コード例 #1
    def train(self, image_lst, loc_lst, save):
        The training phase
        # get the training data

        data, l, _ = self.get_data(image_lst, loc_lst)
        labels = []
        print "Get data done"
        training_data = []
        features = []
        for idx, im in enumerate(data):
            f = self._extraction.compute(im, self._extraction.detect(im))[1]
            if f is not None:
        learning_data = np.vstack(features)
        # sparse code
        self.alpha = 10
        sparsecode = sparse.DictLearning(learning_data, 300, self.alpha, save)
        self.dictionary = sparsecode.dictionary
        print "Build the dictionary done"
        # pooling
        for feature in features:
            coeffs = sparse.encode(feature, self.dictionary, self.alpha)
            vector = pooling.max_pooling(coeffs)
        print "Max pooling function done"
        training_data = np.vstack(training_data)
        labels = np.float32(labels)

        print "The number of positive samples:", len(labels[labels==1])
        print "The number of false samples:", len(labels[labels==0])

        # svm
        print training_data.shape
        self._classifier.auto_train(training_data, labels)
        print "train done"
        return self._classifier
コード例 #2
    def test(self, image, loc_lst, viz=False):
        """ test an image """
        demo = self.imread(image)
        locations = loc_lst
        data, l, segments = self.get_data([image], [loc_lst])
        num_samples = len(data)
        labels = []
        features = []

        for idx, im in enumerate(data):
            f = self._extraction.compute(im, self._extraction.detect(im))[1]
            if f is not None:

        testing_data = []

        for feature in features:
            coeffs = sparse.encode(feature, self.dictionary, self.alpha)
            vector = pooling.max_pooling(coeffs)

        testing_data = np.vstack(testing_data)
        testing_data = np.float32(testing_data)

        labels = np.float32(labels)
        result = self._classifier.predict(testing_data)

        for predicted, expected, s in zip(result, labels, segments):
            if predicted == expected:
                s.detected = True
        correct = len(filter(lambda x: x.detected, segments))
        if viz:
            com.visualize_segments(demo, segments, locations)
        return correct, num_samples