コード例 #1
def get_g1_dna_peak(log_dna,
    """ Get position of G1 peak in log DNA space

    dna_g1_loc: numpy float
       position of G1 peak in log DNA space
    f_dna = get_kde(log_dna, x_dna)
    log_dna_low_edu = log_dna[(log_edu < edu_s_min + 0.2 * edu_shift)
                              & (log_edu < edu_g1_max)]
    f_dna_low_edu = get_kde(log_dna_low_edu, x_dna)
    peak_amp, peak_loc, _ = findpeaks(f_dna_low_edu.tolist())
    peak_loc = peak_loc[peak_amp > np.max(peak_amp / 10)]
    dna_g1_loc = x_dna[peak_loc[:3]]

    if len(dna_g1_loc) > 1:
        if phase_candidates[0, 0]:
            dna_g1_loc = dna_g1_loc[np.argmin(
                np.abs(dna_g1_loc - phase_candidates[0, 0]))]
        elif phase_candidates[1, 0]:
            dna_g1_loc = np.max(
                dna_g1_loc[dna_g1_loc > phase_candidates[1, 0]])
            dna_g1_loc = np.min(dna_g1_loc)
    if not np.any(dna_g1_loc):
        dna_g1_loc = np.nanmin(phase_candidates[:, 0] - np.log10(1.2))

    if ax is not None:
        ax.plot(x_dna, f_dna)
        ax.plot(dna_g1_loc, .1, 'xk')
        ax.set_xlabel('log (DNA content)')
        ax.set_ylabel('kernel density estimate')
    return dna_g1_loc
コード例 #2
def get_g2_dna_loc(log_dna, x_dna, log_edu, edu_cutoff,
                   phase_candidates, nsmooth, ax):
    """Finds S phase peak location based on DNA content
    log_dna : 1d array
        log DNA content across all cells in a well
    x_dna : 1d array
        uniformly spaced grid based expected DNA content
    edu_cutoff : numpy float

    dna_g1_loc : float
        position of G1 peak in log DNA space
    phase_candidates : ndarray
        3-by-n array comprising n candidates for G1, S, and G2 peaks
    nsmooth : int
       smoothing parameter
    ax : subplot object
       provides subplot with position reference for summary master plot
    dna_g2_loc : numpy float
       position of G2 phase peak in log DNA space
    high_dna_bool = ((log_dna > dna_g1_loc + 0.4 * np.log10(2)) &
                     (log_edu < edu_cutoff))
    f_dna = get_kde(log_dna[high_dna_bool], x_dna)

    peak_amp, peak_loc, _ = findpeaks(smooth.smooth(f_dna, nsmooth).tolist())
    peak_loc = peak_loc[peak_amp > np.max(peak_loc/10)]
    g2_loc_candidates = x_dna[peak_loc]
    g2_loc_candidates = g2_loc_candidates[g2_loc_candidates >
                                          (dna_g1_loc + 0.5*np.log10(2))]
    if len(g2_loc_candidates) > 1:
        if np.any(phase_candidates[2, 0]):
            g2_loc = g2_loc_candidates[np.argmin(
                np.abs(g2_loc_candidates - phase_candidates[2, 0]))]
            bc = ((np.any(phase_candidates[1, 0])) &
                  (np.any(g2_loc_candidates > phase_candidates[1, 0])))
            if bc:
                g2_loc = g2_loc_candidates[
                    g2_loc_candidates > phase_candidates[1, 0]]
            g2_loc = g2_loc[np.argmin(np.abs(
                g2_loc - dna_g1_loc - np.log10(2)))]
    elif len(g2_loc_candidates) == 1:
        g2_loc = g2_loc_candidates
        g2_loc = dna_g1_loc + np.log10(2)
    if ax is not None:
        ax.plot(x_dna, f_dna, ':')
    return g2_loc
コード例 #3
def get_low_edu_peaks(log_edu,
    """ Returns peak for EdU intensities below edu_g1_max
    log_edu: 1d array
        log EdU intensities across all cells in a well
    px_edu: 1d array
       uniformly spaced grid based expected EdU range
    edu_shift: float
        Expected difference between G1/G2 and S phases in logEdU space
    edu_g1_max: float
       G1 phase gating (realtive to S) based on EdU intensity
    log_dna: 1d array
        log DNA content EdU intensities across all cells in a well
    dna_g1_loc: float
        G1 position based on log DNA
    nsmooth: int
         smoothing parameter
    low_edu_peaks: 1d array
      peaks found within the range of EdU intensities below edu_g1_max

    # f_edu = get_kde(log_edu, px_edu)
    log_edu_low_bool = ((log_dna > dna_g1_loc - 1) &
                        (log_dna < dna_g1_loc + 0.1) &
                        (log_edu > 2 * nsmooth *
                         (px_edu[1] - px_edu[0])) & (log_edu < edu_g1_max))
    if not np.any(log_edu_low_bool):
        log_edu_low_bool = ((log_dna > dna_g1_loc - 1) &
                            (log_dna < dna_g1_loc + 0.1) &
                            (log_edu < edu_g1_max))
    f_edu_low = get_kde(log_edu[log_edu_low_bool], px_edu)
    bin_counts, _ = histc(log_edu[log_edu_low_bool], px_edu)
    # Check discrepency in array length when using 3
    f_edu_low[smooth.smooth(bin_counts, 2.99, 'flat') <= 1 / 3] = 0

    edu_amp, edu_loc, _ = findpeaks(smooth.smooth(f_edu_low, nsmooth).tolist(),
    if np.any(edu_loc):
        edu_loc = edu_loc[edu_amp > 0.3 * np.max(edu_amp)]
        low_edu_peaks = px_edu[edu_loc[np.argmin(edu_loc)]]
        low_edu_peaks = np.median(log_edu[log_edu_low_bool])
    return low_edu_peaks
コード例 #4
def plot_ldr_gating(ldrtxt,
    """Summary plot of gating based on gating based on LDR intensities

    ldrtxt : 1d array
       ldr txt feature across all cells in a well
    x_ldr : 1d array
       uniformly distributed 1d grid based on expected
       range of ldr txt
    ldr_gates : list of floats
       min and max gating based on ldr txt
    ldr_lims : list of floats
       outer bouns of ldr txt to set as x_lim for pltos
    ax : plot obj
       provides positional reference for master plot

    if x_ldr is None:
        mx = np.max(ldrtxt.tolist()) + 0.01
        x_ldr = np.arange(-0.01, mx, 0.0002)
    f_ldr = get_kde(ldrtxt, x_ldr)
    if not ldr_gates:
        ldr_gates = get_ldrgates(ldrtxt, x_ldr)
    if not ldr_lims:
        ldr_lims = get_ldrlims(ldrtxt, x_ldr)
    log_frac = np.log10(f_ldr + np.max(f_ldr) / 100) - np.log10(
        np.max(f_ldr) / 100)

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.figure()
    ax.plot(x_ldr, log_frac)
    x_vals = [
        np.max([ldr_gates[0], np.min(x_ldr)]),
        np.max([ldr_gates[0], np.min(x_ldr)]), ldr_gates[1], ldr_gates[1]
    y_vals = [np.log10(np.max(f_ldr)) * y for y in [0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0]]
    ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals, 'r')
    f_ldr_max = np.log10(np.max(f_ldr)) - np.log10(np.max(f_ldr) / 100) + 0.1
    ax.set_ylim([0, f_ldr_max])
    ax.set_xlabel('LDRtxt intensity')
    ax.set_ylabel('kernel density estimate')
    return ldr_gates, ldr_lims
コード例 #5
def plot_summary(ph3, cell_identity, x_ph3=None, ph3_cutoff=None, well=None):
    """Summary plot of pH3 based gating

    ph3 : 1d array
        ph3 intensities across all cells in a well
    cell_identity : 1d array
        membership of each cell in cell cycle phase (1=G1, 2=S, 3=G2)
    x_ph3 : 1d array
       uniformly distributed 1d grid based on expected range of pH3 intensities
    ph3_cutoff : 1d array
        (optional) USER defined pH3 gating
    well: str
        name of well on 96/384 well plate

    fractions : dict
       keys are cell cycle phases (G1, G2, S, M) and
       values are fractions of cells in each phase
    if x_ph3 is None:
        x_ph3 = np.arange(2.5, 8, 0.02)
    log_ph3 = compute_log_ph3(ph3, x_ph3)

    fig = plt.figure()
    gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2)
    ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 0), colspan=1, rowspan=1)
    ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 1), colspan=1, rowspan=1)

    f_ph3, ph3_cutoff, ph3_lims = get_ph3_gates(ph3, cell_identity)
    ax1.plot(x_ph3, np.log10((f_ph3 + np.max(f_ph3)/100) -

    fall = get_kde(log_ph3, x_ph3, 2.5 * (x_ph3[1] - x_ph3[0]))
    ax1.plot(x_ph3, np.log10((fall + np.max(fall)/100) -
                             np.log10(np.max(fall)/100)), '--')

    ax1.plot([ph3_cutoff, ph3_cutoff], [0, np.log10(np.max(f_ph3))], '-')
                  np.log10(np.max(f_ph3)) - np.log10(np.max(f_ph3)/100)+0.1])
    ax1.set_xlabel('log10 (pH3)')
    ax1.set_ylabel('kernel density estimate')

    fractions = evaluate_Mphase(log_ph3, ph3_cutoff, cell_identity, ax=ax2)
    if well:
        fig.savefig('pH3_%s.png' % well, dpi=300)
    return fractions
コード例 #6
def get_s_phase_dna_loc(log_dna,
    """ Finds S phase peak location based on DNA content
    log_dna: 1d array
        log DNA content across all cells in a well
    x_dna: 1d array
         uniformly spaced grid based expected DNA content
    dna_g1_loc: float
        position of G1 peak in log DNA space
    log_edu: 1d array
        log EdU intensities across all cells in a well
    edu_cutoff: int

    nsmooth: int
       smoothing parameter
    ax: subplot object
       provides subplot with position reference for summary master plot
    dna_s_loc: numpy float
       position of S phase peak in log DNA space

    high_dna_bool = ((log_dna > dna_g1_loc - np.log10(2) * 0.5) &
                     (log_dna < dna_g1_loc + np.log10(2) * 1.5) &
                     (log_edu > edu_cutoff))
    if np.any(high_dna_bool):
        ldh = log_dna[high_dna_bool]
        if len(ldh) > 10:
            f_dna = get_kde(log_dna[high_dna_bool], x_dna, bandwidth=0.0317)
            dna_amp, dna_loc, _ = findpeaks(smooth.smooth(
                f_dna, nsmooth, 'flat').tolist(),
            dna_s_loc = x_dna[dna_loc[0]]
            if ax is not None:
                ax.plot(x_dna, f_dna, '-.')
            dna_s_loc = dna_g1_loc + 0.5 * np.log10(2)
        dna_s_loc = dna_g1_loc + 0.5 * np.log10(2)
    return dna_s_loc
コード例 #7
def get_g2_location(log_dna, x_dna, ldrtxt, ldr_gates, g1_loc):
    """Computes location of G2 based on DNA content

    log_dna : 1d array
       log DNA content of cells in a given well
    x_dna : 1d array
       Expected distribution of DNA content (used as x-axis grid)
    ldrtxt : 1d array
        ldr txt feature across all cells in a well
    ldr_gates : list of floats
    g1_loc : numpy float
        G1 location on log DNA scale

    g2_loc : numpy float
        G2 location on log DNA scale
    # Get G2 peak and location
    # Only consider subset of cells witt LDR internsity within ldr_gates and
    # DNA content > (g1_loc + 0.4 * log10(2))
    if x_dna is None:
        x_dna = np.arange(2.5, 8, 0.02)
    log_dna_g2_range = log_dna[(log_dna > (g1_loc + 0.4 * np.log10(2)))
                               & (ldr_gates[1] >= ldrtxt) &
                               (ldrtxt >= ldr_gates[0])]
    f_dna_g2_range = get_kde(log_dna_g2_range, x_dna)
    f_smooth = smooth.smooth(f_dna_g2_range, 5, 'flat')
    peak_amp, peak_loc, _ = findpeaks(f_smooth.tolist())
    peak_loc = peak_loc[peak_amp > np.max(peak_amp / 10)]
    xdna_loc = x_dna[peak_loc]
    xdna_loc = xdna_loc[xdna_loc > (g1_loc + 0.5 * np.log10(2))]
    if len(xdna_loc) > 1:
        g2_loc = xdna_loc[np.argmin(np.abs(
            (xdna_loc - (g1_loc + np.log10(2)))))]
    elif len(xdna_loc) == 1:
        g2_loc = xdna_loc[0]
        g2_loc = g1_loc + np.log10(2)
    return g2_loc
コード例 #8
def get_ldrgates(ldrtxt, x_ldr=None):
    """Gating based on ldr intensities

    ldrtxt : 1d array
        ldr txt feature across all cells in a well
    x_ldr : 1d array
        uniformly distributed 1d grid based on expected
        range of ldr txt

    ldr_gates : list of floats
       gating based on minima of kernel density estimate of ldr txt
    if x_ldr is None:
        mx = np.max(ldrtxt.tolist()) + 0.01
        x_ldr = np.arange(-0.01, mx, 0.0002)
    f_ldr = get_kde(ldrtxt, x_ldr)  # ldrtxt should be an array
    peak_amp, peak_loc, peak_width = findpeaks(f_ldr.tolist(), npeaks=1)

    # Find location of minimun on the right
    f_neg = [-x for x in f_ldr[peak_loc[0]:]]
    _, trough_loc, _ = findpeaks(f_neg, npeaks=1)
    # If peakfinder cannot find peak minima, use ldrwidth_5x as default
    if np.any(trough_loc):
        trough_loc = trough_loc[0] + peak_loc[0] - 1
        trough_loc = peak_loc + (5 * peak_width[0])

    # choose LDR cutoff based on half-proximal width and right trough of peak
    ldrwidth_5x = peak_loc + (5 * peak_width[0])
    ldrwidth_2p5 = peak_loc + (2.5 * peak_width[0])
    cutoff_index_1 = len(x_ldr) - 2
    cutoff_index_2 = np.max(
        [3, np.min([trough_loc, ldrwidth_5x]), ldrwidth_2p5])

    ldr_cutoff = x_ldr[np.min([cutoff_index_1, int(cutoff_index_2)])]

    ldr_gates = [-np.inf, ldr_cutoff]
    return np.array(ldr_gates)
コード例 #9
def get_g1_location(log_dna, x_dna, ldrtxt, ldr_gates):
    """Computes  ocation of G1 based on DNA content

    log_dna : 1d array
       log DNA content of cells in a given well
    x_dna : 1d array
       Expected distribution of DNA content (used as x-axis grid)
    ldrtxt : 1d array
        ldr txt feature across all cells in a well
    ldr_gates : list of floats

    g1_loc : float
       G1 location on log DNA axis
    if x_dna is None:
        x_dna = np.arange(2.5, 8, 0.02)
    # Only consider susbet of cells with LDR within ldr_gates
    log_dna_low_ldr = log_dna[(ldr_gates[1] >= ldrtxt)
                              & (ldrtxt >= ldr_gates[0])]
    f_dna_low_ldr = get_kde(log_dna_low_ldr, x_dna)
    dna_peaks_amp, dna_peaks_loc, _ = findpeaks(f_dna_low_ldr.tolist())
    # Remove lesser peaks
    dna_peaks_loc = dna_peaks_loc[dna_peaks_amp > np.max(dna_peaks_amp / 10)]
    dna_peaks_amp = dna_peaks_amp[dna_peaks_amp > np.max(dna_peaks_amp / 10)]
    xdna_loc = x_dna[dna_peaks_loc[:4]]  # take the 4 highest peaks
    # compute dna density surrounding peaks
    dna_density = [
            np.array(log_dna > (x - 0.2 * np.log10(2)))
            & np.array(log_dna < (x + 1.2 * np.log10(2)))) for x in xdna_loc
    ] + dna_peaks_amp
    # Find G1 peak
    if len(xdna_loc) == 2:
        g1_loc = np.min(xdna_loc)
        g1_loc = xdna_loc[np.argmax(dna_density)]
    return g1_loc
コード例 #10
ファイル: brdu_gating.py プロジェクト: smkartik/DrugResponse
def get_brdugates(brdu, x_brdu=None, plotting=False):
    """ Gating on minima of kernel density estimate of BrdU distribution
    brdu: 1d array
        brdu intensities across all cells in a well
    x_brdu: 1d array
        1d grid of uniform size based on expected range of BrdU
    plotting: boolean
        if True, functions returns summary plot of gating
    brdu_cutoff: numpy float
       BrdU value corresponding to gate on minima of kde
    if x_brdu is None:
        mx = np.max(brdu.tolist()) + 0.01
        x_brdu = np.arange(-0.01, mx, 1)
    f_brdu = findpeaks.get_kde(brdu, x_brdu)  # brdu should be an array
    peak_amp, peak_loc, peak_width = findpeaks.findpeaks(f_brdu.tolist(),

    # choose BRDU cutoff based on half-proximal width and
    # right trough of peak
    width_2p5 = int((peak_loc + 2.5 * peak_width[0])[0])
    width_5 = int((peak_loc + 5 * peak_width[0])[0])

    # Find location of minimun on the right
    f_neg = [-x for x in f_brdu[width_2p5:width_5]]
    _, trough_loc, _ = findpeaks.findpeaks(f_neg, npeaks=1)
    if np.any(trough_loc):
        trough_loc = trough_loc[0] + peak_loc[0] - 1
        trough_loc = width_2p5
    brdu_cutoff = x_brdu[trough_loc]
    if plotting:
        plt.plot(x_brdu, f_brdu)
        plt.plot([brdu_cutoff, brdu_cutoff], [0, 0.5 * peak_amp])
    return brdu_cutoff
コード例 #11
def get_dna_gating(dna, ldrtxt, ldr_gates, x_dna=None, ax=None):
    """Computes gating to claissfy live/dead cells based on DNA content
    dna : 1d array
         DNA content of cells in a given well
    ldrtxt : 1d array
        ldr txt feature across all cells in a well
    ldr_gates : list of floats
    x_dna : 1d array
        Expected distribution of DNA content (used as x-axis grid)
    ax : subplot object
        provides positional reference for master plot

    dna_gates : list of floats
        inner and outer gates to classify live/dead cells
    if x_dna is None:
        x_dna = np.arange(2.5, 8, 0.02)
    log_dna = compute_log_dna(dna, x_dna)
    f_dna = get_kde(np.array(log_dna), x_dna)

    log_dna_low_ldr = log_dna[(ldr_gates[1] >= ldrtxt)
                              & (ldrtxt >= ldr_gates[0])]
    f_dna_low_ldr = get_kde(log_dna_low_ldr, x_dna)

    g1_loc = get_g1_location(log_dna, x_dna, ldrtxt, ldr_gates)
    log_dna_g2_range = log_dna[(log_dna > (g1_loc + 0.4 * np.log10(2)))
                               & (ldr_gates[1] >= ldrtxt) &
                               (ldrtxt >= ldr_gates[0])]
    f_dna_g2_range = get_kde(log_dna_g2_range, x_dna)

    g1_g2_pos = get_g1_g2_position(log_dna, x_dna, ldrtxt, ldr_gates)
    g1_loc = g1_g2_pos[0]
    g2_loc = g1_g2_pos[1]
    dna_gates = [
        a + b
        for a, b in zip([g1_g2_pos[i] for i in [0, 0, 1, 1]],
                        [(g2_loc - g1_loc) * s for s in [-1.5, -.9, 1.3, 2.2]])

    y_vals = [np.max(f_dna) * y for y in [0, 1.02, 1.02, 0]]
    inner_x_vals = [dna_gates[i] for i in [1, 1, 2, 2]]
    outer_x_vals = [dna_gates[i] for i in [0, 0, 3, 3]]

    dna_lims = get_dnalims(log_dna, x_dna)
    dna_lims = [
        np.min((dna_lims[0], dna_gates[0] - 0.1)),
        np.max((dna_lims[1], dna_gates[3] + 0.1))
    if ax is not None:
        ax.plot(x_dna, f_dna_low_ldr, '--r')
        ax.plot(x_dna, f_dna, '-k')
        ax.plot(x_dna, f_dna_g2_range, ':')
        ax.plot(inner_x_vals, y_vals, '-r', linewidth=2)
        ax.plot(outer_x_vals, y_vals, '-r')
        ax.set_xlabel('log10 (DNA content)')
        ax.set_ylabel('kernel density estimate')
    return np.array(dna_gates)
コード例 #12
def get_ph3_gates(ph3, cell_identity, x_ph3=None, ph3_cutoff=None):
    """ gating based on pH3 intensities
    ph3: 1d array
       ph3 intensities across all cells in a well
    cell_identitity: 1d array
       membership of each cell in cell cycle phase (1=G1, 2=S, 3=G2)
    x_ph3: 1d array
       uniformly distributed 1d grid based on expected range of pH3 intensities
    ph3_cutoff: numpy float
       (optional) USER defined pH3 gating
    f_ph3: 1d array
       kernel density estimate of pH3 distribution
    ph3_cutoff: numpy float
       pH3 gating on kernel density minima
    ph3_lims: list of floats
       bounds on pH3 intensities used as x_lim for plots
    if x_ph3 is None:
        x_ph3 = np.arange(2.5, 8, 0.02)
    log_ph3 = compute_log_ph3(ph3, x_ph3)
    if np.any((cell_identity == 1) | (cell_identity == 3)):
        log_ph3_g12 = log_ph3[(cell_identity == 1) | (cell_identity == 3)]
        if len(log_ph3_g12) >= 10:
                f_ph3 = get_kde(log_ph3_g12, x_ph3, 4 * (x_ph3[1] - x_ph3[0]))
            except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e:
                if 'singular matrix' in str(e):
                    f_ph3 = get_kde(log_ph3, x_ph3, 4 * (x_ph3[1] - x_ph3[0]))
            f_ph3 = get_kde(log_ph3, x_ph3, 4 * (x_ph3[1] - x_ph3[0]))
        f_ph3 = get_kde(log_ph3, x_ph3, 4 * (x_ph3[1] - x_ph3[0]))
    # if not ph3_cutoff or np.mean(log_ph3 > ph3_cutoff):
    _, peak_loc, peak_width = findpeaks(f_ph3.tolist(), npeaks=3)
    # Enforce that no more than 30% of cells are in M-phase
    min_idx = np.nonzero(np.cumsum(f_ph3)/np.sum(f_ph3) > 0.3)[0][0] - 5
    if np.any(peak_loc > min_idx):
        peak_width = peak_width[np.nonzero(peak_width >= min_idx)[0][0]]
        peak_loc = np.max(
            (peak_loc[np.nonzero(peak_loc >= min_idx)[0][0]],
             np.nonzero(np.cumsum(f_ph3)/np.sum(f_ph3) > .3)[0][0])
        peak_loc = min_idx
        peak_width = np.max(peak_width)

    # find miniminum
    # --------------
    f_ph3_neg = [-x for x in f_ph3[peak_loc:]]
    _, peak_loc_min, _ = findpeaks(f_ph3_neg, npeaks=1)
    if not np.any(peak_loc_min):  # Check
        peak_loc_min = np.array([0])  # Check
    peak_loc_min += peak_loc - 1
    ph3_cutoff = x_ph3[math.ceil(np.max((
        np.min((peak_loc_min[0], peak_loc + 9 * peak_width)),
        peak_loc + 2 * peak_width))
    if not np.any(ph3_cutoff):
        ph3_cutoff = x_ph3[np.nonzero(smooth.smooth(f_ph3, 5, 'flat') >
                                      0.1/len(ph3))[0][0] + 1]
    ph3_lims = (quantile(log_ph3, [5e-3, 0.995]) +
                [(3 * (x_ph3[1] - x_ph3[0])) * q for q in [-1, 10]])
    if np.max(ph3_lims) < ph3_cutoff:
        ph3_lims[1] = ph3_cutoff + 0.02
    return f_ph3, ph3_cutoff, ph3_lims
コード例 #13
def evaluate_cell_cycle_phase(log_dna, dna_gates, x_dna, 
                              log_edu, edu_gates, px_edu,
                              dna_peaks=None, edu_peaks=None,
                              nsmooth=5, ax=None):
    """Evaluates cell cycle phase of each cell based on gatings

    log_dna : 1d array
        log DNA content across all cells in a well
    dna_gates : list of floats
        inner and outer gates defined by DNA content
    x_dna : 1d array
        uniformly spaced grid based on expected DNA content
    dna_peaks : list of floats
        G1, S and G2 peak locations
    log_edu : 1d array
        log EdU intensities across all cells in a well
    edu_gates : list of floats
        location of gates seperating S and G1/G2 based on EdU intensities
    px_edu : 1d array
        uniformly spaced grid based on expected EdU intensities
    edu_peaks : list of floats
        location of high and low edu peaks
    nsmooth : int
        smoothing parameter
    ax : subplot object
        provides positional reference for subplot in master summary plot
    fractions : dict
        dictionary where keys are cell cycle phases and
        values are fractions of cells in each phase
    cell_id : 1d array
        membership of each cell in cell cycle phase (1=G1, 2=S, 3=G2)
    cell_id = (1 * ((log_dna > dna_gates[0]) &  # G1
                    (log_dna < dna_gates[1]) &
                    (log_edu < edu_gates[0])) +
               2 * ((log_dna >= dna_gates[0]) &  # S
                    (log_dna < dna_gates[3]) &
                    (log_edu >= edu_gates[0])) +
                    #(log_edu < edu_gates[1])) +
               2.1 * ((log_dna >= dna_gates[1])  # S dropout
                      & (log_dna < dna_gates[2]) &
                      (log_edu < edu_gates[0])) +
               3 * ((log_dna >= dna_gates[2]) &  # G2
                    (log_dna < dna_gates[3]) &
                    (log_edu < edu_gates[0])) +
               0.5 * (log_dna < dna_gates[0]) +
               3.1 * (log_dna > dna_gates[3]))
    fractions = {}
    for state, val in zip(['subG1', 'G1', 'S', 'S_dropout', 'G2', 'beyondG2'],
                          [0.5, 1, 2, 2.1, 3, 3.1]):
        fractions[state] = np.mean(cell_id == (val % 4))

    if dna_peaks is not None:
        for ig in np.arange(1, 4):
            if sum(cell_id == ig) > 10:
                f_dna = get_kde(log_dna[cell_id == ig], x_dna)
                _, dna_loc, _ = findpeaks(
                    smooth.smooth(f_dna, 3 * nsmooth).tolist(),
                dna_peaks[ig-1] = x_dna[dna_loc]

                f_edu = get_kde(log_edu[cell_id == ig], px_edu)
                _, edu_loc, _ = findpeaks(
                    smooth.smooth(f_edu, 3 * nsmooth).tolist(),
                edu_peaks[ig-1] = px_edu[edu_loc]
                dna_peaks[ig-1] = np.mean(dna_gates[ig-1:2])
                edu_peaks[ig-1] = np.mean((edu_gates[0], (ig == 2)*edu_gates[1]))
            edu_peaks[1] = np.max((edu_peaks[1], edu_gates[0] + 0.1))
        peaks = [dna_peaks, edu_peaks]
        peaks = None
    if ax is not None:
        ax.pie(fractions.values(), labels=fractions.keys(),  autopct='%1.1f%%')
    return fractions, cell_id, peaks
コード例 #14
def get_dna_cutoff(log_dna, x_dna, log_edu, edu_cutoff,
                   dna_g1_loc, dna_s_loc,
                   phase_candidates, nsmooth, ax):
    """Get DNA cutoff and return G2 peak location based on DNA cutoff
    log_dna : 1d array
        log DNA content across all cells in a well
    x_dna : 1d array
         uniformly spaced grid based expected DNA content
    log_edu : 1d array
        log EdU intensities across all cells in a well
    edu_cutoff : numpy float

    dna_g1_loc : float
        position of G1 peak in log DNA space
    dna_s_loc : float
        position of S peak in log DNA space
    phase_candidates : ndarray
        3-by-n array comprising n candidates for G1, S and G2 peaks
    nsmooth : int
       smoothing parameter
    ax : subplot object
       provides subplot with position reference for summary master plot

    dna_cutoff : numpy float

    dna_g2_loc : numpy float
          position of G2 phase peak in log DNA space
    high_dna_bool = ((log_dna > dna_g1_loc + 0.4 * np.log10(2)) &
                     (log_edu < edu_cutoff))
    if np.any(high_dna_bool):
        dna_g2_loc = get_g2_dna_loc(log_dna, x_dna, log_edu, edu_cutoff,
                                    dna_g1_loc,  # dna_fig,
                                    phase_candidates, nsmooth, ax=ax)
        f_dna = get_kde(log_dna[log_edu < edu_cutoff], x_dna)
        smooth_f_dna = smooth.smooth(f_dna, nsmooth, 'flat')
        if len(smooth_f_dna) > len(f_dna):
            smooth_f_dna = smooth.smooth(f_dna, 0.5 * nsmooth, 'flat')

        _, peak_loc, _ = findpeaks([-x for x in smooth_f_dna])
        peak_loc = np.array([p for p in peak_loc if p < len(x_dna)])
        if np.any(peak_loc):
            dna_cutoff = x_dna[peak_loc[((x_dna[peak_loc] > dna_g1_loc) &
                                         (x_dna[peak_loc] < dna_g2_loc))
            dna_cutoff = np.min((np.max((dna_s_loc, dna_g1_loc + 0.02)),
                                 dna_g2_loc - 0.02))
        if not np.any(dna_cutoff):
            dna_cutoff = np.min((np.max((dna_s_loc, dna_g1_loc + 0.02)),
                                 dna_g2_loc - 0.02))
        elif isinstance(dna_cutoff, (list, np.ndarray)):
            dna_cutoff = dna_cutoff[0]
            dna_cutoff = dna_cutoff
        dna_cutoff = dna_g1_loc + 0.3 * np.log10(2)
        dna_g2_loc = dna_g1_loc + np.log10(2)
    if ax is not None:
        ax.plot([dna_g1_loc, dna_s_loc, dna_g2_loc], [0, 0, 0], 'xk')
        ax.plot(dna_cutoff, 0, 'xk')
    return dna_cutoff, dna_g2_loc
コード例 #15
def get_high_edu_peaks(log_edu, px_edu, edu_shift,
                       low_edu_peaks, log_dna, dna_g1_loc,
    """Returns peak for EdU intensities above edu_shift values

    log_edu : 1d array
        log EdU intensities across all cells in a well
    px_edu : 1d array
       uniformly spaced grid based expected EdU range
    edu_shift : float
        Expected difference between G1/G2 and S phases in logEdU space
    low_edu_peaks : 1d array
       peaks found within the range of EdU intensities below edu_g1_ma
    log_dna : 1d array
        log DNA content across all cells in a well
    dna_g1_loc : float
        position of G1 peak in log DNA space
    nsmooth : int
         smoothing parameter

    edu_peaks : list of floats
           [low_edu_peaks, high_edu_peaks] where -
           low_edu_peaks correspond to peak found within the range of
                           EdU intensities below edu_g1_max
           high_edu_peaks correspond to peak found within the range of
                           EdU intensities above edu_shift values
    edu_cutoff : float

    edu_lims : list of floats
           EdU limits to define range of EdU
    edu_gate : float
          gating between G1/G2 and S phase based on EdU content
    high_edu_bool = ((log_dna > dna_g1_loc - np.log10(2)/2) &
                     (log_dna < dna_g1_loc + np.log10(2) * 1.5) &
                     (log_edu > low_edu_peaks + edu_shift * 0.8))
    if (np.any(high_edu_bool) | sum(high_edu_bool) >= 10):
        f_edu_high = get_kde(log_edu[high_edu_bool], px_edu)
        edu_amp, edu_loc, _ = findpeaks(smooth.smooth(
            f_edu_high, nsmooth, 'flat').tolist())
        # Remove lesser peaks
        high_edu_loc = edu_loc[edu_amp > np.max(edu_amp/10)]

        high_edu_bool = px_edu[high_edu_loc] > low_edu_peaks + edu_shift
        if np.any(high_edu_bool):
            high_edu_peaks = px_edu[high_edu_loc[
            high_edu_peaks = low_edu_peaks + edu_shift

        f_edu = get_kde(log_edu, px_edu)
        neg_f_edu = np.array([-x for x in f_edu])
        _, edu_loc, _ = findpeaks(neg_f_edu.tolist(), thresh=0.01)
           edu_cutoff = px_edu[edu_loc[
               ((np.nonzero(((px_edu[edu_loc] > low_edu_peaks) &
                             (px_edu[edu_loc] < high_edu_peaks))))[0][0])
        except IndexError:
            high_edu_peaks = low_edu_peaks + edu_shift
            edu_cutoff = np.mean((low_edu_peaks, high_edu_peaks))
            #smf = smooth.smooth(f_edu.T, nsmooth, 'flat')
            #if len(smf) > len(f_edu):
            #   smf = smooth.smooth(f_edu.T, 0.5 * nsmooth, 'flat')
            #edu_cutoff = px_edu[np.argmin(smf.T +
            #                             ((px_edu < low_edu_peaks) |
            #                              (px_edu > high_edu_peaks))
            #                             )]
        edu_lims = [px_edu[2],
                    np.min((2 * high_edu_peaks - edu_cutoff, px_edu[-2]))]
        # dna_s_loc = get_s_phase_dna_peaks(log_dna, x_dna, dna_g1_loc,
        #                                   log_edu, edu_cutoff)
        high_edu_peaks = low_edu_peaks + edu_shift
        edu_cutoff = np.mean((low_edu_peaks, high_edu_peaks))
        edu_lims = [-0.02,
                    np.min((2*high_edu_peaks - edu_cutoff + 0.1, px_edu[-2]))]
        # dna_s_loc = dna_g1_loc + 0.5 * np.log10(2)
    edu_gates = [edu_cutoff,
                 high_edu_peaks + np.max((high_edu_peaks-edu_cutoff, 1))]
    edu_gates = np.array(edu_gates)
    edu_lims[1] = np.max((edu_lims[1], edu_gates[1]+0.1))
    edu_lims = np.array(edu_lims)
    edu_peaks = [low_edu_peaks, high_edu_peaks]
    return edu_peaks, edu_cutoff, edu_lims, edu_gates
コード例 #16
def get_edu_gates(edu, px_edu=None, ax=None):
    """Returns estimate of max EdU for G1 gating and min EdU for S phase gating
    edu : 1D array
         edu intensities across all cells in a given well
    px_edu : 1D array
         uniformly spaced grid based expected EdU range
    plotting: boolean
         plots summary of edu gating if set to True
    ax : subplot object
         passes subplot object specifying location on grid
    edu_shift : float
        difference between G1/2 and S phases
    offset_edu: float

    edu_g1_max : float
        G1 gating based on  EdU intensity
    edu_s_min : float
        S phase gating based on EdU intensity
    if px_edu is None:
        px_edu = np.arange(-0.2, 5.3, .02)
    # x_edu = np.arange(100, 4e2, 1)
    x_edu = np.arange(-200, 4e3+1, 1)
    # Note: Bandwidth = 90 reproduced MATLAB output
    f_edu = get_kde(edu, x_edu, bandwidth=90)
    peak_amp, peak_loc, peak_width = findpeaks(f_edu.tolist(), npeaks=2)
    peak_amp = peak_amp[peak_amp > np.max(f_edu)/10]
    peak_loc = peak_loc[peak_amp > np.max(f_edu)/10]
    peak_width = peak_width[peak_amp > np.max(f_edu)/10]
    if peak_loc.size == 0:
        x_edu = np.arange(-200, 2e4+1, 1)
        f_edu = get_kde(edu, x_edu, bandwidth=90)
        peak_amp, peak_loc, peak_width = findpeaks(f_edu.tolist(), npeaks=2)
        peak_amp = peak_amp[peak_amp > np.max(f_edu)/10]
        peak_loc = peak_loc[peak_amp > np.max(f_edu)/10]
        peak_width = peak_width[peak_amp > np.max(f_edu)/10]
    peak_width = peak_width[np.argmin(peak_loc)]
    peak_loc = x_edu[math.ceil(np.min(peak_loc))]

    # Find location of minimum on right
    if np.any(edu > (peak_loc + 30)):
        edu_higher = edu[edu > peak_loc + 30]
        f2_edu = get_kde(edu_higher, x_edu, bandwidth=510)
        f2_edu_neg = [-x for x in f2_edu]
        _, peak_trough, _ = findpeaks(f2_edu_neg, npeaks=2)
            peak_trough = x_edu[math.ceil(
                    np.abs([x - 500 for x in peak_trough])
        except ValueError:
            peak_trough = 0
        peak_trough = np.max([peak_trough, peak_loc+3*peak_width])
        peak_trough = peak_loc + 3 * peak_width
    # Edu offset
    # ** Not entirely clear to me yet
    offset_edu = np.max((peak_loc-1.5 * peak_width, 1))

    log_edu = compute_log_edu(edu, px_edu, offset_edu)

    # EdU max for G1 gating
    edu_g1_max = np.max((
        np.log10(peak_trough - offset_edu),  # Expected EdU max for G1 (optn 1)
        quantile(log_edu, 0.2) + 0.1  # Expected EdU max  for G1 (optn 2)

    # Edu  min for S phase gating
    edu_s_min = np.max((
        np.log10(peak_loc + 2 * peak_width - offset_edu),  # Expected EdU min for S phase (optn 1)
        edu_g1_max - 0.1  # Expected Edu min for S phase (option 2)

    # Expected differene between G1/G2 and S
    edu_shift = np.max((
        (np.log10(peak_loc + 2 * peak_width - offset_edu) -  # Expected EdU min for S phase (optn 1)
         np.log10(np.max((peak_loc - offset_edu, 1)))),  # G1 peak loc (offset)

    # Plotting
    # --------
    if ax is not None:
        idx = np.random.permutation(len(edu))
        idx = idx[:np.min((len(edu), 1000))]
        edu = np.array(edu)
        ax.plot(edu[idx], log_edu[idx], '.c')
        px_edu = np.arange(-0.2, 5.3, .02)
        ax.plot(x_edu, np.max(px_edu) * (f_edu/np.max(f_edu)), 'k-')
        ax.plot(x_edu, np.max(px_edu) * (f2_edu/np.max(f2_edu)), 'k--')
        ax.plot([-200, 300, np.nan, -100, 500],
                [edu_s_min, edu_s_min, np.nan,
                 edu_shift+np.log10(np.max((peak_loc-offset_edu, 1))),
                 edu_shift+np.log10(np.max((peak_loc-offset_edu, 1)))], '-r')
        ax.plot([offset_edu, offset_edu], [0, 5], ':r')
        ax.plot([100, peak_trough, peak_trough],
                [edu_g1_max, edu_g1_max, 0], '--r')
        ax.set_ylim((px_edu[0], px_edu[-1]))
        ax.set_xlim([-200, np.max((peak_loc + 5 * peak_width, 500))])
        ax.set_xlabel('EdU intensity')
        ax.set_ylabel('log10 (EdU')
    return edu_shift, offset_edu, edu_g1_max, edu_s_min