コード例 #1
def initialize_envDict(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
    env_file_list = ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_ice.xml']
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict),

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml
    envDict['CASEROOT'] = caseroot

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['ICEDIAG_PATH'] = os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # strip the ICEDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'ICEDIAG_')

    envDict['seas'] = ['jfm', 'fm', 'amj', 'jas', 'ond', 'on', 'ann']

    return envDict
コード例 #2
def initialize_main(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages
    standalone (boolean) - specify if postprocess caseroot is standalone (true) of not (false)

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    env_file_list =  ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_ilamb.xml']

    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict), header=True, verbosity=2)

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml
    envDict['CASEROOT'] = caseroot

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['ILAMBDIAG_PATH'] = os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # strip the ILAMBDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the 
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'ILAMBDIAG_')

    # setup the working directories

    return envDict
コード例 #3
def main(options, scomm, rank, size):
    # initialize the CASEROOT environment dictionary
    cesmEnv = dict()

    # CASEROOT is given on the command line as required option --caseroot
    caseroot = options.caseroot[0]

    # set the caseroot based on standalone or not
    pp_caseroot = caseroot
    if not options.standalone:
        caseroot, pp_subdir = os.path.split(caseroot)
    if rank == 0:
        print('cesm_tseries_generator: caseroot = {0}'.format(caseroot))

    # set the debug level
    debug = options.debug[0]

    # cesmEnv["id"] = "value" parsed from the CASEROOT/env_*.xml files
    env_file_list = [
        'env_case.xml', 'env_run.xml', 'env_build.xml', 'env_mach_pes.xml'

    # check if the standalone option is set
    if options.standalone:
        env_file_list = ['env_postprocess.xml']
    cesmEnv = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # initialize the specifiers list to contain the list of specifier classes
    specifiers = list()

    # loading the specifiers from the env_timeseries.xml  only needs to run on the master task (rank=0)
    if rank == 0:
        specifiers = readArchiveXML(caseroot, cesmEnv['DOUT_S_ROOT'],
                                    cesmEnv['CASE'], options.standalone, debug)

    # specifiers is a list of pyreshaper specification objects ready to pass to the reshaper
    specifiers = scomm.partition(specifiers,

    # create the PyReshaper object - uncomment when multiple specifiers is allowed
    reshpr = reshaper.create_reshaper(specifiers,

    # Run the conversion (slice-to-series) process

    # Print timing diagnostics

    # TO-DO check if DOUT_S_SAVE_HISTORY_FILES is true or false and
    # delete history files accordingly

    return 0
コード例 #4
def initialize_main(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone, imb_name):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages
    standalone (boolean) - specify if postprocess caseroot is standalone (true) of not (false)

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    env_file_list = [
        './env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_{0}.xml'.format(imb_name)

    debugMsg('in initialize_main before readXML', header=True, verbosity=1)

    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict),

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml
    envDict['CASEROOT'] = caseroot

    diag_name = "{0}DIAG".format(imb_name.upper())
    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    diag_path = "{0}_PATH".format(diag_name)
    envDict[diag_path] = os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # strip the ILAMBDIAG_ or IOMBDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, '{0}_'.format(diag_name))

    debugMsg('envDict OUTPUTROOT = {0}'.format(envDict['OUTPUTROOT']),
    # ILAMB requires output directory to already exist
    if not os.path.exists(envDict['OUTPUTROOT']):

    debugMsg('in initialize_main before path.append', header=True, verbosity=1)
    # setup the working directories

    debugMsg('in initialize_main get machine name', header=True, verbosity=1)
    hostname = cesmEnvLib.get_hostname()
    envDict['MACH'] = cesmEnvLib.get_machine_name(
        hostname, '{0}/Machines/machine_postprocess.xml'.format(

    return envDict
コード例 #5
def initialize_main(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
    ##    env_file_list = ['../env_case.xml', '../env_run.xml', '../env_build.xml', '../env_mach_pes.xml', './env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_atm.xml']
    ##    if standalone:
    env_file_list = ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_atm.xml']
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict),

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml
    envDict['CASEROOT'] = caseroot

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['ATMDIAG_PATH'] = os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # strip the ATMDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'ATMDIAG_')

    # TODO - create the list of necessary climatology files for model
    filelist = list()

    # check average files
    debugMsg('calling checkAvgFiles', header=True)
    rc = diagUtilsLib.checkAvgFiles(filelist)
    if not rc:
        print('ERROR: atmosphere climatology files do not exist in:')
        print('   {0}'.format(envDict['TAVGDIR']))
        print('Please run the {0}.atm_avg_generator script first.'.format(

    # TODO - create the list of necessary climatology files for control

    return envDict
コード例 #6
def initialize_main(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages
    standalong (boolean) - indicate stand-alone post processing caseroot

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
    env_file_list =  ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_ocn.xml']
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict), header=True, verbosity=2)

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml
    envDict['CASEROOT'] = caseroot

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['OCNDIAG_PATH'] += os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # strip the OCNDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the 
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'OCNDIAG_')

    # special variable mapped from the CESM env to the OCN diags env
    envDict['RESOLUTION'] = envDict['OCN_GRID']

    # setup the TOBSFILE and SOBSFILE variables based on the vertical levels 
    # 60 (default) or 42
    if envDict['VERTICAL'] == '42':
        envDict['TOBSFILE'] = envDict['TOBSFILE_V42']
        envDict['SOBSFILE'] = envDict['SOBSFILE_V42']
    debugMsg('TOBSFILE = {0}, SOBSFILE= {1}'.format(envDict['TOBSFILE'], envDict['SOBSFILE']), header=True, verbosity=2)

    # TODO - create the list of necessary climatology files for model
    filelist = list()

    # check average files
    debugMsg('calling checkAvgFiles', header=True, verbosity=2)
    rc = diagUtilsLib.checkAvgFiles(filelist)
    if not rc:
        print('ERROR: ocean climatology files do not exist in:')
        print('   {0}'.format(envDict['TAVGDIR']))
        print('Please run the {0}.ocn_avg_generator script first.'.format(envDict['CASE']))

    return envDict
コード例 #7
def initialize_main(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages
    standalong (boolean) - indicate stand-alone post processing caseroot

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
    env_file_list =  ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_ocn.xml']
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict), header=True, verbosity=2)

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml
    envDict['CASEROOT'] = caseroot

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['OCNDIAG_PATH'] += os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # strip the OCNDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the 
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'OCNDIAG_')

    # special variable mapped from the CESM env to the OCN diags env
    envDict['RESOLUTION'] = envDict['OCN_GRID']

    # setup the TOBSFILE and SOBSFILE variables based on the vertical levels 
    # 60 (default) or 42
    if envDict['VERTICAL'] == '42':
        envDict['TOBSFILE'] = envDict['TOBSFILE_V42']
        envDict['SOBSFILE'] = envDict['SOBSFILE_V42']
    debugMsg('TOBSFILE = {0}, SOBSFILE= {1}'.format(envDict['TOBSFILE'], envDict['SOBSFILE']), header=True, verbosity=2)

    # TODO - create the list of necessary climatology files for model
    filelist = list()

    # check average files
    debugMsg('calling checkAvgFiles', header=True, verbosity=2)
    rc = diagUtilsLib.checkAvgFiles(filelist)
    if not rc:
        print('ERROR: ocean climatology files do not exist in:')
        print('   {0}'.format(envDict['TAVGDIR']))
        print('Please run the {0}.ocn_avg_generator script first.'.format(envDict['CASE']))

    return envDict
コード例 #8
def initialize_envDict(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
    env_file_list = ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_atm.xml']
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict),

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml
    envDict['CASEROOT'] = caseroot

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['ATMDIAG_PATH'] = os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # strip the ATMDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'ATMDIAG_')

    envDict['seas'] = []
    if envDict['plot_ANN_climo']:
    if envDict['plot_DJF_climo']:
    if envDict['plot_MAM_climo']:
    if envDict['plot_JJA_climo']:
    if envDict['plot_SON_climo']:

    if envDict['test_path_history_subdir'].endswith('/'):
        envDict['test_path_history_subdir'] = envDict[

    if envDict['cntl_path_history_subdir'].endswith('/'):
        envDict['cntl_path_history_subdir'] = envDict[

    return envDict
コード例 #9
def run_initialization(caseroot, debug):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages

    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
    env_file_list = ['env_conform.xml', 'env_postprocess.xml']
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    #debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict), header=True, verbosity=2)

    # get the variables needed to send to iconform
    global_attributes = envDict[
        'CONFORM_GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTES'] + "," + caseroot + "/../archive_files/db.json"
    definitions = envDict['CONFORM_CESM_DEFINITIONS']
    exp_name = envDict['CONFORM_EXP_NAME']
    json_dir = envDict['CONFORM_JSON_DIRECTORY'] + "/PyConform_input/"
    output_dir = envDict['CONFORM_OUTPUT_DIR']
    extra_field_json = envDict['CONFORM_EXTRA_FIELD_JSON']

        pipe = subprocess.Popen([
            'iconform -g {0} -d {1} -tt xml -e {2} -p {3} -o {4} -to True'.
            format(global_attributes, definitions, exp_name, output_dir,
        output = pipe.communicate()[0]
        print('iconform:  {0}'.format(output))
        while pipe.poll() is None:
    except OSError as e:
        print('WARNING', e.errno, e.strerror)

        pipe = subprocess.Popen(
            ['cesm_extras -e {0} {1}/*'.format(extra_field_json, json_dir)],
        output = pipe.communicate()[0]
        print('cesm_extras:  {0}'.format(output))
        while pipe.poll() is None:
    except OSError as e:
        print('WARNING', e.errno, e.strerror)
コード例 #10
def initialize_envDict(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
    env_file_list =  ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_atm.xml']
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict), header=True, verbosity=2)

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml
    envDict['CASEROOT'] = caseroot

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['ATMDIAG_PATH'] = os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # strip the ATMDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the 
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'ATMDIAG_')

    envDict['seas'] = []
    if envDict['plot_ANN_climo']:
    if envDict['plot_DJF_climo']:
    if envDict['plot_MAM_climo']:
    if envDict['plot_JJA_climo']:
    if envDict['plot_SON_climo']:

    if envDict['test_path_history_subdir'].endswith('/'):
        envDict['test_path_history_subdir'] = envDict['test_path_history_subdir'][:-1]

    if envDict['cntl_path_history_subdir'].endswith('/'):
        envDict['cntl_path_history_subdir'] = envDict['cntl_path_history_subdir'][:-1]

    return envDict
コード例 #11
def initialize_main(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
    env_file_list =  ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_atm.xml']
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict), header=True, verbosity=2)

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml
    envDict['CASEROOT'] = caseroot

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['ATMDIAG_PATH'] = os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # strip the ATMDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the 
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'ATMDIAG_')

    # TODO - create the list of necessary climatology files for model
    filelist = list()

    # check average files
    debugMsg('calling checkAvgFiles', header=True)
    rc = diagUtilsLib.checkAvgFiles(filelist)
    if not rc:
        print('ERROR: atmosphere climatology files do not exist in:')
        print('   {0}'.format(envDict['TAVGDIR']))
        print('Please run the {0}.atm_avg_generator script first.'.format(envDict['CASE']))

    # TODO - create the list of necessary climatology files for control

    return envDict
コード例 #12
def initialize_main(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
##    env_file_list = ['../env_case.xml', '../env_run.xml', '../env_build.xml', '../env_mach_pes.xml', './env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_ice.xml']
##    envDict['STANDALONE'] = False
##    if standalone:
    env_file_list =  ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_ice.xml']
##        envDict['STANDALONE'] = True
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict), header=True, verbosity=2)

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['ICEDIAG_PATH'] = str(os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH'])

    # strip the ICEDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the 
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'ICEDIAG_')

    # TODO - create the list of necessary climatology files for model
    filelist = list()

    # check average files
    debugMsg('calling checkAvgFiles', header=True)
    rc = diagUtilsLib.checkAvgFiles(filelist)
    if not rc:
        print('ERROR: ice climatology files do not exist in:')
        print('   {0}'.format(envDict['TAVGDIR']))
        print('Please run the {0}.ice_avg_generator script first.'.format(envDict['CASE']))

    # TODO - create the list of necessary climatology files for control
    return envDict
コード例 #13
def initialize_envDict(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages
    standalone (boolean) - indicate stand-alone post processing caseroot

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
    env_file_list = ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_ocn.xml']
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict),

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml
    envDict['CASEROOT'] = caseroot

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['OCNDIAG_PATH'] += os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # initialize varLists
    envDict['MODEL_VARLIST'] = []
    if len(envDict['OCNDIAG_PYAVG_MODELCASE_VARLIST']) > 0:
        envDict['MODEL_VARLIST'] = envDict[

    envDict['CNTRL_VARLIST'] = []
    if len(envDict['OCNDIAG_PYAVG_CNTRLCASE_VARLIST']) > 0:
        envDict['CNTRL_VARLIST'] = envDict[

    # strip the OCNDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'OCNDIAG_')

    return envDict
コード例 #14
def run_initialization(caseroot, debug):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages

    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
    env_file_list =  ['env_conform.xml','env_postprocess.xml']
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    #debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict), header=True, verbosity=2)

    # get the variables needed to send to iconform
    global_attributes = envDict['CONFORM_GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTES']+","+caseroot+"/../archive_files/db.json"
    definitions = envDict['CONFORM_CESM_DEFINITIONS']
    exp_name = envDict['CONFORM_EXP_NAME']
    json_dir = envDict['CONFORM_JSON_DIRECTORY']+"/PyConform_input/"
    output_dir = envDict['CONFORM_OUTPUT_DIR']
    extra_field_json = envDict['CONFORM_EXTRA_FIELD_JSON']

        pipe = subprocess.Popen(['iconform -g {0} -d {1} -tt xml -e {2} -p {3} -o {4} -to True'.format(
            global_attributes, definitions, exp_name, output_dir, json_dir)], env=envDict, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        output = pipe.communicate()[0]
        print('iconform:  {0}'.format(output))
        while pipe.poll() is None:
    except OSError as e:
        pipe = subprocess.Popen(['cesm_extras -e {0} {1}/*'.format(
            extra_field_json, json_dir)], env=envDict, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        output = pipe.communicate()[0]
        print('cesm_extras:  {0}'.format(output))
        while pipe.poll() is None:
    except OSError as e:
コード例 #15
def initialize_envDict(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone, main_comm):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
    # TODO put this file list into the config_postprocess definition
    ##    env_file_list = ['../env_case.xml', '../env_run.xml', '../env_build.xml', '../env_mach_pes.xml', './env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_lnd.xml']
    ##    if standalone:
    env_file_list = ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_lnd.xml']
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    if main_comm.is_manager():
        debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict),

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['LANDDIAG_PATH'] = os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # strip the LNDDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'LNDDIAG_')

    envDict['seas'] = ['djf', 'mam', 'jja', 'son', 'ann']

    return envDict
コード例 #16
def initialize_main(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages
    standalone (boolean) - specify if postprocess caseroot is standalone (true) of not (false)

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    env_file_list = ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_ilamb.xml']

    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict),

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml
    envDict['CASEROOT'] = caseroot

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['ILAMBDIAG_PATH'] = os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # strip the ILAMBDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'ILAMBDIAG_')

    # setup the working directories

    return envDict
コード例 #17
def initialize_envDict(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone, main_comm):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
    # TODO put this file list into the config_postprocess definition
##    env_file_list = ['../env_case.xml', '../env_run.xml', '../env_build.xml', '../env_mach_pes.xml', './env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_lnd.xml']
##    if standalone:
    env_file_list =  ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_lnd.xml']
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    if main_comm.is_manager():
        debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict), header=True, verbosity=1)

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['LANDDIAG_PATH'] = os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # strip the LNDDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the 
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'LNDDIAG_')

    envDict['seas'] = ['djf','mam','jja','son','ann']

    return envDict
コード例 #18
def main(options, scomm, rank, size, debug, debugMsg):
    # initialize the CASEROOT environment dictionary
    cesmEnv = dict()

    # CASEROOT is given on the command line as required option --caseroot
    caseroot = options.caseroot[0]

    # get the XML variables loaded into a hash
    env_file_list = ['env_postprocess.xml']
    cesmEnv = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # initialize the specifiers list to contain the list of specifier classes
    specifiers = list()

    # loading the specifiers from the env_timeseries.xml  only needs to run on the master task (rank=0)
    if rank == 0:
        tseries_input_rootdir = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_INPUT_ROOTDIR']
        tseries_output_rootdir = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_OUTPUT_ROOTDIR']
        case = cesmEnv['CASE']
        completechunk = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_COMPLETECHUNK']
        if completechunk.upper() in ['T', 'TRUE']:
            completechunk = 1
            completechunk = 0
        specifiers, log = readArchiveXML(caseroot, tseries_input_rootdir,
                                         tseries_output_rootdir, case,
                                         options.standalone, completechunk,
                                         debug, debugMsg)

    # specifiers is a list of pyreshaper specification objects ready to pass to the reshaper
    specifiers = scomm.partition(specifiers,
    if rank == 0:
        debugMsg("# of Specifiers: " + str(len(specifiers)),

    if len(specifiers) > 0:
        # setup subcommunicators to do streams and chunks in parallel
        # everyone participates except for root
        inter_comm, lsubcomms = divide_comm(scomm, len(specifiers))
        color = inter_comm.get_color()
        lsize = inter_comm.get_size()
        lrank = inter_comm.get_rank()

        GWORK_TAG = 10  # global comm mpi tag
        LWORK_TAG = 20  # local comm mpi tag
        # global root - hands out specifiers to work on.  When complete, it must tell each subcomm all work is done.
        if (rank == 0):
            for i in range(0, len(specifiers)):  # hand out all specifiers
                scomm.ration(data=i, tag=GWORK_TAG)
            for i in range(0,
                           lsubcomms):  # complete, signal this to all subcomms
                scomm.ration(data=-99, tag=GWORK_TAG)

        # subcomm root - performs the same tasks as other subcomm ranks, but also gets the specifier to work on and sends
        # this information to all ranks within subcomm
        elif (lrank == 0):
            i = -999
            while i != -99:
                i = scomm.ration(tag=GWORK_TAG)  # recv from global
                for x in range(1, lsize):
                    inter_comm.ration(i, LWORK_TAG)  # send to local ranks
                if i != -99:
                    # create the PyReshaper object - uncomment when multiple specifiers is allowed
                    reshpr = reshaper.create_reshaper(specifiers[i],
                    # Run the conversion (slice-to-series) process

        # all subcomm ranks - recv the specifier to work on and call the reshaper
            i = -999
            while i != -99:
                i = inter_comm.ration(tag=LWORK_TAG)  # recv from local root
                if i != -99:
                    # create the PyReshaper object - uncomment when multiple specifiers is allowed
                    reshpr = reshaper.create_reshaper(specifiers[i],
                    # Run the conversion (slice-to-series) process

    if rank == 0:
        # Update system log with the dates that were just converted
        debugMsg('before chunking.write_log', header=True, verbosity=1)
        chunking.write_log('{0}/logs/ts_status.log'.format(caseroot), log)
        debugMsg('after chunking.write_log', header=True, verbosity=1)


    return 0
コード例 #19
def initialize_main(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
##    env_file_list = ['../env_case.xml', '../env_run.xml', '../env_build.xml', '../env_mach_pes.xml', './env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_lnd.xml']
##    envDict['STANDALONE'] = False
##    if standalone:
    env_file_list =  ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_lnd.xml']
##        envDict['STANDALONE'] = True
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict), header=True, verbosity=2)

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml
    envDict['CASEROOT'] = caseroot

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['LNDDIAG_PATH'] = os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # strip the LNDDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the 
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'LNDDIAG_')

    # TODO - create the list of necessary climatology files for model
    filelist = list()

    # check average files
    debugMsg('calling checkAvgFiles', header=True, verbosity=1)
    rc = diagUtilsLib.checkAvgFiles(filelist)
    if not rc:
        print('ERROR: land climatology files do not exist')
        print('Please run the {0}.lnd_avg_generator script first.'.format(envDict['CASE']))

    # TODO - create the list of necessary climatology files for control

    # setup the working directories

    # the WKDIR variable is very confusing... it gets reset in setup_workdir
    if (envDict['MODEL_VS_MODEL'] == 'True'):
        envDict['WKDIR'] =  envDict['PTMPDIR_1']+'/diag/'+envDict['caseid_1']+'-'+envDict['caseid_2']+'/'
        envDict['WKDIR'] =  envDict['PTMPDIR_1']+'/diag/'+envDict['caseid_1']+'-obs/'

    if envDict['CASA'] == '1':
        envDict['VAR_MASTER'] = envDict['var_master_casa']
        envDict['VAR_MASTER'] = envDict['var_master_cn']

    return envDict
コード例 #20
def main(options, scomm, rank, size, debug, debugMsg):
    # initialize the CASEROOT environment dictionary
    cesmEnv = dict()

    # CASEROOT is given on the command line as required option --caseroot
    caseroot = options.caseroot[0]

    # get the XML variables loaded into a hash
    env_file_list = ['env_postprocess.xml']
    cesmEnv = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list);

    # initialize the specifiers list to contain the list of specifier classes
    specifiers = list()

    tseries_input_rootdir = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_INPUT_ROOTDIR'] 
    tseries_output_rootdir = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_OUTPUT_ROOTDIR'] 
    case = cesmEnv['CASE']
    completechunk = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_COMPLETECHUNK']
    generate_all = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_GENERATE_ALL']
    if completechunk.upper() in ['T','TRUE']:
        completechunk = 1
        completechunk = 0
    specifiers,log = readArchiveXML(caseroot, tseries_input_rootdir, tseries_output_rootdir, 
                                    case, options.standalone, completechunk, generate_all,
                                    debug, debugMsg, scomm, rank, size)

    # specifiers is a list of pyreshaper specification objects ready to pass to the reshaper
    if rank == 0:
        debugMsg("# of Specifiers: "+str(len(specifiers)), header=True, verbosity=1)

    if len(specifiers) > 0:
        # setup subcommunicators to do streams and chunks in parallel
        # everyone participates except for root
        inter_comm, lsubcomms = divide_comm(scomm, len(specifiers))
        color = inter_comm.get_color()
        lsize = inter_comm.get_size()
        lrank = inter_comm.get_rank()

        GWORK_TAG = 10 # global comm mpi tag
        LWORK_TAG = 20 # local comm mpi tag
        # global root - hands out specifiers to work on.  When complete, it must tell each subcomm all work is done.
        if (rank == 0):
            for i in range(0,len(specifiers)): # hand out all specifiers
                scomm.ration(data=i, tag=GWORK_TAG)
            for i in range(0,lsubcomms): # complete, signal this to all subcomms
                scomm.ration(data=-99, tag=GWORK_TAG)

        # subcomm root - performs the same tasks as other subcomm ranks, but also gets the specifier to work on and sends
        # this information to all ranks within subcomm
        elif (lrank == 0):
            i = -999
            while i != -99:
                i = scomm.ration(tag=GWORK_TAG) # recv from global
                for x in range(1,lsize):
                    inter_comm.ration(i, LWORK_TAG) # send to local ranks  
                if i != -99:
                    # create the PyReshaper object - uncomment when multiple specifiers is allowed
                    reshpr = reshaper.create_reshaper(specifiers[i], serial=False, verbosity=debug, simplecomm=inter_comm)
                    # Run the conversion (slice-to-series) process 

        # all subcomm ranks - recv the specifier to work on and call the reshaper
            i = -999
            while i != -99:
                i = inter_comm.ration(tag=LWORK_TAG) # recv from local root    
                if i != -99:
                    # create the PyReshaper object - uncomment when multiple specifiers is allowed
                    reshpr = reshaper.create_reshaper(specifiers[i], serial=False, verbosity=debug, simplecomm=inter_comm)
                    # Run the conversion (slice-to-series) process 

    if rank == 0:
        # Update system log with the dates that were just converted 
        debugMsg('before chunking.write_log', header=True, verbosity=1)
        chunking.write_log('{0}/logs/ts_status.log'.format(caseroot), log)
        debugMsg('after chunking.write_log', header=True, verbosity=1)


    return 0
コード例 #21
def main(options, scomm, rank, size):
    # initialize the CASEROOT environment dictionary
    cesmEnv = dict()

    # CASEROOT is given on the command line as required option --caseroot
    caseroot = options.caseroot[0]

    # set the debug level 
    debug = options.debug[0]

    # is there only one mip definition in each file?
    ind = "True" 

    # get the XML variables loaded into a hash
    env_file_list = ['env_postprocess.xml','env_conform.xml']
    cesmEnv = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list);

    # We want to have warnings and not errors (at least for the first sets of cmip simulations)
    simplefilter("default", ValidationWarning)

    # Get the extra modules pyconform needs
    pp_path = cesmEnv["POSTPROCESS_PATH"]
    conform_module_path = pp_path+'/conformer/conformer/source/pyconform/modules/'
    for i, m in enumerate(external_mods):
        print("Loading: "+conform_module_path+"/"+m)
        load_source('user{}'.format(i), conform_module_path+"/"+m)

    # create the cesm stream to table mapping
#    if rank == 0:
    dout_s_root = cesmEnv['DOUT_S_ROOT']
    case = cesmEnv['CASE']
    pc_inpur_dir = cesmEnv['CONFORM_JSON_DIRECTORY']+'/PyConform_input/'
    #readArchiveXML(caseroot, dout_s_root, case, debug)
    nc_files = find_nc_files(dout_s_root)
    variable_list = fill_list(nc_files, pc_inpur_dir, cesmEnv["CONFORM_EXTRA_FIELD_NETCDF_DIR"], scomm, rank, size)

    mappings = {}
    if rank == 0:
        mappings = match_tableSpec_to_stream(pc_inpur_dir, variable_list)
        for k,v in sorted(mappings.iteritems()):
            print k
            for f in sorted(v):
                print f
            print len(v),'\n\n'

    # Pass the stream and mapping information to the other procs
    mappings = scomm.partition(mappings, func=partition.Duplicate(), involved=True)
    print("I CAN RUN ",len(mappings.keys())," json files")
    failures = 0

    if len(mappings.keys()) > 0:
        # setup subcommunicators to do streams and chunks in parallel
        # everyone participates except for root
        inter_comm, lsubcomms = divide_comm(scomm, len(mappings.keys()), ind)
        color = inter_comm.get_color()
        lsize = inter_comm.get_size()
        lrank = inter_comm.get_rank()
        print "MPI INFO: ",color," ",lrank,"/",lsize,"  ",rank,"/",size

        GWORK_TAG = 10 # global comm mpi tag
        LWORK_TAG = 20 # local comm mpi tag
        # global root - hands out mappings to work on.  When complete, it must tell each subcomm all work is done.
        if (rank == 0):
            #for i in range(0,len(mappings.keys())): # hand out all mappings
            for i in mappings.keys():
                scomm.ration(data=i, tag=GWORK_TAG)
            for i in range(1,lsubcomms): # complete, signal this to all subcomms
                scomm.ration(data=-99, tag=GWORK_TAG)

        # subcomm root - performs the same tasks as other subcomm ranks, but also gets the specifier to work on and sends
        # this information to all ranks within subcomm
        elif (lrank == 0):
            i = -999
            while i != -99:
                i = scomm.ration(tag=GWORK_TAG) # recv from global
                for x in range(1,lsize):
                    inter_comm.ration(i, LWORK_TAG) # send to local ranks  
                if i != -99:
                    print "(",rank,"/",lrank,")","  start running ",i
                    failures += run_PyConform(i, mappings[i], inter_comm)
                    print "(",rank,"/",lrank,")","  finished running ",i
                    print "(",rank,"/",lrank,")","FAILURES: ",failures

        # all subcomm ranks - recv the specifier to work on and call the reshaper
            i = -999
            while i != -99:
                i = inter_comm.ration(tag=LWORK_TAG) # recv from local root    
                if i != -99:
                    print "(",rank,"/",lrank,")","  start running ",i
                    failures += run_PyConform(i, mappings[i], inter_comm)
                    print "(",rank,"/",lrank,")","  finished running ",i
                    print "(",rank,"/",lrank,")","FAILURES: ",failures
    print "(",rank,"/",lrank,")","  FINISHED"
コード例 #22
def main(options, scomm, rank, size):
    # setup an overall timer
    timer = timekeeper.TimeKeeper()
    timer.start("Total Time")

    # initialize the CASEROOT environment dictionary
    cesmEnv = dict()

    # CASEROOT is given on the command line as required option --caseroot
    caseroot = options.caseroot[0]

    # set the debug level 
    debug = options.debug[0]

    # is there only one mip definition in each file?
    ind = "True" 

    # get the XML variables loaded into a hash
    env_file_list = ['env_postprocess.xml','env_conform.xml']
    cesmEnv = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list);

    # We want to have warnings and not errors (at least for the first sets of cmip simulations)
    simplefilter("default", ValidationWarning)

    # Get the extra modules pyconform needs
    pp_path = cesmEnv["POSTPROCESS_PATH"]
    conform_module_path = pp_path+'/conformer/conformer/source/pyconform/modules/'
    for i, m in enumerate(external_mods):
        print("Loading: "+conform_module_path+"/"+m)
        load_source('user{}'.format(i), conform_module_path+"/"+m)

    # create the cesm stream to table mapping
#    if rank == 0:
    dout_s_root = cesmEnv['TIMESERIES_OUTPUT_ROOTDIR']
    case = cesmEnv['CASE']
    pc_inpur_dir = cesmEnv['CONFORM_JSON_DIRECTORY']+'/PyConform_input/'
    #readArchiveXML(caseroot, dout_s_root, case, debug)
    nc_files = find_nc_files(dout_s_root)
    variable_list = fill_list(nc_files, pc_inpur_dir, cesmEnv["CONFORM_EXTRA_FIELD_NETCDF_DIR"], scomm, rank, size)

    mappings = {}
    if rank == 0:
        mappings = match_tableSpec_to_stream(pc_inpur_dir, variable_list, dout_s_root, case)
        for k,v in sorted(mappings.iteritems()):
            print k
            for f in sorted(v):
                print f
            print len(v),'\n\n'

    # Pass the stream and mapping information to the other procs
    mappings = scomm.partition(mappings, func=partition.Duplicate(), involved=True)
    print("I CAN RUN ",len(mappings.keys())," json files")
    failures = 0

    if len(mappings.keys()) > 0:
        # setup subcommunicators to do streams and chunks in parallel
        # everyone participates except for root
        inter_comm, lsubcomms = divide_comm(scomm, len(mappings.keys()), ind)
        color = inter_comm.get_color()
        lsize = inter_comm.get_size()
        lrank = inter_comm.get_rank()
        print "MPI INFO: ",color," ",lrank,"/",lsize,"  ",rank,"/",size

        GWORK_TAG = 10 # global comm mpi tag
        LWORK_TAG = 20 # local comm mpi tag
        # global root - hands out mappings to work on.  When complete, it must tell each subcomm all work is done.
        if (rank == 0):
            #for i in range(0,len(mappings.keys())): # hand out all mappings
            for i in mappings.keys():
                scomm.ration(data=i, tag=GWORK_TAG)
            for i in range(1,lsubcomms): # complete, signal this to all subcomms
                scomm.ration(data=-99, tag=GWORK_TAG)

        # subcomm root - performs the same tasks as other subcomm ranks, but also gets the specifier to work on and sends
        # this information to all ranks within subcomm
        elif (lrank == 0):
            i = -999
            while i != -99:
                i = scomm.ration(tag=GWORK_TAG) # recv from global
                for x in range(1,lsize):
                    inter_comm.ration(i, LWORK_TAG) # send to local ranks  
                if i != -99:
                    print "(",rank,"/",lrank,")","  start running ",i
                    failures += run_PyConform(i, mappings[i], inter_comm)
                    print "(",rank,"/",lrank,")","  finished running ",i
                    print "(",rank,"/",lrank,")","FAILURES: ",failures

        # all subcomm ranks - recv the specifier to work on and call the reshaper
            i = -999
            while i != -99:
                i = inter_comm.ration(tag=LWORK_TAG) # recv from local root    
                if i != -99:
                    print "(",rank,"/",lrank,")","  start running ",i
                    failures += run_PyConform(i, mappings[i], inter_comm)
                    print "(",rank,"/",lrank,")","  finished running ",i
                    print "(",rank,"/",lrank,")","FAILURES: ",failures
    print "(",rank,"/",lrank,")","  FINISHED"

    timer.stop("Total Time")
    if rank == 0:
        print('Total Time: {0} seconds'.format(timer.get_time("Total Time")))
コード例 #23
def initialize_main(envDict, caseroot, debugMsg, standalone):
    """initialize_main - initialize settings on rank 0 
    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    caseroot (string) - case root
    debugMsg (object) - vprinter object for printing debugging messages

    envDict (dictionary) - environment dictionary
    # setup envDict['id'] = 'value' parsed from the CASEROOT/[env_file_list] files
    ##    env_file_list = ['../env_case.xml', '../env_run.xml', '../env_build.xml', '../env_mach_pes.xml', './env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_lnd.xml']
    ##    envDict['STANDALONE'] = False
    ##    if standalone:
    env_file_list = ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_diags_lnd.xml']
    ##        envDict['STANDALONE'] = True
    envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

    # debug print out the envDict
    debugMsg('envDict after readXML = {0}'.format(envDict),

    # refer to the caseroot that was specified on the command line instead of what
    # is read in the environment as the caseroot may have changed from what is listed
    # in the env xml
    envDict['CASEROOT'] = caseroot

    # add the os.environ['PATH'] to the envDict['PATH']
    envDict['LNDDIAG_PATH'] = os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']

    # strip the LNDDIAG_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the
    # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
    envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'LNDDIAG_')

    # TODO - create the list of necessary climatology files for model
    filelist = list()

    # check average files
    debugMsg('calling checkAvgFiles', header=True, verbosity=1)
    rc = diagUtilsLib.checkAvgFiles(filelist)
    if not rc:
        print('ERROR: land climatology files do not exist')
        print('Please run the {0}.lnd_avg_generator script first.'.format(

    # TODO - create the list of necessary climatology files for control

    # setup the working directories

    # the WKDIR variable is very confusing... it gets reset in setup_workdir
    if (envDict['MODEL_VS_MODEL'] == 'True'):
        envDict['WKDIR'] = envDict['PTMPDIR_1'] + '/diag/' + envDict[
            'caseid_1'] + '-' + envDict['caseid_2'] + '/'
        envDict['WKDIR'] = envDict['PTMPDIR_1'] + '/diag/' + envDict[
            'caseid_1'] + '-obs/'

    if envDict['CASA'] == '1':
        envDict['VAR_MASTER'] = envDict['var_master_casa']
        envDict['VAR_MASTER'] = envDict['var_master_cn']

    return envDict
コード例 #24
def main(options, main_comm, debugMsg):
    read env_ocn_remap.xml settings to call the ocean_remap class
    # initialize the environment dictionary
    envDict = dict()

    # Get rank and size
    rank = main_comm.get_rank()
    size = main_comm.get_size()

    # CASEROOT is given on the command line as required option --caseroot
    if rank == 0:
        caseroot = options.caseroot[0]
        envDict['CASEROOT'] = options.caseroot[0]
        debugMsg('caseroot = {0}'.format(envDict['CASEROOT']),

        env_file_list = ['./env_postprocess.xml', './env_ocn_remap.xml']
        envDict = cesmEnvLib.readXML(caseroot, env_file_list)

        # strip the OCNREMAP_ prefix from the envDict entries before setting the
        # enviroment to allow for compatibility with all the diag routine calls
        envDict = diagUtilsLib.strip_prefix(envDict, 'OCNREMAP_')

        print("cmip6: {0}".format(envDict['cmip6']))
        print("filelist: {0}".format(envDict['filelist']))
        print("matrix_2d_fname: {0}".format(envDict['matrix_2d_fname']))
        print("matrix_3d_fname: {0}".format(envDict['matrix_3d_fname']))
        print("indir: {0}".format(envDict['indir']))
        print("outdir: {0}".format(envDict['outdir']))
        print("chunk size: {0}".format(envDict['chunk']))

    # broadcast envDict to all tasks
    envDict = main_comm.partition(data=envDict,

    files = []
    if rank == 0:
        # Find files to regrid
        #Do we have a cmip6 variable list?
        if envDict['cmip6'] is not None:
            if envDict['indir'] is not None:
                with open(envDict['cmip6']) as f:
                    for l in f:
                        t = l.strip().split(':')[0]
                        v = l.strip().split(':')[1]
                        print("Trying to find: {0}_{1}*.nc".format(v, t))
                        for root, dirs, fns in os.walk(envDict['indir']):
                            for fn in fnmatch.filter(fns,
                                                     v + '_' + t + "*.nc"):
                                if 'tmp.nc' not in fn and 'gr' not in fn.split(
                                    print("Found: {0}".format(fn.split('/')))
                                    files.append(os.path.join(root, fn))
                    "You need to specify an indir argument with the cmip6 argument"
                file = None
        elif envDict['filelist'] is not None:
            with open(envDict['filelist']) as f:
                for l in f:
        elif envDict['indir'] is not None:
            for root, dirs, fns in os.walk(envDict['indir']):
                for fn in fnmatch.filter(fns, "*.nc"):
                    files.append(os.path.join(root, fn))
            print('Exiting because no input path or files where given')
            files = None

    # All call this
    files = main_comm.partition(files,
    if files is None:

    #matrix_2d_fname = 'POP_gx1v7_to_latlon_1x1_0E_mask_conserve_20181015.nc'
    matrix_2d = remap.ocean_remap(envDict['matrix_2d_fname'])

    #matrix_3d_fname = 'POP_gx1v7_to_latlon_1x1_0E_fulldepth_conserve_20181015.nc'
    matrix_3d = remap.ocean_remap(envDict['matrix_3d_fname'])

    # names of coordinate dimensions in output files
    dim_names = {'depth': 'olevel', 'lat': 'latitude', 'lon': 'longitude'}
    dim_names = {'depth': 'lev', 'lat': 'lat', 'lon': 'lon'}

    # Have only root create these files
    if rank == 0:
        if len(files) > 0 and envDict['cmip6'] is not None:
            temp = files[0]
            # create CMIP Ofx files
            for var_name in ('areacello', 'deptho', 'thkcello', 'volcello'):
                new_outdir = temp.replace(
                    temp.split('/')[-4], var_name).replace(
                        temp.split('/')[-5], 'Ofx').replace(
                            temp.split('/')[-3], 'gr').replace(
                                '_' + temp.split('_')[-1], '') + '.nc'
                d = os.path.dirname(new_outdir)
                if not os.path.exists(d):
                fptr_out = nc.Dataset(new_outdir, 'w')  # pylint: disable=E1101
                matrix_3d.dst_grid.def_dims_common(fptr_out, dim_names)
                matrix_3d.dst_grid.write_vars_common(fptr_out, dim_names)
                matrix_3d.dst_grid.write_var_CMIP_Ofx(fptr_out, dim_names,

    # Create a master slave parallel protocol
    GWORK_TAG = 10  # global comm mpi tag
    if (rank == 0):
        for i in files:
            main_comm.ration(data=i, tag=GWORK_TAG)
        for i in range(1, size):
            main_comm.ration(data=-99, tag=GWORK_TAG)
        f = -999
        while f != -99:
            f = main_comm.ration(tag=GWORK_TAG)
            if f != -99:
                print("working on: {0}".format(f))
                testfile_in_fname = f
                testfile_out_fname = f.replace(f.split('/')[-3], 'gr')
                if not os.path.exists(testfile_out_fname):
                    d = os.path.dirname(testfile_out_fname)
                    if not os.path.exists(d):
                    fptr_in = nc.Dataset(testfile_in_fname, 'r')  # pylint: disable=E1101
                    if (len(fptr_in[f.split('/')[-4]].dimensions) == 4
                            or len(fptr_in[f.split('/')[-4]].dimensions) == 3):
                        fptr_out = nc.Dataset(testfile_out_fname + '.tmp', 'w')  # pylint: disable=E1101

                        remap.copy_time(fptr_in, fptr_out)
                        remap.copy_gAttr(fptr_in, fptr_out)

                        if dim_names['depth'] in fptr_in.dimensions:
                                fptr_out, dim_names)
                                fptr_out, dim_names)
                                fptr_out, dim_names)
                                fptr_out, dim_names)

                        field_names = []
                        for v in fptr_in.variables:
                            if v not in [
                                    'lat', 'lat_bnds', 'lon', 'lon_bnds',
                                    'lev', 'lev_bnds', 'time', 'time_bnds',
                                    'nlat', 'nlon'

                        for field_name in field_names:

                            varid_out = remap.def_var(field_name, fptr_in,
                                                      fptr_out, dim_names)

                            # use appropriate matrix for regridding
                            c = envDict['chunk']
                            if c is None:
                                c = 1
                                c = int(c)
                                if dim_names['depth'] in varid_out.dimensions:
                                    #print ("Running a 3D variable")
                                    b = 0
                                    for i in range(
                                            0, fptr_in.dimensions['time'].size,
                                        if b + c >= fptr_in.dimensions[
                                            c = fptr_in.dimensions[
                                                'time'].size - b
                                            b +
                                            c), :, :, :] = matrix_3d.remap_var(
                                                    b:(b + c), :, :, :])  #,
                                        #fill_value=getattr(varid_out, 'missing_value'))
                                        b = b + c
                                    #print ("Running a 2D variable")
                                    b = 0
                                    for i in range(
                                            0, fptr_in.dimensions['time'].size,
                                        if b + c >= fptr_in.dimensions[
                                            c = fptr_in.dimensions[
                                                'time'].size - b
                                            b +
                                            c), :, :] = matrix_2d.remap_var(
                                                    b:(b + c), :, :])  #,
                                        #fill_value=getattr(varid_out, 'missing_value'))
                                        b = b + c
                            except TypeError as e:
                                print('Type Error for variable {0} '.format(
                            os.rename(testfile_out_fname + '.tmp',
                        except OSError as e:
                            print('Could not create {0}'.format(
                        print("Not creating {0}".format(testfile_out_fname))