lines.append("*" * 80) lines.append(("Function " + args.cfunction + " not found in file " + + "; function names available:")) lines.append("-" * 80) for n in cfile.functionnames: lines.append(" " + n) lines.append("*" * 80) print("\n".join(lines)) exit(0) cfunction = cfile.get_function_by_name(args.cfunction) try: if print(RP.function_code_open_tostring(cfunction)) elif args.predicate: print( RP.function_code_predicate_tostring(cfunction, args.predicate, showinvs=args.showinvs)) else: print(RP.function_code_tostring(cfunction, showinvs=args.showinvs)) print(RP.function_proofobligation_stats_tostring(cfunction)) except IndexedTableError as e: print("\n" + ("*" * 80) + "\nThe analysis results format has changed" + "\nYou may have to re-run the analysis first: " + "\n" + e.msg + "\n" + ("*" * 80))
sempath = os.path.join(args.path, 'semantics') cfapp = CApplication(sempath, args.cfile) cfile = cfapp.get_cfile() try: cfunction = cfile.get_function_by_name(args.cfunction) except UF.CHError as e: print(str(e.wrap())) exit(1) if and args.violations: def pofilter(po): return not po.is_closed() or po.is_violated() elif def pofilter(po): return not po.is_closed() elif args.violations: def pofilter(po): return po.is_violated() else: def pofilter(po): return True print(RP.function_code_tostring(cfunction, pofilter=pofilter))