def __init__(self): """ .. attention:: username/passwd from right place """ self._CONTRAIL_XSD = "" self._NAMESPACES = { 'a': '', 'b': '', 'c': self._CONTRAIL_XSD } namespaces = { 'env': "", 'ifmap': "", 'meta': "" "2010/IFMAP-METADATA/2", 'contrail': self._CONTRAIL_XSD } self.parse_args() if self._args.verbose: logger.setLevel('DEBUG') mapclient = client(("%s" % (self._args.ip), "%s" % (self._args.port)), self._args.username, self._args.password, namespaces) result ='newSession', NewSessionRequest()) mapclient.set_session_id(newSessionResult(result).get_session_id()) mapclient.set_publisher_id(newSessionResult(result).get_publisher_id()) self._mapclient = mapclient self.soap_doc = None
def __init__(self, db_client_mgr, ifmap_srv_ip, ifmap_srv_port, uname, passwd, ssl_options, ifmap_srv_loc = None): super(VncIfmapClient, self).__init__() # TODO username/passwd from right place self._CONTRAIL_XSD = "" self._IPERMS_NAME = "id-perms" self._IPERMS_FQ_NAME = "contrail:" + self._IPERMS_NAME self._SUBNETS_NAME = "contrail:subnets" self._IPAMS_NAME = "contrail:ipams" self._SG_RULE_NAME = "contrail:sg_rules" self._POLICY_ENTRY_NAME = "contrail:policy_entry" self._NAMESPACES = { 'a': '', 'b': '', 'c': self._CONTRAIL_XSD } namespaces = { 'env' : "", 'ifmap' : "", 'meta' : "", 'contrail' : self._CONTRAIL_XSD } self._db_client_mgr = db_client_mgr # launch mapserver if ifmap_srv_loc: self._launch_mapserver(ifmap_srv_ip, ifmap_srv_port, ifmap_srv_loc) mapclient = client(("%s" %(ifmap_srv_ip), "%s" %(ifmap_srv_port)), uname, passwd, namespaces, ssl_options) self._mapclient = mapclient connected = False while not connected: try: result ='newSession', NewSessionRequest()) connected = True except socket.error as e: time.sleep(3) mapclient.set_session_id(newSessionResult(result).get_session_id()) mapclient.set_publisher_id(newSessionResult(result).get_publisher_id()) # Initialize ifmap-id handler (alloc|convert|parse etc.) self._imid_handler = Imid() imid = self._imid_handler # Publish init config (TODO this should come from api-server init) # config-root buf = cStringIO.StringIO() perms = Provision.defaults.perms['config-root'] perms.exportChildren(buf, level = 1, pretty_print = False) id_perms_xml = buf.getvalue() buf.close() meta = str(Metadata(self._IPERMS_NAME, '', {'ifmap-cardinality':'singleValue'}, ns_prefix = 'contrail', elements = id_perms_xml)) self._publish_id_self_meta("contrail:config-root:root", meta)
def __init__(self, db_client_mgr, ifmap_srv_ip, ifmap_srv_port, uname, passwd, ssl_options, ifmap_srv_loc=None): super(VncIfmapClient, self).__init__() # TODO username/passwd from right place self._CONTRAIL_XSD = "" self._IPERMS_NAME = "id-perms" self._IPERMS_FQ_NAME = "contrail:" + self._IPERMS_NAME self._SUBNETS_NAME = "contrail:subnets" self._IPAMS_NAME = "contrail:ipams" self._SG_RULE_NAME = "contrail:sg_rules" self._POLICY_ENTRY_NAME = "contrail:policy_entry" self._NAMESPACES = { 'env': "", 'ifmap': "", 'meta': "", 'contrail': self._CONTRAIL_XSD } self._db_client_mgr = db_client_mgr # launch mapserver if ifmap_srv_loc: self._launch_mapserver(ifmap_srv_ip, ifmap_srv_port, ifmap_srv_loc) mapclient = client(("%s" % (ifmap_srv_ip), "%s" % (ifmap_srv_port)), uname, passwd, self._NAMESPACES, ssl_options) self._mapclient = mapclient connected = False while not connected: try: result ='newSession', NewSessionRequest()) connected = True except socket.error as e: time.sleep(3) mapclient.set_session_id(newSessionResult(result).get_session_id()) mapclient.set_publisher_id(newSessionResult(result).get_publisher_id()) # Initialize ifmap-id handler (alloc|convert|parse etc.) self._imid_handler = Imid() imid = self._imid_handler # Publish init config (TODO this should come from api-server init) # config-root buf = cStringIO.StringIO() perms = Provision.defaults.perms['config-root'] perms.exportChildren(buf, level=1, pretty_print=False) id_perms_xml = buf.getvalue() buf.close() meta = str(Metadata(self._IPERMS_NAME, '', {'ifmap-cardinality': 'singleValue'}, ns_prefix='contrail', elements=id_perms_xml)) self._publish_id_self_meta("contrail:config-root:root", meta)
def _init_conn(self): self._mapclient = client( ("%s" % (self._ifmap_srv_ip), "%s" % (self._ifmap_srv_port)), self._username, self._password, self._NAMESPACES, self._ssl_options) connected = False while not connected: try: resp_xml ='newSession', NewSessionRequest()) except socket.error as e: msg = 'Failed to establish IF-MAP connection: %s' % str(e) self.config_log(msg, level=SandeshLevel.SYS_WARN) time.sleep(3) continue resp_doc = etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(resp_xml)) err_codes = resp_doc.xpath( '/env:Envelope/env:Body/ifmap:response/errorResult/@errorCode', namespaces=self._NAMESPACES) if not err_codes: connected = True else: msg = "Failed to establish IF-MAP connection: %s" % err_codes self.config_log(msg, level=SandeshLevel.SYS_WARN) session_id = self._mapclient.get_session_id() try:'endSession', EndSessionRequest(session_id)) except socket.error as e: msg = "Failed to end the IF-MAP session %s: %s" %\ (session_id, str(e)) self.config_log(msg, level=SandeshLevel.SYS_WARN) time.sleep(3) ConnectionState.update(conn_type=ConnectionType.IFMAP, name='IfMap', status=ConnectionStatus.UP, message='', server_addrs=[ "%s:%s" % (self._ifmap_srv_ip, self._ifmap_srv_port) ]) self._conn_state = ConnectionStatus.UP msg = 'IFMAP connection ESTABLISHED' self.config_log(msg, level=SandeshLevel.SYS_NOTICE) self._mapclient.set_session_id( newSessionResult(resp_xml).get_session_id()) self._mapclient.set_publisher_id( newSessionResult(resp_xml).get_publisher_id())
def _init_conn(self): self._mapclient = client(("%s" % (self._ifmap_srv_ip), "%s" % (self._ifmap_srv_port)), self._username, self._password, self._NAMESPACES, self._ssl_options) connected = False while not connected: try: resp_xml ='newSession', NewSessionRequest()) except socket.error as e: msg = 'Failed to establish IF-MAP connection: %s' % str(e) self.config_log(msg, level=SandeshLevel.SYS_WARN) time.sleep(3) continue resp_doc = etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(resp_xml)) err_codes = resp_doc.xpath( '/env:Envelope/env:Body/ifmap:response/errorResult/@errorCode', namespaces=self._NAMESPACES) if not err_codes: connected = True else: msg = "Failed to establish IF-MAP connection: %s" % err_codes self.config_log(msg, level=SandeshLevel.SYS_WARN) session_id = self._mapclient.get_session_id() try:'endSession', EndSessionRequest(session_id)) except socket.error as e: msg = "Failed to end the IF-MAP session %s: %s" %\ (session_id, str(e)) self.config_log(msg, level=SandeshLevel.SYS_WARN) time.sleep(3) ConnectionState.update(conn_type = ConnectionType.IFMAP, name = 'IfMap', status = ConnectionStatus.UP, message = '', server_addrs = ["%s:%s" % (self._ifmap_srv_ip, self._ifmap_srv_port)]) self._conn_state = ConnectionStatus.UP msg = 'IFMAP connection ESTABLISHED' self.config_log(msg, level=SandeshLevel.SYS_NOTICE) self._mapclient.set_session_id( newSessionResult(resp_xml).get_session_id()) self._mapclient.set_publisher_id( newSessionResult(resp_xml).get_publisher_id())
def ifmap_server_connect(args): _CLIENT_NAMESPACES = { 'env': _SOAP_XSD, 'ifmap': _IFMAP_XSD, 'meta': _IFMAP_META_XSD, _CT_NS: _CONTRAIL_XSD } ssl_options = None if args.use_certs: ssl_options = { 'keyfile': args.keyfile, 'certfile': args.certfile, 'ca_certs': args.ca_certs, 'cert_reqs': ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, 'ciphers': 'ALL' } return client(("%s" % (args.ifmap_server_ip), "%s" % (args.ifmap_server_port)), args.ifmap_username, args.ifmap_password, _CLIENT_NAMESPACES, ssl_options)
def ifmap_server_connect(args): _CLIENT_NAMESPACES = { 'env': _SOAP_XSD, 'ifmap': _IFMAP_XSD, 'meta': _IFMAP_META_XSD, _CT_NS: _CONTRAIL_XSD } ssl_options = None if args.use_certs: ssl_options = { 'keyfile': args.keyfile, 'certfile': args.certfile, 'ca_certs': args.ca_certs, 'cert_reqs': ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, 'ciphers': 'ALL' } return client( ("%s" % (args.ifmap_server_ip), "%s" % (args.ifmap_server_port)), args.ifmap_username, args.ifmap_password, _CLIENT_NAMESPACES, ssl_options)
def start_ifmap(cport1): ''' Client uses this function to start an instance of IFMAP Arguments: cport : An unused TCP port for zookeeper to use as the client port ''' ifmap_download = 'curl -o ' +\ ifmap_url + ' -s -m 120'+\ ifmap_version+'' if not os.path.exists(ifmap_url): process = subprocess.Popen(ifmap_download.split(' ')) process.wait() if process.returncode is not 0: return cs = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) cs.bind(("", 0)) cport2 = cs.getsockname()[1] cs.close() basefile = "irond-" + ifmap_version + '-bin' zipfile = ifmap_url cassbase = "/tmp/irond." + str(cport1) + "/" confdir = cassbase + basefile + "/" output, _ = call_command_("mkdir " + cassbase)'Installing irond in ' + cassbase) os.system("unzip " + zipfile + " -d " + cassbase)'irond Client Ports %d , %d' % (cport1, cport2)) conftemplate = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/" output, _ = call_command_("cp " + conftemplate + " " + confdir) conftemplate = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/" output, _ = call_command_("cp " + conftemplate + " " + confdir) conftemplate = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/" output, _ = call_command_("cp " + conftemplate + " " + confdir) replace_string_(confdir + "", [("TRACE", "DEBUG")]) replace_string_(confdir + "", \ [("irond.comm.basicauth.port=8443","irond.comm.basicauth.port="+str(cport1)), ("irond.comm.certauth.port=8444","irond.comm.certauth.port="+str(cport2)), ("irond.auth.basic.users.file=/etc/irond/","" % confdir), ("irond.auth.cert.keystore.file=/usr/share/irond/keystore/irond.jks","irond.auth.cert.keystore.file=%skeystore/irond.jks" % confdir), ("irond.ifmap.publishers.file=/etc/irond/","" % confdir), ("irond.ifmap.authorization.file=/etc/irond/","" % confdir), ("irond.auth.cert.truststore.file=/usr/share/irond/keystore/irond.jks","irond.auth.cert.truststore.file=%skeystore/irond.jks")]) replace_string_(confdir + "", \ [("java -jar irond.jar","java -jar %sirond.jar" % confdir)]) output, _ = call_command_("chmod +x" % confdir) commd = confdir + "" jcommd = "java -jar %sirond.jar" % confdir #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #subprocess.Popen(jcommd.split(' '), cwd=confdir, # stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # stderr=subprocess.PIPE) subprocess.Popen(jcommd.split(' '), cwd=confdir) ns = { 'env': "", 'ifmap': "", 'meta': "" } ifmap_srv_ip = "" ifmap_srv_port = cport1 uname = "test" passwd = "test" mapclient = client(("%s" % (ifmap_srv_ip), "%s" % (ifmap_srv_port)), uname, passwd, ns, None) connected = False result = None while not connected: try: result ='newSession', NewSessionRequest()) except: pass finally: if result != None: connected = True else:'Irond not started...') time.sleep(2)'Started Irond')
def start_ifmap(cport1): ''' Client uses this function to start an instance of IFMAP Arguments: cport : An unused TCP port for zookeeper to use as the client port ''' ifmap_download = 'curl -o ' +\ ifmap_url + ' -s -m 120'+\ ifmap_version+'' if not os.path.exists(ifmap_url): process = subprocess.Popen(ifmap_download.split(' ')) process.wait() if process.returncode is not 0: return cs = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) cs.bind(("",0)) cport2 = cs.getsockname()[1] cs.close() basefile = "irond-"+ifmap_version+'-bin' zipfile = ifmap_url cassbase = "/tmp/irond." + str(cport1) + "/" confdir = cassbase + basefile + "/" output,_ = call_command_("mkdir " + cassbase)'Installing irond in ' + cassbase) os.system("unzip " + zipfile + " -d " + cassbase)'irond Client Ports %d , %d' % (cport1,cport2)) conftemplate = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/" output, _ = call_command_("cp " + conftemplate + " " + confdir) conftemplate = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/" output, _ = call_command_("cp " + conftemplate + " " + confdir) conftemplate = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/" output, _ = call_command_("cp " + conftemplate + " " + confdir) replace_string_(confdir + "", [("TRACE","DEBUG")]) replace_string_(confdir + "", \ [("irond.comm.basicauth.port=8443","irond.comm.basicauth.port="+str(cport1)), ("irond.comm.certauth.port=8444","irond.comm.certauth.port="+str(cport2)), ("irond.auth.basic.users.file=/etc/irond/","" % confdir), ("irond.auth.cert.keystore.file=/usr/share/irond/keystore/irond.jks","irond.auth.cert.keystore.file=%skeystore/irond.jks" % confdir), ("irond.ifmap.publishers.file=/etc/irond/","" % confdir), ("irond.ifmap.authorization.file=/etc/irond/","" % confdir), ("irond.auth.cert.truststore.file=/usr/share/irond/keystore/irond.jks","irond.auth.cert.truststore.file=%skeystore/irond.jks")]) replace_string_(confdir + "", \ [("java -jar irond.jar","java -jar %sirond.jar" % confdir)]) output, _ = call_command_("chmod +x" % confdir) commd = confdir + "" jcommd = "java -jar %sirond.jar" % confdir #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #subprocess.Popen(jcommd.split(' '), cwd=confdir, # stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # stderr=subprocess.PIPE) subprocess.Popen(jcommd.split(' '), cwd=confdir) ns = { 'env': "", 'ifmap': "", 'meta': ""} ifmap_srv_ip = "" ifmap_srv_port = cport1 uname = "test" passwd = "test" mapclient = client(("%s" % (ifmap_srv_ip), "%s" % (ifmap_srv_port)), uname, passwd, ns, None) connected = False result = None while not connected: try: result ='newSession', NewSessionRequest()) except: pass finally: if result != None: connected = True else:'Irond not started...') time.sleep(2)'Started Irond')