def process_options(arg_list=None): """""" parser = utils.add_census_options(ArgumentParser(), ACS_MOD) parser.add_argument( '-l', '--span', '--length', default=5, choices=ACS_SPANS, help='number of years that ACS data product covers' ) parser = utils.add_postgres_options(parser) options = parser.parse_args(arg_list) return options
def process_options(arglist=None): """Define options that users can pass through the command line, in this case these are all postgres database parameters""" parser = utils.add_census_options(ArgumentParser(), TIGER_MOD) parser.add_argument( '-dp', '--data_product', nargs='+', default=['b', 'bg', 't'], choices=['b', 'bg', 't'], dest='product', help='desired TIGER data product, choices are: ' '"b": blocks, "bg": block groups, "t": tracts' ) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--transform', default=None, type=int, dest='epsg', help='TIGER data comes from the census bureau in the projection ' '4269, pass an EPSG code to this parameter to transform ' 'the geometry to another spatial reference system' ) parser.add_argument( '-nfk', '--no_foreign_key', default=True, dest='foreign_key', action='store_false', help='by default a foreign key to the ACS data is created if that ' 'data exists, use this flag to disable that constraint' ) parser = utils.add_postgres_options(parser) parser.set_defaults(shp=None) options = parser.parse_args(arglist) return options
def process_options(arglist=None): """Define options that users can pass through the command line, in this case these are all postgres database parameters""" parser = utils.add_census_options(ArgumentParser(), TIGER_MOD) parser.add_argument( '-dp', '--data_product', nargs='+', default=['b', 'bg', 't'], choices=['b', 'bg', 't'], dest='product', help='desired TIGER data product, choices are: ' '"b": blocks, "bg": block groups, "t": tracts' ) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--transform', default=None, type=int, dest='epsg', help='TIGER data comes from the census bureau in the projection' '4269, pass an EPSG code to this parameter to transform' 'the geometry to another spatial reference system' ) parser.add_argument( '-nfk', '--no_foreign_key', default=True, dest='foreign_key', action='store_false', help='by default a foreign key to the ACS data is created if that' 'data exists, use this flag to disable that constraint' ) parser = utils.add_postgres_options(parser) parser.set_defaults(shp=None) options = parser.parse_args(arglist) return options