def test_main_app(vo_client, data_client_mock, repo_get_mock, vo_mock, test_name): obs_id = os.path.basename(test_name) storage_name = storage_names.get_storage_name( test_storage_name.LOOKUP[obs_id][0], test_storage_name.LOOKUP[obs_id][0]) working_dir = get_work_dir(test_name) output_file = f'{TEST_DATA_DIR}/{working_dir}/{obs_id}.actual.xml' input_file = f'{TEST_DATA_DIR}/{working_dir}/{obs_id}.in.xml' obs_path = f'{TEST_DATA_DIR}/{working_dir}/{obs_id}.expected.xml' data_client_mock.return_value.get_file_info.side_effect = get_file_info vo_client.return_value.get_node.side_effect = _get_node_mock repo_get_mock.side_effect = _repo_read_mock vo_mock.side_effect = _vo_mock sys.argv = \ (f'{main_app.APPLICATION} --no_validate --local ' f'{_get_local(test_name)} -i {input_file} -o {output_file} --plugin ' f'{PLUGIN} --module {PLUGIN} --lineage ' f'{test_storage_name.get_lineage(test_name)}').split() print(sys.argv) main_app.to_caom2() compare_result = mc.compare_observations(output_file, obs_path) if compare_result is not None: raise AssertionError(compare_result)
def get_lineage(obs_id): result = '' for ii in LOOKUP[obs_id]: storage_name = storage_names.get_storage_name(ii, ii) result = f'{result} {storage_name.lineage}' result = result.replace('.header', '') return result
def test_single(): test_entry = 'MegaPipe.358.122.G.MP9401.fits' test_subject = storage_names.get_storage_name(test_entry, test_entry) assert test_subject.obs_id == 'MegaPipe.358.122', 'wrong obs id' assert test_subject.product_id == 'MegaPipe.358.122.G.MP9401', \ 'wrong product id' assert test_subject.filter_name == 'G', 'wrong filter name'
def get_ngvs_bandpass_name(uri): reverse_filter_lookup = { 'i': 'i.MP9703', 'g': 'g.MP9402', 'r': 'r.MP9602', 'u': 'u.MP9302', 'z': 'z.MP9901'} storage_name = sn.get_storage_name(uri, uri) result = None if storage_name.filter_name is not None: result = reverse_filter_lookup.get(storage_name.filter_name) return result
def get_data_product_type(uri): result = DataProductType.IMAGE storage_name = sn.get_storage_name(uri, uri) if storage_name.is_catalog: # PD 09-12-20 # I need to modify the ObsCore view to filter the observations with # DataProductType.catalog out (not compliant to spec) but there is a # different value measurements that means roughly the same thing. # There should be a DataProductType constant declared in the py library # for this value. result = DataProductType.MEASUREMENTS return result
def _filter_args(args): uris_for_later = [] result = [] if args.lineage: for ii in args.lineage: uri = ii.split('/', 1)[1] result.append(uri) storage_name = sn.get_storage_name(uri, uri) if not storage_name.use_metadata: uris_for_later.append(uri) else: raise mc.CadcException( f'Could not define uri from these args {args}') return result, uris_for_later
def accumulate_bp(bp, uri): """Configure the telescope-specific ObsBlueprint at the CAOM model Observation level.""" logging.debug(f'Begin accumulate_bp for {uri}.') bp.configure_position_axes((1, 2)) scheme, archive, file_name = mc.decompose_uri(uri) storage_name = sn.get_storage_name(file_name, file_name) if sn.is_ngvs(uri): _accumulate_ngvs_bp(bp, storage_name) else: _accumulate_mp_bp(bp, storage_name) # they're all DerivedObservations bp.set('DerivedObservation.members', {}) bp.set('Observation.type', 'OBJECT') bp.set('', 'get_proposal_id(header)') bp.clear('Plane.metaRelease') bp.add_fits_attribute('Plane.metaRelease', 'REL_DATE') bp.clear('Chunk.position.resolution') bp.add_fits_attribute('Chunk.position.resolution', 'FINALIQ') bp.set('', INSTRUMENT) bp.set('', 'CFHT 3.6m') x, y, z = ac.get_geocentric_location('cfht') bp.set('Observation.telescope.geoLocationX', x) bp.set('Observation.telescope.geoLocationY', y) bp.set('Observation.telescope.geoLocationZ', z) bp.set('Plane.calibrationLevel', 'get_calibration_level(uri)') bp.set('Plane.dataProductType', 'get_data_product_type(uri)') bp.set('Plane.provenance.producer', 'CADC') bp.set('Artifact.productType', 'get_artifact_product_type(uri)') if storage_name.collection == sn.MP_COLLECTION: _accumulate_mp_bp(bp, storage_name) else: _accumulate_ngvs_bp(bp, storage_name) logging.debug('Done accumulate_bp.')
def test_is_valid(): for key, value in LOOKUP.items(): for entry in value: sn = storage_names.get_storage_name(entry, entry) assert sn.is_valid() assert sn.obs_id == key, f'wrong obs id {sn.obs_id}'
def get_provenance_version(uri): storage_name = sn.get_storage_name(uri, uri) return storage_name.version
def get_calibration_level(uri): result = CalibrationLevel.PRODUCT storage_name = sn.get_storage_name(uri, uri) if storage_name.is_catalog: result = CalibrationLevel.ANALYSIS_PRODUCT return result
def update(observation, **kwargs): """Called to fill multiple CAOM model elements and/or attributes, must have this signature for import_module loading and execution. :param observation A CAOM Observation model instance. :param **kwargs Everything else.""" logging.debug('Begin update.') mc.check_param(observation, Observation) fqn = kwargs.get('fqn') headers = kwargs.get('headers') uri = kwargs.get('uri') if uri is not None: storage_name = sn.get_storage_name(uri, uri) elif fqn is not None: temp = os.path.basename(fqn) storage_name = sn.get_storage_name(temp, temp) else: raise mc.CadcException(f'Cannot define a MEGAPIPEName instance for ' f'{observation.observation_id}') if headers is None: logging.warning(f'No metadata for {storage_name.file_name}') return observation logging.debug(f'Update for {observation.observation_id} with ' f'{storage_name.file_name}.') max_meta_release = observation.meta_release min_seeing = None if (observation.environment is not None and observation.environment.seeing is not None): min_seeing = observation.environment.seeing if not storage_name.is_catalog: for plane in observation.planes.values(): max_meta_release = _update_release_date( plane, max_meta_release, headers) if plane.product_id != storage_name.product_id: continue min_seeing = _minimize(min_seeing, _get_keyword(headers, 'FINALIQ')) for artifact in plane.artifacts.values(): if artifact.uri != storage_name.file_uri: continue if (artifact.product_type is ProductType.WEIGHT and storage_name.collection == sn.MP_COLLECTION): = None continue for part in for chunk in part.chunks: if _informative_uri(storage_name.file_name): _update_energy(chunk, headers, storage_name, observation.observation_id) if not storage_name.is_catalog: if storage_name.collection == sn.MP_COLLECTION: if chunk.position is not None: chunk.position.resolution = None # SGw - 24-11-20 - set observable/axis to None: there # is no such information in the files if chunk.observable_axis is not None: chunk.observable_axis = None if chunk.observable is not None: chunk.observable = None if (_informative_uri(storage_name.file_name) and plane.provenance is not None): # SGw - 22-01-21 # When re-processing, I sometimes find that an image wasn't as # well calibrated as I thought it was and it gets removed from # the next generation data products. So I would like the # ability to remove inputs cc.update_plane_provenance_single( plane, headers, 'HISTORY', 'CFHT', _repair_history_provenance_value, observation.observation_id) if plane.provenance.run_id == 'None': plane.provenance.run_id = None if (plane.provenance.keywords is not None and 'None' in plane.provenance.keywords): plane.provenance.keywords.remove('None') # _update_ngvs_time is dependent on provenance information that is # generated right before this if (storage_name.collection == sn.NGVS_COLLECTION and not storage_name.is_catalog): for artifact in plane.artifacts.values(): if artifact.uri != storage_name.file_uri: continue for part in for chunk in part.chunks: _update_ngvs_time(chunk, plane.provenance, observation.observation_id) observation.meta_release = max_meta_release if observation.environment is not None: observation.environment.seeing = min_seeing if ( is not None and storage_name.collection == sn.MP_COLLECTION): = False cc.update_observation_members(observation) logging.debug('Done update.') return observation