コード例 #1
ファイル: test_imgproc.py プロジェクト: EdsterG/cgt
def test_cudnn():
    compile_info = get_compile_info()
    if not (compile_info["CGT_ENABLE_CUDNN"] and compile_info["CGT_ENABLE_CUDA"]):
        raise SkipTest("CUDNN not enabled. Skipping this test")

    Xval = nr.randn(2,3,19,18)
    Wval = nr.randn(5,3,3,3)
    bval = nr.randn(1,5,1,1)

    X = cgt.tensor4("X", fixed_shape=Xval.shape)
    W = cgt.tensor4("W", fixed_shape=Wval.shape)
    b = cgt.tensor4("b", fixed_shape=bval.shape)

    Y = cgt.core.Result(cudnn_ops.CudnnConvForward(1,1,1,1),[X, W, b])

    Y2 = nr.randn(*cgt.core.infer_shape(Y))

    fY = cgt.function([X,W,b],Y)
    Yval = fY(Xval,Wval,bval)
    cost = (Y*Y2).sum()
    fcost = cgt.function([X,W,b],cost)
    fgrad = cgt.function([X,W,b],cgt.grad(cost, [X,W,b]))
    angrads = fgrad(Xval,Wval,bval)
    nugrads = numeric_grad_multi(fcost, [Xval, Wval, bval],eps=1e-3)
    for (nugrad,angrad) in zip(nugrads,angrads):
        assert np.allclose(nugrad, angrad, rtol=9e-3, atol=1e-7) 
コード例 #2
def test_cudnn():
    if not get_compile_info()["CGT_ENABLE_CUDNN"]:
        raise SkipTest("CUDNN not enabled. Skipping this test")

    Xval = nr.randn(2, 3, 19, 18)
    Wval = nr.randn(5, 3, 3, 3)
    bval = nr.randn(1, 5, 1, 1)

    X = cgt.tensor4("X", fixed_shape=Xval.shape)
    W = cgt.tensor4("W", fixed_shape=Wval.shape)
    b = cgt.tensor4("b", fixed_shape=bval.shape)

    Y = cgt.core.Result(cudnn_ops.CudnnConvForward(1, 1, 1, 1), [X, W, b])

    Y2 = nr.randn(*cgt.core.infer_shape(Y))

    fY = cgt.function([X, W, b], Y)
    Yval = fY(Xval, Wval, bval)
    cost = (Y * Y2).sum()
    fcost = cgt.function([X, W, b], cost)
    fgrad = cgt.function([X, W, b], cgt.grad(cost, [X, W, b]))
    angrads = fgrad(Xval, Wval, bval)
    nugrads = numeric_grad_multi(fcost, [Xval, Wval, bval], eps=1e-3)
    for (nugrad, angrad) in zip(nugrads, angrads):
        assert np.allclose(nugrad, angrad)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_imgproc.py プロジェクト: ketranm/cgt
def test_cudnn():
    with cgt.scoped_update_config(precision="double",backend="native"):
        if not get_compile_info()["CGT_ENABLE_CUDNN"]:
            raise SkipTest("CUDNN not enabled. Skipping this test")

        Xval = nr.randn(2,3,19,18)
        Wval = nr.randn(5,3,3,3)
        bval = nr.randn(1,5,1,1)

        X = cgt.tensor4("X", fixed_shape=Xval.shape)
        W = cgt.tensor4("W", fixed_shape=Wval.shape)
        b = cgt.tensor4("b", fixed_shape=bval.shape)

        Y = cgt.core.Result(cudnn_ops.CudnnConvForward(1,1,1,1),[X, W, b])

        Y2 = nr.randn(*cgt.core.infer_shape(Y))

        fY = cgt.function([X,W,b],Y)
        Yval = fY(Xval,Wval,bval)
        cost = (Y*Y2).sum()
        fcost = cgt.function([X,W,b],cost)
        fgrad = cgt.function([X,W,b],cgt.grad(cost, [X,W,b]))
        angrads = fgrad(Xval,Wval,bval)
        nugrads = numeric_grad_multi(fcost, [Xval, Wval, bval],eps=1e-3)
        for (nugrad,angrad) in zip(nugrads,angrads):
            assert np.allclose(nugrad, angrad)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_imgproc.py プロジェクト: EdsterG/cgt
def test_lrn():
    if not get_compile_info()["CGT_ENABLE_CUDA"]:
        raise SkipTest("Skipping because CUDA disabled")

    Xval = nr.randn(4,8,16,16)
    X = cgt.shared(Xval, name="X", fixed_shape_mask="all")
    # X = cgt.tensor4(name='X')
    y = cross_channel_lrn(X, localsize=4, alpha=.1, beta=.5)
    f = cgt.function([],y)
    print f().sum()
    print f().sum()
    print f().sum()
    assert np.isfinite(f().sum())
    # print f(Xval).sum()
    a = nr.rand(*cgt.infer_shape(y))
    loss = (y*a).sum()
    gradcheck_model(loss, [X],eps=1e-5)
コード例 #5
def test_lrn():
    if not get_compile_info()["CGT_ENABLE_CUDA"]:
        raise SkipTest("Skipping because CUDA disabled")

    Xval = nr.randn(4, 8, 16, 16)
    X = cgt.shared(Xval, name="X", fixed_shape_mask="all")
    # X = cgt.tensor4(name='X')
    y = cross_channel_lrn(X, localsize=4, alpha=.1, beta=.5)
    f = cgt.function([], y)
    print f().sum()
    print f().sum()
    print f().sum()
    assert np.isfinite(f().sum())
    # print f(Xval).sum()
    a = nr.rand(*cgt.infer_shape(y))
    loss = (y * a).sum()
    gradcheck_model(loss, [X], eps=1e-5)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_imgproc.py プロジェクト: zclfly/cgt
def test_cpu_pool():
    with cgt.scoped_update_config(precision="quad", backend="native"):
        print cgt.get_precision()
        ci = get_compile_info()

        x = cgt.tensor4("x", fixed_shape=(2, 3, 5, 7))
        y = max_pool_2d(x, (4, 4), (0, 0), (1, 1))
        xval = np.random.randn(2, 3, 5, 7)
        hval = np.random.randn(*cgt.infer_shape(y))
        h = cgt.constant(hval)

        cost = (y * h).sum()

        fcost = cgt.function([x], cost)
        fgrad = cgt.function([x], cgt.grad(cost, [x])[0])

        from cgt.numeric_diff import numeric_grad
        gnum = numeric_grad(fcost, xval)
        gana = fgrad(xval)

        assert np.allclose(gnum, gana)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_imgproc.py プロジェクト: ketranm/cgt
def test_cpu_pool():
    with cgt.scoped_update_config(precision="quad",backend="native"):
        print cgt.get_precision()
        ci = get_compile_info()

        x = cgt.tensor4("x", fixed_shape=(2,3,5,7))
        y = max_pool_2d(x, (4,4),(0,0),(1,1))
        xval = np.random.randn(2,3,5,7)
        hval = np.random.randn(*cgt.infer_shape(y))
        h = cgt.constant(hval)

        cost = (y*h).sum()

        fcost = cgt.function([x], cost)
        fgrad = cgt.function([x], cgt.grad(cost, [x])[0])

        from cgt.numeric_diff import numeric_grad
        gnum = numeric_grad(fcost, xval)
        gana = fgrad(xval)

        assert np.allclose(gnum,gana)