コード例 #1
ファイル: storage.py プロジェクト: eldering/letsencrypt
    def __init__(self, config_filename, cli_config, update_symlinks=False):
        """Instantiate a RenewableCert object from an existing lineage.

        :param str config_filename: the path to the renewal config file
            that defines this lineage.
        :param .RenewerConfiguration: parsed command line arguments

        :raises .CertStorageError: if the configuration file's name didn't end
            in ".conf", or the file is missing or broken.

        self.cli_config = cli_config
        if not config_filename.endswith(".conf"):
            raise errors.CertStorageError(
                "renewal config file name must end in .conf")
        self.lineagename = os.path.basename(

        # self.configuration should be used to read parameters that
        # may have been chosen based on default values from the
        # systemwide renewal configuration; self.configfile should be
        # used to make and save changes.
            self.configfile = configobj.ConfigObj(config_filename)
        except configobj.ConfigObjError:
            raise errors.CertStorageError(
                "error parsing {0}".format(config_filename))
        # TODO: Do we actually use anything from defaults and do we want to
        #       read further defaults from the systemwide renewal configuration
        #       file at this stage?
        self.configuration = config_with_defaults(self.configfile)

        if not all(x in self.configuration for x in ALL_FOUR):
            raise errors.CertStorageError(
                "renewal config file {0} is missing a required "
                "file reference".format(self.configfile))

        conf_version = self.configuration.get("version")
        if (conf_version is not None and
                util.get_strict_version(conf_version) > CURRENT_VERSION):
                "Attempting to parse the version %s renewal configuration "
                "file found at %s with version %s of Certbot. This might not "
                "work.", conf_version, config_filename, certbot.__version__)

        self.cert = self.configuration["cert"]
        self.privkey = self.configuration["privkey"]
        self.chain = self.configuration["chain"]
        self.fullchain = self.configuration["fullchain"]
        self.live_dir = os.path.dirname(self.cert)

        if update_symlinks:
コード例 #2
ファイル: storage.py プロジェクト: radare/certbot
    def __init__(self, config_filename, cli_config, update_symlinks=False):
        """Instantiate a RenewableCert object from an existing lineage.

        :param str config_filename: the path to the renewal config file
            that defines this lineage.
        :param .RenewerConfiguration: parsed command line arguments

        :raises .CertStorageError: if the configuration file's name didn't end
            in ".conf", or the file is missing or broken.

        self.cli_config = cli_config
        if not config_filename.endswith(".conf"):
            raise errors.CertStorageError(
                "renewal config file name must end in .conf")
        self.lineagename = os.path.basename(

        # self.configuration should be used to read parameters that
        # may have been chosen based on default values from the
        # systemwide renewal configuration; self.configfile should be
        # used to make and save changes.
            self.configfile = configobj.ConfigObj(config_filename)
        except configobj.ConfigObjError:
            raise errors.CertStorageError(
                "error parsing {0}".format(config_filename))
        # TODO: Do we actually use anything from defaults and do we want to
        #       read further defaults from the systemwide renewal configuration
        #       file at this stage?
        self.configuration = config_with_defaults(self.configfile)

        if not all(x in self.configuration for x in ALL_FOUR):
            raise errors.CertStorageError(
                "renewal config file {0} is missing a required "
                "file reference".format(self.configfile))

        conf_version = self.configuration.get("version")
        if (conf_version is not None and
                util.get_strict_version(conf_version) > CURRENT_VERSION):
                "Attempting to parse the version %s renewal configuration "
                "file found at %s with version %s of Certbot. This might not "
                "work.", conf_version, config_filename, certbot.__version__)

        self.cert = self.configuration["cert"]
        self.privkey = self.configuration["privkey"]
        self.chain = self.configuration["chain"]
        self.fullchain = self.configuration["fullchain"]
        self.live_dir = os.path.dirname(self.cert)

        if update_symlinks:
コード例 #3
ファイル: storage.py プロジェクト: richardp777/certbot
import parsedatetime
import pytz
import six

import certbot
from certbot import cli
from certbot import constants
from certbot import crypto_util
from certbot import errors
from certbot import error_handler
from certbot import util

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ALL_FOUR = ("cert", "privkey", "chain", "fullchain")
CURRENT_VERSION = util.get_strict_version(certbot.__version__)

def config_with_defaults(config=None):
    """Merge supplied config, if provided, on top of builtin defaults."""
    defaults_copy = configobj.ConfigObj(constants.RENEWER_DEFAULTS)
        config if config is not None else configobj.ConfigObj())
    return defaults_copy

def add_time_interval(base_time, interval,
    """Parse the time specified time interval, and add it to the base_time

    The interval can be in the English-language format understood by
コード例 #4
ファイル: util_test.py プロジェクト: kcolford/letsencrypt
 def _call(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     from certbot.util import get_strict_version
     return get_strict_version(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #5
ファイル: storage.py プロジェクト: bmw/letsencrypt
import parsedatetime
import pytz
import six

import certbot
from certbot import cli
from certbot import constants
from certbot import crypto_util
from certbot import errors
from certbot import error_handler
from certbot import util

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ALL_FOUR = ("cert", "privkey", "chain", "fullchain")
CURRENT_VERSION = util.get_strict_version(certbot.__version__)

def config_with_defaults(config=None):
    """Merge supplied config, if provided, on top of builtin defaults."""
    defaults_copy = configobj.ConfigObj(constants.RENEWER_DEFAULTS)
    defaults_copy.merge(config if config is not None else configobj.ConfigObj())
    return defaults_copy

def add_time_interval(base_time, interval, textparser=parsedatetime.Calendar()):
    """Parse the time specified time interval, and add it to the base_time

    The interval can be in the English-language format understood by
    parsedatetime, e.g., '10 days', '3 weeks', '6 months', '9 hours', or
    a sequence of such intervals like '6 months 1 week' or '3 days 12