コード例 #1
    def test_get_refs(self, docker_client):
        ref = SecretReference("a", "a_name", "a_file", "0", "0", "292")

        s = SecretSpec(docker_client, spec={})
        s.set_ref("abcd", ref)

        assert s.get_refs("abcd") == [ref]
コード例 #2
    def test_set_ref(self, docker_client):
        ref = SecretReference("a", "a_name", "a_file", "0", "0", "292")

        s = SecretSpec(docker_client, spec={})
        s.set_ref("abcd", ref)

        assert len(s.services) == 1
        assert s.services.get("abcd")["a"] == ref
コード例 #3
    def test_rollback_checkpoints_no_previous(self, installer, docker_client):
        # This should also depend on TestSecretSpec tests but I
        # can't get such dependencies to work.
        s = SecretSpec(docker_client, spec=None)

        with patch('os.listdir') as mock_listdir:
            mock_listdir.return_value = []
            with patch.object(SwarmInstaller, "update_services") as mock_up:
コード例 #4
    def test_update_services(self, installer, docker_client):
        # This should also depend on TestSecretSpec tests but I
        # can't get such dependencies to work.
        spec = SecretSpec(docker_client)

        with patch.object(Service, "update") as mock_update:

            calls = []
            for service_id in spec.services:

コード例 #5
    def test_get_updated_ref(self, docker_client):
        # The fake service "qwerty" has Secrets "c" and "d". Let's use "c".
        s = SecretSpec(docker_client, spec=None)
        ref = s.services.get("qwerty").get("c")

        # Secret "e" renews "c".
        e = SecretCollectionDefs.get("e")
        assert e is not None
        new_ref = s.get_updated_ref(ref, e)
        assert new_ref.get("SecretID") == "e"

        # Secret "a" doesn't renew "c".
        a = SecretCollectionDefs.get("a")
        assert a is not None
        new_ref = s.get_updated_ref(ref, a)
        assert new_ref.get("SecretID") == "c"
コード例 #6
    def test_update_refs(self, docker_client):
        # The fake service "qwerty" has Secrets "c" and "d". Let's use "c".
        s = SecretSpec(docker_client, spec=None)

        # Secret "e" renews "c".
        e = SecretCollectionDefs.get("e")
        assert e is not None
        refs = set([x.get("SecretID") for x in s.get_refs("qwerty")])
        assert refs == set(["e", "d"])

        # The fake service "qwerty" has Secrets "c" and "d". Let's use "c".
        s = SecretSpec(docker_client, spec=None)

        # Secret "a" doesn't renew "c".
        a = SecretCollectionDefs.get("a")
        assert a is not None
        refs = set([x.get("SecretID") for x in s.get_refs("qwerty")])
        assert refs == set(["c", "d"])
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, config, name, docker_client=None):
        if docker_client is not None:
            # Use DockerClient supplied by caller if it exists.
            # This is mainly used for testing.
            self.docker_client = docker_client
            # Normally create DockerClient from env.
            self.docker_client = docker.from_env()

        super().__init__(config, name)

        self.config = config
        self.conf_file = os.path.join(config.config_dir, "docker-swarm.json")

        info = self.docker_client.info()
        node_id = info.get("Swarm").get("NodeID")
        node = self.docker_client.nodes.get(node_id)

        node_state = info.get("Swarm").get("LocalNodeState")
        node_role = node.attrs.get("Spec").get("Role")

        # Make sure we are running on a Docker Swarm manager node.
        if node_state != "active":
            raise PluginError("Swarm not active.")
        if node_role != "manager":
            raise PluginError("Not running on a Swarm Manager node.")

        # Use the Docker task retention limit as the number of old
        # secrets to keep. This makes sure enough secrets for historic
        # tasks are always kept in the Swarm.
        self.keep_secrets = info.get("Swarm") \
                                .get("Cluster") \
                                .get("Spec") \
                                .get("Orchestration") \

        # Create a new empty SecretSpec.
        self.secret_spec = SecretSpec(self.docker_client)
コード例 #8
class SwarmInstaller(Installer):
    """Docker Swarm installer."""

    description = "Docker Swarm Installer"

    def __init__(self, config, name, docker_client=None):
        if docker_client is not None:
            # Use DockerClient supplied by caller if it exists.
            # This is mainly used for testing.
            self.docker_client = docker_client
            # Normally create DockerClient from env.
            self.docker_client = docker.from_env()

        super().__init__(config, name)

        self.config = config
        self.conf_file = os.path.join(config.config_dir, "docker-swarm.json")

        info = self.docker_client.info()
        node_id = info.get("Swarm").get("NodeID")
        node = self.docker_client.nodes.get(node_id)

        node_state = info.get("Swarm").get("LocalNodeState")
        node_role = node.attrs.get("Spec").get("Role")

        # Make sure we are running on a Docker Swarm manager node.
        if node_state != "active":
            raise PluginError("Swarm not active.")
        if node_role != "manager":
            raise PluginError("Not running on a Swarm Manager node.")

        # Use the Docker task retention limit as the number of old
        # secrets to keep. This makes sure enough secrets for historic
        # tasks are always kept in the Swarm.
        self.keep_secrets = info.get("Swarm") \
                                .get("Cluster") \
                                .get("Spec") \
                                .get("Orchestration") \

        # Create a new empty SecretSpec.
        self.secret_spec = SecretSpec(self.docker_client)

    def prepare(self):
        # type: () -> None
        """Prepare the SwarmInstaller plugin."""

        # 'certbot renew' doesn't run the SwarmInstaller.deploy_certs()
        # method which means the certificates aren't deployed. Let's
        # instruct users to use 'run' instead.
        if self.config.verb == "renew":
                "Please use 'run' instead of 'renew'. certbot-docker-swarm "
                "doesn't support 'certbot renew'."
            raise PluginError("Can't use 'renew' with certbot-docker-swarm.")

        backups = os.listdir(self.config.backup_dir)
        if self.config.verb != "rollback" and not backups:
            # No checkpoints exist yet and not rolling back.
            # -> Create the initial configuration checkpoint.

            logger.info("Creating initial configuration checkpoint.")

            if not os.path.isfile(self.conf_file):

            note = ("Initial Docker Swarm Secret config at {}.\n"
            self.add_to_checkpoint(set([self.conf_file]), note, False)
            self.finalize_checkpoint("Initial Docker Swarm configuration.")

    def more_info(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        # type: () -> str
        """Return a human-readable help string.

        :return: A help string.
        :rtype str:

        return "Installs certificates as Docker Swarm Secrets and " \
               "automatically updates Docker Swarm Services to use" \
               "the renewed secrets."

    def get_all_names(self):
        # type: () -> List[str]
        """Get all domain names that have at least one existing secret.

        :rtype: Set[str]

        f = {}
        f[SecretUtils.L_MANAGED] = lambda x: x == "true"
        f[SecretUtils.L_DOMAIN] = lambda x: x is not None
        f[SecretUtils.L_NAME] = lambda x: x is not None
        f[SecretUtils.L_VERSION] = lambda x: x is not None
        f[SecretUtils.L_FINGERPRINT] = lambda x: x is not None

        s = self.docker_client.secrets.list()
        s = SecretUtils.filter_secrets(s, f)

        return {SecretUtils.get_secret_domain(x) for x in s}

    def deploy_cert(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        # type: (str, str, str, str, str) -> None
        """Create Docker Swarm Secrets from certificates.

        :param str domain: Certificate domain.
        :param str cert_path: Path to the certificate file.
        :param str key_path: Path to the private key file.
        :param str chain_path: Path to the certificate chain file.
        :param str fullchain_path: Path to the fullchain file.

        fp = SecretUtils.get_x509_fingerprint(cert_path)

        cert = None
        key = None
        chain = None
        fc = None

        # Create new secrets.
        if not self.is_secret_deployed(domain, "cert", fp):
            cert = self.secret_from_file(domain, "cert", cert_path, fp)
        if not self.is_secret_deployed(domain, "key", fp):
            key = self.secret_from_file(domain, "key", key_path, fp)
        if not self.is_secret_deployed(domain, "chain", fp):
            chain = self.secret_from_file(domain, "chain", chain_path, fp)
        if not self.is_secret_deployed(domain, "fullchain", fp):
            fc = self.secret_from_file(domain, "fullchain", fullchain_path, fp)

        if not cert or not key or not chain or not fc:
            logger.info("Some secrets already deployed. They were skipped.")

        if cert is not None:
        if key is not None:
        if chain is not None:
        if fc is not None:

    def enhance(self, domain, enhancement, options=None):
        # type: (str, str, dict) -> None
        """Enhance SSL config."""

    def supported_enhancements(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        # type: () -> List[str]
        """Return a list of supported enhancements."""
        return []

    def save(self, title=None, temporary=False):
        # type: (str, bool) -> None
        """Save changes to Secret configuration.

        :param str title: Checkpoint title.
        :param bool temporary: Whether the checkpoint is temporary.

        note = (
            "Update Docker Swarm Secret config at {}.\n"
        self.add_to_checkpoint(set([self.conf_file]), note, temporary)

        if title and not temporary:

            logger.info("Committing service changes.")

    def rollback_checkpoints(self, rollback=1):
        # type: (int) -> None
        """Revert 'rollback' configuration checkpoints.

        :param int rollback: The number of checkpoints to rollback.

        backups = os.listdir(self.config.backup_dir)
        if backups:
            logger.info("Rolling back Secret configuration file.")

            logger.info("Updating Docker Swarm Services.")
            logger.info("No checkpoints found. Won't rollback.")

    def config_test(self):
        # type: () -> None
        """Config test."""

    def restart(self):
        # type: () -> None
        """Restart server."""

    def update_services(self, secret_spec):
        # type: (SecretSpec) -> None
        """Update Swarm Services based on the current SecretSpec.

        :param SecretSpec spec: The SecretSpec to use for Services.

        for service_id in secret_spec.services:
            service = self.docker_client.services.get(service_id)

    def is_secret_deployed(self, domain, name, fingerprint):
        # type: (str, str, str) -> bool
        """Check whether a secret is already deployed based on fingerprints.

        :param domain str: The domain the secret authenticates.
        :param name str: The name of the secret.
        :param fingerprint str: The fingerprint of the *certificate*
                                corresponding to this secret.

        :return: True if deployed, False otherwise.
        :rtype: bool

        existing_secrets = self.get_secrets(domain, name)

        if len(existing_secrets) != 0:
            newest = existing_secrets[-1]
            newest_fp = SecretUtils.get_secret_fingerprint(newest)

            if newest_fp == fingerprint:
                # Skip deployment if the secret has already been deployed.
                return True

        return False

    def secret_from_file(self, domain, name, filepath, fingerprint):
        # type: (str, str, str, str) -> Secret
        """ Create a Docker Swarm secret from a certificate file.

        :param domain str: The domain the secret authenticates.
        :param name str: The name of the secret.
        :param filepath str: The file path of the secret.
        :param fingerprint str: The fingerprint of the *certificate*
                                corresponding to this secret.

        :return: The created Secret.
        :rtype: Secret

        :raises: PluginError if secret creation failed.

        version = str(int(time.time()))

        labels = {}
        labels[SecretUtils.L_MANAGED] = "true"
        labels[SecretUtils.L_DOMAIN] = domain
        labels[SecretUtils.L_NAME] = name
        labels[SecretUtils.L_VERSION] = version
        labels[SecretUtils.L_FINGERPRINT] = fingerprint

        name = SecretUtils.SECRET_FORMAT.format(

        with open(filepath, "r") as f:
            sid = None
                sid = self.docker_client.secrets.create(
            except APIError as e:
                raise PluginError(
                    "Failed to create secret {}: {}"
                    .format(name, str(e))
                ) from e

            logger.info("Created secret %s from file %s.", name, filepath)

            return self.docker_client.secrets.get(sid)

    def get_secrets(self, domain, name, reverse=False):
        # type: (str, str) -> List[Secret]
        """Get all secrets of a specific type for a domain.

        The resulting list of secrets is sorted based on secret
        versions from lowest to highest.

        :param str domain: Secret domain.
        :param str name: Secret name.
        :param bool reverse: Sort the Secrets in reverse order.

        :return: A list of secrets.
        :rtype: List[Secret]

        f = {}
        f[SecretUtils.L_MANAGED] = lambda x: x == "true"
        f[SecretUtils.L_DOMAIN] = lambda x: x == domain
        f[SecretUtils.L_NAME] = lambda x: x == name
        f[SecretUtils.L_VERSION] = lambda x: x is not None
        f[SecretUtils.L_FINGERPRINT] = lambda x: x is not None

        s = self.docker_client.secrets.list()
        s = SecretUtils.filter_secrets(s, f)
        s = SecretUtils.sort_secrets(

        return s

    def rm_secrets(self, keep):
        # type: (str, str, int) -> None
        """Remove oldest secrets of all managed domains.

        :param keep int: How many secrets to keep.

        :raises: PluginError if keep < 0.

        if keep < 0:
            raise PluginError("Number of Secrets to keep must be positive.")

        remove_cnt = 0
        domains = self.get_all_names()

        for domain in domains:
            logger.info("Removing old secrets for domain %s.", domain)
            for name in ["cert", "key", "chain", "fullchain"]:
                remove = self.get_secrets(domain, name, True)[keep:]
                remove_cnt += len(remove)

                for secret in remove:
                    except APIError as e:
                            "Failed to remove secret %s (id: %s): %s",
                            secret.name, secret.id, str(e)
                        remove_cnt -= 1

                        "Removed secret %s (id: %s)",
                        secret.name, secret.id

        logger.info("Removed %s secrets in total.", remove_cnt)
コード例 #9
 def test_from_swarm_no_secrets(self, docker_client):
     s = SecretSpec(docker_client, spec=None)
     assert s.services == {}
コード例 #10
    def test_from_swarm(self, docker_client):
        s = SecretSpec(docker_client, spec=None)
        assert "qwerty" in s.services

        secret_ids = set([x.get("SecretID") for x in s.get_refs("qwerty")])
        assert secret_ids == set(["c", "d"])
コード例 #11
 def test_services(self, docker_client):
     s = SecretSpec(docker_client, spec={})
     assert s.services == {}
コード例 #12
 def test_init_with_spec(self, docker_client):
     s = SecretSpec(docker_client, spec={})
     assert s.spec == {}
コード例 #13
 def test_init_no_spec(self, docker_client):
     with patch.object(SecretSpec, "from_swarm") as mock_from_env:
         s = SecretSpec(docker_client, spec=None)