コード例 #1
    def test_get_samples(self):
        next_value = iter((

        def inspect_cpu_util(name, duration):
            return next(next_value)

        self.inspector.inspect_cpu_util = (mock.

        mgr = manager.AgentManager()
        pollster = cpu.CPUUtilPollster()

        def _verify_cpu_util_metering(expected_util):
            cache = {}
            samples = list(pollster.get_samples(mgr, cache, [self.instance]))
            self.assertEqual(1, len(samples))
                             set([s.name for s in samples]))
            self.assertEqual(expected_util, samples[0].volume)

コード例 #2
    def test_inspect_cpu_util(self):
        fake_instance = {'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name': 'fake_instance_name',
                         'id': 'fake_instance_id'}
        fake_stat = virt_inspector.CPUUtilStats(util=40)

        def fake_xenapi_request(method, args):
            metrics_rec = {
                'memory_actual': '536870912',
                'VCPUs_number': '1',
                'VCPUs_utilisation': {'0': 0.4, }

            if method == 'VM.get_by_name_label':
                return ['vm_ref']
            elif method == 'VM.get_metrics':
                return 'metrics_ref'
            elif method == 'VM_metrics.get_record':
                return metrics_rec
                return None

        session = self.inspector.session
        with mock.patch.object(session, 'xenapi_request',
            cpu_util_stat = self.inspector.inspect_cpu_util(fake_instance)
            self.assertEqual(fake_stat, cpu_util_stat)
コード例 #3
ファイル: inspector.py プロジェクト: zhangyang9/ceilometer
 def inspect_cpu_util(self, instance, duration=None):
     instance_name = util.instance_name(instance)
     vm_ref = self._lookup_by_name(instance_name)
     vcpus_number = int(self._call_xenapi("VM.get_VCPUs_max", vm_ref))
     if vcpus_number <= 0:
         msg = _("Could not get VM %s CPU number") % instance_name
         raise XenapiException(msg)
     utils = 0.0
     for index in range(vcpus_number):
         utils += float(
             self._call_xenapi("VM.query_data_source", vm_ref,
                               "cpu%d" % index))
     utils = utils / int(vcpus_number) * 100
     return virt_inspector.CPUUtilStats(util=utils)
コード例 #4
    def inspect_cpu_util(self, instance, duration=None):
        vm_mobj = self._get_vm_mobj_not_power_off_or_raise(instance)
        cpu_util_counter_id = self._ops.get_perf_counter_id(
        cpu_util = self._ops.query_vm_aggregate_stats(vm_mobj,

        # For this counter vSphere returns values scaled-up by 100, since the
        # corresponding API can't return decimals, but only longs.
        # For e.g. if the utilization is 12.34%, the value returned is 1234.
        # Hence, dividing by 100.
        cpu_util = cpu_util / 100
        return virt_inspector.CPUUtilStats(util=cpu_util)
コード例 #5
    def inspect_cpu_util(self, instance, duration=None):
        instance_name = util.instance_name(instance)
        vm_ref = self._lookup_by_name(instance_name)
        metrics_ref = self._call_xenapi("VM.get_metrics", vm_ref)
        metrics_rec = self._call_xenapi("VM_metrics.get_record", metrics_ref)
        vcpus_number = metrics_rec['VCPUs_number']
        vcpus_utils = metrics_rec['VCPUs_utilisation']
        if len(vcpus_utils) == 0:
            msg = _("Could not get VM %s CPU Utilization") % instance_name
            raise XenapiException(msg)

        utils = 0.0
        for num in range(int(vcpus_number)):
            utils += vcpus_utils.get(str(num))
        utils = utils / int(vcpus_number) * 100
        return virt_inspector.CPUUtilStats(util=utils)
コード例 #6
ファイル: inspector.py プロジェクト: froyobin/ceilometer
    def inspect_cpu_util(self, instance, duration=None):
        vm_moid = self._ops.get_vm_moid(instance.id)
        if vm_moid is None:
            raise virt_inspector.InstanceNotFoundException(
                _('VM %s not found in VMware Vsphere') % instance.id)
        cpu_util_counter_id = self._ops.get_perf_counter_id(
        cpu_util = self._ops.query_vm_aggregate_stats(
            vm_moid, cpu_util_counter_id, duration)

        # For this counter vSphere returns values scaled-up by 100, since the
        # corresponding API can't return decimals, but only longs.
        # For e.g. if the utilization is 12.34%, the value returned is 1234.
        # Hence, dividing by 100.
        cpu_util = cpu_util / 100
        return virt_inspector.CPUUtilStats(util=cpu_util)
コード例 #7
    def test_inspect_cpu_util(self):
        test_vm_mobj = mock.MagicMock()
        test_vm_mobj.value = "vm-21"
        fake_perf_counter_id = 'fake_perf_counter_id'
        fake_cpu_util_value = 60
        fake_stat = virt_inspector.CPUUtilStats(util=60)

        self._inspector._get_vm_mobj_not_power_off_or_raise = mock.MagicMock()
        self._inspector._get_vm_mobj_not_power_off_or_raise.return_value = (

        ops_mock = self._inspector._ops
        ops_mock.get_perf_counter_id.return_value = fake_perf_counter_id
         ) = fake_cpu_util_value * 100
        cpu_util_stat = self._inspector.inspect_cpu_util(mock.MagicMock())
        self.assertEqual(fake_stat, cpu_util_stat)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_inspector.py プロジェクト: obahy/Susereum
    def test_inspect_cpu_util(self):
        fake_instance_moid = 'fake_instance_moid'
        fake_instance_id = 'fake_instance_id'
        fake_perf_counter_id = 'fake_perf_counter_id'
        fake_cpu_util_value = 60
        fake_stat = virt_inspector.CPUUtilStats(util=60)

        def construct_mock_instance_object(fake_instance_id):
            instance_object = mock.MagicMock()
            instance_object.id = fake_instance_id
            return instance_object

        fake_instance = construct_mock_instance_object(fake_instance_id)
        self._inspector._ops.get_vm_moid.return_value = fake_instance_moid
         return_value) = fake_perf_counter_id
         return_value) = fake_cpu_util_value * 100
        cpu_util_stat = self._inspector.inspect_cpu_util(fake_instance)
        self.assertEqual(fake_stat, cpu_util_stat)
コード例 #9
    def test_inspect_cpu_util(self):
        fake_instance = {
            'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name': 'fake_instance_name',
            'id': 'fake_instance_id'
        fake_stat = virt_inspector.CPUUtilStats(util=40)

        def fake_xenapi_request(method, args):
            if method == 'VM.get_by_name_label':
                return ['vm_ref']
            elif method == 'VM.get_VCPUs_max':
                return '1'
            elif method == 'VM.query_data_source':
                return 0.4
                return None

        session = self.inspector.session
        with mock.patch.object(session,
            cpu_util_stat = self.inspector.inspect_cpu_util(fake_instance)
            self.assertEqual(fake_stat, cpu_util_stat)
コード例 #10
    def inspect_cpu_util(self, instance, duration=None):
        """Inspect the CPU Utilization (%) for an instance.

        :param instance: the target instance
        :param duration: the last 'n' seconds, over which the value should be

               The PowerVM implementation does not make use of the duration
        :return: the percentage of CPU utilization
        # The duration is ignored.  There is precedent for this in other
        # inspectors if the platform doesn't support duration.
        # Given the nature of PowerVM to collect samples over coarse periods
        # of time, it does not lend well to duration based collection.
        # Therefore this works by gathering the latest utilization from the
        # samples and ignores the duration.

        # Get the current and previous sample.  Delta is performed between
        # these two.
        uuid = self._puuid(instance)
        cur_date, cur_metric = self.vm_metrics.get_latest_metric(uuid)
        prev_date, prev_metric = self.vm_metrics.get_previous_metric(uuid)

        # If the current is none, then the instance can not be found in the
        # sample and an error should be raised.
        if cur_metric is None:
            raise virt_inspector.InstanceNotFoundException(
                _('VM %s not found in PowerVM Metrics Sample.') %

        # Get the current data.
        cur_util_cap = cur_metric.processor.util_cap_proc_cycles
        cur_util_uncap = cur_metric.processor.util_uncap_proc_cycles
        cur_idle = cur_metric.processor.idle_proc_cycles
        cur_donated = cur_metric.processor.donated_proc_cycles
        cur_entitled = cur_metric.processor.entitled_proc_cycles

        # Get the previous sample data
        if prev_metric is None:
            # If there is no previous sample, that is either a new VM or is
            # a live migrated system.  A live migrated system will pull all
            # of its metrics with it.  The issue with this is it could have
            # CPU cycles for months of run time.  So we can't really determine
            # the CPU utilization within the last X seconds...because to THIS
            # host its new (only in the cur_metric).  So we error out, the
            # inspector will use a debug message in the log.
                _LW("Unable to derive CPU Utilization for VM %s. "
                    "It is either a new VM or was recently migrated. "
                    "It will be collected in the next inspection "
                    "cycle."), instance.name)
            message = (_("Unable to derive CPU Utilization for VM %s.") %
            raise virt_inspector.InstanceNotFoundException(message)

        # Gather the previous metrics
        prev_util_cap = prev_metric.processor.util_cap_proc_cycles
        prev_util_uncap = prev_metric.processor.util_uncap_proc_cycles
        prev_idle = prev_metric.processor.idle_proc_cycles
        prev_donated = prev_metric.processor.donated_proc_cycles
        prev_entitled = prev_metric.processor.entitled_proc_cycles

        # Utilization can be driven by multiple factors on PowerVM.
        # PowerVM has 'entitled' cycles.  These are cycles that, if the VM
        # needs them, they get them no matter what.
        # In terms of how those cycles are returned from the API:
        #   util_cap_proc_cycles - How many cycles from the guaranteed
        #          capacity were used.
        #   util_uncap_proc_cycles - How many cycles were used that were
        #          taken from spare (which is either unused processors cycles
        #          or donated cycles from other VMs).
        #   idle_proc_cycles - How many cycles (as reported by the OS to the
        #          hypervisor) were reported as idle.
        #   donated_proc_cycles - Cycles that were not needed by this VM that
        #          were given to another VM in need of cycles.
        # So the final utilization equation is:
        #   (util cap + util uncap - idle - donated) / entitled
        # It is important to note that idle and donated proc cycles are
        # included in the 'util_cap_proc_cycles'.  That is why they are
        # subtracted out.
        # The interesting aspect of this is that the CPU Utilization can go
        # dramatically above 100% if there are free processors or if the
        # other workloads are in a lull.
        util_cap = cur_util_cap - prev_util_cap
        util_uncap = cur_util_uncap - prev_util_uncap
        idle = cur_idle - prev_idle
        donated = cur_donated - prev_donated
        entitled = cur_entitled - prev_entitled

        # If the entitled is zero, that generally means that the VM has not
        # been started yet (everything else would be zero as well).  So to
        # avoid a divide by zero error, just return 0% in that case.
        if entitled == 0:
            return virt_inspector.CPUUtilStats(util=0.0)

        util = float(util_cap + util_uncap - idle - donated) / float(entitled)

        # Utilization is reported as percents.  Therefore, multiply by 100.0
        # to get a readable percentage based format.
        return virt_inspector.CPUUtilStats(util=util * 100.0)