コード例 #1
    def run(self, workspace):
        '''Run the module on the image set'''
        seed_objects_name = self.seed_objects_name.value
        skeleton_name = self.image_name.value
        seed_objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(seed_objects_name)
        labels = seed_objects.segmented
        labels_count = np.max(labels)
        label_range = np.arange(labels_count, dtype=np.int32) + 1

        skeleton_image = workspace.image_set.get_image(skeleton_name,
        skeleton = skeleton_image.pixel_data
        if skeleton_image.has_mask:
            skeleton = skeleton & skeleton_image.mask
            labels = skeleton_image.crop_image_similarly(labels)
            labels, m1 = cpo.size_similarly(skeleton, labels)
            labels[~m1] = 0
        # The following code makes a ring around the seed objects with
        # the skeleton trunks sticking out of it.
        # Create a new skeleton with holes at the seed objects
        # First combine the seed objects with the skeleton so
        # that the skeleton trunks come out of the seed objects.
        # Erode the labels once so that all of the trunk branchpoints
        # will be within the labels
        # Dilate the objects, then subtract them to make a ring
        my_disk = morph.strel_disk(1.5).astype(int)
        dilated_labels = grey_dilation(labels, footprint=my_disk)
        seed_mask = dilated_labels > 0
        combined_skel = skeleton | seed_mask

        closed_labels = grey_erosion(dilated_labels, footprint=my_disk)
        seed_center = closed_labels > 0
        combined_skel = combined_skel & (~seed_center)
        # Fill in single holes (but not a one-pixel hole made by
        # a one-pixel image)
        if self.wants_to_fill_holes:

            def size_fn(area, is_object):
                return (~is_object) and (area <= self.maximum_hole_size.value)

            combined_skel = morph.fill_labeled_holes(combined_skel,
                                                     ~seed_center, size_fn)
        # Reskeletonize to make true branchpoints at the ring boundaries
        combined_skel = morph.skeletonize(combined_skel)
        # The skeleton outside of the labels
        outside_skel = combined_skel & (dilated_labels == 0)
        # Associate all skeleton points with seed objects
        dlabels, distance_map = propagate.propagate(np.zeros(labels.shape),
                                                    combined_skel, 1)
        # Get rid of any branchpoints not connected to seeds
        combined_skel[dlabels == 0] = False
        # Find the branchpoints
        branch_points = morph.branchpoints(combined_skel)
        # Odd case: when four branches meet like this, branchpoints are not
        # assigned because they are arbitrary. So assign them.
        # .  .
        #  B.
        #  .B
        # .  .
        odd_case = (combined_skel[:-1, :-1] & combined_skel[1:, :-1]
                    & combined_skel[:-1, 1:] & combined_skel[1, 1])
        branch_points[:-1, :-1][odd_case] = True
        branch_points[1:, 1:][odd_case] = True
        # Find the branching counts for the trunks (# of extra branches
        # eminating from a point other than the line it might be on).
        branching_counts = morph.branchings(combined_skel)
        branching_counts = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 2])[branching_counts]
        # Only take branches within 1 of the outside skeleton
        dilated_skel = scind.binary_dilation(outside_skel, morph.eight_connect)
        branching_counts[~dilated_skel] = 0
        # Find the endpoints
        end_points = morph.endpoints(combined_skel)
        # We use two ranges for classification here:
        # * anything within one pixel of the dilated image is a trunk
        # * anything outside of that range is a branch
        nearby_labels = dlabels.copy()
        nearby_labels[distance_map > 1.5] = 0

        outside_labels = dlabels.copy()
        outside_labels[nearby_labels > 0] = 0
        # The trunks are the branchpoints that lie within one pixel of
        # the dilated image.
        if labels_count > 0:
            trunk_counts = fix(
                scind.sum(branching_counts, nearby_labels,
            trunk_counts = np.zeros((0, ), int)
        # The branches are the branchpoints that lie outside the seed objects
        if labels_count > 0:
            branch_counts = fix(
                scind.sum(branch_points, outside_labels, label_range))
            branch_counts = np.zeros((0, ), int)
        # Save the endpoints
        if labels_count > 0:
            end_counts = fix(scind.sum(end_points, outside_labels,
            end_counts = np.zeros((0, ), int)
        # Save measurements
        m = workspace.measurements
        assert isinstance(m, cpmeas.Measurements)
        feature = "_".join((C_NEURON, F_NUMBER_TRUNKS, skeleton_name))
        m.add_measurement(seed_objects_name, feature, trunk_counts)
        feature = "_".join(
            (C_NEURON, F_NUMBER_NON_TRUNK_BRANCHES, skeleton_name))
        m.add_measurement(seed_objects_name, feature, branch_counts)
        feature = "_".join((C_NEURON, F_NUMBER_BRANCH_ENDS, skeleton_name))
        m.add_measurement(seed_objects_name, feature, end_counts)
        # Collect the graph information
        if self.wants_neuron_graph:
            trunk_mask = (branching_counts > 0) & (nearby_labels != 0)
            intensity_image = workspace.image_set.get_image(
            edge_graph, vertex_graph = self.make_neuron_graph(
                combined_skel, dlabels, trunk_mask,
                branch_points & ~trunk_mask, end_points,

            image_number = workspace.measurements.image_set_number

            edge_path, vertex_path = self.get_graph_file_paths(
                m, m.image_number)

            if self.show_window:
                workspace.display_data.edge_graph = edge_graph
                workspace.display_data.vertex_graph = vertex_graph
                workspace.display_data.intensity_image = intensity_image.pixel_data
        # Make the display image
        if self.show_window or self.wants_branchpoint_image:
            branchpoint_image = np.zeros(
                (skeleton.shape[0], skeleton.shape[1], 3))
            trunk_mask = (branching_counts > 0) & (nearby_labels != 0)
            branch_mask = branch_points & (outside_labels != 0)
            end_mask = end_points & (outside_labels != 0)
            branchpoint_image[outside_skel, :] = 1
            branchpoint_image[trunk_mask | branch_mask | end_mask, :] = 0
            branchpoint_image[trunk_mask, 0] = 1
            branchpoint_image[branch_mask, 1] = 1
            branchpoint_image[end_mask, 2] = 1
            branchpoint_image[dilated_labels != 0, :] *= .875
            branchpoint_image[dilated_labels != 0, :] += .1
            if self.show_window:
                workspace.display_data.branchpoint_image = branchpoint_image
            if self.wants_branchpoint_image:
                bi = cpi.Image(branchpoint_image, parent_image=skeleton_image)
                workspace.image_set.add(self.branchpoint_image_name.value, bi)
コード例 #2
 def run(self, workspace):
     '''Run the module on the image set'''
     seed_objects_name = self.seed_objects_name.value
     skeleton_name = self.image_name.value
     seed_objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(seed_objects_name)
     labels = seed_objects.segmented
     labels_count = np.max(labels)
     label_range = np.arange(labels_count,dtype=np.int32)+1
     skeleton_image = workspace.image_set.get_image(
         skeleton_name, must_be_binary = True)
     skeleton = skeleton_image.pixel_data
     if skeleton_image.has_mask:
         skeleton = skeleton & skeleton_image.mask
         labels = skeleton_image.crop_image_similarly(labels)
         labels, m1 = cpo.size_similarly(skeleton, labels)
         labels[~m1] = 0
     # The following code makes a ring around the seed objects with
     # the skeleton trunks sticking out of it.
     # Create a new skeleton with holes at the seed objects
     # First combine the seed objects with the skeleton so
     # that the skeleton trunks come out of the seed objects.
     # Erode the labels once so that all of the trunk branchpoints
     # will be within the labels
     # Dilate the objects, then subtract them to make a ring
     my_disk = morph.strel_disk(1.5).astype(int)
     dilated_labels = grey_dilation(labels, footprint=my_disk)
     seed_mask = dilated_labels > 0
     combined_skel = skeleton | seed_mask
     closed_labels = grey_erosion(dilated_labels,
                                  footprint = my_disk)
     seed_center = closed_labels > 0
     combined_skel = combined_skel & (~seed_center)
     # Fill in single holes (but not a one-pixel hole made by
     # a one-pixel image)
     if self.wants_to_fill_holes:
         def size_fn(area, is_object):
             return (~ is_object) and (area <= self.maximum_hole_size.value)
         combined_skel = morph.fill_labeled_holes(
             combined_skel, ~seed_center, size_fn)
     # Reskeletonize to make true branchpoints at the ring boundaries
     combined_skel = morph.skeletonize(combined_skel)
     # The skeleton outside of the labels
     outside_skel = combined_skel & (dilated_labels == 0)
     # Associate all skeleton points with seed objects
     dlabels, distance_map = propagate.propagate(np.zeros(labels.shape),
                                                 combined_skel, 1)
     # Get rid of any branchpoints not connected to seeds
     combined_skel[dlabels == 0] = False
     # Find the branchpoints
     branch_points = morph.branchpoints(combined_skel)
     # Odd case: when four branches meet like this, branchpoints are not
     # assigned because they are arbitrary. So assign them.
     # .  .
     #  B.
     #  .B
     # .  .
     odd_case = (combined_skel[:-1,:-1] & combined_skel[1:,:-1] &
                 combined_skel[:-1,1:] & combined_skel[1,1])
     branch_points[:-1,:-1][odd_case] = True
     branch_points[1:,1:][odd_case] = True
     # Find the branching counts for the trunks (# of extra branches
     # eminating from a point other than the line it might be on).
     branching_counts = morph.branchings(combined_skel)
     branching_counts = np.array([0,0,0,1,2])[branching_counts]
     # Only take branches within 1 of the outside skeleton
     dilated_skel = scind.binary_dilation(outside_skel, morph.eight_connect)
     branching_counts[~dilated_skel] = 0
     # Find the endpoints
     end_points = morph.endpoints(combined_skel)
     # We use two ranges for classification here:
     # * anything within one pixel of the dilated image is a trunk
     # * anything outside of that range is a branch
     nearby_labels = dlabels.copy()
     nearby_labels[distance_map > 1.5] = 0
     outside_labels = dlabels.copy()
     outside_labels[nearby_labels > 0] = 0
     # The trunks are the branchpoints that lie within one pixel of
     # the dilated image.
     if labels_count > 0:
         trunk_counts = fix(scind.sum(branching_counts, nearby_labels, 
         trunk_counts = np.zeros((0,),int)
     # The branches are the branchpoints that lie outside the seed objects
     if labels_count > 0:
         branch_counts = fix(scind.sum(branch_points, outside_labels, 
         branch_counts = np.zeros((0,),int)
     # Save the endpoints
     if labels_count > 0:
         end_counts = fix(scind.sum(end_points, outside_labels, label_range))
         end_counts = np.zeros((0,), int)
     # Save measurements
     m = workspace.measurements
     assert isinstance(m, cpmeas.Measurements)
     feature = "_".join((C_NEURON, F_NUMBER_TRUNKS, skeleton_name))
     m.add_measurement(seed_objects_name, feature, trunk_counts)
     feature = "_".join((C_NEURON, F_NUMBER_NON_TRUNK_BRANCHES, 
     m.add_measurement(seed_objects_name, feature, branch_counts)
     feature = "_".join((C_NEURON, F_NUMBER_BRANCH_ENDS, skeleton_name))
     m.add_measurement(seed_objects_name, feature, end_counts)
     # Collect the graph information
     if self.wants_neuron_graph:
         trunk_mask = (branching_counts > 0) & (nearby_labels != 0)
         intensity_image = workspace.image_set.get_image(
         edge_graph, vertex_graph = self.make_neuron_graph(
             combined_skel, dlabels, 
             branch_points & ~trunk_mask,
         # Add an image number column to both and change vertex index
         # to vertex number (one-based)
         image_number = workspace.measurements.image_set_number
         vertex_graph = np.rec.fromarrays(
             (np.ones(len(vertex_graph)) * image_number,
              np.arange(1, len(vertex_graph) + 1),
             names = ("image_number", "vertex_number", "i", "j",
                      "labels", "kind"))
         edge_graph = np.rec.fromarrays(
             (np.ones(len(edge_graph)) * image_number,
             names = ("image_number", "v1", "v2", "length", 
         path = self.directory.get_absolute_path(m)
         edge_file = m.apply_metadata(self.edge_file_name.value)
         edge_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, edge_file))
         vertex_file = m.apply_metadata(self.vertex_file_name.value)
         vertex_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, vertex_file))
         d = self.get_dictionary(workspace.image_set_list)
         for file_path, table, fmt in (
             (edge_path, edge_graph, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%.4f"),
             (vertex_path, vertex_graph, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s")):
             # Delete files first time through / otherwise append
             if not d.has_key(file_path):
                 d[file_path] = True
                 if os.path.exists(file_path):
                     if workspace.frame is not None:
                         import wx
                         if wx.MessageBox(
                             "%s already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" %
                             file_path, "Warning: overwriting file",
                             style = wx.YES_NO, 
                             parent = workspace.frame) != wx.YES:
                             raise ValueError("Can't overwrite %s" % file_path)
                 fd = open(file_path, 'wt')
                 header = ','.join(table.dtype.names)
                 fd.write(header + '\n')
                 fd = open(file_path, 'at')
             np.savetxt(fd, table, fmt)
             if workspace.frame is not None:
                 workspace.display_data.edge_graph = edge_graph
                 workspace.display_data.vertex_graph = vertex_graph
     # Make the display image
     if workspace.frame is not None or self.wants_branchpoint_image:
         branchpoint_image = np.zeros((skeleton.shape[0],
         trunk_mask = (branching_counts > 0) & (nearby_labels != 0)
         branch_mask = branch_points & (outside_labels != 0)
         end_mask = end_points & (outside_labels != 0)
         branchpoint_image[outside_skel,:] = 1
         branchpoint_image[trunk_mask | branch_mask | end_mask,:] = 0
         branchpoint_image[trunk_mask,0] = 1
         branchpoint_image[branch_mask,1] = 1
         branchpoint_image[end_mask, 2] = 1
         branchpoint_image[dilated_labels != 0,:] *= .875
         branchpoint_image[dilated_labels != 0,:] += .1
         if workspace.frame:
             workspace.display_data.branchpoint_image = branchpoint_image
         if self.wants_branchpoint_image:
             bi = cpi.Image(branchpoint_image,
                            parent_image = skeleton_image)
             workspace.image_set.add(self.branchpoint_image_name.value, bi)
コード例 #3
    def run(self, workspace):
        '''Run the module on the image set'''
        seed_objects_name = self.seed_objects_name.value
        skeleton_name = self.image_name.value
        seed_objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(seed_objects_name)
        labels = seed_objects.segmented
        labels_count = np.max(labels)
        label_range = np.arange(labels_count,dtype=np.int32)+1
        skeleton_image = workspace.image_set.get_image(
            skeleton_name, must_be_binary = True)
        skeleton = skeleton_image.pixel_data
        if skeleton_image.has_mask:
            skeleton = skeleton & skeleton_image.mask
            labels = skeleton_image.crop_image_similarly(labels)
            labels, m1 = cpo.size_similarly(skeleton, labels)
            labels[~m1] = 0
        # The following code makes a ring around the seed objects with
        # the skeleton trunks sticking out of it.
        # Create a new skeleton with holes at the seed objects
        # First combine the seed objects with the skeleton so
        # that the skeleton trunks come out of the seed objects.
        # Erode the labels once so that all of the trunk branchpoints
        # will be within the labels
        # Dilate the objects, then subtract them to make a ring
        my_disk = morph.strel_disk(1.5).astype(int)
        dilated_labels = grey_dilation(labels, footprint=my_disk)
        seed_mask = dilated_labels > 0
        combined_skel = skeleton | seed_mask
        closed_labels = grey_erosion(dilated_labels,
                                     footprint = my_disk)
        seed_center = closed_labels > 0
        combined_skel = combined_skel & (~seed_center)
        # Fill in single holes (but not a one-pixel hole made by
        # a one-pixel image)
        if self.wants_to_fill_holes:
            def size_fn(area, is_object):
                return (~ is_object) and (area <= self.maximum_hole_size.value)
            combined_skel = morph.fill_labeled_holes(
                combined_skel, ~seed_center, size_fn)
        # Reskeletonize to make true branchpoints at the ring boundaries
        combined_skel = morph.skeletonize(combined_skel)
        # The skeleton outside of the labels
        outside_skel = combined_skel & (dilated_labels == 0)
        # Associate all skeleton points with seed objects
        dlabels, distance_map = propagate.propagate(np.zeros(labels.shape),
                                                    combined_skel, 1)
        # Get rid of any branchpoints not connected to seeds
        combined_skel[dlabels == 0] = False
        # Find the branchpoints
        branch_points = morph.branchpoints(combined_skel)
        # Odd case: when four branches meet like this, branchpoints are not
        # assigned because they are arbitrary. So assign them.
        # .  .
        #  B.
        #  .B
        # .  .
        odd_case = (combined_skel[:-1,:-1] & combined_skel[1:,:-1] &
                    combined_skel[:-1,1:] & combined_skel[1,1])
        branch_points[:-1,:-1][odd_case] = True
        branch_points[1:,1:][odd_case] = True
        # Find the branching counts for the trunks (# of extra branches
        # eminating from a point other than the line it might be on).
        branching_counts = morph.branchings(combined_skel)
        branching_counts = np.array([0,0,0,1,2])[branching_counts]
        # Only take branches within 1 of the outside skeleton
        dilated_skel = scind.binary_dilation(outside_skel, morph.eight_connect)
        branching_counts[~dilated_skel] = 0
        # Find the endpoints
        end_points = morph.endpoints(combined_skel)
        # We use two ranges for classification here:
        # * anything within one pixel of the dilated image is a trunk
        # * anything outside of that range is a branch
        nearby_labels = dlabels.copy()
        nearby_labels[distance_map > 1.5] = 0
        outside_labels = dlabels.copy()
        outside_labels[nearby_labels > 0] = 0
        # The trunks are the branchpoints that lie within one pixel of
        # the dilated image.
        if labels_count > 0:
            trunk_counts = fix(scind.sum(branching_counts, nearby_labels, 
            trunk_counts = np.zeros((0,),int)
        # The branches are the branchpoints that lie outside the seed objects
        if labels_count > 0:
            branch_counts = fix(scind.sum(branch_points, outside_labels, 
            branch_counts = np.zeros((0,),int)
        # Save the endpoints
        if labels_count > 0:
            end_counts = fix(scind.sum(end_points, outside_labels, label_range))
            end_counts = np.zeros((0,), int)
        # Save measurements
        m = workspace.measurements
        assert isinstance(m, cpmeas.Measurements)
        feature = "_".join((C_NEURON, F_NUMBER_TRUNKS, skeleton_name))
        m.add_measurement(seed_objects_name, feature, trunk_counts)
        feature = "_".join((C_NEURON, F_NUMBER_NON_TRUNK_BRANCHES, 
        m.add_measurement(seed_objects_name, feature, branch_counts)
        feature = "_".join((C_NEURON, F_NUMBER_BRANCH_ENDS, skeleton_name))
        m.add_measurement(seed_objects_name, feature, end_counts)
        # Collect the graph information
        if self.wants_neuron_graph:
            trunk_mask = (branching_counts > 0) & (nearby_labels != 0)
            intensity_image = workspace.image_set.get_image(
            edge_graph, vertex_graph = self.make_neuron_graph(
                combined_skel, dlabels, 
                branch_points & ~trunk_mask,

            image_number = workspace.measurements.image_set_number
            edge_path, vertex_path = self.get_graph_file_paths(m, m.image_number)
                self, m.image_number, edge_path, edge_graph,
                vertex_path, vertex_graph, headless_ok = True)
            if self.show_window:
                workspace.display_data.edge_graph = edge_graph
                workspace.display_data.vertex_graph = vertex_graph
                workspace.display_data.intensity_image = intensity_image.pixel_data
        # Make the display image
        if self.show_window or self.wants_branchpoint_image:
            branchpoint_image = np.zeros((skeleton.shape[0],
            trunk_mask = (branching_counts > 0) & (nearby_labels != 0)
            branch_mask = branch_points & (outside_labels != 0)
            end_mask = end_points & (outside_labels != 0)
            branchpoint_image[outside_skel,:] = 1
            branchpoint_image[trunk_mask | branch_mask | end_mask,:] = 0
            branchpoint_image[trunk_mask,0] = 1
            branchpoint_image[branch_mask,1] = 1
            branchpoint_image[end_mask, 2] = 1
            branchpoint_image[dilated_labels != 0,:] *= .875
            branchpoint_image[dilated_labels != 0,:] += .1
            if self.show_window:
                workspace.display_data.branchpoint_image = branchpoint_image
            if self.wants_branchpoint_image:
                bi = cpi.Image(branchpoint_image,
                               parent_image = skeleton_image)
                workspace.image_set.add(self.branchpoint_image_name.value, bi)
コード例 #4
    def run(self, workspace):
        '''Run the module on the image set'''
        seed_objects_name = self.seed_objects_name.value
        skeleton_name = self.image_name.value
        seed_objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(seed_objects_name)
        labels = seed_objects.segmented
        labels_count = np.max(labels)
        label_range = np.arange(labels_count, dtype=np.int32) + 1

        skeleton_image = workspace.image_set.get_image(skeleton_name,
        skeleton = skeleton_image.pixel_data
        if skeleton_image.has_mask:
            skeleton = skeleton & skeleton_image.mask
            labels = skeleton_image.crop_image_similarly(labels)
            labels, m1 = cpo.size_similarly(skeleton, labels)
            labels[~m1] = 0
        # The following code makes a ring around the seed objects with
        # the skeleton trunks sticking out of it.
        # Create a new skeleton with holes at the seed objects
        # First combine the seed objects with the skeleton so
        # that the skeleton trunks come out of the seed objects.
        # Erode the labels once so that all of the trunk branchpoints
        # will be within the labels
        # Dilate the objects, then subtract them to make a ring
        my_disk = morph.strel_disk(1.5).astype(int)
        dilated_labels = grey_dilation(labels, footprint=my_disk)
        seed_mask = dilated_labels > 0
        combined_skel = skeleton | seed_mask

        closed_labels = grey_erosion(dilated_labels, footprint=my_disk)
        seed_center = closed_labels > 0
        combined_skel = combined_skel & (~seed_center)
        # Fill in single holes (but not a one-pixel hole made by
        # a one-pixel image)
        if self.wants_to_fill_holes:

            def size_fn(area, is_object):
                return (~is_object) and (area <= self.maximum_hole_size.value)

            combined_skel = morph.fill_labeled_holes(combined_skel,
                                                     ~seed_center, size_fn)
        # Reskeletonize to make true branchpoints at the ring boundaries
        combined_skel = morph.skeletonize(combined_skel)
        # The skeleton outside of the labels
        outside_skel = combined_skel & (dilated_labels == 0)
        # Associate all skeleton points with seed objects
        dlabels, distance_map = propagate.propagate(np.zeros(labels.shape),
                                                    combined_skel, 1)
        # Get rid of any branchpoints not connected to seeds
        combined_skel[dlabels == 0] = False
        # Find the branchpoints
        branch_points = morph.branchpoints(combined_skel)
        # Odd case: when four branches meet like this, branchpoints are not
        # assigned because they are arbitrary. So assign them.
        # .  .
        #  B.
        #  .B
        # .  .
        odd_case = (combined_skel[:-1, :-1] & combined_skel[1:, :-1]
                    & combined_skel[:-1, 1:] & combined_skel[1, 1])
        branch_points[:-1, :-1][odd_case] = True
        branch_points[1:, 1:][odd_case] = True
        # Find the branching counts for the trunks (# of extra branches
        # eminating from a point other than the line it might be on).
        branching_counts = morph.branchings(combined_skel)
        branching_counts = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 2])[branching_counts]
        # Only take branches within 1 of the outside skeleton
        dilated_skel = scind.binary_dilation(outside_skel, morph.eight_connect)
        branching_counts[~dilated_skel] = 0
        # Find the endpoints
        end_points = morph.endpoints(combined_skel)
        # We use two ranges for classification here:
        # * anything within one pixel of the dilated image is a trunk
        # * anything outside of that range is a branch
        nearby_labels = dlabels.copy()
        nearby_labels[distance_map > 1.5] = 0

        outside_labels = dlabels.copy()
        outside_labels[nearby_labels > 0] = 0
        # The trunks are the branchpoints that lie within one pixel of
        # the dilated image.
        if labels_count > 0:
            trunk_counts = fix(
                scind.sum(branching_counts, nearby_labels,
            trunk_counts = np.zeros((0, ), int)
        # The branches are the branchpoints that lie outside the seed objects
        if labels_count > 0:
            branch_counts = fix(
                scind.sum(branch_points, outside_labels, label_range))
            branch_counts = np.zeros((0, ), int)
        # Save the endpoints
        if labels_count > 0:
            end_counts = fix(scind.sum(end_points, outside_labels,
            end_counts = np.zeros((0, ), int)
        # Save measurements
        m = workspace.measurements
        assert isinstance(m, cpmeas.Measurements)
        feature = "_".join((C_NEURON, F_NUMBER_TRUNKS, skeleton_name))
        m.add_measurement(seed_objects_name, feature, trunk_counts)
        feature = "_".join(
            (C_NEURON, F_NUMBER_NON_TRUNK_BRANCHES, skeleton_name))
        m.add_measurement(seed_objects_name, feature, branch_counts)
        feature = "_".join((C_NEURON, F_NUMBER_BRANCH_ENDS, skeleton_name))
        m.add_measurement(seed_objects_name, feature, end_counts)
        # Collect the graph information
        if self.wants_neuron_graph:
            trunk_mask = (branching_counts > 0) & (nearby_labels != 0)
            intensity_image = workspace.image_set.get_image(
            edge_graph, vertex_graph = self.make_neuron_graph(
                combined_skel, dlabels, trunk_mask,
                branch_points & ~trunk_mask, end_points,
            # Add an image number column to both and change vertex index
            # to vertex number (one-based)
            image_number = workspace.measurements.image_set_number
            vertex_graph = np.rec.fromarrays(
                (np.ones(len(vertex_graph)) * image_number,
                           len(vertex_graph) + 1), vertex_graph['i'],
                 vertex_graph['j'], vertex_graph['labels'],
                names=("image_number", "vertex_number", "i", "j", "labels",

            edge_graph = np.rec.fromarrays(
                (np.ones(len(edge_graph)) * image_number, edge_graph["v1"],
                 edge_graph["v2"], edge_graph["length"],
                names=("image_number", "v1", "v2", "length",

            path = self.directory.get_absolute_path(m)
            edge_file = m.apply_metadata(self.edge_file_name.value)
            edge_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, edge_file))
            vertex_file = m.apply_metadata(self.vertex_file_name.value)
            vertex_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, vertex_file))
            d = self.get_dictionary(workspace.image_set_list)
            for file_path, table, fmt in ((edge_path, edge_graph,
                                          (vertex_path, vertex_graph,
                # Delete files first time through / otherwise append
                if not d.has_key(file_path):
                    d[file_path] = True
                    if os.path.exists(file_path):
                        if workspace.frame is not None:
                            import wx
                            if wx.MessageBox(
                                    "%s already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
                                    % file_path,
                                    "Warning: overwriting file",
                                    parent=workspace.frame) != wx.YES:
                                raise ValueError("Can't overwrite %s" %
                    fd = open(file_path, 'wt')
                    header = ','.join(table.dtype.names)
                    fd.write(header + '\n')
                    fd = open(file_path, 'at')
                np.savetxt(fd, table, fmt)
                if workspace.frame is not None:
                    workspace.display_data.edge_graph = edge_graph
                    workspace.display_data.vertex_graph = vertex_graph
        # Make the display image
        if workspace.frame is not None or self.wants_branchpoint_image:
            branchpoint_image = np.zeros(
                (skeleton.shape[0], skeleton.shape[1], 3))
            trunk_mask = (branching_counts > 0) & (nearby_labels != 0)
            branch_mask = branch_points & (outside_labels != 0)
            end_mask = end_points & (outside_labels != 0)
            branchpoint_image[outside_skel, :] = 1
            branchpoint_image[trunk_mask | branch_mask | end_mask, :] = 0
            branchpoint_image[trunk_mask, 0] = 1
            branchpoint_image[branch_mask, 1] = 1
            branchpoint_image[end_mask, 2] = 1
            branchpoint_image[dilated_labels != 0, :] *= .875
            branchpoint_image[dilated_labels != 0, :] += .1
            if workspace.frame:
                workspace.display_data.branchpoint_image = branchpoint_image
            if self.wants_branchpoint_image:
                bi = cpi.Image(branchpoint_image, parent_image=skeleton_image)
                workspace.image_set.add(self.branchpoint_image_name.value, bi)