コード例 #1
ファイル: mapi.py プロジェクト: polhenarejos/acme_email
 def prepare(self):  # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
     self.outlook = client.GetActiveObject('Outlook.Application')
     self.mapi = self.outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
     self.account = None
     for account in self.mapi.Folders:
         if (account.Name == self.conf('account')):
             self.account = account
     if (not self.account):
         raise errors.AuthorizationError('Account {} does not exist'.format(
コード例 #2
    def verify_authzr_complete(self):
        """Verifies that all authorizations have been decided.

        :returns: Whether all authzr are complete
        :rtype: bool

        for aauthzr in self.aauthzrs:
            authzr = aauthzr.authzr
            if (authzr.body.status != messages.STATUS_VALID
                    and authzr.body.status != messages.STATUS_INVALID):
                raise errors.AuthorizationError("Incomplete authorizations")
コード例 #3
def _report_no_chall_path(challbs):
    """Logs and raises an error that no satisfiable chall path exists.

    :param challbs: challenges from the authorization that can't be satisfied

    msg = ("Client with the currently selected authenticator does not support "
           "any combination of challenges that will satisfy the CA.")
    if len(challbs) == 1 and isinstance(challbs[0].chall, challenges.DNS01):
        msg += (" You may need to use an authenticator "
                "plugin that can do challenges over DNS.")
    raise errors.AuthorizationError(msg)
コード例 #4
    def handle_authorizations(self, orderr, best_effort=False):
        """Retrieve all authorizations for challenges.

        :param acme.messages.OrderResource orderr: must have
            authorizations filled in
        :param bool best_effort: Whether or not all authorizations are
            required (this is useful in renewal)

        :returns: List of authorization resources
        :rtype: list

        :raises .AuthorizationError: If unable to retrieve all

        aauthzrs = [
            AnnotatedAuthzr(authzr, []) for authzr in orderr.authorizations

        config = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IConfig)
        notify = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay).notification

        # While there are still challenges remaining...
        while self._has_challenges(aauthzrs):
            with error_handler.ExitHandler(self._cleanup_challenges, aauthzrs):
                resp = self._solve_challenges(aauthzrs)
                logger.info("Waiting for verification...")
                if config.debug_challenges:
                        'Challenges loaded. Press continue to submit to CA. '
                        'Pass "-v" for more info about challenges.',

                # Send all Responses - this modifies achalls
                self._respond(aauthzrs, resp, best_effort)

        # Just make sure all decisions are complete.

        # Only return valid authorizations
        retVal = [
            aauthzr.authzr for aauthzr in aauthzrs
            if aauthzr.authzr.body.status == messages.STATUS_VALID

        if not retVal:
            raise errors.AuthorizationError(
                "Challenges failed for all domains")

        return retVal
コード例 #5
ファイル: auth_handler.py プロジェクト: JackZ0/TCP-IP
    def get_authorizations(self, domains, best_effort=False):
        """Retrieve all authorizations for challenges.

        :param list domains: Domains for authorization
        :param bool best_effort: Whether or not all authorizations are
             required (this is useful in renewal)

        :returns: List of authorization resources
        :rtype: list

        :raises .AuthorizationError: If unable to retrieve all

        for domain in domains:
            self.authzr[domain] = self.acme.request_domain_challenges(domain)

        config = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IConfig)
        notify = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay).notification

        # While there are still challenges remaining...
        while self.achalls:
            resp = self._solve_challenges()
            logger.info("Waiting for verification...")
            if config.debug_challenges:
                    'Challenges loaded. Press continue to submit to CA. '
                    'Pass "-v" for more info about challenges.',

            # Send all Responses - this modifies achalls
            self._respond(resp, best_effort)

        # Just make sure all decisions are complete.

        # Only return valid authorizations
        retVal = [
            authzr for authzr in self.authzr.values()
            if authzr.body.status == messages.STATUS_VALID

        if not retVal:
            raise errors.AuthorizationError(
                "Challenges failed for all domains")

        return retVal
コード例 #6
    def _find_updated_challb(self, authzr, achall):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        """Find updated challenge body within Authorization Resource.

        .. warning:: This assumes only one instance of type of challenge in
            each challenge resource.

        :param .AuthorizationResource authzr: Authorization Resource
        :param .AnnotatedChallenge achall: Annotated challenge for which
            to get status

        for authzr_challb in authzr.body.challenges:
            if type(authzr_challb.chall) is type(achall.challb.chall):  # noqa
                return authzr_challb
        raise errors.AuthorizationError(
            "Target challenge not found in authorization resource")
コード例 #7
    def verify_authzr_complete(self, aauthzrs):
        """Verifies that all authorizations have been decided.

        :param aauthzrs: authorizations and their selected annotated
        :type aauthzrs: `list` of `AnnotatedAuthzr`

        :returns: Whether all authzr are complete
        :rtype: bool

        for aauthzr in aauthzrs:
            authzr = aauthzr.authzr
            if (authzr.body.status != messages.STATUS_VALID and
                    authzr.body.status != messages.STATUS_INVALID):
                raise errors.AuthorizationError("Incomplete authorizations")
コード例 #8
ファイル: auth_handler.py プロジェクト: kcolford/letsencrypt
def _report_no_chall_path(
        challbs: List[messages.ChallengeBody]) -> errors.AuthorizationError:
    """Logs and return a raisable error reporting that no satisfiable chall path exists.

    :param challbs: challenges from the authorization that can't be satisfied

    :returns: An authorization error
    :rtype: certbot.errors.AuthorizationError

    msg = ("Client with the currently selected authenticator does not support "
           "any combination of challenges that will satisfy the CA.")
    if len(challbs) == 1 and isinstance(challbs[0].chall, challenges.DNS01):
        msg += (" You may need to use an authenticator "
                "plugin that can do challenges over DNS.")
    return errors.AuthorizationError(msg)
コード例 #9
    def _get_chall_pref(self, domain):
        """Return list of challenge preferences.

        :param str domain: domain for which you are requesting preferences

        chall_prefs = []
        # Make sure to make a copy...
        plugin_pref = self.auth.get_chall_pref(domain)
        if self.pref_challs:
            chall_prefs.extend(pref for pref in self.pref_challs
                               if pref in plugin_pref)
            if chall_prefs:
                return chall_prefs
            raise errors.AuthorizationError(
                "None of the preferred challenges "
                "are supported by the selected plugin")
        return chall_prefs
コード例 #10
    def get_authorizations(self, domains, best_effort=False):
        """Retrieve all authorizations for challenges.

        :param list domains: Domains for authorization
        :param bool best_effort: Whether or not all authorizations are
             required (this is useful in renewal)

        :returns: List of authorization resources
        :rtype: list

        :raises .AuthorizationError: If unable to retrieve all

        for domain in domains:
            self.authzr[domain] = self.acme.request_domain_challenges(
                domain, self.account.regr.new_authzr_uri)


        # While there are still challenges remaining...
        while self.achalls:
            resp = self._solve_challenges()
            logger.info("Waiting for verification...")

            # Send all Responses - this modifies achalls
            self._respond(resp, best_effort)

        # Just make sure all decisions are complete.

        # Only return valid authorizations
        retVal = [
            authzr for authzr in self.authzr.values()
            if authzr.body.status == messages.STATUS_VALID

        if not retVal:
            raise errors.AuthorizationError(
                "Challenges failed for all domains")

        return retVal
コード例 #11
    def _get_chall_pref(self, domain):
        """Return list of challenge preferences.

        :param str domain: domain for which you are requesting preferences

        chall_prefs = []
        # Make sure to make a copy...
        plugin_pref = self.auth.get_chall_pref(domain)
        if self.pref_challs:
            plugin_pref_types = set(chall.typ for chall in plugin_pref)
            for typ in self.pref_challs:
                if typ in plugin_pref_types:
            if chall_prefs:
                return chall_prefs
            raise errors.AuthorizationError(
                "None of the preferred challenges "
                "are supported by the selected plugin")
        return chall_prefs
コード例 #12
    def prepare(self):  # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
        self.imap = imapclient.IMAPClient(
            ssl=True if self.conf('ssl') else False)
        self.imap.login(self.conf('login'), self.conf('password'))
        if b'IDLE' not in self.imap.capabilities():
            raise errors.AuthorizationError(
                'IMAP server does not support IDLE. Cannot continue.')

        method = self.conf('smtp-method')
        smtp_server = self.conf('smtp-host') if self.conf(
            'smtp-host') else self.conf('host')
        port = self.conf('smtp-port') if self.conf('smtp-port') else self.conf(
        login = self.conf('smtp-login') if self.conf(
            'smtp-login') else self.conf('login')
        password = self.conf('smtp-password') if self.conf(
            'smtp-password') else self.conf('password')
        if (method == 'STARTTLS'):
            context = ssl.create_default_context()
            port = port if port else 587
            self.smtp = SMTP(smtp_server, port=port)
            self.smtp.starttls(context=context)  # Secure the connection
            self.smtp.ehlo()  # Can be omitted
        elif (method == 'SSL'):
            context = ssl.create_default_context()
            port = port if port else 465
            self.smtp = SMTP_SSL(smtp_server, port=port, context=context)
            port = port if port else 25
            self.smtp = SMTP(smtp_server, port=port)
        self.smtp.login(login, password)
コード例 #13
    def handle_authorizations(self, orderr, best_effort=False, max_retries=30):
        Retrieve all authorizations, perform all challenges required to validate
        these authorizations, then poll and wait for the authorization to be checked.
        :param acme.messages.OrderResource orderr: must have authorizations filled in
        :param bool best_effort: if True, not all authorizations need to be validated (eg. renew)
        :param int max_retries: maximum number of retries to poll authorizations
        :returns: list of all validated authorizations
        :rtype: List

        :raises .AuthorizationError: If unable to retrieve all authorizations
        authzrs = orderr.authorizations[:]
        if not authzrs:
            raise errors.AuthorizationError('No authorization to handle.')

        # Retrieve challenges that need to be performed to validate authorizations.
        achalls = self._choose_challenges(authzrs)
        if not achalls:
            return authzrs

        # Starting now, challenges will be cleaned at the end no matter what.
        with error_handler.ExitHandler(self._cleanup_challenges, achalls):
            # To begin, let's ask the authenticator plugin to perform all challenges.
                resps = self.auth.perform(achalls)

                # If debug is on, wait for user input before starting the verification process.
                logger.info('Waiting for verification...')
                config = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IConfig)
                if config.debug_challenges:
                    notify = zope.component.getUtility(
                        'Challenges loaded. Press continue to submit to CA. '
                        'Pass "-v" for more info about challenges.',
            except errors.AuthorizationError as error:
                logger.critical('Failure in setting up challenges.')
                logger.info('Attempting to clean up outstanding challenges...')
                raise error
            # All challenges should have been processed by the authenticator.
            assert len(resps) == len(
                achalls), 'Some challenges have not been performed.'

            # Inform the ACME CA server that challenges are available for validation.
            for achall, resp in zip(achalls, resps):
                self.acme.answer_challenge(achall.challb, resp)

            # Wait for authorizations to be checked.
            self._poll_authorizations(authzrs, max_retries, best_effort)

            # Keep validated authorizations only. If there is none, no certificate can be issued.
            authzrs_validated = [
                authzr for authzr in authzrs
                if authzr.body.status == messages.STATUS_VALID
            if not authzrs_validated:
                raise errors.AuthorizationError('All challenges have failed.')

            return authzrs_validated
コード例 #14
ファイル: auth_handler.py プロジェクト: rezabar/test344
def _report_no_chall_path():
    """Logs and raises an error that no satisfiable chall path exists."""
    msg = ("Client with the currently selected authenticator does not support "
           "any combination of challenges that will satisfy the CA.")
    raise errors.AuthorizationError(msg)
コード例 #15
ファイル: obj.py プロジェクト: open-networks/certbot-bigip
    def _get_active_bigip(self):
        """sets the active bigip if one is the active unit for all given virtual servers.
        sets the first bigip if cluster is active/active and auto-sync is turned on.
        returns false if no bigip is active for all virtual servers (active/active without auto-sync)

        :raises errors.AuthorizationError: Connection to the BIG-IP failed
        :raises errors.PluginError: Connection to the BIG-IP failed
        :return: name of the active bigip
        :rtype: string
            mgmt = ManagementRoot(
        except Exception as e:
            msg = (
                f"Connection to F5 BIG-IP iControl REST API on {self.bigips[0]} failed.{os.linesep}"
                f"Error raised was {os.linesep}{e}{os.linesep}"
                "(You most probably need to ensure the username and "
                "password is correct. Make sure you use the --bigip-username "
                "and --bigip-password options)")
            raise errors.AuthorizationError(msg)
            # first check for failover status
            active_device = ""
            active_devices = []
            devices = mgmt.tm.cm.devices.get_collection()
            for device in devices:
                if device.raw["failoverState"] == "active":
            if len(active_devices) == 0:
                logger.debug("No active device found")
                return False
            if len(active_devices) == 1:
                active_device = active_devices[0]
                    f"Active device found in A/S cluster: {active_device}")
                # active/active cluster, checking if auto-sync is enabled
                device_groups = mgmt.tm.cm.device_groups.get_collection()
                for dg in device_groups:
                    if (dg.raw["type"] == "sync-failover"
                            and dg.raw["autoSync"] == "enabled"):
                            "sync-failover with autoSync enabled, returning first device from list."
                # active/active cluster, need to find active device for specified virtual servers
                destinations = []
                for vs in self.vs_list:
                    # get destination from vs
                    # extract IP from destination
                    # get virtual address with address=destination
                    # get tg from va
                    # check active device for tgs
                    r = self._split_fullpath(vs)
                    virtual = mgmt.tm.ltm.virtuals.virtual.load(partition=r[0],
                    dst = virtual.raw["destination"]
                    dst = dst[dst.rfind("/") + 1:]
                    if dst.count(".") == 3:
                        # IPv4 address
                        dst = dst.split(":")[0]
                        # IPv6 address
                        dst = dst.split(".")[0]
                    if dst not in destinations:

                tgs = []
                virtual_addresses = mgmt.tm.ltm.virtual_address_s.get_collection(
                for va in virtual_addresses:
                    for dst in destinations:
                        if va.raw["address"] == dst:
                            if va.raw["trafficGroup"] not in tgs:

                active_devices = []
                for tg in tgs:
                    traffic_group = mgmt.tm.cm.traffic_groups.traffic_group.load(
                        partition=tg.split("/")[1], name=tg.split("/")[2])
                    traffic_group_stats = traffic_group.stats.load()
                    for item in traffic_group_stats.entries:
                        if (traffic_group_stats.entries[item]["nestedStats"]
                            ["entries"]["failoverState"]["description"] ==
                            if (traffic_group_stats.entries[item]
                                ["description"] not in active_devices):
                if len(active_devices) == 0:
                    logger.debug("No active device found")
                    return False
                if len(active_devices) == 1:
                    active_device = active_devices[0].split("/")[2]
                        f"Active device found in A/A cluster: {active_devices[0]}"
                    logger.debug("No active device found")
                    return False

            for device in self.bigip_map:
                if self.bigip_map[device] == active_device:
                        f"Active device {active_device} mapped to {device}")
                    return device

        except Exception as e:
            msg = (
                f"Connection to F5 BIG-IP iControl REST API failed.{os.linesep}"
                f"Error raised was {os.linesep}{e}{os.linesep}")
            raise errors.PluginError(msg)
コード例 #16
ファイル: obj.py プロジェクト: open-networks/certbot-bigip
    def __init__(
        """Initialize a BIG-IP.

        :param hosts: CSV list of BIG-IP system hostnames or addresses, all have to be in the same cluster
        :type hosts: string
        :param username: BIG-IP username
        :type username: string
        :param password: BIG-IP password
        :type password: string
        :param device_group: Device Group to syncronise configuration
        :type device_group: string
        :param partition: BIG-IP partition, defaults to 'Common'
        :type partition: str, optional
        :param clientssl_parent: Client SSL parent profile to inherit default values from,
                                 defaults to '/Common/clientssl'
        :type clientssl_parent: str, optional
        :param verify_ssl: enable or disable SSL verification of the BIG-IP management API, defaults to False
        :type verify_ssl: bool, optional
        :raises errors.AuthorizationError: Connection to the BIG-IP failed

        self.bigips = bigips
        self.bigip_map = {}
        self.username = username
        self.__password = password
        self.token = True
        self.partition = partition
        self.vs_list = vs_list
        self.device_group = device_group
        self.clientssl_parent = clientssl_parent
        self.standalone = False
        self.verify_ssl = verify_ssl

        if not self.verify_ssl:

        self.bigip_map = self._get_bigip_map()
        logger.debug(f"bigip map: {self.bigip_map}")
        self.active_device = self._get_active_bigip()
        logger.debug(f"active device: {self.active_device}")
        if self.active_device:
                self.mgmt = ManagementRoot(
            except Exception as e:
                msg = (
                    f"Connection to F5 BIG-IP iControl REST API on {self.active_device} failed.{os.linesep}"
                    f"Error raised was {os.linesep}{e}{os.linesep}"
                    "(You most probably need to ensure the username and"
                    "password is correct. Make sure you use the --bigip-username"
                    "and --bigip-password options)")
                raise errors.AuthorizationError(msg)
            msg = (
                f"No active device found which is responsible for all "
                "provided virtual servers or auto-sync is disabled. If you run an active/active setup "
                f"please ensure that all virtual servers are in the same traffic group or auto-sync is enabled{os.linesep}"
            raise errors.PluginError(msg)
        self.standalone = self._get_cluster_state()
コード例 #17
ファイル: auth_handler.py プロジェクト: kcolford/letsencrypt
    def handle_authorizations(
            orderr: messages.OrderResource,
            config: configuration.NamespaceConfig,
            best_effort: bool = False,
            max_retries: int = 30) -> List[messages.AuthorizationResource]:
        Retrieve all authorizations, perform all challenges required to validate
        these authorizations, then poll and wait for the authorization to be checked.
        :param acme.messages.OrderResource orderr: must have authorizations filled in
        :param certbot.configuration.NamespaceConfig config: current Certbot configuration
        :param bool best_effort: if True, not all authorizations need to be validated (eg. renew)
        :param int max_retries: maximum number of retries to poll authorizations
        :returns: list of all validated authorizations
        :rtype: List

        :raises .AuthorizationError: If unable to retrieve all authorizations
        authzrs = orderr.authorizations[:]
        if not authzrs:
            raise errors.AuthorizationError('No authorization to handle.')
        if not self.acme:
            raise errors.Error(
                "No ACME client defined, authorizations cannot be handled.")

        # Retrieve challenges that need to be performed to validate authorizations.
        achalls = self._choose_challenges(authzrs)
        if not achalls:
            return authzrs

        # Starting now, challenges will be cleaned at the end no matter what.
        with error_handler.ExitHandler(self._cleanup_challenges, achalls):
            # To begin, let's ask the authenticator plugin to perform all challenges.
                resps = self.auth.perform(achalls)

                # If debug is on, wait for user input before starting the verification process.
                if config.debug_challenges:
                        'Challenges loaded. Press continue to submit to CA.\n'
                        + self._debug_challenges_msg(achalls, config),
            except errors.AuthorizationError as error:
                logger.critical('Failure in setting up challenges.')
                logger.info('Attempting to clean up outstanding challenges...')
                raise error
            # All challenges should have been processed by the authenticator.
            assert len(resps) == len(
                achalls), 'Some challenges have not been performed.'

            # Inform the ACME CA server that challenges are available for validation.
            for achall, resp in zip(achalls, resps):
                self.acme.answer_challenge(achall.challb, resp)

            # Wait for authorizations to be checked.
            logger.info('Waiting for verification...')
            self._poll_authorizations(authzrs, max_retries, best_effort)

            # Keep validated authorizations only. If there is none, no certificate can be issued.
            authzrs_validated = [
                authzr for authzr in authzrs
                if authzr.body.status == messages.STATUS_VALID
            if not authzrs_validated:
                raise errors.AuthorizationError('All challenges have failed.')

            return authzrs_validated

        raise errors.Error(
            "An unexpected error occurred while handling the authorizations.")
コード例 #18
ファイル: auth_handler.py プロジェクト: kcolford/letsencrypt
    def _poll_authorizations(self,
                             authzrs: List[messages.AuthorizationResource],
                             max_retries: int, best_effort: bool) -> None:
        Poll the ACME CA server, to wait for confirmation that authorizations have their challenges
        all verified. The poll may occur several times, until all authorizations are checked
        (valid or invalid), or after a maximum of retries.
        if not self.acme:
            raise errors.Error(
                "No ACME client defined, cannot poll authorizations.")

        authzrs_to_check: Dict[int, Tuple[
            messages.AuthorizationResource, Optional[Response]]] = {
                index: (authzr, None)
                for index, authzr in enumerate(authzrs)
        authzrs_failed_to_report = []
        # Give an initial second to the ACME CA server to check the authorizations
        sleep_seconds: float = 1
        for _ in range(max_retries):
            # Wait for appropriate time (from Retry-After, initial wait, or no wait)
            if sleep_seconds > 0:
            # Poll all updated authorizations.
            authzrs_to_check = {
                index: self.acme.poll(authzr)
                for index, (authzr, _) in authzrs_to_check.items()
            # Update the original list of authzr with the updated authzrs from server.
            for index, (authzr, _) in authzrs_to_check.items():
                authzrs[index] = authzr

            # Gather failed authorizations
            authzrs_failed = [
                authzr for authzr, _ in authzrs_to_check.values()
                if authzr.body.status == messages.STATUS_INVALID
            for authzr_failed in authzrs_failed:
                logger.info('Challenge failed for domain %s',
            # Accumulating all failed authzrs to build a consolidated report
            # on them at the end of the polling.

            # Extract out the authorization already checked for next poll iteration.
            # Poll may stop here because there is no pending authorizations anymore.
            authzrs_to_check = {
                index: (authzr, resp)
                for index, (authzr, resp) in authzrs_to_check.items()
                if authzr.body.status == messages.STATUS_PENDING
            if not authzrs_to_check:
                # Polling process is finished, we can leave the loop

            # Be merciful with the ACME server CA, check the Retry-After header returned,
            # and wait this time before polling again in next loop iteration.
            # From all the pending authorizations, we take the greatest Retry-After value
            # to avoid polling an authorization before its relevant Retry-After value.
            # (by construction resp cannot be None at that time, but mypy do not know it).
            retry_after = max(
                self.acme.retry_after(resp, 3)
                for _, resp in authzrs_to_check.values() if resp is not None)
            sleep_seconds = (retry_after -

        # In case of failed authzrs, create a report to the user.
        if authzrs_failed_to_report:
            if not best_effort:
                # Without best effort, having failed authzrs is critical and fail the process.
                raise errors.AuthorizationError('Some challenges have failed.')

        if authzrs_to_check:
            # Here authzrs_to_check is still not empty, meaning we exceeded the max polling attempt.
            raise errors.AuthorizationError(
                'All authorizations were not finalized by the CA.')
コード例 #19
ファイル: mapi.py プロジェクト: polhenarejos/acme_email
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if (not sys.platform.startswith('win32')):
         raise errors.AuthorizationError(
             'MAPI Authenticator only runs in Windows')
     super(Authenticator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)