コード例 #1
    def forward(self, x):
        x = x.reshape((x.shape[0], -1))
        x /= F.sqrt(F.batch_l2_norm_squared(x)).reshape((-1, 1))
        h = self.fc(x)
        h /= F.sqrt(F.sum(F.square(self.fc.W), axis=1))

        return h
コード例 #2
    def get_bbox_side_lengths(self, grids):
        x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2 = self.get_corners(grids)

        width = F.sqrt(F.square(x1 - x0) + F.square(y1 - y0))

        height = F.sqrt(F.square(x2 - x0) + F.square(y2 - y0))
        return width, height
コード例 #3
def distance_angle(cell: Variable, positions: Variable, i1: np.ndarray,
                   i2: np.ndarray, j2: np.ndarray, s2: np.ndarray,
                   c3: np.ndarray, a3: np.ndarray, b3: np.ndarray):
    """Distance and angles. Not in use yet."""
    n_pairs = len(i2)
    n_trios = len(c3)
    xp = positions.xp
    n = i1[i2]
    assert isinstance(cell, Variable)
    assert isinstance(positions, Variable)
    assert n.shape == (n_pairs, )
    assert i2.shape == (n_pairs, )
    assert j2.shape == (n_pairs, )
    assert s2.shape == (n_pairs, 3)
    assert c3.shape == (n_trios, )
    assert a3.shape == (n_trios, )
    assert b3.shape == (n_trios, )
    assert cell.xp == xp
    assert isinstance(i2, xp.ndarray), (xp, type(i2))
    assert isinstance(j2, xp.ndarray), (xp, type(j2))
    assert isinstance(s2, xp.ndarray), (xp, type(s2))
    assert isinstance(c3, xp.ndarray), (xp, type(c3))
    assert isinstance(a3, xp.ndarray), (xp, type(a3))
    assert isinstance(b3, xp.ndarray), (xp, type(b3))
    real_shifts = F.sum(cell[n, :, :] * s2[:, :, xp.newaxis], axis=1)
    r = positions
    rrij = (r[j2][a3] + real_shifts[a3] - r[i2][a3])
    rrik = (r[j2][b3] + real_shifts[b3] - r[i2][b3])
    rij = F.sqrt(F.sum(rrij**2, axis=1))
    rik = F.sqrt(F.sum(rrik**2, axis=1))
    cos = F.sum(rrij * rrik, axis=1) / (rij * rik)
    return rij, rik, cos
コード例 #4
 def update_core(self):
     gen_ab_optimizer = self.get_optimizer("gen_ab")
     gen_ba_optimizer = self.get_optimizer("gen_ba")
     disa_optimizer = self.get_optimizer("disa")
     batch_a = chainer.Variable(self.converter(self.get_iterator("main").next()))
     batch_b = chainer.Variable(self.converter(self.get_iterator("data_b").next()))
     _xp = chainer.backend.get_array_module(batch_a.data)
     # D update
     rate = 1.0 - (self.iteration / self.max_iteration)
     batch_an = batch_a * (_xp.random.randn(batch_a.shape[0], 1, batch_a.shape[2], 1).astype(_xp.float32) * 0.002 * rate + _xp.ones([batch_a.shape[0], 1, 1, 1]))
     batch_bn = batch_b * (_xp.random.randn(batch_b.shape[0], 1, batch_b.shape[2], 1).astype(_xp.float32) * 0.002 * rate + _xp.ones([batch_b.shape[0], 1, 1, 1]))
     fake_ab = self.gen_ab(batch_an)
     fake_ba = self.gen_ba(batch_bn)
     y_af = self.disa(fake_ba)
     y_bf = self.disa(fake_ab)
     y_at = self.disa(batch_an)
     y_bt = self.disa(batch_bn)
     y_label_TA = _xp.zeros(y_af.shape, dtype="float32")
     y_label_TA[:, 0] = 1.0
     y_label_TB = _xp.zeros(y_af.shape, dtype="float32")
     y_label_TB[:, 1] = 1.0
     y_label_FA = _xp.zeros(y_bf.shape, dtype="float32")
     y_label_FA[:, 2] = 1.0
     y_label_FB = _xp.zeros(y_bf.shape, dtype="float32")
     y_label_FB[:, 3] = 1.0
     loss_d_af = F.mean_squared_error(y_af, y_label_FA)
     loss_d_bf = F.mean_squared_error(y_bf, y_label_FB)
     loss_d_ar = F.mean_squared_error(y_at, y_label_TA)
     loss_d_br = F.mean_squared_error(y_bt, y_label_TB)
     chainer.report({"D_A_REAL": loss_d_ar,
                     "D_A_FAKE": loss_d_af,
                     "D_B_REAL": loss_d_br,
                     "D_B_FAKE": loss_d_bf})
     (loss_d_af + loss_d_ar).backward()
     (loss_d_bf + loss_d_br).backward()
     # G update
     fake_ba = self.gen_ba(batch_bn)
     fake_ab = self.gen_ab(batch_an)
     y_fake_ba = self.disa(fake_ba)
     y_fake_ab = self.disa(fake_ab)
     fake_aba = self.gen_ba(fake_ab)
     fake_bab = self.gen_ab(fake_ba)
     loss_ganab = F.mean_squared_error(y_fake_ab, y_label_TB)
     loss_ganba = F.mean_squared_error(y_fake_ba, y_label_TA)
     loss_cycb = F.sqrt(F.mean_squared_error(fake_bab, batch_bn))
     loss_cyca = F.sqrt(F.mean_squared_error(fake_aba, batch_an))
     gloss = loss_ganba + loss_ganab + (loss_cyca + loss_cycb) * self.cyc_lambda
     chainer.report({"G_AB__GAN": loss_ganab,
                     "G_BA__GAN": loss_ganba,
                     "G_ABA_CYC": loss_cyca,
                     "G_BAB_CYC": loss_cycb})
コード例 #5
ファイル: updater.py プロジェクト: nogu-atsu/tmp_rgbdgan
def loss_func_dsgan(x, z, theta, tau=10):
    if x.shape[1] == 4:
        x = x[:, :3]
    loss_ds_1 = F.batch_l2_norm_squared(x[::2] - x[1::2]) / (F.batch_l2_norm_squared(z[::2] - z[1::2]) + 1e-8)
    loss_ds_2 = F.batch_l2_norm_squared(x[::2] - x[1::2]) / (F.absolute(theta[::2] - theta[1::2]) + 1e-8) / 1000
    xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(x.array)
    loss_ds_1 = F.minimum(F.sqrt(loss_ds_1), xp.full_like(loss_ds_1.array, tau))
    loss_ds_2 = F.minimum(F.sqrt(loss_ds_2), xp.full_like(loss_ds_2.array, tau))
    print(loss_ds_1.array.mean(), loss_ds_2.array.mean())
    return -F.mean(loss_ds_1) - F.mean(loss_ds_2)
コード例 #6
 def calculate_rotation(xy_real, z_pred):
     xy_split = F.split_axis(xy_real, xy_real.data.shape[1], axis=1)
     z_split = F.split_axis(z_pred, z_pred.data.shape[1], axis=1)
     # Vector v0 (neck -> nose) on zx-plain. v0=(a0, b0).
     a0 = z_split[9] - z_split[8]
     b0 = xy_split[9 * 2] - xy_split[8 * 2]
     n0 = F.sqrt(a0 * a0 + b0 * b0)
     # Vector v1 (right shoulder -> left shoulder) on zx-plain. v1=(a1, b1).
     a1 = z_split[14] - z_split[11]
     b1 = xy_split[14 * 2] - xy_split[11 * 2]
     n1 = F.sqrt(a1 * a1 + b1 * b1)
     # Return sine value of the angle between v0 and v1.
     return (a0 * b1 - a1 * b0) / (n0 * n1)
コード例 #7
def compute_cos_angle_sub(vert,N,theta,idx,xp):
    cos_angle = []
    for i in idx:
        L0 = F.sum((vert[N[i][:,0]] - vert[i])**2, axis=1)
        L1 = F.sum((vert[N[i][:,1]] - vert[i])**2, axis=1)
        D = F.sum((vert[N[i][:,1]] - vert[N[i][:,0]])**2, axis=1)
        c1 = (L0+L1-D)/(2*F.sqrt(L0*L1)) # law of cosines
        s1 = F.sqrt(1-c1**2)
#        print(xp.arccos(c1.array),xp.arcsin(s1.array))
        c0,s0 = xp.cos(theta[i]),xp.sin(theta[i])
        for j in range(len(c1)): # addition law
            c0,s0 = c0*c1[j]-s0*s1[j], c0*s1[j]+s0*c1[j]    # don't split (or you need a temporary variable)
コード例 #8
    def eval(self, **dataset):
        """Calculate loss function from given datasets and model.

            **dataset (~numpy.ndarray):
                Datasets passed as kwargs. Name of each key is in the
                format 'inputs/N' or 'labels/N'. 'N' is the order of
                the dataset.

            A scalar value calculated with loss function.
        inputs = [dataset[f'inputs/{i}'] for i
                  in range(self.order['descriptor'] + 1)]
        labels = [dataset[f'labels/{i}'] for i
                  in range(self.order['property'] + 1)]
        predictions = self._model.predict(inputs, self.order['descriptor'])

        loss0 = F.mean_squared_error(predictions[0], labels[0])
        loss1 = F.mean_squared_error(predictions[1], labels[1])
        loss_sum1 = F.mean(predictions[1])
        transverse = F.swapaxes(predictions[2], 2, 3)
        loss_rot = F.mean(F.square((predictions[2] - transverse)
                                   / (predictions[2] + transverse)))
        total_loss = ((1.0 - self._mixing_beta) * loss0
                      + self._mixing_beta * loss1
                      + self._summation * loss_sum1
                      + self._rotation * loss_rot)

        RMSE0 = F.sqrt(loss0)
        RMSE1 = F.sqrt(loss1)
        AbsMean1 = F.absolute(loss_sum1)
        RMS_rot = F.sqrt(loss_rot)
        total = ((1.0 - self._mixing_beta) * RMSE0
                 + self._mixing_beta * RMSE1
                 + self._summation * AbsMean1
                 + self._rotation * RMS_rot)

        observation = {
            self._observation_keys[0]: RMSE0,
            self._observation_keys[1]: RMSE1,
            self._observation_keys[2]: AbsMean1,
            self._observation_keys[3]: RMS_rot,
            self._observation_keys[4]: total,
        chainer.report(observation, observer=self._model)
        return total_loss
コード例 #9
 def return_injected(self, h, z, n_layer, mult_until_exec=None):
     """ Performs the Hadamard products with z. """
     # # check whether to skip the hadamard.
     skip_injection = False
     if self.thresh_skip is not None and self.thresh_skip[n_layer - 1] > 0:
         # # skip the hadamard, iff the random number is smaller than the threshold.
         skip_injection = np.random.uniform() < self.thresh_skip[n_layer -
     if not skip_injection and mult_until_exec is not None:
         skip_injection = mult_until_exec <= n_layer
     if self.mult_lat and not skip_injection:
         if self.use_localz:
             # # apply local transformation.
             z1 = getattr(self, 'locz{}'.format(n_layer))(z)
             z1 = z
         # # appropriately reshape z for the elementwise multiplication.
         sh = h.shape
         z1 = F.reshape(z1, (sh[0], sh[1], 1))
         if self.normalize_preinject:
             z1 /= F.sqrt(F.mean(z1 * z1, axis=1, keepdims=True) + 1e-8)
         z2 = F.repeat(z1, sh[3] * sh[2], axis=2)
         z2 = F.reshape(z2, sh)
         ret = h * z2 + h if self.add_h_injection else h * z2
         return ret
     return h
コード例 #10
    def __call__(self, x, t):
        # xを入力した際のネットワーク出力と、回答t との差分を返します。
        x = F.transpose_sequence(x)

        # model---->
        #return self.predict(h)
        for word in range(len(x)):
            e = self.xe(x[word])
            h = self.eh(e)
        cel = h

        # <----model
        for word in range(1, len(x)):
            ee = self.xe(x[len(x) - word])
            hh = self.eh(ee)
        cel_back = hh

        blstm = F.concat((cel, cel_back))

        predict = self.hy(blstm)

        label = xp.reshape(t, (len(t), 1))
        mse = F.mean_squared_error(predict, label)
        rmse = F.sqrt(mse)
        chainer.reporter.report({'loss': rmse}, self)

        return rmse
コード例 #11
    def eval(self, **dataset):
        """Calculate loss function from given datasets and model.

            **dataset (~numpy.ndarray):
                Datasets passed as kwargs. Name of each key is in the
                format 'inputs/N' or 'labels/N'. 'N' is the order of
                the dataset.

            A scalar value calculated with loss function.
        inputs = [
            dataset[f'inputs/{i}'] for i in range(self.order['descriptor'] + 1)
        labels = [
            dataset[f'labels/{i}'] for i in range(self.order['property'] + 1)
        predictions = self._model.predict(inputs, self.order['descriptor'])
        loss0 = F.mean_squared_error(predictions[0], labels[0])
        RMSE0 = F.sqrt(loss0)

        observation = {
            self._observation_keys[0]: RMSE0,
            self._observation_keys[1]: RMSE0,
        chainer.report(observation, observer=self._model)
        return loss0
コード例 #12
ファイル: updater.py プロジェクト: X-Lai/HIT-WorkShop
 def gradient_penalty(self, y: chainer.Variable, x: chainer.Variable):
     """Compute gradient penalty: (L2_norm(dy/dx) - 1)**2."""
     xp = self.xp
     weight = [Variable(xp.ones(y.shape, dtype='f'))]
     dydx, = chainer.grad(outputs=[y], inputs=[x], grad_outputs=weight, enable_double_backprop=True)
     dydx = F.sqrt(F.sum(dydx * dydx, axis=(1, 2, 3)))
     return F.mean_squared_error(dydx, xp.ones_like(dydx.array))
コード例 #13
    def _log_det_jacobian(self, x, y):
        r = F.sqrt(functions.clamp(functions.lorentzian_product(x, x), eps))
        d = x / r[..., None]
        dim = d.shape[-1]
        logdet = (dim - 2) * F.log(F.sinh(r) / r)

        return logdet
コード例 #14
    def __call__(self, text, label, feature):
        # textを入力した際のネットワーク出力と、真値label との Rmse を返します。
        x = F.transpose_sequence(text)


        # model---->
        for word in range(len(x)):
            e = self.xe(x[word])
            h = self.eh(e)
        cel = h
        # cel = [10, 200]

        # <----model
        for word in range(1, len(x)):
            ee = self.xe(x[len(x) - word])
            hh = self.eh(ee)
        cel_back = hh
        # cel_back = [10, 200]
        blstm = F.concat((cel, cel_back))  # blstm = [10, 400]
        blstm_f = F.concat((blstm, feature))  # blstm_f = [10, 401]

        predict = self.hy(blstm_f)
        # predict = [10, 1]

        label = xp.reshape(label, (len(label), 1))

        mse = F.mean_squared_error(predict, label)
        rmse = F.sqrt(mse)
        chainer.reporter.report({'loss': rmse}, self)

        return rmse
コード例 #15
def calc_style_mean_std(feature, eps=1e-5):
    mean = F.mean(feature, axis=1).reshape(feature.shape[0], 1)
    sigma = F.average((feature - F.tile(mean, (1, 256)))**2, axis=1) + eps
    std = F.sqrt(sigma).reshape(feature.shape[0], 1, 1, 1)
    mean = F.reshape(mean, (feature.shape[0], 1, 1, 1))

    return mean, std
コード例 #16
ファイル: pggan-v2resnet.py プロジェクト: Tbichan/Progressive
def minibatch_std(x):
    m = F.mean(x, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    div = x - F.broadcast_to(m, x.shape)
    v = F.mean(div*div, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    std = F.mean(F.sqrt(v + 1e-8), keepdims=True)
    std = F.broadcast_to(std, (x.shape[0], 1, x.shape[2], x.shape[3]))
    return F.concat([x, std], axis=1)
コード例 #17
    def __call__(self, x):
        x : chainer.Variable
            shape(batch_size, channel, x_dim, y_dim)
        batch_size, _, x_dim, y_dim = x.shape
        xp = self.xp

        xx_channel = xp.tile(xp.arange(x_dim), (1, y_dim, 1))
        yy_channel = xp.tile(xp.arange(y_dim),
                             (1, x_dim, 1)).transpose(0, 2, 1)

        xx_channel = xp.array(xx_channel, 'f') / (x_dim - 1)
        yy_channel = xp.array(yy_channel, 'f') / (y_dim - 1)

        xx_channel = xx_channel * 2 - 1
        yy_channel = yy_channel * 2 - 1

        xx_channel = xp.tile(xx_channel,
                             (batch_size, 1, 1, 1)).transpose(0, 1, 3, 2)
        yy_channel = xp.tile(yy_channel,
                             (batch_size, 1, 1, 1)).transpose(0, 1, 3, 2)

        ret = F.concat([x, xx_channel, yy_channel], axis=1)

        if self.with_r:
            rr = F.sqrt(
                F.square(xx_channel - 0.5) + F.square(yy_channel - 0.5))
            ret = F.concat([ret, rr], axis=1)
        return ret
コード例 #18
 def path_length(ws, x, mask):
     levels, batch, size = len(ws), *(ws[0].shape)
     gradients = grad([x * mask], ws, enable_double_backprop=True)
     gradient = stack(gradients).transpose(1, 0,
                                           2).reshape(batch * levels, size)
     path_lengths = batch_l2_norm_squared(gradient).reshape(batch, levels)
     return sqrt(mean(path_lengths, axis=1))
コード例 #19
    def _compute_laplacian_mmd(self, samples1, samples2, *, sigma=20.0):
        n = samples1.shape[1]
        m = samples2.shape[1]

        k_xx = F.expand_dims(x=samples1, axis=2) - \
            F.expand_dims(x=samples1, axis=1)
        sum_k_xx = F.sum(F.exp(
            -F.sum(F.absolute(k_xx), axis=-1, keepdims=True) / (2.0 * sigma)),
                         axis=(1, 2))

        k_xy = F.expand_dims(x=samples1, axis=2) - \
            F.expand_dims(x=samples2, axis=1)
        sum_k_xy = F.sum(F.exp(
            -F.sum(F.absolute(k_xy), axis=-1, keepdims=True) / (2.0 * sigma)),
                         axis=(1, 2))

        k_yy = F.expand_dims(x=samples2, axis=2) - \
            F.expand_dims(x=samples2, axis=1)
        sum_k_yy = F.sum(F.exp(
            -F.sum(F.absolute(k_yy), axis=-1, keepdims=True) / (2.0 * sigma)),
                         axis=(1, 2))

        mmd_squared = \
            sum_k_xx / (n * n) - 2.0 * sum_k_xy / (m * n) + sum_k_yy / (m * m)
        return F.sqrt(mmd_squared + 1e-6)
コード例 #20
 def dropout_convolution_2d(self, x):
     train = configuration.config.train
     W, b = self.W, self.b
     log_alpha = VDF.calculate_log_alpha(self.W,
                                         thresholds=(-8., 8.))
     clip_mask = (log_alpha.data > self.loga_threshold)
     if train:
         W = (1. - clip_mask) * W
         mu = F.convolution_2d(x, (1. - clip_mask) * W,
         si = F.sqrt(
             F.convolution_2d(x * x,
                              F.exp(log_alpha) * W * W,
                              deterministic=self.deterministic) + 1e-8)
         normal_noise = self.xp.random.normal(0., 1., mu.shape).astype('f')
         activation = mu + si * normal_noise
         return F.bias(activation, b)
         return F.convolution_2d(x, (1. - clip_mask) * W,
コード例 #21
def gradimg(img):
    grad = xp.tile(
        xp.asarray([[[[1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1]]]], dtype=img.dtype),
        (img.array.shape[1], 1, 1))
    dx = F.convolution_2d(img, grad)
    dy = F.convolution_2d(img, xp.transpose(grad, (0, 1, 3, 2)))
    return (F.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2))
コード例 #22
ファイル: vfm.py プロジェクト: jilljenn/vfm
    def __call__(self, loc, val, y, train=True):
        bs = val.data.shape[0]
        pred, kld0, kld1, kld2 = self.forward(loc, val, y, train=train)

        # Compute MSE loss
        mse = F.mean_squared_error(pred, y)
        rmse = F.sqrt(mse)  # Only used for reporting

        # Now compute the total KLD loss
        kldt = kld0 * self.lambda0 + kld1 * self.lambda1 + kld2 * self.lambda2

        # Total loss is MSE plus regularization losses
        loss = mse + kldt * (1.0 / self.total_nobs)

        # Log the errors
        logs = {
            'loss': loss,
            'rmse': rmse,
            'kld0': kld0,
            'kld1': kld1,
            'kld2': kld2,
            'kldt': kldt,
            'bias': F.sum(self.bias_mu.b)
        reporter.report(logs, self)
        return loss
コード例 #23
 def __call__(self, x):
     eps = 1e-8
     mean = F.mean(x**2, axis=1, keepdims=True)
     mean = F.sqrt(mean + eps)
     mean = F.broadcast_to(mean, (x.shape))
     h = x / mean
     return x
コード例 #24
 def calc_2d_normal(x1, x2, mu1, mu2, s1, s2, rho):
     norm1 = F.broadcast_to(x1, mu1.shape) - mu1
     norm2 = F.broadcast_to(x2, mu2.shape) - mu2
     s1s2 = s1 * s2
     z = F.square(norm1 / s1) + F.square(norm2 / s2) - 2 * rho * norm1 * norm2 / s1s2
     neg_rho = 1 - F.square(rho)
     return F.exp(-z / (2 * neg_rho)) / (2 * np.pi * s1s2 * F.sqrt(neg_rho))
コード例 #25
	def __call__(self, x, c=None):
		if c is not None:
			embedded = self.embedder(c)
			normalized = embedded / sqrt(mean(embedded ** 2, axis=1, keepdims=True) + 1e-08)
			c1 = self.mapper(normalized)
		h = self.main(x)
		return flatten(h) if c is None else sum(h * c1, axis=1) / root(h.shape[1])
コード例 #26
    def update_core(self):
        xp = self.gen.xp
        self._iter += 1

        opt_g = self.get_optimizer('gen')
        opt_d = self.get_optimizer('dis')

        data_z0 = self.get_latent_code_batch()
        x_fake0 = self.gen(Variable(data_z0))
        data_z1 = self.get_latent_code_batch()
        x_fake1 = self.gen(Variable(data_z1))
        data_x = self.get_real_image_batch()
        x_real = Variable(data_x)

        eta = np.random.rand()
        x_inter = Variable(
            (data_x * eta + (1.0 - eta) * x_fake0.data).astype('f'))

        dis_x_fake0 = self.dis(x_fake0)
        dis_x_fake1 = self.dis(x_fake1)
        dis_x_real = self.dis(x_real)

        loss_gen = loss_l2_norm(dis_x_fake0, dis_x_real) + \
                    loss_l2_norm(dis_x_fake1, dis_x_real) - \
                    loss_l2_norm(dis_x_fake0, dis_x_fake1)

        chainer.report({'loss': loss_gen}, self.gen)


        loss_surrogate = loss_l2_norm(dis_x_fake0, dis_x_fake1) - \
                    loss_l2_norm(dis_x_fake0, 0.0) + \
                    loss_l2_norm(dis_x_real, 0.0) - \
                    loss_l2_norm(dis_x_real, dis_x_fake1)

        dis_x_inter = self.dis(x_inter, retain_forward=True)
        g = xp.ones_like(dis_x_inter.data)
        t0 = dis_x_inter.data - dis_x_fake1.data
        t0_norm = xp.sum(t0**2, axis=(1))**0.5
        t1_norm = xp.sum(dis_x_inter.data**2, axis=(1))**0.5
        t_g = ((t0.transpose() / t0_norm) -
               (dis_x_inter.data.transpose()) / t1_norm).transpose()
        g = g * t_g

        grad = self.dis.differentiable_backward(Variable(g))
        grad_l2 = F.sqrt(F.sum(grad**2, axis=(1, 2, 3)))
        loss_gp = self._lambda_gp * loss_l2(grad_l2, 1.0)

        loss_dis = loss_surrogate + loss_gp


        chainer.report({'loss': loss_dis, 'loss_gp': loss_gp}, self.dis)
コード例 #27
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: SyogoShibuya/Chainer-ArcFace
    def __call__(self, x, t):
        h = self.base(x, layers=['res5'])['res5']
        self.cam = h
        h = _global_average_pooling_2d(h)
        #                           ResNet50の後ろにArcFace実装
        # --------------------------- cos(theta) & phi(theta) ---------------------------
        cosine = F.linear(F.normalize(h), F.normalize(self.weight)) # fc8
        sine = F.sqrt(F.clip((1.0 - F.square(cosine)),0, 1))
        phi = cosine * cos_m - sine * sin_m
        if easy_margin:
            phi = F.where(cosine.data > 0, phi, cosine)
            phi = F.where(cosine.data > th, phi, cosine - mm)
        # --------------------------- convert label to one-hot ---------------------------
        one_hot = cp.eye(10)[t].astype(cp.float32)
        one_hot = Variable(one_hot)
        # -------------torch.where(out_i = {x_i if condition_i else y_i) -------------
        output = (one_hot * phi) + ((1.0 - one_hot) * cosine)
        output *= s
        #h = self.fc(h)

        return output
コード例 #28
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: kzky/works
    def __call__(self, x, test=False):
        self.hiddens = []

        # Linear/BatchNorm/Branch/Nonlinear
        h = self.linear0(x)
        h = self.bn0(h, test)
        h = self.act(h)

        h = self.linear1(h)
        h = self.bn1(h, test)
        h = self.act(h)

        h = self.linear2(h)
        h = self.bn2(h, test)
        h = self.act(h)

        h = self.linear3(h)
        h = self.bn3(h, test)
        h = self.act(h)  #TODO: should use tanh?

        # Variational
        self.mu = self.linear_mu(h)
        self.log_sigma_2 = self.linear_sigma(h)
        self.sigma_2 = F.exp(self.log_sigma_2)  #TODO: consider nan problem
        sigma = F.sqrt(self.sigma_2)
        r = self.generate_norm(self.mu)
        z = self.mu + sigma * r

        return z
コード例 #29
ファイル: updater.py プロジェクト: synce1234/videoGAN-1
 def l2norm(vec):
     # Calculate the l2norm (or euclidean norm)
     if vec.ndim > 1:
         # Add epsilon to avoid problems of square root derivative close to zero. Since f(x + ε) = f(x)
         # => f(x + ε) - f(x) = 0
         vec = F.sqrt(F.sum(vec * vec, axis=(1,2,3,4)) + 1e-12)
     return abs(vec)
コード例 #30
def overlap(u, v):  # u, v: (1 * -) Variable  -> (1 * 1) Variable
    denominator = F.sqrt(
        F.batch_l2_norm_squared(u) * F.batch_l2_norm_squared(v))

    if (np.array_equal(cuda.to_cpu(denominator.data), np.array([0]))):
        return F.matmul(u, F.transpose(v))
    return F.matmul(u, F.transpose(v)) / F.reshape(denominator, (1, 1))
コード例 #31
def main():

    for _ in range(1000):
        inp = np.random.random((2, 3, 224, 224)).astype(np.float32)
        ret = F.sqrt(F.relu(inp - 0.5)).array
        assert np.sum(np.isnan(ret)) == 0

    print("no error")
コード例 #32
ファイル: model_py.py プロジェクト: souravsingh/models
 def __call__(self, x):
     # chainer requires explicit broadcast for avoiding latent bugs
     u = F.mean(x, -1, keepdims=True)
     u = F.broadcast_to(u, x.shape)
     s = F.mean((x - u) ** 2, -1, keepdims=True)
     s = F.broadcast_to(s, x.shape)
     x = (x - u) / F.sqrt(s + self.e)
     return F.bias(F.scale(x, self.g, axis=2), self.b, axis=2)
コード例 #33
ファイル: experiments002.py プロジェクト: kzky/works
 def __call__(self, x):
     f1 = F.sigmoid(self.beta1)
     f2 = F.sigmoid(self.beta2)
     #self.m = f1 * self.m + (1 - f1) * x
     #self.v = f2 * self.v + (1 - f2) * x**2
     self.m = self.beta1 * self.m + (1 - self.beta1) * x
     self.v = self.beta2 * self.v + (1 - self.beta2) * x**2
     g = 1e-3 * self.m / F.sqrt(self.v + 1e-8)
     return g
コード例 #34
ファイル: lm_nets.py プロジェクト: souravsingh/models
    def norm_by_freq(self, freq):
        word_embs = self.W
        mean = F.sum(freq * word_embs, axis=0, keepdims=True)
        mean = F.broadcast_to(mean, word_embs.shape)
        var = F.sum(freq * ((word_embs - mean) ** 2), axis=0, keepdims=True)
        var = F.broadcast_to(var, word_embs.shape)

        stddev = F.sqrt(1e-6 + var)
        word_embs_norm = (word_embs - mean) / stddev
        return word_embs_norm
コード例 #35
ファイル: lm_nets.py プロジェクト: souravsingh/models
def get_normalized_vector(d, xp=None):
    shape = tuple(range(1, len(d.shape)))
    if xp is not None:
        d /= (1e-12 + xp.max(xp.abs(d), shape, keepdims=True))
        d /= xp.sqrt(1e-6 + xp.sum(d ** 2, shape, keepdims=True))
        d_term = 1e-12 + F.max(F.absolute(d), shape, keepdims=True)
        d /= F.broadcast_to(d_term, d.shape)
        d_term = F.sqrt(1e-6 + F.sum(d ** 2, shape, keepdims=True))
        d /= F.broadcast_to(d_term, d.shape)
    return d
コード例 #36
	def compute_distance_of_cluster_heads(self):
		# list all possible combinations of two cluster heads
		num_combination = self.nCr(self.ndim_y, 2)

		# a_labels
		# [0, 1, 0, 0]
		# [0, 0, 1, 0]
		# [0, 0, 1, 0]
		# [0, 0, 0, 1]
		# [0, 0, 0, 1]
		# [0, 0, 0, 1]
		a_labels = np.zeros((num_combination, self.ndim_y), dtype=np.float32)
		for i in range(1, self.ndim_y):
			for n in range(i):
				j = int(0.5 * i * (i - 1) + n)
				a_labels[j, i] = 1

		# b_labels
		# [1, 0, 0, 0]
		# [1, 0, 0, 0]
		# [0, 1, 0, 0]
		# [1, 0, 0, 0]
		# [0, 1, 0, 0]
		# [0, 0, 1, 0]
		b_labels = np.zeros((num_combination, self.ndim_y), dtype=np.float32)
		for i in range(1, self.ndim_y):
			for n in range(i):
				j = int(0.5 * i * (i - 1) + n)
				b_labels[j, n] = 1

		xp = self.xp
		if xp is not np:
			a_labels = cuda.to_gpu(a_labels)
			b_labels = cuda.to_gpu(b_labels)

		a_vector = a_labels
		b_vector = b_labels
		distance = functions.sqrt(functions.sum((a_vector - b_vector) ** 2, axis=1))

		# clip
		distance = functions.clip(distance, 0.0, float(self.cluster_head_distance_threshold))

		return distance
コード例 #37
ファイル: smpl.py プロジェクト: jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition
def batch_rodrigues(theta):
    Theta is N x 3
    batch_size = theta.shape[0]
    xp = theta.xp

    angle = F.expand_dims(F.sqrt(F.batch_l2_norm_squared(theta + 1e-8)), -1)
    r = F.expand_dims(theta / F.tile(angle, 3), -1)

    angle = F.expand_dims(angle, -1)
    cos = F.cos(angle)
    sin = F.sin(angle)
    cos = F.tile(cos, (3, 3))
    sin = F.tile(sin, (3, 3))

    outer = F.matmul(r, r, transb=True)

    eyes = F.tile(F.expand_dims(
        Variable(xp.array(xp.eye(3), 'f')), 0), (batch_size, 1, 1))
    R = cos * eyes + (1 - cos) * outer + sin * batch_skew(r, batch_size)
    return R
コード例 #38
def rmse(x, t):
    return F.sqrt(mse(x, t))
コード例 #39
ファイル: train_qm9.py プロジェクト: ir5/chainer-chemistry
 def __call__(self, x0, x1):
     if self.scaler is not None:
         x0 = self.scaler.inverse_transform(x0)
         x1 = self.scaler.inverse_transform(x1)
     return F.sqrt(F.mean_squared_error(x0, x1))