コード例 #1
 def get_skeleton_points(self, obj):
     '''Get points by skeletonizing the objects and decimating'''
     ii = []
     jj = []
     total_skel = np.zeros(obj.shape, bool)
     for labels, indexes in obj.get_labels():
         colors = morph.color_labels(labels)
         for color in range(1, np.max(colors) + 1):
             labels_mask = colors == color
             skel = morph.skeletonize(
                 ordering = distance_transform_edt(labels_mask) *
             total_skel = total_skel | skel
     n_pts = np.sum(total_skel)
     if n_pts == 0:
         return np.zeros(0, np.int32), np.zeros(0, np.int32)
     i, j = np.where(total_skel)
     if n_pts > self.max_points.value:
         # Decimate the skeleton by finding the branchpoints in the
         # skeleton and propagating from those.
         markers = np.zeros(total_skel.shape, np.int32)
         branchpoints = \
             morph.branchpoints(total_skel) | morph.endpoints(total_skel)
         markers[branchpoints] = np.arange(np.sum(branchpoints))+1
         # We compute the propagation distance to that point, then impose
         # a slightly arbitarary order to get an unambiguous ordering
         # which should number the pixels in a skeleton branch monotonically
         ts_labels, distances = propagate(np.zeros(markers.shape),
                                  markers, total_skel, 1)
         order = np.lexsort((j, i, distances[i, j], ts_labels[i, j]))
         # Get a linear space of self.max_points elements with bounds at
         # 0 and len(order)-1 and use that to select the points.
         order = order[
             np.linspace(0, len(order)-1, self.max_points.value).astype(int)]
         return i[order], j[order]
     return i, j
コード例 #2
 def do_measurements(self, workspace, image_name, object_name, 
                     center_object_name, center_choice,
                     bin_count_settings, dd):
     '''Perform the radial measurements on the image set
     workspace - workspace that holds images / objects
     image_name - make measurements on this image
     object_name - make measurements on these objects
     center_object_name - use the centers of these related objects as
                   the centers for radial measurements. None to use the
                   objects themselves.
     center_choice - the user's center choice for this object:
     bin_count_settings - the bin count settings group
     d - a dictionary for saving reusable partial results
     returns one statistics tuple per ring.
     assert isinstance(workspace, cpw.Workspace)
     assert isinstance(workspace.object_set, cpo.ObjectSet)
     bin_count = bin_count_settings.bin_count.value
     wants_scaled = bin_count_settings.wants_scaled.value
     maximum_radius = bin_count_settings.maximum_radius.value
     image = workspace.image_set.get_image(image_name,
     objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(object_name)
     labels, pixel_data = cpo.crop_labels_and_image(objects.segmented,
     nobjects = np.max(objects.segmented)
     measurements = workspace.measurements
     assert isinstance(measurements, cpmeas.Measurements)
     if nobjects == 0:
         for bin in range(1, bin_count+1):
             for feature in (F_FRAC_AT_D, F_MEAN_FRAC, F_RADIAL_CV):
                 feature_name = (
                     (feature + FF_GENERIC) % (image_name, bin, bin_count))
                     object_name, "_".join([M_CATEGORY, feature_name]),
                 if not wants_scaled:
                     measurement_name = "_".join([M_CATEGORY, feature,
                                                  image_name, FF_OVERFLOW])
                         object_name, measurement_name, np.zeros(0))
         return [(image_name, object_name, "no objects","-","-","-","-")]
     name = (object_name if center_object_name is None 
             else "%s_%s"%(object_name, center_object_name))
     if dd.has_key(name):
         normalized_distance, i_center, j_center, good_mask = dd[name]
         d_to_edge = distance_to_edge(labels)
         if center_object_name is not None:
             # Use the center of the centering objects to assign a center
             # to each labeled pixel using propagation
             center_labels, cmask = cpo.size_similarly(
                 labels, center_objects.segmented)
             pixel_counts = fix(scind.sum(
                 np.arange(1, np.max(center_labels)+1,dtype=np.int32)))
             good = pixel_counts > 0
             i,j = (centers_of_labels(center_labels) + .5).astype(int)
             if center_choice == C_CENTERS_OF_OTHER:
                 # Reduce the propagation labels to the centers of
                 # the centering objects
                 ig = i[good]
                 jg = j[good]
                 lg = np.arange(1, len(i)+1)[good]
                 center_labels = np.zeros(center_labels.shape, int)
                 center_labels[ig,jg] = lg
             cl,d_from_center = propagate(np.zeros(center_labels.shape),
                                          labels != 0, 1)
             # Erase the centers that fall outside of labels
             cl[labels == 0] = 0
             # If objects are hollow or crescent-shaped, there may be
             # objects without center labels. As a backup, find the
             # center that is the closest to the center of mass.
             missing_mask = (labels != 0) & (cl == 0)
             missing_labels = np.unique(labels[missing_mask])
             if len(missing_labels):
                 all_centers = centers_of_labels(labels)
                 missing_i_centers, missing_j_centers = \
                                  all_centers[:, missing_labels-1]
                 di = missing_i_centers[:, np.newaxis] - ig[np.newaxis, :]
                 dj = missing_j_centers[:, np.newaxis] - jg[np.newaxis, :]
                 missing_best = lg[np.lexsort((di*di + dj*dj, ))[:, 0]]
                 best = np.zeros(np.max(labels) + 1, int)
                 best[missing_labels] = missing_best
                 cl[missing_mask] = best[labels[missing_mask]]
                 # Now compute the crow-flies distance to the centers
                 # of these pixels from whatever center was assigned to
                 # the object.
                 iii, jjj = np.mgrid[0:labels.shape[0], 0:labels.shape[1]]
                 di = iii[missing_mask] - i[cl[missing_mask] - 1]
                 dj = jjj[missing_mask] - j[cl[missing_mask] - 1]
                 d_from_center[missing_mask] = np.sqrt(di*di + dj*dj)
             # Find the point in each object farthest away from the edge.
             # This does better than the centroid:
             # * The center is within the object
             # * The center tends to be an interesting point, like the
             #   center of the nucleus or the center of one or the other
             #   of two touching cells.
             i,j = maximum_position_of_labels(d_to_edge, labels, objects.indices)
             center_labels = np.zeros(labels.shape, int)
             center_labels[i,j] = labels[i,j]
             # Use the coloring trick here to process touching objects
             # in separate operations
             colors = color_labels(labels)
             ncolors = np.max(colors)
             d_from_center = np.zeros(labels.shape)
             cl = np.zeros(labels.shape, int)
             for color in range(1,ncolors+1):
                 mask = colors == color
                 l,d = propagate(np.zeros(center_labels.shape),
                                 mask, 1)
                 d_from_center[mask] = d[mask]
                 cl[mask] = l[mask]
         good_mask = cl > 0
         if center_choice == C_EDGES_OF_OTHER:
             # Exclude pixels within the centering objects
             # when performing calculations from the centers
             good_mask = good_mask & (center_labels == 0)
         i_center = np.zeros(cl.shape)
         i_center[good_mask] = i[cl[good_mask]-1]
         j_center = np.zeros(cl.shape)
         j_center[good_mask] = j[cl[good_mask]-1]
         normalized_distance = np.zeros(labels.shape)
         if wants_scaled:
             total_distance = d_from_center + d_to_edge
             normalized_distance[good_mask] = (d_from_center[good_mask] /
                                               (total_distance[good_mask] + .001))
             normalized_distance[good_mask] = \
                 d_from_center[good_mask] / maximum_radius
         dd[name] = [normalized_distance, i_center, j_center, good_mask]
     ngood_pixels = np.sum(good_mask)
     good_labels = labels[good_mask]
     bin_indexes = (normalized_distance * bin_count).astype(int)
     bin_indexes[bin_indexes > bin_count] = bin_count
     labels_and_bins = (good_labels-1,bin_indexes[good_mask])
     histogram = coo_matrix((pixel_data[good_mask], labels_and_bins),
                            (nobjects, bin_count+1)).toarray()
     sum_by_object = np.sum(histogram, 1)
     sum_by_object_per_bin = np.dstack([sum_by_object]*(bin_count + 1))[0]
     fraction_at_distance = histogram / sum_by_object_per_bin
     number_at_distance = coo_matrix((np.ones(ngood_pixels),labels_and_bins),
                                     (nobjects, bin_count+1)).toarray()
     object_mask = number_at_distance > 0
     sum_by_object = np.sum(number_at_distance, 1)
     sum_by_object_per_bin = np.dstack([sum_by_object]*(bin_count+1))[0]
     fraction_at_bin = number_at_distance / sum_by_object_per_bin
     mean_pixel_fraction = fraction_at_distance / (fraction_at_bin +
     masked_fraction_at_distance = masked_array(fraction_at_distance,
     masked_mean_pixel_fraction = masked_array(mean_pixel_fraction,
     # Anisotropy calculation.  Split each cell into eight wedges, then
     # compute coefficient of variation of the wedges' mean intensities
     # in each ring.
     # Compute each pixel's delta from the center object's centroid
     i,j = np.mgrid[0:labels.shape[0], 0:labels.shape[1]]
     imask = i[good_mask] > i_center[good_mask]
     jmask = j[good_mask] > j_center[good_mask]
     absmask = (abs(i[good_mask] - i_center[good_mask]) > 
                abs(j[good_mask] - j_center[good_mask]))
     radial_index = (imask.astype(int) + jmask.astype(int)*2 + 
     statistics = []
     for bin in range(bin_count + (0 if wants_scaled else 1)):
         bin_mask = (good_mask & (bin_indexes == bin))
         bin_pixels = np.sum(bin_mask)
         bin_labels = labels[bin_mask]
         bin_radial_index = radial_index[bin_indexes[good_mask] == bin]
         labels_and_radii = (bin_labels-1, bin_radial_index)
         radial_values = coo_matrix((pixel_data[bin_mask],
                                    (nobjects, 8)).toarray()
         pixel_count = coo_matrix((np.ones(bin_pixels), labels_and_radii),
                                  (nobjects, 8)).toarray()
         mask = pixel_count==0
         radial_means = masked_array(radial_values / pixel_count, mask)
         radial_cv = np.std(radial_means,1) / np.mean(radial_means, 1)
         radial_cv[np.sum(~mask,1)==0] = 0
         for measurement, feature, overflow_feature in (
             (fraction_at_distance[:,bin], MF_FRAC_AT_D, OF_FRAC_AT_D),
             (mean_pixel_fraction[:,bin], MF_MEAN_FRAC, OF_MEAN_FRAC),
             (np.array(radial_cv), MF_RADIAL_CV, OF_RADIAL_CV)):
             if bin == bin_count:
                 measurement_name = overflow_feature % image_name
                 measurement_name = feature % (image_name, bin+1, bin_count)
         radial_cv.mask = np.sum(~mask,1)==0
         bin_name = str(bin+1) if bin < bin_count else "Overflow"
         statistics += [(image_name, object_name, bin_name, str(bin_count),
                         round(np.mean(masked_mean_pixel_fraction[:, bin]),4),
     return statistics
コード例 #3
 def run(self, workspace):
     m = workspace.measurements
     objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(self.objects_name.value)
     assert isinstance(objects, cpo.Objects)
     labels = objects.segmented
     benchmarks = dict([(x, np.zeros(objects.count, int))
                        for x in M_ALL])
     ii, jj = np.mgrid[0: objects.shape[0], 0:objects.shape[1]]
     benchmarks[M_INTEGER_PLANAR_RAW][:] = np.prod(labels.shape) * 2 / objects.count
     b = libtiff.tif_lzw.encode(labels)
     benchmarks[M_INTEGER_PLANAR][:] = len(b) / objects.count
     # Do distance transform in pieces in case objects touch
     distance = np.zeros(objects.shape, np.float32)
     clabels = color_labels(labels)
     for i in range(1, np.max(clabels)+1):
         mask = clabels == i
         distance[mask] = distance_transform_edt(mask)[mask]
     maskj = np.zeros((objects.shape[0], objects.shape[1]+1), bool)
     skel = skeletonize_labels(labels)
     skel_composite = []
     rle_composite = []
     ij_composite = []
     for i in range(1, objects.count+1):
         mask = labels == i
         maskj[:, :-1] = mask
         (imin, imax), (jmin, jmax) = [[f(d) for f in (np.min, np.max)]
                                       for d in (ii[mask], jj[mask])]
         # Binary planar
         benchmarks[M_BINARY_PLANAR_RAW][i-1] = (imax - imin + 1) * (jmax - jmin + 1)
         b = libtiff.tif_lzw.encode(mask[imin:(imax+1), jmin:(jmax+1)])
         # Compressed + 16-bit origin & size
         benchmarks[M_BINARY_PLANAR][i-1] = len(b) + 8
         # RLE encoded
         fm = (~ maskj[:, :-1]) & maskj[:, 1:]
         lm = maskj[:, :-1] & ~ maskj[:, 1:]
         iif = ii[fm]
         jjf = jj[fm] + 1
         iil = ii[lm]
         jjl = jj[lm] + 1
         order = np.lexsort((iif, jjf))
         iif, jjf = iif[order], jjf[order]
         order = np.lexsort((iil, jjl))
         iil, jjl = iil[order], jjl[order]
         data = np.column_stack((iif, jjf, jjl - jjf + 1))
         benchmarks[M_RLE_RAW][i-1] = np.prod(data.shape) * 2
         b = self.compress((data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2]))
         benchmarks[M_RLE][i-1] = len(b)
         # IJ
         data = np.column_stack((ii[mask], jj[mask]))
         order = np.lexsort((jj[mask], ii[mask]))
         data = data[order, :]
         benchmarks[M_IJ_RAW][i-1] = np.prod(data.shape) * 2
         b = self.compress((data[:, 0], data[:, 1]))
         benchmarks[M_IJ][i-1] = len(b)
         skmask = skel == i
         iii = ii[skmask]
         jjj = jj[skmask]
         ddd = distance[skmask]
         order = np.lexsort((jjj, iii))
         data = np.rec.array((iii[order], jjj[order], ddd[order]),
                             dtype = [("i", np.uint16), ("j", np.uint16),
                                      ("d", np.float32)])
         benchmarks[M_SKEL_RAW][i-1] = len(data.tostring())
         b = self.compress((data["i"], data["j"], data["d"]))
         benchmarks[M_SKEL][i-1] = len(b)
     for data, idxs, ftr in (
         (np.vstack(ij_composite).transpose(), (0, 1), M_IJ_COMPOSITE),
         (np.vstack(rle_composite).transpose(), (0, 1, 2), M_RLE_COMPOSITE),
         (np.hstack(skel_composite), ("i", "j", "d"), M_SKEL_COMPOSITE)):
         b = self.compress([data[idx] for idx in idxs])
         benchmarks[ftr][:] = len(b) / objects.count + 4
     for key in benchmarks:
         m.add_measurement(self.objects_name.value, key, benchmarks[key])
コード例 #4
 def do_measurements(self, workspace, image_name, object_name, 
                     center_object_name, bin_count,
     '''Perform the radial measurements on the image set
     workspace - workspace that holds images / objects
     image_name - make measurements on this image
     object_name - make measurements on these objects
     center_object_name - use the centers of these related objects as
                   the centers for radial measurements. None to use the
                   objects themselves.
     bin_count - bin the object into this many concentric rings
     d - a dictionary for saving reusable partial results
     returns one statistics tuple per ring.
     assert isinstance(workspace, cpw.Workspace)
     assert isinstance(workspace.object_set, cpo.ObjectSet)
     image = workspace.image_set.get_image(image_name,
     objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(object_name)
     labels, pixel_data = cpo.crop_labels_and_image(objects.segmented,
     nobjects = np.max(objects.segmented)
     measurements = workspace.measurements
     assert isinstance(measurements, cpmeas.Measurements)
     if nobjects == 0:
         for bin in range(1, bin_count+1):
             for feature in (FF_FRAC_AT_D, FF_MEAN_FRAC, FF_RADIAL_CV):
                                              M_CATEGORY + "_" + feature % 
                                              (image_name, bin, bin_count),
         return [(image_name, object_name, "no objects","-","-","-","-")]
     name = (object_name if center_object_name is None 
             else "%s_%s"%(object_name, center_object_name))
     if dd.has_key(name):
         normalized_distance, i_center, j_center, good_mask = dd[name]
         d_to_edge = distance_to_edge(labels)
         if center_object_name is not None:
             center_labels, cmask = cpo.size_similarly(
                 labels, center_objects.segmented)
             pixel_counts = fix(scind.sum(np.ones(center_labels.shape),
                                          np.arange(1, np.max(center_labels)+1,dtype=np.int32)))
             good = pixel_counts > 0
             i,j = (centers_of_labels(center_labels) + .5).astype(int)
             ig = i[good]
             jg = j[good]
             center_labels = np.zeros(center_labels.shape, int)
             center_labels[ig,jg] = labels[ig,jg] ## TODO: This is incorrect when objects are annular.  Retrieves label# = 0
             cl,d_from_center = propagate(np.zeros(center_labels.shape),
                                          labels != 0, 1)
             # Find the point in each object farthest away from the edge.
             # This does better than the centroid:
             # * The center is within the object
             # * The center tends to be an interesting point, like the
             #   center of the nucleus or the center of one or the other
             #   of two touching cells.
             i,j = maximum_position_of_labels(d_to_edge, labels, objects.indices)
             center_labels = np.zeros(labels.shape, int)
             center_labels[i,j] = labels[i,j]
             # Use the coloring trick here to process touching objects
             # in separate operations
             colors = color_labels(labels)
             ncolors = np.max(colors)
             d_from_center = np.zeros(labels.shape)
             cl = np.zeros(labels.shape, int)
             for color in range(1,ncolors+1):
                 mask = colors == color
                 l,d = propagate(np.zeros(center_labels.shape),
                                 mask, 1)
                 d_from_center[mask] = d[mask]
                 cl[mask] = l[mask]
         good_mask = cl > 0
         i_center = np.zeros(cl.shape)
         i_center[good_mask] = i[cl[good_mask]-1]
         j_center = np.zeros(cl.shape)
         j_center[good_mask] = j[cl[good_mask]-1]
         normalized_distance = np.zeros(labels.shape)
         total_distance = d_from_center + d_to_edge
         normalized_distance[good_mask] = (d_from_center[good_mask] /
                                           (total_distance[good_mask] + .001))
         dd[name] = [normalized_distance, i_center, j_center, good_mask]
     ngood_pixels = np.sum(good_mask)
     good_labels = objects.segmented[good_mask]
     bin_indexes = (normalized_distance * bin_count).astype(int)
     labels_and_bins = (good_labels-1,bin_indexes[good_mask])
     histogram = coo_matrix((image.pixel_data[good_mask], labels_and_bins),
                            (nobjects, bin_count)).toarray()
     sum_by_object = np.sum(histogram, 1)
     sum_by_object_per_bin = np.dstack([sum_by_object]*bin_count)[0]
     fraction_at_distance = histogram / sum_by_object_per_bin
     number_at_distance = coo_matrix((np.ones(ngood_pixels),labels_and_bins),
                                     (nobjects, bin_count)).toarray()
     object_mask = number_at_distance > 0
     sum_by_object = np.sum(number_at_distance, 1)
     sum_by_object_per_bin = np.dstack([sum_by_object]*bin_count)[0]
     fraction_at_bin = number_at_distance / sum_by_object_per_bin
     mean_pixel_fraction = fraction_at_distance / (fraction_at_bin +
     masked_fraction_at_distance = masked_array(fraction_at_distance,
     masked_mean_pixel_fraction = masked_array(mean_pixel_fraction,
     # Anisotropy calculation.  Split each cell into eight wedges, then
     # compute coefficient of variation of the wedges' mean intensities
     # in each ring.
     # Compute each pixel's delta from the center object's centroid
     i,j = np.mgrid[0:labels.shape[0], 0:labels.shape[1]]
     imask = i[good_mask] > i_center[good_mask]
     jmask = j[good_mask] > j_center[good_mask]
     absmask = (abs(i[good_mask] - i_center[good_mask]) > 
                abs(j[good_mask] - j_center[good_mask]))
     radial_index = (imask.astype(int) + jmask.astype(int)*2 + 
     statistics = []
     for bin in range(bin_count):
         bin_mask = (good_mask & (bin_indexes == bin))
         bin_pixels = np.sum(bin_mask)
         bin_labels = labels[bin_mask]
         bin_radial_index = radial_index[bin_indexes[good_mask] == bin]
         labels_and_radii = (bin_labels-1, bin_radial_index)
         radial_values = coo_matrix((pixel_data[bin_mask],
                                    (nobjects, 8)).toarray()
         pixel_count = coo_matrix((np.ones(bin_pixels), labels_and_radii),
                                  (nobjects, 8)).toarray()
         mask = pixel_count==0
         radial_means = masked_array(radial_values / pixel_count, mask)
         radial_cv = np.std(radial_means,1) / np.mean(radial_means, 1)
         radial_cv[np.sum(~mask,1)==0] = 0
         for measurement, feature in ((fraction_at_distance[:,bin], MF_FRAC_AT_D),
                                      (mean_pixel_fraction[:,bin], MF_MEAN_FRAC),
                                      (np.array(radial_cv), MF_RADIAL_CV)):
                                          feature % 
                                          (image_name, bin+1, bin_count),
         radial_cv.mask = np.sum(~mask,1)==0
         statistics += [(image_name, object_name, str(bin+1), str(bin_count),
                         round(np.mean(masked_mean_pixel_fraction[:, bin]),4),
     return statistics
コード例 #5
 def run(self, workspace):
     # Get some things we need from the workspace
     measurements = workspace.measurements
     object_set = workspace.object_set
     # Get the objects
     objects_name = self.objects_name.value
     objects = object_set.get_objects(objects_name)
     # First, I do it the (1) way to show how that code should look.
     # Later, I do it the (3) way and that will work even if objects.has_ijv
     # is False. 
     if self.method == SUPPORT_BASIC:
         labels = objects.segmented
         # The indices are the integer values representing each of the objects
         # in the labels matrix. scipy.ndimage functions often take an optional
         # argument that tells them which objects should be analyzed.
         # For instance, scipy.ndimage.mean takes an input image, a labels matrix
         # and the indices. If you don't supply the indices, it will just take
         # the mean of all labeled pixels, returning a single number.
         indices = objects.indices
         # Find the labeled pixels using labels != 0
         foreground = labels != 0
         # use scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt to find the distance of
         # every foreground pixel from the object edge
         distance = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(foreground)
         # call scipy.ndimage.mean(distance, labels, indices) to find the
         # mean distance in each object from its edge
         values = scipy.ndimage.mean(distance, labels, indices)
         # record the measurement using measurements.add_measurement
         # with an object name of "objects_name" and a measurement name
         # of M_MEAN_DISTANCE
     elif self.method == SUPPORT_OVERLAPPING:
         # I'll use objects.get_labels to get labels matrices. This involves
         # a little extra work coallating the values, but not so bad.
         # First of all, labels indices start at 1, but arrays start at
         # zero, so for "values", I'm going to cheat and waste values[0].
         # Later, I'll only use values[1:]
         values = np.zeros(objects.count+1)
         # Now for the loop
         for labels, indices in objects.get_labels():
             foreground = labels != 0
             distance = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(foreground)
             v1 = scipy.ndimage.mean(distance, labels, indices)
             # We copy the values above into the appropriate slots
             values[indices] = v1
         # It's just a little expensive finding out which labels are
         # touching others. The trick here is to use a function from
         # cpmorphology called "color_labels". This is akin to the
         # four color theorem - you want to color objects so that no
         # two adjacent ones have the same color.
         # After we've done that, we process each of the colors in turn,
         # knowing that each object is colored only once and none of its
         # neighbors have the same color.
         # This is a good demo of why Python and Numpy are good choices
         # for image processing. We're handling some pretty abstract
         # concepts in just a few lines of code and the result, I hope,
         # is clear and readable.
         from cellprofiler.cpmath.cpmorphology import color_labels
         values = np.zeros(objects.count+1)
         for labels, indices in objects.get_labels():
             clabels = color_labels(labels)
             # np.unique returns the unique #s in an array.
             colors = np.unique(clabels)
             for color in colors:
                 # 0 = background, so ignore it.
                 if color == 0:
                 # Ok, here's a trick. clabels == color gets converted
                 # to either 1 (is the current color) or 0 (is not) and
                 # we can use that to mask only the labels for the current
                 # color by multiplying (0 * anything = 0)
                 foreground = clabels == color
                 mini_labels = labels * foreground
                 distance = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(foreground)
                 # And here's another trick - scipy.ndimage.mean returns
                 # NaN for any index that doesn't appear because the
                 # mean isn't computable. How lucky!
                 v1 = scipy.ndimage.mean(distance, mini_labels, indices)
                 good_v1 = ~ np.isnan(v1)
                 values[indices[good_v1]] = v1[good_v1]