from ch.aplu.jcardgame import Deck, CardGame, RowLayout, Hand from ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand import SortType from ch.aplu.util import Monitor # ------------------ class MyMouseListener --------------------------------- class MyMouseListener(GGMouseListener): def mouseEvent(self, mouse): Monitor.wakeUp() return True # ------------------------ main -------------------------------------------- Suit = enum("SPADES", "HEARTS", "DIAMONDS", "CLUBS") Rank = enum("ACE", "KING", "QUEEN", "JACK", "TEN", "NINE", "EIGHT", "SEVEN", "SIX") deck = Deck(Suit.values(), Rank.values(), "cover") cg = CardGame(900, 615, 30) cg.addMouseListener(MyMouseListener(), GGMouse.lPress) while True: hand = deck.dealingOut(1, 25)[0] hand.setView(cg, RowLayout(Location(450, 80), 890)) hand.sort(SortType.RANKPRIORITY, True) sequence3 = hand.extractSequences(Suit.HEARTS, 3) for i in range(len(sequence3)): sequence3[i].setView(cg, RowLayout(Location(70 + 150 * i, 230), 120)) sequence3[i].draw() sequence4 = hand.extractSequences(Suit.HEARTS, 4) for i in range(len(sequence4)): sequence4[i].setView(cg, RowLayout(Location(70 + 150 * i, 380), 120))
deck.getRank(id) card = Card(deck, deck.getSuit(i), deck.getRank(id)) break return card # ------------------------ main -------------------------------------------- Suit = enum("SPADES", "HEARTS", "DIAMONDS", "CLUBS") Rank = enum("ACE", "KING", "QUEEN", "JACK", "TEN", "NINE", "EIGHT", "SEVEN", "SIX", "FIVE", "FOUR", "THREE", "TWO") nbRanks = len(Rank.values()) deck = Deck(Suit.values(), Rank.values(), "cover") hand = Hand(deck) sortBtn = None textItem = ToolBarText("Select Card:", 30) separator0 = ToolBarSeparator(2, 30, X11Color("black")) spades = ToolBarStack("sprites/spades.gif", nbRanks) hearts = ToolBarStack("sprites/hearts.gif", nbRanks) diamonds = ToolBarStack("sprites/diamonds.gif", nbRanks) clubs = ToolBarStack("sprites/clubs.gif", nbRanks) separator1 = ToolBarSeparator(2, 30, X11Color("black")) okBtn = ToolBarItem("sprites/ok30.gif", 2) cg = CardGame(300, 250, 30) cg.setStatusText("Select a card by clicking on the card stacks and press OK.") hand.setView(cg, RowLayout(Location(150, 125), 290)) hand.draw() initToolBar()
# ------------------ global functions -------------------------------------- def initToolBar(): global cutBtn global numbers numbers = ToolBarStack("sprites/number30.gif", 10) separator = ToolBarSeparator(2, 30, X11Color("black")) cutBtn = ToolBarItem("sprites/cutBtn.gif", 3) toolBar = ToolBar(cg) toolBar.addItem(numbers, separator, cutBtn), 160)) toolBar.addToolBarListener(MyToolBarListener()) # ------------------------ main -------------------------------------------- Suit = enum("SPADES", "HEARTS", "DIAMONDS", "CLUBS") Rank = enum("ACE", "KING", "QUEEN", "JACK", "TEN", "NINE", "EIGHT", "SEVEN", "SIX") deck = Deck(Suit.values(), Rank.values(), "cover") hand = deck.dealingOut(1, 5, True)[0] cutBtn = None numbers = None cg = CardGame(300, 200) hand.setView(cg, RowLayout(Location(150, 80), 290)) hand.draw() initToolBar()
# from ch.aplu.jgamegrid import Location from ch.aplu.jcardgame import Deck, CardGame, RowLayout, StackLayout, CardListener from ch.aplu.jcardgame.Hand import SortType # ------------------ class MyCardListener ---------------------------------- class MyCardListener(CardListener): def leftDoubleClicked(self, card): card.transfer(stock, True) # ------------------------ main -------------------------------------------- Suit = enum("SPADES", "HEARTS", "DIAMONDS", "CLUBS") Rank = enum("ACE", "KING", "QUEEN", "JACK", "TEN", "NINE", "EIGHT", "SEVEN", "SIX") deck = Deck(Suit.values(), Rank.values(), "cover"); cg = CardGame(600, 600) hands = deck.dealingOut(1, 9) stock = hands[1] stock.setView(cg, StackLayout(Location(300, 150))) stock.draw() hands[0].setView(cg, RowLayout(Location(300, 400), 500)) hands[0].sort(SortType.SUITPRIORITY, False) hands[0].draw() hands[0].addCardListener(MyCardListener()) hands[0].setTouchEnabled(True) cg.setDoubleClickDelay(300)
def insertInHand(actor): actor.removeSelf() card = actor.getCard() hand.insert(card, False) hand.sort(SortType.RANKPRIORITY, True) takeFromTalon() def addActor(cardActor): cg.addActor(cardActor, Location(talonLocation)) cardActor.addMouseTouchListener( MyMouseTouchListener(), GGMouse.lPress | GGMouse.lDrag | GGMouse.lRelease, True) # ------------------------ main -------------------------------------------- handLocation = Location(250, 100) talonLocation = Location(250, 300) hotSpot = Point(0, 0) cg = CardGame(500, 400, 30) hands = deck.dealingOut(1, 2) # only two cards in hand hand = hands[0] hand.setView(cg, RowLayout(handLocation, 400)) talon = hands[1] talon.setView(cg, StackLayout(talonLocation)) hand.draw() talon.draw() takeFromTalon() cg.setStatusText("Drag cards from card talon to the hand")
toolBar = ToolBar(cg) toolBar.addItem(upBtn, numbers, downBtn), 185)) # Default start number toolBar.addToolBarListener(MyToolBarListener()) def sortAndDrawHands(): upperHand.sort(SortType.RANKPRIORITY, True) lowerHand.sort(SortType.RANKPRIORITY, True) # ------------------------ main -------------------------------------------- Suit = enum("SPADES", "HEARTS", "DIAMONDS", "CLUBS") Rank = enum("ACE", "KING", "QUEEN", "JACK", "TEN", "NINE", "EIGHT", "SEVEN", "SIX") deck = Deck(Suit.values(), Rank.values(), "cover") upBtn = None downBtn = None numbers = None cg = CardGame(460, 400) hands = deck.dealingOut(2, 5, True) upperHand = hands[0] upperHand.setView(cg, RowLayout(Location(230, 100), 400)) lowerHand = hands[1] lowerHand.setView(cg, RowLayout(Location(230, 300), 400)) sortAndDrawHands() initToolBar()