コード例 #1
 def calculate_zernikes(self, workspace):
     zernike_indexes = cpmz.get_zernike_indexes(self.zernike_degree.value + 1)
     meas = workspace.measurements
     for o in self.objects:
         object_name = o.object_name.value
         objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(object_name)
         # First, get a table of centers and radii of minimum enclosing
         # circles per object
         ij = np.zeros((objects.count + 1, 2))
         r = np.zeros(objects.count + 1)
         for labels, indexes in objects.get_labels():
             ij_, r_ = minimum_enclosing_circle(labels, indexes)
             ij[indexes] = ij_
             r[indexes] = r_
         # Then compute x and y, the position of each labeled pixel
         # within a unit circle around the object
         ijv = objects.ijv
         l = ijv[:, 2]
         yx = (ijv[:, :2] - ij[l, :]) / r[l, np.newaxis]
         z = cpmz.construct_zernike_polynomials(
                 yx[:, 1], yx[:, 0], zernike_indexes)
         for image_group in self.images:
             image_name = image_group.image_name.value
             image = workspace.image_set.get_image(
                     image_name, must_be_grayscale=True)
             pixels = image.pixel_data
             mask = (ijv[:, 0] < pixels.shape[0]) & \
                    (ijv[:, 1] < pixels.shape[1])
             mask[mask] = image.mask[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]]
             yx_ = yx[mask, :]
             l_ = l[mask]
             z_ = z[mask, :]
             if len(l_) == 0:
                 for i, (n, m) in enumerate(zernike_indexes):
                     ftr = self.get_zernike_magnitude_name(image_name, n, m)
                     meas[object_name, ftr] = np.zeros(0)
                     if self.wants_zernikes == Z_MAGNITUDES_AND_PHASE:
                         ftr = self.get_zernike_phase_name(image_name, n, m)
                         meas[object_name, ftr] = np.zeros(0)
             areas = scind.sum(
                     np.ones(l_.shape, int), labels=l_, index=objects.indices)
             for i, (n, m) in enumerate(zernike_indexes):
                 vr = scind.sum(
                         pixels[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]] * z_[:, i].real,
                         labels=l_, index=objects.indices)
                 vi = scind.sum(
                         pixels[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]] * z_[:, i].imag,
                         labels=l_, index=objects.indices)
                 magnitude = np.sqrt(vr * vr + vi * vi) / areas
                 ftr = self.get_zernike_magnitude_name(image_name, n, m)
                 meas[object_name, ftr] = magnitude
                 if self.wants_zernikes == Z_MAGNITUDES_AND_PHASE:
                     phase = np.arctan2(vr, vi)
                     ftr = self.get_zernike_phase_name(image_name, n, m)
                     meas[object_name, ftr] = phase
コード例 #2
 def get_measurement_columns(self, pipeline):
     columns = []
     for image in self.images:
         image_name = image.image_name.value
         for o in self.objects:
             object_name = o.object_name.value
             for bin_count_obj in self.bin_counts:
                 bin_count = bin_count_obj.bin_count.value
                 wants_scaling = bin_count_obj.wants_scaled.value
                 for feature, ofeature in (
                         (MF_FRAC_AT_D, OF_FRAC_AT_D),
                         (MF_MEAN_FRAC, OF_MEAN_FRAC),
                         (MF_RADIAL_CV, OF_RADIAL_CV)):
                     for bin in range(1, bin_count + 1):
                                  feature % (image_name, bin, bin_count),
                     if not wants_scaling:
                                  ofeature % image.image_name.value,
                 if self.wants_zernikes != Z_NONE:
                     name_fns = [self.get_zernike_magnitude_name]
                     if self.wants_zernikes == Z_MAGNITUDES_AND_PHASE:
                     max_n = self.zernike_degree.value
                     for name_fn in name_fns:
                         for n, m in cpmz.get_zernike_indexes(max_n + 1):
                             ftr = name_fn(image_name, n, m)
                                     (object_name, ftr, cpmeas.COLTYPE_FLOAT))
     return columns
コード例 #3
 def get_measurement_columns(self, pipeline):
     columns = []
     for image in self.images:
         image_name = image.image_name.value
         for o in self.objects:
             object_name = o.object_name.value
             for bin_count_obj in self.bin_counts:
                 bin_count = bin_count_obj.bin_count.value
                 wants_scaling = bin_count_obj.wants_scaled.value
                 for feature, ofeature in (
                         (MF_FRAC_AT_D, OF_FRAC_AT_D),
                         (MF_MEAN_FRAC, OF_MEAN_FRAC),
                         (MF_RADIAL_CV, OF_RADIAL_CV)):
                     for bin in range(1, bin_count + 1):
                                  feature % (image_name, bin, bin_count),
                     if not wants_scaling:
                                  ofeature % image.image_name.value,
                 if self.wants_zernikes != Z_NONE:
                     name_fns = [self.get_zernike_magnitude_name]
                     if self.wants_zernikes == Z_MAGNITUDES_AND_PHASE:
                     max_n = self.zernike_degree.value
                     for name_fn in name_fns:
                         for n, m in cpmz.get_zernike_indexes(max_n + 1):
                             ftr = name_fn(image_name, n, m)
                                     (object_name, ftr, cpmeas.COLTYPE_FLOAT))
     return columns
コード例 #4
 def calculate_zernikes(self, workspace):
     zernike_indexes = cpmz.get_zernike_indexes(self.zernike_degree.value + 1)
     meas = workspace.measurements
     for o in self.objects:
         object_name = o.object_name.value
         objects = workspace.object_set.get_objects(object_name)
         # First, get a table of centers and radii of minimum enclosing
         # circles per object
         ij = np.zeros((objects.count + 1, 2))
         r = np.zeros(objects.count + 1)
         for labels, indexes in objects.get_labels():
             ij_, r_ = minimum_enclosing_circle(labels, indexes)
             ij[indexes] = ij_
             r[indexes] = r_
         # Then compute x and y, the position of each labeled pixel
         # within a unit circle around the object
         ijv = objects.ijv
         l = ijv[:, 2]
         yx = (ijv[:, :2] - ij[l, :]) / r[l, np.newaxis]
         z = cpmz.construct_zernike_polynomials(
                 yx[:, 1], yx[:, 0], zernike_indexes)
         for image_group in self.images:
             image_name = image_group.image_name.value
             image = workspace.image_set.get_image(
                     image_name, must_be_grayscale=True)
             pixels = image.pixel_data
             mask = (ijv[:, 0] < pixels.shape[0]) & \
                    (ijv[:, 1] < pixels.shape[1])
             mask[mask] = image.mask[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]]
             yx_ = yx[mask, :]
             l_ = l[mask]
             z_ = z[mask, :]
             if len(l_) == 0:
                 for i, (n, m) in enumerate(zernike_indexes):
                     ftr = self.get_zernike_magnitude_name(image_name, n, m)
                     meas[object_name, ftr] = np.zeros(0)
                     if self.wants_zernikes == Z_MAGNITUDES_AND_PHASE:
                         ftr = self.get_zernike_phase_name(image_name, n, m)
                         meas[object_name, ftr] = np.zeros(0)
             areas = scind.sum(
                     np.ones(l_.shape, int), labels=l_, index=objects.indices)
             for i, (n, m) in enumerate(zernike_indexes):
                 vr = scind.sum(
                         pixels[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]] * z_[:, i].real,
                         labels=l_, index=objects.indices)
                 vi = scind.sum(
                         pixels[ijv[mask, 0], ijv[mask, 1]] * z_[:, i].imag,
                         labels=l_, index=objects.indices)
                 magnitude = np.sqrt(vr * vr + vi * vi) / areas
                 ftr = self.get_zernike_magnitude_name(image_name, n, m)
                 meas[object_name, ftr] = magnitude
                 if self.wants_zernikes == Z_MAGNITUDES_AND_PHASE:
                     phase = np.arctan2(vr, vi)
                     ftr = self.get_zernike_phase_name(image_name, n, m)
                     meas[object_name, ftr] = phase
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_zernike.py プロジェクト: cagridz/centrosome
 def test_01_01_test_3(self):
     expected = np.array(((0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0), (2, 2), (3, 1), (3, 3)),
     result = np.array(z.get_zernike_indexes(4))
     order = np.lexsort((result[:, 1], result[:, 0]))
     result = result[order]
     self.assertTrue(np.all(expected == result))
コード例 #6
 def get_measurement_scales(self, pipeline, object_name, category, feature,
     if image_name in self.get_measurement_images(pipeline, object_name,
                                                  category, feature):
         if feature in (FF_ZERNIKE_MAGNITUDE, FF_ZERNIKE_PHASE):
             n_max = self.zernike_degree.value
             result = ["%d_%d" % (n, m)
                       for n, m in cpmz.get_zernike_indexes(n_max + 1)]
             result = [FF_SCALE % (bin, bin_count.bin_count.value)
                       for bin_count in self.bin_counts
                       for bin in range(1, bin_count.bin_count.value + 1)]
             if any([not bin_count.wants_scaled.value
                     for bin_count in self.bin_counts]):
                 result += [FF_OVERFLOW]
         return result
     return []
コード例 #7
 def get_measurement_scales(self, pipeline, object_name, category, feature,
     if image_name in self.get_measurement_images(pipeline, object_name,
                                                  category, feature):
         if feature in (FF_ZERNIKE_MAGNITUDE, FF_ZERNIKE_PHASE):
             n_max = self.zernike_degree.value
             result = ["%d_%d" % (n, m)
                       for n, m in cpmz.get_zernike_indexes(n_max + 1)]
             result = [FF_SCALE % (bin, bin_count.bin_count.value)
                       for bin_count in self.bin_counts
                       for bin in range(1, bin_count.bin_count.value + 1)]
             if any([not bin_count.wants_scaled.value
                     for bin_count in self.bin_counts]):
                 result += [FF_OVERFLOW]
         return result
     return []
コード例 #8
    def get_zernike_indexes(self, wants_negative=False):
        '''Get an N x 2 numpy array containing the M and N Zernike degrees

        Use the radial_degree setting to determine which Zernikes to do.

        wants_negative - if True, return both positive and negative M, if false
                         return only positive
        zi = get_zernike_indexes(self.radial_degree.value + 1)
        if wants_negative:
            # np.vstack means concatenate rows of two 2d arrays.
            # The multiplication by [1, -1] negates every m, but preserves n.
            # zi[zi[:, 1] != 0] picks out only elements with m not equal to zero.
            zi = np.vstack([zi, zi[zi[:, 1] != 0] * np.array([1, -1])])
            # Sort by azimuth degree and radial degree so they are ordered
            # reasonably
            order = np.lexsort((zi[:, 1], zi[:, 0]))
            zi = zi[order, :]
        return zi
コード例 #9
    def get_zernike_indexes(self, wants_negative = False):
        '''Get an N x 2 numpy array containing the M and N Zernike degrees

        Use the radial_degree setting to determine which Zernikes to do.

        wants_negative - if True, return both positive and negative M, if false
                         return only positive
        zi = get_zernike_indexes(self.radial_degree.value + 1)
        if wants_negative:
            # np.vstack means concatenate rows of two 2d arrays.
            # The multiplication by [1, -1] negates every m, but preserves n.
            # zi[zi[:, 1] != 0] picks out only elements with m not equal to zero.
            zi = np.vstack([zi, zi[zi[:, 1] != 0]*np.array([1, -1])])
            # Sort by azimuth degree and radial degree so they are ordered
            # reasonably
            order = np.lexsort((zi[:, 1], zi[:, 0]))
            zi = zi[order, :]
        return zi
コード例 #10
 def get_zernike_numbers(self):
     """The Zernike numbers measured by this module"""
     if self.calculate_zernikes.value:
         return cpmz.get_zernike_indexes(ZERNIKE_N + 1)
         return []
コード例 #11
 def test_01_01_test_3(self):
     expected = np.array(((0,0),(1,1),(2,0),(2,2),(3,1),(3,3)),int)
     result = np.array(z.get_zernike_indexes(4))
     order = np.lexsort((result[:,1],result[:,0]))
     result = result[order]
     self.assertTrue(np.all(expected == result))
コード例 #12
 def get_zernike_numbers(self):
     """The Zernike numbers measured by this module"""
     if self.calculate_zernikes.value:
         return cpmz.get_zernike_indexes(ZERNIKE_N+1)
         return []