def display(self, workspace): '''Display the results of relabeling workspace - workspace containing saved display data ''' from cellprofiler.gui.cpfigure import renumber_labels_for_display import as cm figure = workspace.create_or_find_figure(title="UnifyObjectsByShape, image cycle #%d"%( workspace.measurements.image_set_number),subplots=(1,2)) figure.subplot_imshow_labels(0,0, workspace.display_data.orig_labels, title = self.objects_name.value) output_labels = renumber_labels_for_display( workspace.display_data.output_labels) objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(self.objects_name.value) labels = objects.segmented image = labels.astype(float) / (1.0 if np.max(labels) == 0 else np.max(labels)) image = (stretch(image) * 255).astype(np.uint8) image = np.dstack((image,image,image)) my_cm = cm.get_cmap(cpprefs.get_default_colormap()) my_cm.set_bad((0,0,0)) sm = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=my_cm) m_output_labels =, mask = output_labels == 0) output_image = sm.to_rgba(m_output_labels, bytes=True)[:,:,:3] image[output_labels > 0 ] = ( image[output_labels > 0] / 4 * 3 + output_image[output_labels > 0,:] / 4) figure.subplot_imshow(0,1, image, title = self.output_objects_name.value, sharex = figure.subplot(0,0), sharey = figure.subplot(0,0))
def display(self, workspace, figure): '''Display the results of relabeling workspace - workspace containing saved display data ''' from cellprofiler.gui.cpfigure import renumber_labels_for_display import as cm figure.set_subplots((1, 2)) figure.subplot_imshow_labels(0, 0, workspace.display_data.orig_labels, title=self.objects_name.value) output_labels = renumber_labels_for_display( workspace.display_data.output_labels) if self.relabel_option == OPTION_UNIFY and ( (self.unify_option == UNIFY_DISTANCE and self.wants_image) or (self.unify_option == UNIFY_PARENT)): if self.unify_option == UNIFY_DISTANCE and self.wants_image: # # Make a nice picture which superimposes the labels on the # guiding image # image = (stretch(workspace.display_data.image) * 255).astype( np.uint8) elif self.unify_option == UNIFY_PARENT: parent_objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects( self.parent_object.value) labels = parent_objects.segmented image = labels.astype(float) / (1.0 if np.max(labels) == 0 else np.max(labels)) image = (stretch(image) * 255).astype(np.uint8) image = np.dstack((image, image, image)) my_cm = cm.get_cmap(cpprefs.get_default_colormap()) my_cm.set_bad((0, 0, 0)) sm = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=my_cm) m_output_labels =, mask=output_labels == 0) output_image = sm.to_rgba(m_output_labels, bytes=True)[:, :, :3] image[output_labels > 0] = (image[output_labels > 0] / 4 * 3 + output_image[output_labels > 0, :] / 4) figure.subplot_imshow(0, 1, image, title=self.output_objects_name.value, sharexy=figure.subplot(0, 0)) else: figure.subplot_imshow_labels(0, 1, workspace.display_data.output_labels, title=self.output_objects_name.value, sharexy=figure.subplot(0, 0))
def display(self, workspace): """Display the results of relabeling workspace - workspace containing saved display data """ from cellprofiler.gui.cpfigure import renumber_labels_for_display import as cm figure = workspace.create_or_find_figure( title="ReassignObjectNumbers, image cycle #%d" % (workspace.measurements.image_set_number), subplots=(1, 2) ) figure.subplot_imshow_labels(0, 0, workspace.display_data.orig_labels, title=self.objects_name.value) output_labels = renumber_labels_for_display(workspace.display_data.output_labels) if self.relabel_option == OPTION_UNIFY: if self.unify_option == UNIFY_DISTANCE and self.wants_image: # # Make a nice picture which superimposes the labels on the # guiding image # image = (stretch(workspace.display_data.image) * 255).astype(np.uint8) elif self.unify_option == UNIFY_PARENT: parent_objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(self.parent_object.value) labels = parent_objects.segmented image = labels.astype(float) / (1.0 if np.max(labels) == 0 else np.max(labels)) image = (stretch(image) * 255).astype(np.uint8) image = np.dstack((image, image, image)) my_cm = cm.get_cmap(cpprefs.get_default_colormap()) my_cm.set_bad((0, 0, 0)) sm = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=my_cm) m_output_labels =, mask=output_labels == 0) output_image = sm.to_rgba(m_output_labels, bytes=True)[:, :, :3] image[output_labels > 0] = image[output_labels > 0] / 4 * 3 + output_image[output_labels > 0, :] / 4 figure.subplot_imshow( 0, 1, image, title=self.output_objects_name.value, sharex=figure.subplot(0, 0), sharey=figure.subplot(0, 0), ) else: figure.subplot_imshow_labels( 0, 1, workspace.display_data.output_labels, title=self.output_objects_name.value, sharex=figure.subplot(0, 0), sharey=figure.subplot(0, 0), )
def display(): if len(orig_axes.images) > 0: # Save zoom and scale if coming through here a second time x0, x1 = orig_axes.get_xlim() y0, y1 = orig_axes.get_ylim() set_lim = True else: set_lim = False for axes, labels, title in ((orig_axes, orig_labels, "Original: %s" % orig_objects_name), (keep_axes, orig_labels * mask, "Objects to keep"), (remove_axes, orig_labels * (~mask), "Objects to remove")): assert isinstance(axes, matplotlib.axes.Axes) labels = renumber_labels_for_display(labels) axes.clear() if np.all(labels == 0): use_cm = is_blank = True else: use_cm = cm is_blank = False if wants_image_display[0]: outlines = outline(labels) image = workspace.image_set.get_image( self.image_name.value) image = image.pixel_data.astype(np.float) image, _ = cpo.size_similarly(labels, image) if image.ndim == 2: image = np.dstack((image, image, image)) if not is_blank: mappable = mappable.set_clim(1, labels.max()) limage = mappable.to_rgba(labels)[:, :, :3] image[outlines != 0, :] = limage[outlines != 0, :] axes.imshow(image) else: axes.imshow(labels, cmap=use_cm) axes.set_title(title, fontname=cpprefs.get_title_font_name(), fontsize=cpprefs.get_title_font_size()) if set_lim: orig_axes.set_xlim((x0, x1)) orig_axes.set_ylim((y0, y1)) figure.canvas.draw() panel.Refresh()
def display(self, workspace): '''Display the results of relabeling workspace - workspace containing saved display data ''' from cellprofiler.gui.cpfigure import renumber_labels_for_display import as cm figure = workspace.create_or_find_figure( title="ReassignObjectNumbers, image cycle #%d" % (workspace.measurements.image_set_number), subplots=(1, 2)) figure.subplot_imshow_labels(0, 0, workspace.display_data.orig_labels, title=self.objects_name.value) if self.wants_image: # # Make a nice picture which superimposes the labels on the # guiding image # output_labels = renumber_labels_for_display( workspace.display_data.output_labels) image = (stretch(workspace.display_data.image) * 255).astype( np.uint8) image = np.dstack((image, image, image)) my_cm = cm.get_cmap(cpprefs.get_default_colormap()) my_cm.set_bad((0, 0, 0)) sm = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=my_cm) m_output_labels =, mask=output_labels == 0) output_image = sm.to_rgba(m_output_labels, bytes=True)[:, :, :3] image[output_labels > 0] = (image[output_labels > 0] / 4 * 3 + output_image[output_labels > 0, :] / 4) figure.subplot_imshow(0, 1, image, title=self.output_objects_name.value, sharex=figure.subplot(0, 0), sharey=figure.subplot(0, 0)) else: figure.subplot_imshow_labels(0, 1, workspace.display_data.output_labels, title=self.output_objects_name.value, sharex=figure.subplot(0, 0), sharey=figure.subplot(0, 0))
def display(self, workspace, figure): '''Create an informative display for the module''' import matplotlib from cellprofiler.gui.cpfigure import renumber_labels_for_display original_labels = workspace.display_data.original_labels final_labels = workspace.display_data.final_labels mask = workspace.display_data.mask # # Create a composition of the final labels and mask # final_labels = renumber_labels_for_display(final_labels) outlines = outline(original_labels) > 0 cm = sm = # # Paint the labels in color # image = sm.to_rgba(final_labels)[:, :, :3] image[final_labels == 0, :] = 0 # # Make the mask a dark gray # image[(final_labels == 0) & mask, :] = .25 # # Make the outlines of the kept objects the primary color # and the outlines of removed objects red. # final_outlines = outline(final_labels) > 0 original_color = np.array(cpprefs.get_secondary_outline_color(), float) / 255 final_color = np.array(cpprefs.get_primary_outline_color(), float) / 255 image[outlines, :] = original_color[np.newaxis, :] image[final_outlines, :] = final_color[np.newaxis, :] figure.set_subplots((2, 1)) figure.subplot_imshow_labels(0, 0, original_labels, title=self.object_name.value) figure.subplot_imshow_color(1, 0, image, title=self.remaining_objects.value, sharexy=figure.subplot(0, 0))
def display(): if len(orig_axes.images) > 0: # Save zoom and scale if coming through here a second time x0, x1 = orig_axes.get_xlim() y0, y1 = orig_axes.get_ylim() set_lim = True else: set_lim = False for axes, labels, title in ( (orig_axes, orig_labels, "Original: %s"%orig_objects_name), (keep_axes, orig_labels * mask,"Objects to keep"), (remove_axes, orig_labels * (~ mask), "Objects to remove")): assert isinstance(axes, matplotlib.axes.Axes) labels = renumber_labels_for_display(labels) axes.clear() if np.all(labels == 0): use_cm = is_blank = True else: use_cm = cm is_blank = False if wants_image_display[0]: outlines = outline(labels) image = workspace.image_set.get_image(self.image_name.value) image = image.pixel_data.astype(np.float) image, _ = cpo.size_similarly(labels, image) if image.ndim == 2: image = np.dstack((image, image, image)) if not is_blank: mappable = mappable.set_clim(1,labels.max()) limage = mappable.to_rgba(labels)[:,:,:3] image[outlines != 0,:] = limage[outlines != 0, :] axes.imshow(image) else: axes.imshow(labels, cmap = use_cm) axes.set_title(title, fontname=cpprefs.get_title_font_name(), fontsize=cpprefs.get_title_font_size()) if set_lim: orig_axes.set_xlim((x0, x1)) orig_axes.set_ylim((y0, y1)) figure.canvas.draw() panel.Refresh()
def display(self, workspace): '''Create an informative display for the module''' import matplotlib from cellprofiler.gui.cpfigure import renumber_labels_for_display original_labels = workspace.display_data.original_labels final_labels = workspace.display_data.final_labels mask = workspace.display_data.mask # # Create a composition of the final labels and mask # final_labels = renumber_labels_for_display(final_labels) outlines = outline(original_labels) > 0 cm = sm = = cm) # # Paint the labels in color # image = sm.to_rgba(final_labels)[:,:,:3] image[final_labels == 0,:] = 0 # # Make the mask a dark gray # image[(final_labels == 0) & mask,:] = .25 # # Make the outlines of the kept objects the primary color # and the outlines of removed objects red. # final_outlines = outline(final_labels) > 0 original_color = np.array(cpprefs.get_secondary_outline_color(), float) / 255 final_color = np.array(cpprefs.get_primary_outline_color(), float) / 255 image[outlines, :] = original_color[np.newaxis, :] image[final_outlines, :] = final_color[np.newaxis, :] figure = workspace.create_or_find_figure(title="MaskObjects, image cycle #%d"%( workspace.measurements.image_set_number),subplots=(2,1)) figure.subplot_imshow_labels(0, 0, original_labels, title = self.object_name.value) figure.subplot_imshow_color(1, 0, image, title = self.remaining_objects.value, sharex = figure.subplot(0,0), sharey = figure.subplot(0,0))
def display(self, workspace): '''Display the results of relabeling workspace - workspace containing saved display data ''' from cellprofiler.gui.cpfigure import renumber_labels_for_display import as cm figure = workspace.create_or_find_figure(title="ReassignObjectNumbers, image cycle #%d"%( workspace.measurements.image_set_number),subplots=(1,2)) figure.subplot_imshow_labels(0,0, workspace.display_data.orig_labels, title = self.objects_name.value) if self.wants_image: # # Make a nice picture which superimposes the labels on the # guiding image # output_labels = renumber_labels_for_display( workspace.display_data.output_labels) image = (stretch(workspace.display_data.image) * 255).astype(np.uint8) image = np.dstack((image,image,image)) my_cm = cm.get_cmap(cpprefs.get_default_colormap()) my_cm.set_bad((0,0,0)) sm = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=my_cm) m_output_labels =, mask = output_labels == 0) output_image = sm.to_rgba(m_output_labels, bytes=True)[:,:,:3] image[output_labels > 0 ] = ( image[output_labels > 0] / 4 * 3 + output_image[output_labels > 0,:] / 4) figure.subplot_imshow(0,1, image, title = self.output_objects_name.value, sharex = figure.subplot(0,0), sharey = figure.subplot(0,0)) else: figure.subplot_imshow_labels(0,1, workspace.display_data.output_labels, title = self.output_objects_name.value, sharex = figure.subplot(0,0), sharey = figure.subplot(0,0))
def draw_outlines(self, pixel_data, labels): '''Draw a color image that shows the objects pixel_data - image, either b & w or color labels - labels for image returns - color image of same size as pixel_data ''' from cellprofiler.gui.cpfigure import renumber_labels_for_display import matplotlib labels = renumber_labels_for_display(labels) outlines = outline(labels) if pixel_data.ndim == 3: image = pixel_data.copy() else: image = np.dstack([pixel_data]*3) # # make labeled pixels a grayscale times the label color # cm = sm = = cm) labels_image = sm.to_rgba(labels)[:,:,:3] lmask = labels > 0 gray = (image[lmask,0] + image[lmask,1] + image[lmask,2]) / 3 for i in range(3): image[lmask,i] = gray * labels_image[lmask, i] # # Make the outline pixels a solid color # outlines_image = sm.to_rgba(outlines)[:,:,:3] image[outlines > 0,:] = outlines_image[outlines > 0,:] return image
def run(self, workspace): objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(self.object_name.value) labels = objects.segmented convert = True if not workspace.frame is None: figure = workspace.create_or_find_figure( title="ConvertObjectsToImage, image cycle #%d" % (workspace.measurements.image_set_number), subplots=(2, 1), ) figure.subplot_imshow_labels(0, 0, labels, "Original: %s" % self.object_name.value) if self.image_mode == IM_BINARY: pixel_data = labels != 0 if not workspace.frame is None: figure.subplot_imshow_bw( 1, 0, pixel_data, self.image_name.value, sharex=figure.subplot(0, 0), sharey=figure.subplot(0, 0) ) elif self.image_mode == IM_GRAYSCALE: pixel_data = labels.astype(float) / np.max(labels) if not workspace.frame is None: figure.subplot_imshow_grayscale( 1, 0, pixel_data, self.image_name.value, sharex=figure.subplot(0, 0), sharey=figure.subplot(0, 0) ) elif self.image_mode == IM_COLOR: import from cellprofiler.gui.cpfigure import renumber_labels_for_display if self.colormap.value == DEFAULT_COLORMAP: cm_name = cpprefs.get_default_colormap() elif self.colormap.value == COLORCUBE: # Colorcube missing from matplotlib cm_name = "gist_rainbow" elif self.colormap.value == LINES: # Lines missing from matplotlib and not much like it, # Pretty boring palette anyway, hence cm_name = "Pastel1" elif self.colormap.value == WHITE: # White missing from matplotlib, it's just a colormap # of all completely white... not even different kinds of # white. And, isn't white just a uniform sampling of # frequencies from the spectrum? cm_name = "Spectral" else: cm_name = self.colormap.value cm = mapper = pixel_data = mapper.to_rgba(renumber_labels_for_display(labels)) pixel_data = pixel_data[:, :, :3] pixel_data[labels == 0, :] = 0 if not workspace.frame is None: figure.subplot_imshow( 1, 0, pixel_data, self.image_name.value, sharex=figure.subplot(0, 0), sharey=figure.subplot(0, 0) ) elif self.image_mode == IM_UINT16: pixel_data = labels.copy() if not workspace.frame is None: figure.subplot_imshow_grayscale( 1, 0, pixel_data, self.image_name.value, sharex=figure.subplot(0, 0), sharey=figure.subplot(0, 0) ) convert = False image = cpi.Image(pixel_data, parent_image=objects.parent_image, convert=convert) workspace.image_set.add(self.image_name.value, image)
def run(self, workspace): objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(self.object_name.value) labels = objects.segmented convert = True if not workspace.frame is None: figure = workspace.create_or_find_figure( title="ConvertObjectsToImage, image cycle #%d" % (workspace.measurements.image_set_number), subplots=(2, 1)) figure.subplot_imshow_labels( 0, 0, labels, "Original: %s" % self.object_name.value) if self.image_mode == IM_BINARY: pixel_data = labels != 0 if not workspace.frame is None: figure.subplot_imshow_bw(1, 0, pixel_data, self.image_name.value, sharex=figure.subplot(0, 0), sharey=figure.subplot(0, 0)) elif self.image_mode == IM_GRAYSCALE: pixel_data = labels.astype(float) / (1.0 if np.max(labels) == 0 else np.max(labels)) if not workspace.frame is None: figure.subplot_imshow_grayscale(1, 0, pixel_data, self.image_name.value, sharex=figure.subplot(0, 0), sharey=figure.subplot(0, 0)) elif self.image_mode == IM_COLOR: import from cellprofiler.gui.cpfigure import renumber_labels_for_display if self.colormap.value == DEFAULT_COLORMAP: cm_name = cpprefs.get_default_colormap() elif self.colormap.value == COLORCUBE: # Colorcube missing from matplotlib cm_name = "gist_rainbow" elif self.colormap.value == LINES: # Lines missing from matplotlib and not much like it, # Pretty boring palette anyway, hence cm_name = "Pastel1" elif self.colormap.value == WHITE: # White missing from matplotlib, it's just a colormap # of all completely white... not even different kinds of # white. And, isn't white just a uniform sampling of # frequencies from the spectrum? cm_name = "Spectral" else: cm_name = self.colormap.value cm = mapper = pixel_data = mapper.to_rgba(renumber_labels_for_display(labels)) pixel_data = pixel_data[:, :, :3] pixel_data[labels == 0, :] = 0 if not workspace.frame is None: figure.subplot_imshow(1, 0, pixel_data, self.image_name.value, sharex=figure.subplot(0, 0), sharey=figure.subplot(0, 0)) elif self.image_mode == IM_UINT16: pixel_data = labels.copy() if not workspace.frame is None: figure.subplot_imshow_grayscale(1, 0, pixel_data, self.image_name.value, sharex=figure.subplot(0, 0), sharey=figure.subplot(0, 0)) convert = False image = cpi.Image(pixel_data, parent_image=objects.parent_image, convert=convert) workspace.image_set.add(self.image_name.value, image)