def getCGMNameTags(self): """ Get the cgm name tags of an object. """ self.cgm = {} for tag in NameFactory.cgmNameTags: self.cgm[tag] = search.findRawTagInfo(self.nameLong,tag)
def returnObjectGeneratedNameDict(obj, ignore=[False]): """ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DESCRIPTION: Returns a generated dictionary of name info ARGUMENTS: obj(string) - object ignore(string) - default is 'none', only culls out cgmtags that are generated via returnCGMOrder() function RETURNS: namesDict(string) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> """ typesDictionary = dictionary.initializeDictionary(typesDictionaryFile) namesDictionary = dictionary.initializeDictionary(namesDictionaryFile) settingsDictionary = dictionary.initializeDictionary( settingsDictionaryFile) namesDict = {} divider = returnCGMDivider() order = returnCGMOrder() nameBuilder = [] #>>> Get our cgmVar_iables userAttrs = attributes.returnUserAttributes(obj) cgmAttrs = lists.returnMatchList(userAttrs, order) #>>> Tag ignoring if ignore: for i in ignore: if i in order: order.remove(i) #>>> Geting our data for tag in order: tagInfo = search.findRawTagInfo(obj, tag) if tagInfo is not False: namesDict[tag] = (tagInfo) """ remove tags up stream that we don't want if they don't exist on the actual object""" if mc.objExists(obj + '.cgmTypeModifier') != True: if namesDict.get('cgmTypeModifier') != None: namesDict.pop('cgmTypeModifier') #>>> checks if the names exist as objects or it's a shape node ChildNameObj = False nameObj = search.returnTagInfo(obj, 'cgmName') typeTag = search.returnTagInfo(obj, 'cgmType') isType = search.returnObjectType(obj) childrenObjects = search.returnChildrenObjects(obj) """first see if it's a group """ if childrenObjects > 0 and isType == 'transform' and typeTag == False: """ if it's a transform group """ groupNamesDict = {} if not nameObj: groupNamesDict['cgmName'] = childrenObjects[0] else: groupNamesDict['cgmName'] = nameObj groupNamesDict['cgmType'] = typesDictionary.get('transform') if namesDict.get('cgmDirection') != None: groupNamesDict['cgmDirection'] = namesDict.get('cgmDirection') if namesDict.get('cgmDirectionModifier') != None: groupNamesDict['cgmDirectionModifier'] = namesDict.get( 'cgmDirectionModifier') if namesDict.get('cgmTypeModifier') != None: groupNamesDict['cgmTypeModifier'] = namesDict.get( 'cgmTypeModifier') return groupNamesDict """ see if there's a name tag""" elif nameObj != None or isType == 'shape': """if there is, does it exist """ if mc.objExists(nameObj) == True: """basic child object with cgmName tag """ childNamesDict = {} childNamesDict['cgmName'] = namesDict.get('cgmName') childNamesDict['cgmType'] = namesDict.get('cgmType') if namesDict.get('cgmDirection') != None: childNamesDict['cgmDirection'] = namesDict.get('cgmDirection') if namesDict.get('cgmNameModifier') != None: childNamesDict['cgmNameModifier'] = namesDict.get( 'cgmNameModifier') if namesDict.get('cgmDirectionModifier') != None: childNamesDict['cgmDirectionModifier'] = namesDict.get( 'cgmDirectionModifier') if namesDict.get('cgmTypeModifier') != None: childNamesDict['cgmTypeModifier'] = namesDict.get( 'cgmTypeModifier') return childNamesDict elif isType == 'shape' or 'Constraint' in isType: """if so, it's a child name object""" childNamesDict = {} childNamesDict['cgmName'] = search.returnParentObject(obj, False) childNamesDict['cgmType'] = namesDict.get('cgmType') return childNamesDict elif typeTag == 'infoNull': """if so, it's a special case""" moduleObj = search.returnMatchedTagObjectUp( obj, 'cgmType', 'module') masterObj = search.returnMatchedTagObjectUp( obj, 'cgmType', 'master') if moduleObj != False: moduleName = returnUniqueGeneratedName(moduleObj, ignore='cgmType') childNamesDict = {} childNamesDict['cgmName'] = (moduleName + '_' + nameObj) childNamesDict['cgmType'] = namesDict.get('cgmType') return childNamesDict elif masterObj != False: masterName = returnUniqueGeneratedName(masterObj, ignore='cgmType') childNamesDict = {} childNamesDict['cgmName'] = (masterName + '_' + nameObj) childNamesDict['cgmType'] = namesDict.get('cgmType') return childNamesDict else: return namesDict else: return namesDict else: return namesDict
def __init__(self, characterName='', *a, **kw): """ Intializes an optionVar class handler Keyword arguments: varName(string) -- name for the optionVar ObjectFactories: self.PuppetNull - main null self.NoTransformGroup >>> self.GeoGroup - group where geo is stored to self.PuppetInfoNull - master puppet info null under which the other nulls live >>> self.GeoInfoNull >>> self.ModuleInfoNull >>> self.ModulesGroup BufferFactories: self.ModulesBuffer - buffer for modules. Instanced from self.ModuleInfoNull """ #>>>Keyword args characterType = kw.pop('characterType', '') initializeOnly = kw.pop('initializeOnly', False) #Default to creation of a var as an int value of 0 ### input check self.masterNulls = modules.returnPuppetObjects() self.nameBase = characterName for l in initLists: self.__dict__[l] = [] for d in initDicts: self.__dict__[d] = {} for o in initStores: self.__dict__[o] = False guiFactory.doPrintReportStart() if mc.objExists(characterName): #Make a name dict to check if search.findRawTagInfo(characterName, 'cgmModuleType') == 'master': self.nameBase = characterName self.PuppetNull = ObjectFactory(characterName) self.refState = self.PuppetNull.refState"'%s' exists. Checking..." % characterName) else: guiFactory.warning( "'%s' isn't a puppet module. Can't initialize" % characterName) return else: if self.nameBase == '': randomOptions = [ 'ReallyNameMe', 'SolarSystem_isADumbName', 'David', 'Josh', 'Ryan', 'NameMe', 'Homer', 'Georgie', 'PleaseNameMe', 'NAMEThis', 'PleaseNameThisPuppet' ] buffer = random.choice(randomOptions) cnt = 0 while mc.objExists(buffer) and cnt < 10: cnt += 1 buffer = random.choice(randomOptions) self.nameBase = buffer if self.refState or initializeOnly:"'%s' Initializing..." % characterName) if not self.initialize(): guiFactory.warning( "'%s' failed to initialize. Please go back to the non referenced file to repair!" % moduleName) return else: if not self.verify(): guiFactory.warning("'%s' failed to verify!" % characterName) return self.checkGeo() self.verifyTemplateSizeObject(False) self.getModules(initializeOnly=initializeOnly, *a, **kw)"'%s' checks out" % self.nameBase) guiFactory.doPrintReportEnd()
def returnObjectGeneratedNameDict(obj,ignore='none'): """ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DESCRIPTION: Returns a generated dictionary of name info ARGUMENTS: obj(string) - object ignore(string) - default is 'none', only culls out cgmtags that are generated via returnCGMOrder() function RETURNS: namesDict(string) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> """ typesDictionary = dictionary.initializeDictionary(typesDictionaryFile) namesDictionary = dictionary.initializeDictionary(namesDictionaryFile) settingsDictionary = dictionary.initializeDictionary(settingsDictionaryFile) namesDict={} divider = returnCGMDivider() order = returnCGMOrder() nameBuilder = [] #>>> Get our cgmVar_iables userAttrs = attributes.returnUserAttributes(obj) cgmAttrs = lists.returnMatchList(userAttrs,order) #>>> Tag ignoring if ignore != 'none': if ignore in order: order.remove(ignore) #>>> Geting our data for tag in order: tagInfo = search.findRawTagInfo(obj,tag) if tagInfo is not False: namesDict[tag] = (tagInfo) """ remove tags up stream that we don't want if they don't exist on the actual object""" if mc.objExists(obj+'.cgmTypeModifier') != True: if namesDict.get('cgmTypeModifier') != None: namesDict.pop('cgmTypeModifier') #>>> checks if the names exist as objects or it's a shape node ChildNameObj = False nameObj = search.returnTagInfo(obj,'cgmName') typeTag = search.returnTagInfo(obj,'cgmType') isType = search.returnObjectType(obj) childrenObjects = search.returnChildrenObjects(obj) """first see if it's a group """ if childrenObjects > 0 and isType == 'transform' and typeTag == False: """ if it's a transform group """ groupNamesDict = {} if not nameObj: groupNamesDict['cgmName'] = childrenObjects[0] else: groupNamesDict['cgmName'] = nameObj groupNamesDict['cgmType'] = typesDictionary.get('transform') if namesDict.get('cgmDirection') != None: groupNamesDict['cgmDirection'] = namesDict.get('cgmDirection') if namesDict.get('cgmDirectionModifier') != None: groupNamesDict['cgmDirectionModifier'] = namesDict.get('cgmDirectionModifier') if namesDict.get('cgmTypeModifier') != None: groupNamesDict['cgmTypeModifier'] = namesDict.get('cgmTypeModifier') return groupNamesDict """ see if there's a name tag""" elif nameObj != None or isType == 'shape': """if there is, does it exist """ if mc.objExists(nameObj) == True: """basic child object with cgmName tag """ childNamesDict = {} childNamesDict['cgmName'] = namesDict.get('cgmName') childNamesDict['cgmType'] = namesDict.get('cgmType') if namesDict.get('cgmDirection') != None: childNamesDict['cgmDirection'] = namesDict.get('cgmDirection') if namesDict.get('cgmNameModifier') != None: childNamesDict['cgmNameModifier'] = namesDict.get('cgmNameModifier') if namesDict.get('cgmDirectionModifier') != None: childNamesDict['cgmDirectionModifier'] = namesDict.get('cgmDirectionModifier') if namesDict.get('cgmTypeModifier') != None: childNamesDict['cgmTypeModifier'] = namesDict.get('cgmTypeModifier') return childNamesDict elif isType == 'shape' or 'Constraint' in isType: """if so, it's a child name object""" childNamesDict = {} childNamesDict['cgmName'] = search.returnParentObject(obj,False) childNamesDict['cgmType'] = namesDict.get('cgmType') return childNamesDict elif typeTag == 'infoNull': """if so, it's a special case""" moduleObj = search.returnMatchedTagObjectUp(obj,'cgmType','module') masterObj = search.returnMatchedTagObjectUp(obj,'cgmType','master') if moduleObj != False: moduleName = returnUniqueGeneratedName(moduleObj,ignore='cgmType') childNamesDict = {} childNamesDict['cgmName'] = (moduleName+'_'+nameObj) childNamesDict['cgmType'] = namesDict.get('cgmType') return childNamesDict elif masterObj != False: masterName = returnUniqueGeneratedName(masterObj,ignore='cgmType') childNamesDict = {} childNamesDict['cgmName'] = (masterName+'_'+nameObj) childNamesDict['cgmType'] = namesDict.get('cgmType') return childNamesDict else: return namesDict else: return namesDict else: return namesDict
def returnObjectGeneratedNameDict(obj,ignore=[False]): """ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DESCRIPTION: Returns a generated dictionary of name info ARGUMENTS: obj(string) - object ignore(string) - default is 'none', only culls out cgmtags that are generated via returnCGMOrder() function RETURNS: namesDict(string) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> """ _str_funcName = "returnObjectGeneratedNameDict" log.debug(">>> %s >>> "%(_str_funcName) + "="*75) #_str_funcName = "returnObjectGeneratedNameDict(%s,ignore = %s)"%(obj,ignore) if type(ignore) is not list:ignore = [ignore] typesDictionary = dictionary.initializeDictionary(typesDictionaryFile) namesDictionary = dictionary.initializeDictionary(namesDictionaryFile) settingsDictionary = dictionary.initializeDictionary(settingsDictionaryFile) namesDict={} divider = returnCGMDivider() order = returnCGMOrder() nameBuilder = [] #>>> Get our cgmVar_iables userAttrs = attributes.returnUserAttributes(obj) cgmAttrs = lists.returnMatchList(userAttrs,order) #>>> Tag ignoring if ignore: for i in ignore: if i in order: order.remove(i) #>>> Geting our data for tag in order: tagInfo = search.findRawTagInfo(obj,tag) if tagInfo is not False: namesDict[tag] = (tagInfo) _iterator = search.findRawTagInfo(obj,'cgmIterator') if _iterator is not False: log.debug("Iterator found") namesDict['cgmIterator'] = (_iterator) # remove tags up stream that we don't want if they don't exist on the actual object""" if not mc.objExists(obj+'.cgmTypeModifier'): if namesDict.get('cgmTypeModifier') != None: namesDict.pop('cgmTypeModifier') log.debug("%s >>> initial nameDict: %s "%(_str_funcName,namesDict)) #>>> checks if the names exist as objects or it's a shape node ChildNameObj = False nameObj = search.returnTagInfo(obj,'cgmName') typeTag = search.returnTagInfo(obj,'cgmType') isType = search.returnObjectType(obj) childrenObjects = search.returnChildrenObjects(obj) """first see if it's a group """ if isType == 'group' and typeTag == False: log.debug("%s >>> group and no typeTag..."%(_str_funcName)) """ if it's a transform group """ groupNamesDict = {} if not nameObj: groupNamesDict['cgmName'] = childrenObjects[0] else: groupNamesDict['cgmName'] = nameObj groupNamesDict['cgmType'] = typesDictionary.get('transform') if namesDict.get('cgmTypeModifier') != None: groupNamesDict['cgmTypeModifier'] = namesDict.get('cgmTypeModifier') return groupNamesDict """ see if there's a name tag""" elif nameObj != None or isType == 'shape': #If we have a name object or shape log.debug("%s >>> nameObj not None or isType is 'shape'..."%(_str_funcName)) if mc.objExists(nameObj) and mc.attributeQuery ('cgmName',node=obj,msg=True): log.debug("%s >>> nameObj exists: '%s'..."%(_str_funcName,nameObj)) #Basic child object with cgmName tag childNamesDict = {} childNamesDict['cgmName'] = namesDict.get('cgmName') childNamesDict['cgmType'] = namesDict.get('cgmType') if namesDict.get('cgmTypeModifier') != None: childNamesDict['cgmTypeModifier'] = namesDict.get('cgmTypeModifier') if namesDict.get('cgmIterator') != None: childNamesDict['cgmIterator'] = namesDict.get('cgmIterator') return childNamesDict elif isType == 'shape' or 'Constraint' in isType: """if so, it's a child name object""" log.debug("%s >>> child name object..."%(_str_funcName)) childNamesDict = {} childNamesDict['cgmName'] = search.returnParentObject(obj,False) childNamesDict['cgmType'] = namesDict.get('cgmType') return childNamesDict elif typeTag == 'infoNull': log.debug("%s >>> special case..."%(_str_funcName)) moduleObj = search.returnMatchedTagObjectUp(obj,'cgmType','module') masterObj = search.returnMatchedTagObjectUp(obj,'cgmType','master') if moduleObj != False: moduleName = returnUniqueGeneratedName(moduleObj,ignore='cgmType') childNamesDict = {} childNamesDict['cgmName'] = (moduleName+'_'+nameObj) childNamesDict['cgmType'] = namesDict.get('cgmType') return childNamesDict elif masterObj != False: masterName = returnUniqueGeneratedName(masterObj,ignore='cgmType') childNamesDict = {} childNamesDict['cgmName'] = (masterName+'_'+nameObj) childNamesDict['cgmType'] = namesDict.get('cgmType') return childNamesDict else: return namesDict else: log.debug("%s >>> No special case found. %s"%(_str_funcName,namesDict)) return namesDict else: return namesDict