def test_data_changed_events(self): # Test data. grumpy = numpy.ones((3, 4)) grumpy_too = numpy.zeros(16) plot_data = ArrayPlotData() with self.monitor_events(plot_data) as events: plot_data.set_data('Grumpy', grumpy) self.assertEqual(events, [{'added': ['Grumpy']}]) # While we're here, check that get_data works as advertised. grumpy_out = plot_data.get_data('Grumpy') self.assertIs(grumpy_out, grumpy) with self.monitor_events(plot_data) as events: plot_data.set_data('Grumpy', grumpy_too) self.assertEqual(events, [{'changed': ['Grumpy']}]) with self.monitor_events(plot_data) as events: plot_data.del_data('Grumpy') self.assertEqual(events, [{'removed': ['Grumpy']}])
def test_data_changed_events(self): # Test data. grumpy = numpy.ones((3, 4)) grumpy_too = numpy.zeros(16) plot_data = ArrayPlotData() with self.monitor_events(plot_data) as events: plot_data.set_data("Grumpy", grumpy) self.assertEqual(events, [{"added": ["Grumpy"]}]) # While we're here, check that get_data works as advertised. grumpy_out = plot_data.get_data("Grumpy") self.assertIs(grumpy_out, grumpy) with self.monitor_events(plot_data) as events: plot_data.set_data("Grumpy", grumpy_too) self.assertEqual(events, [{"changed": ["Grumpy"]}]) with self.monitor_events(plot_data) as events: plot_data.del_data("Grumpy") self.assertEqual(events, [{"removed": ["Grumpy"]}])
class calc(HasTraits): m1 = Float(25.0) t1 = Float(2.44) m2 = Float(30.0) t2 = Float(2.08) m3 = Float(35.0) t3 = Float(1.80) m4 = Float(40.0) t4 = Float(1.56) m5 = Float(45.0) t5 = Float(1.36) m6 = Float(50.0) t6 = Float(1.20) m7 = Float(55.0) t7 = Float(1.06) m8 = Float(60.0) t8 = Float(0.93) m9 = Float(65.0) t9 = Float(0.81) ct1 = Float ct2 = Float ct3 = Float ct4 = Float ct5 = Float ct6 = Float ct7 = Float ct8 = Float ct9 = Float rff= Float rss= Float drg12 = Float drg13 = Float des12 = Float des13 = Float drg2 = Float des2 = Float dbx1 = Float dbx2 = Float dbx3 = Float dbx4 = Float dbx5 = Float dbx6 = Float dbx7 = Float dbx8 = Float dbx9 = Float dby1 = Float dby2 = Float dby3 = Float dby4 = Float dby5 = Float dby6 = Float dby7 = Float dby8 = Float dby9 = Float dbn = Float dbk = Float dv1 = Float dv2 = Float dv3 = Float dv4 = Float dv5 = Float dv6 = Float dv7 = Float dv8 = Float dv9 = Float x=[] y=[] xrt=[] tt1 = Button() plot = Instance(HPlotContainer) traits_view = View(Group(Group( Group( Item(name='m1',label= u"温度1"), Item(name='t1',label= u"R1") ), Group( Item(name = 'm2',label= u"温度2"), Item(name = 't2',label= u"R2") ), Group( Item(name = 'm3',label= u"温度3"), Item(name = 't3',label= u"R3") ), Group( Item(name = 'm4',label= u"温度4"), Item(name = 't4',label= u"R4") ), Group( Item(name = 'm5',label= u"温度5"), Item(name = 't5',label= u"R5") ), Group( Item(name = 'm6',label= u"温度6"), Item(name = 't6',label= u"R6"), ), Group( Item(name = 'm7',label= u"温度7"), Item(name = 't7',label= u"R7"), ), Group( Item(name = 'm8',label= u"温度8"), Item(name = 't8',label= u"R8"), ), Group( Item(name = 'm9',label= u"温度9"), Item(name = 't9',label= u"R9"), ), Item('tt1', label=u"输入完成",show_label=False), orientation= 'horizontal', label = u'输入数据', show_border = True ), Group(Group(Item('plot', editor=ComponentEditor(), show_label=False), orientation = "vertical", label = u'数据处理', show_border = True)), label=u'第一页'), Group(Group( Group( Item(name='m1',label= u"温度1"), Item(name='ct1',label= u"R1") ), Group( Item(name = 'm2',label= u"温度2"), Item(name = 'ct2',label= u"R2") ), Group( Item(name = 'm3',label= u"温度3"), Item(name = 'ct3',label= u"R3") ), Group( Item(name = 'm4',label= u"温度4"), Item(name = 'ct4',label= u"R4") ), Group( Item(name = 'm5',label= u"温度5"), Item(name = 'ct5',label= u"R5") ), Group( Item(name = 'm6',label= u"温度6"), Item(name = 'ct6',label= u"R6"), ), Group( Item(name = 'm7',label= u"温度7"), Item(name = 'ct7',label= u"R7"), ), Group( Item(name = 'm8',label= u"温度8"), Item(name = 'ct8',label= u"R8"), ), Group( Item(name = 'm9',label= u"温度9"), Item(name = 'ct9',label= u"R9"), ), orientation= 'horizontal', label = u'理论数据', show_border = True ), Group( Item(name='rff',label= u'Rf'), Item(name='rss',label= u'Rs'), ), Group(Group( Item(name='drg12',label= u'Rg12'), Item(name='drg13',label= u'Rg13'), ), Group( Item(name='des12',label= u'Es12'), Item(name='des13',label= u'Es13') ), Group( Item(name='drg2',label= u'Rg2'), Item(name='des2',label= u'Es2'), ), orientation= 'horizontal', ), Group( Group( Item(name='dbx1',label= u"X1"), Item(name='dby1',label= u"Y1") ), Group( Item(name = 'dbx2',label= u"X2"), Item(name = 'dby2',label= u"Y2") ), Group( Item(name = 'dbx3',label= u"X3"), Item(name = 'dby3',label= u"Y3") ), Group( Item(name = 'dbx4',label= u"X4"), Item(name = 'dby4',label= u"Y4") ), Group( Item(name = 'dbx5',label= u"X5"), Item(name = 'dby5',label= u"Y5") ), Group( Item(name = 'dbx6',label= u"X6"), Item(name = 'dby6',label= u"Y6"), ), Group( Item(name = 'dbx7',label= u"X7"), Item(name = 'dby7',label= u"Y7"), ), Group( Item(name = 'dbx8',label= u"X8"), Item(name = 'dby8',label= u"Y8"), ), Group( Item(name = 'dbx9',label= u"X9"), Item(name = 'dby9',label= u"Y9"), ), orientation= 'horizontal', label = u'最小二乘法求bn', show_border = True ), Group( Item(name='dbn',label= u'Bn(K)斜率'), Item(name='dbk',label= u'截距') ), Group( Group( Item(name='m1',label= u"温度1"), Item(name='dv1',label= u"V1") ), Group( Item(name = 'm2',label= u"温度2"), Item(name = 'dv2',label= u"V2") ), Group( Item(name = 'm3',label= u"温度3"), Item(name = 'dv3',label= u"V3") ), Group( Item(name = 'm4',label= u"温度4"), Item(name = 'dv4',label= u"V4") ), Group( Item(name = 'm5',label= u"温度5"), Item(name = 'dv5',label= u"V5") ), Group( Item(name = 'm6',label= u"温度6"), Item(name = 'dv6',label= u"V6"), ), Group( Item(name = 'm7',label= u"温度7"), Item(name = 'dv7',label= u"V7"), ), Group( Item(name = 'm8',label= u"温度8"), Item(name = 'dv8',label= u"V8"), ), Group( Item(name = 'm9',label= u"温度9"), Item(name = 'dv9',label= u"V9"), ), orientation= 'horizontal', label = u'温度传感器的电压-温度 关系', show_border = True ), label = u'第二页' ), width=800, height=600, resizable=True, title=u"物理实验 by:hanliumaozhi" ) def __init__(self): super(calc, self).__init__() self.addele() self.plotdata = ArrayPlotData(x = self.x, y = self.y, xrt=self.xrt, xx=xx, yy=yy,tt=self.ttt) plot1 = Plot(self.plotdata) plot1.plot(("x", "y"),type="line",color="blue",name='1') plot1.plot(("x", "y"),type="scatter",color="blue", marker = 'circle', marker_size = 2,name='1') plot1.plot(("x", "xrt"),type="line",color="red",name='2') plot1.plot(("x", "xrt"),type="scatter",color="red", marker = 'circle', marker_size = 2,name='2') plot2 = Plot(self.plotdata) plot2.plot(("xx", "yy"),type="line",color="blue") plot2.plot(("xx","yy"),type="scatter",color="blue") plot3 = Plot(self.plotdata) plot3.plot(("x", "tt"),type="line",color="blue") plot3.plot(("x","tt"),type="scatter",color="blue") container = HPlotContainer(plot1,plot2,plot3) self.plot= container legend= Legend(padding=10, align="ur") legend.plots = plot1.plots plot1.overlays.append(legend) def _tt1_fired(self): self.addele() self.plotdata.del_data("x") self.plotdata.del_data("y") self.plotdata.del_data("xrt") self.plotdata.del_data("xx") self.plotdata.del_data("yy") self.plotdata.del_data("tt") self.plotdata.set_data("x",self.x) self.plotdata.set_data("y",self.y) self.plotdata.set_data("xrt",self.xrt) self.plotdata.set_data("xx",xx) self.plotdata.set_data("yy",yy) self.plotdata.set_data("tt",self.ttt) plot1 = Plot(self.plotdata) plot1.plot(("x", "y"),type="line",color="blue",name='1') plot1.plot(("x", "y"),type="scatter",color="blue", marker = 'circle', marker_size = 2,name='1') plot1.plot(("x", "xrt"),type="line",color="red",name='2') plot1.plot(("x", "xrt"),type="scatter",color="red", marker = 'circle', marker_size = 2,name='2') plot2 = Plot(self.plotdata) plot2.plot(("xx", "yy"),type="line",color="blue") plot2.plot(("xx","yy"),type="scatter",color="blue") plot3 = Plot(self.plotdata) plot3.plot(("x", "tt"),type="line",color="blue") plot3.plot(("x","tt"),type="scatter",color="blue") container = HPlotContainer(plot1,plot2,plot3) self.plot= container legend= Legend(padding=10, align="ur") legend.plots = plot1.plots plot1.overlays.append(legend) def addele(self): self.xrt=[] self.x=[self.m1,self.m2,self.m3,self.m4,self.m5,self.m6,self.m7,self.m8,self.m9] self.y=[self.t1,self.t2,self.t3,self.t4,self.t5,self.t6,self.t7,self.t8,self.t9] self.r=firstcalc(self.x, self.y) for i in self.x: self.xrt.append((e**(self.r[0][1]))*(e**(self.r[0][0]*(1.0/(i+273)-(1.0)/298)))) self.rfs=calcc(self.y) self.ttt=[] for i in self.y: self.ttt.append((self.rfs[0]/((self.y[0]*i)/(self.y[0]+i)+self.rfs[1]))*(((self.y[0]*i)/(self.y[0]+i)+self.rfs[0]+self.rfs[1])/(rg2+self.rfs[0]+self.rfs[1])*es2-(i)/(self.y[0]+i))) f=open("t.txt","w") for i in self.xrt: f.write(str(i)) f.write("\n") f.write(str(self.r[0][0])) f.write("\n") f.write(str(self.r[0][1])) f.close() self.rff=self.rfs[0] self.rss=self.rfs[1] self.ct1=self.xrt[0] self.ct2=self.xrt[1] self.ct3=self.xrt[2] self.ct4=self.xrt[3] self.ct5=self.xrt[4] self.ct6=self.xrt[5] self.ct7=self.xrt[6] self.ct8=self.xrt[7] self.ct9=self.xrt[8] self.drg12 = rg12 self.drg13 = rg13 self.des12 = es12 self.des13 = es13 self.drg2 = rg2 self.des2 = es2 self.dbx1 = round(xx[0],5) self.dbx2 = round(xx[1],5) self.dbx3 = round(xx[2],5) self.dbx4 = round(xx[3],5) self.dbx5 = round(xx[4],5) self.dbx6 = round(xx[5],5) self.dbx7 = round(xx[6],5) self.dbx8 = round(xx[7],5) self.dbx9 = round(xx[8],5) self.dby1 = round(yy[0],5) self.dby2 = round(yy[1],5) self.dby3 = round(yy[2],5) self.dby4 = round(yy[3],5) self.dby5 = round(yy[4],5) self.dby6 = round(yy[5],5) self.dby7 = round(yy[6],5) self.dby8 = round(yy[7],5) self.dby9 = round(yy[8],5) self.dbn = self.r[0][0] self.dbk = self.r[0][1] self.dv1= round(self.ttt[0],2) self.dv2= round(self.ttt[1],2) self.dv3= round(self.ttt[2],2) self.dv4= round(self.ttt[3],2) self.dv5= round(self.ttt[4],2) self.dv6= round(self.ttt[5],2) self.dv7= round(self.ttt[6],2) self.dv8= round(self.ttt[7],2) self.dv9= round(self.ttt[8],2)
class MDAViewController(BaseImageController): # the image data for the factor plot (including any scatter data and # quiver data) factor_plotdata = Instance(ArrayPlotData) # the actual plot object factor_plot = Instance(BasePlotContainer) # the image data for the score plot (may be a parent image for scatter overlays) score_plotdata = Instance(ArrayPlotData) score_plot = Instance(BasePlotContainer) component_index = Int(0) _selected_peak = Int(0) _contexts = List([]) _context = Int(-1) dimensionality = Int(1) _characteristics = List(["None", "Height", "Orientation", "Eccentricity"]) _characteristic = Int(0) _vectors = List(["None", "Shifts", "Skew"]) _vector = Int(0) vector_scale = Float(1.0) _can_map_peaks = Bool(False) def __init__(self, treasure_chest=None, data_path='/rawdata', *args, **kw): super(MDAViewController, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.factor_plotdata = ArrayPlotData() self.score_plotdata = ArrayPlotData() if treasure_chest is not None: self.numfiles = len(treasure_chest.list_nodes(data_path)) self.chest = treasure_chest self.data_path = data_path # populate the list of available contexts (if any) if self.chest.root.mda_description.nrows>0: self._contexts = self.chest.root.mda_description.col('context').tolist() context = self.get_context_name() self.dimensionality = self.chest.get_node_attr('/mda_results/'+context, 'dimensionality') self.update_factor_image() self.update_score_image() @on_trait_change('_context') def context_changed(self): context = self.get_context_name() self.dimensionality = self.chest.get_node_attr('/mda_results/'+context, 'dimensionality') self.render_active_factor_image(context) self.render_active_score_image(context) def increase_selected_component(self): # TODO: need to measure dimensionality somehow (node attribute, or array size?) if self.component_index == (self.dimensionality - 1): self.component_index = 0 else: self.component_index += 1 def decrease_selected_component(self): if self.component_index == 0: self.component_index = int(self.dimensionality - 1) else: self.component_index -= 1 def get_context_name(self): return str(self._contexts[self._context]) def get_characteristic_name(self): return self._characteristics[self._characteristic] def get_vector_name(self): return self._vectors[self._vector] def render_active_factor_image(self, context): if self.chest.get_node_attr('/mda_results/'+context, 'on_peaks'): factors = self.chest.get_node('/mda_results/'+context+'/peak_factors') # return average cell image (will be overlaid with peak info) self.factor_plotdata.set_data('imagedata', self.chest.root.cells.average[:]) component = = self.component_index, stop = self.component_index+1, step = 1,)[:] numpeaks = self.chest.root.cell_peaks.getAttr('number_of_peaks') index_keys = ['y%i' % i for i in xrange(numpeaks)] value_keys = ['x%i' % i for i in xrange(numpeaks)] values = np.array(component[value_keys]).view(float) indices = np.array(component[index_keys]).view(float) self.factor_plotdata.set_data('value', values) self.factor_plotdata.set_data('index', indices) if self.get_vector_name() != "None": field = '' y_invert=1 if self.get_vector_name() == 'Shifts': field = 'd' y_invert=-1 elif self.get_vector_name() == 'Skew': field = 's' if field != '': vector_x_keys = ['%sx%i' % (field, i) for i in xrange(numpeaks)] vector_y_keys = ['%sy%i' % (field, i) for i in xrange(numpeaks)] vector_x = np.array(component[vector_x_keys]).view(float).reshape((-1,1)) vector_y = y_invert*np.array(component[vector_y_keys]).view(float).reshape((-1,1)) vectors = np.hstack((vector_x,vector_y)) vectors *= self.vector_scale self.factor_plotdata.set_data('vectors',vectors) else: print "%s field not recognized for vector plots."%field if 'vectors' in self.plotdata.arrays: self.factor_plotdata.del_data('vectors') else: if 'vectors' in self.plotdata.arrays: self.plotdata.del_data('vectors') # clear vector data if self.get_characteristic_name() != "None": color_prefix = self._characteristics[self._characteristic][0].lower() color_keys = ['%s%i' % (color_prefix, i) for i in xrange(numpeaks)] color = np.array(component[color_keys]).view(float) self.factor_plotdata.set_data('color', color) else: if 'color' in self.plotdata.arrays: self.plotdata.del_data('color') self.factor_plot = self.get_scatter_quiver_plot(self.factor_plotdata, tools=['colorbar']) self._can_map_peaks=True else: factors = self.chest.get_node('/mda_results/'+context+'/image_factors') # return current factor image (MDA on images themselves) self.factor_plotdata.set_data('imagedata', factors[self.component_index,:,:]) # return current factor image (MDA on images themselves) self.factor_plot = self.get_simple_image_plot(self.factor_plotdata) def render_active_score_image(self, context): self.score_plotdata.set_data('imagedata', self.get_active_image()) values = self.chest.root.cell_description.read_where( 'filename == "%s"' % self.get_active_name(), field='y_coordinate',) indices = self.chest.root.cell_description.read_where( 'filename == "%s"' % self.get_active_name(), field='x_coordinate',) if self.chest.get_node_attr('/mda_results/'+context, 'on_peaks'): scores = self.chest.get_node('/mda_results/'+context+'/peak_scores') else: scores = self.chest.get_node('/mda_results/'+context+'/image_scores') color = scores.read_where( 'filename == "%s"' % self.get_active_name(), field='c%i' % self.component_index, ) self.score_plotdata.set_data('index', values) self.score_plotdata.set_data('value', indices) self.score_plotdata.set_data('color', color) self.score_plot = self.get_scatter_overlay_plot(self.score_plotdata, title=self.get_active_name(), tools=["colorbar","zoom","pan"]) @on_trait_change("component_index, _characteristic, _vector, vector_scale") def update_factor_image(self): context = self.get_context_name() self.render_active_factor_image(context) @on_trait_change("selected_index, component_index") def update_score_image(self): context = self.get_context_name() self.render_active_score_image(context) def open_factor_save_UI(self): self.open_save_UI(plot_id = 'factor_plot') def open_score_save_UI(self): self.open_save_UI(plot_id = 'score_plot')
class ProfileEditor(HasTraits): """ The line profile intitial guess editor class. This is the line profile editor module. It can be used to provide initial guesses to any fitting package according to the user's tastes. Usage: ProfileEditor(wave, data, errors, center) * wave: one-dimensional wavelength-like array, can be either wavelength or velocity units. * data: one-dimensional spectrum. * errors: one-dimensional noise spectrum. * center: Float. Central wavelength. 0 if in velocity space. """ # TODO: Implement the model in a different way. Make a class for each, add # them as new instances, use DelegatesTo for the important parts, maybe # even not, maybe just use the 'object.MyInstance.attribute' notation and # only store the plotdata of the given model in this class...? # Probably needs a new way to store the parameters, though. Either the # Components Dict can take an extra "Kind" keyword in it, or restructure # the whole thing into a DataFrame object...? The latter will require a # major amount of work. On the other hand, it could mean much better # modularity. CompNum = Int(1) Components = Dict Locks = Dict # FitSettings = Dict CompoList = List() CompType = Enum(['Gauss', 'Absorption Voigt' 'Absorption Gauss']) x = Array mod_x = Array Feedback = Str sigmin = .1 sigmax = 30. Sigma = Range(sigmin, sigmax) #Centr = Range(-100., 100., 0.) #Heigh = Range(0., 200000., 15) N = Range(1e12, 1e24, 1e13) b_param = Range(0., 200., 10.) # Define vars to regulate whether the above vars are locked # down in the GUI: LockSigma = Bool() LockCentr = Bool() LockHeigh = Bool() LockConti = Bool() LockN = Bool() LockB = Bool() #continuum_estimate = Range(0., 2000.) plots = {} plotrange = () resplot = Instance(Plot) Model = Array Resids = Property(Array, depends_on='Model') y = {} # Define buttons for interface: add_profile = Button(label='Add component') remove_profile = Button(label='Remove selected') Go_Button = Button(label='Fit model') plwin = Instance(GridContainer) select = Str line_center = Float() # Non-essentials, for use by outside callers: linesstring = Str('') transname = Str('') def _line_center_changed(self): self.build_plot() def _get_Resids(self): intmod = sp.interp(self.x, self.mod_x, self.Model) resids = (self.indata - intmod) / self.errs return resids def _Components_default(self): return { 'Contin': [self.continuum_estimate, np.nan], 'Comp1': [ 0., .1, 0., 'a', np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, ] } # Center, Sigma, Height, Identifier, Center-stddev, sigma-stddev, # ampl-stddev def _CompType_default(self): return 'Gauss' def _Locks_default(self): return {'Comp1': [False, False, False, False]} def _CompoList_default(self): return ['Comp1'] def _y_default(self): return {} def _select_default(self): return 'Comp1' def build_plot(self): print 'Building plot...' fitrange = self.fitrange # Just for convenience onearray = Array onearray = sp.ones(self.indata.shape[0]) minuses = onearray * (-1.) # Define index array for fit function: self.mod_x = sp.arange(self.line_center - 50., self.line_center + 50., .01) self.Model = sp.zeros(self.mod_x.shape[0]) # Establish continuum array in a way that opens for other, more # elaborate continua. self.contarray = sp.ones(self.mod_x.shape[0]) * \ self.Components['Contin'][0] self.y = {} for comp in self.CompoList: self.y[comp] = gauss( # x, mu, sigma, amplitude self.mod_x, self.Components[comp][0] + self.line_center, self.Components[comp][1], self.Components[comp][2]) self.Model = self.contarray + self.y[] broca = BroadcasterTool() # Define the part of the data to show in initial view: plotrange = sp.where((self.x > self.line_center - 30) & (self.x < self.line_center + 30)) # Define the y axis max value in initial view (can be panned/zoomed): maxval = float(self.indata[fitrange].max() * 1.2) minval = maxval / 15. minval = abs(np.median(self.indata[fitrange])) * 1.5 maxerr = self.errs[fitrange].max() * 1.3 resmin = max(sp.absolute(self.Resids[self.fitrange]).max(), 5.) * 1.2 cenx = sp.array([self.line_center, self.line_center]) ceny = sp.array([-minval, maxval]) cenz = sp.array([-maxval, maxval]) # Gray shading of ignored ranges rangelist = np.array(self.rangelist) grayx = np.array(rangelist.flatten().repeat(2)) grayx = np.hstack((self.x.min(), grayx, self.x.max())) grayy = np.ones_like(grayx) * self.indata.max() * 2. grayy[1::4] = -grayy[1::4] grayy[2::4] = -grayy[2::4] grayy = np.hstack((grayy[-1], grayy[:-1])) # Build plot of data and model self.plotdata = ArrayPlotData( wl=self.x, data=self.indata, xs=self.mod_x, cont=self.contarray, ones=onearray, minus=minuses, model=self.Model, errors=self.errs, ceny=ceny, cenz=cenz, cenx=cenx, Residuals=self.Resids, grayx=grayx, grayy=grayy, ) # Add dynamically created components to plotdata for comp in self.CompoList: self.plotdata.set_data(comp, self.y[comp]) olplot = GridContainer(shape=(2, 1), padding=10, fill_padding=True, bgcolor='transparent', spacing=(5, 10)) plot = Plot(self.plotdata) plot.y_axis.title = 'Flux density' resplot = Plot(self.plotdata, tick_visible=True, y_auto=True) resplot.x_axis.title = u'Wavelength [Å]' resplot.y_axis.title = u'Residuals/std. err.' # Create initial plot: Spectrum data, default first component, # default total line profile. self.comprenders = [] self.datarender = plot.plot(('wl', 'data'), color='black', name='Data', render_style='connectedhold') self.contrender = plot.plot(('xs', 'cont'), color='darkgray', name='Cont') self.modlrender = plot.plot(('xs', 'model'), color='blue', line_width=1.6, name='Model') self.centrender = plot.plot(('cenx', 'ceny'), color='black', type='line', line_style='dot', name='Line center', line_width=1.) self.rangrender = plot.plot( ('grayx', 'grayy'), type='polygon', face_color='lightgray', edge_color='gray', face_alpha=0.3, alpha=0.3, ) # There may be an arbitrary number of gaussian components, so: print 'Updating model' for comp in self.CompoList: self.comprenders.append( plot.plot( ('xs', comp), type='line', color=Paired[self.Components[comp] [3]], # tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[self.CompNum]), line_color=Paired[self.Components[comp][ 3]], # tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[self.CompNum]), line_style='dash', name=comp)) # Create panel with residuals: resplot.plot(('wl', 'Residuals'), color='black', name='Resids') resplot.plot(('wl', 'ones'), color='green') resplot.plot(('wl', 'minus'), color='green') resplot.plot(('cenx', 'cenz'), color='red', type='line', line_style='dot', line_width=.5) resplot.plot( ('grayx', 'grayy'), # Yes, that one again type='polygon', face_color='lightgray', edge_color='gray', face_alpha=0.3, alpha=0.3, ) plot.x_axis.visible = False # Set ranges to change automatically when plot values change. plot.value_range.low_setting,\ plot.value_range.high_setting = (-minval, maxval) plot.index_range.low_setting,\ plot.index_range.high_setting = (self.line_center - 30., self.line_center + 30.) resplot.value_range.low_setting,\ resplot.value_range.high_setting = (-resmin, resmin) resplot.index_range.low_setting,\ resplot.index_range.high_setting = (plot.index_range.low_setting, plot.index_range.high_setting) #resplot.index_range = plot.index_range # Yes or no? FIXME plot.overlays.append( ZoomTool(plot, tool_mode='box', drag_button='left', always_on=False)) resplot.overlays.append( ZoomTool(resplot, tool_mode='range', drag_button='left', always_on=False)) # List of renderers to tell the legend what to write self.plots['Contin'] = self.contrender self.plots['Center'] = self.centrender self.plots['Model'] = self.modlrender for i in sp.arange(len(self.comprenders)): self.plots[self.CompoList[i]] = self.comprenders[i] # Build Legend: legend = Legend(component=plot, padding=10, align="ur"), drag_button="right")) legend.plots = self.plots plot.overlays.append(legend) pan = PanTool(plot) respan = PanTool(resplot, constrain=True, constrain_direction='x') plot.overlays.append(ZoomTool(plot, tool_mode='box', always_on=False)) olplot.add(plot) olplot.add(resplot) olplot.components[0].set(resizable='hv', bounds=[500, 400]) olplot.components[1].set(resizable='h', bounds=[500, 100]) self.plot = plot self.resplot = resplot self.plwin = olplot self.legend = legend self.plotrange = plotrange def __init__(self, wavlens, indata, inerrs, linecen, fitrange=None, fitter='lmfit', crange=[-100., 100.]): halfrange = 30. self.fitter = fitter self.x = wavlens wavmin = float(linecen - halfrange) wavmax = float(linecen + halfrange) self.fitrange = fitrange # print self.fitrange if fitrange is None: self.fitrange = [()] fitrange = [] if len(self.fitrange) == 0: self.fitrange = [(self.line_center - halfrange, self.line_center + halfrange)] self.rangelist = self.fitrange if len(self.fitrange) > 0: print 'Nonzero fitranges given: ', self.fitrange for ran in self.fitrange: rmin, rmax = ran[0], ran[1] fitrange += sp.where((self.x > rmin) & (self.x < rmax)) fitrange = sp.hstack(fitrange[:]) fitrange.sort() self.fitrange = fitrange # Now the rest of the things self.indata = indata self.add_trait('Centr', Range(min(crange), max(crange), 0.)) ### Set top and bottom data values and fit value ranges for amplitude: ### ------------ ampmin = float(-indata.std()) ampmax = float(indata.max() + 2 * indata.std()) * 4. self.add_trait('Heigh', Range(ampmin, ampmax, 0.)) ### same, for continuum: self.add_trait('continuum_estimate', Range(ampmin, ampmax / 4., 0.)) ### Now add traits to represent fit limits. ### Then think about appropriate GUI for them ### So far, they will set sane default values and be scriptable. ### --------------- self.add_trait('ampfitmax', Range(0, ampmax, ampmax)) self.add_trait('ampfitmin', Range(ampmin, 0, ampmin)) self.add_trait('contfitmax', Range(0, ampmax, ampmax)) self.add_trait('contfitmin', Range(ampmin, 0, ampmin)) ### The below version needs working on but could be ### the beginning of an interative interface. ### Commented out for now. ### --------------- # self.add_trait('wavfitmax', Range(0, wavmax, wavmax)) # self.add_trait('wavfitmin', Range(wavmin, 0, wavmin)) ### Instead, we just set some sensible values. self.add_trait('wavfitmax', Range(0, 10., 10.)) self.add_trait('wavfitmin', Range(-10., 0, -10.)) self.add_trait('sigfitmax', Range(0.1, 20., 20.)) self.add_trait('sigfitmin', Range(0.1, 20, 0.1)) ### Add dict representing fit settings, now that ### all information needed is available. self.ampmin = ampmin self.ampmax = ampmax #self._Components_default() self.errs = inerrs self.line_center = linecen # Define index array for data: self.build_plot() ### ======================================================================= # Reactive functions: What happens when buttons are pressed, parameters # are changes etc. # Add component to model def _add_profile_fired(self): """ Add new component to model """ self.CompNum += 1 next_num = int(self.CompoList[-1][-1]) + 1 Name = 'Comp' + str(next_num) self.CompoList.append(Name) print "Added component nr. " + Name self.Components[Name] = [ 0., .1, 0., chr(self.CompNum + 96), np.nan, np.nan, np.nan ] self.Locks[Name] = [False, False, False, False] = Name # And the plotting part: # Add y array for this component. # self.y[] = stats.norm.pdf( # self.mod_x, # self.Centr + self.line_center, # self.Sigma) * self.Sigma * sp.sqrt(2. * sp.pi) * self.Heigh self.y[] = gauss(self.mod_x, self.Centr + self.line_center, self.Sigma, self.Heigh) self.plotdata[] = self.y[] render = self.plot.plot( ('xs',, type='line', line_style='dash', color=Paired[self.Components[Name] [3]], # tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[self.CompNum]), line_color=Paired[self.Components[Name] [3]], # tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[self.CompNum]), name=Name) self.plots[] = render self.legend.plots = self.plots return def _remove_profile_fired(self): """ Remove the ~~last added~~ currently selected component. """ if len(self.CompoList) > 1: comp_idx = self.CompoList.index( oldName = # 'Comp' + str(self.CompNum) newName = self.CompoList[comp_idx - 1] # 'Comp' + str(self.CompNum - 1) ### newName = 'Comp' + str(self.CompNum - 1) self.plot.delplot(oldName) self.plotdata.del_data(oldName) del self.y[oldName] del self.plots[oldName] del self.Components[oldName] del self.Locks[oldName] = newName print 'Removed component nr. ' + str(self.CompNum) self.legend.plots = self.plots self.CompoList.pop(comp_idx) self.CompNum -= 1 else: print 'No more components to remove' ##========================================================================= # Here follows the functionality of the GO button, split up into one # function per logical step, so it is easier to script this and do some # non-standard tinkering like e.g. setting odd fit constraints in the # model for this transition etc. ##========================================================================= def set_fit_data(self): # Make sure no data arrays belonging to the parent class are altered. x = self.x.copy() data = self.indata.copy() errs = self.errs.copy() if len(self.fitrange) > 0: x = x[self.fitrange] data = data[self.fitrange] errs = errs[self.fitrange] return x, data, errs def create_fit_param_frame(self): tmpdict = self.Components.copy() tmpdict.pop('Contin') tofit = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(tmpdict).T tofit.columns = [ 'Pos', 'Sigma', 'Ampl', 'Identifier', 'Pos_stddev', 'Sigma_stddev', 'Ampl_stddev' ] tofit.set_value('Contin', 'Ampl', self.Components['Contin'][0]) tofit['Line center'] = self.line_center tofit.set_value('Contin', 'Lock', self.LockConti) for lines in self.Components.keys(): if lines == 'Contin': continue tofit.set_value(lines, 'Lock', self.Locks[lines][:3]) tofit.set_value(lines, 'AmpMax', self.ampfitmax) tofit.set_value(lines, 'AmpMin', self.ampfitmin) tofit.set_value(lines, 'SigMax', self.sigfitmax) tofit.set_value(lines, 'SigMin', self.sigfitmin) tofit.set_value(lines, 'WavMax', self.wavfitmax) tofit.set_value(lines, 'WavMin', self.wavfitmin) self.tofit = tofit def load_parameters_to_fitter(self, fitter='lmfit'): if fitter == 'lmfit': try: import lmfit_wrapper as lw except ImportError: print 'Could not import LMfit' return self.params = lw.load_params(self.tofit) def fit_with_lmfit(self, method='lbfgsb', conf='covar', report=True): try: import lmfit_wrapper as lw except ImportError: print 'Could not import LMfit' return x, data, errs = self.set_fit_data() result = lw.fit_it(self.params, args=(self.x[self.fitrange], self.indata[self.fitrange], self.errs[self.fitrange]), method=method) if report: lw.lf.report_fit(result) output = lw.params_to_grism(result, output_format='df') output['Identifier'] = self.tofit['Identifier'] output.set_value('Contin', 'Identifier', sp.float64('nan')) output['Pos'] -= self.tofit['Line center'] outdict = {} for i in output.index: row = output.ix[i] if i == 'Contin': outdict[i] = [row['Ampl'], row['Ampl_stddev'], row['RedChi2']] else: outdict[i] = [ row['Pos'], row['Sigma'], row['Ampl'], row['Identifier'], row['Pos_stddev'], row['Sigma_stddev'], row['Ampl_stddev'] ] self.Components = outdict self.import_model() self.result = result self.output = output def _Go_Button_fired(self): # Transform the internal dict holding the model to a Pandas dataframe # that the lmfit wrapper will digest: print('Now fitting lines {}'.format(self.linesstring)) self.create_fit_param_frame() self.load_parameters_to_fitter() if self.fitter == 'lmfit': self.fit_with_lmfit() else: raise NotImplementedError('Only LMfit backend implemented so far.') print('Successfully fitted lines {} \n \n '.format(self.linesstring)) ##========================================================================= # END of GO button functionality. ##========================================================================= # Define what to do when a new component is selected. def _select_changed(self): # First, show the values of current component in sliders! self.Centr = self.Components[][0] self.Sigma = self.Components[][1] self.Heigh = \ min(self.ampmax, max(self.Components[][2], self.ampmin)) self.LockCentr = self.Locks[][0] self.LockSigma = self.Locks[][1] self.LockHeigh = self.Locks[][2] self.plot.request_redraw() return # Every time one of the parameters in the interactive window is changed, # write the change to the parameters list of the selected component. # Do this one-by-one, as it is otherwise going to mess up the # creation and selection of components. def _Centr_changed(self): self.Components[][0] = self.Centr self.update_plot() return def _Sigma_changed(self): self.Components[][1] = self.Sigma self.update_plot() return def _Heigh_changed(self): self.Components[][2] = self.Heigh self.update_plot() return def _continuum_estimate_changed(self): self.Components['Contin'][0] = self.continuum_estimate self.update_plot() def _LockCentr_changed(self): self.Locks[][0] = self.LockCentr return def _LockSigma_changed(self): self.Locks[][1] = self.LockSigma return def _LockHeigh_changed(self): self.Locks[][2] = self.LockHeigh return ###======================================================================== # Define the graphical user interface view = View( Group(Group( VGroup(Item('plwin', editor=ComponentEditor(), show_label=False, springy=True), Group(HGroup( Item('Centr', label='Center', enabled_when='LockCentr==False'), Item('LockCentr', label='Lock'), ), HGroup( Item('Sigma', label='Sigma', enabled_when='LockSigma==False'), Item('LockSigma', label='Lock'), ), HGroup( Item('Heigh', label=u'Strength ', enabled_when='LockHeigh==False'), Item('LockHeigh', label='Lock'), ), HGroup( Item('continuum_estimate', enabled_when='LockConti==False', label='Contin. ', springy=True), Item('LockConti', label='Lock'), springy=True, show_border=False, ), show_border=True, label='Component parameters'), springy=True), show_border=True, ), Group(Item('add_profile'), Item('remove_profile'), Item('Feedback', style='readonly'), Item('Feedback', style='readonly'), Item(name='select', editor=EnumEditor(name='CompoList'), style='custom'), Item('Go_Button'), orientation='vertical', show_labels=False, show_border=True), show_border=True, orientation='horizontal'), resizable=True, height=700, width=1000, # ), buttons=[UndoButton, ApplyButton, CancelButton, OKButton], close_result=True, kind='livemodal', # Works but not perfect. title="Pychelle - line profile editor") compview = View(HGroup(Item('sigfitmin'), Item('sigfitmax')), HGroup(Item('ampfitmin'), Item('ampfitmax')), HGroup(Item('wavfitmin'), Item('wavfitmax')), title="Pychelle - component fit settings") def import_model(self): ''' Once lpbuilder's Components dict is set; use this to set the state variables of the LPbuilder instance. ''' self.CompoList = sorted(self.Components.keys())[:-1] print self.CompoList, self.Components.keys() #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() # XXX BREAKPOINT self.CompNum = len(self.CompoList) for com in self.CompoList: self.Locks[com] = [False] * 4 self.continuum_estimate = self.Components['Contin'][0] = self.CompoList[-1] self._select_changed() self.build_plot() self.update_plot() print ' ' def update_plot(self): self.y[] = gauss(self.mod_x, self.Centr + self.line_center, self.Sigma, self.Heigh) ys = sp.asarray(self.y.values()).sum(0) self.contarray = sp.ones(self.mod_x.shape[0]) * self.continuum_estimate self.Model = self.contarray + ys self.plotdata.set_data('cont', self.contarray) self.plotdata.set_data(, self.y[]) self.plotdata.set_data('model', self.Model) self.plotdata.set_data('Residuals', self.Resids) self.update_resid_window() # Uncomment to keep static yscale on resids @on_trait_change('Resids') def update_resid_window(self): resmin = max(sp.absolute(self.Resids[self.fitrange]).max(), 5.) * 1.2 self.resplot.value_range.low_setting,\ self.resplot.value_range.high_setting = (-resmin, resmin) self.resplot.request_redraw()
class MDAViewController(BaseImageController): # the image data for the factor plot (including any scatter data and # quiver data) factor_plotdata = Instance(ArrayPlotData) # the actual plot object factor_plot = Instance(BasePlotContainer) # the image data for the score plot (may be a parent image for scatter overlays) score_plotdata = Instance(ArrayPlotData) score_plot = Instance(BasePlotContainer) component_index = Int(0) _selected_peak = Int(0) _contexts = List([]) _context = Int(-1) dimensionality = Int(1) _characteristics = List(["None", "Height", "Orientation", "Eccentricity"]) _characteristic = Int(0) _vectors = List(["None", "Shifts", "Skew"]) _vector = Int(0) vector_scale = Float(1.0) _can_map_peaks = Bool(False) def __init__(self, treasure_chest=None, data_path='/rawdata', *args, **kw): super(MDAViewController, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.factor_plotdata = ArrayPlotData() self.score_plotdata = ArrayPlotData() if treasure_chest is not None: self.numfiles = len(treasure_chest.list_nodes(data_path)) self.chest = treasure_chest self.data_path = data_path # populate the list of available contexts (if any) if self.chest.root.mda_description.nrows > 0: self._contexts = self.chest.root.mda_description.col( 'context').tolist() context = self.get_context_name() self.dimensionality = self.chest.get_node_attr( '/mda_results/' + context, 'dimensionality') self.update_factor_image() self.update_score_image() @on_trait_change('_context') def context_changed(self): context = self.get_context_name() self.dimensionality = self.chest.get_node_attr( '/mda_results/' + context, 'dimensionality') self.render_active_factor_image(context) self.render_active_score_image(context) def increase_selected_component(self): # TODO: need to measure dimensionality somehow (node attribute, or array size?) if self.component_index == (self.dimensionality - 1): self.component_index = 0 else: self.component_index += 1 def decrease_selected_component(self): if self.component_index == 0: self.component_index = int(self.dimensionality - 1) else: self.component_index -= 1 def get_context_name(self): return str(self._contexts[self._context]) def get_characteristic_name(self): return self._characteristics[self._characteristic] def get_vector_name(self): return self._vectors[self._vector] def render_active_factor_image(self, context): if self.chest.get_node_attr('/mda_results/' + context, 'on_peaks'): factors = self.chest.get_node('/mda_results/' + context + '/peak_factors') # return average cell image (will be overlaid with peak info) self.factor_plotdata.set_data('imagedata', self.chest.root.cells.average[:]) component = start=self.component_index, stop=self.component_index + 1, step=1, )[:] numpeaks = self.chest.root.cell_peaks.getAttr('number_of_peaks') index_keys = ['y%i' % i for i in xrange(numpeaks)] value_keys = ['x%i' % i for i in xrange(numpeaks)] values = np.array(component[value_keys]).view(float) indices = np.array(component[index_keys]).view(float) self.factor_plotdata.set_data('value', values) self.factor_plotdata.set_data('index', indices) if self.get_vector_name() != "None": field = '' y_invert = 1 if self.get_vector_name() == 'Shifts': field = 'd' y_invert = -1 elif self.get_vector_name() == 'Skew': field = 's' if field != '': vector_x_keys = [ '%sx%i' % (field, i) for i in xrange(numpeaks) ] vector_y_keys = [ '%sy%i' % (field, i) for i in xrange(numpeaks) ] vector_x = np.array( component[vector_x_keys]).view(float).reshape((-1, 1)) vector_y = y_invert * np.array( component[vector_y_keys]).view(float).reshape((-1, 1)) vectors = np.hstack((vector_x, vector_y)) vectors *= self.vector_scale self.factor_plotdata.set_data('vectors', vectors) else: print "%s field not recognized for vector plots." % field if 'vectors' in self.plotdata.arrays: self.factor_plotdata.del_data('vectors') else: if 'vectors' in self.plotdata.arrays: self.plotdata.del_data('vectors') # clear vector data if self.get_characteristic_name() != "None": color_prefix = self._characteristics[ self._characteristic][0].lower() color_keys = [ '%s%i' % (color_prefix, i) for i in xrange(numpeaks) ] color = np.array(component[color_keys]).view(float) self.factor_plotdata.set_data('color', color) else: if 'color' in self.plotdata.arrays: self.plotdata.del_data('color') self.factor_plot = self.get_scatter_quiver_plot( self.factor_plotdata, tools=['colorbar']) self._can_map_peaks = True else: factors = self.chest.get_node('/mda_results/' + context + '/image_factors') # return current factor image (MDA on images themselves) self.factor_plotdata.set_data('imagedata', factors[self.component_index, :, :]) # return current factor image (MDA on images themselves) self.factor_plot = self.get_simple_image_plot(self.factor_plotdata) def render_active_score_image(self, context): self.score_plotdata.set_data('imagedata', self.get_active_image()) values = self.chest.root.cell_description.read_where( 'filename == "%s"' % self.get_active_name(), field='y_coordinate', ) indices = self.chest.root.cell_description.read_where( 'filename == "%s"' % self.get_active_name(), field='x_coordinate', ) if self.chest.get_node_attr('/mda_results/' + context, 'on_peaks'): scores = self.chest.get_node('/mda_results/' + context + '/peak_scores') else: scores = self.chest.get_node('/mda_results/' + context + '/image_scores') color = scores.read_where( 'filename == "%s"' % self.get_active_name(), field='c%i' % self.component_index, ) self.score_plotdata.set_data('index', values) self.score_plotdata.set_data('value', indices) self.score_plotdata.set_data('color', color) self.score_plot = self.get_scatter_overlay_plot( self.score_plotdata, title=self.get_active_name(), tools=["colorbar", "zoom", "pan"]) @on_trait_change("component_index, _characteristic, _vector, vector_scale") def update_factor_image(self): context = self.get_context_name() self.render_active_factor_image(context) @on_trait_change("selected_index, component_index") def update_score_image(self): context = self.get_context_name() self.render_active_score_image(context) def open_factor_save_UI(self): self.open_save_UI(plot_id='factor_plot') def open_score_save_UI(self): self.open_save_UI(plot_id='score_plot')