コード例 #1
# Standard library imports:
from math import pi
import numpy as np

# Chebpy imports:
from chebpy.trig import trigpts, quadwts

# %% Integrate f(x) = 1 + sin(4*pi*x) on [-1,1].

# Function:
f = lambda x: 1 + np.sin(4 * pi * x)

# Grid and weights:
n = 12
x = trigpts(n)
w = quadwts(n)

# Compute integral with quadrature:
I = w @ f(x)

# Compute error:
Iex = 2
error = np.abs(I - Iex)
print(f'Error: {error:.2e}')

# %% Integrate f(x) = 1 + sin(4*x) on [-pi,pi].

# Function:
f = lambda x: 1 + np.sin(4 * x)
コード例 #2
# Standard library imports:
from math import pi
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Chebpy imports:
from chebpy.trig import trigpts
from chebpy.sph import vals2coeffs, feval, mean, spharm

# %% Test.

# Grid points:
n = 32
dom = [-pi, pi]
lam = trigpts(n, dom)
tt = trigpts(n, dom)
LAM, TT = np.meshgrid(lam, tt)

# Spherical harmonic:
l = 4  # has to be >= 0
m = -3  # -l <= m <= +l
Y = spharm(l, m)

# Plot:
plt.contourf(LAM, TT, feval(Y, LAM, TT), 40, cmap=cm.coolwarm)

# Check orthonormality:
F = vals2coeffs(feval(Y, LAM, TT) * feval(Y, LAM, TT))
コード例 #3
# Standard library imports:
from math import pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
import time

# Chebpy imports:
from chebpy.trig import coeffs2vals, trigpts, vals2coeffs
from chebpy.trig import diffmat, multmat

# %% Solve u''(x) + sin(x)*u'(x) + 1000*cos(2x)*u(x) = f on [0,2*pi].

# Grid:
n = 10000
x = trigpts(n, [0, 2 * pi])

# Right-hand side f:
f = lambda x: 100 + 0 * x

# Assemble matrices:
start = time.time()
D1 = diffmat(n, 1, [0, 2 * pi])
D2 = diffmat(n, 2, [0, 2 * pi])
M0 = multmat(n, lambda x: 1000 * np.cos(2 * x), [0, 2 * pi])
M1 = multmat(n, lambda x: np.sin(x), [0, 2 * pi])
L = D2 + M1 @ D1 + M0

# Assemble RHS:
コード例 #4
Copyright 2020 by Hadrien Montanelli.
# %% Imports.

# Standard library import:
from math import pi
import numpy as np

# Chebpy imports:
from chebpy.trig import coeffs2vals, trigpts, vals2coeffs

# %% Transforms (1D) on [-1,1].

f = lambda x: np.cos(10000 * pi * x) + np.cos(5 * pi * x)
n = 100
x = trigpts(n)
error = coeffs2vals(vals2coeffs(f(x))) - f(x)
print(f'Error (1D): {np.max(np.abs(error)):.2e}')

# %% Transforms (1D) on [0,2*pi].

f = lambda x: np.exp(np.cos(10 * pi * x)**2)
n = 120
x = trigpts(n, [0, 2 * pi])
error = coeffs2vals(vals2coeffs(f(x))) - f(x)
print(f'Error (1D): {np.max(np.abs(error)):.2e}')

# %% Transforms (2D) on [-1,1]x[-1,1].

f = lambda x, y: np.exp(np.cos(10 * pi * x)**2) * np.sin(pi * y)**2
n = 100
コード例 #5
Created on Fri Dec  4 16:56:16 2020

Copyright 2020 by Hadrien Montanelli.
# %% Imports.

# Standard library imports:
from math import pi
import numpy as np

# Chebpy imports:
from chebpy.trig import feval, trigpts, vals2coeffs

# %% Evaluate f(x) = cos(pi*x)*exp(-sin(pi*x)^2).

# Function:
f = lambda x: np.cos(pi*x)*np.exp(-np.sin(pi*x)**2)

# Equispaced grid:
n = 100
x = trigpts(n)
F = vals2coeffs(f(x))

# Evaluation grid:
xx = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
vals = feval(F, xx)

# Error:
error = np.max(np.abs(vals - f(xx)))/np.max(np.abs(f(xx)))
print(f'Error: {error:.2e}')
コード例 #6
import time

# Chebpy imports:
from chebpy.trig import coeffs2vals, diffmat, trigpts, vals2coeffs

# %% First-order differentiation on [-pi, pi].

# Function:
w = 100
f = lambda x: np.cos(w * x)
dfex = lambda x: -w * np.sin(w * x)

# Grid:
n = 4 * w
dom = [-pi, pi]
x = trigpts(n, dom)

# Compute coeffs of f:
F = vals2coeffs(f(x))

# Differentiation matrix in coefficient space:
start = time.time()
D = diffmat(n, 1, dom)
end = time.time()
print(f'Time   (setup): {end-start:.5f}s')

# Differentiate:
start = time.time()
DF = D @ F