コード例 #1
ファイル: deconvolution_nd.py プロジェクト: jnishi/chainer
    def _forward_grouped_convolution_xp(self, x, W, b, xp):
        # G: group count
        # N: batch size
        # xC: input channels
        # yC: output channels
        G = self.groups
        N, xC = x.shape[:2]
        x_size = x.shape[2:]
        yCg = W.shape[1]
        yC = yCg * G
        xCg = xC // G
        k_size = W.shape[2:]
        dims = len(k_size)
        if xC % G != 0:
            raise TypeError('The number of groups must be '
                            'a divisor of that of input channels')

        x = xp.rollaxis(x, 1)  # (xC, N, x_size...)
        x = x.reshape(G, xCg, N * convolution_nd._prod(x_size))

        W = W.reshape(G, xCg, yCg * convolution_nd._prod(k_size))
        W = W.transpose(0, 2, 1)  # (G, yCg*k_size, xCg)

        # (G, yCg*k_size, N*x_size) = (G, yCg*k_size, xCg) @ (G, xCg, N*x_size)
        col = convolution_2d._matmul(W, x).astype(x.dtype, copy=False)

        col = col.reshape((yC,) + k_size + (N,) + x_size)
        col = xp.rollaxis(col, dims + 1)  # (N, yC, k_size..., x_size...)

        y = conv_nd.col2im_nd(col, self.stride, self.pad, self.outs,

        if b is not None:
            y += b.reshape(1, yC, *((1,) * dims))
        return y,
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_conv_nd.py プロジェクト: zhuMingXu/chainer
    def check_col2im_nd(self, ksize, stride, pad, gpu):
        dims = self.dims
        outs = tuple(conv_nd.get_conv_outsize(d, k, s, p)
                     for (d, k, s, p) in zip(dims, ksize, stride, pad))
        col_shape = (2, 3) + ksize + outs
        col = numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, col_shape).astype(numpy.float32)

        if gpu:
            col_data = cuda.to_gpu(col)
            col_data = col

        img = conv_nd.col2im_nd(col_data, stride, pad, dims)
        img = cuda.to_cpu(img)
        img_shape = (2, 3) + dims
        self.assertEqual(img.shape, img_shape)
        for n in moves.range(2):
            for c in moves.range(3):
                for xs in itertools.product(
                        *[moves.range(d) for d in dims]):
                    v = numpy.float32(0.0)
                    for dxs in itertools.product(
                            *[moves.range(k) for k in ksize]):
                        oxs = tuple((x + p - dx) // s
                                    for (x, p, dx, s)
                                    in zip(xs, pad, dxs, stride))
                        if all((x + p - dx) % s == 0
                               for (x, p, dx, s)
                               in zip(xs, pad, dxs, stride)) and \
                            all(0 <= ox < out
                                for (ox, out) in zip(oxs, outs)):
                            col_index = (n, c) + dxs + oxs
                            v += col[col_index]
                    img_index = (n, c) + xs
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(img[img_index], v)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_conv_nd.py プロジェクト: asi1024/chainer
    def check_col2im_nd(self, ksize, stride, pad, gpu):
        dims = self.dims
        outs = tuple(conv_nd.get_conv_outsize(d, k, s, p)
                     for (d, k, s, p) in zip(dims, ksize, stride, pad))
        col_shape = (2, 3) + ksize + outs
        col = numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, col_shape).astype(numpy.float32)

        if gpu:
            col_data = cuda.to_gpu(col)
            col_data = col

        img = conv_nd.col2im_nd(col_data, stride, pad, dims)
        img = cuda.to_cpu(img)
        img_shape = (2, 3) + dims
        self.assertEqual(img.shape, img_shape)
        for n in moves.range(2):
            for c in moves.range(3):
                for xs in itertools.product(
                        *[moves.range(d) for d in dims]):
                    v = numpy.float32(0.0)
                    for dxs in itertools.product(
                            *[moves.range(k) for k in ksize]):
                        oxs = tuple((x + p - dx) // s
                                    for (x, p, dx, s)
                                    in zip(xs, pad, dxs, stride))
                        if all((x + p - dx) % s == 0
                               for (x, p, dx, s)
                               in zip(xs, pad, dxs, stride)) and \
                            all(0 <= ox < out
                                for (ox, out) in zip(oxs, outs)):
                            col_index = (n, c) + dxs + oxs
                            v += col[col_index]
                    img_index = (n, c) + xs
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(img[img_index], v)
コード例 #4
    def _forward_grouped_convolution_xp(self, x, W, b, xp):
        # G: group count
        # N: batch size
        # xC: input channels
        # yC: output channels
        G = self.groups
        N, xC = x.shape[:2]
        x_size = x.shape[2:]
        yCg = W.shape[1]
        yC = yCg * G
        xCg = xC // G
        k_size = W.shape[2:]
        dims = len(k_size)
        if xC % G != 0:
            raise TypeError('The number of groups must be '
                            'a divisor of that of input channels')

        x = xp.rollaxis(x, 1)  # (xC, N, x_size...)
        x = x.reshape(G, xCg, N * utils.size_of_shape(x_size))

        W = W.reshape(G, xCg, yCg * utils.size_of_shape(k_size))
        W = W.transpose(0, 2, 1)  # (G, yCg*k_size, xCg)

        # (G, yCg*k_size, N*x_size) = (G, yCg*k_size, xCg) @ (G, xCg, N*x_size)
        col = convolution_2d._matmul(W, x).astype(x.dtype, copy=False)

        col = col.reshape((yC, ) + k_size + (N, ) + x_size)
        col = xp.rollaxis(col, dims + 1)  # (N, yC, k_size..., x_size...)

        y = conv_nd.col2im_nd(col,

        if b is not None:
            y += b.reshape(1, yC, *((1, ) * dims))
        return y,