コード例 #1
class LibWwqParseCFFI(LibWwqLyParseBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(LibWwqParseCFFI, self).__init__()
        from cffi import FFI
        self.ffi = FFI()
        self.lib = self.ffi.dlopen(self.lib_path)
    char * get_uuid();
    char * get_name();
    int parse(char * c,int length,char **result,int *result_length);
    int free_str(char * c);
        self.lib.__class__.__repr__ = lambda s: "<%s object at 0x%016X>" % (s.__class__.__name__, id(s))
        logging.debug("successful load lib %s" % self.lib)
                         lambda: logging.debug("%s released" % self.lib) if self.ffi.dlclose(self.lib) or 1 else None)

    def get_uuid(self) -> bytes:
        return self.ffi.string(self.lib.get_uuid())

    def get_name(self) -> bytes:
        return self.ffi.string(self.lib.get_name())

    def lib_parse(self, byte_str: bytes) -> bytes:
        length = self.ffi.cast("int", len(byte_str))
        result_length = self.ffi.new("int *")
        result_p = self.ffi.new("char **")
        # p = self.ffi.new("char []", byte_str)
        p = self.ffi.from_buffer(byte_str)
        self.lib.parse(p, length, result_p, result_length)
        result = self.ffi.unpack(result_p[0], result_length[0])
        return result
コード例 #2
class PythonLib:
    def load(self, filterpath):
        self.ffi = FFI()
            void       *pythonGetData(const char *);
            const char *pythonGetType(const char *);
            const char *pythonGetCast(const char *);
            const char *pythonGetDims(const char *);
        self.filterlib = self.ffi.dlopen(filterpath)

    def getData(self, name):
        name = self.ffi.new("char[]", name.encode("utf-8"))
        cast = self.filterlib.pythonGetCast(name)
        data = self.filterlib.pythonGetData(name)
        ctype = self.ffi.string(cast).decode("utf-8")
        return self.ffi.cast(ctype, data)

    def getType(self, name):
        name = self.ffi.new("char[]", name.encode("utf-8"))
        return self.ffi.string(self.filterlib.pythonGetType(name))

    def getDims(self, name):
        name = self.ffi.new("char[]", name.encode("utf-8"))
        dims = self.filterlib.pythonGetDims(name)
        dims = self.ffi.string(dims).decode("utf-8")
        return tuple([int(dim) for dim in dims.split("x")])
コード例 #3
 def test_char16_t(self):
     ffi = FFI()
     x = ffi.new("char16_t[]", 5)
     assert len(x) == 5 and ffi.sizeof(x) == 10
     x[2] = u + '\u1324'
     assert x[2] == u + '\u1324'
     y = ffi.new("char16_t[]", u + '\u1234\u5678')
     assert len(y) == 3
     assert list(y) == [u + '\u1234', u + '\u5678', u + '\x00']
     assert ffi.string(y) == u + '\u1234\u5678'
     z = ffi.new("char16_t[]", u + '\U00012345')
     assert len(z) == 3
     assert list(z) == [u + '\ud808', u + '\udf45', u + '\x00']
     assert ffi.string(z) == u + '\U00012345'
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_ffi_backend.py プロジェクト: cloudera/hue
 def test_char16_t(self):
     ffi = FFI()
     x = ffi.new("char16_t[]", 5)
     assert len(x) == 5 and ffi.sizeof(x) == 10
     x[2] = u+'\u1324'
     assert x[2] == u+'\u1324'
     y = ffi.new("char16_t[]", u+'\u1234\u5678')
     assert len(y) == 3
     assert list(y) == [u+'\u1234', u+'\u5678', u+'\x00']
     assert ffi.string(y) == u+'\u1234\u5678'
     z = ffi.new("char16_t[]", u+'\U00012345')
     assert len(z) == 3
     assert list(z) == [u+'\ud808', u+'\udf45', u+'\x00']
     assert ffi.string(z) == u+'\U00012345'
コード例 #5
def test_variable_of_unknown_size():
    ffi = FFI()
        typedef ... opaque_t;
        opaque_t globvar;
    lib = verify(
        ffi, 'test_constant_of_unknown_size', """
        typedef char opaque_t[6];
        opaque_t globvar = "hello";
    # can't read or write it at all
    e = py.test.raises(TypeError, getattr, lib, 'globvar')
    assert str(e.value) in [
        "cdata 'opaque_t' is opaque",
        "'opaque_t' is opaque or not completed yet"
    ]  #pypy
    e = py.test.raises(TypeError, setattr, lib, 'globvar', [])
    assert str(e.value) in [
        "'opaque_t' is opaque", "'opaque_t' is opaque or not completed yet"
    ]  #pypy
    # but we can get its address
    p = ffi.addressof(lib, 'globvar')
    assert ffi.typeof(p) == ffi.typeof('opaque_t *')
    assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("char *", p), 8) == b"hello"
コード例 #6
ファイル: dll_loader.py プロジェクト: AkelaInc/avmu
def load_ffi_interface():
	Load and return the FFI library instance, and DLL interface to the avmu DLL.

	return value is a 2-tuple (ffi_lib, dll_handle)

    # We have to use globals or some sort of persistent state here, because if
    # we load the DLL twice, it'll create two typedef classes for all the DLL objects,
    # which will then fail to interoperate.
    global STATIC_FFI
    global STATIC_LIB
    if STATIC_FFI is not None and STATIC_LIB is not None:
        return STATIC_FFI, STATIC_LIB

    dll_path = find_dll()

    from . import load_header
    from cffi import FFI

    ffi = FFI()
    headers = load_header.load()

    lib = ffi.dlopen(dll_path)

    print("Loaded library version: ",

    STATIC_FFI = ffi
    STATIC_LIB = lib

    return ffi, lib
コード例 #7
ファイル: error.py プロジェクト: Ben880/CRE-Student-Research
class QmixError(object):
    Qmix SDK error messages.

    def __init__(self, error_number):
        dll_dir = config.read_config().get('qmix_dll_dir', None)
        dll_filename = 'usl.dll'

        dll_path = find_dll(dll_dir=dll_dir, dll_filename=dll_filename)
        if dll_path is None:
            msg = 'Could not find the Qmix SDK DLL %s.' % dll_filename
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
            self.dll_path = dll_path

        self._ffi = FFI()
        self._dll = self._ffi.dlopen(self.dll_path)

        self.error_number = error_number
        self._error_code = self._ffi.new('TErrCode *')

    def error_code(self):
        self._error_code = hex(abs(self.error_number))
        return self._error_code

    def error_string(self):
        e = self.error_code
        s = self._dll.ErrorToString(int(e, 16))
        return self._ffi.string(s).decode('utf8')
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: NilStack/SwiftKitten
 def test_strchr(self):
     ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         char *strchr(const char *s, int c);
     ffi.C = ffi.dlopen(None)
     p = ffi.new("char[]", b"hello world!")
     q = ffi.C.strchr(p, ord('w'))
     assert ffi.string(q) == b"world!"
コード例 #9
 def test_strchr(self):
     ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         char *strchr(const char *s, int c);
     ffi.C = ffi.dlopen(None)
     p = ffi.new("char[]", b"hello world!")
     q = ffi.C.strchr(p, ord('w'))
     assert ffi.string(q) == b"world!"
コード例 #10
ファイル: BGPDump.py プロジェクト: condector/bgpdumpy
class BGPDump:
    def __init__(self, filename):

        self.filename = str(filename) if isinstance(filename,
                                                    unicode) else filename
        self.ffi = None
        self.libc = None
        self.libbgpdump = None
        self.handle = None

    def __enter__(self):

        self.ffi = FFI()

        libdir = resource_filename('bgpdumpy', 'lib') or ''

        self.libc = self.ffi.dlopen(None)
        self.libbgpdump = self.ffi.dlopen(os.path.join(libdir,


        self.handle = self.libbgpdump.bgpdump_open_dump(self.filename)

        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):


        del self.libbgpdump
        self.libbgpdump = None
        del self.libc
        self.libc = None
        del self.ffi
        self.ffi = None

    def __iter__(self):

        while True:

            if self.handle.eof == 1: break

            currentEntry = self.libbgpdump.bgpdump_read_next(self.handle)

            if currentEntry == self.ffi.NULL:
                continue  # sometimes we get NULL back for no apparent reason

                yield BGPEntry(self, currentEntry)

    def version(self):

        return self.ffi.string(self.libbgpdump.bgpdump_version())
コード例 #11
ファイル: BGPDump.py プロジェクト: alexforster/bgpdumpy
class BGPDump:

    def __init__(self, filename):

        self.filename =  str(filename) if isinstance( filename, unicode ) else filename
        self.ffi = None
        self.libc = None
        self.libbgpdump = None
        self.handle = None

    def __enter__(self):

        self.ffi = FFI()

        libdir = resource_filename( 'bgpdumpy', 'lib' ) or ''

        self.libc = self.ffi.dlopen(None)
        self.libbgpdump = self.ffi.dlopen( os.path.join( libdir, 'libbgpdump.so' ) )


        self.handle = self.libbgpdump.bgpdump_open_dump(self.filename)

        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):


        del self.libbgpdump
        self.libbgpdump = None
        del self.libc
        self.libc = None
        del self.ffi
        self.ffi = None

    def __iter__(self):

        while True:

            if self.handle.eof == 1: break

            currentEntry = self.libbgpdump.bgpdump_read_next(self.handle)

            if currentEntry == self.ffi.NULL: continue  # sometimes we get NULL back for no apparent reason

            try: yield BGPEntry(self, currentEntry)
            finally: self.libbgpdump.bgpdump_free_mem(currentEntry)

    def version(self):

        return self.ffi.string(self.libbgpdump.bgpdump_version())
コード例 #12
class KaldiGmmDecoder(KaldiDecoderBase):
    """docstring for KaldiGmmDecoder"""
    def __init__(self,
        super(KaldiGmmDecoder, self).__init__()
        self._ffi = FFI()
            void* init_gmm(float beam, int32_t max_active, int32_t min_active, float lattice_beam,
                char* word_syms_filename_cp, char* fst_in_str_cp, char* config_cp);
            bool decode_gmm(void* model_vp, float samp_freq, int32_t num_frames, float* frames, bool finalize);
            bool get_output_gmm(void* model_vp, char* output, int32_t output_length, double* likelihood_p);
        self._lib = self._ffi.dlopen(self._library_binary)

        if words_file is None and graph_dir is not None:
            words_file = graph_dir + r"graph\words.txt"
        if graph_file is None and graph_dir is not None:
            graph_file = graph_dir + r"graph\HCLG.fst"
        self.words_file = os.path.normpath(words_file)
        self.graph_file = os.path.normpath(graph_file)
        self.model_conf_file = os.path.normpath(model_conf_file)
        self._model = self._lib.init_gmm(7.0, 7000, 200, 8.0, words_file,
                                         graph_file, model_conf_file)
        self.sample_rate = 16000

    def decode(self, frames, finalize, grammars_activity=None):
        if not isinstance(frames, np.ndarray):
            frames = np.frombuffer(frames, np.int16)
        frames = frames.astype(np.float32)
        frames_char = self._ffi.from_buffer(frames)
        frames_float = self._ffi.cast('float *', frames_char)

        result = self._lib.decode_gmm(self._model, self.sample_rate,
                                      len(frames), frames_float, finalize)

        if not result:
            raise RuntimeError("decoding error")
        return finalize

    def get_output(self, output_max_length=4 * 1024):
        output_p = self._ffi.new('char[]', output_max_length)
        likelihood_p = self._ffi.new('double *')
        result = self._lib.get_output_gmm(self._model, output_p,
                                          output_max_length, likelihood_p)
        output_str = self._ffi.string(output_p)
        likelihood = likelihood_p[0]
        return output_str, likelihood
コード例 #13
def test_cffi_asprintf():
    from cffi import FFI

    ffi = FFI()
        """int asprintf(char** buf, const char *format, ...);   // copy-pasted from the man page"""
    C = ffi.dlopen(None)  # loads the entire C namespace
    buf = ffi.new("char**")
    arg1 = ffi.new("char[]", b"wo")
    arg2 = ffi.new("char[]", b"ld")
    C.asprintf(buf, b"hello %sr%s", arg1, arg2)
    assert ffi.string(buf[0]).decode() == "hello world"
コード例 #14
ファイル: rangelib.py プロジェクト: worr/libcrange
class RangeLib:
    def __init__(self, config_file):
        self.ffi = FFI()
    typedef void easy_lr ; // avoid exposing the struct internals, fake it as void
    easy_lr* range_easy_create(const char* config_file);
    const char ** range_easy_expand(easy_lr* elr, const char * c_range);
    const char * range_easy_eval(easy_lr* elr, const char * c_range);
    char * range_easy_compress(easy_lr* elr, const char ** c_nodes);
    int range_easy_destroy(easy_lr* elr);
        self.rangelib_ffi = self.ffi.dlopen("libcrange.so")  
        self.elr = self.rangelib_ffi.range_easy_create(self.ffi.new("char[]", config_file))
    def __charpp_to_native(self, arg):
        i = 0
        arr = []
        while arg[i] != self.ffi.NULL:
            i = i + 1
        return arr

    def expand(self, c_range):
        ret = self.rangelib_ffi.range_easy_expand(self.elr, self.ffi.new("char[]", c_range))
        return self.__charpp_to_native(ret)

    def compress(self, nodes):
        char_arg = map(lambda x: self.ffi.new("char[]", x), nodes)
        ret = self.rangelib_ffi.range_easy_compress(self.elr, self.ffi.new("char*[]", char_arg))
        return self.ffi.string(ret)

    def eval(self, c_range):
        ret = self.rangelib_ffi.range_easy_eval(self.elr, self.ffi.new("char[]", c_range))
        return self.ffi.string(ret)
    def __del__(self):
コード例 #15
def c_string_as_py_string(ffi: FFI, ptr: CffiData) -> str:
    """Convert if possible a cffi pointer to an ANSI C string <char*> to a python string.

        ffi (FFI): FFI instance wrapping the native compilation module owning the native memory
        ptr (CffiData): cffi pointer (FFI.CData)

        RuntimeError: conversion is not supported

        str: converted string
    return as_string(ffi.string(ptr))
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: NilStack/SwiftKitten
 def test_function_with_struct_argument(self):
     if sys.platform == 'win32':
         py.test.skip("no 'inet_ntoa'")
     if (self.Backend is CTypesBackend and
         '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names):
         py.test.skip("ctypes limitation on pypy")
     ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         struct in_addr { unsigned int s_addr; };
         char *inet_ntoa(struct in_addr in);
     ffi.C = ffi.dlopen(None)
     ina = ffi.new("struct in_addr *", [0x04040404])
     a = ffi.C.inet_ntoa(ina[0])
     assert ffi.string(a) == b''
コード例 #17
 def test_function_with_struct_argument(self):
     if sys.platform == 'win32':
         py.test.skip("no 'inet_ntoa'")
     if (self.Backend is CTypesBackend
             and '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names):
         py.test.skip("ctypes limitation on pypy")
     ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         struct in_addr { unsigned int s_addr; };
         char *inet_ntoa(struct in_addr in);
     ffi.C = ffi.dlopen(None)
     ina = ffi.new("struct in_addr *", [0x04040404])
     a = ffi.C.inet_ntoa(ina[0])
     assert ffi.string(a) == b''
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_ffi_backend.py プロジェクト: cloudera/hue
 def test_char32_t(self):
     ffi = FFI()
     x = ffi.new("char32_t[]", 5)
     assert len(x) == 5 and ffi.sizeof(x) == 20
     x[3] = u+'\U00013245'
     assert x[3] == u+'\U00013245'
     y = ffi.new("char32_t[]", u+'\u1234\u5678')
     assert len(y) == 3
     assert list(y) == [u+'\u1234', u+'\u5678', u+'\x00']
     py_uni = u+'\U00012345'
     z = ffi.new("char32_t[]", py_uni)
     assert len(z) == 2
     assert list(z) == [py_uni, u+'\x00']    # maybe a 2-unichars string
     assert ffi.string(z) == py_uni
     if len(py_uni) == 1:    # 4-bytes unicodes in Python
         s = ffi.new("char32_t[]", u+'\ud808\udf00')
         assert len(s) == 3
         assert list(s) == [u+'\ud808', u+'\udf00', u+'\x00']
コード例 #19
 def test_char32_t(self):
     ffi = FFI()
     x = ffi.new("char32_t[]", 5)
     assert len(x) == 5 and ffi.sizeof(x) == 20
     x[3] = u + '\U00013245'
     assert x[3] == u + '\U00013245'
     y = ffi.new("char32_t[]", u + '\u1234\u5678')
     assert len(y) == 3
     assert list(y) == [u + '\u1234', u + '\u5678', u + '\x00']
     py_uni = u + '\U00012345'
     z = ffi.new("char32_t[]", py_uni)
     assert len(z) == 2
     assert list(z) == [py_uni, u + '\x00']  # maybe a 2-unichars string
     assert ffi.string(z) == py_uni
     if len(py_uni) == 1:  # 4-bytes unicodes in Python
         s = ffi.new("char32_t[]", u + '\ud808\udf00')
         assert len(s) == 3
         assert list(s) == [u + '\ud808', u + '\udf00', u + '\x00']
コード例 #20
ファイル: generate.py プロジェクト: tempbottle/nnpy
def symbols(headers):

    ffi = FFI()
    nanomsg = ffi.dlopen("nanomsg")

    lines = []
    for i in range(1024):

        val = ffi.new("int*")
        name = nanomsg.nn_symbol(i, val)
        if name == ffi.NULL:

        name = ffi.string(name).decode()
        name = name[3:] if name.startswith("NN_") else name
        lines.append("%s = %s" % (name, val[0]))

    return "\n".join(lines) + "\n"
コード例 #21
ファイル: generate.py プロジェクト: restofsun/nnpy
def symbols(headers):
	ffi = FFI()
	nanomsg = ffi.dlopen('nanomsg')
	lines = []
	for i in range(1024):
		val = ffi.new('int*')
		name = nanomsg.nn_symbol(i, val)
		if name == ffi.NULL:
		name = ffi.string(name).decode()
		name = name[3:] if name.startswith('NN_') else name
		lines.append('%s = %s' % (name, val[0]))
	return '\n'.join(lines) + '\n'
コード例 #22
ファイル: generate.py プロジェクト: tempbottle/nnpy
def symbols(headers):

    ffi = FFI()
    nanomsg = ffi.dlopen('nanomsg')

    lines = []
    for i in range(1024):

        val = ffi.new('int*')
        name = nanomsg.nn_symbol(i, val)
        if name == ffi.NULL:

        name = ffi.string(name).decode()
        name = name[3:] if name.startswith('NN_') else name
        lines.append('%s = %s' % (name, val[0]))

    return '\n'.join(lines) + '\n'
コード例 #23
def c_charptrptr_as_string_list(ffi: FFI, ptr: CffiData,
                                size: int) -> List[str]:
    """Convert if possible a cffi pointer to a C data array char** , into a list of python strings.

        ffi (FFI): FFI instance wrapping the native compilation module owning the native memory
        ptr (CffiData): cffi pointer (FFI.CData)
        size (int): number of character strings in the char** pointer

        RuntimeError: conversion is not supported

        List[str]: converted data
    # TODO check type
    strings = ffi.cast('char*[%d]' % (size, ), ptr)
    res = [as_string(ffi.string(strings[i])) for i in range(size)]
    return res
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_recompiler.py プロジェクト: timfel/thesis-data
def test_variable_of_unknown_size():
    ffi = FFI()
        typedef ... opaque_t;
        opaque_t globvar;
    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_variable_of_unknown_size', """
        typedef char opaque_t[6];
        opaque_t globvar = "hello";
    # can't read or write it at all
    e = py.test.raises(TypeError, getattr, lib, 'globvar')
    assert str(e.value) in ["cdata 'opaque_t' is opaque",
                            "'opaque_t' is opaque or not completed yet"] #pypy
    e = py.test.raises(TypeError, setattr, lib, 'globvar', [])
    assert str(e.value) in ["'opaque_t' is opaque",
                            "'opaque_t' is opaque or not completed yet"] #pypy
    # but we can get its address
    p = ffi.addressof(lib, 'globvar')
    assert ffi.typeof(p) == ffi.typeof('opaque_t *')
    assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("char *", p), 8) == b"hello"
コード例 #25
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: leoli1119/PySpice
rc = ngspice_shared.ngSpice_Command('bg_run')
print 'ngSpice_Command returned', rc

time.sleep(.1) # required before to test if the simulation is running
while (ngspice_shared.ngSpice_running()):
print "Simulation is done"

all_plots = ngspice_shared.ngSpice_AllPlots()
i = 0
while (True):
    if all_plots[i] == ffi.NULL:
        print ffi.string(all_plots[i])
    i += 1

plot_name = 'tran1'
all_vectors = ngspice_shared.ngSpice_AllVecs(plot_name)
i = 0
while (True):
    if all_vectors[i] == ffi.NULL:
        vector_name = ffi.string(all_vectors[i])
        vector_info = ngspice_shared.ngGet_Vec_Info('.'.join((plot_name, vector_name)))
        length = vector_info.v_length
        print "vector[{}] {} type {} flags {} length {}".format(i,
コード例 #26
class DTrace:

    ## /usr/src/sys/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/uts/common/sys/dtrace.h

    def __init__(self):
        self._DTRACE_VERSION = 3
        self._ffi = FFI()
        self._C = self._ffi.dlopen(None)
        # print "X"*10, self._C.stdout
        self._dtrace = get_dtrace(self._ffi)
        self._dtp = None
        self._fd = None

    def get_error(self):
        if self._dtp:
            err_no = self._dtrace.dtrace_errno(self._dtp)
            err_msg_c = self._dtrace.dtrace_errmsg(self._dtp, err_no)
            err_msg = self._ffi.string(err_msg_c).decode("utf8")
            return err_no, err_msg
            return 0, None

    def open(self):
        error = self._ffi.new("int*")
        self._dtp = self._dtrace.dtrace_open(self._DTRACE_VERSION, 0, error)
        if self._dtp == self._ffi.NULL:
            err_msg_c = self._dtrace.dtrace_errmsg(self._dtp, error)
            err_msg = self._ffi.string(err_msg_c).decode("utf8")
            raise Exception(err_msg)

    def set_option(self, key, value):
        if self._dtp:
            res = self._dtrace.dtrace_setopt(self._dtp, key.encode("utf8"), value.encode("utf8"))
            if res == -1:
                err_no, err_msg = self.get_error()
                raise Exception("could not set DTrace option '{}' to '{}' - {}".format(key, value, err_msg))

    def compile(self, program):
        prog = self._dtrace.dtrace_program_strcompile(
            self._dtp, program.encode("utf8"), self._dtrace.DTRACE_PROBESPEC_NAME, 0, 0, self._ffi.NULL
        if prog == self._ffi.NULL:
            err_no, err_msg = self.get_error()
            raise Exception("could not compile D program - {}".format(err_msg))

        return DTraceProgram(self, prog)

    def go(self, fd=None):
        if self._dtp:

            fd = fd or sys.stdout
            self._fd = self._ffi.cast("FILE*", fd)

            self._chew = self._ffi.callback(
                "int (const dtrace_probedata_t*, const dtrace_recdesc_t*, void*)", self.chew

            res = self._dtrace.dtrace_go(self._dtp)
            if res != 0:
                err_no, err_msg = self.get_error()
                raise Exception("could not start instrumentation: {}".format(e))
                print ("instrumentation started")

    def work(self):
        if self._dtp:
            res = self._dtrace.dtrace_work(self._dtp, self._fd, self._ffi.NULL, self._chew, self._ffi.NULL)
            print ("work result: {}".format(res))

    def sleep(self):
        if self._dtp:
            res = self._dtrace.dtrace_sleep(self._dtp)
            print ("woke up")

    def stop(self):
        if self._dtp:
            res = self._dtrace.dtrace_stop(self._dtp)
            if res == -1:
                err_no, err_msg = self.get_error()
                raise Exception("could not stop instrumentation: {}".format(err_msg))
                print ("instrumentation stopped")

    def close(self):
        if self._dtp:
            self._dtp = None

    def chew(self, data, rec, arg):
        print ("chew!", data, rec, arg)

        # A NULL rec indicates that we've processed the last record.
        if rec == self._ffi.NULL:
            return self._dtrace.DTRACE_CONSUME_NEXT

        return self._dtrace.DTRACE_CONSUME_THIS
コード例 #27
class NFLOG(object):

	_instance = None

	def __new__(cls):
		if not cls._instance:
			cls._instance = super(NFLOG, cls).__new__(cls)
		return cls._instance

	def __init__(self):
		global _cdef, _clibs_includes, _clibs_link
		self.ffi = FFI()
		self.libnflog = self.ffi.verify(_clibs_includes, libraries=list(_clibs_link))
		self.libnflog_cache = dict()
		_cdef = _clibs_includes = _clibs_link = None

	def _ffi_call( self, func, args,
			no_check=False, check_gt0=False, check_notnull=False ):
		'''Call libnflog function through cffi,
				checking return value and raising error, if necessary.
			Checks if return is >0 by default.'''
		res = func(*args)
		if no_check\
			or (check_gt0 and res > 0)\
			or (check_notnull and res)\
			or res >= 0: return res
		errno_ = self.ffi.errno
		raise NFLogError(errno_, os.strerror(errno_))

	def __getattr__(self, k):
		if not (k.startswith('nflog_') or k.startswith('c_')):
			return super(NFLOG, self).__getattr__(k)
		if k.startswith('c_'): k = k[2:]
		if k not in self.libnflog_cache:
			func = getattr(self.libnflog, k)
			self.libnflog_cache[k] = lambda *a,**kw: self._ffi_call(func, a, **kw)
		return self.libnflog_cache[k]

	def generator( self, qids,
			pf=(socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6),
			qthresh=None, timeout=None, nlbufsiz=None,
			buff_size=None, extra_attrs=None, handle_overflows=True ):
		'''Generator that yields:
				- on first iteration - netlink fd that can be poll'ed
					or integrated into some event loop (twisted, gevent, ...).
					Also, that is the point where uid/gid/caps can be dropped.
				- on all subsequent iterations it does recv() on that fd,
					returning either None (if no packet can be assembled yet)
					or captured packet payload.
			qids: nflog group ids to bind to (nflog_bind_group)
				pf: address families to pass to nflog_bind_pf
				extra_attrs: metadata to extract from captured packets,
					returned in a list after packet payload, in the same order
				nlbufsiz (bytes): set size of netlink socket buffer for the created queues
				qthresh (packets): set the maximum amount of logs in buffer for each group
				timeout (seconds): set the maximum time to push log buffer for this group
				buff_size (bytes): size of the batch to fetch
					from libnflog to process in python (default: min(nlbufsiz, 1 MiB))
				handle_overflows: supress ENOBUFS NFLogError on
					queue overflows (but do log warnings, default: True)'''

		handle = self.nflog_open(check_notnull=True)

		for pf in (pf if not isinstance(pf, int) else [pf]):
			self.nflog_unbind_pf(handle, pf)
			self.nflog_bind_pf(handle, pf)

		if isinstance(extra_attrs, bytes): extra_attrs = [extra_attrs]

		cb_results = list()
		def recv_callback( qh, nfmsg, nfad, data, extra_attrs=extra_attrs,
				ts_slot=self.ffi.new('struct timeval *'),
				pkt_slot=self.ffi.new('char **'),
				ts_err_mask=frozenset([0, errno.EAGAIN]), result=None ):
				pkt_len = self.nflog_get_payload(nfad, pkt_slot)
				result = self.ffi.buffer(pkt_slot[0], pkt_len)[:]
				if extra_attrs:
					result = [result]
					for attr in extra_attrs:
						if attr == 'len': result.append(pkt_len)
						elif attr == 'ts':
							# Fails quite often (EAGAIN, SUCCESS, ...), not sure why
							try: self.nflog_get_timestamp(nfad, ts_slot)
							except NFLogError as err:
								if err.errno not in ts_err_mask: raise
							else: result.append(ts_slot.tv_sec + ts_slot.tv_usec * 1e-6)
						elif attr == 'prefix':
							result.append(self.ffi.string(self.nflog_get_prefix(nfad)) or None)
						else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown nflog attribute: {}'.format(attr))
				cb_results.append(StopIteration) # breaks the generator
			return 0

		for qid in (qids if not isinstance(qids, int) else [qids]):
			qh = self.nflog_bind_group(handle, qid, check_notnull=True)
			self.nflog_set_mode(qh, self.libnflog.NFULNL_COPY_PACKET, 0xffff)
			if qthresh: self.nflog_set_qthresh(qh, qthresh)
			if timeout: self.nflog_set_timeout(qh, int(timeout * 100))
			if nlbufsiz: self.nflog_set_nlbufsiz(qh, nlbufsiz)
			self.nflog_callback_register(qh, recv_callback, self.ffi.NULL)

		fd = self.nflog_fd(handle)
		if not buff_size:
			if nlbufsiz: buff_size = min(nlbufsiz, 1*2**20)
			else: buff_size = 1*2**20
		buff = self.ffi.new('char[]', buff_size)

		peek = yield fd # yield fd for poll() on first iteration
		while True:
			if peek:
				peek = yield NFWouldBlock # poll/recv is required

			# Receive/process netlink data, which may contain multiple packets
			try: nlpkt_size = self.c_recv(fd, buff, buff_size, 0)
			except NFLogError as err:
				if handle_overflows and err.errno == errno.ENOBUFS:
					log.warn( 'nlbufsiz seem'
						' to be insufficient to hold unprocessed packets,'
						' consider raising it via corresponding function keyword' )
			self.nflog_handle_packet(handle, buff, nlpkt_size, no_check=True)

			# yield individual L3 packets
			for result in cb_results:
				if result is StopIteration: raise result
				peek = yield result
			cb_results = list()
コード例 #28
ファイル: lib_wwqLyParse.py プロジェクト: wwqgtxx/wwqLyParse
class LibWwqParseCFFI(LibWwqLyParseBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(LibWwqParseCFFI, self).__init__()
        from cffi import FFI
        self.ffi = FFI()
        self.lib = self.ffi.dlopen(self.lib_path)
    char * get_uuid();
    char * get_name();
    int parse(char * c,int length,char **result,int *result_length);
    int free_str(char * c);
    void* atomic_int64_init();
    int atomic_int64_destroy(void* ptr);
    int64_t atomic_int64_get(void* ptr);
    int64_t atomic_int64_set(void* ptr, int64_t val);
    int64_t atomic_int64_add(void* ptr, int64_t val);
    int64_t atomic_int64_sub(void* ptr, int64_t val);
    int64_t atomic_int64_and(void* ptr, int64_t val);
    int64_t atomic_int64_or(void* ptr, int64_t val);
    int64_t atomic_int64_xor(void* ptr, int64_t val);
    typedef union epoll_data {
      void* ptr;
      int fd;
      uint32_t u32;
      uint64_t u64;
      uintptr_t sock; /* Windows specific */
      void* hnd;  /* Windows specific */
    } epoll_data_t;
    typedef struct {
      uint32_t events;   /* Epoll events and flags */
      epoll_data_t data; /* User data variable */
    } epoll_event ;
    void* epoll_create(int size);
    void* epoll_create1(int flags);
    int epoll_close(void* ephnd);
    int epoll_ctl(void* ephnd, int op, uintptr_t sock, epoll_event* event);
    int epoll_wait(void* ephnd, epoll_event* events, int maxevents, int timeout);
        self.lib.__class__.__repr__ = lambda s: "<%s object at 0x%016X>" % (s.__class__.__name__, id(s))
        logging.debug("successful load lib %s" % self.lib)
                         lambda: logging.debug("%s released" % self.lib) if self.ffi.dlclose(self.lib) or 1 else None)

    def get_uuid(self) -> bytes:
        return self.ffi.string(self.lib.get_uuid())

    def get_name(self) -> bytes:
        return self.ffi.string(self.lib.get_name())

    def lib_parse(self, byte_str: bytes) -> bytes:
        length = self.ffi.cast("int", len(byte_str))
        result_length = self.ffi.new("int *")
        result_p = self.ffi.new("char **")
        # p = self.ffi.new("char []", byte_str)
        p = self.ffi.from_buffer(byte_str)
        self.lib.parse(p, length, result_p, result_length)
        result = self.ffi.unpack(result_p[0], result_length[0])
        return result
コード例 #29
def test_shm():

def setup_function(function):
    print("setting up %s" % function)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    global shm
    import sys
    print shm.fd, shm.size, ffi.string(shm.name)
    c = sys.stdin.readline()
    print "readlins is return", c
    if c[:4] == "open":
        print "into openex test process 2"
        print "copy 7 bytes "
        caddr = ffi.cast("void*", shm.addr)
        C.memcpy(caddr, "welcome", 7)
        print "copy %d bytes" % (4096 * 2 + 1)
        C.memcpy(caddr, "welcome" * 2000, 4096 * 2 + 1)
    elif c[:5] == "close":
コード例 #30
ファイル: test2.py プロジェクト: mwhooker/ffi_test
from cffi import FFI
ffi = FFI()
ffi.cdef("""     // some declarations from the man page
     struct passwd {
        char    *pw_shell;
    struct passwd *getpwuid(int uid);
C = ffi.verify("""   // passed to the real C compiler
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pwd.h>
""", libraries=[])   # or a list of libraries to link with
p = C.getpwuid(0)

print ffi.string(p.pw_shell)
コード例 #31
class Sunlink:
    ''' Wraper for sunlink c lib '''
    def __init__(self, header="include/sunlink.h"):
        self.ffi = FFI()
        self.sunlink = self.ffi.dlopen("lib/libsunlink.so")

    def headerFromFile(self, file):
        header = None
        with open(file) as conf:
            header = conf.read()
        return header

    def cli_sndrcv(self, nodeid, head, reqdata, reqfiles, timeout=60):
        ret, arg_ip, arg_port = self.getaddr(nodeid)
        if ret != 0:
            sys.exit("Can't get address(ip, port)")
        arg_head = self.ffi.new("TAPIHEAD *", head)
        arg_reqdata = self.ffi.new("char [1024]", reqdata)
        arg_reqfiles = self.ffi.new("char [1024]", reqfiles)
        arg_ansdta = self.ffi.new("char [1024]")
        arg_resfiles = self.ffi.new("char [1024]")

        ret = self.sunlink.cli_sndrcv(arg_ip, arg_port[0], arg_head,
                                      arg_reqdata, arg_reqfiles, arg_ansdta,
                                      arg_resfiles, timeout)
        if ret != 0:
            sys.exit("Send data fail.")

        return tuple(map(self.ffi.string, (arg_ansdta, arg_resfiles)))

    def svr_snd(self, head, ansdata, resfiles, timeout=60):
        ret = 0
        arg_head = self.ffi.new("TAPIHEAD *", head)
        arg_ansdta = self.ffi.new("char [1024]", ansdata)
        arg_resfiles = self.ffi.new("char [1024]", resfiles)

        ret = self.sunlink.svr_snd(arg_head, arg_ansdta, arg_resfiles, timeout)
        return ret

    def svr_rcv(self, timeout=60):
        ret = 0
        arg_head = self.ffi.new("TAPIHEAD *")
        arg_reqdata = self.ffi.new("char [1024]")
        arg_reqfiles = self.ffi.new("char [1024]")

        ret = self.sunlink.svr_rcv(arg_head, arg_reqdata, arg_reqfiles,

        return (ret, self.ffi.string(arg_reqdata),

    def svrend(self):
        ret = self.sunlink.tapi_svrend()

        return ret

    def getaddr(self, nodeid):
        ret = 0
        arg_svrname = self.ffi.new("char [16]", nodeid)
        arg_ip = self.ffi.new("char [16]")
        arg_port = self.ffi.new("int *")
        ret = self.sunlink.tapi_getaddr(arg_svrname, arg_ip, arg_port)

        return (ret, arg_ip, arg_port[0])
コード例 #32
ファイル: record.py プロジェクト: futurice/maximum-aittack
def record():
    global disable_native_grab
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exit_gracefully)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exit_gracefully)


    state = State.WAITING
    recordPath = '.'
    if (disable_native_grab == False):
        ffi = FFI()
        mscLib = ffi.dlopen('msc_x64.dll')
            int init();
            void close();
            int get_capture_width();
            int get_capture_height();
            int get_bytes_per_pixel();
            int capture_frame(uint8_t* buffer);
            const char* get_last_error();
        ret = mscLib.init()
        sct = mss()

    # if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(recordPath)):
    # try:
    #     os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(recordPath))
    # except OSError as exc:  # Guard against race condition
    #     if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST:
    #         print('Recording name already exists. Please use another one')
    #         raise
    # else:
    #     print('Recording name already exists. Please use another one')
    #     exit(1)

        counter = 0
        id = 0
        prevSec = datetime.now().time().second
        while True:
            # Excplicit update call because I'm lazy
            speed = telemetry.get_telemetry_value('m_speed') * 3.6
            laptime = telemetry.get_telemetry_value('m_lapTime')
            g_lat = telemetry.get_telemetry_value('m_gforce_lat')
            g_lon = telemetry.get_telemetry_value('m_gforce_lon')

            if (laptime > 0 and state == State.WAITING):
                print('Driving started')
                counter = 0
                state = State.DRIVING
                recordPath = get_record_path()
                except OSError as exc:  # Guard against race condition
                    if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                        print('Recording name already exists. Please use another one')
                with open(recordPath + 'meta.json', 'w') as f:

                # print(laptime)
            elif (laptime == 0 and state != State.WAITING):
                print('New lap starting')
                state = State.WAITING
            elif (state == State.WAITING):
                print('Waiting for start')

            if (g_lat > 6 or g_lon > 6):
                # state = State.CRASHED
                print('Crashed', g_lon, g_lat)

            if (state == State.DRIVING):
                # print(speed, g_lon, g_lat)
                captureJoystick(counter, recordPath, speed)
                if (disable_native_grab):
                    capture_screen_py(sct, counter, recordPath)
                    capture_screen(ffi, mscLib, counter, recordPath)

            id = id + 1
            counter = counter + 1
            currSec = datetime.now().time().second
            if currSec is not prevSec:
                print('Change', id, 'fps')
                id = 0
            prevSec = currSec
            # sleep(0.1)
    except Exception as e:
コード例 #33
ファイル: cffi03.py プロジェクト: cjrh/cffi_experiments
from cffi import FFI
ffi = FFI()
ffi.cdef("""     // some declarations from the man page
    struct passwd {
        char *pw_name;
    struct passwd *getpwuid(int uid);
    double addch(double x, double y);
C = ffi.verify("""   // passed to the real C compiler
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pwd.h>
double addch(double x, double y) {
    return x + 10.0 * y;
""", libraries=[])   # or a list of libraries to link with
p = C.getpwuid(0)
print 'hello1'
assert ffi.string(p.pw_name) == 'root'    # on Python 3: b'root'
print 'hello2'
print C.addch(1.0,2.0)
コード例 #34
def invoke(func, *args):
	retcode = func(*args)
	if retcode != 0:
		ret = lib.SpcGetErrMsg(retcode)
		print ret



userName = ffi.new("char[250]")
lenUserName = ffi.new("unsigned int*")
lenUserName[0] = 250

invoke(lib.SpcGetCardUserInfo,userName, lenUserName)
print "Actual len:",len(userName)," ret len: ",lenUserName[0]
print ffi.string(userName)

cert = ffi.new("uint8_t[4096]")
lenCert = ffi.new("unsigned int*")
lenCert[0] = 4096
invoke(lib.SpcGetEnvCert,cert, lenCert)
print "Cert Len:",lenCert[0]
print bytes(ffi.buffer(cert,lenCert[0]))


コード例 #35
class _PcapFfi(object):
    This class represents the low-level interface to the libpcap library.
    It encapsulates all the cffi calls and C/Python conversions, as well
    as translation of errors and error codes to PcapExceptions.  It is
    intended to be used as a singleton class through the PcapDumper
    and PcapLiveDevice classes, below.
    _instance = None
    __slots__ = ['_ffi', '_libpcap', '_interfaces', '_windoze']

    def __init__(self):
        Assumption: this class is instantiated once in the main thread before
        any other threads have a chance to try instantiating it.
        if _PcapFfi._instance:
            raise Exception("Can't initialize this class more than once!")

        _PcapFfi._instance = self
        self._windoze = False

        self._ffi = FFI()
        struct pcap;
        typedef struct pcap pcap_t;
        struct pcap_dumper;
        typedef struct pcap_dumper pcap_dumper_t;
        struct pcap_addr {
            struct pcap_addr *next;
            struct sockaddr *addr;
            struct sockaddr *netmask;
            struct sockaddr *broadaddr;
            struct sockaddr *dstaddr;
        typedef struct pcap_addr pcap_addr_t;
        struct pcap_if {
            struct pcap_if *next;
            char *name;
            char *description;
            pcap_addr_t *addresses;
            int flags;
        typedef struct pcap_if pcap_if_t;

        int pcap_findalldevs(pcap_if_t **, char *);
        void pcap_freealldevs(pcap_if_t *);

        struct pcap_pkthdr {
            long tv_sec;
            long tv_usec;
            unsigned int caplen;
            unsigned int len;

        struct pcap_stat {
            unsigned int recv;
            unsigned int drop;
            unsigned int ifdrop;

        typedef void (*pcap_handler)(unsigned char *, 
                                     const struct pcap_pkthdr *,
                                     const unsigned char *);

        pcap_t *pcap_open_dead(int, int);
        pcap_dumper_t *pcap_dump_open(pcap_t *, const char *);
        void pcap_dump_close(pcap_dumper_t *);
        void pcap_dump(pcap_dumper_t *, struct pcap_pkthdr *, unsigned char *);

        // live capture
        pcap_t *pcap_create(const char *, char *); 
        pcap_t *pcap_open_live(const char *, int, int, int, char *);
        pcap_t *pcap_open_offline(const char *fname, char *errbuf);
        int pcap_set_snaplen(pcap_t *, int);
        int pcap_snapshot(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_set_promisc(pcap_t *, int);

        int pcap_set_timeout(pcap_t *, int);
        int pcap_set_buffer_size(pcap_t *, int);

        int pcap_set_tstamp_precision(pcap_t *, int);
        int pcap_get_tstamp_precision(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_set_tstamp_type(pcap_t *, int);
        int pcap_list_tstamp_types(pcap_t *, int **);
        void pcap_free_tstamp_types(int *);

        int pcap_setdirection(pcap_t *, int); 
        int pcap_datalink(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_setnonblock(pcap_t *, int, char *); 
        int pcap_getnonblock(pcap_t *, char *); 
        int pcap_set_immediate_mode(pcap_t *, int);
        int pcap_next_ex(pcap_t *, struct pcap_pkthdr **, const unsigned char **);
        int pcap_dispatch(pcap_t *, int, pcap_handler, unsigned char *);
        int pcap_loop(pcap_t *, int, pcap_handler, unsigned char *);
        void pcap_breakloop(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_activate(pcap_t *);
        void pcap_close(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_get_selectable_fd(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_sendpacket(pcap_t *, const unsigned char *, int);
        char *pcap_geterr(pcap_t *);
        char *pcap_lib_version();
        int pcap_stats(pcap_t *, struct pcap_stat *);

        struct bpf_insn;
        struct bpf_program {
            unsigned int bf_len;
            struct bpf_insn *bf_insns;
        int pcap_setfilter(pcap_t *, struct bpf_program *);
        int pcap_compile(pcap_t *, struct bpf_program *,
            const char *, int, unsigned int);
        void pcap_freecode(struct bpf_program *);
        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
            libname = 'libpcap.dylib'
        elif sys.platform == 'win32':
            libname = 'wpcap.dll'  # winpcap
            self._windoze = True
            # if not macOS (darwin) or windows, assume we're on
            # some unix-based system and try for libpcap.so
            libname = 'libpcap.so'

            self._libpcap = self._ffi.dlopen(libname)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PcapException("Error opening libpcap: {}".format(e))

        self._interfaces = []

    def instance():
        if not _PcapFfi._instance:
            _PcapFfi._instance = _PcapFfi()
        return _PcapFfi._instance

    def version(self):
        return self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_lib_version())

    def discoverdevs(self):
        Find all the pcap-eligible devices on the local system.
        if len(self._interfaces):
            raise PcapException("Device discovery should only be done once.")

        ppintf = self._ffi.new("pcap_if_t * *")
        errbuf = self._ffi.new("char []", 128)
        rv = self._libpcap.pcap_findalldevs(ppintf, errbuf)
        if rv:
            raise PcapException("pcap_findalldevs returned failure: {}".format(
        pintf = ppintf[0]
        tmp = pintf
        pindex = 0
        while tmp != self._ffi.NULL:
            xname = self._ffi.string(
                tmp.name)  # "internal name"; still stored as bytes object
            xname = xname.decode('ascii', 'ignore')

            if self._windoze:
                ext_name = "port{}".format(pindex)
                ext_name = xname
            pindex += 1

            if tmp.description == self._ffi.NULL:
                xdesc = ext_name
                xdesc = self._ffi.string(tmp.description)
                xdesc = xdesc.decode('ascii', 'ignore')

            # NB: on WinPcap, only loop flag is set
            isloop = (tmp.flags & 0x1) == 0x1
            isup = (tmp.flags & 0x2) == 0x2
            isrunning = (tmp.flags & 0x4) == 0x4

            # JS: I've observed that the isup and isrunning flags
            # are patently false on some systems.  As a result, we
            # blindly include all interfaces, regardless of their
            # reported status (though we still include status flags
            # in the interface object).
            # if isup and isrunning:
            xif = PcapInterface(ext_name, xname, xdesc, isloop, isup,

            tmp = tmp.next

    def devices(self):
        return self._interfaces

    def lib(self):
        return self._libpcap

    def ffi(self):
        return self._ffi

    def _recv_packet(self, xdev):
        phdr = self._ffi.new("struct pcap_pkthdr **")
        pdata = self._ffi.new("unsigned char **")
        rv = self._libpcap.pcap_next_ex(xdev, phdr, pdata)
        if rv == 1:
            rawpkt = bytes(self._ffi.buffer(pdata[0], phdr[0].caplen))
            #dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(phdr[0].tv_sec)
            usec = int(xffi.cast("int", phdr[0].tv_usec))
            #ts = dt.replace(microsecond=usec)
            ts = float("{:d}.{:06d}".format(phdr[0].tv_sec, usec))
            return PcapPacket(ts, phdr[0].caplen, phdr[0].len, rawpkt)
        elif rv == 0:
            # timeout; nothing to return
            return None
        elif rv == -1:
            # error on receive; raise an exception
            s = self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_geterr(xpcap))
            raise PcapException("Error receiving packet: {}".format(s))
        elif rv == -2:
            # reading from savefile, but none left
            return None

    def _set_filter(self, xdev, filterstr):
        bpf = self._ffi.new("struct bpf_program *")
        cfilter = self._ffi.new("char []", bytes(filterstr, 'ascii'))
        compile_result = self._libpcap.pcap_compile(xdev, bpf, cfilter, 0,
        if compile_result < 0:
            # get error, raise exception
            s = self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_geterr(xdev))
            raise PcapException(
                "Error compiling filter expression: {}".format(s))

        sf_result = self._libpcap.pcap_setfilter(xdev, bpf)
        if sf_result < 0:
            # get error, raise exception
            s = self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_geterr(xdev))
            raise PcapException(
                "Error setting filter on pcap handle: {}".format(s))
コード例 #36
from cffi import FFI
ffi = FFI()
ffi.cdef("""     // some declarations from the man page
    struct passwd {
        char *pw_name;
    struct passwd *getpwuid(int uid);
C = ffi.verify("""   // passed to the real C compiler
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pwd.h>
print ffi.string(C.getpwuid(0).pw_name)
コード例 #37
ファイル: impl_cffi.py プロジェクト: rrozestw/pyoath-toolkit
                             the case in validation functions), or throw
    :raises: :class:`OATHError` containing error message on non-OK
             return value.
    if retval != c.OATH_OK and (not positive_ok or retval < 0):
        errno = _ffi.cast('oath_rc', retval)
        err_str = _ffi.string(c.oath_strerror(errno))
        err = OATHError(err_str)
        err.code = errno
        raise err

library_version = _ffi.string(c.oath_check_version(b'0'))

def check_library_version(version):
    Determine whether the library version is greater than or equal to the
    specified version.

    :param bytes version: The dotted version number to check
    :rtype: :func:`bool`
    return c.oath_check_version(to_bytes(version)) != _ffi.NULL

def base32_decode(data):
コード例 #38
    :param bool positive_ok: Whether positive integers are acceptable (as is
                             the case in validation functions), or throw
    :raises: :class:`OATHError` containing error message on non-OK
             return value.
    if retval != c.OATH_OK and (not positive_ok or retval < 0):
        errno = _ffi.cast('oath_rc', retval)
        err_str = _ffi.string(c.oath_strerror(errno))
        err = OATHError(err_str)
        err.code = errno
        raise err

library_version = _ffi.string(c.oath_check_version(b'0'))

def check_library_version(version):
    Determine whether the library version is greater than or equal to the
    specified version.

    :param bytes version: The dotted version number to check
    :rtype: :func:`bool`
    return c.oath_check_version(to_bytes(version)) != _ffi.NULL

def base32_decode(data):
コード例 #39
ファイル: pcapffi.py プロジェクト: ruanxuyi/cs640
class _PcapFfi(object):
    This class represents the low-level interface to the libpcap library.
    It encapsulates all the cffi calls and C/Python conversions, as well
    as translation of errors and error codes to PcapExceptions.  It is
    intended to be used as a singleton class through the PcapDumper
    and PcapLiveDevice classes, below.

    _instance = None
    __slots__ = ["_ffi", "_libpcap", "_interfaces", "_windoze"]

    def __init__(self):
        Assumption: this class is instantiated once in the main thread before
        any other threads have a chance to try instantiating it.
        if _PcapFfi._instance:
            raise Exception("Can't initialize this class more than once!")

        _PcapFfi._instance = self
        self._windoze = False

        self._ffi = FFI()
        struct pcap;
        typedef struct pcap pcap_t;
        struct pcap_dumper;
        typedef struct pcap_dumper pcap_dumper_t;
        struct pcap_addr {
            struct pcap_addr *next;
            struct sockaddr *addr;
            struct sockaddr *netmask;
            struct sockaddr *broadaddr;
            struct sockaddr *dstaddr;
        typedef struct pcap_addr pcap_addr_t;
        struct pcap_if {
            struct pcap_if *next;
            char *name;
            char *description;
            pcap_addr_t *addresses;
            int flags;
        typedef struct pcap_if pcap_if_t;

        int pcap_findalldevs(pcap_if_t **, char *);
        void pcap_freealldevs(pcap_if_t *);

        struct pcap_pkthdr {
            unsigned long tv_sec;
            unsigned long tv_usec;
            unsigned int caplen;
            unsigned int len;

        struct pcap_stat {
            unsigned int recv;
            unsigned int drop;
            unsigned int ifdrop;

        pcap_t *pcap_open_dead(int, int);
        pcap_dumper_t *pcap_dump_open(pcap_t *, const char *);
        void pcap_dump_close(pcap_dumper_t *);
        void pcap_dump(pcap_dumper_t *, struct pcap_pkthdr *, unsigned char *);

        // live capture
        pcap_t *pcap_create(const char *, char *); // source, errbuf
        pcap_t *pcap_open_live(const char *, int, int, int, char *);
        pcap_t *pcap_open_offline(const char *fname, char *errbuf);
        int pcap_set_snaplen(pcap_t *, int); // 0 on success
        int pcap_snapshot(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_set_promisc(pcap_t *, int); // 0 on success
        int pcap_set_buffer_size(pcap_t *, int); // 0 on success
        int pcap_datalink(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_setnonblock(pcap_t *, int, char *); // 0 on success
        int pcap_getnonblock(pcap_t *, char *); 
        int pcap_next_ex(pcap_t *, struct pcap_pkthdr **, const unsigned char **);
        int pcap_activate(pcap_t *);
        void pcap_close(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_get_selectable_fd(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_sendpacket(pcap_t *, const unsigned char *, int);
        char *pcap_geterr(pcap_t *);
        char *pcap_lib_version();
        int pcap_stats(pcap_t *, struct pcap_stat *);

        struct bpf_insn;
        struct bpf_program {
            unsigned int bf_len;
            struct bpf_insn *bf_insns;
        int pcap_setfilter(pcap_t *, struct bpf_program *);
        int pcap_compile(pcap_t *, struct bpf_program *,
            const char *, int, unsigned int);
        void pcap_freecode(struct bpf_program *);
        if sys.platform == "darwin":
            self._libpcap = self._ffi.dlopen("libpcap.dylib")  # standard libpcap
        elif sys.platform == "linux":
            self._libpcap = self._ffi.dlopen("libpcap.so")  # standard libpcap
        elif sys.platform == "win32":
            self._libpcap = self._ffi.dlopen("wpcap.dll")  # winpcap
            self._windoze = True
            raise PcapException("Don't know how to locate libpcap on this platform: {}".format(sys.platform))
        self._interfaces = []

    def instance():
        if not _PcapFfi._instance:
            _PcapFfi._instance = _PcapFfi()
        return _PcapFfi._instance

    def version(self):
        return self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_lib_version())

    def discoverdevs(self):
        Find all the pcap-eligible devices on the local system.
        if len(self._interfaces):
            raise PcapException("Device discovery should only be done once.")

        ppintf = self._ffi.new("pcap_if_t * *")
        errbuf = self._ffi.new("char []", 128)
        rv = self._libpcap.pcap_findalldevs(ppintf, errbuf)
        if rv:
            raise PcapException("pcap_findalldevs returned failure: {}".format(self._ffi.string(errbuf)))
        pintf = ppintf[0]
        tmp = pintf
        pindex = 0
        while tmp != self._ffi.NULL:
            xname = self._ffi.string(tmp.name)  # "internal name"; still stored as bytes object
            xname = xname.decode("ascii", "ignore")

            if self._windoze:
                ext_name = "port{}".format(pindex)
                ext_name = xname
            pindex += 1

            if tmp.description == self._ffi.NULL:
                xdesc = ext_name
                xdesc = self._ffi.string(tmp.description)
                xdesc = xdesc.decode("ascii", "ignore")

            # NB: on WinPcap, only loop flag is set
            isloop = (tmp.flags & 0x1) == 0x1
            isup = (tmp.flags & 0x2) == 0x2
            isrunning = (tmp.flags & 0x4) == 0x4

            xif = Interface(ext_name, xname, xdesc, isloop, isup, isrunning)

            tmp = tmp.next

    def devices(self):
        return self._interfaces

    def open_dumper(self, outfile, dltype=Dlt.DLT_EN10MB, snaplen=65535):
        pcap = self._libpcap.pcap_open_dead(dltype.value, snaplen)
        xoutfile = self._ffi.new("char []", bytes(outfile, "ascii"))
        pcapdump = self._libpcap.pcap_dump_open(pcap, xoutfile)
        dl = self._libpcap.pcap_datalink(pcap)
        snaplen = self._libpcap.pcap_snapshot(pcap)
        return PcapDev(Dlt(dl), 0, snaplen, self.version, pcapdump)

    def close_dumper(self, pcapdump):

    def write_packet(self, dumper, pkt, ts=None):
        pkthdr = self._ffi.new("struct pcap_pkthdr *")
        if not ts:
            ts = time()
        pkthdr.tv_sec = int(ts)
        pkthdr.tv_usec = int(1000000 * (ts - int(ts)))
        pkthdr.caplen = len(pkt)
        pkthdr.len = len(pkt)
        xpkt = self._ffi.new("char []", pkt)
        self._libpcap.pcap_dump(dumper, pkthdr, xpkt)

    def open_pcap_file(self, filename):
        errbuf = self._ffi.new("char []", 128)
        pcap = self._libpcap.pcap_open_offline(bytes(filename, "ascii"), errbuf)
        if pcap == self._ffi.NULL:
            raise PcapException(
                "Failed to open pcap file for reading: {}: {}".format(filename, self._ffi.string(errbuf))

        dl = self._libpcap.pcap_datalink(pcap)
            dl = Dlt(dl)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise PcapException("Don't know how to handle datalink type {}".format(dl))
        return PcapDev(dl, 0, 0, self.version, pcap)

    def open_live(self, device, snaplen=65535, promisc=1, to_ms=100, nonblock=True):
        errbuf = self._ffi.new("char []", 128)
        internal_name = None
        for dev in self._interfaces:
            if dev.name == device:
                internal_name = dev.internal_name
        if internal_name is None:
            raise Exception("No such device {} exists.".format(device))

        pcap = self._libpcap.pcap_open_live(bytes(internal_name, "ascii"), snaplen, promisc, to_ms, errbuf)
        if pcap == self._ffi.NULL:
            raise PcapException("Failed to open live device {}: {}".format(internal_name, self._ffi.string(errbuf)))

        if nonblock:
            rv = self._libpcap.pcap_setnonblock(pcap, 1, errbuf)
            if rv != 0:
                raise PcapException(
                    "Error setting pcap device in nonblocking state: {}".format(self._ffi.string(errbuf))

        # gather what happened
        nblock = self._libpcap.pcap_getnonblock(pcap, errbuf)
        snaplen = self._libpcap.pcap_snapshot(pcap)
        dl = self._libpcap.pcap_datalink(pcap)
            dl = Dlt(dl)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise PcapException("Don't know how to handle datalink type {}".format(dl))
        return PcapDev(dl, nblock, snaplen, self.version, pcap)

    def close_live(self, pcap):

    def get_select_fd(self, xpcap):
            return self._libpcap.pcap_get_selectable_fd(xpcap)
            return -1

    def send_packet(self, xpcap, xbuffer):
        if not isinstance(xbuffer, bytes):
            raise PcapException("Packets to be sent via libpcap must be serialized as a bytes object")
        xlen = len(xbuffer)
        rv = self._libpcap.pcap_sendpacket(xpcap, xbuffer, xlen)
        if rv == 0:
            return True
        s = self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_geterr(xpcap))
        raise PcapException("Error sending packet: {}".format(s))

    def recv_packet(self, xpcap):
        phdr = self._ffi.new("struct pcap_pkthdr **")
        pdata = self._ffi.new("unsigned char **")
        rv = self._libpcap.pcap_next_ex(xpcap, phdr, pdata)
        if rv == 1:
            rawpkt = bytes(self._ffi.buffer(pdata[0], phdr[0].caplen))
            ts = float("{}.{}".format(phdr[0].tv_sec, phdr[0].tv_usec))
            return PcapPacket(ts, phdr[0].caplen, phdr[0].len, rawpkt)
        elif rv == 0:
            # timeout; nothing to return
            return None
        elif rv == -1:
            # error on receive; raise an exception
            s = self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_geterr(xpcap))
            raise PcapException("Error receiving packet: {}".format(s))
        elif rv == -2:
            # reading from savefile, but none left
            return None

    def set_filter(self, xpcap, filterstr):
        bpf = self._ffi.new("struct bpf_program *")
        cfilter = self._ffi.new("char []", bytes(filterstr, "ascii"))
        compile_result = self._libpcap.pcap_compile(xpcap.pcap, bpf, cfilter, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF)
        if compile_result < 0:
            # get error, raise exception
            s = self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_geterr(xpcap.pcap))
            raise PcapException("Error compiling filter expression: {}".format(s))

        sf_result = self._libpcap.pcap_setfilter(xpcap.pcap, bpf)
        if sf_result < 0:
            # get error, raise exception
            s = self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_geterr(xpcap.pcap))
            raise PcapException("Error setting filter on pcap handle: {}".format(s))

    def stats(self, xpcap):
        pstat = self._ffi.new("struct pcap_stat *")
        rv = self._libpcap.pcap_stats(xpcap, pstat)
        if rv == 0:
            return PcapStats(pstat.recv, pstat.drop, pstat.ifdrop)
            s = self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_geterr(xpcap))
            raise PcapException("Error getting stats: {}".format(s))
コード例 #40

# Strings are a bit harder. Go's strings are stored in a struct {char*, int},
# so we have to do conversion. This is further complicated by CFFI's ownership
# semantics - we have to ensure that the char* lives as long as the struct,
# otherwise the string will be garbage. We'll use a global weakref dictionary
# to track that.

import weakref
global_weakrefs = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()

def toGoString(string):
    """Converts a Python string into the equivalent Go string and ensures the
    memory for the string lives as long as the struct reference."""
    string_p = ffi.new('char[]', string)
    v = ffi.new('GoString*', {
        'p': string_p,
        'n': len(string)
    global_weakrefs[v] = (string_p,)
    return v

# Now we can call the ReturnString function

# Note that Go strings are passed by value and not by pointer, but toGoString
# is required by CFFI to make a GoString*. We can use [0] to deference it to
# a value.
print ffi.string(dnslib.ReturnString(toGoString("golang.org")))
コード例 #41
from cffi import FFI

ffi = FFI()
ffi.cdef("""     // some declarations from the man page
    struct passwd {
        char *pw_name;
    struct passwd *getpwuid(int uid);
C = ffi.verify("""   // passed to the real C compiler
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pwd.h>
               libraries=[])  # or a list of libraries to link with
p = C.getpwuid(0)


assert ffi.string(p.pw_name) == b'root'  # on Python 3: b'root'
コード例 #42
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: colinjroberts/pytelephone
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from cffi import FFI
import os
ffi = FFI()
ffi.set_source("_vosk", None)
ffi.cdef(os.popen("cpp ../../src/vosk_api.h").read())

C = ffi.dlopen("libvosk.so")

model = C.vosk_model_new("model".encode('utf-8'))
rec = C.vosk_recognizer_new(model, 16000)

with open("test.wav", "rb") as wf:

    while True:
        data = wf.read(8000)
        if len(data) == 0:
        if C.vosk_recognizer_accept_waveform(rec, data, len(data)):

コード例 #43
ファイル: sigrok_cffi.py プロジェクト: wuub/sigrok_cffi
    callback = ffi.callback("sr_datafeed_callback_t", callback_imp)

    assert sigrok.sr_init(ctx) == sigrok.SR_OK
        dlist = sigrok.sr_driver_list()
        i = 0
        while True:
            driver = dlist[i]
            i += 1
            if driver == ffi.NULL:
            assert sigrok.sr_driver_init(ctx[0], driver) == sigrok.SR_OK
            res = sigrok.sr_driver_scan(driver, ffi.NULL)
            if res != ffi.NULL:
                name = ffi.string(driver[0].name)
                if name == "fx2lafw":
                    sdi = ffi.cast("struct sr_dev_inst*", res.data)
                    print (ffi.string(sdi.vendor))
                    assert sigrok.sr_dev_open(sdi) == sigrok.SR_OK
                    j = 0
                    for idx in range(sigrok.g_slist_length(sdi.probes)):
                        probe = ffi.cast('struct sr_probe*',sdi.probes[idx].data)
                        print (ffi.string(probe.name))
                    session = sigrok.sr_session_new()
                    assert sigrok.sr_session_dev_add(sdi) == sigrok.SR_OK
                    sigrok.sr_session_datafeed_callback_add(callback, ffi.NULL)

                    assert sigrok.sr_session_start() == sigrok.SR_OK
                    def stop():
コード例 #44
ファイル: pcapffi.py プロジェクト: jsommers/switchyard
class _PcapFfi(object):
    This class represents the low-level interface to the libpcap library.
    It encapsulates all the cffi calls and C/Python conversions, as well
    as translation of errors and error codes to PcapExceptions.  It is
    intended to be used as a singleton class through the PcapDumper
    and PcapLiveDevice classes, below.
    _instance = None
    __slots__ = ['_ffi', '_libpcap','_interfaces','_windoze']

    def __init__(self):
        Assumption: this class is instantiated once in the main thread before
        any other threads have a chance to try instantiating it.
        if _PcapFfi._instance:
            raise Exception("Can't initialize this class more than once!")

        _PcapFfi._instance = self
        self._windoze = False

        self._ffi = FFI()
        struct pcap;
        typedef struct pcap pcap_t;
        struct pcap_dumper;
        typedef struct pcap_dumper pcap_dumper_t;
        struct pcap_addr {
            struct pcap_addr *next;
            struct sockaddr *addr;
            struct sockaddr *netmask;
            struct sockaddr *broadaddr;
            struct sockaddr *dstaddr;
        typedef struct pcap_addr pcap_addr_t;
        struct pcap_if {
            struct pcap_if *next;
            char *name;
            char *description;
            pcap_addr_t *addresses;
            int flags;
        typedef struct pcap_if pcap_if_t;

        int pcap_findalldevs(pcap_if_t **, char *);
        void pcap_freealldevs(pcap_if_t *);

        struct pcap_pkthdr {
            long tv_sec;
            long tv_usec;
            unsigned int caplen;
            unsigned int len;

        struct pcap_stat {
            unsigned int recv;
            unsigned int drop;
            unsigned int ifdrop;

        typedef void (*pcap_handler)(unsigned char *, 
                                     const struct pcap_pkthdr *,
                                     const unsigned char *);

        pcap_t *pcap_open_dead(int, int);
        pcap_dumper_t *pcap_dump_open(pcap_t *, const char *);
        void pcap_dump_close(pcap_dumper_t *);
        void pcap_dump(pcap_dumper_t *, struct pcap_pkthdr *, unsigned char *);

        // live capture
        pcap_t *pcap_create(const char *, char *); 
        pcap_t *pcap_open_live(const char *, int, int, int, char *);
        pcap_t *pcap_open_offline(const char *fname, char *errbuf);
        int pcap_set_snaplen(pcap_t *, int);
        int pcap_snapshot(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_set_promisc(pcap_t *, int);

        int pcap_set_timeout(pcap_t *, int);
        int pcap_set_buffer_size(pcap_t *, int);

        int pcap_set_tstamp_precision(pcap_t *, int);
        int pcap_get_tstamp_precision(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_set_tstamp_type(pcap_t *, int);
        int pcap_list_tstamp_types(pcap_t *, int **);
        void pcap_free_tstamp_types(int *);

        int pcap_setdirection(pcap_t *, int); 
        int pcap_datalink(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_setnonblock(pcap_t *, int, char *); 
        int pcap_getnonblock(pcap_t *, char *); 
        int pcap_set_immediate_mode(pcap_t *, int);
        int pcap_next_ex(pcap_t *, struct pcap_pkthdr **, const unsigned char **);
        int pcap_dispatch(pcap_t *, int, pcap_handler, unsigned char *);
        int pcap_loop(pcap_t *, int, pcap_handler, unsigned char *);
        void pcap_breakloop(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_activate(pcap_t *);
        void pcap_close(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_get_selectable_fd(pcap_t *);
        int pcap_sendpacket(pcap_t *, const unsigned char *, int);
        char *pcap_geterr(pcap_t *);
        char *pcap_lib_version();
        int pcap_stats(pcap_t *, struct pcap_stat *);

        struct bpf_insn;
        struct bpf_program {
            unsigned int bf_len;
            struct bpf_insn *bf_insns;
        int pcap_setfilter(pcap_t *, struct bpf_program *);
        int pcap_compile(pcap_t *, struct bpf_program *,
            const char *, int, unsigned int);
        void pcap_freecode(struct bpf_program *);
        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
            libname = 'libpcap.dylib'
        elif sys.platform == 'win32':
            libname = 'wpcap.dll' # winpcap
            self._windoze = True
            # if not macOS (darwin) or windows, assume we're on
            # some unix-based system and try for libpcap.so
            libname = 'libpcap.so'

            self._libpcap = self._ffi.dlopen(libname)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PcapException("Error opening libpcap: {}".format(e))

        self._interfaces = []

    def instance():
        if not _PcapFfi._instance:
            _PcapFfi._instance = _PcapFfi()
        return _PcapFfi._instance

    def version(self):
        return self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_lib_version())

    def discoverdevs(self):
        Find all the pcap-eligible devices on the local system.
        if len(self._interfaces):
            raise PcapException("Device discovery should only be done once.")
        ppintf = self._ffi.new("pcap_if_t * *")
        errbuf = self._ffi.new("char []", 128)
        rv = self._libpcap.pcap_findalldevs(ppintf, errbuf)
        if rv:
            raise PcapException("pcap_findalldevs returned failure: {}".format(self._ffi.string(errbuf)))
        pintf = ppintf[0]
        tmp = pintf
        pindex = 0
        while tmp != self._ffi.NULL:
            xname = self._ffi.string(tmp.name) # "internal name"; still stored as bytes object
            xname = xname.decode('ascii', 'ignore')

            if self._windoze:
                ext_name = "port{}".format(pindex)
                ext_name = xname
            pindex += 1

            if tmp.description == self._ffi.NULL:
                xdesc = ext_name
                xdesc = self._ffi.string(tmp.description)
                xdesc = xdesc.decode('ascii', 'ignore')

            # NB: on WinPcap, only loop flag is set
            isloop = (tmp.flags & 0x1) == 0x1
            isup = (tmp.flags & 0x2) == 0x2
            isrunning = (tmp.flags & 0x4) == 0x4

            # JS: I've observed that the isup and isrunning flags
            # are patently false on some systems.  As a result, we
            # blindly include all interfaces, regardless of their
            # reported status (though we still include status flags
            # in the interface object).
            # if isup and isrunning:
            xif = PcapInterface(ext_name, xname, xdesc, isloop, isup, isrunning)

            tmp = tmp.next

    def devices(self):
        return self._interfaces

    def lib(self):
        return self._libpcap

    def ffi(self):
        return self._ffi

    def _recv_packet(self, xdev):
        phdr = self._ffi.new("struct pcap_pkthdr **")
        pdata = self._ffi.new("unsigned char **")
        rv = self._libpcap.pcap_next_ex(xdev, phdr, pdata)
        if rv == 1:
            rawpkt = bytes(self._ffi.buffer(pdata[0], phdr[0].caplen))
            #dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(phdr[0].tv_sec)
            usec = int(xffi.cast("int", phdr[0].tv_usec))
            #ts = dt.replace(microsecond=usec)
            ts = float("{:d}.{:06d}".format(phdr[0].tv_sec, usec))
            return PcapPacket(ts, phdr[0].caplen, phdr[0].len, rawpkt)
        elif rv == 0:
            # timeout; nothing to return
            return None
        elif rv == -1:
            # error on receive; raise an exception
            s = self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_geterr(xpcap))
            raise PcapException("Error receiving packet: {}".format(s)) 
        elif rv == -2:
            # reading from savefile, but none left
            return None

    def _set_filter(self, xdev, filterstr):
        bpf = self._ffi.new("struct bpf_program *")
        cfilter = self._ffi.new("char []", bytes(filterstr, 'ascii'))
        compile_result = self._libpcap.pcap_compile(xdev, bpf, cfilter, 0, 0xffffffff)
        if compile_result < 0:
            # get error, raise exception
            s = self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_geterr(xdev))
            raise PcapException("Error compiling filter expression: {}".format(s)) 

        sf_result = self._libpcap.pcap_setfilter(xdev, bpf)
        if sf_result < 0:
            # get error, raise exception
            s = self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_geterr(xdev))
            raise PcapException("Error setting filter on pcap handle: {}".format(s)) 
コード例 #45
class _PcapFfi(object):
    This class represents the low-level interface to the libpcap library.
    It encapsulates all the cffi calls and C/Python conversions, as well
    as translation of errors and error codes to PcapExceptions.  It is
    intended to be used as a singleton class through the PcapDumper
    and PcapLiveDevice classes, below.
    _instance = None
    __slots__ = ['_ffi', '_libpcap', '_interfaces', '_windows']

    def __init__(self):
        Assumption: this class is instantiated once in the main thread before
        any other threads have a chance to try instantiating it.
        if _PcapFfi._instance:
            raise Exception("Can't initialize this class more than once!")

        _PcapFfi._instance = self
        self._windows = False
        self._ffi = FFI()
        self._ffi.cdef(cc, override=True)
        self._ffi.cdef(cc_packed, override=True, packed=1)
        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
            libname = 'libpcap.dylib'
        elif "win" in sys.platform[:3]:
            libname = 'wpcap.dll'  # winpcap
            self._windows = True
            # if not macOS (darwin) or windows, assume we're on
            # some unix-based system and try for libpcap.so
            libname = 'libpcap.so'
            self._libpcap = self._ffi.dlopen(libname)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PcapException("Error opening libpcap: {}".format(e))

        self._interfaces = []

    def instance():
        if not _PcapFfi._instance:
            _PcapFfi._instance = _PcapFfi()
        return _PcapFfi._instance

    def version(self):
        return self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_lib_version())

    def discoverdevs(self):
        Find all the pcap-eligible devices on the local system.
        if len(self._interfaces):
            raise PcapException("Device discovery should only be done once.")

        ppintf = self._ffi.new("pcap_if_t * *")
        errbuf = self._ffi.new("char []", 128)
        rv = self._libpcap.pcap_findalldevs(ppintf, errbuf)
        if rv:
            raise PcapException("pcap_findalldevs returned failure: {}".format(
        pintf = ppintf[0]
        tmp = pintf
        pindex = 0
        while tmp != self._ffi.NULL:
            xname = self._ffi.string(
                tmp.name)  # "internal name"; still stored as bytes object
            xname = xname.decode('ascii', 'ignore')

            if self._windows:
                ext_name = "port{}".format(pindex)
                ext_name = xname
            pindex += 1

            if tmp.description == self._ffi.NULL:
                xdesc = ext_name
                xdesc = self._ffi.string(tmp.description)
                xdesc = xdesc.decode('ascii', 'ignore')

            # NB: on WinPcap, only loop flag is set
            isloop = (tmp.flags & 0x1) == 0x1
            isup = (tmp.flags & 0x2) == 0x2
            isrunning = (tmp.flags & 0x4) == 0x4
            xif = PcapInterface(ext_name, xname, xdesc, isloop, isup,

            tmp = tmp.next

    def devices(self):
        return self._interfaces

    def lib(self):
        return self._libpcap

    def ffi(self):
        return self._ffi

    def _process_packet(self, xdev, header, packet, nroots):
        # MPLS header
        mpls = self._ffi.new("union mpls *")
        # IP header
        iph = self._ffi.new("struct nfstream_iphdr *")
        # IPv6 header
        iph6 = self._ffi.new("struct nfstream_ipv6hdr *")
        # lengths and offsets
        eth_offset = 0
        radio_len = 0
        fc = 0
        type = 0
        wifi_len = 0
        pyld_eth_len = 0
        check = 0
        ip_offset = 0
        ip_len = 0
        frag_off = 0
        vlan_id = 0
        proto = 0
        time = 0
        time = (header.tv_sec *
                TICK_RESOLUTION) + (header.tv_usec /
                                    (1000000 / TICK_RESOLUTION))
        datalink_type = self._libpcap.pcap_datalink(xdev)
        datalink_check = True
        while datalink_check:
            datalink_check = False
            if Dlt(datalink_type) == Dlt.DLT_NULL:
                tmp_dlt_null = self._ffi.cast('struct pp_32 *',
                                              packet + eth_offset)
                if int(ntohs(tmp_dlt_null.value)) == 2:
                    type = 0x0800
                    type = 0x86dd
                ip_offset = 4 + eth_offset
            elif Dlt(
            ) == Dlt.DLT_PPP_SERIAL:  # Cisco PPP in HDLC - like framing - 50
                chdlc = self._ffi.cast('struct nfstream_chdlc *',
                                       packet + eth_offset)
                ip_offset = self._ffi.sizeof(
                    'struct nfstream_chdlc')  # CHDLC_OFF = 4
                type = ntohs(chdlc.proto_code)
            elif (Dlt(datalink_type) == Dlt.DLT_C_HDLC) or (
                    Dlt(datalink_type) == Dlt.DLT_PPP):  # Cisco PPP - 9 or 104
                chdlc = self._ffi.cast('struct nfstream_chdlc *',
                                       packet + eth_offset)  # CHDLC_OFF = 4
                ip_offset = self._ffi.sizeof(
                    'struct nfstream_chdlc')  # CHDLC_OFF = 4
                type = ntohs(chdlc.proto_code)
            elif Dlt(datalink_type
                     ) == Dlt.DLT_EN10MB:  # IEEE 802.3 Ethernet - 1 */
                ethernet = self._ffi.cast('struct nfstream_ethhdr *',
                                          packet + eth_offset)
                ip_offset = self._ffi.sizeof(
                    'struct nfstream_ethhdr') + eth_offset
                check = ntohs(ethernet.h_proto)
                if check <= 1500:
                    pyld_eth_len = check
                elif check >= 1536:
                    type = check

                if pyld_eth_len != 0:
                    llc = self._ffi.cast('struct nfstream_llc_header_snap *',
                                         packet + ip_offset)
                    if (llc.dsap == 0xaa) or (
                            == 0xaa):  # check for LLC layer with SNAP ext
                        type = llc.snap.proto_ID
                        ip_offset += 8
                    elif (llc.dsap == 0x42) or (llc.ssap
                                                == 0x42):  # No SNAP ext
                        return None
            elif Dlt(datalink_type
                     ) == Dlt.DLT_LINUX_SLL:  # Linux Cooked Capture - 113
                type = (packet[eth_offset + 14] << 8) + packet[eth_offset + 15]
                ip_offset = 16 + eth_offset
            elif Dlt(
            ) == Dlt.DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO:  # Radiotap link - layer - 127
                radiotap = self._ffi.cast('struct nfstream_radiotap_header *',
                                          packet + eth_offset)
                radio_len = radiotap.len
                if (radiotap.flags & 0x50) == 0x50:  # Check Bad FCS presence
                    return None
                # Calculate 802.11 header length(variable)
                wifi = self._ffi.cast('struct nfstream_wifi_header *',
                                      packet + (eth_offset + radio_len))
                fc = wifi.fc
                # Check wifi data presence
                if fcf_type(fc) == 0x2:
                    if (fcf_to_ds(fc) and fcf_from_ds(fc) == 0x0) or (
                            fcf_to_ds(fc) == 0x0 and fcf_from_ds(fc)):
                        wifi_len = 26  # + 4 byte fcs
                # Check ether_type from LLC
                llc = self._ffi.cast(
                    'struct nfstream_llc_header_snap *',
                    packet + (eth_offset + wifi_len + radio_len))
                if llc.dsap == 0xaa:
                    type = ntohs(llc.snap.proto_ID)
                # Set IP header offset
                ip_offset = wifi_len + radio_len + self._ffi.sizeof(
                    'struct nfstream_llc_header_snap') + eth_offset
            elif Dlt(datalink_type) == Dlt.DLT_RAW:
                ip_offset = 0
                eth_offset = 0
                return None

            ether_type_check = True
            while ether_type_check:
                ether_type_check = False
                if type == 0x8100:
                    vlan_id = ((packet[ip_offset] << 8) +
                               packet[ip_offset + 1]) & 0xFFF
                    type = (packet[ip_offset + 2] << 8) + packet[ip_offset + 3]
                    ip_offset += 4
                    while type == 0x8100 and ip_offset < header.caplen:  # Double tagging for 802.1Q
                        vlan_id = ((packet[ip_offset] << 8) +
                                   packet[ip_offset + 1]) & 0xFFF
                        type = (
                            packet[ip_offset + 2] << 8) + packet[ip_offset + 3]
                        ip_offset += 4
                    ether_type_check = True
                elif (type == 0x8847) or (type == 0x8848):
                    tmp_u32 = self._ffi.cast('struct pp_32 *',
                                             packet + ip_offset)
                    mpls.u32 = int(ntohl(tmp_u32.value))
                    type = 0x0800
                    ip_offset += 4
                    while not mpls.mpls.s:
                        tmp_u32_loop = self._ffi.cast('struct pp_32 *',
                                                      packet + ip_offset)
                        mpls.u32 = int(ntohl(tmp_u32_loop.value))
                        ip_offset += 4
                    ether_type_check = True
                elif type == 0x8864:
                    type = 0x0800
                    ip_offset += 8
                    ether_type_check = True

            ip_check = True
            while ip_check:
                ip_check = False
                # Check and set IP header size and total packet length
                iph = self._ffi.cast('struct nfstream_iphdr *',
                                     packet + ip_offset)
                # Just work on Ethernet packets that contain IP
                if (type == 0x0800) and (header.caplen >= ip_offset):
                    frag_off = ntohs(iph.frag_off)
                    if header.caplen < header.len:
                if iph.version == 4:
                    ip_len = iph.ihl * 4
                    iph6 = self._ffi.NULL
                    if iph.protocol == 41:  # IPPROTO_IPV6
                        ip_offset += ip_len
                        ip_check = True
                    if (frag_off & 0x1FFF) != 0:
                        return None
                elif iph.version == 6:
                    iph6 = self._ffi.cast('struct nfstream_ipv6hdr *',
                                          packet + ip_offset)
                    ip_len = self._ffi.sizeof('struct nfstream_ipv6hdr')
                    if iph6.ip6_hdr.ip6_un1_nxt == 60:  # IPv6 destination option
                        options = self._ffi.cast('uint8_t *',
                                                 packet + (ip_offset + ip_len))
                        ip_len += 8 * (options[1] + 1)
                    iph = self._ffi.NULL
                    return None

        l4_offset = 0
        ipsize = 0
        src_addr = 0
        dst_addr = 0
        l4_packet_len = 0
        version = 0

        nfstream_hash = 0
        if iph6 == self._ffi.NULL:
            version = 4
            l4_packet_len = ntohs(iph.tot_len) - (iph.ihl * 4)
            ipsize = header.caplen - ip_offset
            proto = iph.protocol
            src_addr = ntohl(iph.saddr)
            dst_addr = ntohl(iph.daddr)
            nfstream_hash += iph.saddr + iph.daddr + proto + vlan_id
            version = 6
            src_addr = ntohl(iph6.ip6_src.u6_addr.u6_addr32[0]) << 96 | ntohl(
                iph6.ip6_src.u6_addr.u6_addr32[1]) << 64 | ntohl(
                    iph6.ip6_src.u6_addr.u6_addr32[2]) << 32 | ntohl(
            dst_addr = ntohl(iph6.ip6_dst.u6_addr.u6_addr32[0]) << 96 | ntohl(
                iph6.ip6_dst.u6_addr.u6_addr32[1]) << 64 | ntohl(
                    iph6.ip6_dst.u6_addr.u6_addr32[2]) << 32 | ntohl(
            proto = iph6.ip6_hdr.ip6_un1_nxt
            if proto == 60:
                options = self._ffi.cast(
                    'uint8_t *',
                    iph6) + self._ffi.sizeof('struct nfstream_ipv6hdr')
                proto = options[0]
            l4_packet_len = ntohs(iph6.ip6_hdr.ip6_un1_plen)
            nfstream_hash += (
                iph6.ip6_src.u6_addr.u6_addr32[2] +
                iph6.ip6_src.u6_addr.u6_addr32[3]) + (
                    iph6.ip6_dst.u6_addr.u6_addr32[2] +
                    iph6.ip6_dst.u6_addr.u6_addr32[3]) + proto + vlan_id

        if version == 4:
            if ipsize < 20:
                return None
            if ((iph.ihl * 4) > ipsize) or (ipsize < ntohs(iph.tot_len)):
                return None
            l4_offset = iph.ihl * 4
            l3 = self._ffi.cast('uint8_t *', iph)
            l4_offset = self._ffi.sizeof('struct nfstream_ipv6hdr')
            l3 = self._ffi.cast('uint8_t *', iph6)

        l4 = self._ffi.cast('uint8_t *', l3) + l4_offset
        syn, cwr, ece, urg, ack, psh, rst, fin = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        if (proto == 6
            ) and l4_packet_len >= self._ffi.sizeof('struct nfstream_tcphdr'):
            tcph = self._ffi.cast('struct nfstream_tcphdr *', l4)
            sport = int(ntohs(tcph.source))
            dport = int(ntohs(tcph.dest))
            syn = int(tcph.syn)
            cwr = int(tcph.cwr)
            ece = int(tcph.ece)
            urg = int(tcph.urg)
            ack = int(tcph.ack)
            psh = int(tcph.psh)
            rst = int(tcph.rst)
            fin = int(tcph.fin)
        elif (proto == 17) and l4_packet_len >= self._ffi.sizeof(
                'struct nfstream_udphdr'):
            udph = self._ffi.cast('struct nfstream_udphdr *', l4)
            sport = int(ntohs(udph.source))
            dport = int(ntohs(udph.dest))
            sport = 0
            dport = 0
        nfstream_hash += sport + dport
        if version == 4:
            return NFPacket(time=int(time),
                            raw=bytes(xffi.buffer(iph, ipsize)),
                            root_idx=nfstream_hash % nroots)
            return NFPacket(time=int(time),
                                                  header.len - ip_offset)),
                            root_idx=nfstream_hash % nroots)

    def _recv_packet(self, xdev, nroots=1):
        phdr = self._ffi.new("struct pcap_pkthdr **")
        pdata = self._ffi.new("unsigned char **")
        rv = self._libpcap.pcap_next_ex(xdev, phdr, pdata)
        if rv == 1:
            return self._process_packet(xdev, phdr[0], pdata[0], nroots)
        elif rv == 0:
            # timeout; nothing to return
            return 0
        elif rv == -1:
            # error on receive; raise an exception
            s = self._ffi.string(self._libpcap.pcap_geterr(xdev))
            raise PcapException("Error receiving packet: {}".format(s))
        elif rv == -2:
            # reading from savefile, but none left
            return -2
コード例 #46
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: mwhooker/ffi_test
from cffi import FFI
ffi = FFI()

lib = ffi.dlopen('./libhello.so')
#lib = ffi.verify("#include <hello.h>", include_dirs=["."])

a = ffi.string(lib.hello())
print a
コード例 #47
ファイル: test_cffi.py プロジェクト: xiaonanln/go-consistent
void Add(const char *host);
void Remove(const char *host);
const char *Hash(const char *key);
void SetReplica(GoInt replica);
void Cfree(void *p);

lib = ffi.dlopen("./consistent.so")
print lib.Add, lib.Remove, lib.Hash, lib.Cfree

host1 = ffi.new("char[]", "host1")
key = ffi.new("char[]", "test_key")
host = lib.Hash(key)
print ffi.string(host)

# print("awesome.Add(12,99) = %d" % lib.Add(12,99))
# print("awesome.Cosine(1) = %f" % lib.Cosine(1))
# data = ffi.new("GoInt[]", [74,4,122,9,12])
# nums = ffi.new("GoSlice*", {'data':data, 'len':5, 'cap':5})
# lib.Sort(nums[0])
# print("awesome.Sort(74,4,122,9,12) = %s" % [
#     ffi.cast("GoInt*", nums.data)[i]
#     for i in range(nums.len)])
# data = ffi.new("char[]", b"Hello Python!")
# msg = ffi.new("GoString*", {'data':data, 'len':13})
# print("log id %d" % lib.Log(msg[0]))
コード例 #48

libcrypto_path = _backend_config().get('libcrypto_path')
if libcrypto_path is None:
    libcrypto_path = find_library('crypto')
if not libcrypto_path:
    raise LibraryNotFoundError('The library libcrypto could not be found')

    vffi = FFI()
    vffi.cdef("const char *SSLeay_version(int type);")
    version_string = vffi.string(
except (AttributeError):
    vffi = FFI()
    vffi.cdef("const char *OpenSSL_version(int type);")
    version_string = vffi.string(

is_libressl = 'LibreSSL' in version_string

version_match = re.search('\\b(\\d\\.\\d\\.\\d[a-z]*)\\b', version_string)
if not version_match:
    version_match = re.search('(?<=LibreSSL )(\\d\\.\\d(\\.\\d)?)\\b',
if not version_match:
    raise LibraryNotFoundError('Error detecting the version of libcrypto')
version = version_match.group(1)
コード例 #49
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: shlomif/fc-solve
class FC_Solve:
    # TEST:$num_befs_weights=5;

    def __init__(self):
        self.ffi = FFI()
        self.lib = self.ffi.dlopen(
            "../libfreecell-solver." +
            ("dll" if (platform.system() == 'Windows') else "so"))
void * freecell_solver_user_alloc();
typedef  struct{ char s[20];}fcs_move_t;
int freecell_solver_user_get_moves_left (void * user);
int freecell_solver_user_get_next_move (void * user, fcs_move_t * move);
void freecell_solver_user_free(void * instance);
double fc_solve_user_INTERNAL_get_befs_weight(void * user, int idx);
typedef char * freecell_solver_str_t;
typedef int (*freecell_solver_user_cmd_line_known_commands_callback_t)(
    void *instance, int argc, freecell_solver_str_t argv[], int arg_index,
    int *num_to_skip, int *ret, void *context);
int freecell_solver_user_cmd_line_parse_args_with_file_nesting_count(
    void *instance,
    int argc, freecell_solver_str_t argv[], int start_arg,
    freecell_solver_str_t *known_parameters,
    freecell_solver_user_cmd_line_known_commands_callback_t callback,
    void *callback_context, char **error_string,
    int *last_arg, int file_nesting_count,
    freecell_solver_str_t opened_files_dir);
int freecell_solver_user_set_flares_plan(void * instance, char * s);
int freecell_solver_user_INTERNAL_compile_all_flares_plans(void * instance,
char * * s);
int fc_solve_user_INTERNAL_get_flares_plan_num_items(void * i);
char * fc_solve_user_INTERNAL_get_flares_plan_item_type(void * i,
int item_idx);
int fc_solve_user_INTERNAL_get_flares_plan_item_flare_idx(void * i,
int item_idx);
int fc_solve_user_INTERNAL_get_flares_plan_item_iters_count(void * i,
int item_idx);
int fc_solve_user_INTERNAL_compile_all_flares_plans(void * i,
char **error_string);
int fc_solve_user_INTERNAL_get_num_by_depth_tests_order(
    void * api_instance);
int fc_solve_user_INTERNAL_get_by_depth_tests_max_depth(
    void * api_instance, int depth_idx);
long freecell_solver_user_get_num_times_long(void * user);
long freecell_solver_user_get_num_states_in_collection_long(void * user);
void freecell_solver_user_limit_iterations_long(
    void * api_instance, const long max_iters);
int freecell_solver_user_solve_board(void *api_instance,
const char *const state_as_string);
int freecell_solver_user_resume_solution(void * user);
void freecell_solver_user_recycle(void *api_instance);
        self.user = self.lib.freecell_solver_user_alloc()

    def is_SUSPEND(self, ret_code):
        """docstring for is_SUSPEND"""
        return ret_code == self.FCS_STATE_SUSPEND_PROCESS

    def get_next_move(self):
        move = self.ffi.new('fcs_move_t *')
        num_moves = self.lib.freecell_solver_user_get_moves_left(self.user)
        if not num_moves:
            return None
        ret = self.lib.freecell_solver_user_get_next_move(self.user, move)
        SUCCESS = 0
        return (move if ret == SUCCESS else None)

    def input_cmd_line__generic(self, cmd_line_args):
        last_arg = self.ffi.new('int *')
        error_string = self.ffi.new('char * *')
        known_params = self.ffi.new('char * *')
        opened_files_dir = self.ffi.new('char [32001]')

        prefix = 'freecell_solver_user_cmd_line'
        func = 'parse_args_with_file_nesting_count'

        getattr(self.lib, prefix + '_' + func)(
            self.user,  # instance
            len(cmd_line_args),    # argc
            [self.ffi.new('char[]', bytes(s, 'UTF-8')) \
             for s in cmd_line_args],  # argv
            0,   # start_arg
            known_params,  # known_params
            self.ffi.NULL,   # callback
            self.ffi.NULL,   # callback_context
            error_string,  # error_string
            last_arg,   # last_arg
            -1,  # file_nesting_count

        return (last_arg[0], len(cmd_line_args))

    # TEST:$set_befs=0;
    def _set_befs_weights(self, name, weights_s):
        # TEST:$set_befs=$set_befs+$input_cmd_line;
        self.input_cmd_line(name, ["-asw", weights_s])

    def __destroy__(self):

    def _get_plan_type(self, item_idx):
        return self.ffi.string(
                self.user, item_idx))

    def solve_board(self, board):
        return self.lib.freecell_solver_user_solve_board(
                bytes(board, 'UTF-8')

    def resume_solution(self):
        return self.lib.freecell_solver_user_resume_solution(self.user)

    def limit_iterations(self, max_iters):

    def get_num_times(self):
        return self.lib.freecell_solver_user_get_num_times_long(

    def get_num_states_in_col(self):
        return self.lib.freecell_solver_user_get_num_states_in_collection_long(

    def recycle(self):
コード例 #50

    _lib = _ffi.dlopen(
except OSError as err:
    raise RuntimeError(
        "libcadical.so not found, run build_libcadical.sh"
    ) from err

version = _ffi.string(_lib.ccadical_signature())

_status_to_bool = {0: None, 10: True, 20: False}
_value_to_bool = {1: True, 0: None, -1: False}

class Solver:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__solver = _lib.ccadical_init()
        self.__exception = None

    def __del__(self):

    def add(self, lit):
        _lib.ccadical_add(self.__solver, lit)
コード例 #51
class AbiInlineDeviceReader(CffiDeviceReader):
    def __init__(self, library: CffiDeviceReader.Library):

        self.ffi = FFI()
            char* get_cell(char *device, int row, int column);
            void free_resource(char *resource);

        library_name = library.get_library_name()
        self.lib = self.ffi.dlopen(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), library_name))

    def get_cell(self, device: bytes, row: int, col: int):
        Returns the requested cell value of the specified device

        device bytes
            The device you want to retrieve the cell value on
        row int
            The table row of the value you want to retrieve
        col int
            The table column of the value you want to retrieve

            The pointer to the byte array containing the value of the cell
            **NOTE:** call free_resource() or free_resources() to free the allocated memory
        self.allocated_resources.append(self.lib.get_cell(device, row, col))
        return self.allocated_resources[-1]

    def to_string(self, c_char_ptr) -> str:
        return self.ffi.string(c_char_ptr)

    def free_resource(self, resource) -> None:
        """Releases the resource previously allocated when calling get_cell

        resource: c_void_p
            The pointer to the byte array previously allocated by get_cell()

            When the resource has been successfully released

            If the resource was not previously allocated
        if resource in self.allocated_resources:
            raise self.ResourceNotAllocated

    def free_resources(self):
        """Release all previously allocated resources"""
        for resource in reversed(self.allocated_resources):

    def num_allocated_resources(self) -> int:
        """Return the number of allocated resources

            The number of allocated resources
        return len(self.allocated_resources)
コード例 #52
ファイル: meta.py プロジェクト: mk-fg/lafs-backup-tool
class CStrACL(object):

	_lazy = None
	def lazy_instance(cls):
		if not cls._lazy: cls._lazy = cls()
		return cls._lazy

	def __init__(self):
		self.ffi = FFI()
		cdef = '''
			struct __acl_ext;
			typedef struct __acl_ext *acl_t;
			typedef unsigned int acl_type_t;
			typedef unsigned int mode_t;

			static const acl_type_t ACL_TYPE_ACCESS;
			static const acl_type_t ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT;

			static const int TEXT_ABBREVIATE;
			static const int TEXT_NUMERIC_IDS;
			static const int TEXT_SOME_EFFECTIVE;
			static const int TEXT_ALL_EFFECTIVE;
			static const int TEXT_SMART_INDENT;

			acl_t acl_init(int count);
			acl_t acl_get_file(const char *path_p, acl_type_t type);
			acl_t acl_from_mode(mode_t mode);
			acl_t acl_from_text(const char *buf_p);
			char *acl_to_any_text(
				acl_t acl, const char *prefix, char separator, int options );

			int acl_calc_mask(acl_t *acl_p);
			int acl_set_file(const char *path_p, acl_type_t type, acl_t acl);
			int acl_set_fd(int fd, acl_t acl);

			int acl_free(void *obj_p);

		self.libacl = self.ffi.verify('''
			#include <sys/types.h>
			#include <sys/acl.h>
			#include <acl/libacl.h>
		''', libraries=['acl'])

		self._flag_cache = dict()
		for k, pre, alias in re.findall(r'\b((ACL_TYPE|TEXT)_([A-Z_]+))\b', cdef):
			v = getattr(self.libacl, k)
			setattr(self, k, v)
			if alias not in self._flag_cache: self._flag_cache[alias] = v
			else: self._flag_cache[alias] = None

	def _flag(self, k):
		if isinstance(k, (int, long)): return k
		elif not isinstance(k, types.StringTypes):
			return reduce(op.or_, it.imap(self._flag, k), 0)
		v = self._flag_cache[k]
		if v is not None: return v
		else: raise KeyError('Ambiguous flag name: {}'.format(k))

	def get( self, src, acl_type='ACCESS',
			text_options=['ABBREVIATE', 'ALL_EFFECTIVE'] ):
		if isinstance(src, types.StringTypes): func = self.libacl.acl_get_file
			if not isinstance(src, (int, long)): src = src.fileno()
			func = self.libacl.acl_get_fd
		acl = func(src, self._flag(acl_type))

			if acl == self.ffi.NULL:
				if self.ffi.errno == errno.ENODATA: return ''
				raise OSError(self.ffi.errno, os.strerror(self.ffi.errno))

			acl_str = self.libacl.acl_to_any_text(
				acl, self.ffi.NULL, '\n', self._flag(text_options) )
			if acl == self.ffi.NULL:
				raise OSError(self.ffi.errno, os.strerror(self.ffi.errno))
			acl_str = self.ffi.string(acl_str)
			return acl_str

			if acl != self.ffi.NULL and self.libacl.acl_free(acl):
				raise OSError(self.ffi.errno, os.strerror(self.ffi.errno))

	def _set(self, dst, acl_str, acl_type='ACCESS'):
		acl = self.libacl.acl_from_text(acl_str)\
			if acl_str is not None else self.libacl.acl_init(5)
		if acl == self.ffi.NULL:
			raise ValueError('Invalid ACL specification: {!r}'.format(acl_str))

			acl_p = self.ffi.new('acl_t *', acl)
			if self.libacl.acl_calc_mask(acl_p):
				raise OSError(self.ffi.errno, os.strerror(self.ffi.errno))

			acl_type = self._flag(acl_type)
			if isinstance(dst, types.StringTypes):
				err = self.libacl.acl_set_file(dst, acl_type, acl)
				if not isinstance(dst, (int, long)): dst = dst.fileno()
				err = self.libacl.acl_set_fd(dst, acl)
			if err: raise OSError(self.ffi.errno, os.strerror(self.ffi.errno))

			if self.libacl.acl_free(acl):
				raise OSError(self.ffi.errno, os.strerror(self.ffi.errno))

	def set(self, dst, acl_str, acl_type='ACCESS'):
		return self._set(dst, acl_str, acl_type=acl_type)

	def unset(self, dst, acl_type='ACCESS'):
		return self._set(dst, None, acl_type=acl_type)

	def from_mode( self, mode,
			text_options=['ABBREVIATE', 'ALL_EFFECTIVE'] ):
		acl = self.libacl.acl_from_mode(mode)
		if acl == self.ffi.NULL:
			raise OSError(self.ffi.errno, os.strerror(self.ffi.errno))

			acl_str = self.libacl.acl_to_any_text(
				acl, self.ffi.NULL, '\n', self._flag(text_options) )
			return self.ffi.string(acl_str)

			if self.libacl.acl_free(acl):
				raise OSError(self.ffi.errno, os.strerror(self.ffi.errno))
コード例 #53
ファイル: eal_shm_test.py プロジェクト: Havenking/LMiced
    print "ret errno", ret, ffi.errno
    if ret != 0:
        print "errno is ", ffi.errno
        assert ret == 0
def test_shm():
def setup_function(function):
    print ("setting up %s" % function)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    global shm
    import sys
    print shm.fd, shm.size,ffi.string(shm.name)
    c= sys.stdin.readline()
    print "readlins is return",c
    if c[:4] == "open":
        print "into openex test process 2"
        print "copy 7 bytes "
        caddr = ffi.cast("void*", shm.addr)
        C.memcpy(caddr, "welcome", 7)
        print "copy %d bytes" % (4096*2+1)
        C.memcpy(caddr, "welcome"*2000, 4096*2+1)
    elif c[:5] == "close":
コード例 #54
ファイル: _libcrypto_cffi.py プロジェクト: AsTryE/oscrypto

ffi = FFI()

ffi.cdef("const char *SSLeay_version(int type);")

libcrypto_path = find_library('crypto')
if not libcrypto_path:
    raise LibraryNotFoundError('The library libcrypto could not be found')

libcrypto = ffi.dlopen(libcrypto_path)
register_ffi(libcrypto, ffi)

version_string = ffi.string(libcrypto.SSLeay_version(0)).decode('utf-8')
version_match = re.search('\\b(\\d\\.\\d\\.\\d[a-z]*)\\b', version_string)
if not version_match:
    version_match = re.search('(?<=LibreSSL )(\\d\\.\\d(\\.\\d)?)\\b', version_string)
if not version_match:
    raise LibraryNotFoundError('Error detecting the version of libcrypto')
version = version_match.group(1)
version_parts = re.sub('(\\d)([a-z]+)', '\\1.\\2', version).split('.')
version_info = tuple(int(part) if part.isdigit() else part for part in version_parts)

if version_info < (0, 9, 8):
    raise LibraryNotFoundError(pretty_message(
        OpenSSL versions older than 0.9.8 are not supported - found version %s
コード例 #55
ファイル: bootstrap.py プロジェクト: admalledd/embedsanity
} json_type;

typedef struct json_t {
    json_type type;
    size_t refcount;
} json_t;


py_boot = ffi.cast("t_pypy_bootstrap *",c_argument)

    import os.path
    gfile = os.path.join(ffi.string(py_boot.paths.data).decode('utf-8'),'..','c_src','globals.h')
    print("trying for globals.h at '%s'"%gfile)
    if not os.path.isfile(gfile):
        raise OSError("could not find globals.h! eeeeep!")
    gfile = open(gfile,'r').read()

    cdefs = io.StringIO()
    lines = gfile.splitlines()
    for i,line in enumerate(lines):
        line = line.strip()
        if line.startswith('#'):
    ffi.cdef(cdefs.getvalue(), override=True)#over ride old def's if they exist. trust globals.h
コード例 #56
rc = ngspice_shared.ngSpice_Command('bg_run'.encode('utf8'))
print('ngSpice_Command returned', rc)

time.sleep(.1)  # required before to test if the simulation is running
while (ngspice_shared.ngSpice_running()):
print("Simulation is done")

all_plots = ngspice_shared.ngSpice_AllPlots()
i = 0
while (True):
    if all_plots[i] == ffi.NULL:
    i += 1

plot_name = 'tran1'
all_vectors = ngspice_shared.ngSpice_AllVecs(plot_name.encode('utf8'))
i = 0
while (True):
    if all_vectors[i] == ffi.NULL:
        vector_name = ffi.string(all_vectors[i])
        name = '.'.join((plot_name, vector_name.decode('utf8')))
        vector_info = ngspice_shared.ngGet_Vec_Info(name.encode('utf8'))
        length = vector_info.v_length
        print("vector[{}] {} type {} flags {} length {}".format(
            i, vector_name, vector_info.v_type, vector_info.v_flags, length))
コード例 #57
ファイル: meta.py プロジェクト: mk-fg/lafs-backup-tool
class CStrCaps(object):

	_lazy = None
	def lazy_instance(cls):
		if not cls._lazy: cls._lazy = cls()
		return cls._lazy

	def __init__(self):
		self.ffi = FFI()
		cdef = '''
			struct _cap_struct;
			typedef struct _cap_struct *cap_t;

			cap_t cap_get_file(const char *path_p);
			int cap_set_file(const char *path_p, cap_t cap_p);

			cap_t cap_get_fd(int fd);
			int cap_set_fd(int fd, cap_t caps);

			cap_t cap_from_text(const char *buf_p);
			char *cap_to_text(cap_t caps, ssize_t *length_p);

			int cap_free(void *obj_d);

		self.libcap = self.ffi.verify('''
			#include <sys/types.h>
			#include <sys/capability.h>
		''', libraries=['cap'])

	def get_file(self, src):
		if isinstance(src, types.StringTypes): func = self.libcap.cap_get_file
			if not isinstance(src, (int, long)): src = src.fileno()
			func = self.libcap.cap_get_fd

		caps = func(src)
			if caps == self.ffi.NULL:
				if self.ffi.errno == errno.ENODATA: return ''
				raise OSError(self.ffi.errno, os.strerror(self.ffi.errno))
				caps_len_p = self.ffi.new('ssize_t *')
				caps_p = self.libcap.cap_to_text(caps, caps_len_p)
				if caps_p == self.ffi.NULL:
					raise OSError(self.ffi.errno, os.strerror(self.ffi.errno))
			return self.ffi.string(caps_p, caps_len_p[0])

			if caps != self.ffi.NULL and self.libcap.cap_free(caps):
				raise OSError(self.ffi.errno, os.strerror(self.ffi.errno))

	def set_file(self, dst, caps_str):
		caps = self.libcap.cap_from_text(caps_str)
		if caps == self.ffi.NULL:
			raise ValueError('Invalid capabilities specification: {!r}'.format(caps_str))

			if isinstance(dst, types.StringTypes):
				err = self.libcap.cap_set_file(dst, caps)
				if not isinstance(dst, (int, long)): dst = dst.fileno()
				err = self.libcap.cap_set_fd(dst, caps)
			if err: raise OSError(self.ffi.errno, os.strerror(self.ffi.errno))

			if self.libcap.cap_free(caps):
				raise OSError(self.ffi.errno, os.strerror(self.ffi.errno))
コード例 #58
class RangeLib(object):
    def __init__(self, config_file):
        self.ffi = FFI()
    typedef void easy_lr ; // avoid exposing the struct internals, fake it as void
    easy_lr* range_easy_create(const char* config_file);
    const char ** range_easy_expand(easy_lr* elr, const char * c_range);
    const char * range_easy_eval(easy_lr* elr, const char * c_range);
    char * range_easy_compress(easy_lr* elr, const char ** c_nodes);
    int range_easy_destroy(easy_lr* elr);

    void free(void *ptr);
        self.rangelib_ffi = self.ffi.dlopen("libcrange.so")
        self.libc_ffi = self.ffi.dlopen("libc.so.6")
        self.elr = self.rangelib_ffi.range_easy_create(self.ffi.new("char[]", config_file))

    def __charpp_to_native(self, arg):
        i = 0
        arr = []
        while arg[i] != self.ffi.NULL:
            x = self.ffi.string(arg[i])
            i += 1
        return arr

    def expand(self, c_range):
        ret = self.rangelib_ffi.range_easy_expand(self.elr, self.ffi.new("char[]", c_range))
        x = self.__charpp_to_native(ret)
        return x

    def compress(self, nodes):
        char_arg = [ self.ffi.new("char[]", x) for x in nodes ]
        retptr = self.rangelib_ffi.range_easy_compress(self.elr, self.ffi.new("char*[]", char_arg))
        ret = self.ffi.string(retptr)
        return ret

    def eval(self, c_range):
        retptr = self.rangelib_ffi.range_easy_eval(self.elr, self.ffi.new("char[]", c_range))
        ret = self.ffi.string(retptr)
        return ret

    def __del__(self):