Operating Empty Mass evaluation
    mw.operating_empty_mass = estimate_operating_empty_mass(
        mw.maximum_take_off_mass, fuse_length, fuse_width, wing_area,
        wing_span, ui.TURBOPROP)

    # Passengers and Crew mass evaluation
    if ((fuse_width / (1 + (ind.fuse_thick / 100))) >
        (ind.seat_width + ind.aisle_width)):
        (out.pass_nb, out.row_nb, out.abreast_nb, out.aisle_nb,\
         out.toilet_nb, ind) = estimate_passengers(ui.PASS_PER_TOILET,\
                                                cabin_length2, fuse_width, ind)

        get_seat_config(out.pass_nb, out.row_nb, out.abreast_nb, out.aisle_nb,
                        ui.IS_DOUBLE_FLOOR, out.toilet_nb, ui.PASS_PER_TOILET,
                        fuse_length, ind, name)
        out.pass_nb = 0
        raise Exception('The aircraft can not transport passengers, increase'\
                        + ' fuselage width.' + '\nCabin Width [m] = '\
                        + str((fuse_width/(1 + ind.fuse_thick)))\
                        + ' is less than seat width [m]'\
                        + ' + aisle width [m] = '\
                        + str(ind.seat_width + ind.aisle_width))

    (out.crew_nb, out.cabin_crew_nb, mw.mass_crew)\
        = estimate_crew(out.pass_nb, ui.MASS_PILOT, ui.MASS_CABIN_CREW,\
                        mw.maximum_take_off_mass, out.PILOT_NB)

    mw.mass_payload = out.pass_nb * ui.MASS_PASS + ui.MASS_CARGO

    mw.mass_people = mw.mass_crew + out.pass_nb * ui.MASS_PASS

    maxp = False
    if (mw.MAX_PAYLOAD > 0 and mw.mass_payload > mw.MAX_PAYLOAD):
        mw.mass_payload = mw.MAX_PAYLOAD
        maxp = True
        log.info('With the fixed payload, passenger nb reduced to: '\
                 + str(round(mw.MAX_PAYLOAD / (ui.MASS_PASS),0)))

    # Fuel Mass evaluation
    # Maximum fuel that can be stored with maximum number of passengers.

    if not ui.MAX_FUEL_VOL:  # TODO while retesting, redo fitting
        if ui.TURBOPROP:
            if wing_area > 55.00:
                mw.mass_fuel_max = round(mw.maximum_take_off_mass / 4.6, 3)
                mw.mass_fuel_max = round(mw.maximum_take_off_mass / 3.6, 3)
        elif wing_area < 90.00:
            if fuse_length < 60.00:
                mw.mass_fuel_max = round(mw.maximum_take_off_mass / 4.3, 3)
                mw.mass_fuel_max = round(mw.maximum_take_off_mass / 4.0, 3)
        elif wing_area < 300.00:
            if fuse_length < 35.00:
                mw.mass_fuel_max = round(mw.maximum_take_off_mass / 3.6, 3)
                mw.mass_fuel_max = round(mw.maximum_take_off_mass / 3.8, 3)
        elif wing_area < 400.00:
            mw.mass_fuel_max = round(mw.maximum_take_off_mass / 2.2, 3)
        elif wing_area < 600.00:
            mw.mass_fuel_max = round(mw.maximum_take_off_mass / 2.35, 3)
            mw.mass_fuel_max = round(mw.maximum_take_off_mass / 2.8, 3)
        mw.mass_fuel_max = round(max_fuel_vol * ui.FUEL_DENSITY, 3)

    mw.mass_fuel_maxpass = round(mw.maximum_take_off_mass  \
                                 - mw.operating_empty_mass \
                                 - mw.mass_payload, 3)

    if (mw.MAX_FUEL_MASS > 0 and mw.mass_fuel_maxpass > mw.MAX_FUEL_MASS):
        mw.mass_fuel_maxpass = mw.MAX_FUEL_MASS
        log.info('Maximum fuel ammount allowed reached [kg]: ' +
        if (mw.maximum_take_off_mass > (mw.mass_fuel_maxpass\
                + mw.operating_empty_mass + mw.mass_payload)):
            mw.mass_cargo = mw.maximum_take_off_mass - (mw.mass_fuel_maxpass\
                          + mw.operating_empty_mass + mw.mass_payload)
            if not maxp:
                log.info('Adding extra payload mass [kg]: '\
                         + str(mw.mass_cargo))
                mw.mass_payload = mw.mass_payload + mw.mass_cargo
                maximum_take_off_mass = maximum_take_off_mass - mw.mass_cargo
                log.info('With all the constrains on the fuel and payload, '\
                         + 'the maximum take off mass is not reached.'\
                         + '\n Maximum take off mass [kg]: '\
                         + str(maximum_take_off_mass))
        log.info('Fuel mass with maximum passengers [kg]: '\
                 + str(mw.mass_fuel_maxpass))

    if (mw.MAX_FUEL_MASS > 0 and mw.mass_fuel_max > mw.MAX_FUEL_MASS):
        mw.mass_fuel_max = mw.MAX_FUEL_MASS

    # Zero Fuel Mass evaluation
    mw.zero_fuel_mass = mw.maximum_take_off_mass - mw.mass_fuel_maxpass\
                        + (ui.RES_FUEL_PERC)*mw.mass_fuel_max

    # Log writting  (TODO: maybe create a separate function)
    log.info('---- Geometry evaluation from CPACS file ----')
    log.info('Fuselage length [m]: ' + str(round(fuse_length, 3)))
    log.info('Fuselage width [m]: ' + str(round(fuse_width, 3)))
    log.info('Fuselage mean width [m]: ' + str(round(ag.fuse_mean_width, 3)))
    log.info('Wing Span [m]: ' + str(round(wing_span, 3)))

    log.info('--------- Masses evaluated: -----------')
    log.info('Maximum Take Off Mass [kg]: '\
             + str(int(round(mw.maximum_take_off_mass))))
    log.info('Operating Empty Mass [kg]: '\
             + str(int(round(mw.operating_empty_mass))))
    log.info('Zero Fuel Mass [kg]: '\
             + str(int(round(mw.zero_fuel_mass))))
    log.info('Wing loading [kg/m^2]: '\
             + str(int(round(out.wing_loading))))
    log.info('Maximum ammount of fuel allowed with no passengers [kg]: '\
             + str(int(round(mw.mass_fuel_max))))
    log.info('Maximum ammount of fuel allowed with no passengers [l]: '\
             + str(int(round(mw.mass_fuel_max/ui.FUEL_DENSITY))))
    log.info('--------- Passegers evaluated: ---------')
    log.info('Passengers: ' + str(out.pass_nb))
    log.info('Lavatory: ' + str(out.toilet_nb))
    log.info('Payload mass [kg]: ' + str(mw.mass_payload))
    log.info('------- Crew members evaluated: --------')
    log.info('Pilots: ' + str(out.PILOT_NB))
    log.info('Cabin crew members: ' + str(out.cabin_crew_nb))

    end = time.time()
    log.info('Elapsed time [s]: ' + str(round((end - start), 3)))
    log.info('############### Weight estimation completed ###############')

    # Outptu writting
    log.info('-------- Generating output text file --------')
    outputweightgen.output_txt(out, mw, ind, ui, name)

    # CPACS writting
    cpacsweightupdate.cpacs_update(mw, out, cpacs_path, cpacs_out_path)
コード例 #2
    mw = weightconvclass.MassesWeights()
    out = weightconvclass.WeightOutput()

    # Set True for option B or False for option A
    cpacs = True

    if not cpacs:
        ### Option 1: GEOMETRY FROM INPUT
        name = str(input('Name of the aircraft: '))
        wing_area = float(input('Wing plantform area [m^2]: '))
        wing_span = float(input('Wing span [m]: '))
        fuse_length = float(input('Fuselage length [m]: '))
        fuse_width = float(input('Fuselage width [m]: '))
        wing_area_tot = wing_area
        start = time.time()
        ind = weightconvclass.InsideDimensions(fuse_length,\
                                                 fuse_width, cpacs)
        cpacs_out = 'ToolOutput/user_tooloutput.xml'
        out_xml = createtmpcpacs.create_xml(cpacs_out, name)
        newpath = 'ToolOutput/' + name
        if not os.path.exists(newpath):
        ### Option 2: GEOMETRY FROM CPACS
        cpacs_in = 'ToolInput/ToolInput.xml'

        if not os.path.exists(cpacs_in):
            raise Exception ('Error, no ToolInput.xml'\
                             + ' file in the ToolInput folder.')

        name = aircraft_name(cpacs_in)